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Sugiharto, Sigit (2018), Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching English as a Foreign

Language at 2nd Grade Student of SMA Al Khairiyah Samarinda. S-1 Thesis.
Sarjana Degree, English Department, College of Education, Mulawarman
University. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Susilo, M.Pd. Advisor II: Dian Anggriyani,
English is really important in this era, there are so many countries use English as
official language and also as second language. In Indonesia, English become as a
foreign language. Nowadays, Indonesia faces MEA, peoples from other ASEAN
countries come to Indonesia to work or do some business. In order to improve our
human resources ability to compete with other countries, we must improve the English
ability of our young generation. In this time, English teacher’s role is needed to prepare
young generation to face MEA. ne of the most important aspect that must be
considered by the teacher in the teaching and learning activities is the teaching strategy.
Teaching strategy itself covers some aspect such as the employing of instructional
approach, method and technique, teaching media, learning, source and students’ level
classification, which are applied for creating good interaction between the teacher and
students, student and students, students and material, then the students and
environment. Teaching strategy is used to measure the learning process, learning result
and the impact of learning activities. Thus starting point from those surveys and
statements, it encouraged the researcher to conduct the research about the teacher’s
strategies in teaching English as a foreign language at 2nd grade students of SMA Al
Khairiyah Samarinda.
The purposes of this study are: (1) to know what strategies used by the teacher
in teaching English as a foreign language at 2nd grade students of SMA Al Khairiyah
Samarinda. ; and (2) to know students’ responses towards the teacher’s strategies in
teaching English as foreign language at 2nd grade students of SMA Al Khairiyah
Research design of this research used Qualitative research design by presenting
the data in the descriptive way. Data source of this research is the English teacher,
students of XI-IPA SMA Al Khairiyah Samarinda and school. Method of collecting
data of this research are observation, interview, and documentation. Technique of data
analysis used in this research are data collection, data reduction, data display, and
The teacher used two kinds of teaching strategy inside of his English classroom,
they were direct teaching strategy and cooperative learning teaching strategy. The
responses of the student are good, they feel excited to learn English because the teacher
have the various interesting activity when in the classroom.


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