Lexical Resources Grammar Functions Competence: Sophisticated

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Lexical resources Grammar Functions Competence

Students understand
Unit 1

Describing their life and

Roots and prefixes Different verb tenses and answer information
their environment
questions in any tense
Formative Assessment

Talking about the way students talk about

Adjectives with -ing and -ed Adjectives as participles they feel and evaluate situations and how they
things and situations make them feel
Students talk about
past participles of irregular
Second conditional Expressing their wishes something they want to
have or accomplish
vocabulary related to cars Getting and follow students follow and
Modals of obligation
sales orders understand rules
Unit 2

Online communities Explaining and report

Reported speech with Students describe a
messages have been
Stocks an sales modals preevious conversation
previously exposed

Students use tag

confirming or deny
Invoices and purchases Tag questions questions to garantee
some information
Unit 3

Talking about events in students are able to
vocabulary for business Past perfect vs. Past
the past using past describe past events
letters peerfect continuous
references with a time reference

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