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3. This company was founded in 1888 in Newcastle by Albert, hauling coal with horse and cart
.It became part of the Peko Wallsend group in the 1960s when it transported goods
associated with diversified mining and manufacturing activities.
4. What is used to evaluate a query execution strategy?
6. The DMLs which require user to specify what is needed and how to get it, is called?
9. The first assembly line for mass production was setup by Ransom Eli Olds Six hundred cars
of his model was sold in that year, rising to five thou sand in 1904. Name the automobile.
10. It is widely believed that the Edwin’s idea that “companies would be more successful if they
could call on someone in their own organization for expert, impartial advice “gave rise to
the profession of management consulting .The firm that he started was a notable
breakthrough ideas to credit including PERT , Product life cycle and coining of the term
“supply chain management”

1. This company started logistics service in India between madras and Madurai .Then expanded
to Hyderabad, Bangalore and Hosur. Presently it is having Pan India presence and network
in china and Europe. It won the title of “consumer super brand “in logistics in 2009-2010.It
has patterned with Japan leading logistics service provider Kintetsu world express. Name the
2. In 1950, Genichi Taguchi developed numerical methods to approach quality related
problems .Which famous corporation did Taguchi belonged and developed all these
quantitative methods?
5. In 1986 Adamiecki invented a novel method to enhance the visibility of production
schedules .In 1903 his theory caused a stir in Russian technical circles .In 1931 he published
a more widely –known article describing his diagram, which he called the harmonogram. By
this time a similar method had been published in west in another name .In what name do we
know this method now?
7. This was created by a group of professors at the MIT Sloan School of management in early
1960s to demonstrate a number of key principles of supply chain management. It is played
by teams of at least four players often in heated competition, and takes one to one and a half
hours to complete.
8. In 1950 just after the Second World War, a price was instituted in Japan in the honour of an
American. Name the price?

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