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Kasegaon Educaton Society’s

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar

(An Autonomous Institute)

First Year B. Tech


AIM : To verify law of polygon of forces.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to
1. Define terms- force, system of forces, resultant, equilibrium, equilibrant
2. Verify law of polygon of forces
3. Explain law of polygon of forces
4. Calculate magnitude of resultant using analytical and graphical method
5. Solve problems based on resolution and composition of forces.

APPARATUS: Force table, pulleys, set of weights, threads, spirit level

Statement of Law of Polygon of forces:
“If number of coplanar concurrent forces acting on a body, be represented, both in magnitude
and direction by adjacent sides of a polygon taken in order then the line segment joining
beginning of the first force and end point of the last force represents resultant of the force
system both in magnitude and direction”.

Consider the system of concurrent coplanar forces acting at point O as shown in fig.
1(a). These forces can be represented graphically in sequential order as in fig.1 (b). F1 = ab,
F2 = bc, F3=cd, F4 = de, F5= ef

F3 R= Resultant d
C F2
A F1 f c
E=Equilibrant F5 α
a b
Space Diagram Vector Diagram
Fig.1 (a) Fig.1 (b)
Forces are drawn to a convenient scale and lines ab, bc, etc are drawn parallel to F1, F2, etc.
respectively. The line joining the first point ‘a ’ and the last point ‘f ’, represents the resultant in
magnitude and direction. As shown in fig.1(b) ‘a f’ measured to the scale is the magnitude of
the resultant and the angle ‘α’ represents the direction of the resultant. A dotted line acting
through point ‘O’ parallel to ‘a f’ and in the same sense as ‘a f’ represents the resultant ‘R’ of
the given system of forces. It is shown with dotted line in fig.1(b). A force equal in magnitude
and opposite of the resultant and passing through the same point is called an equilibrant, as it
brings the body in equilibrium. Thus ‘ f a’ is the equilibrant. It is represented by OE as shown in
fig.1 (a). When this force equal to the resultant applied on the ring, the system is in equilibrium
and the force polygon must close. In the experiment when the ring is symmetrical about the
pivot it shows that the system of forces is in equilibrium. It is then possible to verify the
magnitude and direction of the resultant.

1. Study the force table apparatus. Clamp the pulleys to the force table. Pulleys can be
clamped at any required angle. For convenience, clamp the pulley representing force F1
always at 0o.
2. Attach threads to the central ring and pass the other end of the threads over the pulley.
Hang weights to the threads passing over the pulleys. These threads represent forces F1,
F2, F3…etc. and are considered to be concurrent at the centre of ring.
3. Arrange five pulleys on force table as given below. F1 at 0 o, F2 at 75o F3 at 200o, F4 at
270o , F5 at 300o
4. Apply the weights F1, F2, F3, F4. Adjust the weight F5 to be applied so that the system is
in equilibrium. The central ring should not touch the pivot.
5. Enter the readings in the table against observation table. Change the angles between the
forces and also magnitudes of F1, F2, F3 and F4. Adjust weight F5, so that system is in
equilibrium. Take three such observations and enter in the table.
6. On a graph paper draw the force polygon (vector diagram) of the five forces, F1, F2, F3,
F4, F5 as indicated in fig.1(b). See that the polygon closes.
7. It may be noted here that any one of the five forces is the equilibrant of the other four
forces. With the direction reversed, it is the resultant of other four forces.
Schematic diagram of experimental set up:
W2= F2


W4=F4 W5=F5

Fig.2. Universal Force Table

Obs Position of pulley (in degrees) Weights applied in ‘N’ Resultant force (N)by
No θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 θ5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Practical Analytical
1 0 75 200 270 300

Analytical method:
R = √ (∑H )2 + (∑V )2
α = tan -1 (∑V /∑H )

AIM : To Study the forces in the members of jib crane.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to
1. Identify nature of forces in the members of jib crane
2. Compare the variation in magnitudes of forces in the members of jib crane.
3. Calculate force to length ratio
4. Verify law of triangle of forces
5. Construct force diagram and length diagram of members of jib crane
APPARATUS: Jib crane, weights, metre scale, thread.
Cranes are used to lift loads. Members of a crane carry proportionate forces which
depend upon the inclination of the members. Study of the experiment will make clear the
principle of cranes.

