Liddel and Scott Intermediate Θ

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%ovs Hdt. :
a/ta fyi at 2ueAij> TLVQ. to place a man so that his upper half pro-
fte'x/K 5i'A7js otfaV
daybreak, Id, ; a/t* ?<p or ci/ta TTJ =V Thuc. ; Ep. yiaQi jected through this hole, Hdt.
vp6 Horn.; es aw to-morrow, Theocr. 2. since the 0aXap.CTT|S [f], ov, 6, (0oAa/xos" III) one of the rovers on
Greeks counted their days by mornings, 7?<6s often de- the lowest bench, of a trireme, who had the shortest

noted a day, Horn. II. the East, Id.; cwrbrjoSs oars and the least pay; cf. (vyinris, Qpavirris.
as prop. n. 'Hcfo,
<HrpT]v Hdt., etc. HI- 0aXa)xovSe, Adv. to the bed-chamber, Od. From
Aurora, the goddess of morn, who rises out of her @A'AA M(XE, o, an inner room or chamber : 1.

ocean-bed, II., Eur. generally, the 'women's apartment, inner part of the
house, Horn., Hdt. 2. a chamber in this part of
the house: a. a bed-room, II. the bride-chamber,

Ib., Soph., etc. b. a store-room, Horn., Xen. c.

e. generally, a chamber, room, Od. II. metaph., o

TrajKoiras 8. of the grave, Soph. ; TvpL^pvis B. of the
0, 0TJTO,, TO, indeci., eighth letter of the Gr. alpha-
ark of Danae, Id. ; Qd.Kap.ot VTT& yfjsr the realms below,
0, =
bet as numeral
= oWa, ej/aros, but ,0 9000. & is Aesch.; 0. 'A/t^iTptTTjs of the sea, Soph.; apv&v 0.
the aspirated dental mute, related to the tenuis T and their folds or pens, Eur., etc. HI. the lowest
the medial 5. 6 is sometimes represented by <, as 0Acw part of the ship, in which the 0aAojLurcu sat, the
hold. I"V. a shrine, temple, Anth.
$Aafw; so in Lat. %> (Aeol. <$p)fera; 6vpa fores; by
6, as f-pvdp6$ ruber, oirQap uber.
H. changes of 0A'AA22A [0a], later Att. -TTO, ^, the sea, Horn., etc. ;
6 in the Gr. dialects : 1. Lacon., into ff, as craAcwrora when he uses it of a particular sea, he means the
crews 'Acrcb'a irapcrwos for 0aAa<rcra 0?oy 'Aflava 7rap0- Mediterranean, opp. to *lay^y; Hdt. calls the

vos. 2. Aeol. and Dor. into r, as aSris tvreuQfv for Mediterranean i}5 77 0aAa<r<ra ;* so, y Trap TI^UV 0oA.
a30is Ivrc^ey. 3. when 9 was repeated in two foil, Plat. ; Ktxrk 0d\ao-(rav by sea, opp. to fc-efj? by land,

syllables, the former became r, as 'ATfliy. Hdt. ; to Kara JTJS, Thuc. ;

metaph., xcucuy 8. a sea
of troubles, Aesch. 2. a well of salt water, said to
0ctd(rcrG), Ep. form of Qdffffta, only in pres. and impf., to

sit, Horn, y Ep. inf. Qaaffffefiev Od. be produced by a stroke of Poseidon's trident, in the
0a.ScoXt.aj crasis for ra e5cAia. Acropolis at Athens, Hdt.
0aO [a], irnperat. of 0oo/tou. 6aXaa*o*aio$5 a, ov, == BaAdtrfftos, Pind.
0acop,ai, Dor. for tojeojuai (Ion. form of 0a0/i<w), Find., GaXaa-crojw, to be at sea, keep the sea, Thuc. | ra
Theocr. ;imper. Baya'cu Anth.
aor. i 0aAaTTtWra TTJS ve&s /^epi? the parts under eatery
0ttTf3fi,a, aros,T<,
Dor. for Qfafj.a, a sight, wonder, Theocr. Plut.

SCWJTOS, I], 6v, Dor. for QTJIJTOS. SaXdcrcrios, later Att. -TTIOS, a, oy and os, oy: (0a-
to it,
o/, z/z, on or /row the sea, belonging
9al}ia.Tia, 0aifLaTiS(.a, crasis for T ijuaTia, etc. Acwtra) :
0AIPO1, o, z?/zd?
Aznge tf/"
a ^07 or gate, II. Lat. marlmi>s, oi r<|:>i 0oAa<ro"ia Ip^a jue/A^Aei, of the
0aKix, = sq., Plut. Arcadians, II.; Kopwvcu rfffiv re 0aA. ep7a ftcjULTjAcy,
0aK, Ion. and Dor. 0WK6W, (Qaicos) to sit,
Hdt., Trag. ; I.e. which live by fishing, Od. : ^cwrcaa sea-animals,
0aA. landsmen and
c. ace. cogn., GOKQVVTI Trcry/c/xrrets etipas sitting on opp. to ^po"aut, Hdt. ; Tre^bi re /cal
imperial throne, Aesch. : suppliants, Soph., Eur. Hence seamen, Aesch.; 0A. ^Kpiirrfiv nyd to throw one into
0<io] ji.ct, aros, r6, a sitting, esp as a suppliant, Soph.
2. . the sea, Soph, H. skilled in the sea, nautical,
a seat. Id., Eur. ; and Hdt., Thuc.
0<xicqcn.s ecus, 17, a sitting, sitting-place, Soph. 0aXa<r<ro-K<Mr>, f. V^ (/C^TTTW) ]fo sn# ffo s^a rozVA

0atco$ Ion. and Ep. GWKOS, Ep. also 0<$icos > 3, (Bdcrffv) jfA^ oar : metaph. to make a
splash, Ar.
a seat, chair, Horn.; 0w/coi ajairovcrr^piot sz/s for SaXacrcro-xpaTccd, to be master of the sea y Hdt., T5mc.
resting,Hdt. ^ 6Sos Kpcuvvtffvros, of a winged car, 0dXar0-o-KpaT<ap5 opos, d, 17, (/cpareiw) master of the
Aesch., etc. 2. *zcAz> of office, Ar. S. privy, sea, Hdt., Thuc., Xen.
Theophr. II. in Horn, a sitting- in council, 0aXao-<r^-irXaYcTos, OJS (v\a,fca) made to zander o'er

a council, Od. 0wc(h>5 to the council, Ib.

; ; lv 0c6/e$> the sea, sea-tost, Aesch., Eur.
KO.T'hjj.Gvos sitting in council, Hdt. 0aXowrcr4-irXTjKTOSj ov, (rA^<r<rw} sea-beaten, Aescfe.
0aXdfi.a!, a/cos, ^,
= flaAo^iT^s, Ar. 0aXcto-o"o-iropos 5 ov, sea-faring, Anth.
0aXa<rcr-ovp'Yos 5 ^, (^pT 6") ^ w ^ ^^^ works
= 0aA.aft7j, Eur. on the sea, a
0aX<fi.'U|JLa, aros, T(J,

0aXdp,i) [a], ^, a lurking-place, den, hole, cave, Od., fisherman, seaman, Xen.
Eur.; of the grave, Id. II. 0aAajuos m, Luc. = 0aXacrcro&>, to make or change into sea : Med. to be a

0aA.ajJMijios, i?, ov, of or for a 0a\a^oy,

Hes. sea-faring man, Luc.
6aXajiT]-ir6Xog, ^ (TTOACO/IW) a chamber-maid, waiting-- 0aXaTTa, -TT6-UG), -TTtos> etc., Att. for 0aAo<r<ra, etc.
maid,- Od., Aesch. 2. 5, a eunuch of the bed- 0<Xea [a], ra, (0aAAw) good cheer, happy thoughts*
chamber> Plut. H. rarely, a bridegroom, Soph. 2.
as Adj. bridal^ Anth. 0aXe0d>, poet, lengthd. for &&ACU, to bloomf flourish,
6aXa}ii6s, a, 6v, of or belonging to the 0<Aa/ios : as
Horn, only in part. ; of trees, Od. ; of men, Ib. | of
Subst., I. fiaXafu^, d, = 0aA.aju!-nj$, Thuc. II. swine, floAetfoyres aXottpfi swelling* vantonuifm fat, II.
0a\a/ja, Ion. -i4j (sub. /c<^nj), ^, ^e oay <?/ ^^ OaAa- SdAeux, fern. Adj. bloomingf luxurianty g&oHyt &om~
JUTI?S, Ar. 2. (sub. omfr) //ze hole in the ship's teous, of banquets, 0v
Iv IOAT\ 0oAe% OcL, etc. No
masc. BdXvs occurs, 0oAe/fe being- used instead. H.
side, through which this oar worked, 5t
as prop. n. Bd\eia, y, one of the Muses, the blooming ,
= 6afj,&eto, to be astonished at, h. Horn.
one,, Hes. ; also 0aAkj, Anth, From 6>, f . 7j0"6? : aor.i eOa/ijSjjcro, Ep. 0a/t^7jra
^a/i- :

OaXciv, aor. 2 inf. of 0aAAo>. ^ os) : f ^ astounded, ama&ed, Horn., Soph.,

OaXepos, a, 6v9 (0cAAa>) blooming, fresh, of young per- Eur. 2, c. ace. to be astonished at, marvel at, Od.,
sons, Horn.; B. ydpos the marriage of a youthful pair, Pind. II. Causal, to surprise :
Pass., T0aju3?j-
Od* II. of the body, fresh, -vigorous, II. ; B. xodri) JJ.&VQS astounded, Plut.
luxuriant hair, Ib.; a\oL<p^ rich, B. abundant fat, fiajxpos, eos-, TO, (from Root TA<^> v. T^7pra),=Ta<|>oy
Od. ; then of other things, Ba\pbv Kara Sdttpv xeoi/cra (T<^), astonishment, amazement, Horn., Att.

shedding big tears, II. ; B. y6os the thick and frequent 6a]$, ot , dat. 0a/4e<n, ace. -cas (from QafjMSj fern, :

sob, Od. ; Ba\ep}) <j>ct)vf)

a full, rich voice, Horn. noni. and ace. &a}Jitai, as (from 0aju.etos) :
poet. Adj.
only in pi., crowded, close-set, thick, Horn.
0aXe, Dor. for 07?A4). 6ap.Cu>.> (0a^ta) if<? COOT^ often, \jak.frequentare, Horn.,
BaLX-qs, d, gen. <A#, dat. aXf, ace. aX^v Thales : Xen. 2. fo be often or constantly engaged \\ith or
of Miletus, Hdt. in a thing, Od. ; Q#TI Ko/jLi^opevos ye Bapi^zv he was not
0aXio, Ion. -UJ, 7], (0aAAw) abttndance, plenty, good OT>?2^ to be so cared for, Ib. ; fjLtvvptrai dajj-ifovcra aijS^v
cheer, II.; in ^(.festivities, Od., Hdt. mourns o/<??z or constantly, Soph.
0aXX6s, d, (0aAAw) a young shoot, young branch, Od., 0ajAivog, -^, oy, frequent, in neut. pi. 8afj.ivd as Adv. =
Soph., etc, : of the young olive-shoot carried by sup- 0a/ta, Pind., Att. : v.

pliants, Hdt., Trag. ; iKrfyp B. Eur. ; also, BaXXov crre- 0ap.vos, ^, (6afjiiv6s) a bush, shrub, Lat. arbustum,
the olive-wreath worn at festivals, Aeschin.
<jt>cw/os Horn.; in pi. copse, thicket, Id., Att.
0aXXo-cf>opo$, ov} (<f>po}) carryingyoung olive-shoots, Ar. *0afiuS$, v. Qapees.
0A'AA, f . 0aAA77<ra? : aor. i e07?Aa : aor. 2 e0oAo^ : pf . [w]? oy, (Qvf}ffK(a) deadly, Trag., etc.
0avacrtjJi.os 2.
T07jAa 3 sing, plqpf. T60^Aei
: bloom, abound,
0^ or belonging to death, Bav. cupa (as we say) the
to be" luxuriant, of fruit-trees, Od., Soph., etc. ; often life-blood, Aesch. ; /ieAij)a(ra 8. ydov having sung my
in part. pf. Te07?Acfo, Ep. fern. Te0oAvTa, as Adj., death-song, Id. H. of persons, near death, Soph.",
luxuriant, exuberant, Od. ; c. ace. cogn., ov Sevdpt* Plat. : subject to death, mortal, Plat. : also dead, Soph.
e0aAAj' x.&po$ the place grew no trees, 0oAAot5(njs ]8W 0aya.Taa> Desiderat. of Qayelv, to desire to die, Plat.
eAoios- Aesch. b. of other natural objects, reBa\.vta 0ava.Ty]~4>opo$) ov, (<epaj) death-bringing, mortal,
eepcTT} the fresh or copiotts dew, Od. ; T0aAui Aesch., Soph., etc.
aAoi<^p rzVA with fat, II. ; el^a-jrivy reBa^viri at a sump- Oavanacsj, =, Luc.
tuous feast, Ib. 2. of men, to bloom, flourish, 0avaTiKos 4> deadly, 6. ^IKTJ sentence of death, Plut.
Hes., Soph., etc. 3. in bad sense, to be active, Oavaroets, ev, deadly, Soph., Eur.
ff<ra, From
v6cros acl T07jAe Soph. ; irf)jjt,ara del BdXKovra. Id. Hence 0dva,TOs, 6, (Qv^ffKca) death, Horn., etc.; Q. TWOS the
daXos [a], eos, TO, like 0aAAos, only in nom. and ace., death threatened by him, Od. ; Qoatfarov^ to death,
in metaph. sense of young persons, like epvos (q. v.), II., etc. 2. in Att., Bdvarov Kararyiyv6ffKiv nvos to
<^A.oy 0oAo$ dear child of mine, II. ; roiovSe Bd\os so pass sentence of death on one,Thuc.; Bowdrov KpivetrOai
lair a scion of their hoitse, Od. : v. 0ctAea. to be tried for one's life, Id. :
ellipt., T^V eiri Bawdry
aXiricwOj (0(lA7r) #o fifi or become 'warm, eS 0otAiri<$wy ffroX^v) Hdt. ; $?j<rai riva. rfyv lirl

KKo<rpr}fj,VOS (sc.
(Ep. part.) right warm and comfortable, Od. Bavdrov (sc. Sefftv) Id. ; rots *A8iivaJiois emrpfytu Trepl
0aXirvos, TI, 6vy (0aAW) warming, fostering, Pind. <r<|wSv auTWF irA^jy Baydrov for any penalty short of
0dX-3ros, eos, r6, (0aA7ra>) warmth, heat, esp. summer- death, Thuc. 3. pi. Bdvaroi, kinds of death, Od.;
heat, Aesch. ; 0. 0ou the sun's heat, Soph. ; /ieorij/i- or the deaths of several persons or even of one person,
&pLvot<rt Bd\Trt(fiv with the meridian nzys (cf. Lat. Trag. 33. as prop, n., Bdvaros Death, twin-brother
soles), Aesch. 2. metaph. a sting, smart, caused of Sleep, II. III. = veKpos, Anth.
by an arrow, Soph., Anth. 0avo.ToiScria (sc. tpd}, rd, a feast of the dead, Luc.
0aXirnjpios> ov, warming, Anth. From 0ayaro-<f>opo$, ov,
= BavamqQopos, Aesch.
A'AnS, f. jjw, to heat, soften by heat, Od. Pass., :
0avaTo*, f. <*>cru>: Pass., aor. i eQavartaBrjv : f. med.
^T^fcero, Kcurcrirepos &$ BaAtyBeis Hes. : metaph. to be in pass, sense Ba-var^croiro Xen. : to put to death,
softened, \6jois Ar. II, to heat, -warm, without rivd Hdt., Att. 2. metaph. to mortify the flesh,
any notion of softening, Ka,vp eBaterc (sc. rjfias) Soph. : N. T. H.
to put to death by sentence of law,
Pass., TOV 0cpovs- to be warm in summer,
0ciA.ire(r0ai Plat. : Xen. Hence
Xen. :
metaph. to be alive, Pind. 2. to warm at Oavdrwo-LS, etas, 77, a putting to death, Thuc.
the fire, dry, Soph., Eur. ITT> metaph. of pas- 8 ay iv, aor. 2 inf. of ftf^orjcw.
sion, to heat, inflame, Aesch., Soph. 2. to cherish, 0aveicr0ai, Ep. -cr0at, fut. inf. of 6vfi<rK<a.
comfort, foster, Theocr. Hence 9avoiora, Dor. for ovcra, aor. 2 part. fern, of Bv^ffKfo.
0aXir6>pij, rf, warming : metaph. comfort, consolation, 0dvov, Ep. for %Qavov, aor. 2 of Bv^ffKea.
source of hope, Horn. 6A'OMAl : aor. i IQrto'dfjaiv : Dep. : to "wonder at,
0aXvom [u], TO, (0oAos) the firstlings of the harvest, admire, Od. 2. later, to gaze on, see, 2 pi. BaffBe,
offerings offirstfruits, II., Theocr. Hence Ar. ; imperat. Bdeo Anth. : Dor. fut. part. BacrdjJievos
aXvo-ias, dftos, fem. Adj. of or for the 0oAv<rta, Theocr. Theocr. ; aor. i imper. Baffcu Ar. ; inf. BdcrcurBai Theocr.
dv. (a/ta) often, oft-times, Horn., etc. Sairrcov, verb. Adj. one must bury, Soph. From
== 0airTi (from Root TA<
[a], Adv.,
Ba/Jid, Pind. cf. To^vai, T<C^oy) : f 8dfy<a . :
QapyjXia 0EA'.
aor. i Pass., f. ra^crojUot and
&afycti or Wpa thing's
more than wondrous, Eur. 2.
pi. &SQ jugglers? tricks, mountebank-gambols, Xer..',
eSd^Syv : aor. 2 erd<pj]y [a] : pf. reflaju/zau, Ion. in
3 pi. reQdtparai : 3 sing, plqpf . pass, fre&airro to : etc. II. of the feeling, -wonder,
pay the last dues to a corpse, to honour with funeral Od., etc. ; li/ Qdfutri elvai or yiyvw&at to be astonished*
rites, i. e. in early times by burning the body, Horn. :
Hdt., Thuc, ; TWOS at a thing, Hdt. Hence
then, simply, to bury, inter, Hdt., Att. 0av|fco>, Ion. 0wi?jA- or 0w|i- Att. f. Qauft&ropcu, Ep. :

