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Department Of Management Studies

Paper Presentation




AUTHOR: G. Aghilandeswarie
(M.B.A-I yr. Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College)
Mail ID:
Mobile: 8148314010
S. Komathi
(M.B.A-I yr Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College)
Mail ID:
Mobile: 9566451246.
EVENT MANAGEMENT –AN Events and festivals, such as the Asian
EMERGING TREND IN Games have a large impact on their
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE communities and, in some cases, the whole

ABSTRACT: Marketing tool

Event Management is a phenomenon
Event management is considered one of the
which is developing in the present scenario
strategic marketing and communication
of International HRM. The impact of HRM
tools by companies of all sizes. From
enabled the growth of Event Management as
product launches to press conferences,
an industry around the world, means that the
companies create promotional events to help
management can no longer be adhoc. The
them communicate with clients and potential
development of Event management software
clients. They might target their audience by
companies provide the event planners with
using the news media, hoping to generate
software tools to handle many common
media coverage which will reach thousands
activities such as delegate registration, hotel
or millions of people. They can also invite
booking, travel booking and allocation of
their audience to their events and reach them
exhibition floor space. As a result of this,
at the actual event.
the industry now includes events of all sizes
from the Olympics down to a breakfast
meeting for ten business people. Many
industries, charitable organizations and
Event managers can supervise diverse
interest groups will hold events of some size
corporate events, such as product launches,
in order to market themselves, build
press conferences, meetings, conferences,
business relationships, raise money or
and marketing programs such as road shows
celebrate. This paper discuss about the
and grand opening events. In addition, they
Event management – Importance of Event
can coordinate special corporate hospitality
Management – Event Manager – Effective
events such as concerts, award ceremonies,
building of team through Event
film premieres, parties to launch new
products or services, fashion shows,
commercial events, and even private
Event management
(personal) events such as weddings and
religious services. Event management firms
Event Management is the application of
can handle a variety of specific event-related
project management to the creation and
services, which can range from a few select
development of festivals, events and
services for clients with limited budgets, to
handling all creative, technical and logistical
aspects of an event.
Event management involves studying the
intricacies of the brand, identifying the
target audience devising the event concept,
planning the logistics and coordinating the
The event manager is the person who plans
technical aspects before actually launching
and executes the event. Event managers and
the event. Post-event analysis and ensuring a
their teams are often behind-the-scenes
return on investment have become
running the event. Event managers may also
significant drivers for the event industry.
be involved in more than just the planning  Technical design
and execution of the event, but also brand
building, marketing and communication  Health & Safety
strategy. The event manager is experts at the
creative, technical and logistical elements  First Aid Services
that help an event succeed. This includes
event design, audio production,
 Environmental and ecological
scriptwriting, logistics, budgeting,
negotiation and, of course, client service. It management
is a multi-dimensional profession.
 Risk management
An event architect is an event manager that
becomes involved at the early initiation An event manager who becomes involved
stages of the event. Especially for larger closer to the event will often have a more
public events, at the initiation stage, the limited brief. The key disciplines closer to
event architect needs to make crucial the event are:
choices and decisions related to the creative
concept and design of the event. In depth  Health & Safety including crowd
technical design knowledge and full management
understanding of how to communicate a
company´s message across a public are  Logistics and vehicle selection
needed in order to make the event effective.
 Rigging
If the event manager has budget
responsibilities at this early stage they may  Sound
be termed an event or production executive.
The early event development stages include:  Light
 Site surveying
 Video
 Client Service
 Detailed scheduling and agenda
 Brief clarification
 Security
 Budget drafting

 Cash flow management QUALITIES OF AN EVENT MANAGER:

