Mosi Debat Inggris MTQMN 2019 PDF

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KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PEMBELAJARAN 4 DAN KEMAHASISWAAN Ss Ji. Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta 10270 RISTEK DIKTI ‘Tip. 021-57946100 Ext. 0703 Fax. 021-57946072 Email: Laman: belmawa.ristek: id Nomor — : BY 9y5/e43/KM/09.00/2019 8 Juni 2019 Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas Hal : Motion Debat MTQ Mahasiswa Tingkat Nasional XVI Tahun 2019 Kepada Yth. Ketua Panitia Penyelenggara Musabagah Tilawatil Qur'an Mahasiswa Tingkat Nasional (MTQMN) XVI Tahun 2019 Di Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh Bersama ini kami sampaikan daftar motion debat bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab untuk dapat diunggah di web resmi MTQMN XVI Tahun 2019. Untuk informasi terkait kegiatan MTQMN XVI Tahun 2019 dapat menghubungi staf Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Kemenristekdikti Sdri. Ninit Aldiana (No. HP 085731873588) dan Sdri. Affi Claudy (No. HP 081228359119). ‘Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik kami haturkan terima kasih. rektur Kemahasiswaan fe Be his { o/-——Didie Wahidin i “renee dP. 196£05191984031003 Tembusan e/ j= ( JEN BE Direktur Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasis PEMBELAJARAN DAN English Debate Motions Polities 1, This House supports MUI’sFatwathat Abstai forbidden romeasting volesin theelectionsis 2. This House would ban any political campaigns in houses of worship 3. This House strongly forbids political donation formassorganizationsandreligious institutions 4. ThisHouseBelievesthat‘ Utama’ shouldremainneutralinpoliticsand goverment 3. ThisHousewouldsuegestthepresidentialand legislative candidates toundergoa Quran reading ‘estasawaytodeterminethebestfiguretolead thecountry withthelargest Muslim population, § This House would supporttheideaof proposingaretumtoindirectelections inchoosing the presidentand board members 1. ThisHouse Believe thatora peaceful society, Indonesians muststopusing the word kafir( fidels) to describe non-Muslims 8, This House would ban the use of religious symbolsin politi 4 10. ThisHouse betievesthatgovemmentshouldregulatesocial mediarestrictionsfor national stability ‘al contestations This House agrees to use e-vote forelections Educations 1. ThisHousewouldsupporttheidea ofputting eligiouseducationmaterialinthefinal exam 2. This Housesupportsthe proposal that muslimundergraduatestudentsshould complete recitation of the Quran (Khatam al-Quran) 3. This House supports he idea of Quran-based Scienceasasubstituteforconventional science 4. This Househousebelievesthat Arabic Language should bea compulsory subjectin any educational institution >. ThisHousebelievesthatthedevelopmentoflocalwisdom-basedreligiouseducationis needed § ThisHousesupportstheObligationofscientifiepublicationforprospectivegraduates 7. ThisHouse fully supports the obligationof state defensetraining torstudents ‘ThisHousebelievesthatuniversitiesshouldputeffortsinderadicalizingthecampus through close supervision of religious organizations in campus 8. This House rejectes the abolishment plan of the National Exam ‘10. This House rejects removing the subsidy for state universities is House considers the need to appoint the state mufti as the highest religious authority in Indonesia 2. This House rejects the proposal to postpone the mai ige age limit 3. This House proposes certification for Dai and Preachers to prevent the flourishing of exclusive religious understanding, 4. This House refuses the transfer authority to grant halal certi ication tothe government 5. Ti is House rejects the proposals of Utilization of zakat funds for infrastructure development 6. This House rejects the proposal that the State must establish an official school in regulating religious life 7. This House proposes the management of zakat and taxes under one roof 8 This House proposes a financial audit for managers of places of worship 9. This House rejects the proposal to determine the professional tax for khatib and mubaligh 10. The House supports fatwa haram against natural resource monopoly

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