Law of Triangle of Forces:
It states that if two forces acting simultaneously on a particle be represented in
magnitude and direction by the two sides of triangle, taken in order; their resultant may be
represented in magnitude and direction by third side of the triangle taken in opposite order.
Study the apparatus. When load ‘W’ is applied to the hook, the chain gets pulled and the
jib gets compressed. Thus the chain is in tension and jib is in compression. Vertical load ‘W ’
thus gets distributed in the chain and the jib. The point of suspension ‘P ’ is in equilibrium under
the action of three forces, load ‘W’, compressive force in jib and tension in the chain. From the
system of these three forces, a triangle of forces can be drawn by measuring lengths of the
members to some scale. Forces in members are required to be in proportion to the length.
Figure below shows force system and triangle.
Length of chain
Length of vertical
Jib Length of jib post
Weight ‘w’
Fig.2(a) Force system Fig.2(b)Triangle constructed from measured lengths
1. Apply any load to the hook. Observe that jib is compressed and chain is pulled.
2. Note initial readings in jib and spring. Enter them in table.
3. Adjust the position of clamp to the highest position A. Apply the weight to the hook and
note the readings in jib and the member. Enter the value in the table.
4. For the loaded condition measure the lengths of vertical post, tie member and jib
member. Enter the values in the table.
5. Take two more readings by applying two loads to the hook. Repeat the procedure.
6. Change the position of clamp to B and C and repeat the same procedure as position A.
Enter all observations in the table.
7. Observe the forces in jib and tie member for the same load ‘W ’ for different position of
8. For any two observations draw the force system and construct corresponding triangle of
forces with the help of measured lengths.
9. Calculate the ratio’s of force/length for any two observations.

Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

Spring Tie

C Jib

Vertical post


Fig. 2(c) JIB CRANE

Initial Readings- Jib: Chain:
Position Vertical Compress Tensile Length of Length of Length of
of the load ‘W’ in ive force force in tie vertical post jib in ‘cm’ tie in ‘cm’
clamp ‘N’ in jib in ‘N’ in ‘N’ in ‘cm’
A 1
B 1
C 1






AIM : To Verify the principle of moments using Bell Crank Lever
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to
1. Define term- moment, lever, power arm, weight arm
2. Explain principle of moment
3. Verify the principle of moment
4. Solve problems based on principle of moment

APPARATUS: Bell Crank Lever apparatus with hanger weight.

The lever is defined as rigid bar straight or curved which can turn about a fixed point
called as fulcrum. It works on the principle of moments i.e. when the lever is in equilibrium. The
algebraic sum of the moments of the fulcrum of the forces, acting on it is zero.
Power Arm:
The perpendicular distance between the fulcrum and line of action of forces is known as
power arm (+a).
Weigh Arm:
The perpendicular distance between the fulcrum and the point where load acts is called
weight arm.
The principle of moments is applicable when lever is in equilibrium.
Taking moments
Power arm x Power = Load x weight arm
This is known as principle of lever.
1. Adjust the pointer of power arm to the zero mark by rotating the screw.
2. Take reading on the spring balance attached to the power arm and enter it as initial
reading in observations.
3. Measure the distance between the fulcrum and the point where (spring balance) effort is
applied, record it as ‘y’
4. Attach weight ‘W’ at a distance ‘x’ from fulcrum.
5. By rotating the screw get the pointer of power arm to zero mark and note down reading
on the spring balance. Record it as ‘P’.
6. Calculate both these moments due to applied load and effort about the fulcrum.
7. Check both these moments for their values.
8. Repeat the same procedure for other observations.
Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

Screw Pointer
Spring Pivot

Post Power arm


Weight arm
Base Weight



Sr. Weight arm Effort ‘P’ Power arm Clockwise Anticlockwise

Load ‘W’
No. ’x’ in cm In N ‘y’ in cm moment moment



The principle of moments




AIM : To determine the support reactions of beams.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to
1. Define terms- beams and support reaction
2. Explain conditions of equilibrium
3. Construct free body diagram
4. Apply conditions of equilibrium
5. Calculate support reactions
6. Solve problems based on support reactions.
APPARATUS: Parallel force apparatus (beam), weights.