 Supply chain identification The event planning profession is unique in
that it takes a blend of people, business and
 Procurement
program management skills to succeed.
Here’s a list of top five attributes that makes
 Scheduling
the difference between a good and a great
 Site design event manager.
Organizational skills perfect timing as they weave across the
Events are much like a great stage skies? Leading and managing people are
performance, and the event manager the something like this. The passion and the
show director. Choreographing various ability to take charge of the flow of things
elements that make an event successful is make all the difference at the end of it all.
imperative to the success of any event. Great
organizational skills are the basic
underpinnings of successfully managing EFFECTIVE EVENT MANAGEMENT:
people, schedules, vendors and everything  Knowledge is power: In order to
else. make an event successful,
understanding and knowledge is
Attention to detail crucial. No two events are the same
and understanding the nuances of
Not everyone can have a ‘Steve Jobs-like’
what is required for a particular
maniacal attention to detail to everything. event is crucial. Events such as
However, excellent event managers take the corporate meetings have their own
time to consider the most important demands of protocol and procedures.
elements of an event and focus their efforts Entertainment events such as
on every minute detail for the things that concerts require knowledge of
matter most to their customers. various supporting resources to be
put in place. Before actually
commencing with managing an
event, do make sure that you
Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go understand what exactly needs to be
wrong, it most likely will. Experienced done. Talk to people who have
event managers know that there are rarely participated in such events before,
any events where something doesn’t go talk to other people who have
‘wrong’. They also know that their ability to managed such events before, keep
stay calm under pressure and be the voice of you constantly updated with the
evolving dynamics of each type of
reason is an attribute that makes them great
 Set the Stage: What is perfect for a
few persons may turn out to be a
People Skills claustrophobic experience for a
when it comes down to it, events are all hundred. It is very important to know
about people. The ability to connect, the number of people who are
understand and build lasting relationships is expected to attend the event
a skill that every event manager must build beforehand. Make sure the customer
and improve upon, no matter how has intimated his requirements to
you clearly. The choice of the venue
experienced and successful they are.
will depend on this factor. Very often
the decision of choosing a venue is
Leadership taken jointly with the customer. After
Ever noticed how birds flying in the air in the venue is chosen it is essential to
unison as "one mind", gracefully and in
obtain maps, scout the location, and permissions and procedures to be
take notes. obtained. These range from
 Prepare today, execute permission from the police, civic
tomorrow: Once a high level authority clearances, environmental
understanding of what needs to be clearances etc. Make sure you, or
done is obtained, it’s time for the your customer, have sought and
planning phase. Chalk up a plan of obtained all necessary approvals and
which actions to be taken, and when. permissions. Stick within the
Assign responsibilities to the various boundaries of the provisions during
actors within you team. Track the the event. Never ever make the
progress of each such planned action mistake of landing up in the wrong
to completion. Before a big event, it side of the law.
is crucial to conduct dry runs and  There is no "I" in teamwork: An
simulations. If possible, do involve event involves a number of players.
the customer in such a dry run and In some large scale events, it is mind
walk him through of what he may boggling to think of the sheer
expect during the actual event. This number of players involved. For
will prevent unpleasant surprises. example, in a music concert –
 Time it Right! When planning an musicians, sound technicians, light
event, work out a plausible time technicians, stage technicians,
span. No event should be hurried, sponsors, celebrities and of course
hectic affair and neither should it be the general audience. Each of these
a long drawn affair which puts the parts has to function smoothly in
audience's patience under test. The order for the whole to work.
agenda should be well balanced, with Communication is the key. Frequent
adequate time contingencies built in. meetings, briefings and rehearsals
are needed for everyone to
 Tools of the trade: It is also very
understand what their responsibilities
important to have a grasp over the
are and how they need to coordinate.
technicalities that run the show.
During the event have effective
Arrangement of proper technical
communication and coordination
equipment and skilled technicians is
mechanisms like wireless headsets,
of prime importance. Nothing can be
or cell phones. In teamwork, most of
more embarrassing than a piece of
all, it is important to forsake egos.
equipment malfunctioning in the
Don't try to blame others for
middle of the show. Pay attention to
anything for might go wrong –
detail – for example when two
instead the entire team should work
projectors are beaming
in close coordination to cover for the
simultaneously on two ends of the
slightest mistake made by an
stage, they must be in sync and have
the same color balance. Have the
technicians check and recheck the
equipments before the show starts.  "If anything can go wrong, it
 Rules are not always meant to be will": In spite of the intricate
broken: Organizing an event also planning, rehearsals and the best of
requires number of approvals, your efforts, things may not always
run smoothly and last minute
glitches can occur. Do not panic - be For effective team building, we organize
prepared for such exigencies. Have a various social events. These events are
backup plan in place. Arrange for often affordable, effective and enjoyable
emergency power backups and other form of events and activities we organize
technical backup systems. If an for effective team building. These types
inordinate delay occurs (for example of events have ultra-high and impromptu
a performing artist does not show up impact on our participants, and are low-
on time), plan in advance how to cost activities. We make sure that
handle the situation and keep the individuals mix and mingle well with
audience occupied. each other, particularly if the group is a
large one, or else they will just hang
 Safety is paramount: While it is around one or two close friend and our
purpose of organizing the team building
important to have fun, safety is a
event will be gutted.We carry out various
very important factor. Ensure that
other corporately social events for
emergency exits are well marked and
enhancing the sense of team spirit. These
that you have adequate trained
events include evening meal, lunchtime
personnel to handle the situation in
drink, quiz nights, seminars for
case anything untoward happens.
encouraging and rewarding employees,
Have the fire brigade and
family picnic, coffee morning, etc.
paramedical ready in case of very
These social events are easy to plan and
large events.
execute and we easily organize them
 Smile!: Last but not the least, always without going harsh on our wallet. The
remember that managing an event is serve like in an engine, and generate that
all about interacting with people to all important spark which fuse our
deliver the best results. Keep a participants like never before. We plan
cheerful and positive disposition - it them well and ensure things go smooth
lowers stress for everyone as summer cherries, and no wonder we
concerned. The customer is always craft a battalion of dedicated team
king – some things may not always players.
go your liking, but in the end your
satisfaction would come from seeing Changes to Work Practice:
the event getting executed perfectly. For building an effective team, which
has deep sense of dedication towards
team effort and organizations common
objectives, we organize various events or
EVENT MANAGEMENT FOR change activities within our workplace.
EFFECTIVE TEAM BUILDING: Changes like swapping job between
We consider corporate teamwork as employees, following open door
the juice for successful event policies, organizing team meetings and
management. Motivated minds exert circulating team newsletters improve the
efforts for the common goal of achieving confidence, faith and output of our
uncommon success of planned event. employees, big time. In addition, it
drastically enhances the communication
Social Events: and co-operation among them.
For organizing successful events, we
believe that there is nothing as magical
as an out-and-out team effort. We realize • Leverage existing IT architecture
tons of success by shear team effort, investments
with making all significant groups
engaged in the scrupulous planning • Deliver within client’s cost constraints
requisite, crafting exhilarating and
favorable results for a broad range of
people and groups. Producing
flourishing events is nothing but our art
of heeding facets. The various
technologies/languages/platforms used
Corporate Events: by Data Core include:
Planning and managing events for
corporate affairs is somewhat dicey, ASP.NET 2.0, VB.NET 2.0, SQL Server
challenging and taxing. But, no wonder 2005, IIS 6.0
organizing a successful corporate VB 6.0, ASP, SQL Server 2000, MS
event is one of the most rewarding Excel
things we repeatedly to do for ourselves.
We effectively organize
various corporate event like press
conference, product launch, product The company is in the business of
deal, merger and partnership tie-ups, planning and running business meetings,
quarterly and annual parties, annual conferences, and incentive programs.
functions, and more. In such events, we The events range in size from a couple
deem perfection holds the aces and dozen to thousands of attendees with
before start of the planned corporate budgets in the millions of dollars. The
event, we make sure all modalities are company can handle all aspects of the
working gracefully. event from negotiating hotel contracts,
registering attendees, providing creative
CASE STUDY: materials, ticketing air travel, to on-site

