Carica Papaya: Common Name: Papaya Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

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Common Name: Scientific Name:

Papaya Carica papaya

Kingdom Plantae

Phylum Tracheophyta

Class Magnoliopsida

Order Violales

Family Caricaceae

Genus Carica

Species papaya
Carica papaya is a fruit-bearing tree that has a hollow trunk and palm-like leaves. Its
fruits look like melons and are picked at its unripe state (color green) and is eaten in its ripe
state. The fruit is sweet and juicy that tastes like other melons. C. papaya is said to have
originated in south Mexico and Central America that is cultivated for its edible fruit. Its juice
is made into beverage, and the young leaves, shoots and fruit can be cooked as vegetable.
In terms of medical use, C. papaya is also very popular as it is known to treat many
ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. It is also known for its ability to heal
wounds and is applied externally as an antiseptic. It can also be applied to the cervix to contract
the uterus (, 2017).

Common Name: Scientific Name:

Moss Rose Portulaca grandiflora
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Caryophyllales
Family Portulacaceae
Genus Portulaca
Species grandiflora

Portulaca grandiflora is known to grow on roadsides and waste places and can survive
harsh weather. It grows up to 6 inches, and its leaves and seeds are edible, raw or cooked. These
parts are usually ground into powder that is used in soups and some cereals. The roots are also
edible; however, it is highly recommended to cook it first. The plant is also depurative and can
cure hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver and the fresh juice of leaves and stem are used to heal snake
and insect bites, burns, scalds and eczema (Natural Medicinal Herbs, n.d.).
Common Name: Scientific Name:
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheobionta
Class Liliopsida
Order Zingiberales
Family Zingiberaceae
Genus Zingiber
Species officinale

Zingiber officinale is an herbal plant that grows mostly in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia
and Australia. It is also grown in the Philippines as a medicine or as an ingredient in cooking
as it is a popular ingredient in Asian cuisines. It is also an effective herbal medicine in relieving
nausea, motion sickness and loss of appetite. It is also a good herbal treatment for
cardiovascular-related diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol (Ware, 2017).

Common Name: Scientific Name:

Lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus
Kingdom Plantae

Phylum Tracheobionta

Class Liliopsida

Order Cyperales

Family Poaceae

Genus Cymbopogon

Species flexuosus

Cymbopogon flexuosus is another herbal plant that has numerous health benefits. It
alleviates respiratory conditions and relieves all sorts of pain. It is also a good remedy for fungal
and bacterial problems and improves body odor as it contains vitamin A that controls excessive
sweating. Like ginger, it is also a popular ingredient in Asian cuisines, especially in the
Philippines. Its leaves are used in soups or lechon because of its scent (Organic Facts, 2017).
Common Name: Scientific Name:
Oregano Oreganum vulgare
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheobionta

Class Magnoliopsida
Order Lamiales
Family Lamiaceae
Genus Origanum

Species vulgare

Oreganum vulgare is another culinary and medicinal herb that comes from the mint
family Lamiaceae. Oregano oil contains antimicrobial properties that makes it a good antiseptic.
Recent researches also state that oregano is a helpful ingredient in fighting off cancer and
slowing it down (Mercola, 2014).

Common Name: Scientific Name:

Alugbati/Ceylon Basella alba
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheobionta

Class Magnoliopsida
Order Caryophyllales
Family Basellaceae
Genus Basella

Species alba

Basella alba is one of the most common vegetable found in Filipino gardens as it is
both a culinary and herbal plant. It can be present in a humble Filipino food while contributing
healthy benefits to the body. B. alba or commonly known as alugbati rooted from Indian
Subcontinent and Southeast Asia as it can survive very hot days. Some also call alugbati,
Malabar spinach, though it isn’t really a spinach (Nutrition and you, 2009).
Common Name: Scientific Name:
Tuba-tuba Jatropha curcas
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheobionta

Class Magnoliopsida
Order Euphorbiales
Family Euphorbiaceae
Genus Jatropha

Species curcas

Jatropha curcas is absolutely sought-after for its ability to produce oil that can be used
in biodiesel. It is not only this ability that Jatropha is known for. Its extracted oil can also be
used for making soap, its roots and bark for dye, roots and flowers for medicine and to reduce
soil degradation, erosion, etc. Its ability to live with little to no maintenance at all and its ability
to produce oil are two of the main factors why this plant is so popular in the agri-business in
the Philippines (Philippine Herbal Medicine, 2005).