Beams are provided in a structure used for residential and public buildings. Usually
these beams carry transverse loads which are parallel forces. The beams transfer these loads
to the columns which support the beams. For a beam to be in equilibrium there is a definite
relationship between vertical forces of loads and the conditions of equilibrium will be
understood. This will be helpful in the analysis or design of beams in further study
1. Study the apparatus and name the supports as A and B.
2. Note down the dimensions –
Length of the beam – AB =
Distance between two consecutive marks on the beam =
3. Note the initial readings of forces (called as reactions) before applying the loads at the
supports A and B.
4. Apply the load ‘ W1’ at any point on the beam between AB. Note the reactions at A and
B. Enter the values of reactions and distances of the loads on the support A. i.e. R A =
RB =
5. Note the distance of the load ‘W1’ on the beam from the support A.
6. Now apply the loads W1 and W2 at different positions and observe the reactions at A
and B. Enter the values of reactions and distances of the loads on the support A.
7. Repeat the same procedure for the loads W1, W2,W3, and W4 at different positions.
Observe reactions. Enter the values in the table.
8. Calculate the reactions for all the readings analytically (using conditions of equilibrium).
9. Also calculate algebraic sum of the moments.
Schematic diagram of experimental set up:
0 0


Fig. Parallel Force Apparatus


Distance from support A Observed Calculated

Obs Load in ‘N’
in mm reactions reactions
W1 W2 W3 W4 X1 X2 X3 X4 RA RB RA RB






AIM : To find the resultant of the force system by graphical method.

OBJECTIVES: To understand the graphical method of finding resultant.

APPARATUS: Drawing sheet, drawing instruments etc.
A particle is acted upon by three forces equal to 5N, 10N and 13N, along the three sides of an
equilateral triangle, taken in order. Find graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant
10N b

B 60o A 13N 10N

60o 60o 5N o 5N
C α a
13N c R

Fig. 1(a) Space diagram Fig.1 (b) Vector diagram

In figure 1(a) is shown the space diagram of the forces. Now draw the vector diagram, for the
given forces as discussed below.
(1) Select some suitable point ‘o’ and draw a horizontal line oa equal to a force 5N, to some
suitable scale, representing the first force in the space diagram.
(2) Through ‘a’ draw ab equal to a force 10N to the scale, and parallel to the second force
in the space diagram.
(3) Similarly through ‘b’ draw bc equal to a force of 13N, to the scale, and parallel to the
third force in the space diagram.
(4) Similarly through ‘b’ draw bc equal to a force of 13N, to the scale, and parallel to the
third force in the space diagram.
(5) Join oc, which gives the magnitude as well as the direction of the resultant
(6) By measuring oc, we find that the resultant force is equal to 7N, acting at an angle of
22o with oa.
Find graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.
C 1N 2.5N B
100o b
40o 2N A
125o O a
o α
D 3N d

Fig.2(a) Space diagram Fig.2(b) Vector diagram

In figure 2(a) is shown the space diagram of the give forces. Now draw the vector diagram for
the given forces as discussed below.
1. Select some suitable point ‘o’ and draw oa equal to 2N to some suitable scale,
representing the force OA in the space diagram.
2. Now draw ab equal to a force of 2.5N to the scale and parallel to the force OB in the
space diagram.
3. Similarly draw bc equal to a force of 1N, to the scale and parallel to the force OC in the
space diagram.
4. Similarly draw cd equal to a force of 3N to the scale, and parallel to the force OD in the
space diagram.
5. Join od, which gives the magnitude as well as the direction of the resultant
6. By measuring od, we find that the resultant force is equal to 3N, acting at an angle of
15o with horizontal (oa).




AIM : To find support reactions of beam using graphical method.

OBJECTIVES: To understand the graphical method for finding support reactions.

APPARATUS: Drawing sheet, drawing instruments etc.

A simply supported beam AB of span 5m is loaded as shown in fig.1 (a).

