FIDIC For Sub-Contract

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4 FIDIC® Conditions of Subcontract for CONSTRUCTION FOR BUILDING AND ENGINEERING WORKS DESIGNED BY THE EMPLOYER General Conditions (GENERAL CONDTIONS OF SUBCONTRACT ‘aumnNce Fon THE PREPARATION OF PARTICULAR CONDMIONS oF SUBCONTRACT Fons oF LETTER OF 'SUBCONTRACTOR'S OFFER, CONTRACTOR'S LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE AN SuBcoNTRAGT AGREEMENT i 2 13 ‘a 15 ww a 10 General Conditions of Subcontract CONTENTS DDEFAITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ...soeececse Subcontract etre Aocess ihe Ste Convers ns ncornscten wah he Subcontract Enpyers Calms comostn wa he Mala Garacs ‘Gotan oan Ws, ‘THE SUBCONTRACTOR... /ASSIGNMENT OF THE SUBCONTRACT AND SUBCONTRACTING... 10 Asdrmarto Suecciact, Suboonrcing © CO-OPERATION, STAFF AND LABOUR .. ‘ai Co-perten cer he Sibcoract 82 Parsons inthe Senin ot Ohare 82 Coractrs Subnact Roposertsve SubonntacersReseeartatie 7 EQUIPMENT, TEMPORARY WORKS, OTHER FACILITIES, . PLANT, AND MATERIALS i 7A Sdconrctrs Use of sent, Tomporey Weta, sue Or Faces 12 Froeicou Matai 1.3 demo Misa TA Gurr of Subcontract art an Met 73, Subocrracars Eeiprert and Suboorac Pet ® COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION 8.1 Conmencarnt of Subcoiract Works 82 Sica Te 183. Extorslnof Store Tne fr Corpeton H 84 Sibosntac: ogame 85 Suomen Progam Ropes 85 Superin of Starrett ty he Corksctor 8.7 Subosrrac Damages far Cy 9 TESTS ONCOMPLETION.. 83, Subcertact xeon Careeicn 92 Nan Carract Tests n Corpeton 18 COMPLETION AND TAKING-OVER THE SUBCONTRACT WORKS 18 104, Camplton ef Subcontract Wess 102 “arg Ove Suporte, 508 Tkng Overby tm Contsclor 114, Suboorractars Obigaton sar Tlng Or 112 S.tcoreact Dstcte Noten Perea 113: Peformance Cates ‘ecuest for Pana Subeontect Veriton Subsonic dsmert or Changes Lagan NN TI 186 Subcoreuct Achtmen er Changasin ost 188. Subcontect Daywore “V4 SUBCONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT <.. sos. $43 The Subcontract Po {42 Guboernct adn Parent YAS. Siboonactre Monthy Sater “144: Stboontacer’s Staerart at Carpiton 14. Contact's Aptcaton orton Pat Corals 348. cn Sperct Parts 347” Paymantot ten Money under the Succ 44 Frat Sutoonrent Pamare 143. Denys Pare ure he Suboorroct 110 Gescten oe Contr Lssy 1417 Stoorrct Gunendleo Paya 15 TERMINATION OF THE MAIN CONTRACT AND TERMINATION. (OF THE SUBCONTRACT BY THE CONTRACTOR 151 Tebaton of ah Conzact 48:2 luton ot Dal of SubeoreactTeibaten 153. Payment Terran of Man Cosact 154 “erinatan of Ma Cova h Gonsocuers of Sibconsctr Bech 165 Ned to Garoat under ba Sibsoneact 4166 Temiton of Gdcorac ty he Coico, 18 SUSPENSION ANO TERMINATION BY THE SUBCONTRACTOR «28 181. Subocnact’sEntorentio Siaprd Wek 182 Tersaton by the Suboornetr| 183 Payment an Toran by th Subeonrsctor 17 FISK AND INDEMINTIES seseceeenee 8 171, Suboanactr's ist an indies 222 Conretors hr 173 ‘Sock Untaton of Li 18 SUBCONTAACTINSURANCES ..... sees 181, Subcontacto’ Cbgatin to rae 182 lreurance aranged by th Coraecteandor te Empbyer 183. vdeo af arc a Fle oe 18 SUBCONTRACT FORGE MAJEURE ..... 18:1 Sibcontact Force Maus NOTICES, SUBCONTRACTORS CLAIMS AND DISPUTES .-...+0.0+92 Nososs Siboonestare Cane Flue to Comply Suboosct Dates ‘Appatent fe Subconesc DAB 208. Oblaing Sucortract DAS Destion 20,7 Siboontc avbston INDEX AND INDEX OF SUBLCLAUSES .. | i General Conditions of Subcontract Be Deliftons and Interpretation ws Stbontract Dethone 1122 Candton of Subosivact, wich ide Parl Gncon of Sbocrcat, ‘senares toe Paul Candons ct Subcotact an Paen Gare Coron ot Subeortac, al word ard expeeaone al have fi tte meaainge se fe respect aoe to ter nn Ns Contac, apt nee he coro ‘then egure and weap at ha ole wee ad reason Sal ate He nerigs hereby eigod to hen: ana saa 148 “Accepted Subcontract Amount” mean tha amour scepad nthe Ccortratrs Later of Accoptras fr fe esto ad corelen of ‘he Sooo Verte and easing oy ce, “Aner meats he cecurent ee rec sactod to be Parker Conators cf Subcerac. compl bythe Contax ar ta Siboornct, as etucad hire Siar "Annex A eae Ot our ented fone A atsores fo tn Partour Conens oh Subcontract, nd aby “Annee Bape Cd eo on AI 8 res atchad to the Parulr Cordione of Storia se "afer 25 ho “Anno "Aspento the Subcontract Ofer mane Ye como pages rited append fhe sutconacers of wish ee sopra {rato prt of he Susorracor's Ge: “Contactor sans te perch nares coneectr ite Append Subcorrtor' Ofer and the legal suszesos ye osu person, butrot capt wth the cxraet of te Sukconeact ey aanes ot ‘sch peso ‘ontactors Instruction’ means an netucten ghen oy the Ccotmctars Sibson Perea fy scornos wh le (lute 3 [Conrsay’s neste ‘Contact's Letter of Accepanos' rears the ltr of fornal scceptanco grec by the Conractr of he Stbscrvacar® Of, bang ary appre memonnds carpreng agreements bates tn lel by bow Parte. ‘Contract’ Subcontract Represents mars tho parse named bythe Conmacter nthe Acpand "othe Susoactore Ofer ot ‘panied fom tne to te by tha Coast under S-Chuve 6:3 [Bantactore Saboanact Foprssrtata), who eda en bat ofthe Conracer "Enployer moans te puaon ram se eros Par Af Arne A arsine gel evczanos het or ele f woh paren 1 sas waa sa. sate saat sae ss20 saa “Eaghe mat the pao appt bythe Employer ont ha [Ergesr for urpocos ofthe Man Coat and ranean Part Ac ‘aber A, of oer person ae appotna Fer nef tne Oy the Enpbyer ad need to he Contact under he Nip Cares, ane Petied hetero a Suerte y bw One “LaterofSuscontacts Ofer meant document eed te ot ‘bosatars oflrich was corp by th Subeanractr at [elie fe sgrod ofer to tw Conant fr fe auton of te ‘Sterne. “Main contract ans contact enero between Peeler a he Cortactarfrapact of ie Math We, tt parsers of Wich ae gs n Pan Aer Arne A ‘Main Contact ONE" eaetha AB as dfn tho Nh Cott ‘Man Conrct Tests on Completion’ meas fa toes wich the ‘Scorers to cary ot on completion ate Subcortar Werks socodunce lh Sub-Cause 81 [Subconract Tester Camry ‘hich ovate "ees on Cmeltonundrhe Man Cones Nin Wor mare the Wks dead he Man Coc “Party marsh Oost oo Subsrtacty stho ct ues, ‘Tha Conant ands Suncrest aerator see Pane ‘subcorvact rears he armen beween be Faris comping the dooutarts ede Sub Cis 5 Prony of Subarwast Ora “subcontract Agreement aan ha sibsontast goon fora ton Sub-Case 1.0 [Subconrat Agama, Subcontract Bil of Quantities” masse ecu ert tof quanticn completes by tt Suboornctr and sid with Schosrrstra Str anced nA “Suboontsct Canmencerrant Date moins he dt pied under ‘Sub-Ghus 8 (Carmencamen of bearer Hone “subcontract DAB mane ether enc tee peso stad inthe ‘Append to the Subconranors Ot or oter pase) separa Unde Sab-Oaise 208 Pepa ete Suecontaxt DAS) subcontract Defacts Notfestion Forad” mesna te pel for rativrg bos accarroe Wty SibCiine 132 ‘Sibsoneact Darts eson Paro. “subcontact Drawings’ means te cevinge of fe Subcontract erie nd any salons arcer medias cawinge und by the CConeactorn sore wa Sibaarat. ‘subcontract Goods" means) the Swoonrecta’s Squpmact, Subocrirct Par th rate trod to fam ar ormng a fe Sboorrct Wor