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Review Materials In Police Ethics and Community Relation

By Dean B. Cueno

Ethics: the science of the morality of man; study of human motivation and ultimately of human rational
behavior. It comes from the Latin word “ethos” which means customary, behavior or moral. Ethics is a branch
of philosophy which studies the principles of right or wrong in human conduct. Right or wrong are qualities
assigned to actions, conduct and behavior.

Police Ethics- study of ethics as it is applied in the area of law enforcement

Indispensable knowledge. Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ought to be. The most
successful professional, is nothing unless he/she is morally upright. Without morality, man as rational being is
a failure.

Human Acts- Actions performed by man, knowingly and freely

Acts of Man - Actions which happen in man. Deliberate or intentional actions, or voluntarily. Instinctive and
are not within the control of will.

Kinds of Human Acts

1. Elicited Act – it is performed by the will and are not bodily externalized. It includes:
a. Wish – is the tendency of the will toward something whether this will be realizable or not.
b. Intention – is the tendency of the will towards something attainable but without necessarily committing
oneself to attain it.
c. Consent – is the acceptance of the will of those effective to carry out the intention.
d. Election – is the selection of the will of those effective enough to carry out the intention.
e. Use – is the command of the will to make use of those means elected to carry out the intention.
f. Fruition – is the enjoyment of the will derived from the attainment of the thing he had desired earlier.

2. Commanded Acts – are those done either by man’s mental of bodily powers under the command of the will.
These acts are:
a. Internal actions (e.g. conscious reasoning etc.)
b. External actions (e.g. walking etc.)
c. Combinations of internal and external actions (e.g. driving etc.)

Dictates of Reason – stands for the norm of morality which is the standard by which actions are judged as to
their merits or demerits.

Classification of Actions According to Norms

1. Moral Actions – actions which are inconformity with the norm of morality.
2. Immoral Actions – actions which are not inconformity with the norm of morality.
3. Amoral Actions – actions which stands neutral in relation to the norm of morality.

Voluntariness – it refers to the will. It comes from the Latin word “voluntas” which means will. It is the
essential elements of human acts.

Classification of Voluntariness
1. Perfect – present in a person who fully knows and fully intends an act.
2. Imperfect – present in a person who act without fully realizing what he means to do, or without fully
intending the act.
3. Conditional – present in a person who is force by circumstances beyond his control to perform an act which
he would not do under normal conditions.
4. Simple – present in a person doing an act willfully, regardless of whether he likes to do it or not.

Modifiers of Human Acts

1. Ignorance – absence of knowledge which a person ought to possess.
2. Passions – tendencies towards desirable objects, or tendencies away from undesirable or harmful things.
3. Fear – disturbance of the mind.
4. Violence – refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of
compelling said person to act against his will.
5. Habits – is a lasting readiness and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, for acting in a certain manner.

Characteristics of a Police Officer`s Job

1. The Uniform. It sets the officer apart, and it clearly identifies his or her status as a police officer.

2. The Power. The uniformed police officer, with the sidearm, baton, citation book, and other trappings of
office, is a walking symbol of government power.
3. The Working Hours. Police officers work daily and “off duty” is not a right but a privileges only, they also
work weekends, holidays, and frequently must put in overtime in emergency situations, and for court
4. The Danger. They deal with several issues, situations, and problems.
5. The Dirty Works. The police deal with dead bodies, crimes, crime victims, criminals, automobile accidents
and other aspects of society that most of us would rather not think about.

