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On year-end holidays, Dad and Mom want to plan a vacation, but they are confused which destination

they will visit.

Mother : "Dad, the year-end vacation will begin next week. How about we go on vacation? Our savings
are more than enough for that."

Father : "Yes, I'll think about it later."

Mother : "Yes dad, but daddy must be quick to decide that and we also need time to prepare for holiday
needs, such as destinations, transportation, lodging, etc."

Father : "as soon as possible daddy will decide it all."

After one hour, Father made a decision

Father : "we will vacation abroad. but, dad doesn't know which country we're going to visit."

Mother : "there are a number of choices that mom recommend, such as America, Japan, Australia,
England, or other European countries."

Father : "well, dad will decide which country we will visit."

father is still confused about which country to go to. Apparently, his girl heard the conversation between
his father and mother and then approached his father.

Girl : "Dad... are we going on vacation?"

Father : "Yes, honny. Are you happy?"

Girl : " yes, I'm very happy Dad. We haven't been on vacation for a long time."

Father : "but, dad is still confused where we are going on vacation."

Girl : "I have a friend whose parents are a travel agent. There, dad can also consult on vacation packages
that are in accordance with the budget that we have."

Father : "try asking your friend first, is it true that his parents are a travel agent."

Girl : "all right Dad, I will contact him."

the next day, the girl met her friend at school. during recess, he began chatting with him.

Girl : "Hi Lala."

Lala : "Oh hi girl."

Girl : " How are you?"

Lala : "I'm fine, and how about you?"

Girl : "I'm fine too. Long time no see you."

Lala : "Yes You're right."

Girl : "where are you going to vacation?"

Lala : "it seems, my family and I will go abroad."

Girl : "wow great. Where is it?"

Lala : "my family and I will go to several countries in Europe, such as the United States, Switzerland,
Germany, etc."

Girl : "how does your family take care of all their needs for a vacation?"

Lala : "incidentally my family used an agent and it was my own family business."

Girl : "wow, incidentally my family and I also want to go abroad and now my father is still confused about
how to get the right travel."

Lala : "don't worry. What if I give my father's name card? So that your father can consult about travel
that you and your family will use."

Girl : "hmm.... ok. Thank you for your help, Lala."

Lala : "your welcome Girl."

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