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A job without an education is like a man on drugs: it’s not a great

combination what-so-ever. How are you going to know how to flip
burgers on a grill at McDonalds? Furthering your education after high
school is very important if you went to live a good life while providing
for your family. Getting a high paying job is also important continuing
your education after high school is important because you need to get a
job. Know how to survive on your own without the help of your parents
and be knowledgeable about life while knowing what to do/ what not to
First of all, how in the world do you think, with the way our democrats
are running this country, you’re going to survive with an Eight grade
dropout diploma? Sorry to break your heart honey, but you’re not. Going
to college or trade school and taking those extra school and taking those
extra few years of learning is not going to kill you, it’s going to help
you. Now-a-days, managers are looking for people with a full education
to work for them, particularly the good jobs, you will get good money,
you can make it rain and provide for your family.
In conclusion, furthering your education after high school is very
important, you need to live your life and I think college can do that.
Learning to live your life without the help of your parents is also
Lastly, being a real man is another reason. So what I’m saying is that
continuing your education is the key to life because you need to get a
good job, know how to survive on your own without your parents, and
finally to be knowledgeable about life like what to do/ not what to do.

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