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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación

Instituto Politécnico Universitario “Santiago Mariño’’

What is values?

Elaborado por:
Marco Alejandro Salas Quintero
C.I 27.364.176
N° de Carrera: 44

Values are positive characteristics of great importance that help us to be better individually
and socially. Many key values can be listed for the construction of a better society, but it
must always be taken into account that everyone is interlinked. We have all heard about
the importance of values. Our parents instill them in us, or we learn them on our own. We
give a value to one quality and another value to others, each person differently according
to their experiences, their way of being and thinking. They have always existed in society
and is reflected in the behavior of people and how they do things every day where the
greatest importance is in respect, tolerance, solidarity, justice, among others that exist that
are part of the fundamental basis, to guide the actions of the person. It is something that
over time certain values can get lost in people and we see how society tends to fall and we
see situations where values are lost.

Moral values usually improve man, in terms of good deeds. , such as: living honestly,
being sincere, and being kind, among others. Even so, choosing moral values is a decision
of the person and is not obliged to execute it, that is, each person owns their choices, and
it is in your judgment to decide whether to opt for them or not, however, choosing and
taking action on them will have an extra quality effect on each person. That is why every
day we must reinforce all our values and we start from our homes to take them abroad as
our places of studies or work and to do good every day and be excellent people

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