feng auply ar meters Fey tbe upped by the Subeonzatr unde the Swoartac) and he Subcetatar's ‘erporey wots, or en of tam as septs 14 126: 28 “Subsontract Performance Seu’ mana the scat (reacts, ery uncer Su Cause 42 (uocortaal Parone Saar “Subcontract Pant ears the apps, macney and vehicle ‘fonda to fom or ring parol he pararant wots tobe exec by fm Suservcter wath Subcorta, “Subcontat Pace sans th pe dened Sub Cite 141 [Tho ‘Subarmact Pre, and nudes ecustratsf scartinoe th the Svbooract. ‘Siveontact Programme” means he srgrenine dined h Sub Chto 84 [Saboanvct Params nd oer “subcontract Solon’ means pf the Subcontract Woes ce ind inthe Appar be Swoon’ Os. "Subcontract ‘Specleation’ mstna_the docurent eats spetlcnton, as ce inthe Saborac ayes a fo ‘afters made ecocance wth he Sascorrac.The docu pilin te Suboonct Nox art may euse eeastoce ond {echrialintmaten ofa ke nee, "Subcontract Tests on Compl” masa the lst which se pected the Sibooriact or are by the Paes whic the ‘Subartractr st ear euten compton the Sooect Werks ‘sezocincs with Sub-Oaiss 1 (Subeonran Tete an Sompotor ‘hh do net const ary Man Cant Tes on Cre, “Subcontract Time for Compton rears he ter cxreton ot the Subcorivact Works undo SiC 82 [Sica Tne fot Canpltres ttdhe Apache Sucre Oller Wt ‘sy etn uncer Sub-Caus 3 [Bdeon of Subcom Tie onsite, esos ene Scorer Commence Date, “Suboentrct Variation mess ary charge ore Swoorct Wires whi is hcted cr aproed a9 vaflon under Cause tS [Sutcontact Varatore an hme ‘Subcontract Works" meas tn permarars worst be etd ae completed by the Subeortacor under te Subeorves, end a Subsonactars temporary werk requres er the exc ond ref Suaponsen “The Sibcontacte sal bo repent ral Subcontaco’s Eqdprent. When ‘uowgit on t-te Ste, he Suboorac’s Equbert eal be deed 10 be ‘clude tndod er he enscuon of the Subsoact Wore. Th Subsowciot ‘Sal roto fon ta Sts yma tans of Subsoreerrs Ease wicat the const ofthe Cortractor Hower, concert sal ret be agus vas ‘anspringSuscarwster Goods Subsectors Paseo Ste, ‘he Subcontract nal akan ts best he dfn ot Pune the Nin Contact ae te proven of te Mah Cott carcring tha Part hal ly tthe Subcoract Pare. cofponcement and Completion at ‘Semmencoment of ‘Sibert Werke Tho Contac sal he the Suboaractoy not ss tan 14 oy! nace of the ‘Sbconest Commnnerert Ons “Tho Sbsaact sa conmenoe the cut o te Subconact Wore 68 9000 ‘sie mononaygratoanle ate the Subcontract Conmanoerart Dee, end hal ‘ocend wih te Suboorret Werle win due agence and wihot calay [ssecnc wh cures Suboot Prosar. Tha Sibcontctr call corpse the Subcentct We In acsrdence wth Sub- Clause 10 (Campion ef Subcontract Wels wisn te Sxooorract Ta fr onsite, or to ortonced tra fat may be lowed uncer Sub-Caune 8:3 (estonsin of Sabanact Tina fr Cartan. TENOOOMNELL 4 of work ae Sukie (0) Se ft hing an ertomart to an care of he Soars Tne {er Calatn unde @ Sub-Ce ofthese craton (© any-coay, Mosdirere persion caused By © altbvabi to tw Convacty, te Contactors Penenta, or the. Cormac’. ther siboontacers, or (4 caus of doy which wa goto Constr an sitet to atrcn tne unseen Gora Wan ecg each acarson of tne under Sub-Oause 202 [Suocantactoré {a} he Concorso Frew coins ae ay hersen, bt alk outa, th tl torn me. “Ts prove of Anat F shal spl to rogarrirg of he Subcoiaet Ws and ‘0 Suboract Programme sab he perarine ceed ha “ho Sibconretr shal eubmt 2 detded pregame fer the exciton of the Stosovact Wr to he Coast win 14 days of oa fhe Contactors Later Accapane or he Contact’ grogarime smite under Wen Conect ‘Gauso 23 (Pog), wrchover she sist Ths fom and deal tt Fa [pograree al ly comely wi (2) te roaring end eer rcutementa fe Nn Comat rt (Bo eaurerens seta Pat Act Arn lve Contactors hauaen sng tm pegamming alr sequencing ofthe ubcorvact Vous consies SibounactVerton Cine 18 [Siseanact \axaons and Astras] sal eee Pred htt any re: (actual progsss isto sow to core win the Subeontact Tne for ‘ereiton, neon () proges aefaln fr ll fa bain tha Subcontact Pogranns hor than s rst of on nen Sub Cane 8 [Eton of Sante Tine Corp an he Cartacer may haus a Canacor® baton raging te Sibooectort atten updsedseararine end euppering repo (lectrg tha reed ethos toh he Guheanracor roses to atm eer ‘pest progress ard corgi th Subcostact Wks Wein the Stocorract Tre fe Compe, Lies he Corrado nb tev he Sabor srl adopt tec sed mas een rare reas the eng rere were ‘mbar Suncoast’ Pasorna adr Subcrtact Goods thas rd coe (ithe Sconacton I han evend mets enue. the Contactor far ery ‘aoa Cot be Coneatr sal sco Sub Clue 3.3 [owas Oli kr te Subantac) b eited to dee is Cotter fe Subzoroact Pe. Ta Cenractr shal bo ented 1 rly upon the cent Subcontact Progarene when cowating the Man Werte ener ang hace rl oes of bet ‘sconce ergloyes bythe Contact respec ofthe Mah Wa, Suboonat Progress as Suspension of Subcontract Works bythe Convactor ‘Subcontract Damages fordsiay regu nye Cones, te Sutcenbacta stk propare ar eer moa _reest repo othe Cora Ech epochal be urine han de {aretha ote sors of he Garrat’ pogass por ands the Mh ‘enc, veh ee die shal be noted to tho Sbcanac by te Coc. Houh Subset progress font shal le he cea og ot ost hau rere) irae of Man Contact sss 421 [rgres pers) “Te Cowastr may at ay tne lene a Cones Inston recuthg the Subsrnracr fo suspend proges of pat o lef the S.boartact Ws. Ins Tobie bo Cott alse the aso or oso fr the sueangon. Mala Certo Chico 8.0 (Corsequaroae of Super, Min Contact Cane 810 [Pajmart fr Part and Metal nvr of Supers are Man Cont Case 11 longed Supers] sally usps Subeonact Wot ries ‘he co ofthe surpanien the asorably of he Scbeortacec Main Contact ‘use 212 FResurpa f Wo al apt to any suspended Subeanract Wes (ues ha casa oft aupenson le espana fhe Subconsecto. ‘Sutjt to Sub Clouse 18.1 [Subcontactors Ermirent fo Suspend Vx, Subsentact hal no: suspend pogess cpa er lef he Subeonrect Were else end ui request do ao bya Cowactrs etustion, “Thelely cine Subcenmectartothe Contactor fr defo the bounce ‘Pab tite ote arcuate inthe Appccto the Subcoactr's Ofer Ina amour stated nt Aopen he Subcnct's Ofe heii fre ‘Sootacer othe Contactor fr ay ote Suboract Wert sabe reed {© 10% of he Acopted Suboeac Amount edn Completion at Stbcontact Tests on ‘ormpation Main Contact Teste on Cermletion Insofar ab the Suboorvect specise Subcontract Tests on Compl, te ‘Sboanacer hal ge reece cols to the Ostrac of he dats ar wee Poche recy tocar ot ec ohne ta Fe Scartract Were past ‘ho Sibson Ta on Compton th boars shal os soon pacimis "eps nts under tsar es ad ocndione as spend nth uboarrack al toss are posed Irs as he Sutconbact specie or make axrece eens to Nab Canact “Ralson Cenc Man Cortct Caso 9 [Tess an Completa shal pp Save {hat Subcontractor shal carpy wih is Sib-Clase Ir good tna eral he ‘Constr cco wth is gains in respect othe Tess on Corpeion uo ‘Palen Contac. and Taking-Over the Subcontract Works ln ele Suboorac Werke shal be ache hen ‘eee wert haveboen completed accor wth the Sabon xc ‘croome 18 TN soe “aking over Suentact Worn {er ay miner ettanang werk ane dtets wich wil tebe fort {ten