@o,pyi]Xia (fepd), toy, ra., a festival of Apollo and Artemis aaujucurcro/tcu : =ior. i fdav^affa : pf .
reflaiJjua/ca :
held in the month Thargelion, Lex ap. Dem. : apyrj- f. -cur&fia'ojjLcu : aor. i 1. absol. /o
<l8avjj,d0(hiv :

Xiwv, (ovos, $, the nth month of the Attic year, from wonder, marvel, be astonied, II., etc. 2. c. ace. to
mid-May to mid-June, Att. look on 'with wonder and amazement, to wonder
0appoXco$, 0appa>, 0dppa$, etc., Att. for 9apcr-, etc. marvel at, Horn., Hdt., Att. b. to honour, admire,
0ap<raXos, Att. 0appaXcos, a, ov, {ddpffos} bold, of worship, Lat. admirari, observare, Od., Hdt., Att. :
good courage, ready, daring, undaunted, II., Att. 9. nvd TWOS
for a thing, Thuc. ; &r rim Xen. 3.
rb 8apcra\eov confidence, Thuc. so in Adv., 0ap-
: c. gen. to wonder at, marvel at,
Thuc., etc. ; 0. cro9
paX4a>s ex Ly to ^ e of good courage, Plat., Xen. 2. Xeyovros Plat. 4. c. dat. rei, to wonder at*
in bad sense, overbold, audacious, Od. II. that Thuc. 5. c. ace. et inf.., 8. ere irwBGiv Eur. U.
'which may be ventured on, Plat. Pass, to be looked at 'with wonder, Hdt.; BauftdfeTcu
0apcraXOTK]s Att. 0appaX-, tiros, TJ, boldness, Plut. p3l iraptav, i.e. / keep wondering that he is not present,
0ap<rcca, Att. 0appew, f. ^<rw, (Bdpffos) to be of Soph. 2. to be admired, Hdt.; TO, euafa-a 0. to
good courage, take courage, II., etc. : in bad sense, receive proper marks of respect, Thuc.
to be over-bold, audacious, Thuc., Plat. ; Bdpo'ei, 6ap- 0ai>}jMuvfc>, Ep. f. -area*, Qavpdfa 2, fo admire, gaze
oreire, take courage! cheer up, Horn., etc. ; dapa-^ffas upon, Od.., Pind.
with good courage, II. ; so, Oapff&v Hdt., Att. also, :
0avp,dcri,os, a, oj/, Ion. or
06>iij4- 0WJJI-, (Qavjma;
rb reQappyKos confidence. Pint. 2. c. ace., Qdpffei wondrous, wonderful, marvellous, Hes., Hdt.-; $au-
rofSe y &e$\ov take heart for this
struggle, Od. ; 0. /ta<na wonders, marvels, Hdt., Plat. Bau/duritv [&rrt], :

8dvarov Plat. ; 0. pdxrjv to venture a fight, Xen. : c. c. inf., Ar. ; Qavfjuierios rb /cdAAos -marvellous for
ace. pers. to have confidence so also, BapffGiv
in, Id. :
Xen.; Bavfjidtrwy $<roy wonderfully? much, Plat.; ffou-
TIVI Hdt. 3. c. inf. to believe
confidently that, jtiaana ^Af/ca Dem. 2. Adv. -(a?s, wonderfully, i.e.
Soph. ; also, to make bold or venture to do, Xen. Hence exceedingly, Ar. ; often with &s added, 0. s 0\u>s
0ap<n3<ris, Q)$, j) 9 confidence in a thing, Thuc. Plat. II. admirable,
marvellously^ wretched,
0ap<ros, Att. Oappos, W, (6pa,<rv$) c(ntrage, Iboldness, excellent, with slight irony, Id., Dem.; Qavpcurde-
.; 0. rtv6s courage to do a thing, Aesch.,
Horn., Att.; rare foOpurc, in scorn, Xen.
Soph. 2. that which gives 0r Xen.
courage, ddpav} grounds 0av]i.cun-0'up*y<i, (*epyw) #0 wonders,
of confidence,, Eur., Plat. II. in bad sense, audacity, 6ruy.a.crjx6s, 5, (0av/ctEa>' & marvelling, Plut., etc. . 9pdo~o$.
0cu>u*acrros a, oy, verb. Adj. of Bavjj^fu, to be admired,
0aporowTs, Att. 0app-, Adv. pres. part, of eapo~u, Plat. II. neut. QavftcLffreov, one must admire, Eur.
boldly, courageously, Xen. 0ovjiacm]s > ou, 5, (0au/ia^w) /zw admirerf Arist.
0apcrvvos ovy Qapffa^eos, II. ; c. dat. relying on a 0avjJLaorriKOs 3 ^, <Jv, (0aujuafw) inclined to Bonder c*r
thing, Ib. admire, Arist.
0aporvvo> [iff, Att. 0appvvw, Causal of 0apcru, to en- 9<ruaacrroSj Ion. 0avf& or 0aji-, TJ, w, (9ca>paj
courage, cheer, Qapavvov (aor. i imper.) II. ; %MnWovee wondrous, 'wonderful, 'marvellous, h. Horn., Hdt.,
(Ion. impf.) Ib.; so Hdt., Thuc., etc. II. intr. Att, c. ace,, 8avjj.acrrbs rb Ka\Xos Pkt. ; c. gen., 0.

edpffvye be of good courage, Soph. TTjy ^ii6(oy Plut.; c. dat,, wfrfjQei Id.: foil, by a
0Gcrcu, Dor. for Qyffcu., aor. i imp. of 0oo/u. Relat., Q<xvf*.aa"Tbv fttrav, Lat. mirum quantum. Plat.,
Oao-tos [d], a, ov, of or from Thasos, Thasian, otvos etc. ffw/Acarrby yXlKotr
; Dem. Adv. -neSs-, 0av/uurr&s

Ar. : ^ Baa-la aA/iij Thasian pickled wf <r^o5/>a Plat. H.

fish, Id. admirable^ excellent) Pind. ?
Oacrofiat, Dor. for 6970*0/101, fut. of Bdo/Jicu. Soph.
0acro-ov, Att. 0S.TTOV, neut. of Qdarorwv, as Adv. -zaor^ wonders, Luc. ; and
'H, Ep. dadorcra, to sit, sit idle ; c. ace. sedis, conjuring, juggling, Plat. From
iv etc. ; c. ace. cogn., 0. o"v<rrf)vov$
Op^yov Soph., ,
(irotea?) wonder-working; asSubst.
wretched posture, Eur.
to sit in a conjuror, juggler, Plat., Dem.
0d<rcrwv, Att. 0aTT(ov, Comp. of r&xvs, quicker, swifter : , of, poet, for 6av[wtrr6$, Hes., Pind.
neut. Qatra-ov as Adv., more quickly.
, 77, yellow f sallcm 3 Ar.
oy, yellow-coloured,
0aTpov, crasis for rb crpov. 0a\|/os a plant or -sj<?<?^ used for dyeing yellow >
0S.TTOV, Att. for Oaffffov. brought from Thapsos, Theocr.
0avp.a, aros, rt,
Ion. 0cG%a or GwfJia, (Bdt>fj.aC) : I. of *6A H, Ep. for the prose 0ijAct<0 : only in Med.,
objects, whatever one regards with wonder, a -wonder, irapexovariv yaXa 07}cr8cu, they give milk to suck, Od. ;
marvel, Horn., Hes.; 0a5/ta, of Polypheme, Od.; 8af aor i, 6-fiaa.To fiafdv he sucked the breast, II. ; part,,
jSlporoTcri, of a beautiful woman, Ib. ; c. inf., BaSf d^ffdfjLfvos sucking, h. Horn. XL Causal, to suckle
iSecrOcu or iScty a wonder to behold, Ib., a
Eur.; /cal child, Id.
flawed y ov$& and no wonder9 Ar.: 0wjua -0 inseparable suffix, v. -0ey.
rt Hdt. : m pi., 0a^/iar* l/iol /cAt/ety Aesch. ; EA', TJ, fern, of 0<Jy, tf goddess, Horn.; often with
3 6o 6ea
another Subst., Bea fj^rvjp II. : rot Bca In dual are i
0etvai,, aor. 2 inf. of H. aor. i inf. of
Demeter and Persephone*- (Ceres and Proserpine) Soph. ;
cu o"/xvol 0e<w the Furies, Id. BEI'Nil, Ep. inf.
Betyefieycu :
impf. ZBeivoy
BeyS> : : f.

i eBeiya ; the other moods are taken from an aor.

8ea, Ion. 0ej, TJ, (Bdopat, Bedofjuxi) a seeing, looking at, aor.
view, Beijs &|ios- = a!0&rros, Hdt. ; 6 tear Xa&elv to take 2 e&eyoy (which does not occur in indie.}, imper. 6 eve,
or get a mew, Soph. 2. aspect^ Siairpe-jr^s r^v B4av subj. Qevto, inf. Beve'iv, part. Bevcttv : to strike, wound,
Eur. II. that whichis a sight, spectacle, Horn., Eur. : Pass., Beivofievov irpbs ovSeT stricken to
Trag. IH. the place for seeing from, a seat in earth, Od. 2. metaph., Betyety ovetSei Aesch. 3.
the theatre, Aeschin., Dem. intr. of ships, B. lir* ajcras to strike on the shore, Id.

deaiva, 77, Ep. for Bed, a goddess, Horn. 0io-8o|Aos, ov, (Septa) built by gods, Anth.
0ejia, Ion. 0^fia aros, r6, (Bedofjiat) that which is 0eCop.v, Ep. for Qeas^ev, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of rtBiriftt.
seen, a sight, show, spectacle, Trag., Thuc., etc. 0ciov, Ep. 0ciov, ij'iov, T<, brimstone, Lat. sulfur,

8o.}itov d], Ion. 0TJftv 5, ^, a spectator, Anth. From used to fumigate and purify, Horn.; SZIVTI 5e Beelov
Ion. 0Tjeojxai : imper. OeeSj Ep. 2 sing*, opt.
SCGL.OJJ.CU, jiyverai o5/ii], from a thunderbolt, II.

<b?o?o (for 0<); Ion. part, flTjc^ucvoy; Ion. impf. 3 sing. 0ciov, TO, 2^2, divinity, v. flews II.
and pi. 07jtro3 tByevvro, Ep. Bye'tro, Brjevvro : 0ios, a, ov : Ep. 0ios, 07]tos : Lacon. crelois : Comp.
flit. 0a<ro/u [a], Ion. -^cro/xcu : aor. i eQewrcLfiyj', and Sup. Beitrepos, -or aros, Be^repos being Comp. of
Ion. eBiffl<rdfjL"r}v /00& <?, Bed's : (Beds) : 1. #/" or from the gods, sent by the
pf. reBedfuu : Dep. :
: zfo

# a, behold, Horn., Hdt., Att.j ZQewro

-zJ2>zy, T^ gods, issuing from them, divine, Horn., Hdt., Att. ;

Qefftv TTJS TroAews reconnoitred it, Thuc. 2. jf<? wzV 6. a whirlwind, Soph.
yocros of Beia. nvl
fioipa by

* spectators, oi Beetspeyoi the spectators in a theatre, divine intervention, Xen. ; so, Beirj TV^T? Hdt. :

Ar. : metaph., 9. riv 7r6\ep.ov to be spectators of the appointed of God, jSao-LXTjes Od. 2. belonging or
war,, Hdt. 3. 8. rJ> crrpaTevfLa to review it, Xen. sacred to a god, in honour of a god, holy, Horn. :

0<apiov [d], T<, Dor. for Bectipwy, the place -where the under divine protection, ^6{j.os Id. ; of heralds and
Bewpol met, Pind. From minstrels, Id. 3. like Befrirecrios, tepds, Lat. divinus,
0Lpos, <5, Dor. for Be&pos. of anything more than human, wondrous : of heroes,
Bear 09, a, ov, verb. Adj. of 6edo/, to be seen, divinely strong, great, beautiful, etc., Horn. ; and as
Plat. U. Beareov, one mztst see, Id. a mere mark of respect, excellent, Betas vcpopfios Od. ;
0arsj$, Ion. OetjTtjs, 6, (Bedo^ai) one who sees, a spec- so, B. TrpTfryfj.ara marvellous things, Hdt. ; iv TOLVL Beto-
tator, Hdt., Eur., etc. raroy one of the most marvellous things, Id. ; so, at
0aTo$, -ft, 6y, to be seen, Soph., Plat. Sparta, Betas (or rather cretos) av^p was a title of dis-
0c.Tpttd>, f . <rw, (Bearpoy) to bring on the stage : tinction. Plat., Arist. II. as Subst., Qeiov, <r6, the
Pass, to be made a show of, a gasing-stock, N. T. Divine Being, the Divinity, Deity, Hdt., Aesch. 2.

0<xTpLicos, Ion. 0T)Tpucos, ^, 6v9 (BfttTpoy) of orfor the Beta, rd, divine things, the acts and attributes of the
theatre, theatrical, Arist., Plut. gods, the course of providence, Soph., Ar., etc. : reli-
0aTpov, Ion. 0orjTpov, r6, (flcoojuea) a place for seeing, gious observances, Xen. ; eppft ra Beta religion is out
esp. a theatre, Hdt., Thuc. 3 etc. 2. collective for of date, Soph. HI. Adv. 8eitasf by divine provi-
o! Qearrai, the people in the theatre, the spectators, the dence, Xen. ; Beiorepcas by special providence, Hdt.
house,* Hdt., Ar. 3.=00juo> a show, spectacle, 8. ErOJE, ^ one^s father's or mother's brother, uncle,
= &a.rpi<r6cu, N . T. Lat. patruus and avunculus, Eur., etc.
0ceiov, Ep. for 0eiby [sulphur). 0toTKjs, JJTOS, 7}, divine nature, divinity, Plut.
0cios 9 i], ov, Ep. for Geios, a, oy. 0etTo 3 sing. aor. 2. med. opt. of rl&ij/j.L.
0io<i>, f. caffea, Ep. for deio. 0Low, Ep. 0Low, f. &&tis, (Betov to smoke with brim-
0et), ^, Ion. for ^ea. stone, fumigate and purify thereby, Od. Med., :

0TJtos, ??, oj/, Ion. for Beetos, Betas, divine, Bion. Saj^ua Beeiovrai he fumigates his house, Ib. generally, :

0-i)XaTos, ov, (e\avyta) driven or hunted by a god, to purify, hallow, Eur.

Aesch. II. sent or caused by a god, Hdt., Soph. ; 0iS etcra, aor. 2 part, of riBrifit.
ex TIVQS 077A.xrov from some destiny, Eur. III. 0eut>, Ep. for 0ew, to run.
built for the gods, like 0<&/M7TOj, Id. 0td>, Ep. for Beta, 8G>, aor. 2 subj. of riBij/ju,
y, poet, for 060-/1-, Anth. I 0ia>$, v. Bews III.
^," contemplation : a problem, Anth. I

crC-n'u0os, oy, soft-speaking, Anth.

, oyo<?, d, -^, Ion. for Oedjjuavy Anth. 0XylTpov, r6, (0e\*yca) a charm or spell, Eur., Luc.
Octjrpov, Ion. for BwHis, Qedrpov. 6E'AI~0, Ion. impf. tieXyeffne Od. : f. Be^ta, Dor. -% :

f. aw,
(9eu>s) to practise divinations, Thuc. aor. i ZBeXj-a :
Pass,, aor. i
~xBevHBe\x8n]v, Ep. 3 pi. :

ou, 6, practice of divination, Thuc. properly, to stroke or touch with magic power, Lat.
v, Adv., Boeot. for &^^Bev, from Thebes, Ar. :
mulcere, and so to charm, enchant, spelt-bind, of
so, 0ipa0i, / Thebes, Id. Hermes, who with his magic wand avtipay ouuara BeXyei,
0ttjv, aor. 2 opt. of rftfyjui : 0ctev, 3 pL lays men in a charmed sleep, Horn. ; of the sorceress
OeiXo-ircSov, TO, (et\7j) ,0: sunny spot in the vineyard, Circ^, Od., etc. 2. in bad sense, to cheat, cozen,
on which the grapes were suffered to dry* so as to make Horn., Soph. H. to produce by spells,
raisins, Od. BeT^oaf viv 'sc. fvtypocrtivav) Pind. ; [70X^^17] fi. <

0cXjJiv, for 0i77jU6j>, i pi. opt. aor. 2 act. of fjd,t\v Anth.

arcs , TO, ,0eAaO will, N. T. 0furrios, of law and right,

a, ov, (Btfus) 8. &KQ?KTQV

etas, ^, (BfXdi) a 'willing, -will, N. T. the sceptre of righteous judgment, Pind.
a soother, charmer, h. 0p.urrv, f. <r<a, (Septs) to declare law and
??pos, <5, \BeXy at} right,
Horn, Lat. Jus dicere, Od. : c. gen. to claim right over, to
0Xm]pt0v, TO, (0e\7'. a charm, spell, enchantment, govern, Ib. II. to give by way of answer or
of the girdle o Aphrodite, II. ; 0<i' Q^XnT^piov a means oracle, h. Horn. : absol. to deliver oracles, Eur.

of soothing the gods, Od.; veKpots BeXfcvfipia, of offer- 0}u0T<*>y, Ep. gen. pi. of Bepis.
ings to the Manes, Eur. 0jj.tcrro-'7roXos, ov, (TroXccu) -ministering law, h. Hom,
0eXicT]pLos, ov, (BeXyca) charming, enchanting, sooth- 0jxurros, 77, 6v, Beptrds, Aesch.: Adv. -rwy, Id.

ing, Aesch., Eur. 0jJUtTV, Befjuffreva, Eur. From

eXicrpov, TO,
~ BeXKYTiptov, Soph. 0jUTos, h, allowed by the laws
6v, (0/us) like Beftiffros,
of God and men, righteotis, h. Horn.; ou 06/uroV [^cTi" ,

fcu, aor. i inf. of BeXjea.

| i-voos, ov, charming the heart, Anth. like OL> 0e/us, Pind,, Hdt., Att.

s, ov, sweetly painful, Anth. EMO'il, Ep. aor. i 06 uw<ra, drive or bring, vya

0X|i-<f>pt>v, oy, (4>p"hv) BeXgivoos, Eur., Anth. BejAcocre %epoov LKf&Bai forced, urged the ship to come

OeXoiora, Dor. for BeXovva, part. fern, of BeXco. to land, or simply, brought it to land, Od.

