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Department of Computer Science & Engineering The LNM IIT, Jaipur

CS104: Computer Programming Lab]

Programme: B.Tech (CSE) Year: First Semester: First

Course: Core Credits: 2 Hours: 3 Hours/week

Course Context and Overview (100 words):

Computer programming lab is the fundamental laboratory course for all branches of engineering. This
course is designed for students who have had little or no prior experience with computer programming.
This program of study is directed toward developing programming skills. The objective of the program is
to enable students to implement the basics of computer programming and solve programming problems in
lab. In this course, C programming language is used as a vehicle.

Prerequisites Courses:


Course outcomes(COs):

On completion of this course, the students will have the ability to:
CO1: Understand and use program constructs.

CO2: Learn programming style and effective user interaction.

CO3: Compile, debug and evaluate a program.

CO4: Formulate and design real world problems.

Course Topics

Course Design Template version 1.0

Department of Computer Science & Engineering The LNM IIT, Jaipur

Contents sessions

1. Expression evaluation 1
2. Control flow: Decision making 1
3. Control flow: Iteration 1
4. Arrays operations 1
5. String manipulation 1
6. Functions 1
7. Recursion 1
8. Memory management 1
9. Structures and unions 1
10. File handling 1
11. Minor Project --

Textbook references (IEEE format):

Text Book:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C, 4th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Reference books:
1. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, Let Us C, 6th ed., Infinity Science Press, LLC.
2. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall.
3. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, Exploring C, 2nd ed., BPB Publications.

Evaluation Methods:

Item Weightage
Weekly Evaluation 50%
Midterm 15%
Endterm 25%
Minor Project 10%

Prepared By:
Last updated on: May12, 2015

Course Design Template version 1.0

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