of th Suscrrns Waar tak hlondod prose: 1) Reset pad aon corn pats ne Son (2) reais bythe Sbeantect Spica, the “seal” dosaants ard ‘pean and manners aruas naepect of ba Subooac Werks ae rors by he Subeonbact: Not salar fun 7 cee bere-the Suboertract Weis wl. ‘he Subsrtactrs ‘ion, be coeta th Sabeontactr cal oily the Conreter The Ceiacer She win 27 dae eerecept of ae te: (0 rot he Subscrartor tat cretion of he Suboortact Wovs has bean ‘Stove sang to ct compos or (0. Potty Suscaraactor of ls epelon tat exrlton ct the Suborist ‘Works ras pot bon aves, gig reasore and mech tre rk oad 10 be cone bythe Subcoarear actin cones. Te Subiacar ‘sal en compte is wor afr sug ahr neice unr Sus Cau, (6) compton oe Suoceneact Woks tas been scien eccrine wth ‘Sibu 10.1 [Corpiten of te Succract Wor ae |p) tae tno prson Anne for na lrg veo content Wore byte Concer botany the TEINS, ‘he Subcontract Wote shal be desmadto aa bean n-ne ven erg Oa Cento respect ofthe bss Ws, oa Socfon c pat ofthe Win Were hich to Subcaact Wir se pat has naen oed er dee oP Desh Inova uncer Naln Cormac Cass 10.1 [Tk Over otha Vr and Satars “The date oftakng-ver of fe Saocorest Wes shall bs the dts sad nts “Takng-Over Cote athe Subcontract shal ass to ba ain x De ce ot the Sdborvact Were eceorcena th Sub Clune 1% Subcanrecor te ara incareiesas Fom t. {taléng cnr ofthe Suocortract Wot le delayed by cause wich erie the Contactor to clam addonal payment under the Nain. Cont, the Subcorvector shal ebjct to Sub-Cluse 2032 [Suoconactr'e Crs] be ted toot ary Com cure by the Subcorracor win 4 Gays sr the Contactor has recoed toch adda payrant under the Nan Gore or win 8 dae ater tho exp ofthe Suboortct Deets Natoson Prod, hlchver boar 1 be coy taing-oe of ho Subcontract rsa the Contract eparaty, ary Ooet Hous by the Subsonrecar shal eject to Sib Gmiee 202 [Stbearvacta' Clan] be resaeale Yom He Corr: wna ‘Sbcontactr's tigations ater Takirg-ovee ne Subcontract Defects, Netitoaon Period Fetoving tig-ow of te Subooract Worn accordance th Ge 10 [Garton af and Tag Onwr ho Suberact a the pun of Man {onsc Cune 111 Camation of Custerdrg Wor snd amechng Dts an Coast Cause 11.4 rare fo Rare) Dect, Ma Cora Giza 11.5 {Rarovel of Deere Werk], Nein Cortact Guus 1.5 [Ratha Tes) Man (Contact iso 11. (Ag of Acasa and Male Contact Causa 1.8 (Coreatr {2 Seve sel opp, set (@)- Sib Cine 11.2 [S.baontat Dts Notioton Pao ae ©) Sie-Cise 11.3 (Patamarce Corea. ‘At wertorad:oh ab paragraph i ofan Cxotact isos 11.1 [Cain oF Cutsandg Vek se Rarscling Dates) sal be eros at ark an cost ot ‘he Soar, and tthe ext ft he work tbe | Subcontract Pay, te matefl or woeranatip te Subocrac Wer nat burg aroxrcan wh he Sincere or (0 five by ho Siteeneacer to campy wih en otter con undo the Siar roof a atest er cage ne Suc exe wi ha espority ot (bo Stosabeer cums Pe Corer to new any aan Cost coreg wr Man Carta Ovens 11-8 amoral of Oates Woe). 11.8 [Fier Toes) fd 513 [Caneotr fo Soar, the Ceasar all ec 0 Sub-Cana 33 [Conracrs Ce unr he Subortt, be reed dc tha Cot me Sioconeect ree Hand to the eae thet he wor fared oh supe bof Man Cortact ‘Gaueo 1-1 [Cancer of uttarcng Werk ard Poneajing Defects atafcle to any ota aso, he Subcotaca shal ba ris promt by the Contact, lnc tis wor anal oa yaund 2 © Suocontect aro in seoranos wh Sub ‘hues 182 isuaten o Subcontract Varn} “The Suosontat Datel Neston Pros salle the to foro dco te Subcontnet Were under SubOste 17-1 Suosonrestr's Colgetore at Taleg-Ovo, which petod abst ba for tha dato on Wich the wile of he Subcirguct We baw been ‘en-over under Couse 1 [Camelton of and Taleg-Oer i Subcontract Wer othe deta ery of Det Netfeston Pl aplcablto fe Mal Werks Sco or part fe Man Wo cic the cle fe Subonvact Wes arpa. Instore & delat er damage in tho Subcantact Was stbutsba to & ‘Sooner Geta gre fe 0 an extn of ny Detects Nofeaon Pee Undetiin Coneost Ghose 1. tern of Dts Notte Pa, nd is lense caises th Cart o ner ado Cot te Const sa |e esued by the Eraineer under the Main Contact. Perfomance of te ‘Subsmntaca’scnigalane dl not ne cradle ben core ntl Po Engeor has sad the Perfomance Cats to te Caracas the do stated fo Patoraroe Cortete cn wc ha Contactors bli uner ea ale Correct were compa el be the ian whch tha Subcontetars histone ude he Suboonast ware cop. rredeelyupen ves of Farorranes Ones fom te Enon he Career hal wis copy 029° Siena ‘toc toa Parormarco Cesta 'has bean seu ha roles of Nala Contact ‘has 1-10 (Usui Citgo] ane 1111 (Gamaeeof So] rl pp Me A. Dont anc Evaluation tes (CO Maseuremen Sbcorivas Ws 8 “The Subaru esha be meazracin acute wl Mn Cnet Clases {21 Mera be Messued an 122 Pass of Measrenent. “The CarractehllpattheSubcortastor ost tse the Eenosrae he Constr msg the nase lon oe Sibcoret Wt tnd eal ‘smn be Carat ih any pars equated by the Cntacter end Be Ege the Subeontair has been gen resonate noo to atid end doce ote, mesurare acy (oon baa of eae el be deemed {obs eccuais ad o bs aropled by te Subct ‘err the Subcontract Wks ato be messi by cos, the Contatr shal ‘part he Subcortcer to ee wh Ww Corbet exarine ante the ‘tours wth be enghesr. if ha Subconeerc Pas ben gen essnaec ‘are bythe Cartclor aed dvs not stone te cosas ape baton the Contactor and tte Erghees or acsoled by nonatendance cr fee by te CCanctr fr secrdence with Man Consct Che 121 Dra fo Be eared ‘fal be dobre t bo scouts end fo be scored by Be Saconvece te Sioarnvacer erin and deogoes wih te eco, te he sal ghee fe Cartctrwahin 7 dys of he i of tho earn of th repects Wich the racoc at aera be raonaat, wich he Crater sal fan Exghos Ie Subconsactecoes ote alent cas eh ‘be dorado be acerte and obs accpid by tha Subconbarec The Corman ‘all wit Seay rot the Subcortacter of any craton mad by te Engst in repeat of daa rca Notwithstanding local preci, tho measure cul be rece cn her at ‘gary of oac Kar ofthe Subcortat Wore, ad fe matted of messiramont hal bo tha wich aps under tte Man Contac. Ihe Conactr oas not ge note to he Subsenacer accra wth the ‘Sub-Ciue, ender rcs i Gren tut src reel Favre gerd 0 the folce ghen by te Engeer unr Main Coad Cause 12-1 [Wes 10 be Toor clesretsnces the Cortacor shel const wih the NIN ws ‘oye st ct he Suber of Gur or scecie foe (dee he Subocnnact eb ated quarto fhe boar Wes, ‘Se nota be fk a acl and covet ques of he Scbortot ‘Were which be Subconeet eared oes No Contacto’sisturton tha berated fray rcease o Seceaten Be (ue ay work whee the neon a cece bet eau an rsnson (ven under ub Cee 19:1 ton of Subcontract Wor] tte he rau te ‘qarliee exeecng o bong los fan thse sed In Subcontract 2 of ‘Gherutes archer che aes end pws ne Subcoreat ‘he Contetr cal sonal wth the Subzoracoe an endooar #9 rach ageerart on fo Suecentact ice by erating each fm of the Seat Wore app: (2) th moasremsre aged o cet n scorns wi Sub-Cause 24 Measurement of te Swoootact Mes eed (0). he peels af to sere er hd preranh of Mn Coreset Case 128 fevaoaier) to te Suocorttact. Pred Bat subarapah (of MnCatact Chase 123 [Ertan] cal ot pny us sewer ten csterined ye Exgnoe uncer be Mn Conte ‘tagsarants wot