0Xo>, f. BeX^ffoi, shortened form of e&eXw, q. v. -0cv, old termin. of the genit., as in e/zc0ey, creQw,
0ji0Xa, TCS, (E, Root of riBjjfit) the foundations, L.ioQ$v, B6&v; sometimes after Preps., cbrb IpoifiQev
lowest part, bottom,Q<$>QaX}JLoio BepeBXa, the very bottom, Od. ; e| ovpa,v6Qev II. II. as insep. Particle,
roots of the eye, II. ; "A/i/woj/os Bejm. the place 'where denoting motion from, a place, opp. to -Se, as in &XXo-
Amman stands, i, e. his temple, Find. ; Tlayyaiov 0/ju. BV, otKoB*v,from another place, from home.
the roots of Mt. Pangaeus, Id. E'NA~P, apos, TO, the palm of the hand, II. 2.
0fi.eiXia, ra, 0/t0Aa, II. : also 0fitXa, Anth. metaph., 0. jSayww the flat top of the altar, Pind. ;
0fj.eXLoS) ov, (E, Root of rfttoj/u) of or for the founda- aXbs 9.the surface of the sea, Id.
tion, Ar. : as Subst., 0/$ (sub. XiBos) a foun- 0eV<), late form of Beivco, Theoer.
dation, ot BefjLfXioi the foundations, Thuc. ; e/c r&v 0eo, Ep. for 0ov, aor. 2 med. imp. of rf^/u.
fl__o\ ^o
8ejj.Xi(i>vfrom the foundations, Id. Hence eia> ^^ madness, blindness, Aeschin. ; and
SejifiXiodj., f. c<r, &> /y
the foundation of, found 66>, to offend the Gods, Aesch. From
firmly, Xen. Pass, to have the foundations laid,
: ;esy (jSAaTrrw) stricken of God, infatuated,
N. T. :
metaph., jSatriXeia oA&r Be^XiaBeicra Diod.; Hdt.
Tiyeftovia KaXXurra rcQefii.\u*p4rQ Id. ; eV aycwn? reB. 0o-yvvt5s, es, (yevvdoo) begotten of a god, Soph,
X.T. Oeo-yXwororos, oy , (*yXw<rcra) with the tongue of a god,
0p.ev, 0jj,V<u, Ep. for Bstvai, aor. 2 inf. of Ti&rjfj-i :
9, part. med. Oco-yovia, Ion. ~~nrj, ^, fyevcorBai) the generation or
= (ffj.vds, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) genealogy of the gods, Hes., Hdt.
s, i5os, TI, (^i^) of grave and serious aspect, 0o-Yovos OK, (yiyvofjLa.i) born of God, divine, Eur.
Aesch. 0eo-8i]XirjTOSj oy, (SrjX0} by which the gods are in-
0ep,C|ci>, (Bffus} to judge : Med. 3 Be^icrffd^voi opjds jured, Anth.
controlling our wills, Pind; 0o-8t8aKTos 5 ov, taught of God, N. T.
flcftC-irXeicTOSj ov, (irXe/ca?) rightly plaited, 9, ffTe<payos 0o-8jtir]Tos, ov, Dor. Sp-aros, ov, and a, oy, (Se/tw)
a -well-earned crown, Ptnd. god-built, made or founded by the gods, II., Pind., etc.
E'MIX, ?}, old Ep. gen, 0/ucrro5r, ace. 0ejut<rra, Att. 0o-8oT05, oj/, (2>i8e0/ui) = 0<{<r&oroj?, Pind.
0/uj/ (E, Root of rl-&r)jju}
: I. ^Aa^ wAiVA is : 0o-i8T]s, cs-, \,l5os) divine ofform, Horn., Plat.
laid down or established by ctistom, Lat. /2/5 or fas, ov, godlike, Horn.
as opp* to /^jf, 0/us eVrl tis w^<?^ a^z/^ right, Lat.jfas
<P5#, Horn.; ^ 04uty eVr as 'tis right, as /& custom is, 0ed0cv9 old gen. of Beis, used as Adv. (v. -0y\ /w;a
Id, ; ^ 04uiy ^<rrl 7vi/aios as is a woman's custom, f^t^ gods, at the hands of the gods, Lat. divinitus,
Od. ; so in Att,, 5 ri 0/ws cuveiv -what it is right to Od. 2. 3y 2fA^ A^
or favozir of the gods, Pind.,
praise, Aesch., etc. : also indeclin., B^fjuf being used Aesch., etc. by the gods, Soph.

as ace., $curl Bs^is slvai Plat., etc. 2. = 5f/c7j, right, 0c-otvta, rd, (olvoi) the feast of the wine-god, ap. Dem.
law, Aesch., Soph. II. pi. 0ju<rrs, the decrees Oeoicra, Dor. for Beovcra, part. fern, of Bea.
of the Gods, oracles, Ai2>s Qtfjucrres Od. ; Qefuarffiv by 0otar-X^pt a > "^> 0eoo*%0p^a, Ar.
oracles, Pind. 2. rights of the chief, prerogatives,, 0eoKXi5T<u, f -jjcr^. ^ ^^
ow >& ^"^5, Aesch. ; c. acc. ?
3. /IZOTS or ordinances, Eur. 2. c. ace. rei, to call aloud, declare, Plut.
ffKT]VTp6y T* ^5e dffiiffres II.
otre Befuffras ftpvarcu who maintain #ie /ws, Ib. 4. 0cd-icXvTos, ov, (KXvta) calling on the gods, Aesch.
claims to be decided by the kings or judges, ot fficoXtas 0o-cpavTos, ov, (Kpaivo)} wrought by the gods, Aescfi.
Kpivtaffi BefJLicrras Ib. HI. as prop, n., gen. Qe/wcrTOs, 06-KpiTOSs ov, (BeoKplriqs) judging between gods, Anth.
fju$o$, fUTos9 voc. /i^ Themis, goddess of law and 0<J-KTtTos, ov, (/CT(O>) created by God, Solon.
order, Ib. 0o-jjtavijsj , (fuuvo/ioi)
maddened by the gods, Atisch.,
dsjju-crscoiros, oy, seeing to law and order, Pind, Eur. ; Auo-ora 0. madness caused by the gods, Eur.
0jjLi<r-Kp<ov, QVTQS, 6, reigning by right, Pind. 0o-f*,avris, ws, ^, <?w^ w&0 A5 ^ spirit 0f prophecy y
0ji.LcrTas, Ep. ace. sing, and pL of Befits. an inspired person, Plat.
6eop.axw, f. 4\ff<a, to fight against the gods, Eur. ; and is, es, (ffrvyos) hated of the gods, Eur. :

hated of God, N.T.

0ojxaxia, j), a. battle of the gods, as certain books of =
the'll. were called, Plat. From 0o-<rruyqTos [iJ], oy, (ffrZyeaj foreg. i, Aesch.
0o-p.oxos> ov, ( fighting against God, N. T., 0O-<rvTOS, o^, (tretJa?) s^w^ 6>' f^e" ^<f,s:, Aesch.
Luc. 0o-Ta-upos, d, the god-bull, a name for Zeus, Mosch.
0o-p]<rT<>p, opos, 6, like the gods in counsel, Aesch. 0o-TLX'*iSj es, T?XOF) watted by gods, of Troy, Anth.

0o-jpu<rijs, es, 'jucros] abominated by the gods, Ar., 00-Tp7TT]S, es, Tep-JTw) fit for the gods, Anth.
Plat. 0o-T-uKTos, ov, wc?^ 4>' ^^> Anth.
0op.opia, Ion. 0e-ujj.opi], f}, destiny, Anth. From 0OTt)$, ^, (0e<^s) divinity, divine nature, Luc.
06o-p,opos, ov, Dor. 0C-U-H--, destined by the gods,
im- 0o-Tifiir|Tos [t], ov, honoured by the gods, Tyrtae.
II. blessed by the gods, Id. = foreg., Find.
parted by them, Find. 0OT%jJ.os, ov,
0o-(i.op<t>os, ov, (jj.op<frfi] ofform divine, Anth. 0o-Tpirros, ov, turned or directed by the gods, Aesch.
0eo-(ju;cnjs, es, fjuucros) abominated by the gods, Aesch. eo-Tpe^Sj es, (rpejxo) feeding the gods, Anth.
cAf/< 0/ 2^z gods, Anth.
= 0eo5efc God, Od.
0eo-irus, ircuSos, 5, 77, 0<yu-dijs, es, prob. (0^s, deos), fearing
0o-<}avia (sc. tepa), T<, (0eos, <j>aivoo) a festival at
0eo-trv\>crTos, ov, inspired of God, N.T.
(iryeccj Delphi, at which the statues of Apollo and other gods
0OTroit>, f. irjcrftj,
make into gods> deify, Luc. From
to were shewn to the people, Hdt.
0eo-7roLos, ov, (woieca) making gods , Anth.
0eo-<j>tXij$, es, (4>(\o?) ^
the gods, highly favoured,

0o-irojji.iros, ov,
QedirefjarTOS, Find. Hdt., Find., Att. Adv., &eo<pL\&s irpdrreiv to act as
gods, Eur. the gods 'mill, Plat.
00-tr<SvT)Tos, ov, (iroveca} prepared by the
0o<fav, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and pi. of Beds.
~w<as, Luc. 0o<j>opa>, f . r}ff(0 3 (9e6<f>opos) to bear God within one :
prophesy, only in part, masc., QeoirpoTrewv Pass, to be possessed by a god, Luc.
ayopedeis Horn., Pind. 5 etc. ; and 0o-<j>opirjTos, ov, possessed by a god, inspired, Aesch.
0eoirp07ria, ^, a prophecy, oracle ; and 0eo<j>opia, Ep. 0ev4>opii, ^, inspiration, Anth.
060-rrpoirtov, rJ, a prophecy, oracle., II. ; e/c Qeoirpoiriov 0eo-<|>opos> ov, .(frepca) possessed by a god, inspired, 8.
o*vai the pains of inspiration, Aesch.
according to ?z oracle, Hdt. From
Oeo-irpoiros, oy, (vpeirco) foretelling things by a spirit 0o-<f>pwv, ov, gen. ovos, (4>p^}v) godly-minded, Pind.
of prophecy, prophetic, IL, Soph. 2. as Subst. a 0epdiraiya, T\, fem. of Bepatrtav, a, waiting maid, hand-
seer, prophet, diviner, Horn. II. a public mes- maid, Hdt., Xen., etc.
senger sent to enquire of the oracle, II. , Hdt., Aesch. 0pairaiviSiov, TO, Dim. of sq., Plut., Luc.
0eo-irruo"ros, ov, (irrt5<*j)
detested by the gods, Aesch. 0paircuvis, tSos, TJ,
= Qepdicaiva, Plat.

deo-irvpos, ov, (?rvp) kindled by the gods, Eur. depaircia, Ion. -TJIT), ^, (BepOTrevta) a waiting on, ser-
Oc-opros, ov, (opvvfjiai) sprung from the gods, celestial, vice, 0. 6e<ov service done to the gods, divine worship,
Pind., Aesch. Plat. 2. service done to gain favour, a coiirting,
EO'T, ^ Lacon. and Boeot. crios, 6^^, Horn., both paying court, B. rwv ael -Kpoeffr^roiv Thuc. ; ev iroXXf
in general sense, cbs 5dJ<rei God will grant, and Bepaireia exetv to court one's favour, Id. H. of
in particular sense, 6e6$ ns a god ; varfyp avtip&v things, a fostering^ tending, nurture, care, rov o~(a/j.a~
re &efov re Horn.: things are said to happen crvv ros Plat. 2. medical treatment, service done to the

0e, <TVV ye Beoiffiv by the will of God, Id., etc. ; sick, tending; Thuc., Plat. HI. of animals or
QVK &vev 6eov, Lat. non sine diis, Od. ; OVK ousev&e plants, a rearing or bringing up, tendance, Id. IV.
Beov II. ; ov Be<av %rep Pind. ; CK QeoQi IL ; vvep Qeov in collective sense, a body of attendants, suite, retinuev

against his 'will, Ib. ; Kara Qe6v nva, Lat. divinittts, Hdt., Xen.
Eur. : as an oath, irpbs 6e&v by the gods, in God's 0pairVfi.a, arcs, TO, medical treatment, Arist.
name, Trag. ; 6eb$ Iffrv Soph., etc. II. Beds a& 0pa 7TVTov, verb. Adj. of Oepairevta, one must do ser-

fern, for 8eci, deatva, a goddess, Horn. ; Qfaeta deos II. ; vice to, TOVS Qeo-us Xen. H. one must cultivate?
7] veprepa 6, Proserpine, Soph. ; often in oaths, yr?
rcb T}JV yriv Plat. 2. one must cure, Id.
0eS Id. ; yoi rcb <ri<>, with the Spartans, of Castor and 0po,'7rUTnp, Tjpos, <5,=sq., 6 vepl rJ> crw/ia 6. Xen.
Pollux, Xen. ; with the Boeotians, of Amphion and 0paircv'n]S > ov, 6, one who serves the gods, a wor-
IH. as Adj. in Comp. Qe&repos, more shipper, Plat. 2. one who serves a great man, a
Zethus, Id.
divine, Qvpai doors more used by the gods, Od.
0. coitrtier, Xen. II. one who attends to anything,
0ocr-8oTOS, ov, (5(5co/u) poet, for dedSoroSy given by the c. gen., Plat.
gods, Hes., Pind. 0epaircuTtKos, $, &vy inclined to serve a person, c. gen.,
0eocrepeuL, y, the service or fear of God, religicntsness, Xen. : inclined to court, Plut. 2. absol. courteous,
Xen. From courtier-like, obedient, obsequious, Xen., Plut. ; and
Oco-crcpifs, (<rej3w) fearing God, relights, Hdt.
es, OepaircvTOS, ov, that may be fostered, Plat. From
Soph., etc. Adv. --ws, Xen. 0pa7Tx!co, f. -evffw, (BepaTTtov) to be an attendant,
0o-(TirTos, ov, feared as divine, Ar. do service, Od. 2. to do service to the gods, Lat.
0ocrirTi)p, opo$f 8, fleoo'ejSijs , Eur.
colere deos, Hes., Hdt., Att.: to do service or honour

0eocr-x0pta, TJ, (^0p<{s) hatred of the gods, Dem. to one's parents or masters, Eur., Plat. 3. to serve,
00<r-orvro$, poet, for Qe6-ffvros. court, pay court to, nva. Hdt., Ar., etc. ; and In bad
0O-<rrjpticTOs, ov, (o"T7ipt<a) supported by God, Anth. sense, to flatter, wheedle* Thuc. : to conciliate, Id. ;
TO depawevov = ot BspavevovTzs, Id. 4. of things, to ^, (Oepfios) heat, feverish heat, Thuc., etc.

consult, attend to, Lat. inservire, Id. ; -^Soj/V Bep. to TJ, oy, of lupines (^ep/toy), Luc.
indulge one's love of pleasure, Xen. ; T<ZS Bvpas rivbs 0epp.o-pa<j]s, es, dyed hot, opp. to ^ vXP ^ a<
Gep. to wait at a great man's door, Id. 0ep}i.o-pXvcrro$ I ov, hot-bubbling, Paul. S. Therm.
to take care of, provide for men, of the gods, 0pfj.o-(3ot>Xos, oy, (jSouA^j) hot-temperedy Eur. ap. Ar.
Id. 2. of things, to attend to, provide for, Soph., j 0p}to-8oTTjs> ov, d, ?7Z- w/zo brought the hot 'wafer at
Thuc., 3. 0ep, TO (rcapa to take care of one's
etc. baths, Lat. caldarius ; fern. 0pjxo8ori.s, i5oy, Anth.
person, Lat. cutem curare, Plat. 4. to treat medi- 6pp.o-vovs, ovv, heated in mind, Aesch.
cally, to heal, cure, Thuc., Xen. 5. B. ^/iepTjv to Oepao-TruXcu [u], wy, a/, literally Hot-Gates, L e.
observe a day, keep it as a feast, Hdt. ; 6. rk tepd narrow gate-like pass, in which 'were hot springs,
Lat. sacra procurare, Thuc. 6. of land, to culti- name of the famous pass from Thessaly to Locos, the
vate, Xen. ; SevSpov Bcp. to train a tree, Hdt. key of Greece, also called simply UvXai, Hdt.
Ocpchnrfi], 7],Ion. for flepcwrcta. 0p}AOS, rj, QV, and 0$, ov, (&pte\ hot, warm, Bepj^a Aoer^a
0pa-in]toSj a, ov, Ion. for BcpaireirrtKos, Anth. Horn.; of tears, Id., etc. H. metaph. hot, hasty,,
0pairC8iov T<J, (fiepcwrev&j means of cure, Luc. rash, headlong, like Lat. calidus, Aesch., Ar., etc. 2.
cpa/KYi], T;, poet, contr. from Bepdrraiva, a handmaid, still 'warm, fresh, f%y7j Anth. TIT. TO 8pp.av y = 0ep-
h. Horn., Eur. II. a dwelling, abode, Id. fjdrijs, heat, Lat. calor, Hdt., Plat., etc. 2, 8epfjwv
0pe 7rvis,

