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Assignment 1

This assessment task is compulsory.

Assessment Task: Case Study
Submission Date and Time: Sunday April 7 23:59 pm
Value (Weight): 20% of total assessment
Word Length: 1500 words
Learning Outcome(s): 1, 3-5

Assessment Instructions
Assignment Objectives:
1. To develop knowledge of the important labour supply and demand concepts and demonstrate this knowledge in
the assignment.
2. To apply knowledge of unit material in a real-world context by linking relevant concepts to real world examples.
3. To learn to consistently integrate links (references/citations) of relevant unit material in a way that supports
points 1 and 2 above. A failure to consistently cite unit material and readings will incur considerable penalties to
the overall grade.
For this assignment focus on your existing organisation or an organisation you are very familiar with such as a
well-known public or private sector organisation that would be accessible to complete the following tasks. Please
contact the Unit Coordinator if you are having problems accessing an organisation urgently.
For assignment 1 students are expected to read and refer consistently to the following readings and Moodle
 Nankervis et al. (2008);
 Roberts (2005);
 Snell, Morris, Bohlander (2016),
 Stone (2010), Online access to Stone (p. 71)
 Victoria Public Service Workforce Planning Toolkit,
 De Bruecker et al., (2015) and
 Mei-Tai, Chu.2011.
In addition, material from the topic one notes, and other resources are considered critical. NB. Your textbook
does not specifically refer to Human Resources Planning, however, the sections throughout the textbook devoted
to planning and strategy (see Chapters 1 and 2, for example) could be useful to add more detail where
required but your textbook is not essential for assignment 1.
1. For your chosen organisation, discuss the critical factors or issues you believe are influencing labour demand
(your readings are essential). In other words, what are the workforce changes and how do they impact on
existing and future jobs? (40% of assignment). Important here to link explicitly to the models that are used for
labour demand forecasting in your unit material. You must refer to these models and show how they have
assisted your arguments.
2. For your chosen organisation, discuss the critical factors or issues that are influencing labour supply (your
readings are essential). In other words, what challenges does the organisation face in locating, attracting and
hiring a labour force over the next five (5) years minimum? (40% of assignment).
3. Finally, what kinds of information and data would the organisation need to have access to or generate to ensure
labour demands and supply are accurately understood? You must refer to the unit material to guide your
arguments – Nankervis et al. (2008); Mei-Tai, Chu (2011), and Stone (2010) are essential to include in your
discussion for this section. You must be very clear here and support your observations with examples (20% of

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