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Given Data
Static Head = 130 m
Working Head = 104 m
Pipe Dia = 2.37 m
Material = ASTM a570-50
Tensile strength, Yeild = 345 MPa
Two type of stresses are likely to develop in pipe/penstock subjected to internal water
1) Circumferential/hoop stresses =PD/2t
2) Longitudinal stresses =PD/4t
Where P = Pressure (N/m2)
D= Pipe dia (m)
t= pipe thickness (m)
For thickness calculations we assume maximum stresses that is hoop stresses.
Formula:1 Hoop Stress = /
As P=Yw*h
Where Yw (Unit weight of water) = 9.81 KN/m3
P= 9.81*10^3*130
= 1275300 N/m2
Using formula 1 we get
t= ((1275300*2.37)/(2*(345*10^6)))
= 0.00438 m
= 4.38 mm

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