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9A What would you do?

Grammar Bank page 143




1 ‘d buy – had (buy, have)

2 tried – would like (try, like)
3 would learn – worked (learn, work)
4 rented – could (rent, can)
5 ‘d see – lived (see, live)
6 wouldn’t go – were
7 ‘d take – didn’t have
8 wouldn’t cycle – had
9 Would – leave – got
10 wouldn’t be – had to


Vocabulary Bank Animals p. 161

a. Match the words and pictures

20 - Bee
14 - Butterfly
27 - Fly
8 - Mosquito
29 - Spider
21 - Chicken
16 - Cow
10 - Goat
23 - Horse
25 - Pig
7 - Sheep
2 - Bat
19 - Bear
28 - Bird
12 - Camel
13 - Crocodile
15 - Dolphin
4 - Elephant
3 - Giraffe
22 - Jellyfish
30 - Kangaroo
9 - Lion
18 - Monkey
24 - Mouse
6 - Rabbit
26 - Shark
17 - Snake
11 - Tiger
5 - Whale

9B I’ve been afraid of it for years

1 Vocabulary

b Look at the names of five phobias. Match them explanations A-E.


c Read the explanations again. Find in the texts…

1 fear
2 terrified
3 scared, frightened

Grammar Bank p. 142

A Write questions with How long and the present perfect

1 How long have you been frightened of clowns?

2 How long has your sister had her car?
3 How long have you lived here?
4 How long has your dad been a teacher?
5 How long have you known your boyfriend?
6 How long has Britain been in the EU?
7 How long have you had your cat?
8 How long has he worked for the same company?

b Answer the questions in a. Use the present perfect + for or since

1 I’ve been scared of them since I was a child.

2 She’s had it for three years.
3 I’ve lived here for a long time.
4 He’s been a teacher since 1990.
5 I’ve known him since May.
6 It’s been in the EU since 1973.
7 We’ve had it for about two years.
8 He’s worked for them since 2008.

6 Reading

b Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)


9C Born to sing p. 72

1 Vocabulary & Pronunciation

a Look at the highligted words in the list below. Which syllable is stressed? Listen and

Events in your life

1 – be born
8 – marry sb / get married
2 - go to primary school
9 - have children
3 - go to secondary school
5 – go to university
4 – leave school
10 - separate
7 – get a job
11 – get divorced
12 – retire
6 – fall in love
13 – die

2 Reading

b Read ten facts about the lives of the two men. In pairs, decide which five are about
Bob Marley (BM) and which five are about Ziggy Marley.

1 ZM
2 BM
3 ZM
4 ZM
5 ZM
6 BM
7 BM
8 ZM
9 BM
10 BM

3 Grammar

b p. 142 Grammar Bank 9C

a Circle the correct form

1 He left
2 I lived
3 She’s lived
4 had
5 I’ve worked
6 The city has changed
7 They were
8 I met / I was

b Complete with the present perfecto or past simple

1 A has he lived
B moved

2 A did P. die
A did he live
B left

3 B have they been

A have been met
B Was
6 Writing p. 116 Norah Jones

b Putt he verbs in brackets in the past simple or present perfect

2 separated
3 has been
4 went
5 met
6 have worked / ‘ve worked
7 moved
8 has made
9 has won
10 broken up

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