2m 1m 1m
The determination of reactions of a beam by graphical method is done by the following steps.
(1) Construction of space diagram, and
(2) Construction of vector diagram.
The construction of space diagram is done by choosing a suitable scale. It includes the loads
carried by the beam along with the lines of action of the reactions. The loads or forces
including reactions are designated according Bow ’s notations. Figure 1(a) shows the space
diagram for the beam given in this problem.
Schematic diagram of experimental set up:
2m 1m 1m
RA 5m T RB
Closing line
p2 p4
Fig.1 (a) Space diagram

r o

Fig.1 (b) Vector diagram.
(1) First of all, draw the space diagram of the beam, and name all the loads and reactions
according to Bow’s notations.
(2) Select some suitable point ‘o’ and draw pq, qr and rs parallel and equal to the loads
3KN, 4KN and 5KN to some suitable scale.
(3) Select a suitable point o, and join op, oq, or and os.
(4) Now extend the liens of action of the loads and reactions. Select some suitable point p1
on the line of action of the reaction RA. Through p1 draw p1p2 parallel to op intersecting
the line of action of the 3 KN load at p1.
(5) Similarly draw p2p3, p3p4 and p4p5 parallel to oq, or and os respectively. Join p1 and
p5. Through ‘o’, draw ot parallel to this line.
(6) Now the lengths tp and st in the vector diagram give the magnitudes of the reactions R A
and RB respectively as shown in fig.1 (b).
(7) By measurement, we find that RA = tp = 4.4KN and RB= st = 7.6KN
A beam AB of 6m span is loaded as shown in fig. 2(a) below. It is required to find the reactions
at the supports A and B.

2m 2m 2m
Fig.2. (a)
1. First of all, draw the equivalent space diagram of the beam, and name all the loads and
reactions according to Bow’s notation.
2. Select some suitable point p and draw pq, qr, and rs parallel and equal to the loads
5KN, 3KN (equivalent load) and 4KN to some scale.
3. Select any point ‘o’ and join op, oq, or and os.
4. Now extend the lines of the loads PQ, QR, RS and the reaction R B. Through A draw Ap1
parallel to op intersecting the line of action of 5KN load at p1.
5. Similarly, draw p1p2 and p2p3 and p3p4 parallel to oq, or and os respectively. Join A
and p4. Through ‘o’, draw a line parallel to this line. Now through s, draw a vertical line
( as the reaction RB is vertical) meeting the line through ‘o’ at t. join tp.
6. Now the lengths tp and st, in the vector diagram, give the magnitudes and direction of
the reaction RA and RB respectively as shown in fig.1(b) and (c).By measurement , we
find that
RA = tp = 6KN, and RB =st=5.52KN and θ = 28o
7. Select any point ‘o’ and join op, oq, or and os.
8. Now extend the lines of the loads PQ, QR, RS and the reaction R B. Through A draw Ap1
parallel to op intersecting the line of action of 5KN load at p1.
9. Similarly, draw p1p2 and p2p3 and p3p4 parallel to oq, or and os respectively. Join A
and p4. Through ‘o’, draw a line parallel to this line. Now through s, draw a vertical line
( as the reaction RB is vertical) meeting the line through ‘o’ at t. join tp.
10. Now the lengths tp and st, in the vector diagram, give the magnitudes and direction of
the reaction RA and RB respectively as shown in fig.1(b) and (c).By measurement , we
find that
RA = tp = 6KN, and RB =st=5.52KN and θ = 28o

Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

q r

Fig.2. (b) space diagram s

Fig.2. (c) vector diagram

TITLE : CENTROID:- Verification of location of Centroid of plane composite areas.
AIM : To verify location of Centroid of plane composite areas.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to,
1) Define terms- Centroid
2) Locate position of Centroid for composite area practically and analytically
3) Solve problems based on location of Centroid of composite area
APPARATUS: Vertical board with pins, composite figures made up of card board, threads,
and plumb bob.