aches, th Contacts shal maka «fa ation having duo (eget Suncare vows an lala ckcunstnan abl poy ati the Subconsecer eh van wi supering pans. ach Pay sel gh oct each seaman escheat nade ur he ‘Sip-Cmie ne nd rl ovens unr Gna 20 (Cn ans Ds nave tho sin of ry oh Subcortet Wi ep af of Sitcantact att fh valu whch he ot sn ges ain Corte! Cause ‘24 (Ontos) hal app suroadee Variations and Adjustments a4 ‘Subeontct Work “he Subscnnact sks el be wind cy by may ofa Cosas’ ten, Subcentc Vetaera my lite tm Cae ya roe ete Trg Over oriole med bye En the wh of te Man Wr, te bya ort eruston or arog Subscrmanr sbra pepoad ‘he Subsowactr dll excite end be beun by each Subeonbect Veriton UNE az ‘alton of 13 ‘A SubcortctYanson may ie yo he mata ceca n a-praapte (eto ot Mam Goreact Gaus 182 it Vay ach Subcorrac Vaton shal bo erat ry acces wth Sub-Ctue 12.3, [Bretton unr theSuocontat ures soa ober by a Parts: Tha vale ‘ esch Suboorct Vesen sl hen be added © oF dette fn te Subeornact Price eo epee, Proved ht Fhe Cort netuct @ Subcontract arion tay i tah ‘at upon whieh fe Sueeoneat Wes Pa Doon camel fn aoonaree veh {Gaune #0. [Coreen oft Subcote! Wes tho we of Hs Sirk Naor cha take account of ay esktonal Coat o iblly wich the slmeancee was essorany Icured by the Siboerredtar I reels Ne ‘asoures tote Se ancor rag a rear onthe Sie ort eae ‘he Suporte aration ‘Requoet or Propesalfor =the Canrstr suas «popes orf the Contetar nate th Scormactar ‘Subcontract Varaton 184 that the Engjnesr hes requstd «proposal pr to ntuctng 8 Subcontract ‘arson the Subconsecte sal aspandi wrtg as soon a rate, tery rg reasons why he oxnct comply Fs eto cas) or by sug the Bisowactr repos (9 ita a sepen f e rpset woo perked od Pogue (8) Shy momeay rosette Scrat oyanne puoi {0 Sab Cause 68 [Subeotact Pograrre) endo ho Suoeatet Te Corin: rc (@) . eutastn ote Suber arson, “Te Cavaco als 000 a practhabi sree ie popealespns wh sop, dlspproa! or cement. “Tho Subeontacter sha et dy sry work whist alg esponseln epost of ny opal soritad wnder Bs Sub-Cuee. ‘Subcontact Adusimants Th Sitestnc Pon shal be ahs ta tke eccnt at eny nae or cease forchangesin Logisation Inte Gost outed by be Sibcontector unr ts Subcontract reauirg fom chang ip the Lane of the Coury or tho jell or oft govonnert Iarrtsion fe Lave, mace te tec of erie ofthe Sbertacor's (far which soos the Suboenca”s paromanee of he eblgsons under the ‘Sbontact. the Subcrtacer stl dy arf Cost a ea eh ‘aciargoi th Lan, the Subcoacr shal ve otc oho Conseco and shat eee, sujet © Sc>Cluse 202 [Subcantact’s Clans to an aaenscn of tine unc Sub-Case 83 [eden of Subsotact Tne er Compan) ard Payne ofan Cos whic hal be Flue te Subcotnct Pc. 238 ‘subcontract Dayo tera nate square dla cuecin he Append te suocenoscors fe ten Sbeorract Pie salle ests byte sae cistant mapee fr epple 1 sutra ot Carrs Poe under Ma Conn! Caine 3.8 esisnent tr Crary Cot hare deywor sche is etued the Subcontract, the Contactor may Ipemut tet» SubconetVarton srt be eectea on ayo ase, The ‘vera tan be vate nsoorcanoe wth he jer sade sued te Subconbect, and te pooedas set out mn Nan Contact Gauss 138 owen subhoder Price and Payment 31 “Te Subcontract Price ‘SubsontactAevance Paymant Toe Subcortact Presa bo aye cr decide hy asortance wh Sb-Cause $23 |bsauaton uncer ne Sorta ance ebjct to eastont nacre wih he Subcontract. Th Suncereectr sel pay al tes es a fos oguod to be pas by fim under fe Suononeael, ae tha Subcctract Pe shall ret be ‘Shae or ary of ane cost ros tere pron the Conta! Pc abe {> edad under he Ma Corte n whieh cove Subcontot Pe chal ba ‘hte to ha Ma oxen thar te Centat Pros sal bo asta ure te Man Cents. ‘he Subcortacar sal eutme to the Cotacio, wisn 7 days of he Contantor's aque do eo, a breskonn ofeach arpeum prc nt Subeoict. ‘new tes fs an arount for echance para: stated in te Agger to the Socata Otay tha Contactar hl havo Sagan fo rae sn aercs payment he Sasocarectr ues enduro Suscertactereunris sn aero ‘amet gusaries in acorcanoe wih bs Sb-Cse, Te cance pret est ‘boradeln he nstatrani ndin he apteable carers and proportions etd ‘ta Appa the Suporte Oo: Tho advance payment gustan» shal bo In to emourta and ounencien aspen fo tho seve payer, shal be i a shir fr 2 ‘hat of the (usrerive approved by tho. ghee’ une” Mah Contact Cause 162 Vadose ‘Famanf, ern te tam tl ray be aged betueen the Corrado wn the ‘Subeoraca, and eel be issued by an et an fom we accu (chat |iedicter) approves by be Conracer Tho Sibcentacer shal come tht te ‘rantonis val ard rkoceaio ntl te advance payor hasbeen apd bu rou maybe progreie rduced bye aunt repby fe Subsearectr oe ‘edn payments cherie dat Tho adianee para chal be repaid twough puceiage dacs fit ‘Payments rade the Suboorastor er SoCs 146 tin Soak Pont) tte arose rats of cne quar 25%) othe aretha TAO as Mortny Stators tha ‘sbcontactors ‘Statement st Completion Contractors Payment Coroate 146 Intrn Subeonract Payments H-the science papract has ct bean resi: to the trgonr of the Sibsormact Woks or enor to ‘eminton ef he Sbeorrack Oe whe of Te Ilece then cutsarng shal recital become oe ard pole by te ‘Sonat fo th Gora ac Sibconectes monty cstaent shal tue the are at out a eaganhs (reine ard ew parapap andy of Mah Correct Ouse 14 pecan fer sin Payment Cates) The Subeortacer shale stature a fan7 ae ete ed le fer svoneson oth Conracors Serent st Carpson une Man Carat ‘Cause 1.10 [Storer at Compson) Proves fat, FSub-Oiuss 103 alr (iar by te Contact sep th Suscorectr shal sli sere no te ‘tan 2 cays afl he wc of ha Sxbcctract shave bean tener ye (Caebacoe The Subs sant sal show tw rmton ret ot ‘Suboantct sent out bsp) nue ct Man Corte Cause 14.10 Statens at Comper. ‘The Contactor shal al esproptts provion othe amu etc in each Stearate mothy salamat ta Contacrs rot Stare uncer Wan ‘Coitact Gaus 14 opicaton for Ian Pyrat arene), The sgaton hal bo ntsc n to Succrtacor nag eure he money etre the ‘Corrector Ih secures with Su>Clause 743 [Subonretors Monthy Serene. itn 70 dee oacat by ha Contact of he Suberactars ent eatanert ‘fo amaus melo het satonert and any cer sume to wich he ‘Sibconactris een the open of te Contact, sal be dus a payee ‘he Subconuacr fe pect fratarcn es heer C, te Corte Stat be anted to Gaauct sn amour or rte, cet by ser he Dorerage of aan sad nthe Aopanci fo te Sbaartactar Off he Braet thrice ue fo fe Sabecrretr, ur Be ameut so lars by he CCntrecorresces the Ir etston meray arsed the Aopen 12 Ssbootectors Ofer roe hat suc ths obit to ay pura oth lst argh of > ‘Cause 148 Pr Stooontact amor the Contaccr dal be abie own dlr cayman of sy sue in # Sciec's mony sae t fe ert athe rotas te Subconracter witin TO cae ct NE recOpt Dat ery 2 romentwh asec ice a cium snout i eated nth Append to the Subcoctrs (fer he aroused ne Sucre’ ney eae eth ALAN wr Payment of Retention ‘Money under the ‘ubeortact wth any sums to wich the Serr might ohevise be att nthe ‘on of he Carrcty at ar al tons ar) ae dtr, ae. ‘ee the cgpopate tan bie mit amour Sava thal ema ha. ‘ot op othe arcurs inte Subootactre meh sant wich a ‘elasein te