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The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Metacognitive Reading Report # 1

Name: James Brian R. Ventura Date: May 26, 2019

1. Three (3) Things that I significantly learned from the readings

Firstly, I wasn’t aware of who authored the Rizal Law, I simply knew that it simply existed
for the sake of maintaining his legacy to the current generation. And little did I know that
there was a deeper story before it actually got implemented today. I discovered that it was
condemned by the Catholic church because of how Rizal portrayed friars in hos novels.
This was significant to me because it is indeed controversial in the sense that Rizal wanted
to expose how some members of the church abused their power and authority to the
common folk. It entailed the hypocrisy of the teachings and doctrines they try to instill to
the people. Until now, there are still cases of that nature and it reminds all of us that ideals
are only as good as they spoken, it is the actions themselves that truly show the nature of
principles and other established concepts of morality. The second thing that I learned is
how important this course of action taken by Senator Recto, his intent of having the Rizal
bill passed in congress, It has definitely opened a series of debates and questioning
regarding the integrity of the bill.

2. Three (3) Things that are still unclear to me

3. I used to think that….

Having the Rizal Law imposed was simply to have the youth learn about the works of
Rizal and his life story. But that is absolutely not the case. The context behind his works
transcends to the civic consciousness of Filipinos

4. Three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings

In correlation to the things that have left me a vague impression, these questions arose
from my mind:

1.) What ?
2.) ?
3.) ?

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