Centroid: - It is an imaginary point at which the entire area of the body is assumed to be
Center of gravity (C.G.):-
It is an imaginary point at which the entire mass of the body is assumed to be concentrated.
The term ‘Centroid’ is used for plane areas while the term ‘Center of Gravity ’ is used for solid
Salient features
1. For everybody there is only one Centroid or C.G.
2. The location of Centroid do not changes with the change in orientation of body
3. It may lie inside or outside the body
4. This point lies on the axis of symmetry
5. It is an imaginary point and is required to formulate the problems
1. Cover the plane composite area made up of cardboard with plane paper
2. This cardboard figure will have number of holes near the edges. Hang this card board by
inserting one of the hole in the pin fixed on the vertical table.
3. Tie plumb bob to the pin with the thread and image will coincide
4. Using mirror image of the thread mark two points plane paper when actual thread will
5. Join these two points and extend the line on entire paper.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 6 after inserting the pin in the other holes one by one.
7. All these lines drawn on paper will pass through a single point. This point of intersection is
the Centroid of the composite figure.
8. All these lines drawn on paper will pass through a single point. This point of intersection is
Centroid of the composite figure.
9. Measure the distance from two reference axes to decide location.
10. Calculate the Centroid of the same figure analytically
11. Compare both locations from the same reference axis.
Schematic diagram of experimental set up:
Apparatus to locate Centroid of Composite figure
A. Practically
1. Horizontal distance of Centroid from vertical reference axis x=
2. Vertical distance of Centroid form horizontal reference axis y=
Analytically: X= (a1x1+a2x2+…………… ..anxn) / (a1+a2+……… .an)
Y= ( a1y1+a2y2+…………… ..anyn) / (a1+a2+……… .an)



TITLE:- Compare coefficient of friction of various pairs of surfaces in contact.
AIM: - To calculate coefficient of friction of various pairs of surfaces in contact.
(Glass, Rubber, Wood, metal)
OBJECTIVES:- At the end of this experiment the students will be able to
1) Define terms used in friction
2) Understand concepts of development of frictional force with respect to applied external
force causing motion.
3) Understand nature of surfaces in contact, normal reaction and externally applied force,
limiting equilibrium.
4) Draw free body diagram for equilibrium of body on horizontal and inclined plane.
5) Compute and Compare coefficient of friction of various pairs of surfaces in contact.

APPARATUS:- Adjustable inclined plane apparatus with pulley at one end, wooden box with
pan at top, different contact surfaces, set of weights etc.
The resistance offered to motion when one surface slide or tends to slide over the other
surface is called as friction.
The frictional resistance always acts in opposite direction of proposed motion. This force
acts tangentially to the surfaces in contact. This is self adjusting force.
Limiting Frictional force(Fmax)
The maximum value of force of friction that can be developed between two bodies in
contact when the body is just on the point of motion over the other is called limiting friction or
maximum frictional resistance.
Normal Reaction(R)
The perpendicular reaction offered by the supporting surface is known as normal
Coefficient of friction(µ)
In limiting equilibrium for two surfaces in contact the ratio of limiting frictional force to
normal reaction is a constant and is known as coefficient of friction.
coefficient of friction (µ)= Fmax/R
1) Arrange the set of experiment with plane in horizontal/inclined position (Ɵ=------)
2) Record weight of wooden block & pan
3) Put some weight in the pan attached to block and note down weight W( wt. of wooden
block+ wt. in pan)
4) Put weights in pan attached to the thread passing over pulley and increase it gradually
till the box is just on the point of motion.
5) Record the value of P (wt. of pan + wt. in pan.)
6) Observe that as applied force goes on increasing by adding weights in the pan (P), the
frictional resistance developed opposing the motion of block goes on increasing.
7) Repeat the same procedure for 3 readings by changing angle of inclination & the
weight W and find corresponding value of P.
8) Calculate coefficient of friction (µ) for each reading and average value of it.
9) Change contact surface with another materials (Glass, Rubber, Wood, metal) and
repeat the same procedure.
10)Compare the value of coefficient of friction (µ) for different surfaces in contact.

Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

Inclined Plane Apparatus

1) Weight of wooden block+ pan= ----------------------
2) Weight of pan passing over pulley = --------------------------

Observation Table:-
Sr. Surfaces Angle of W in N P in N µ= Average
No. in Contact inclination (wt of ( wt of (P-W sinƟ)/WcosƟ µ
Ɵ block+ pan+ wt in
wt in pan) pan)
1 Wood &
1 Wood &
1 Wood &
1 Wood&

Sample calculation:-



Title:- Lami’s Theorem
Aim: - To verify Lami’s theorem
Objectives:- At the end of this experiment the students will be able to
1) Define Lami’s theorem.
2) Construct free body diagram
3) Apply conditions of equilibrium
4) Verify Lami’s theorem

Apparatus:- vertical drawing board, paper sheet, weights, thread, drawing pins,
mirror strip, set square, pencil etc.
Theoretical Background:-
Lami’ s theorem
If three coplanar forces acting at a point are in equilibrium then each force is directly
proportional to the sine of angle between the other two forces. Lami ’s theorem provides
substitute to analytical method for solving different problems on coplanar concurrent force
system in equilibrium consisting three forces. Mathematically,

Sin α = Sin β = Sin γ


β α

1) Fix the paper sheet with drawing pins on the board set in a vertical plane.
2) Pass one thread over the pulley carrying a weight with hanger.
3) Take a second thread and tie its one end at the middle of the first thread and
weight with hanger at its other end.
4) Add weights in the hanger in such a manner that the small knot comes
approximately in the centre
5) Displace slightly the weights from their position of equilibrium and note if
they come to their original position of rest. This will ensure free movement of
6) Take the mirror strip and place under each thread lengthwise and mark
two points keeping the eye, the thread and its image in the same line
without disturbing the system.
7) Mark lines of forces and write the magnitude of forces and angle of inclination
8) The experiment is repeated for different values of P, Q and R.

Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

Vertical Force Table

Observation Table

Forces Angles P/sin α Q/sin β R/sin γ

P Q R α β γ

Sin α = Sin β = Sin γ


TITLE: Verification of D’ Alembert’s Principle
AIM:- To verify D’ Alembert’s Principle
OBJECTIVES:- At the end of this experiment the students will be able to
1) Define D’ Alembert’s Principle
2) Apply equations of linear motion
3) Verify D’ Alembert’s Principle
4) Calculate coefficient of friction

APPARATUS:- Test set up with inclined plane and horizontal plane box, weight box, string
D’ Alembert’s Principle states that, the system of forces acting on a body in motion is in
motion is in dynamics equilibrium with the inertia force of the body.
The inertia force is a fictitious force (imaginary) to be applied on a body in the direction
opposite to acceleration of the body.
According to Newton’s second law of motion,
Where F can be replaced by the resultant of system of forces acting on the body.
R-ma =0
This force ‘ma’ is called as inertia force
Procedure:- A) Determination of coefficient of friction
1) Keep wooden box on the inclined plane, with some weight in the box. Measure the angle of
inclination of the plane with horizontal (W1= Wt of box+ wt. in box)
2) Pass the thread tied to the box over the frictionless pulley at the top of inclined plane.
3) Put small weights in the pan, attached to the free end of the thread, with small increments
and find the weight at which the box (with weights) is just on the point of sliding up the plane
4) Calculate coefficient of friction for the two surfaces in contact µ= W2-W1sinϴ/W1 cosϴ
B) Verification of D’Alembert’s Principle
1) Allow the box to slide down the plane.
2) Note the time taken by the box to slide down the marked distance on the inclined plane
(Distance –S, time t)
3) Calculate net force and acceleration using D’Alembert’s Principle.

Schematic diagram of experimental set up:

Inclined plane apparatus with sensors

1) Weight of Box=
2) Angle of inclined plane ϴ=
3) Distance between two marked points on inclined plane

Observation Table
A) Determination of coefficient of friction
Sr. W1 W2 µ Average µ

B) Verification of D’ Alembert’s Principle

Sr. Distance S Time t sec Velocity V Acceleration Acceleration
No. m m/s ‘a ’ ‘a ’
Practically Calculated

Sample Calculations:-
Using equations of motion, calculate ‘a’
V2=u2+2as & S= ut+ ½ at2



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