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Film Set Etiquette

By fightscenemachine

Name: _

Number: ( ) - _
Film Set Etiquette
By fightscenemachine
The following rules are meant to serve as a guide when on a
fightscenemachine film set. Be aware that many film sets are different
and may operate under less or more strict terms. The main goals behind
a Fightscenemachine production are speed, quality, and safety. Save
this document in an easily accessible place to reference when you’re
unsure about something. If you have suggestions to add to these rules
please email them to or text them directly
to Jefferson Lewis III.

Rule no.1 - Safety is king

If you witness a safety issue on set please bring it to the attention
of the coordinator or next line of command.

Rule no.2 - Double check

Always double check, follow up, be vocal, and be respectful.

Rule no.3 - Brevity

Be brief. Only say what needs to be said. This will keep time moving
and help you stay aware of what’s needed around you.

Rule no.4 - Stay on your 1st mark

While acting or doing a stunt, after cut return to the first mark as
if you were already told we’re doing another take. It helps the camera
department keep their focus and saves times when the AD doesn’t have
to call you back to your spot.

Rule no.5 - Driving

When driving other crew and/or equipment, be gentle and aware of all
laws, but get there as quickly as you legally can.

Rule no.6 - Gear

Unless it’s your department’s gear or they’ve tasked you to help,
don’t touch it. Seriously — if it’s not yours, don’t touch it.
Rule no.7 - Electricity
Assuming outlets are free to use is how batteries get unplugged and
breakers get tripped. If there is no designated charging area, ask an
electrician if it’s OK.

Rule no.8 - Food

While waiting in line for your lunch break, let your superiors go in
front of you. Often times department heads will have a shorter time to
eat in order to setup the next shot. When making stops at the craft
services table, offer to bring stuff back for other crew.

Rule no.9 - Opinions

Unless you’re asked, you don’t have one. And even when you are asked,
always reply first with, “Well, what do you think?”

Rule no.10 - Chain of command

You should only answer to you department head. If someone else tells
you to do something then refer them to your department head.

Rule no.11 - Overstepping

If you are more qualified and skilled than the person in charge do not
take over their role. Chances are they know you’re skilled and hired
you for that reason. So be prepared to answer questions but don’t make
them look bad by down talking them with other crew members. Instead
privately talk with them during down times or outside of set to help
them become better.

Rule no.12 - Phones & Social Media

Unless otherwise specified at the beginning of the day or on the call
sheet, social media and recording is encouraged in between takes.
However during a take all cell phones should be silenced and put away.

Rule no.13 - Quiet on set

If you are close enough to set for the cast and crew to hear you stay

Rule no.14 - Talent

If you know who they are without ever meeting them, don’t talk to them
unless you have to or they approach you. Otherwise, talk to them as
you would any other crew member being acutely aware whether or not
they are busy.
Rule no.15 - Video Village
If you’re not the talent, director, producer, or script supervisor,
you don’t need to be there. Also, don’t record the playback with your

Rule no.16 - Pads

For the stunt team: Know where they are and be ready to help get them.

Rule no.17 - Clothing

Bright shirts may bring out the color in your eye, but vivid clothing
also can affect the lighting of a scene. Avoid wearing certain
colors like white, yellow, and light grays that can unintentionally
bounce light into a scene.

Rule no.18 - Working with Jefferson

Be aware that he has a slight case of ADHD and at times may go silent
when in the middle of giving instructions. Making suggestions on tasks
or talking during this time will only prevent him from completing his

Rule no.19 - Respect others

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated…

Rule no.20 - Networking

Unless specified otherwise, network as much as you want when on break
or when the day is over. However if you are contacted to do a job or
gig that someone else had above you, refer them to that person and let
them know you were contacted. (A touchy subject which in some cases
may change so if you’re unsure what to do just contact the person that
was your department head.)

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