(5os, ^, poet, contr. fromBepairaivis, Anth. (sc. 08ojp), TO, 7*0^ water, deppc? \ovff6at Ar. 3. ra
EPATI&N [a], ovros, 6 :
poet. dat. pi. BepairovTeo-a-i : #ep/ta (sub. %(apiai), Hdt. : but (sub. Xourpdj, hoi
a -waiting-man, attendant, Od., etc. differing from ', baths, Xen. IV. Adv. -ju<Ss, Plat.
$ov\os, as implying free service ; and in Horn, a com- 6E'PMOI, o, a lupine, Anth.
panion in arms, though inferior in rank ; as Patroclu^ 0pfj.dT7]s, ^TOS-, ^, (depfjios} heat, Lat. calor, Plat.
is fhe companion or esquire of Achilles ; Meriones of Oepji-o^p^os, cV, (*p7&>) doing hoi and hasty acts,
Idomeneus, II. ; so the charioteer is r^vio^os Bepdiratv ; reckless, Xen., Luc.
kings were Aibs Bepdirovres ; warriors Bepdirovres "Apyos, 0epp.6), (0pa>)to heat, make hot, Od., Ar. : Pass, tu
etc. c. dat., oT/cos gevotffi Bepdiroav devoted to the
: be heated, grow hot, Horn.
service of its guests, Find. II. later, simply, a Sepos, TO, Ion. gen. Bepfvs, (Bepu/ summer, summer-
servant, Hdt. : in Chios, Bepdiravres was the name for time, X//taTos ov5 Gepevs in winter nor /w sttmmertQd.i
their slaves, Thuc. oftr* %v
Bepei oCn** Ir oirtjopri Ib. ; TO Bepos during the
0epcn|/, O.TTOS, 6, rare poet, form for 0epa7ro>j/ : nom. pi. summer, Hdt.; depovs fieffovvros about midsummer,
Bepaws Eur., Anth. Luc. II. summer-fruits, harvest, a crop, Aesch.,
0cpeCa, TI, v* Bepetos. Ar., etc. ; metaph.,, Sp&KQvros 9. Eur.
@pi,os, o, ov, (Bepos) of summer, in summer:- Bepeia, 6p<rlrr|s, ov, o, Thersites, i.e. the Audacious (from
Ion. -177, (sc. 8>pa), 7),
= Bpo$, summer-time, summer, 0ep<ros-,Aeol. for Qdpcroij, Horn.
Hdt. TCUS Bepetais Find.
; 0E'Pn s make hot: Pass., with fut.
to heat,

0pa>, Ep. for 0epw, aor. 2 pass. sub], of Bepco, med. Bepffo^aL, aor. 2 eflepijv, Ep. subj. $ep! (for
0epC|o>, Boeot. inf. BepiSdey fut. Att. 0epi<2 aor. i : :
fiepw) : ft? become hot or warm, inarm
oneself Od. ; ',

&pi<ra, syncop. eBpiva Med., aor. i efle/nc'ajUT?*'

: :
irup6s at the fire, Ib. ^ &epov warm yourself, Ar. 2.
Pass., aor. i l0epf<r0Tjj> : pf . re&epifffiai : (Bfpos) to : of things, ju^ ^O*TU ?ri/pbs Bepyrai lest the city #e burnt
do summer~ rwork, to mow, reap, dirov, Kpi&ds, Kap- by fire, II.
TTOV Hdt., Ar., etc. : Med., KapTrbv Ayovs QepicracrBai 06S, aor. 2 imper. of riBifi^i.
Id. 2. metaph. to citt off, Soph., Eur. 3. metaph. 0rav, Ep. for eOecrai', 3 pi. aor. 2 of ri&Tjfii.
to reap a good harvest, Ar. 4. 6 Bepifcv (with 8eV0at, aor. 2 med. inf. of riBrjfju.
or without Xoyosi) a kind of syllogism, Luc. II. 0cr0, 2 med. imper. of ri&Tj/u
pi. aor. 2 0cr0, 3 sing. :

intr. to pass the summer, Xen. ; cf. Icepifcw, xJytaf<w. 0ori5 &$, ^, a setting, placing, arranging,

0pCvos> a, oy, = sq. 6. Tpoirai the summer solstice,

Find., Plat. ; lawgimng, Dem.
B. v6fjuuv II. a
i. e. June 2ist, Hdt. deposit of money, preparatory to a law-suit, Ar. :

0epXvos, ^,
= 6epio$,
Find., Xen., etc.
6v, money paid in advance, earnest-money, Dem. HI.
0pic7ji.o, d, (&fpi<ii) reaping-time, harvest, X.T. 2. position, situation, Lat. situs, of a city, Thuc., etc.
//z^ harvest, crop, Ib. 0eoriceXo$y ov, = BeoiK\o^y marvellous, wondrous, Be-
ptcmjs, ou, 6, (Oepifw) ^ reaper, harvester, Eur., Xen. <?K\a. Ipya works of wonder, Horn. : as Adv., SIKTQ
Oepurrptov, T(J, (0p(^w) a light summer garment, opp. <$ Q4ffK\ov avrql 'twas wondrous like him, II.
to Xi/te0*Tptoj>, Theocr. so 0ptcrrpov, TO*, Anth. :
8<rp.tos, Dor. Te0fii.os, oj/, (Bea-pos) according to law,
OcpjxaCvd), f . avw aor.
eBfpfnjva, later eBcpfiava : pf.
: i lawful, Find., Aesch. II. SeVfua, ra, as Subst.,
pass. T0ep/tao>tai : (Bepuos) : /o tvarm, heat, II., laws, customs, rites, Hdt., etc. ; also in sing., Eur.
Aesch., etc. : Pass, ft? fo heated, grow hot, Od. 2. 0<rjio0T, to be a Beff/ioBertjs, Dem. From
metaph. ft? heat, tas lOcp/iTjr" avrbr <A.b oti/ou Eur. i OtoTpto-OeTTjs, ov, h, (rl&Ttjjjit) a lawgiver: at Athens,
o"irAryxi' a ^ ^
r * > <jr ^^& B. typevi to cherish hot feel- the QeffpoBeTcu were the six junior archons, who judged
ings, Aesch. : Pass., BeppaivtffBau tfariffi to glow with causes assigned to no special court, Aesdbin., etc.
^- ^ap^iay to have one's heart warm Secrjio-iroitaj, f . ^o-ftf, to make laws, Eur.
hope, Soph.; X*W
with joy, Eur. 0<rpo$, Dor. rc0p.^s, ^ : pi. 0cr/to poet, 0r/8 Soph-

> Xen. : like Qspus, that which is Imd down and

established, a law, ordinance, Lat. institutum, Xe/c- GeTiSciov the temple of Thetis, Eur.
[1], TO,
Tpoio Becrfjibv IKOV-TQ, i. e. they fulfilled the established 0TUcos, ft, of or for adoption , Arist.
ov, (T&TJ/U)
law of wedlock, Od. ; so in Hdt. and Att. 2. at 6Tis iSos, Dor. ws, 77, Thetis, one of the Nereids, wife
Athens, Draco's laws were called Beff^ot, because each of Peleus, mother of Achilles : Horn, uses 4rl for
began with the word 0eo>fe while (cf. BfO'/JLoBerfjs), dat. and vocat. ; eriv for ace.
Solon's law's were named VOJJLOI. II. an institution, 0TOs, r), 6v, verb. Adj. of Ti0Tj/u, taken as one^s child,
ordinance, as the court of Areopagus, Aesch.; of the adopted, Find., Hdt., etc.
great games, Find. Hence 0TTaXosj 8TToXncos, etc., later Att. for e(T<r-.

0crjJLo<ruvi], f), justice, like Si/ccuocrvyr;, Anth. 0ev, Dor. and Ion. for 0eo, Sou, aor. 2 med. imp. of riQ-q^i.
0ccrjj.o<f>opia, O3v, TO., the Thesmophoria, an ancient 0V{jiopCa9 8e-ijp.opos, Dor. for flco/topio, 0e<fytopos.
festival held by the Athenian women in honour of 0cv<)>opia, ^, Dor. for 6eo<popia3 Anth.
Demeter ccr/to^o'po^, Hdt., Ar. Hence 0E'0, Ep. also 0i>; Ep. 3 sing. subj. Berifft: 3 sing.
0ccr}j.o4>opi.a<i>, tokeep the Thesmopkoria,AT.,Xen. j and impf. 0ei, Ion. impf. SeenKov: f. 0eu(ro/Aai: the other
0c<r|j.o<j>opiov, r6, the temple of Demeter ccrjuo^poy, Ar. tenses are supplied by Tpex w an<^ *5pe/Aiw the syllables :

0<r[*.o-4>6pos, ov, (<$>pcj) law-giving, an ancient name CO, eou remain uncontracted even in Att. : to run,
of Demeter (Ceres), Hdt. j r& Bff/j,o<f>6p(0 Ceres and Horn., etc. ; &GGLV -jreSioio to run over the plain, II. ;

Proserpine, Ar. in part, with another Verb, if A0e Becav, ^X0e deovtra came
0crp,o-<fwXaKs, of, guardians of the law, Thuc. running, Ib. ; Qe&v AXavra KaXe<f(rov run and call him,
Occr-'srecn.os, a, ov, or o$, ov (Beds, eo"7ro v = elirov, v.
: Ib. 2. TTepi Tpnro5os Oeuo-ecrdai run for a tripod, Ib.

Sea-ins) : properly of the voice, divinely sounding, rep! ^^X^ 5 * v "^KTopos they were running for
divinely sweet, Horn., Find. II. that can be Hector } s life, Ib. of other kinds of motion,
spoken by none but God, i. e. unspeakable, ineffable ; as, 1. of birds, Bevffovrai 5po^<jt> Ar. 2. of ships,
hence, 1. like Beios, divine, Horn. ; dat. fern. & Kara Kvpa. II. ; of a potter's wheel, Ib. ; of a quoit,
$(nr<ri77 (sc. /JouAr?) by the 'will of God, Id. ; B. 656s Betav axb x iP s fy^ n
pifJt.(t>a, Hghtly, Od.
the way of divination, of Cassandra, Aesch. 2. of things which (as we say) run in a continuous line,
'wondrous, marvellous, portentous, awful, of things, though not actually in motion, ^>Aei^ ava vwra, Beovcra
Horn.; B. %ccA/c<fe ^marvellous fine brass, Od., II.; B. II. ; esp. of anything circular, which runs round into

a smell divinely sweet, Od. ; so in Hdt., 6ea"iri- itself, &VTVJ-, ^ irvfjLarrj Qsev ao"jrt^os Ib. IV. c.
ffiov ws fi$v : of human affairs, 0. <j>6f3os II., etc. III. ace. loci, to run ower, TO, ftpy Xen.
Adv. teas, B. $>o$j\8*v they trembled iinspeakably , 0e, for Bedov, imperat. of 0ao/iat, behold !
Ib. : so neut. as Adv., Theocr. 0ca>p<i>, f TJCTOJ, \6ecap6~s) to look at, view, behold, Hdt.,

0ccnri-8aiqs, es 3 (daiai) kindled by a god,imp furious, 0. Aesch., etc. : to inspect or review soldiers, Xen. 2.
portentous fire, such as seems more than natural, Horn. of the mind, to contemplate, consider, observe, Plat.,
0<nrt-'nrcia, fern. Adj. (eiros) oracular, propheticf Soph. etc. H. to view the public games, of spectators,
dccnri<i}, f . Att. ISo, Ion. inf. QtffTriitiv Hdt. ; Dor. aor. 8. T& 'OAu/nna Hdt., etc. ; 0. nva to see him act, Dem. :
i 0(nrt|a : (Becnris) : to declare by oracle, prophesy, absol. to go as a spectator, es TO. E<^Via Thuc. III.
divine,Hdt.,TT3jg.; Pass., rl 8eT0e(T7ucrTai; Soph. to be a 6*<ap6s or state-ambassador to the oracle or at
0C01TIOS, ov, = Beffwecrios, Orac. ap. Ar.

the games, Ar., Thuc. IV. in 0ea>p7j<ra(ra TOVJJ&V

Ocor-iris, tQSf 6, 7}, (0<fy, earvov
cf. &(rv<no$] = eTn-oy, ofjLfJia Soph., the ace. <?jit/ta may be taken
as in ficdvsiv
having words from God., inspired ,Od., Eur. 2. gen- ir68a, having beheld with mine eye. Hence
erally, divine, 'wondrous, awful, Beffvis &AAa h. Horn. 0capT|}j.a, arras, TO, that 'which is looked at, viewed, u
0cr7n<rjAa 5 aros, r6, (Qa"nica) in pi., oracular sayings, sight, spectacle, Dem., etc. 2. a principle thereby
Hdt., Soph. arrived at, a rule, Lat. praeceptum : in Mathematics,
0ccTTri<i>$<i>, (8<rin.cpo'6s) to prophesy, sing in prophetic a theorem, Eucl.
strain, Aesch. , Eur., Ar. From 0o>pTjTT]piov r6, (6copca) a seat in a theatre, Plut.
6<rm-w8os, &V, singing in prophetic strain, prophetic, 0<wp7jTiico$, 57, 6v, fond of contemplating a thing, c.

Eur. U, caused by prophecy, <<fj8os Aesch. gen., Arist. absol. speculative, Id., Plut., etc.

ar<raXos, Att. GCTT-, o, a Thessalian, Hdt., etc.; 00pia, Ion. -wj, f}, (BewpGdi) a looking at, viewing, be-
proverb., e<r<ra\by cr6<picr/jia
a Thessalian trick, from holding, Becaplijs etvKV K$T]fjLiv to go abroad to see
the faithless character of the people, Eur. II. fern., the 'world, Hdt. ; so Thuc., etc. : of the mind, con-
6cGr<raXis icwy a Thessalian cap, Soph. templation, speculation. Plat., etc. 2. pass. = #<-
0<r<roor0aL, defect, aor. i, to pray, Find. (Deriv. uncer- pTjpa, a sight, show, spectacle, Aesch., Eur., etc. ; esp.
tain.) at a theatre, Ar., Xen. U.
the being a spec-
0<r<J>clTj-XaYOs ov, prophetic, Aesch. tator at the theatre or the public games. Soph.,
0tr-4>aTos 9 ov, {6e6s, <jrnfii) spoken by God, decreed? Plat. m.
the Becapot or state-ambassadors sent to
ordained, appointed, Lat. fatalis, Aesch., Soph. : the oracles or games, a mission, Id., Xen. 2.
Becrtyarov ffrt it is ordained, II. ; crol 5* ov 8. <-<rri the office of Qeeap&s, discharge of that office, Thuc., etc.
Bayeetv 'tis not appointed thee to die, Od. 2. as 0<*>piK0$ ^, 6v9 of or for Bewpia (signfs. II and in),
divine decrees jrTrA<6juaT ov Qewpticd. no festal robes, Eur. II.

Subst., Befffiara, T<, s oracles, Ib.,

Trag., etc. II. generally, like Beios, divine, Od. Oeeopucd (sc. xp^,aaTa), TCS, the money, which, from the
0Teos, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be laid down, Arist. H. time of Pericles, was given to the poor citizens to
8Tov, one must lay down, Xen. pay for seats hi the theatre (at 2 obols the seat), but
Ompk 0H'P. 365
aii>o for other purposes, Dem. : in sing., rb defapucov 0-ijXca, Ion. for ^TjAeta, fern, of 07?At/s.
the theatric fund. Id. 0-jjXew, Dor. 0dXe<a :
Ep. irapf. 6$A.Ov : L 6ri\7itft9 : Dor.
0opCs, faos, y, I. (with and without vavs), a sacred poet, aor, 6d\7j<ra: (0aAAaj) ; fa be full of, c. gen.
ship., which carried the Qewpoi (cf. Oewpos ll) to
their Xei/jL&ves tbu ^8e ffsKivov &fy\ov ike meadows were
destination, but was also used for other state-purposes, full of violets and parsley, Od. ; so c. dat., fJaA^cre
Hdt., Plat. metaph. of Charon's bark, Aesch.
: 2. tfexivois Pind. 2. absol. to flourish, Anth.
(sub. <55os) the road by which the dfwpoi went. 07JX1J, ^, (*0o) /Af j^arzf o/" M* breast 'which gives
0wpos, Dor. 0apos, <, a spectator, Theogn., Aesch., slick, the teat, nipple, Eur., Plat.
etc. ; 0. elicdSav viewing the festivals or present at 0-qXv-YcvTJs, es, ( offemale sex, womanish Eur, ,

them, Eur. U. an ambassador sent to constilt an 0ir)Xv~YXttcr0-os, wz?& 'woman s tongue, Anth.

oracle or to present an offering, Soph., ap. Dem. The 0Tr)Xiji8pias, oi, Ion. -ITJS, ecu, #, (05jAvs) a womanish ,
Athenians sent decopoi to Delphi, to Delos, and to the effeminate person,, Hdt., Luc.
four great games, the Olympian, Pythian, Nemean and swaying women, Aesch.