Oost rt stent ude nn Cricut Ubpaiaton fr Ft Papert Cart), (6) fhe areants hed in he Sotoorata's many eateant eet cried bythe Egiae an erly tot sent that suri nt cri by ‘he Ergo frofdettat euch flee ont fot dusts aor tat (tte Connester unde Man Contac (Sa encunt nouded the Suboeneacers mony etter neve Deen ‘cafe by the Enger bl he por hs a! rake pyre le tha Contactar ronpae of hse amounts and nyt the at ts Employer a fae ora payer Prod al ahr py ak ste (8. ny actor detect ne Contraco nde Mal Contact andor a erpljers baretney 9 nasany srg queen hang = ‘Rosveg or sorinstaen ocr mace aaret im, compound wih Fis credo, or caning cn buses tnder a rect, utes ot Imanepe for bare Ne tors or by sey act whch andor pple Law) hava alr ecto ay of teas csc vet or (0 Conese thy oor etary em nthe Subcontractors money sme © not Go In eccordnon > tw Subcreec ando te Conzactr 8 ened to deduct ary sum pursuant 10 Sio-Cause 83 [Canrate's Cams n comecton wih he Sacantact. Payment te Contr to ne boone af ery manta a Subeontectors ‘monty eaten win has vous boon witha! dtr by the Corator ‘albert bythe Cot of sy rere ha Ele wht nee a eum nest he ame {Lt Subeontacter & under ctgaton to pode a Sibcenact Peromance Sanity under th Subcontract retrain tere the Su Csun oary ‘ther tam ofthe Subcontract no arent al bere due at payin fo the Siioxacr unt socutly i aocodance wih Sub-Caus 42 [Subcanvact ‘Potomance Sacat/) tas bean debe he Corsaro, Whew parcontoge of enon sated nthe Anand to the ubeotatar' (the Contract shal pay to he Suboarranr hereon monay unde he ‘Soceract In the sama. popartore fat sppy te Petar Money ‘rcrdanoe wih Main Contact te Retain Money fn accra win Nah Cerra issn 14.9 (Payton Money coat an 14 ay ete Cerri as caved payment fom ba Epi Pros that S-un 103 [Taki Overby the Corsactr appa: (2) w te whale of the Suboortact Work, tbe Corkactr etal pay the Sueoarvstr to tat a of he terion menoy naa he Scorract no later fan 28 cay tar he whats ha Sbortrct Mots have boo (oa oar to have beer) tke by be Corea, ib) toapartonesuncorrct Wot, he Carracer sa pay the Sante {porn ofthe ataron mene ude Subsorast tr tan 23| days iter at par Pas befor dra the Ber ake bythe ‘sroome 2a ‘contact The pocaron stl be 40% ofthe proper cot by diag fe esata euocormact valve of to part byt esi at ‘Suborect oe ee (@) the Contec cal ay the Subcotractor e outstanding bance of te ‘eaten sone ue th Sconce an TO da at to ety (tte Sutaormas Dsl Nesfoatan Palos Howove, tary wok ana + egrets under Cause 11 Dstcs Lani te Gorrie es I ‘o.wlhpal poymartof Be asia cost of ie wake wilt Ras been : ‘owt, 148 5 Fal Suocontact © Tas Sucoractor al rapa eet eh tent ths Contactor Payment sum wich te Susortactars clon te Suber Poe tly fis, shown dat th vas ofa Wo dene accorance wih a Siboract fc ay iter sure ih he Suboxtac xrar tobe di, ogee ‘wih euporing documents. The data eaten ha ke no ecean fary of the matters. cored In sparagaphs To ff of Sub-Cause 140 Prot - ‘Stocontuct Paar] and sha be sto’ ne a a a (a) "7 cays efor te di dn er sioision of the Contactors ef ra SGsemare uncer Sioa Contac inte feptetin or Payment Orit fh Man Crt, whch cus ee tal be noted > {te Suboarrce by Contacto cr (0) 28 dee ctertha cy ft Supconrct Detects Netston Pad, fSib- Ghuse 103 Tak: One by the Contster apps 1 the win of hs Stoonmct Wares Ihe Carrie dre th camo velar pr of th Suber {hal stron, he Subcowac shal suet he Attar Warton tate (Ganoactor ay asec equ aroha maka thechange nis rt ert ‘hat may bo. agreod burweon te Cartscor ane the Subconraste The Stboarectr cal ten popes ee eb o tbe Cartacor ata tare 5 | ‘aged no lar han 7 das baste ue dr susmlson of Corts Fal Sutomort under Man Cartact Oost 4.1 [Aptcoon fr Fn Pant (rtctaurlch n e eel bene the Subcertvace y the Contac. “Ths aged inal ctsterent shal be he Subconsacars Frat Saimet. However loaing dacusions baboon the Cntctr an the Subearact ee {any rovaon fo a Suboarractors du ra estar. bacomes ert tet © ‘epute ext, th Contr eal ate paynart ith Subcontract {te undonted pare fe Subsonectr's a a sistant Wo El an 35 Cy ar ect ts saan. Wii 04 days ter he ep fe Succi Deft Notation ted win ‘4 dye af the Contactor has oi tl pent unc the Ms Cotact rospect the Subcontract Werk, wlherr se acne, he Conactshalpay {othe Subcorracor bance othe Sutoartect ety dus 14s Dagny © He Crna pm yi prey ne ait te UNO Clase 145 thirin Subcantact Pama, tn tho Coot: dal pay the ‘Sbcortectr te nou of rer capes appeal to oe au tha ‘ite re pulley ths Empleo Conocor tno Nah Centact en 148 [Dales Pane ros at he par ny hal be sero conmanc ‘ont dt aan peti! nub Cause 4 ttn Suteott amant Fusert by ho Contactor oe Subcormactr of te are of rans Sarge fer withat or dete pent shal be oe win 18 ay of Dome! by he ‘Centstar fo te Subconemser of he acu wich nae prety wel oF ted, crn 7 dy at eo bye Coneetr ofan payer fom tho EEraojer Wt accaarce win Man Cones Cse 148 [Daeg Pema wich "rauoaea eum respect fhe ance, cto’ he sone (Grsstion of ho “The Contac el net ltl te Soonractr fray mata cng sg Contactors Listy out oer conocten wih fhe Saco! or eteoson oho Subsoras Vers ‘stem te catch Prerance Cost aad unc Man Cowock, whieh dts Sls poreay ota: w te Sucertact bythe Conese, oan tothe ear hath SubeoectarPa gen a note of cami scordare wh ‘S-Caiee 20.2 Subonavacta' Cans] oa a The Subcontract sa oman etd to erat rhe inet of ay ator vel vane upafarmadtr he cae he Partomaros Cate nd {he Man Contr. vat Subcontract Curencies The Suboontact oer any arount un under the Cau 1 [Swartact Pree of Payer ‘2 Paymen alt pal th caer earache Gals ne Aare Siocontmctrs Ofer. ees of the Main Contract and Termination of the Sul t by the Contractor ‘Tomato ofMeln fhe Mah Contact stems ete Contacte sner ta elt sed Centract fom paromnnos of he Man Cornet under Man Cott Cue Te Psbose ‘tom Porlormarce ur th La, Ban to Contador may by rece te ‘Stbcoractr tia te Seek ‘ain whee has ens 0 iti 7 cay tar the data the ple rune ta Permance Secu ace the Nain Oorirect. ich ct sal be oat nls othe Subconra by the Contato ein 28 ay afl noon of tration nda is Sub Gaus Pas talon efi, sicher I eat, the Cortactr shel tr the Subeonract PPofomanos Gacy to the Subcortcay ues the Man Coat hae boon ‘rinsed eo a oneegusce ofan bash oe Subcoractby he Sabaneta Ie me Subconect te tannnatec andor Sub-Cause 16:1 Tamfation of Main Conact an the Coneectrs akon thal hav regu fo the Eighee's saison ined Mala Cotac lsh 16. Ututn t Date Toator. : ne Subconzct ternal ua So-Chse 15.6 Teminaton of Suconact bys Contact han re Coactore elton tal how rogers o Su>-Ces 23 [Ewalatin unr te Secor, ‘The Contractor hal gre ron, wth suppring parce th Sabeotacr of the ein, 1 Paymont ate ‘toe camaton of he Subconsac res fom trntn oktb Mah Cont or “Termination of Main fom te relate of paternarce oy the Canactr anor Exo. ft Main Gontact. Contoct uncer Man Corract Clause 2.7 Floss fom Peromanos unde the La he oun al be ce and payee oe Suboonactonek teee famous or Costs have rot been Gone by paras -aasy mde. 10 Te ~ Siboontector thea otto Suboonvact Werks, Siocenct