Data Core India has been providing

meeting management services as part of
the Event Management domain that it
caters to. By extending its services in the
data management domain, Data Core
India has been able to: Problem Statement

• Provide a data foundation that supports Data systems within this company had
the vision and goals of the organization evolved separately and were only just
starting to be integrated via selected
• Ensure that the foundation is extensible interfaces. Furthermore, each department
and scalable focused on performing its function
without regard to the overall goals of the
• Enable further alternatives to be
organization. Future plans included
considered by management for current
increased usage of outside service
and future data strategies
providers (ASPs) which also complicates
the process of integrating the The Event Management has now
information. While the company’s data become a successful tool for every
systems were sufficient to support the company while organizing corporate
successful operation of the business, festivals, meeting and other conferences.
they lacked they capability to provide This has made as an effective marketing
analysis of the business as a whole. tool for the company for their target
audiences and creates satisfaction among
The Solution them. It has playing a vital role in any
field. Thus, it has a wide scope in the
Data-Core approached the problem from
a functional standpoint rather than a
technical one and looked at what the BIBLIOGRAPHY:
users needed before offering a
technology solution. Requirements were 1. WEBSITES:
determined by interviewing key
personnel. Special notice was taken of
needs that could not be handled by any en.wikipedia/wiki/Event-
single existing system. An inventory of Management
the available data sources was prepared Institute of event
at the field level to identify what data
could be derived from the existing
systems. Further analysis was done to
see if the fields of interest actually had a
meaningful data population. Also 2. BOOKS:
documented were the keys that could be Bowdin Glem, Johnney Allen,
used to join data from separate systems.
William O’Toole, Rob Harris, Mc
Donnell- Event Management (Event
A multi-tier, Web-based architecture was
provided to serve multiple users, no
matter where they are in the world. The
solution keeps even remote users in
touch with the information they need.
Users can work directly with business
information for ad hoc reporting and
develop their own applications using
advanced data visualization and data
mining techniques via Internet browser
software and the company’s standard
digital tools. The rich functionality and
flexibility of the Web interface
minimized training and accelerated

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