0TjX\j-cpa' njs > $, (/cpareaj)

Isthmian. (Derived in first sense from 0eao,uaij in 0tjXv-KToyos, 0^ (e/eTom, pf. of Kreiyca^ slaying by
second perh. from 6e6s, &pa, cura?) woman's hand, Aesch.
0caTpos, a, ov, Comp. of 6eds, more divine : v. Oeos. 07jXv-jjiXrjs, es, (jj.\o$) singing hi soft strain, Anth.
T|pa-Yvi]s, es> sprung from Thebes, Theban, Hes. 0-qXt;-p.iTpT|$5 ov, oy (ftirpa) 'with a woman* s head-band,
07|p<xL, $>v, at, Thebes, the name of several cities, the Luc. : fern, -jjurpis, &o$, &, 77, Id.
most famous being the Egyptian (ear^wuAai), and 'moman-shaped, Eur.
0i]Xv-}A,op<f>o$, oj>, (fjLOfxfnf)
the Boeotian (evrdvvXot), Horn. O^XiS-yoGs, contr. -vovs, ow, of 'womanish mind, Aesch,
$, h7j8a-7^s, Eur. 0ijXwa> [v] : aor. i e&ft\vva Pass., aor. I t&qKvv&Tjv : :

ewsf Ion./os,6,epith. of Zeus, the Tkeban,Hdt. pf . r&fi\vjj,fuu : (&rj\v$) : to womanish, to ener- ##

, oy, Theban, Horn., etc. ; Tjpawcos, -^, 6v, vate, Eur., Xen. : metaph. to soften, Zefyvpos KVfAa
djjXvyei Anth. : Pass, to become weak and womanish,
T], the Thebais, i.e. territory of Thebes
tSos, Soph. : to play the coquet, Blon.
(in Egypt), Hdt. ; (in Boeotia), Thuc. 0T|X'u-'rrpWi]S befitting a woman, Anth.
es, (ffpexw)
jjpacrSe, Adv. to Thebes, II. Horn, j ^Ausalso as fern. in Ion. the
0ijA-us, 6f}\ia, (tfjXv :

T^PTTJ, 77, poet, form of 7}$ai, Horn. hence i|f5irj-

: fem. forms are 0?jAea, fi^Aeay, QvjX^s, 8K}X4p, pi. ^Aecti,
0cv or -0, Adv. from Thebes, Anth.; Aeol. tpcl0y, fl^Aeas, 0i?Ae<f : (*0a<w /<? suckle) : offemale sex, fe-
Ar. :
tjpTjoav or -<ri, at Thebes, Horn. ; Aeol. t- male, BTjXeia 9c6sz goddess, II. ; S^Aeicu fmrot mares, Od. ;
o"bf$ Qi)\iai sows, Ib. ; ols BrjXvs a ewe, II. ; fats'Q.ts &7jXos

, a, oy, (^77^) pointed,, sharp, Anth. U. yoyov without female issue, Hdt.: y B^Xea, Att. -em,
act. sharpening, c. gen., Id. the female, Id., Aesch.; %p%5 Q^Xa&y woman-land,
0TJY <* V11 M
^> ^ whetstone, Aesch,, Soph. :
incentives to bloodshed, Aesch.
Eur. ; rb &?iXv jevos or r2> ^Aw the female sex, woman-
kind, Id. %* of or belonging to women, Hdt.,
afftaTTjpcuy ^-jjYayai
0tj yavw,
= Orfyta, Aesch. Aesch. ; 0. ^tJws murder 5>' iBomen> Eur. 3. in
HTil, f . drj<a : aor. i e0?7a : Pass., pf Te07ryjLtat :
. ft? Gramm. feminine. II. applied to persons and
sharpen, whet, II.; OTrycov \ewbv o$6vra Ib. : 0. <>c- things, 1. fresh, refreshing, of dew, Hes. 2.

cryayoy, Aesch., Eur.

|(<^os in Med., Sopu 617-
: tender, delicate,, gentle,, ChjAwrepcu 7wcukes , 07jAvrepai
^cwr0 /e2f Ae At> spear, II.
/jfw 2. metaph. to 0af (where the Comp. is used much like a Positive),
sharpen, excite, provoke, like Lat. acuere, ras ^i/xay Horn. ; OyXus curb xp l * s delicate of skin, Theocr. ; of
els T& -TroAejuwca Xen. : Pass., Acfyot re(hryfj.voi sharp, character, soft, yielding, weak, yvyfy&vjjXvs ofiffa. Soph.
biting words, Aesch. ; 7Aw<r<ra TtfaryptVTi Soph. OtjXv-trwopos, ov, {Wel/>) offemale kind, Aesch., Ion. form of tfeao/xcu : Oijeiro, 3 sing. 0if)XvTifjs, IJTOS, 7} y (&TJXVS) momaniskness, delicacy , <?/-
0TJ-JJ5, Ep. for 0ys, 2 sing. aor. 2 subj. of ri&qjju* feminacy, Pint.
dtlTj-riip, ^pos-, 6, Ion. for Beards, one who gazes at, an
6-Xv -TOKOS, ojf, (r'tKrca) giving Mrik to girls, Theocr.
admirer, Od. j e^, (<j>alyo<fjMi)
like a woman,, Plut., Anth.

07jtjToSj ^7, ^J', Ion. for Bear 6s, Dor. QO^T^S, ga&ed at, [f] 4^ TO2 "^ woman's frock, Anth., Luc.
wondrous, admirable, Lat, spectandus, Hes., Pind. crasis for rf Tjfiepep.

<^, Ep. for Qeiov, brimstone, Od. , crasis for T&V fipenlp&v.
$, Ep. for Oeios, divine. LMJt>, crasis for rJ> TJ/JUGTV.

OijKcuos, a, oy, /z^ a chest or coffin, ofrcTjjua 5. a burial , f. Vw, (&np&v9 Xeya] to collect fat a keap y

vault, Hdt. From shortened from OTj^voXoy^Wy Anth.

0TJKTJ, 77, (riQijfjii) a case to put anything in, a box, > tavos, &, {rKhifju}
a heap, Od.
chest, Hdt., Eur. H. a place for corpses, a grave, enclitic Particle, chiefly Ep.,== 54 expressing- strong:

tomb, Hdt., Aesch. 2. a -mode of burial, Thuc. conviction, surely *0w, Horn., Theocr.; ironically,
y, verb. Adj. of frrryv, sharpened, Aesch., Eur. Afyer ^y veas so then you TOZ// leave the ships* II. ;
>, f. da"a>, Dor. <i^ai, (^TjAii) : I. of the mother, strengthd.,^ &t\v in very truth, Ib, ; o& 07|i surely nc*
to suckle, Lat. lactare, Lysias, N.T. II. of the Horn.
young animal, to suck, Lat. lactere ; ByXoifav xy*os mUr0<, 3 sing. aor. i med. imper.
a sucking pig, Theocr. : c. ace., /tacrSby 10^Ao|ey Id. 8i]oio,Ep. for 0eyo, 2 sing. pres. opt.
d, a giving suck, suckling, Plut. H'P, &np6s, Ep. dat. pi.
3 66
AW, Eur. with Theocr. in pi. beasts, opp. to men, birds, and fishes,
joined with
beast of Prey, 11., etc. ; ;

also of Cerberus, Soph. : in pi. beasts, wild animals, game, Hdt., Plat. proverb., ^ Biqpiov

Ac'cura, ;
2. of any i. e. either below or above the nature of man,
as opp. to birds and fishes, Od., etc. fy Bfos,
2. an animal, Hdt., Plat. 3. a poisonous
animal, as of birds, Ar., etc. 3. any fabulous mon- Arist.
a centaur, Soph, 'cf . animal, reptile, serpent, N. T. H. also as real
ster, as the sphinx, Aesch. ; esp.
a satyr, Eur. Dim. a little animal, insect, of bees, Theocr. III.
frftp} 3

& hunting of 'mild beasts, the chase, as a term of reproach, beast ! like Lat. bellua, French
0-rjpa, Ion. frnp-rj,^,
2. metaph. eager pursuit of any- bete, Ar., Plat. Hence
Horn., Hdt., etc.
II. the beasts taken, spoil, booty, 0-qpioTTjs, T?TOS, 7), the nature of a beast, brutality, Arist.
thing, Soph.
& irravcd Bypai, f. d}<T<a, to make into a wild beast.
prey, game, Od., Aesch., etc. ; in pL, 6i] p toco, 'Bjipiov'j

of birds, Soph. ~i}pi-S8tjs es, eft>o$j full of wild beasts, infested by

Anth. them, Lat. belluosus, of countries, Hdt. H. of
0tjp-a'YpTt]s > ou, <5, (<rypeajj a hunter, Eur.,
0-qpajxa, arcs, r6, (Oypdu) that
which is caught, prey, men, beast-like, wild, savage, brutal, Lat. bellutnus,
Eur., Plat., etc. TO B. the animal nature, Eur.
spoil, booty, Eur., Anth.
= B'rjpi6TT]s, Arist.
ov, (flrjpaw) to be hunted down
or 9f]p ia)8 ia, 7},
0?}pacri)i.os [a],
OnpCaxris, &>s, a turning into a beast, Luc.
caught, Aesch. T), ^B-yjptoca
to slay wild beasts, Soph.
07jpaTos, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be hunted after, sought 07|po-poXe<i), f . i}(ru, jSoAAw)
H. Bypareov one must hunt 0-npo-{3oTos s ov, ^oV/cw) where
wild beasts feed, Anth.
eagerly, Soph., Xen.
0-qpo-0i3}jLos, ov,
with brutal mind, brutal, Anth.
after, Xen. wild beasts, Iv <povai$
07]paT]p, Ion. -Tj-njp, Typos, o, (Bypda*) a hunter, 0ijpo-KTOVOS, ov, /crew*?} killing

= foreg.; metaph., B. \6ywv one who ypoKTovois, i.e. in the chase, Eur.
0Tjpanjs, ov, 6,
hunts for words, Ar. p-oXcTi]?, ov, 6, (&\Ai!/u) slayer of beasts,
ra B. rfav fyiKwv slain by beasts, Anth.
07|paTiKOS, T}> fof^&npcvrucos metaph., : 0ijp-dXeTos, oy, 'J\Xuju,
half-beast, rts &pvy{] a
the arts for winning friends, Xen. 'hrjpo-jJULyijjs, 4s, jj.i'yvv/j.L 6i]p.

0ijpa.Tpov, TO, an instrument of

the chase, a net, trap, cry as of beasts, Plut.
and 0i)po-vop.os, oy, \ve}Me; tending
wild beasts, Anth.
Xen. ;

0T}paT6>p, Ion. -iJTtop, opos, 6,

~ Bijparfjp, II. From 0tjpo-<ncoiros, ov, looking out for
wild beasts, h. Horn.
07lpo<rwvi], TI, B'fjp) the chase,
0T|paa : f . da-a [a] : aor. i e07?pckra pf reB-fjpaKa
: . :

Med., f. 6v)pd<ro/, aor. i eBypaordfjiTiv. Pass., aor. i 0-qpo-TOKos, ov, (T(KTO}) producing beasts, &\.O"TJ Anth.
&i)pdB7)v [jo] (B^ipa) : to hunt or chase wild beasts, 0-qpo-rpo^os, ov, (rp<pdi) feeding wild beasts, Eur. II.

proparox. Bypdrpotyos, feeding on beasts,

Soph., Xen. : of men, to catch, capture, Xen. metaph.

to captivate, Id. : 6. tr6\tv to seek to destroy it, 07]po-4>ovos, ov, and ?, oy, killing
wild beasts, Eur.
Aesch. 2. metaph., like Lat. venari, to hunt after 0T|p<r, dat. pi. of 07^p.
a thing, pursue it eagerly, Trag. : c. inf. to seek or en- 0T)pu>ov, crasis for ri ^p&wj/.
deavour to do, Eur. ; and in Med., Soph., Eur. H. 0TJs, 07?r^, ^, a 5^rf or villain, bound to till his lord's
Med. much like Act. to hunt for, fish for, fjx^ fis land, Lat. ascriptus glebae, opp. to a mere sla'ue,
Ar. ; absol., 01 0ijpdj/*j'oi hunters, Xen. 2. metaph. Brlres TC 5/twes re Od. : also a hired farm-servant or
Plat. 2. at Athens, by
to cast about for, seek after, Hdt., Eur., etc. EEC. bailiff, Lat. villicus, Hes.,
Pass, to be hunted, pursued, Aesch., etc. the constitution of Solon, the flares were the fourth class,

0YJpc dual of B^p. ;the other three being -jrevraKoffio^ifjivot, iirvets, (fv-
in land was under
0T]ptos, ov and a, ov, (0^p) of wild beasts, Lak.fermus 9 ylrai), including all whose property
ypcujrfiv the figures of animals
worked upon the 150 medimni, Plut. : they were employed as light-armed
= and seamen. II. fern. 0TJcr<ra, new Att. 0tJTro, T\,
cloak, Aesch.; 0. 8a/eo* 04?p, Eur.; B. &ia, periphr.
for 6 B-fipf the centaur, Soph. B, Kpea game, Xen. ,*
a poor girl, one obliged to go out for hire, Plut. 2.
6-fipapa, spoil, prey, Eur. as Adj. Bya-o-a Tpcwrefa menial fare, Eur. (From 6E,
0Vjpei;p.a, aros, r6, (Bripi>eo)
hunting, the chase. Plat.
<as, 77, (ftrjpcita)
Root of Tt&7fu, a settler.)
6t)pcvn$f, ou, o ,

= Bypass,
a hunter, hunts- 0i}<rai, aor. i inf. of *0a<w,
to suckle : 0-qcraro, 3 sing,
man, II. 5 Kuoi e^pevrftri Ib. ; also of a fisher, Hdt. aor. i

0Tjp-wTiicos, oV, of or /or hunting, KVV$ B. hounds,

-ft, 071<ravpi> f. <r<*>, ^ffavpos] to store or treasure up,
Ar., Xen. ; ftios B. the life 0f hunters, Arist. ; and Hdt., Xen., etc. Hence
From 0T]<raupurfi.a, aros, rcf, a store, treasure, Soph.,
Eur. ; and
0ijpeuT5s, T\, oV, Bypass, Arist.
0t|oravpic^os, ^, a laying tip in store,
like Bypdca, Arist.
KTJW, f. o*&) :
Pass., aor. i tBypetiByv :

H. 0t]<raupo~iroi,&, oV, (voieca) laying up

in store, Plat.
hunt, go hztnting, Od., Hdt. c. ace. to
int after, chase, catch, Id., Xen., etc. : of men, 07}<ravpo$, 6, (from 6E, Root of Ti07j/u} a store laid, up,

to hunt down, Hdt. ; to lay wait for, Xen. : Pass, to treasure, Aesch., Ar. : metaph., 8. $/j.v(v Pind. ; Atos
be hunted, Hdt. : to be caught, Aesch. 2. metaph. 6., of fire, Eur. ; ol&vdis yXvicvs B., of a dead body,
to hunt after, Id., Eur., etc. Soph. II. a store-house, treasure-house, magazine,
0tjptjTi|pj -ijTwp, Ion. for BJjpiiriipf droop. Hdt. : the treasury of a temple, Id., Xen. 2. any
receptacle for valuables, a chest, casket, Hdt. ;
B. j8e-
0-qpe'o), Ion. for Bypdw.
AO'O-IJ', of a quiver, Aesch.

4h)piov, TO , in form a Dim. of 6-t)p, but in usage equiv.

to it, a wild animal, beast , of a stag, Od. ; of savage d-qcrei&u, of, sons of Theseus, i. e. the Athenians, Soph.
beasts, Hdt., Xen., etc. ; but, of a pig, Plat, ; of a dog, tjo-ctov, T<f, the temple of
Theseus> a sanctuary for
criminals and runaway slaves, Ar. II. T& tjcreta person heavy-laden, &$ BKifiopai Ar. : Med., ToAApo-i !

sc. ttpd"l9the festival of Theseus, Id. <f>\Lf<n 0At^Tcu &JJLOVS he mill rub his shoulders against
Dor. 2 sing. fut. of Ti&r^u.
6t|crcts 9 many doorposts, of a beggar, Od. II. to pinch,
07jo"}JLvai 9 Dor. for Bjjfffiv, fut. inf. of TiBTjjyu. compress, straiten, Plat. Pass, to be compressed, :

0T|O"n5ji0a, Dor. for $?j<r<fjU6Ja, i pi. fut. med. of Tt07?fu. 0Ai$0/teVa /caAujSa a small, close hut, Theocr. ; fifths
0t|GTvs, 6, gen. &$, Theseus, the famous ancestral hero TB\ijjL/jLyij a narrow way, N. T. 2. metaph. to
of Athens, II., etc. (From E, Root of TiB-y^i, the oppress, afflict, distress, Arist.
Settler ; cf. B^s.) 0vaorc, Dor. for By^crKca 0venros for 8jnrro"$. :

0-qcnrjts, iSoy, contr. TJCT-JJS, ytios, fern, of S-^cretos, of 'vTJcrjcw, Dor. 0yao-cw : f . Bayov/jLat, Ep. inf. -<rBai :

Theseus, Aesch. II. as Subst. the Theseid, a poem aor. 2 e&avoy, Ep. and Ion. Bayeety inf. also Bavcfieyt
on Theseus, Arist. 2. name of a mode of hair- pf. re'0j/7j/ca, with syncop. forms, 3 dual reBvaroy, i pi.
cutting, first used by Theseus, Plut. reBva^ey, 3 pi. TeByacn ; 3 pi. plqpf eredyacrav imper. .

0-Sjcr0cu, pres. pass. inf. of *0o to suckle. reBvaOi, TfBydTca ; opt. TedyaiTjv; inf. T&ydyai cT,
TIJTcra, fern, of Bys, q. v. II. Greek form of Lat.
thensa, a sacred car, Plut. z>fc; Ep. reByrj&s or eu&s, -via,; gen. re&j'TjaJTOs and
f of T(8i\}u
. Dor. 6-rjcrw.
: reByyoros from TeBvyKa arose the Att. fut. forms

0tjTia, T), ^$7?rei$a) hired service, service, Soph. TsQvh^ta, TeByJigofLca. (The Root is AN, found in aor.
Cb}Ti$6>, Ep. inf. BTjrfvepey : f <rw : (6j)s,> to be a serf
. 2 Qaveiv, etc.; : in pres. and impf. /0 <z>, fe dying,
or menial, serve for hire, Horn., Hdt., Att. in aor. 2 and pf. to be dead, Horn., etc. ; the pres.