Goods and Suboerecter’s Decunents dary afer sure due ote Subconteter we seed ie acmdanen wi tho Subosriac, es ead mn sccrcaos Mn Su Clase 152 iaten ats o SudcontmetTermrasor: (2) ta Geet ot enora ote SubzanracorsEgapmert are erp worse from tw Sto and f roquled by the Subenaca, eum Pec to the Scorsese county oF ay afr cetaizn at io get cost (©) te easmatle Cos of option of te Siboaacers a a abou ‘peje way contecson with te Subsontest Wore a the date of torn: (6) any ober Gost or abiny win nthe etcumstancse was rensoraiyncured bythe Subcorsactain he xpecton ot oanpetng te Suter Wer, a ()ylssofproftor teres or cag austchod by ho Subcorbacr a0 8 ‘eet of hs trenton, I the Main Contact has bean terisied under Man Contet Cu 152 ITemnston by Emgbye], wibss the Nar Contact fas boon eid ob 3 ‘oreequence of uy rach oe Subcontart by be Supercar, hen ayer Dy the Gores cy of tease arnt or Cate wb su arty aor temintn ofthe Sue |tMan Conract Clues 197 [tase om Paromance unde Lav pees 0 ‘ho Man Contact rhe Man Conc has en sarin Under Mah Cone huss 182 [einai by Contactor ih Corect Cause 198 [Optcna Temhaten, Payment ard Rabase), thn payrart by the Contac 1 the ‘Sooractr ony of sa mounts or Cos Sl bs Gye aie ‘he Contecter ofan payment fom the Emecjer wich ees a sum aoe ct the avout 11 dee afer orien ore Subconcat wichve ea Ay ‘Suboorrct Part or mari al boars te propery fe at foo Enpoyr when pad or byte Bplay and be Sabconacor al pace th same site Emnjers dence, itm Msn Contact ha bean emia es ccnsaquence of sy beach ot ‘he Subcontract bythe Suboortader, o pares become as user UNTER B i i 164 ‘ot Subcontractor Bross tis Sub-Cese and Sub-Gane 16 Tamia of th ah Cartact \Cansagee of S.ecoreactr Bsc] shal ee (+ fae an Contac has Bon amistad unde Man Contect Gauee 18.5 IEreloe's Entarert to Temnatol or unr Man Coract Cus 188 + Rpt Teration Parent and Foose, cr un: Ms Cot Cause 52:7 Faase tr Poors und fs Las| hn be Subesnzeesk avo sims 0 payment of ary os fro end 1 rating nti Sub-Csues chal act ary tof eth Pay t rcave ‘arnt inept anes ot Suber sry he te Pay pero heteminaon, oy oe igo payer unde Subcoras. he Main Contact sealed sa consequence any bach athe Susconct bythe Subsontace, the Suncast calbe ere To pam o. 4 thevabo oft Subcontract Wr, Subsoniact Good as Subcontract Documents, and ay oer eur dit the Subaonacr or wrk occ ‘zur witht Subsonect, Wo eee hsocercanco ws Sub Gate 182 latston at Deo Ssontect Tema), eoe a hs vaio srt aad been coved by ayrnts ma ob Subsoneaon, 2 fry snouts econrad ty the Epler tn ti Cates undar Nn Contact Cate 1. Payment ater Tn heptane Cot bresatng. coreeing and radi of any dec, darages fr cl, ad homer cos oar bythe Employer eorpetan of te Saoottact Mona sedioce (6 ery ooo an damages neure bythe Conrctr aor ay ote ther ‘sbconactors a8 veut tamination of he ih Crack. ‘odio that ie payment by ha Contacte dal rot bears due wl tthe rors under aub-pagiaph shove favo Seen esceriod und the Mn Contact wich nouns sal be pomety ile 1 te Subeoneacer by to Conte Ifthe aneut of ub-ararach (a) ove las than te agate sum of the smears of subpurgrare ad (above, to Gortasor cal ba ead ‘covert bare form bo Sibson 11 the Subocntctor fs tocar out sty ablgston unde the Suber, the Contacts may by soe eure he Subconracirrake goo a ie sh '0 reo lw a easonab tee pont by te Corba: ‘Th Contactor sl be rita ori te Subcnsch tout prion ny vm oo LIEN rat tthe Subcontract, erate he Subcontat and ed te Sibcerador ferme St, erect the ese e-prarah or ot Mn Const Cos {52 [fempaten by Ereaye whens Contacer may by noize terse he Suboartect indi nas of ering te Scare te Contacte May {aka ponte Stboorvct Nes eu of De anda ofthe boone ne ‘ay ensue ad comple, hve exo an carpited by oars Mis pat ot ‘ho Subcontact Wate hs ere Career ay one: Ne Col ee See temine soars Ith Contactor sams Suara aornen wth is Su>Caue, te [pons ofthe roo pages of Man Conect Gauss "6.2 Taro BY Ente tae ise Contacte emits te Suoocriat oscones the Sebi re ‘Scorer ea bs este paymat |B he vt of to Scbcotast Wats, Subocrart Goods end Subconracter’s Docume and any fr sare cat the Suoortosa fo werk xscuse 'p ecousaoe wn the Subcoreat, se xa Ih accrsanes Wh > (Cate 162 Vator at Dor Subcorac Tambor) ner aaa vie es nt edy been coe by pent ade te Suboariacte, a ‘amour far loses and aragee insured by he Conary era Cot enacting areltng aero of ey cts, damages toe (i nd al aber coe rewnes by Be Carrer ih cove othe Sisoonract Wor. Prod ta the peymar by te Contacte sha rot baci du Ut tar he sero undr sub-paragraph fl tvs es been sotahed re amount of sub-par abo ale than fhe amc of et gareaph sor, Contactor al oe ta eve te blancs fr he Sabon, Protest etn ne Sub Cau al eat iter Paty rose arent in respect of any breach fhe Subcontac core by the a Pty pier to the temibaton or ay othr dg 4 payment spotod nda he Exoconeact, subeGn ‘and Termination by the Subcontractor 63 Sibcontacto's Ite Coractorfaso pay ay amour whch ed oh Subsonestr pusnt Enthloment to Spend to: irk cine 14 Subcontact Fit and Pama bt sj to sub-paragrche a lth Subeonrctr tesa est penn deeb inh above nos ere gga roe of ert th Scarce hal reser ermal Woe ‘Secon a ons clase Inte Subcontractor eure ay andr ius oat ms recut of saperhg wer lerecucing ne rte of wot accordant Hs Sub lus, th Scxnraco ‘Sal ge roe tote Cara and hl be ete, sbjct Sub-Catme 202 [Sutcotract’s Gens, to an odiraen of tre unr Sub Onur 63 [Eten of ‘Sipcnct Tin for Compton] ard parent of ry Cot pas essa pot ‘hl lle ein te Subconent Pes, “emnaion by * ‘Subcontractor (2) winn 28 cays ater hing retin in accordance ih) Sub-Cuse 181 [Sibcanact’s Enttumant to Suspand Wor) the Subconsatrcea nt "aces payor erode rt: (e) the Cantar the EmpiyerBecoros bark a hay, gas fo Teticeton, fee a oavng er earncoaten eer mace agar Ne, compounds wih econ, or cares on burs nde ect, sts rrnanaga tthe bunt ois edie, ary acts cane recon which nde apple Lan} has @ slr eet fo ary fe 2 oF (Be Contactor substaraly ‘al to pam tie clyatene under te Suboonict, ‘ten te Sibcortactermay oan ghrgetosto te Ceres, wink pesto fry cin right or meds indore Saeortact or ahandan, ore te ‘Soconract inthe cso of ab>-argrche (a and (of fis Sub-Chus, the ‘Suoserivactar shal ge net se tha 18 dey roo, a the coe bub paraysoh F) of thi Sub-Caun the Subooacor may by Poe Wee the Stooentact meaty. 