Common Name: Scientific Name:

Rose Rosa
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Magnoliophyta

Class Magnoliopsida
Order Rosales
Family Rosaceae
Genus Rosoideae

Species Rosa

Rosa is widely referred to as the “Queen of the garden” for its beauty and fragrance.
Roses are mainly used for their scent in perfumes, soaps, shampoo, lotions, and many more.
More so, the rose petals are also edible and are often used to give more color and taste to salads.
The rose hips also has its uses in cooking as it tastes sweet and apple-like. It is commonly used
in jams, jellies, marmalade, wine, etc. Not only are roses applicable for cooking, it is also
provides antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fragrance and moisturizing benefits
(Affeld, 2017).
Common Scientific Name:
Name: Aloe vera
Aloe vera
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheobionta
Class Liliopsida
Order Liliales
Family Aloaceae
Genus Aloe
Species Vera
Aloe vera has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, especially for skin injuries.
It is common knowledge that when people get sunburned, the A.vera gel is a very good remedy
to ease the pain and avoid cracking of skin. It works the same way to the hair when applied.
The gel acts as a moisturizer, making dryness of skin go away. A.vera is also a good antioxidant
and antibacterial agent. It also reduces dental plaque and blood sugar in diabetics, treat mouth
ulcers and accelerates healing of burns (Leech, 2017).

Common Name: Scientific Name:

Fern Dryopteris filix-mas
Kingdom Plantae

Phylum Tracheobionta

Class Filicopsida

Order Polypodiales

Family Dryopteridaceae

Genus Drypopteris

Species filix-mas

The fern is a non-flowering plant that has roots, stems and leaves that are filled with
pores. There are so many species to the plant fern that we know nothing yet. The fern also
constitutes to very old vascular plants such as those from the time of the Carboniferous Period.
The variation of species range up to 15, 000 as there are only 9,000 that have been discovered.
It can live for many long years (Gifford, Mickel, Wagner, Walker, & Yatskievich 2016). A
specie of fern Arthyrium esculentum is edible and is used as a vegetable for fern salad. Some
minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Vitamin b and a can be are some of the nutrients that
are found in ferns (Leyba, 2012).

Affeld, M. (2017).What are a rose’s unique features. Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from (2017). Papaya. Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from
Gifford, E., Mickel, J., Walker, W., Wagner, W. & Yatskievich, G. (2016). Fern. Retrieved on
December 19, 2017, from
Leech, J. (2017). What are the benefits of Aloe vera? Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from
Leyba, R. (2012). 5 health benefits from eating fern. Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from
Mercola, J. (2014). What are the health benefits of oregano? Retrieved on December 19, 2017,
Natural Medicinal Herb (n.d.) Rose moss. Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from
Nutrition and you (2017) Basella (vine spinach) nutritional facts. Retrieved on December 19, 2017,
Organic Facts (2017). 25 surprising benefits of lemongrass. Retrieved on December 19, 2017,
Philippine Herbal Medicine (2005). Tuba-tuba plant seeds (Jatropha) to bio-diesel fuel.
Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from
Ware, M. (2017). Ginger: health benefits and dietary tips. . Retrieved on December 19, 2017,

Plants are a vital part of the ecosystem. Without these autotrophs, animals and other
organisms would not be able to exist. There are many types of plants that surround us. Each of
these have their own unique features and characteristics. The special characteristics of these plants
can be traced back to their species, genus, family, order and kingdom. Each of these classifications
contribute to the uniqueness of each plant just like how human beings are all very different from
each other, and yet, similar at the same time.

By looking around the surroundings, one will notice how each plant look differently. Some
are tall, some are short. Some have flowers, while others bear fruits. Taking an even closer look,
one will notice how the stems and leaves look different. These differences and similarities come
from the lineage that a specific plant comes from.

In a small community like the school, the plants are limited. Therefore, they are easy to
recognize based on their common name. However, another name exists for this plant that relies on
its classification, a combination of genus and species is called the scientific name.

This article presents common plants that are found in Davao Chong Hua High School, their
classifications and their special features.

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