StjTticos, ^, 6y, (0^y) of or ybr ^z hireling, menial, sometimes takes a pf. sense, BjrffffKovtn ydp, for rf&yri-
Arist. 2. rb BjjrtK^y, the class of BTJTGS, Id., Soph., Eur. 2. often used like a pass. Verb,
0-ijTTa., 7),Att. for Bijffa'ct.
Xep&ly VTT* A&wroy Bayeeiv to fall by his hand, be slain
-0t, originally a termin. of the gen., as in IAi<0i irp6, by him, I!., etc. note the phrase of Dem., reByaa'i T$

TJ&BL Trp6 II. II. insepar. Affix of several S'ubsts., <St rovs TOIOVTOVS, where TeByacfi T<jp 5ei must be taken
Adjs., and Pronouns, to which it gives an adv. sense, as a single Verb, are in mortalfear of. XT. metaph.
denoting the place at which, ofao&t, &\\oBt, etc. of things, to die, perish, Aesch., Soph., etc.
8tcUr-dp3(Tjs, ov, 6, the leader of a Blcuros, Luc. IVTJTO-Y VIJS Dor. 0vaT-, es, (yiyvofuu) of mortal race,
0iocrcv<tf, to bring into the Bacchic company, Eur. :
Soph., Eur.
Pass, to be of the Bacchic company, to be hallowed by 0vt|To-i8tjs, $, (ffeos) of mortal nature, Plat.
Bacchic From
rites, Id. 0vjT<fe, $, 6y, and 6s, oy: Dor. 0var5s (Qv^a'Kca) : :

01'ATOJ, t>, a band or company marching through liable to death, mortal, Horn., etc. : as Subst., BsnQToi
the streets 'with dance and song, esp. in honour of mortals, Od., Trag. 2. of things, befitting- mortals,
Bacchus, a band of revellers, Hdt., Eur., etc. 2. human, Pind., Eur., etc.
generally, any party, company, troop, Eur., Xen. 0oaw, only in pres., (Bo6s) trans, to move quickly, ply
duicras, Dor. for Bidorovs, ace. pi. of Biacros. rapidly, vrepvyas Eur. ; rls #8* ay&y 8od(wy ere what ,*

0i,a<rwTT|S, ov, o, the member of a Qiacros, Ar., etc. : task is thus h^^rrying thee on ? Id. ; &od(<& TF&VQV I
c. gen., Biafftarat TOV "Eptaros followers of Love, Xen. ; urge it on, Id. ; 8. dispatch food quickly,
o"2ra to
o ifjtbs &. Eur. 2. of Bacchus, leader of Biacroi, Anth. Id. 2. intr. move quickly, hurry along, rush,
Styyavw [a], f. Bit-opal
0ryoj> (lengthd. from
: aor. 2 :
dart, Id. H. = Bdffffca, to sit, rivets woff $pa$ Bod'
Root If, cf. Biyety, Lat. te-tig~i} to touch, handle, :
fere ; why sit ye in this suppliant posture ? Soph.
c. gen., Trag. 2. to take hold of, TWOS Soph., etc. ; doifiaTLov, 0olpaTi8u>v, crasis for TO ijukr-*
wXfvais B. Tiv6s to embrace, Eur. 3. to touch, 0oiva, 7), Dor. for Boiyr}. Hence
attempt, Xoyov yX&ffffy B. Soph. : in hostile sense, to 0oiya<0, Botydta, Xen.
attack, Bypds Eur. II. metaph. of the feelings, to, oros, TO, (Qoivdte) a meal, feast, Eur.
touch, Id. ;* ^VXTIS, fypsv&v 0. Id. ; woAAcfc Btyydvti wpbs Ootvarnp, yposy d y (Boiyd&) lord of the feasty Aesch.
fyrap reach to the heart, Aesch. 2. to reach, gain, 0otva*nrjptov s T^3 ^Boiy^, Eur. 5 and
win, Tiv6s Pind., etc. : Pind. uses it in this sense, as 8oLva.TJ.x69, ^, <Jy,, of QT for a feast, Xen. ; and
he does $av<0, c. dat. 0oivaT&>p [a], opo^, d,
= Boiyon"ftp, Eur. From
0I"yiEv > aor. 2 inf. oJ 8otvaw, f. 4\<r<a, (Boiyrj) to feast on, eat, I%0usHes. II.
$to}&<U} fut. of Biyy&vta. to feast, entertain, <uAow Eur. j ri SetTryoy, r<J jaxj'

SI [t], Bivos, 6, and ^, a heap, Od., Aesch. : in pi. 1/ccTyos 8oivTf](r the feast, which A# ^a-Ui? him,
sand-heaps, sand-banks, Hdt., etc. 2. the beach, Hdt. 2. Med. and Pass., f. Tjcro/uu dcrojuu and
shore, ircya. Biya BaXdffcrTjs II. ; Tropa BTy oAo'y Ib. ; so, [a] : aor. i and -^rjff'diJ.jjy pf Te0oyd/uu :
IQotv^&i^y : .

&ri Btyl Od. 3. sand or mud at the bottom of the absol. to feasted, to feast, banquet, Horn., Od.,

sea, olfyta Kv\iv$i fivercrdBey ffiva. Soph. ; metaph., rbv Eur. c. ace. to feast on, Eur.
: so c. gen., Anth. *,

ffivd fwv Tapdrreis you trouble the very bottom of my OotvTj, Dor. 0oCva, 7), a meal, feast, banquet, dinner9
heart, Ar. Hes., Hdt., Att. (Deriv. uncertain.)
OXoorcre, Ep. for l&Aacr*, 3 sing. aor. i of 0Aao>.
AA'il, inf. OXaXy f. B\dcr<a aor. i %B\affa, Ep.
00VTO, for BetTO, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. opt, of
Pass,, pf. WflAwy/iai ; to crusk, bruise, Horn. 8oXpos, d, &v, (QoXcs) muddy, foul, ihu
AI'B0 [r] : f . 0A^w : aor. i l0Ai^a : Pass., pf. W0At/i- Lat. tztrbidns, properly of water, Hdt., TIiiic.j*

ftcu : to presst squeeze, pinch) Ar., Dem. : Pass, of a etc. H. metaph. troubled by passim or mad-
Thracian, Thuc., etc. Ion. 0pTjtscIos
QoXepy -%*IIMVI with turbid
ness, QoXepol \lsyoi Aesch. j
s, a, or,

storm of
o^ n -j Hdt *
J contr. 0piQKi.os, a, oi', Trag. :

madness, Soph.
SoXCa, 17,, (Bfaos)
a conical hat -with a broad brim to aj ,

From Opatucrrt, (paKrj. Adv. w

Thracian fashion, Theocr.
keep the sun off, Theocr.
fut. med. -evtro/ucu
OQ'AOX, j], a round building with a conical roof, a 6pa.yTJO}jUii, Pass, with
: .

{Qpavos} :

vaulted chamber, Od. 2. at Athens, the Rotunda, ^ be stretched on the tanner's board, to be tanned, Ar.
0po.vov, TO, Dim. of Qpayos, Ar.
In which the Prytanes dined, Plat., etc.
0OAOT, b, mud, dirt, esp. the thick, dark juice of the 0pavtT|S [l], ow, ^, (Bpavos} one of the rowers on fke
it emits to trouble the water topmost of the three benches in a trireme, who had the
cuttle-fish (sepia), which
Hence longest oars and most work,
a top-rower, Ar., Thuc.
himself, Lat. loligo, Arist.
and hide
0oXo, f. da-fa, to make turbid, properly of water : cf. ^rytT-yjs, 0aAajwr7js.

0pavos, ^, or TO, (*0pacw) a bench, form,

metaph., 6. Kapoiav Eur.
0005, 7}, 6v, (dw to run) quick, nimble, active,
11. 3 p^|, epcuc^s, ^ a Thracian; Ion. 6pTjt|, txos, pi.
Boh vii% swift Night, because she drove a car, or came p^tS [r], II., Hdt., etc. ; Ep. contr. pi}!, epTjKoy,
on suddenly, Horn.; &o^v oXe-yw/ere SaTra prepare a II, Trag., etc.

hasty meal, Od., etc. : Adv. 0ows, quickly,

in haste, 9paicu,, aor. I inf. of 0pao-<r 0pa|ov, imper. ;

II. of the Echitiades, islands SPA'IOI [a], eos, TO, courage,

Horn. ; soon, Od.
with sharp-peaks, Ib. boldness, II., Soph, tVx^os confidence in strength,
j 0p.

0ooo>, f (a<roa, (6oos n) to make sharp or pointed,

Od. Soph. H. in bad sense, over-boldness, daring,

06pe, Ep. for eflope, 3 rashness^ audacity, impudence, Att., Hdt.

0opciv, inf. aor. 2 of 8p&ffK& :
@p$crcrtt,4 Att. epaTra,Trag. 6po-<ra,Dor. 0pMro-a,
0opi], T),
= 6op(Js, Hdt. (^p^) a Thracian 'woman, Soph., etc.
aor. i inf. #pacu
9optcov8, Adv. to Thoricus, h. Horn. Opdoxrv, Att 0pttTT f, fa : : :

0opvvjAcu or -VOJACU, Dep., Qpda-Kc*

= n, 3 pi. subj. contr. from -ropacrorou, totroztUe, disquiet, Aesch., Eur.,
Plat., etc. 2. to destroy, ruin, Anth.
Oopyvtovrou, Hdt.
0op<>5, 6, semen genitale, Hdt. 0pa<nJ-povXos, ov, (jSovX^) 60^ counsel, Arist. m
0pa<jrv-Ytftos 5 OI'> \7wu>y) strong of limb, Pind.

OopvBoL^oj&ai, Pass. if<? troubled, N. T. ^From 8pa.<ru-8iXos, ^ TJ, an impudent coward\ Arist.
0pa<n>-ic<pSios, ov, (:ap5ia) bold of heart,
8opv{3c'<u, f, ^crw, (d6pv&os)
to -make a noise or uproar,
of a crowd, Ar. 2. like Lat. acclamare, to shout in 0pa0~v~p>a'Xo s> oy > v/^X /** )
1 ^^^ % n buttle, Arist.
0pa<ru-jtH,vwv, oy, bravely steadfast (cf Me//j/),
token either of approbation or the contrary ; a,
to cheer, applaud* Plat. "b. to raise clamours pa,(rv~|J,ijoiris, ey, (/u^os)
60^ thought or ^ _,
against, c. dat., Thuc., Plat., etc. : Pass, to have daring, resolute, Pind.
H* trans, to t5o^, d, ^,
= foreg., Anth.
clamours raised against one, Soph, fcS5

throw into con- -

confuse by noise or tumult, to trouble
* -

fusion, Thuc. : Pass, to be thrown into confusion, contriving, daring- in design, Pind.
Bpacru-jiiiSos, OF, bold of speech, saucy,
Hdt., etc. Hence = 6af<rvyt*>,
0pcwrvv<a [v], f
to make bold,
uproarious, turbulent, Ar.
6y> i/yc5j (epafffa)
0opiJp7jTuc6s, -rj f
embolden, encourage, Aesch., Thuc. Pass, and Med.,
making an uproar, Plut.

8op^8o-7roi6s, oV, (7rott$)

to be bold or ready, take courage, Aesch., Eur.,
0op$f3o$ 0, (Bp&os) a noise, uproar, clamour, Pind.,
Eur., Thuc., etc. , Btpvfios &ays a confused clamour, etc. H* Pass,, in bad sense, to be over-bold,

Soph. 2. in. token of approbation or the con- audacious, to speak boldly or insolently, Soph., Ar.
at work, Pind.
trary ; a. applause, cheers, Ar., Plat., etc. ^
b. 0pao-u-irovos, ov, bold or ready
II. tumult, confusion, QV, bold in isar, Anth.
groans, murmurs, Soph. 0paerv-irToXj*,os,
0PA*TY'I, eta, 4, bold, spirited, courageous, con-
Hdt., Thuc.
fident, Horn., Hdt., Att. j epaffettt
TOV fieXXovros
0op$B-uti$, noisy, tiproarious, turbulent,
sr, (eX5os)
full of confidence for the future, Thuc.
2. in
Plat. II. causing- alarm, Xen.
bad sense, orer-bold, rash, venturous, Lat. audax,
9op<Gv, ouo*a, aor. 2 part, of 0p<6o"Kw.
0ov 3 aor. 2 imper, of Ti0ij/tt* Od., Att. H. of things, io be ventured, c. inf.,
I am bold to say, Pind, OVK
6ovo>p, 0ovS<tTOs, crasis for Tb ^5&jp, ToO xfSaToy. epaa-v fjioi rotf eiTreTv this -,

III. Adv.
Soupio-p-avris, cws, o, a Thurian prophet^
of Lampon op %K*ivt? 7r/>ocr/iT|ai 0pao"tf; Soph.
who led the colony to Thuriurn, Ar. -4a)$ : Conip. Qpc,crvTpov, too boldly, Thuc.
etc. ov, (<nr\&yxvov) bold-hearted^ Eur.
6ovpios> a, QV, in Att. Poets for Ooupas, Aesch., 0pao~u-enrXcryxyos
iSoff, iy, fern, of sq., Horn. ; SoSpis OMTH-IS,
the Adv. -s, Aesch.
0ovpts and
shield with -which one rushes to the fight, II. 0pacruoToja,w, to be over-bold of tongue, Trag. j

*jf, insolence,
Anth. From
0ovpo, 4 (cf* 0/)^T/ca)) rushing> raging* impetuous, 0p&orwcrTojj.Cti,
Aesch. poUru-crrojAos, OK, (o*T<J/x.a)
6^/cf o/ tongue, insolent,
furious, II.,

00CUKOS, Ep. lengihd. form of Swtcos; v. 0aicas,

^ Aesch.
IJTOS, ^, over-boldness, audacity,
dco<ra, 17, (0o<Jj) Speed, as prop, n., Od. Opacrvnis,
Qp^tct), ij, Thrace, Ar., Thuc., etc.
: Ion. 0pi(jtiti|,
6paLcru-xeL P> X eiP*> > &* %>
bold hand, Anth. f
Ep." contr. Qptficn, H-> Trag.j poi7 in Ar.: 8pt|- p^TTo,, 175, T], Att. for p<r<ra.
from Thrace, II. : Sp^vac, to Thrace, Od. 0paTT, Att. for 0pa<ro-w.
6pavfj.a Opotia. 369
0pavjxa, arcs, (Qpavuj TO',
= 0pi}v-to8ir]S, es, (elSos) like a dirge, fit for a dirge.
Ar. Plat.
6pav<r-avru 9 vyos, 6, T\, '6pau&; breaking wheels,
SpavcTfia or dpavfia, OTOS, TO*, Aa
which is broken, a 0prjv(j>8ia, T], lamentation, Plat. From
fragment, wreck, piece, Aesch. From 0pir|v-<uj8oSj o, %, (aoiSoY) one who sings a dirge, Arist.

PAY'fi, . crw aor. i e0pav<ra Pass., aor. i <=0pau<r-

: :

to break in pieces, shatter, la, Ion. 73171 or ITJ, T], religious worship
07jj> : pf. :
shiver, Hdt., Aesch., Eur. Pass, to fly into pieces, : usage, Hdt. religion, N. T. ; dp. T<av fayylKtev

Hdt. II. metaph., like Lat. frangere, = dpvirra), worshipping of angels, Ib. From
to break down, enfeeble, Pind., Eur., etc. 0piqcrKTJ<>, f. (Tea, (Qpya'KQS?) to hold religious observ-
*PA', to set. ances, observe religiously, Hdt. H. to be a
Gp&crora, 17, Dor. for Spfiffcra, pqcrcra. devotee, Plut.

ipe'jxjAa, aTOS, TO, (rpejxo) a nursling, creature, of j 0pTjo"Kos, ov, religious, X.T. (Deriv. uncertain. *-

2. of men, Soph., Ion. for

sheep and goats, Xen., Plat. Plicrcra, rj, pavcra,
etc. 3. of wild beasts, Id. 4. as a term of re- iicos, 17, ov, of triumphal families, Plut.

proach, a creature, dpeafiar OVK cb/acrxera Aesch. ;

> i
} f.
pf . TeOpia/zjSeuKo: : ^pia/i/Sos) :
o"o?, u

0peft.fl ayeuS&Soph.
5. vSpas 0p.,periphr.foru5pa, Id. triumph, Plut., etc. ; dp. cbro Tiyos or Kara TWOS,
Lat. triumphare de aliquo, Id. ; also, 0p. Tiva
0p'|curKov, Ion. aor. of Tpfc'x w Opejojxat, fut. :

QPE'OMAl, Dep. only in pres. to cry aloud, shriek N. T. II. ta lead in triumph, nvd Plut.
= Lat. 1'iV trium-
forth, Aesch., Eur. 0ps.afjLpLKos, 4> <^> triumphal, avr>p p.
0peirrLpa, 0pirr^p, Eur.., Anth.
TJ, fern, of phalis, Plut.
Adj. of rpetyu, to be fed,
verb. 0pa}i.pos, <5, hymn to Bacchus,, Cratin. : also a name
0pTrros, a, ov,
Plat. II. Bpeirreov, one must feed, Xen. 2. for Bacchus, Plut., etc. H. used to express the
from Pass., one must be fed, one must live, Id. Roman triumphus, Id. (Deriv. unknown.)
Dim. of sq., Luc.
ffpeirnjp, Tjpos, 6, (rpe<p(o) a feeder, rearer, Anth. Opi/yKiov* TO,
Opcirrijpios, ov, (rpetpa) able to feed or rear., feeding, PlfKO'2, 6, the topmost course of stones in a wall,

nourishing, Aesch. H. irXoKafJ-os 8p. hair let which projected over the rest, the eaves, cornice,
gro-w as an offering, Id. III. Bp^irT^pia, ret, coping, Od., Eur. ; dpiyicbs KVQOJQLQ a cornice o blue
rewards for rearing, h. Horn. but also, A# returns ~, metal, Od. 2. metaph. the coping-stone, cul-
made by children for their rearing, Hes. 2.= mination, OpLjKos Kcut&v Eur. H. a, -mall, fence
rpocjyfi, nourishment., Soph.
of any sort, Id. Hence
to sttr round
with a coping, [auATji/]
0pTrrticos, ^, dV, fpptyw} promoting growth, Arist.; TO QpiyKQto, f. (affco,

#p7rri/cdV the principle of growth, Id. edpiyKCtxreifax^po*^ he fenced it at top \\ith thorn-
II. to build even to the coping-
0pTrTpaj ra, (rp(pca) the returns made by children to bushes, Od.
their parents for their rearing, II. stone : metaph, to put the finishing stroke to a thing,
0pTTclvXo, a sound imitative of the cithara (as tra Aesch. , 8S}jj.a Kajcols QpijKOvv to bring the house to the
lira of the horn), Ar. height of misery, Eur. Hence
TO, in Ar., OVK svi ro Bperre, the spirit's not 0pt"yKO)|ia, arcs, TO, a coping, cornice,

in me ',
a barbarism for TO Qpaffos. SptSatuvos, f}, ov, of lettuce, Luc. From
0pe\|ra, Ep. for eQpzfya, aor. I of rpsQw :
0p\|/w fut. Pl'AAH [I], CMOS, fa lettuce, Hdt., etc.
epE'a, v. epeofjuu. OpL^w, syncop. for depifa, Aesch.
ov, Ion. for pa/aa, piva-Kt-q, 7j, (Qpwcf)
an old name of Sicily, from its
QprfiKvt\y 0p7]iKi,os, 77,
in later times, the old
p-ifjii, t/cos, d, Ep. and Ion. for p- three promontories, Od., etc.
Lat. Trin-

0pi]i<rcra, TJ, Ep, and Ion. for p<jo~o~a. form pwa/cf7j was altered into TpwaKpia,
acria, as if it were compounded of TpeTs &rpcu. From
0pivaf, OLKOS, o, (rpetSy OKTJ) a trident,
Ion. and old Att. for Ar.
p-jfictos, p(j,Kto$.

