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Aundrei Raphael R. Villaraza, 10-Patience

On a bright sunny day, Reg is on his way to school. As his steps progress, he one

by one remembers what he prepared last night. And as he reached the school gates, he

told himself,

“I’m ready. I have never been more prepared in my whole life.”

Reg’s school has this annual event wherein they can showcase their talents by

participating in events or small competitions made by the school. He was chosen to

represent their class in a literary competition, a Story Reading competition.

But Reg has a small problem. He was shocked and overwhelmed as soon as he

heard his name being called by his class adviser. He can fully understand the situation

but he can’t manage to speak and just nod his head.

The problem is Reg is too shy to go speak in front of a public audience. Reg has

a stage freight. Now he being chosen by the teacher just adds up to the pressure.

“No, Reg, you can do this and just focus on what you practiced last night.”, he told


He is now at the venue where the competition is happening. His heart beats faster

as every competitor deliver and finish their piece. He sat there nervously waiting.

“Now let’s welcome contestant no. 6, Reg of Class 3”, the announcer said.
Reg tensed and exhaled deeply. He walked toward the stage and faced the

audience to deliver his piece.

“Once u-upon a t-time….”, he stuttered.

A moment of silence filled the area. Blank.

Reg stood there dumbfounded. He froze and soon ran as fast as he can away from

the sight of a crowd.

He was embarrassed and ashamed he felt like hiding for days. He tried to throw

away the thought but he couldn’t. He could still feel dozens of eyes staring at him. He

wasted the chance, the opportunity to overcome his stage freight. He disappointed his

class. He disappointed his class adviser. He disappointed himself. He regrets everything.

“No. No, you didn’t”, he said to himself, breaking the silence and loneliness in the

room. “You didn’t waste any opportunity. You didn’t disappoint anyone. You managed to

face the audience and that’s great”, he talked to himself. “Regret everything now, Reg,

but next time make sure you will regret nothing”, he proudly announced to himself and

satisfyingly walked out of the room.

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