163 Peymanton Temiatlon Aer 2 nce cf rian inde Sub Cues 18.2 (Tembon by Subeontacty by Suboortacter Fas take ec, tho Constr stl empty i (stun oe GuteonrstPertomance Sei ote Subcontract (8) pane Subcoranterns amour ena Cota set uth ao parma to {of Su-Chazo 16. [Pomert afr Tartan of Mai Contact recta as ‘hoe amas or Conse net been covered ayant recy rie ‘he Subanon Prove at thing ni Sb-Cl aft thei of eer Pry ho ‘ujmant in vespat any wee fhe Simonet comedy tea: Pay oro the emia, ory ter it io peyment unde te Sbconiact. Wor hal ats ota Ensayo th Contec, espcty Proved Pat ati ‘acponabiy seo pases othe Enpoyer or he Cott, he Subeonato at: © teherapertity rth at fry wo wih usta nthe dat of" tekng-ow rl bb oulstardg wechas ben rae, (0) bolle for ony bee x cage coved by ary lena peer by ho Stbeortacer tra 5 (@) balan eran or damage wich occurs and tich aes oma prove ot foto he Sion wae le. tery oar damage hippo he Subcortrect Wore dung th aro hen he ‘Sdaconeectrbesorabl thet ca ar ay cao wh sth spenseity fhe Soar, th Sdbortact fal var coy ety fe es fda ‘tN rk ae ae hte Subcotact Wore con with th Sobor. Prodsad that, fay ach las oF camago stece fom @ caine Wich nee repens ote Subcersacer the Suncor tal 0 et diy, cty the loa or damage ao tat the Sutennact Were Canon wah ie Subcetoc ert |W soc to Sub-caura 20.2 [Sibcontacto’s Gs, be ete Yo recov tote Cats ary Cod enero ‘The Subsorract chat deity thos reiss he Cractoragaretand for chins, crags, sas and expense fnucrg kp ees and woaran) ‘eepecof hone maar oo oth subparagraphs eae oan Cotter se {tracts M2 contractor's “Te Contraco cal are acl harmlgsthe Stoo gare sn fem Irdomnisor a cams, cargos, ss, ad experene fren lg foes and parse) respect a (eh the matinee desosbad fn eub-paregrnte fil, () and) of Ma Contec Caves 183 fneuance aparet yf Pecone ard Osage f Proper (2) Ta er dec, or crtsion in ary clamant ofthe dino he Parmar Wort oer than dae cued out bythe Suoartesor purer to fe celgatons under the Subcontract, Ce) bedy Firy snes, eee, oF dha, wich Is atrbutbio to ary eghance, wt actor eject by the Epos he moe’ Personnel | fy eta apache apes: ae (4) tee mate stcutn ef Ma Coneact aus 17.1 ste wa ‘Subcontract imitation Nether Party sha. be tito the ote Pary forbs of use of any Suecontact eruisy Wor, asf pot oso ey comet or rary eto arena as ot ‘mage which ray bo eur te che Party Women tb aboot, (hath under Gee 1§ Teron othe Mat Cont ac Tatoo ht ‘Subcontact by te Contactor, Si> Clause (7.1 ho Suecersactors Fs ad Irderes] meer Sup Clase 172 The Cartactos raarriee tw. fob of he Subeoneaco to te Canvactor nde xh conection with ucortect ctr an under GurClause 7-1 [Sacontatars Ue af Tarparay Wer, enaor Oar Fates, SubClass 72 Presse J, Sub-Guss Br (Subcontect Damages Oly) and Sub Cause 17-1 Ul AOA 8 q [subcertecars Asks and enn) shal not exe he oun ete the Feder Conon of Subconract ofa sun 8 et 0 sed) te Ae’ Sibcontact Arse, The Gub-Gao eal ot Int Ib nary ate of td, delete to ees scoot yt dealing Party subfoGer Insurances : tea Subcontract (align oes 102 Inetraroe ranged by the Contactor tnd/or th Employer ‘The Suboontac shal afc and malin neurance eget the fel ann he {us and tha nares speci pAtrwxE. Th Subooneacter sl mata hese ‘raraoae temo SubortactCormancrrt Dao une Suncast Wen ‘ove bem tens fn soocance wth Sb-Cruse 102 (aking er ofthe ‘Sioanact Weer Sub ues 10.3 alg Ore by th Contr, rove sae mat the Subcontract shall au the Sbeortctas Paarl in ‘ho ke manna that Const request nus the Otacors Pesce Under Man Caract Chun 6 hsuranae for Contocta’s Pasa, and be Conrectorsal ab bo nei unde the ley of aren ecep tat Ho surance my ice esse clrs otha car tht aye em ay ec of lect te Contacte ofthe Cortoctr’ Parra ‘The Coneacer shal ofest an mats fv harencs fr woh to sponte eae Mal Cartact da fitch a et tn oat © Tho das of reranes fay ob erarged by the Epler und the Mo onset ee ao eu Aone. Whats Subcenrsctr doce ary nada nesses dpeaon wh hese Feuraoes when refonng te isrsce coveago ofthe Subearaact ‘Wor cr exacutg the Subcontract o te Caro. * (9). the Contacto andr ta Enpiojr se rsrng Paty under Mah Cosact (Chuoe 18:2 fhetrarc fo Wand Catster Sader (b) the Subconsct Wene, Suoorract Gods ober Digs Baoan tote Sooratr are cstoyedercaragea aug the ptoa hte Cantactr ‘Srequedto mann are ne ths Man Cora an (4s calms echtlenoa In repoct that which wae Sostoyed or caapod ‘rc te bart poly of harance, ‘ter asain that ec psaoy he overt bore he Subcom a ‘be ai the amount of hla dm es any dou othe ent of fis ns, hover ls, ar al spl the sum epg er epetng ta hich was a Ireter Pay tla eect rd arian any surance gute oct an raktan under t Subsonic laf toprol salty oon of [tmaanos and ree forthe payment of to caer pela, who lay {ang eect ris edn by th oer Pay, tn ota Pay yi - 3 opten and wihout pce eat thar igh arte oferta >: pure or thereat everage ar pay ho pruuna a. Tho Paty st thal ben pay the amount of so poiune pus wy ea expres roared (@scang ls rss tothe ar Pay on autor oth Sebo Pe. cull 2. Force Majeure ‘he priors of Mel Contact Ouse 12 ace Maso. shal sl 0 the Face tee Sibeoreec WofSQuocontractors Claims and Disputes aoa ost praca fo te gana f Clute 4 [Tha Subcontata whonae tons ‘Contact reed yt tere ofthe Min Carat to geen eo eat Iam to Be Ergreer off te Exelyer, ft ko coteperay rece (whtarn elton to la a chase os ecar at eae tee py 0 Subcoract Werks he Subcanvacte sal ues ela tose oe mikeraten is wg fo the Contactor an tae tha cortamoory roe tt wil eneio a (Canztrto campy win tes tre he Vn Casa The Subootor shal ‘do con go tino fo enable Cortada to core) wi these ts Proce ‘Sues tate Subcereare Sl be excoss fom ary nen-corplane wh ths ‘ecuesent ao eng he coud rt have rosso eon of Coracte's ‘ood of ante rida an oh sorta rete Notwtistancing Sub-Chuso 202 [Subsaacta's Cin) and SubClase 33 [Corsacir's Quire i soneston wth the Sibconac) each Pay hal enedalt ge noe othe ar Pury of a eet ws Sosa, oF pectic pebase fii een) or teunetane wch ay eer et he lor Pri’ acs, oF cy Be scion of Pe Subconect Wer acer the ‘Man Works. The Subcinvactr sual ined ga otce th Contac of ary overt hihascocune,e ape pobab We veto skemeanen) welch may bereaso a Subsaact Poa and/or Cate Pos Bsc m2 ‘Subcontactor's isims I he Subcontractor cone hime to bo ented to any etersion cf the Suboonact Tine fr Comolaton andior any ada payment, wear 2 (Guse of heae Congona rate h conecton wit te Subcrast, Man ‘Genact Cassa 2% (Gantactare Gabe] ehal 9p to Subeonraciars clams, Seve ht . ‘pf ot roc apposite’ are shal ba ret tar than 2 aye afr th Subconratrbecare ava held Pave become nar) 4 ma Fata to Comply ma ‘Subcontat Disputes uch chr pti as may be roped he Subsotactr nd pproved by tte Oona (6 Berternce lo "Part Carta shal be reploed by itn peyment Fade to te Subooracer ner SibOaise 148 (han Suecontact ‘aman end (the lowing sha etace He penta serepraph o Man Contact Clauss zoutemtatiors ‘The Oontactr sal con wn the Gubconzacte hn eer ach aguoraet oh be eseron of tbe Subcenct Tie er Camelia andlor ‘tcltans pementto eh ne Soccer ray beni te Gn ‘2eerent et wahed the Covkactr shal win 42 dae st eetieg fom to Subcentecer Rly dead in of ary ther prune ‘eins bythe Cont own asc a rs pod aed between ePates maka a far docion, tng cum regard to the Subconmctors ‘Pbhiose, ho nto wich hcl eer peyrent andlor ‘auraon of ne Fos boen subsasted, and al fer rlvart Sreumstross (© not te Sabontactoy, wh reson erring eee tis sb- awgrph ote eopontas ad plate adorn pyre ary) Ser etanson Wen of re Subset Tne fr Caper nd (aro acer pyront ay oh Subeontractr r ant he {endef eyo te Subeontct Tre er Compt, ach Party sal ge oft to each agusent eats or dco nad under is ‘Sb Gao ree end ul fend unae Obie 20 [need Dipte) ‘toy reason of wy aus bythe Subcontctr oooh lh be et pasgaph of Gub-lausa 