0p7]Vw, f. -V, (dprjvos) to sing a dirge, to wail, Qd. y PI'H, T), gen. Tplxo's, dat. pi. 0p*|4 the hair of the
Aesch. : c. ace. cogn., aoiSfyv Qpj}Vov were singing a head, used by Horn, only in pi. ; Att. also In sing*. ;
also sheep's wool, II. ; pig's bristles,
dirge, eV^Jas 0p. Soph. : Pass., aXis
II. ; ^Sas", JJLOI Horn., etc. :
reOpTivriTai,impers., Id. 2. c. ace. objecti, to Horn. ; obpcuai rpix*s the hair of a horse's tail, II. 2.
wail for, lament, Aesch., etc. ; so also Med., Id. : a single hair, proverb., #pl| o^a /ie<r<rov only a hair's
Pass, to be lamented, Soph. Hence breadth between, Theocr. ; $IQV rpix^s, i. e. good for
0pi}vT}(i.a, CM-OS, r&, a lament, dirge, Eur. ; s.nd nothing, Ar.
t ypos, 6, a mourner, waiter, Aesch. PPON, TO', a fig-leaf, Ar. H. a mixture of
ov, &,
= 6pf]W}T'!}p> Aesch. eggs, milk, lard, flour, honey,
and cheese, a kind of
querulous, Arist.
s> $}, oV, (0p7]^w) omelette, so called because it was wrapped in fig-
three lobes
0ptjvos, 6, (dpou,ai) a funeral-song, dirge, lament, leaves, Id. (Prob. from Tpfe, from the
Lat. naenia, II., Hdt., Trag-. ; Bfrnvos ovp.6s for me, of the fig-leaf.)
Aesch. 2. a complaint, sad strain, Pind.., etc. 8pu]/, gen. BplTrds, 6, (rpt^ci)
a wood-worm, Anth.
II. 0p. aor. :-& cry aloud,
0PTJVVS, vos, b, (*dpdca) a footstool, Horn.
0pow, f. T^o-w :
e'flpdVct: (flpo'os)
to speak, say, utter9 Tragf.; and In Med.
irrair68'ns the seven-foot bench, the seat of the helms- Soph.:
man or the rowers, II. Aesch. 2. to tell out, declare, Id., Soph. H.
f. VCD, to sing a dirge over, rivoi Eur. Pass, to be troubled, N. T.
a lump, piece, Lat. gntmus, as of X8-J|, ^, a daughter's daughter, granddaughter,,
6po|xpos, o, iTpe<J>o>)
Att.; and
asphalt, Hdt. : a, clot or gout of blood, Aesch. a daughter's son, grandson, Att.
like clots, doited, Soph. tJ^arpiSovs, oy, 5, ;
6pou,p-wST)s, es, (eftos,
embroidered on cloth, Ion. -iSos, Hdt.
6pova, T, only in pi., /0<?r.s a mortar, Ar.
patterns, II.
H- flowers or /z<?rs z*W as ck-z#s 0-ucCa, Ion. -fiCt], ^, "0ua?,

8-ucCSiov, TO, Dim. of Bveia, Ar.

a?z^ charms, Theocr. (Deriv. uncertain.; a furious storm,
?, <r/mz>, Horn. : a throne, chair 0-ucXXa, fa (8vca, as ^eAAa from arjfJLi)
epovos, 6, (*0paw ;
the throne, i.e. the hurricane, Horn.; Trupos OveXXcu thunderstorms, Od, ;
of state, Hdt., Att. :-~in pi. also,
2. tt*? oracular Trovria 6. Soph. metaph. , arris 0ueAAcu Aesch.
king's estate or dignity, Soph.

seat of Apollo or the Pythia, Aesch., etc.

3. the 6-ucrrLos, a, ov, of Thyestes, Ar.
-ut]-8oxos, ov, ^dvos, 5%o/4ai receiving- incense,
chair of a teacher, Lat. cathedra, Plat. Hence or smelling with in-
the enthronement of the newly ini- vqeis, etro-a, ev, (8vos^ smoking
SpdvGxris, &>s, ^, Hes.
tiated at the mysteries, Plat. cense, fragrant, Horn.,
if/i^ ^>ar^ of the victim that was burnt,
a noise as of many voices, 6ut]Xij, ^, (0tJw^
poos, Att. 0povs, o, (0peVcu) the primal offering, mostly in pi., II., Ar. :
2. the murmuring of metaph.,
II. ; of musical sounds, Pind.
to Ares, i. e. the blood of the
II. a report, Lat. ntmor, Xen. 0u7jA77 "Apcos, an offering
a crowd, Thuc.
Luc. slain, Soph.
QpvaXXiSiov, TO", Dim. of QpvaXXis,
like our rush, 'was f. -fjo-ia, to busy oneself with sacrifices, Aesch.,
8pt>aXXis, i$os, y. a plant which,
Eur. 2. trans, to sacrifice : Pass., QvyirotetTcu S*
used for making wicks, a wick, Ar. (Deriv. unknown. From
6pt?XGJ (vulg. 0pvAAeV>,
f- wa&? <2 confusedV
H. c. ace.
^ affTv is filled 'with sacrifices, Id.
(Qvos, iroXsa>^ busy about sacrifices,
noise, chatter, babble,' AT., Theocr. 0vt]-ir6Xos, ov,
about a thing, repeat over sacrificial, Aesch. : -as Subst. a diviner, soothsayer,
rei, to be always talking
and over again, Lat. decantare, Eur., Plat., etc. : Eur., Ar.
Tb the common talk, what is in -u7]-4>aYO$ [a], QV, ^6i>os, tyaytLVj devouring offerings,
Pass., QpvXovjjLevov
Dem. Aesch.
every one's mouth,
to make a false note, h. 0ma or better 0va, rj, an African tree with scented
0pi}Xcu (vulg. 0pi/AA-),
Horn. 'wood, a kind of juniper or cedar, Theophr.
(0uw y a mad or inspired woman,
^ a
to crush, shiver, smash: 0iaas, ctSos,
DptiXCcrcrw (vulg. 0pvAA-},
Pass., dpv\ix9q 5e ^r^irov (Ep. for 0puAt%0^) P-
Bacchante, Aesch.
^ 0-snvos, f\-> ov, of the tree Bvia, of cedar,
(vulg, 0pvAAos,, o, (0peo/tat)
?z<5^ #s of many
0i>f<> or 0TH<i>, = 0i/a, to be inspired, h. Horn.
voices, a shouting, murmuring, Batr.
8 a, aTOS, Tti,, (0pwT&?) /^/2^ 'which is broken off, a 0i5XdiKOV, TO, Dim. of QvXaKos, a little bag, Hdt.,, Ar.
eVAA^KOI [u], bag,poiich, -wallet^ Hdt., Ar. ; 5epw
piece, bit, Ar., Anth.

<re QvXaKov I'll make a ^^ of your skin, Id. TL

6PY'ON, T6, a rush, Lot. juncus, II,
in pi. 2fA^ trousers of the Persians, Eur., Ar.
0p-uirTHcos, ^, ^K, easily broken metaph. delicate,
: effe-
From 0vXa|, O.KOS, Q,vXaKOS, Aesop. : 0vXas, aSos, 7j f Anth.
minate, Xen.
aor. Pass, and Med., 0-uXe'ojwu, (d{fos) to offer.
PYTJT&, f. 0pvt|/w : i
0pu^a :

:~ 0vXi]jAa, aTOs, TO', that which is offered ; mostly

in pi.
f . 0pttyo/u : aor. 2 erpi^Tjj' [v] : (akin to 0pavw)
II. evX7i/j.ara, cakes, incense, etc.,
drea^ f pieces, break small, Plat., Theocr.
that which is slain or offered, a
metaph., like Lat. franger ef to break, crush, enfeeble: 09}j,a, aTas, r6, {Qvas A)
offering, T rug,, Thuc.,
un- etc. ; wa-y/capTra
Pass., with fut. med., to be enfeebled, enervated, mctim, sacrifice,
II. sacrifice, as
manned, Xen. ; reepvpueyos Luc. 2. in Pass, also, 0.offerings of all fruits, Soph.
to play the coquet, be coy and prudish, give oneself an act, Id. : metaph., 6. Xeiunpov a sacrifice to be
airs, bridle up, Ar., Xen. ; 8pvirTto~dai irpos
rtva to avenged by stoning [the murderers],
be wroth, angry, Hes., Ar.
gi'ue oneself airs
toward him, Plut. 0-Op.atvo), f a.v&, (Qvuos}

es, (aAyew) heart-grieving, Horn.,

Hdt. II.
a>s, 7], a breaking in small pieces metaph.
0p*u\{n.S, vji-aXyijs,
etc. pass, inly grieving, Kaptiia
softness, weakness, debauchery, Xen., Plut., a piece of
Ep. impf 0po5o"/cov : f Bopovfiai
: . 0op . : aor. 2 0vjA<X<a\|r [d], <OTTOS, &, (riKpca) burning 'wood
which or charcoal, a hot coal, Ar.
Ep. 66pov, Ion. inf. 0opeW. (From Root OOP,
be well-pleased, Theocr. From

appears in fut. and aor. 2.) To leap, 0i}[j.ap6>, to

^spring, the heart, I. e. well*
of airb (v. -i]fnjs} suiting
Ac/crpoiO Horn.; arrows, vevp; 0iijju-apijs
2. foil, by Prep, to Horn. : neut. as Adv. in
0pw<r/coyll.; of the oar, Soph. pleasing, dear, delightful,
e, attack, assault, Irl TpcSetnn 0<ipoy II. : the form 6vfjajpS, Od.
&YZJ& <?, i.

a recurring illness, to attack, Soph. 3. generally, 0Y'MBPA 7), a bitter herb, savory, Eupol.
Hence ^
to rush, dart, Pind., Soph. : metaph., ircSapoioi 0pc6- O-ujipp-eTTtSetTrvoSj ov, supping on bitter herbs9 i.e.
ffKovin leap up into air, i.e. vanish away, Aesch. II, living poorly, Ar.
trans, to mount, b Op^trKtav the sire, Id. Hence 0vjJLppis, tSos, ^, the Tiber,

0pwcrp.6s, 6, grotind rising from

the plain, an emi- 6v}*ppo-4>oLY os > ^
((paryetv) eating savory, Qv^po^aryoy

nence, II. ft\jrtv to look as if one had eaten savory, make a

YTATHP, ^: gen. 6vyarpo$, contr. dvyarpos ; dat savory or (as we might say) a verjuice face, Ar.
T], (Bv&) a place for sacrifice,
an altar, Aesch.,
Qvya.Tpi 3 QvycLrpi; ace. 6vyarpa but Ep. dvyarpa: 0vpcX*r],
voc. Qvyarep a daughter, Horn., etc. Hence
: Eur. 2, QvueXai KwcAcfortwy, supposed to be the
6T'PA. 37i
II. in the v Ib.
Cyclopian walls at Mycenae* Eur. ; }Myas |O*TI j8
Bvfjtbs ATJOS Ib. 5.
Athenian theatre, a platform in the orchestra, on the <Z5 M^ agent of thought, yap KOTO BvfLov
tteps of which stood the leader of the Chorus, Plut.
: Ib. 5 6v/M$ Ib.
generally, a raised seat: or stage, Id. Hence ov, //> clever felloe, Ar.
5 ?J, From <s:

SvjxeXtKos, "k, ov, of oTfor the thymele, scenic, theatric, wisefrom one' sown sozil, i.e. naturally
Plut. oi:
8v}jL\iKoi, i. e. the chorus or wmsicians, Id. clever , a wa?z of genius, Ar., Plut.

0iJ|i-'TjYpeii>v, \ayeipcti} a part, with

no pres. in use, 0ij}xo4>0ope<i} } f. ^7<rcj, #o torment the soul, break the

gathering breathy collecting" oneself, Od. heart, Soph. From

6v|i,-i]$i]s, 4s, tffios well-pleasing, Od,, Aesch. 0{3jjto-^0opos s oy, ((pdeipw] destroying the soul, life-
destroying, Od. heart-breaking, Ib. ; of persons,

0t>uap.a, Ion. -ijfJLa, arcs, TO, that 'which is burnt as

in- troublesome, annoying, Ib. Qv/w^dopa TroXAa (sc. :

cense : in pi. fragrant stuffs for burning, Hdt., Soph., cr-flfMara) tokens poisoning- the king's mind (against
etc. 2. stuff fur embalming, Hdt. Bellerophon), II.
O'up.ia.TijpioVj Ion. VJJUTJT-, TO, a vessel for burning 0{5{xow, f. &<r<>, (6v/j,os) to make angry : Med. and
incense, a censer, Hdt., Thuc., etc. Pass., f . d>o"0jucu ; aor. i e^u/iojcra/i'jjj' and eBvtiCij&Tjv :

dvjjaao), f . o"aj : Ion. aor. I eQv}jiLf]ffa :
Qvp.a, : to burn pf. inf. Tedvfj.axr&ai : to be wroth or angry, absol.,
so as to produce smoke, burn,, Hdt. : Pass, to be Hdt., Trag of animals, to be wild, restive. Soph. ;


burnt, 3 sing. OvfjuTjTai (Ion. for -area) Id. dv/j-ovaOcu els Kepas to vent fury with the horns, Virgil's
irasci in cornua, Eur. ; rb Bv^ovfLeyoy passion, Thuc. :
vjAtStov, TO, Dim. of 8vp,6s, Ar.
Ion. for 0u/aa/ia. QvjjLovcrdai nvi to be angry with one, Aesch., etc. ;

0u}juLi}Tqpioy, Ion. for Qvpnar^ipiov. e*ts TLVO, Hdt. ; c. dat. rei, to be angry at a thing, Ar.
0i3jiujTa!,, Ion. for STCM, 3 sing , pres. pass, of 6vp.idca.

Ovjx-wSrjs, s,
= 8vfj.Q~i$'f)5, Arist.
0t5jxi,Kos, 7j, oV, (6v/j.6$] high-spirited, passionate, Arist. 0iJjXG>p.a [/] ? aTos, TO, (Qv^ea) 'wrath, passion, Aesck.
IKSjJUTTjs [i], ou, flavoured 'with thyme, Ar.
<5, (0tS/ioy)
0vv = 0zW, only in impf., to dart along, Hes.
0i3jAO-papT]S, es, (&apvs) heavy at heart, Anth. 0wva<u, .
o"o3, (8vj/VQS) to spear a tunny-fish, Ar.

0i5jAoj3opets>, to gnaw or
-0f the heart, Hes. From Ovwctos, a, oy, (Qvvvos) of the tunny-fish : ra
eating the heart, II.
0iufj.o-j3opos, ov, ({Bi-fiptacTKoij (sc. pea) its flesh, Ar.
Otjjio-SaKTis, 5, (daKva, biting- the heart, Od., Anth. 0vvyeuTiK:os, ^, <Jy, \9vvv6s) for tunny-fishing, Luc,

0vp,o-tST]<j, 5, (elSos) high-spirited, courageous, Lat. 0uvvo-K<|>aAos d, (/c<aM) tunny-headed, Luc.

animosus, Plat., Xen. 2. hot-tempered, restive, Ib. 0-uvvos, d, i/2 tunny-fish, a large fish, used for food in
0i3jAo-Xe<>v, OJ'TOS, 5, lion-hearted, Coeur-de-lion, II. the Mediterranean, Orac. ap. Hdt., Aesch., etc. (From
0i3{Ao-fjLavTis prophesying from one's own
etos, d, rj, Qtiv, because of its quick, darting motion.)
soul ; without inspiration, like the QedfiavTis), Aesch. 0-uvvoo-KOTrew, f. TJO*, to watch for tunnies, Ar. From
0i5jfxo-fiax6<J, to fight desperately, X. T., Plut. 0vvvo-crK:oiros, 6, a tunny-batcher, i. e. one who was
0-ujiov [i5] or 0TJJXOS, eos, T<5, thyme, Ar., etc. 2, a posted on a high place, from which he could see the
mixture of thyme -with honey and vinegar, Id. (Deriv. shoals coining, and make a sign to the fisherman to let
uncertain.) down their nets, Theocr.
0i5jAO-7rXirj0TJS; $, (irATjflos) 'wrathful, Aesch. 0vvvws, Dor. for dvvvous, ace. pi. of 0tWos.
StJjio-paicnrqs, ov, 6, (fata) life-destroying, II. 0w<o [y], only in pres. and iinpf., = #wtf B, to rush or
dart along, mostly of warriors in battle, Horn., Find.
0i5jJtos, 4
(0t5w B) A* sow/ : I. like Lat. anima, the 0vo-8oKoSj ov} (6vo$, S%o/icu) receiving incense, full
sottl, breath, life, Qvftbv airavpav, ct,tp\.(r8a.i., lJ\.ecr#ai, thereof, odorous, Eur.
e|at^uo*0ou, oAeo'ca to take away life, Horn, j 0v/toy 6ifOL9, effcra, *v, (Qvos) laden with incenses odorous9
ajroirvelfty to expire, II. ; Qvftbv ayeipeiy to collect one- fragrant, II., Eur.
self, Ib., etc. ; Bvftbs relpcro Ka^drcf his spirit was 0vov, r6f (9v& A) a tree, the wood of whidb was burnt
wearied by toil, Ib. II. like Lat. animus, the soul, as a perfume, Od.
heart ; and so, 1. of desire for meat and drink, 0vov, Ep. for %&vovf impf. of B&w A. 2. of Bvw B.
IWtov & QGQV f 0e\e Qvp6$ Ib. c. inf., jSoAeW 5e I :
0vos, os, TO*, (Qv<a A) dat. pi. 0tWcri, Ep. 0u<rcri, Hes. ;
BVJJ.OS at/dry ei, his heart bade
him shoot, Ib. ; ^0eAe 9vft,<ji Ep. g^en. ^vey^ ; ace. &vri : a sacrifice, offering, Horn.,
he wished z?z- his heart or W/A <3// his heart, Ib. ; 0u^a^ etc.

jSovAo/^evos wishing -ajfifA a// (?M<?V heart, Hdt. 5 so, IK 0-uo<rKd>, to make burnt-offerings, Aescn. From
dvjjLQv iptXeeiv II. : flvjuo's co"Tf ^toi, 0. Y^eTaC jLtot, c. 0uo<r-Koos;, ou, o, (== Katw) fAe sacrificing priest,
inf., I have a mind to do * . , Id., Xen., etc. also : Horn., Eur.
as the seat of sorrow or Joy, %aipe 6*e Qvpy II, ; ^XJO^TO 0uo6>, f. (acrai, (6itosi) to fill with sweet smells : pf. pass.
8vfj.o$ Ib., etc. 2. mind, temper, will, 9. irpo$pu>v, part., IXoioy Te8veajjL.vov fragrant oil, II.

