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Watch the video and tell me if you liked it and why.

Guach the video an tel mi if iu laikd it and way

I liked the video because it is very real and inspiring. It motivates us to continue
working for our dreams.
Ay laik de videos bicos it is very rial and insparing. It moreves as tu continiun
workin for aur driiims
What is your biggets dreams? what are you doing to achieve it
What is iur biges driims? What ar iu doin tu achivet
My biggest dream is to become a succesful professional and with a recognized
construction company. I am acquaring experience and new knowledge.
Mai biges driims is tu bicos a successful profeshion and witf requetnais
construcshon compeny. Ayan acquairinng expirien and niw nolegch.
Do you think everyone should have goals and ambitions? why? why not?
Du iu tink evryuan shold haf golls and ambishonss? Way? Way nou?
I think everyone should have goals and ambitions because they are the impetus
to have hope and desire to continue . Otherwise, we would be people who are
unstable and lacking in spiri
Ay tink evryuna shold haf golls and ambishonss bicos dey ar de emperes tu haf
houp and desair tu continuing. Oderwais, wi woold bi pipol juu ar anesteibol and
laking en spiret.

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