201 [Notoas) aneor the. proveona ot Sub-Geuee 202 [Subsonrat’s On) te Contacte prarisd For recor sry um ater ‘imninrepectoSibcenvecte’s cai fom the Emciover under he Ma Carat Irrospect fe Sutcontct Wx, wth pee any arenes of the Conran ‘ort fare re Cortaar sl, aubastfo-Sub-toe 23 [Conraca’s Car be ered te cecuc ths eum fom He Subconrct oe. Ire daputs (ot any kd wratsoeve arose beeen te Conmacior and te Suboantecorncomecton wi, oashg oi oe Scartact ore execution ‘ofthe Stbeentact Werks ton eer Party may ge a noteo of Eu foo ‘her Paty (ho "Nac of Cepte, nary Nc cf Dou chen by tho Canta o wih 16 de of acang a Nees of Dapit fem tha Subconectr, the Conracor may aoty the Sborwacta, ahreesong ofa cprion hal he depts oles an aso ses Which e/a also loved fa depuis betwen be Contact: aidthe Speyer Under Mi Contact he Contactar 20 nse Sisco te Parts shal lar ary eer ofthe cant to the Subcorect OAB unl ate at no eer than 112 ye, er afar pero ce ray bo ace etsen te Pus, atrtre cts of fe Nets ot Depts, Ie eabet cf ho Suboarrct depts hart evo bose tothe ain Corrct DAB, he Correct saree Suber! ds tthe ain Contact 8, wea copy the Subootactornacarnge wi Nab, ‘oronae 93 “ CONRAN ms Appainiment of he Stbeontaet DAB E ‘contac lass 204 oth Dou Asean Bows Der wie 28 Gye, othe atic os maybe aged been the Parti, of he Naina f Dopuis. dh Canvas Oates 208 (Bly of Depts Aduceaiy Boas Appctnmar apple unde he Nain Caras, De Conactr a meds ve noon ot Subeoneecior snd (ea Sabosreacer sal n gate, aha Constr al foraion Sretance at rey rosa be ented f0 enable fo Coneasor'o ‘Sigorty pursue be Sibceneact Sapte unde tbe Nan Correct rote tat, # he Sorat opt a ot efor to the Man Cort OS nth tra stein ub sarge) fs Sub-Chus, oF F Mal Contact Chuse 208 [sy of pute Aasenton Soars Aapaberdsepls unser be Nn Corrct ater Party abl nodal sor that Eo eed ler te Subomact dete t the Suecortact OMB ard sb-pargtanh (9 of Sie SP (Gaus cal oiorge ape Any tne ter ha ep Sie sia er ere agreed sb papa (otis Sub Cause (© the Conset sha bo end 19 wr the Subcanesct. ute to he Subcontract DAB er (te Stoconenctr sta, Ne opten be ete to rr ho Subonnct Sets te Subcortae DAB er atatan under Su>Chie 207 [Sioa Aeon, Ie Contactor dows not ret he Soars that the Subsonic pte Inala loo of ute nich Sere oo oled Fy apts between he ‘Consecaand the Eplyerunde he Wen Coactin ary Notoecs Depa gen by te Contactor, or witin 14 dae of esting 2 Notice of ete fom he ‘SUbcarctr, ether Party shal bo ois to et he Suconract duet he ‘Sito OAS, sis ha Suborrct has skeen abanoned rept reine bo Stbocrrctr shal rocoed wi ne Scared ers in accordance win the Saboontast Depts betvean fhe Contactar and th Subcontacoy aha be cased by & Subeorract DAB, whch eal bey pooked by the Pres itn de ar ‘he dat of aNotos of Depus cr wear apoleabh, win 42 ceysais hada of ‘ipl fe tesa or chee agent naub-oaragraph of SubCasn 0.4 [Stouonact Deus. The Subsea OMS shal compe, eed the ‘opareht he Suncoast’ aa! one Yee suey aie aan, Ith Bt fo to ages unon te appoint of ho sale mera, cay fe ‘hoe amber, fhe Suononret Da wn 42 ce ter ne cateof Nas ot Depa hen te appt eto: fal ramed inte Aspanc to Tose oe ln Contact sah upon tw request of ether o both Patles ard at due ‘neutson with oth Parts, separ the member to comple bw Sibconct [BAB The sopohtnant sal tefl and conse Each Party sna be meponséle ‘er pag ona otto earaton of he paring ony ok “The appatient of ay member may be terns by mutl ageemant f Eth Fe er omar © te Sa es ee 5S cine agen by both Pare, the ppontent tite Subcorsact DAB rode ES cach mar shall ere when ha Subcontract DAB has Geis decison on the as Obtcning Subconbact Di Cellon m7 ‘Subcontract Arbieaion res cher ps hee bee farad to he Susztact DAS by ht tne undor Sub-Ciue 205 [Ootanrg Socontect DAB Dacor, ewe aera era ‘ts tal be when the Susconret DAB hs oo gan eels on ee den. bn at ctr respect tan Contact Cause 202 noomant of th Dou ‘Acucaon Bear) sal opt tn appoint of te Subsret DAB, erat ‘hat Ruse tw 4 of be Poceatra Ps anesed tothe Gan Canton of Dip Acjudeton Agoarare sat not SpE ther Party may, suet to Sib-Chuse 20.4 Subconmact Opus, wa 8 Suboareat autem wring os Subcoract DAS rt els wh 3299 ‘to ctor Pery Tho rekreos cl ease to gran us tis Sub Ooo all respects, ter than 26 std the Sublaos, Nain Cartect aus 204 (Ootaning Sipe Audeaton Bows Decor tl apy oO reson he ‘Sbcontact asa. hs erence to Man Conzart lass 208 [ay Ose ‘Adan Boss Arpaia al ok ‘he Subconrct DAS calen Sal beng en both Paulas dur ‘hab roved'n an areste stent oo cee lw, oan tel hard ‘scocdance wih Sub-Cauxa 20,7 Subeontact eater, I str Paty es arto cf easttaton wih be Suboonoct OAS decaon \wthin 28 dae of al coos, boy Paes ea stare i ec the Sitcom ‘depute arial toe te Conmereaat of airten, How res Both Farts age obarin, abtraen may be commence cn the tarteth 9 ‘ter noice of dsstetooten was gon eve ro stanptat iat eatamernat Inthe sent tat a Par fl to coe th any declen ofthe Subcozact OAB, ten the er Pry ay wl paeos to ary or igh ay hae rhe fee ta atstaten unde SubClass 207 [Subconet /vattr the proto of ebsnng an atc thar rain or eta to afore ht dln “Ter shal cen equ och 2 Sutcorras DAS's ean eo camel to etch erica stoner eect fi ference reas sts arab, an Subsorrast depute gpa wich the Bubcenact [Das ceclson nae nt becorme hal and sal oly tos nr 8 ues of Ataason ote namstonsl raeer of Conentce an Main Contact (huss 208 frat] sal pe crow 35 INDEX AND INDEX OF SUB-CLAUSES ‘oes to he Subeantet Were 43 ‘sere tha Sie 32 ‘oops Suporte a ‘Raunt or Crangeen Cot Suboeriact 135 ‘ustents fo Changes n Logon, Subcontract $34 ‘Asvros Payer, Subnet 42. ‘greet, Subcotact, 48 poor 18 ‘Notion Sbserbact ar eeu Documenta. 101) Reimer oa ‘estas bythe Contacer an ‘Booch Tomiaon of ah Contact n Cnsaquinoe of Subooactr 18.4 tot Guan uscontact 1an8 ar ofthe Subcortat Wate wa (Cation of Be Carracter'Lebity 1410 Geese 18 33 2 8s va 82 a 82 ms 18 18 33 w2 a1 a8 ei 8a 368 538 nant ms 37 HTEOOMAREL Headings ard Maral Notes Inder, Conractors Indes, Fe Subcorracars ike and Irstuctons,Coiacta’s Ineurroe Ararge by tho Contactr aco the Emer Insrsee,Evaenos ot Irs, Flee 82 138 "8 28 na a7 Ma 23 28 24 25 138 34 430 19 tS 23 1m 383 a1 72 a 123 me ma wee 383 103 way 143 145 43 a ry 1a sa a) tty comaton of Contests Lb under Subooneact tt en Svea Labi Subsea: Linton ot ‘an Contact Doors ain Cora, Empoye's lis in conection wt (Ounertip of Scbconbect Panter Meats Payment Subconiact Aence Pajment ar Tian of in Contract Payment Soar Curences et Payer, Doyos oan ral Subootrst Pyrat of atertion Mary unr he Subsorret Paya, iin Suooowact Payer on Torro by Subsoractor Petoranee Coie Peorance Souty Subcontract 1430 “7 sa via 22 aa 23 2a 181 92 355 sane 2 2 th wa war 16 185 11 Mt untlyetrte ond Quart Gxt sae emaces under Mala Cota igh, Eten an 24 8s 83 193 24 42 as ‘32 43 +8 a va 26 7 8 42 42 14 Ba 23 1 aa 1 358 tea Lg Sibcontecing ‘Sapare fSubeotract Wersby the Conbactor ‘lrg Our Subsonvat Vere "lrg Orr bythe Corder oe COANE 52 ae n2 23 182 Be at

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