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Garcia, Dana Angelica S.


Cyberbullying – Is a way of delivering harassment, humiliation, torment, and threat through

digital technology. Mostly victims of cyberbullying are the adolescence.

Relationship to Urbanization
Causes of bullying relating to urbanization are commonly racism and sexism. Racist violence,
harassment, abuse, and unequal judgment are closely the reasons why urbanization is affected in
this related issue. Racism and sexism are difficult to execute especially in a broad population,
this is why the victims often experience a criticisms, insecurities, and disapprovals. This
experience does not only affect its victims but also its surroundings, giving it negative effect in
urbanization, in a way of affecting its everyday routine, socialization and population.

Types of Cyberbullying?
• Harassment

• Impersonation

• Denigration

• Outing and trickery

• Exclusion and Isolation

Causes of Cyberbullying:
• Frustration or Revenge

• Wanting to take advantage of others

• Victims becomes bullies

• Racism and sexism

Effects of Cyberbullying
• Loss of self-esteem

• Suicidal

• Depression

-Losing interests in things that he/she is passionate about

-Lack of sleep

-Lack of socialization

-Looking pensive all the time

Definitions of Terms:
Cyberbullying – Usage of digital technology to deliberately hurt someone.

Adolescence - Period of development corresponds roughly to the period between the ages of 10
and 19 years.

Mental Health - Is a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is the

"psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and
behavioral adjustment“

Self-esteem - An individual's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.

Suicidal – An act of intentionally causing one's own death.

The National Bureau of Investigation- An agency of the Philippine government under the
Department of Justice, responsible for handling and solving major high-profile cases that are in
the interest of the nation

The Philippine National Police - Is the armed, civilian national police force in the Philippines.

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race

based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Sexism - prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

Solutions and Recommendation

• Providing time-based surfing and mobile usage

• Restricting access to the Internet by blocking certain sites

• Blocking people who may be harassing your kids

• Checking into the activities

• Keeping the password of the child’s account

In conclusion, people, mainly adolescents are concern with cyberbullying and this affects the
victims physically and mentally, making it hard for them to communicate with others about their
problems and issues. Because of cyberbullying, people are getting hurt and lives are getting at
risk or even worst lives were lost, and because of cyberbullying people are suffering depression
and anxiety.

Kidnapping for Ransom - Kidnap for ransom is an illegal method of making money. This
is a method of kidnapping a person and then later asking for money for the victim’s return and
safety. Kidnappers sometimes obtain their victims longer in order to demand more from the
victim’s relatives.

Causes of Kidnap for Ransom

• Unemployment

• Poverty

• Religion

• Political Issues

• Personal Issues

• Greed

Effects of Kidnap for Ransom

• Psychological Trauma – This involves having depression, anxiety, and PTSD or post-
traumatic stress disorder.

- Victims may develop Stockholm syndrome, which is a defense mechanism

• Lack of trust

• Having an atmosphere of fear

• Reduce foreign investments/tourist

Definitions of Terms
• Kidnapping – is the act of illegally taking someone against their will or the confinement
of a person in a controlled space, usually to hold the person in false imprisonment.

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - is a mental health condition that's triggered by

a terrifying event, either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include
flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the

• Stockholm syndrome - feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or

hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.

Solutions and Recommendations

• Job creation

• Serious Punishment for the kidnappers

• Train strong anti-kidnapping agents

• Teach one another about these situations.

• Offer large mental health solutions

• Reporting immediately to the law enforcements

Government Relationship
• National Bureau of Investigation - The National Bureau of Investigation is an agency
of the Philippine government under the Department of Justice, responsible for handling
and solving major high-profile cases that are in the interest of the nation.

• Philippine National Police - is the armed, civilian national police force in the

Based on the causes there are constant pressures on the criminals on why they do illegal acts,
given that our economy is still undergoing difficulties, these pressures are likely to increase.
Therefore, the popular view is that the world will face numerous crimes if our economy’s
problems are not soon to be stated.

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