j/7jXe^5, <riti'f]pos Horn.; IVa (9u/ibv exety to be of one

0Y'PA [)}, Ion. 0vpiq, ^, Ion. gen. pi. 0upw: a
mind, II. ; ^KTjcre 5 ^pa &<f>l<n QVJJ&S &s /i.i/ it pleased door, Horn., mostly in pi. double or folding dwrs,
them to be of this mind, Od. ; <!5aeTo BtafAos their in full SiicA&es 0vpcu Od. : 6vp7}jt svinQevw, to put
wzW was divided, II. 3. spirit, courage, jueVos ol to the door, opp. to cafaK\iviv, II. ; so, T^^ 9* ar/MW-

QvpAs Ib. 5 0vjttby \a, to take heart, Od. ; Tropal Hdt. ,;

e-iricnrcicrcu Xen* ; 0i5p a}
<fjrrir, irorafr-
Too-l Kcinro* 0v/t(Js 11.^ etc. 4u -cz^ jfA^ 5^^^ of anger, Kpoteiv, Lat. januam pulsars, to knock, rap at
lyl 0u/ty Ib.: hence, anger, wrath, 5djua-

, Ar., Plat.j inetaph., rews 0t^wus a^ ^A^? M Bb2

372 upa
door, L e. close at hand, Xen. 2. from the Eastern hjpro-4>opos, ov,
thyrsus-bearing, Eur., Anth.
a! rov &a- a L Ps delight ing in the thyrsus, Anth.
of receiving petitions at the vpa"o-x,a.ptjs, $,

custom gate ''x

a room with doors to it, a

<n\cas Qvpai became a phrase, /tacnAews Bvpais -jrcu- TO,, dvpoca

evQVTO.i are educated at court, Id. ; at ras Qvpas M i-upwiJuaTa,
chamber, Hdt. II. a door siith posts a nd frame,

dangling: after
the court, Id. 3. proverb., Thuc., Dem.
eviKeii/rat (cf. advporojuos Theogn. ; Qvpa the part outside the door, a hal' f
(vpoSv, cavos, o,
j\<a(ro-g 8vpai OVK

e-zrl dvpais TTJV vSplav to break the pitcher

at the very antechamber, Lat, vestibuhim, Soph.
=there s many a slip 'twixt cup and lip,'
H5ptopci), to be
a door-keeper, Luc. From
riW T], ($pa or oSpos,,
<2 door-keeper, porter, Lat.
Arist. 4. //z? of a carriage, Xen. 5. 6vpy KSp-o>pos, 5,
rap-door, Hdt. 6. a frame of planks, janitor, Hdt., Att.
a raft, <f>paa/jLevoi. TT\V cb Bvpycri re Kal |vAots hjporos, 6v, (Qvp6uj with a door or aperture, Babr.
\\iihplanks and logs, Id. H. generally, aw *rc- vcrai [i5], aor. i inf. of 0uoj A.

trance, as to a grotto, Od. Tj<ravoi.s, Ep. 0iKT<ravoi$, e<rcra, zv, tasseled, fringed,
/ze door, out of of the aegis, II. From
0vpo|, Adv. properly 0upa<r-5, a tassel, in pi. tassels, fringe,
the door, L&t.foras, Horn. 2. generally, out, Id. ; 8. 0i5cravos [i], <5, ,6vta B;

lteVai to go out of the ship, II. so in Att., eK(j>peiv 9.,

: Hdt. ; 0/ the golden fleece, Pind.
of A* ta/5?s
3. c. 0i3(ravo>Tos, 77, ov, ,as if from 0u(raz/ow),
= 0u<r<Weis, Hdt.
e4\Kiv TWO, B. Ar. ; ol 6. those outside, Id.
gen., aAbs 6. out of the sea, Od. ;
0. v6fJ.<av, like rw 0vcr0Xa, wv, ra, (0u A) /z implements of Bacchus, the
&?, Eur. thyrsi and torches of the Bacchantes, II.

(0rfw A) aw offering maefe o/

&&v. from outside the door, 0t3o-ia, Ion. -MI, ^, or
0-upa0v,Ep. 0TJpTj8e, (0rfpa)

2. outside the door, outside, offering, Hdt. 2. in pi. offerings, sacrifices, sacred
from without, Eur. dat. pi]

Qvp-nff ea was out the sea, Od. :oi 0. aliens, the

of rites, Batr., Hdt., Att. ; dva-iycrL (Ion.
4 Aao-/ce-

enemy, Aesch. a
door or _/MS Id. ; of the gods, Qv&iav Sexecrflca Aesch. 3.
Svpouos, a, oy, and os, oy, (6i>pa.\ at the H.
outside the door, Aesch., Soph. ; 8. ol%viv to_ go to festival, at which sacrifices
were offered, Plat.
jfAg' victim or offering itself, Luc.
the door, go 0,
Id. ; 0. 7r<$AejU0s, opp. to civil war,
Aesch. 2. absent, abroad, Id. ; /n?m abroad^, 9iJoaa w J f. era*, &? sacrifice, Lysias.
Eur. ; Wpes 0vp. strangers, other men, Id. 5 dvpcua. 0v<ricurnjpiov, T6, an altar, N. T.
Id. 3 = aAAo- oy, (0U&J A) fit for sacrifice, Hdt., Ar.
$poirfi]j.a.T* the thoughts tff strangers, 0-uo-ijAos,

6. the luck of other men, 0vor<rav6is, Ep. for 0u<rawis.

Tpios, Lat. alienus, $\&os
Aesch. ; irq^a Eur. 0ucrrasJ a5os, ^, (0ua? A) sacrificial, Aesch., Soph.
Adv. ;0rfpa) fltf ^^ c?<90?-, outside, -without,,> -crtv,
0-vTcIov, ro, (0uw A" a place for sacrificing, Aeschin.
2. 0w of doors, abroad, Eur. 0ijTov s verb. Adj. of 0ua? A, one imist sacrifice, Ar.
Lat./on's, Ar.
GvpavXete, f . ^(ra>, z?a /zV<? *w the open air,
to camp out, 0vnjp, %os, 6, (Bv<a A) a sacrificer, slayer, Aesch., Soph.
Xen., etc. in war, to keep the field, Arist.

Luc. (W or /or sacrifice, Luc.

6vpa*uXCa, TI, a living out of doors, camping out, 0-uriKOS, $> 6v>_ A) <?/
inf. of TU<>GJ fut.
0up-avXos, ov, (auA^) living out of doors, Hesych. 0-u^J/ai, aor.
i :

0vp-acnris, iSos, ^, a large shield, Anth.; cf. 0vpe<ta

II. 6Y' (A), Ep. impf. Bvov f OtJo-w [u], Dor. 0ucr5 aor. i : . :

0vpos, 6, (6vpa) a stone put against a door to keep it 0vcra, Ep. 0uera: pf. T0u/ca: Med., f. Qvaropai, also
II. a large oblong shield in pass, sense aor. Pass., aor. 2, GTvOyis
shut, a door-stone, Od.
: i e0utra^7jz/ :

Lat. pf . T0i5fuu, also used in

med. sense : I.
(like a door), opp. to acrirts (the round shield), as

scutum to clipeus, ap. Plut. Hence Act. to offer part of a meal to the gods, Horn,
(who used the word only in the sense
of offering or
0tipo-<f>opos, ov, ^<ppco] bearing- a shield,
= =
burning, never 0"<acu, to slaughter for sacrifice};
0tJpTpa, TCS, dvpa, a door, Horn., etc.
0. ir4\avov, SfTirya Aesch.; KpiBds, irvpovs Ar. 2.
0vpTj, 0-up->]0, Ion. and Ep.
for 8vpa, OvpaOev.
0-up^<)>L, Ep. dat. of 6vpa, used as Adv. outside, Od., Hes. to sacrifice, i. e. by slaying a victim, r$ ^Ap 0. ITTTTOVS

Dim. of dvpa, a little door, wicket, Ar. Hdt.; 0. av-rov TrcuSa Aesch.; tepeta Thuc.: also
0vpiov, T(J,
of dvpa, Plat. ; a window, Id. simply, to slaughter, slay, Hdt.
: Te0t>- Pass., ra
0t5pts, ttios, i], Dim.
the door, break it open, fteva /A^ flesh of the victim,
Xen. 3. absol. to
0-upoKOTT*, f ^orw, ^o /&na^. z^

4. fo
Ar. From sacrifice, offer sacrifices, Hdt., Aesch.,
knocking at the door, begging, celebrate with offerings or sacrifices, c. ace., Hdt.,.
6-upo-Ko-rros, ov, (K^TTTW)
Aesch. Xen. 5. c. dupl. ace., euayyeAta 0. e/car&y #ous ^
shut a hundred oxen for the good news, Ar. II.
0-up<5w, f. dJo-w, ;0upa) to furnish 'with doors, close, sacrifice
Ar. metaph. to close as with a door, Ae<apois Qvp&cra
: Med. zto cawse to be offered, to have a victim slain,
T%\V Xen.
and so to take the auspices, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : rarely
I considt the auspices about
0vpqro-p,dvT5s, 4s> ( he who
raises 'with th c. inf., QvofLca UjraL going,
to know whether or not, Xen. ; so, 0t$cr0at
I may go
thyrsus, Eur.
0YTJOI, 6, with heterog. pi. 8vp<ra, the thyrsus or ITT* <&? Id. : metaph. to tear in pieces, Aesch.
Bacchic wand, being a wand wreathed in ivy and vine- 0Y'L (B) [tf|, f. ertw, like 6vva, to rush on or along, of
leaves with a pine-cone at the top, Eur., Anth. a rushing wind, Od. ; of a swollen river, II. ; of the
0vpcro4>ope'to, f. 77<r, to assemble or regulate with
the sea, Od. ; 5a7re5op aljuari 0t?ej/ the ground boiled with
thyrsus, Eur. From blood, Ib, :
generally, to storm, rage, IL, Aesch.

0u-w8T|s es, &uos, o^o?, cf . u-w$7is, ^v(T'(aBijs : s?nell- '*P, gen. Bcavos, <5, a flatterer, fanner, false friend,,
ing ff incense, s&eet-smelling,Qd., Eur., Hdt.: as Adj., Quires Kayoi fawning speeches^ Plat.
0v6>|ta, aros, TO, dvooi^ that which is burnt as incense ;
in pi. spices, Hdt.
0w, 5, apocop. for 8a>pa%, Anth, I.
0fc>i] or 0o>i] s
v. aO^os;, TI, a penalty, Horn. Perh. from
Ti-0?]Ui to impose. j 1, I, ioaTo, TO, indecL, ninth letter of the Gr. alphabet :

0o>Kco>, WKOS, Ion. and Dor. for Od/cecu, 0a/cos. as numeral t'= 10, but 10,000- /=
0ofia, 0cojia^fe>, 0&}jjLa.<rios > Ion. for 6avju.a, etc. The subscriptum was called
Tpoffyeypapfifvov, i

Swiityl, iyyos, <5, a cord, string, Hdt. : a bow-string, adscriptum, and was so written till the i^th century,
Aesch. ;Deriv. uncertain.) r<i Cnot r<], as is still dooe in capital letters Till.
8wjxi,<ru, crasis for TO 7?/ii<ri/. Changes of 1. Dor., i for u in the 3
t :
0wfios, 6,
= <rcap6s, a heap, Aesch. Like QTUJL&V, from and part, pres., as <pi\oi(ri eoura for (j>iX.Qun, etc. ;
so also Mo?cra *Ape0otcr for Moi5<ra, etc. it was added :

flattery, adulation, Eur., Ar. ; and

> 17, to a in some Adjs., and in the aor. i part., as /ieAais
0w7rew|xa, aros, TO, piece of flattery, Ar. j pi. TaAcus fityais for fteAas, etc. ; and in the ace. pi. fern.
caresses, Eur. : Dim. 6a>irev}xa.Tia, Ta, zs #/ flat- of ist decl.j as rals vv/jt,<pats for ras vv^as. 2.
tery, Ar. Boeot. and Lacon. as trios, crelos, for 0eos, Zeros'. 3.
BwTreuw, f. crw, '0&J/; ^ flatter, fawn on, cajole, r
easily passes into 4, whence forms like e^Aw foAw,
wheedle, Lat. adulari, Soph., Eur., etc. ; crv ravra i was sometimes
efAT? fAT?, ?/??7J/ 1/?77J/ exchanged with

BteTrev be it thine to flatter thus. Soph. : to caress or e, as in effria, Ion. rr&j : often inserted to lengthen
pat a horse, Xen. the syll., e.g. eiV els |eww Kiv6s vveica fareip Siai fierai
0wTrX<t, crasis for T oVAa. Trapai, for kv, S, etc.
0WTTTW, = $onreiJaj, Aesch. The Quantity of i varies.
in, a breast-'work, Aesch. -
flcupdiceiov, r6,=&capa. [r^zote demonstrativitm, in familiar Att. "not
8ti>pcLicicij, icrco,.
0<Spa) z?# ^rw su/tf/t a breastplate or
in Trag.), is attached to demonstr. Pronouns, to
corslet, Xen. Med. : ^ ^W
<w on<?'s breastplate, Id. :
strengthen their force, as ovroffi aimfe rovri 3 Lat.
Pass., QcapaKicrQeis -with one's breastplate on, Id. ; ot hicce ; K*wo<ri 68i raSi ro<rovrovi TOCTWI TVVVOV-
Te6a3pa.KLcrju.evoL cuirassiers, Thuc., Xen. II. gen- rod, etc. ; also to demonstr. Advs v as ovrcavl afii
erally, to cover 'with defensive armour, &?wpctKt<re TrA^v svQafii SevpL vvyi.
rQsv o<p8aXjuLU>y "I, nom. of the reflex. Pron. oS, sui, Plat. : dat. IV
0cupdKo-iroLos, <*/, VozeV) making breastplates, Xen. awT^J, 5/3f 2j&5/, Hes. ; ly enclit.) Pind. ,

fiwpo.Ko-'TrwXTjs, ou, 3, TrwAeV, dealer in breast- MA', Ion. lif, ^, 'voice, cry, Orac. ap. Hdt., Aesch., Eur.
plates, Ar. If, iav, old Ion. fern, of eTs, for /tta, jat?js, etc.
to., IT\S,

0tupa,Ko-<|>opos, Ion. 0capr]K-, ov, f^>epw) wearing a la Ta, heterocl. pi, of toy, an arrow, II.
breastplate, a cuirassier, Hdt., Xen. Ia07)v [a], aor. pass, of Idofjicu.
@a>pa|, a/cos, Ion. and Ep. OwpTfjl, ^KOS, d: (Bfap^a-a-o}} : laupot [r], Comic exclamation for ai&Qt y Ar.
a breastplate, cuirass, corslet, Lat. lorica, II. : MAl'Nfi, aor. i TTjya, Dor. lava: Pass., aor. i tdy&iiv:
the breast and back pieces which composed it were to heat, Od. 2. to melt: Pass, to be melted?
called jvaXa, which were fastened by clasps (OX*LS) on Ib. 3. to 'warm, cheer, L3.t.foyere, QVJJ^V ladvtiv Ib.,
both sides. II, the part covered by the breast- etc. :
Pass., v <ppffi 8vjutbs lavQy Ib. ; ^ramoy IfoQri
plate, the trunk, Eur., Plat. IH. the breast- her brow tinfolded, II. ; c. dat. rei, to take delight
work of a wall, the outer mall, Hdt. in, Od.
0wpir]Ko4>opos, ov, Ion. for 8a)paKO<pdpo$* *** fo shout "loKypSi c. ace. cogn., loKxafeiv
0wpT}KTi|s, 0v, <5, (dcap^trcroi) armed with breastplate, II. to titter the cry "loucxos, Hdt.
wpirj|, TJKQS, 6 y Ion. for <?e^po|. , rd, lcyc%os) a temple of Bacchus, Plut.
0o>pTJcrcrci),Ep.aor. i
6cap7]a, subj. 6c0frfjj-Qp,jr (for-capsy]:
= BaipoKifca, to arm 'with breastplate : and, gen- IO,KX.OS, a, toy, Bacchanalian , Soph. From
erally, to arm, get men under arms, II. 2. Med. laicxos, ^> I&cckus, mystic name o Bacchus,
7 aX e/0t?
and Pass., Bcap^a-ffofjicu, f. ojucu : aor. i
^(ap^^Btiv : to An, etc. 2. a festal song in his honour, Hdt., etc.
arm oneself, put one's harness on, Horn. ; Tu%e

ta\jjucrrpta, Ion. IrjX-, yj, a wailing woman, Aesch.

^j/6tKo> B&pyxQyi" " I ^vill bring- you arms /o cr/w your-
1 laXcu.09 [a], Ion. I'sjX-, 5, a -aaz7, lament, dirge,
selves withal, Od. ; Trpbs TOUS- iro\*fj.iovs Qtop^Ofica Aesch., Eur. II. as Adj., hapless, melancholy,
Ar. II. &? ?w^z^^ drunk, to intoxicate, Theogn. : Theocr. (Prob. from the cry r#.)
Med. to drink unmixed wine, get drunk, Id. to 'lA'AAli, f. !aA< aor. i f??A<2: :to send forth,
0&1, Oats, 6, also f), the jackal, II., Hdt. aTrb vevpytytv feAAey II. ; ir OJ/(CETO
xerjoay fo
06yuK*n]p, ^pos, d, a barker, roarer, crier, Anth. put forth their hands to the dishes, Horn.; irjpl
09jjLa> 0ttujj,aca, incorrect forms for Q<a^a, Q<a^a^u. Secr^v ftjAa threw chains around thy arms, IL 2.
06>-uorora>, f. |ec, make a noise, of a gnat, to buzz, ^o attack, assail^ arifdycnv toAAeiy /a assail lam TW
Aesch. ; of men, to cry aloud, shout out, Trag. 2. with reproaches, Od. 3. ta send, Ttfepgn.,
c. ace. pers. to call on, call, Soph. ; also c. dat., 9. Aesch. II. intr. (sub. lavr^), to send oneself m,
fcvcri to shout to
dogs, Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) i.e. to flee^ run, fly ^ Hes, Hence

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