Strengths of the PNP

1. Spiritual Beliefs. During times of great personal crisis and danger, they bravely forge on, confident that
Divine Providence will grant them protection and safety.
2. Valor. They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their countrymen whom they have pledged to
3. Patriotism. They manifest their love of country with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend
the Constitution.
4. Discipline. The discipline of PNP members is manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and
thorough and spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical
and legal norms.
5. Courteous. PNP members are upright in character, gentle in manners, dignified in appearance, and sincere
in their concern to fellowmen.
6. Word of Honor. PNP members’ word is their bond. They stand by and commit to uphold it.
7. Duty. PNP members perform their tasks with deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice. They shall
readily accept assignment anywhere in the country.
8. Loyalty. PNP members are traditionally loyal to the organization, country and people as borne by history
and practice.
9. Camaraderie. The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization,
extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members’ deep commitment and concern for one

Weaknesses of the PNP

1. Misplaced Loyalty. The loyalty is on the fellow officers not on the government and the people they serve.
2. Cynicism. Police view all citizens with suspicion, weak, corrupt, and dangerous.
3. The Use of Force. The police sometimes embrace force for all situations wherein a threat is perceived.
4. “The Police as Victims” Mentality. This concept is based on the idea that the police are victims of public
misunderstanding and scorn, of low wages and self-serving administrators.
5. Preferential Application of the Law. Decisions about whether to enforce the law, in any but the most
serious cases, should be guided by what the law says and who the suspect is.
6. “The Police as Untouchables”. A police officer should find a safe way to impose punishment, including an
arrest on fake charges.
7. Rewards. Police do very dangerous work for low wages, so it is proper to take any extra rewards the public
wants to give them. One theory is that it is acceptable to accept any type of reward as long as it was given
wholeheartedly by an individual to a police officer. This rationalization was even given a term: LAUGHING
8. Due Process. It is only a means of protecting criminals at the expense of the law abiding and should be
ignored whenever it is safe to do so.
9. Lying and Deception. It is an essential part of the police job, and even perjury should be used if it is
necessary to protect yourself or get a conviction on a “bad guy”.

Most Common Types of corruption in the PNP

1. Case Fixing – the subjective imposition of penalties or downright sabotage of the investigation process in
exchange for money or other things for personal gain.
2. Bribery – it is the receipt of cash or a gift in exchange for present, past or future assistance in avoidance of
prosecution, as by a claim that the officer is unable to make a positive identification of a criminal or by being
in the wrong place at a time when a crime is to occur, or by any other action that may be excused as
carelessness but not offered as proof of deliberate miscarriage of justice.
3. Extortion or Shakedowns – the common practice of holding "street court," where incidents such as minor
traffic tickets can be avoided with a cash payment to the officer and no receipt given. Using this process, police
have also been known to extort money from nightclub owners and other businesses by threatening to enforce
city health and zoning codes.
4. Protection – the taking of money or other rewards from vice operators or from legitimate companies
operating illegally in return for protecting them from law enforcement activity.
5. Recycling – the use or sale of confiscated items and evidence, usually drugs or narcotics.
6. Selective Enforcement – it occurs when police officers exploit their officer discretion. For example, a PNP
member who releases a suspect due to what is commonly known as “areglo” or “balato” is in clear abuse of his

or her discretion and authority. On the reverse side, a police officer who arrests a person simply because the
latter “annoys” him is likewise guilty of selective enforcement.
7. Internal Pay-offs – sale of work assignments, day-offs, holidays, vacation periods, and even promotions.
8. Corruption of Authority – this type of corruption is tolerable, but because policeman must act beyond
reproach and with impartiality, it is expected that policeman must be free from possible from temptation to
evil and this includes receiving free meals, services, discounts, gratuities and the like.
9. Kickbacks – this type of police corruption occurs when the police officer receives any consideration such as
money and other valuable materials in return to a police services which a police officer should be performed.
10. Opportunistic Theft – it is the taking advantage of the situation in the conduct of police operations by
profiting or taking properties with intent to gain and not reporting to authorities.
11. Fixes – it involves an activity in which a police officer acts as a mediator in a certain case and offer to the
other party to settle the case for a particular amount and the police officer receives a certain amount of the
payment made by the other party.
12. Direct Criminal Activity – this is the worst behavior of a police by involvement of police officer in a
criminal activity and profiting on it.

Categories of Corrupt Police Officers

1. White Knights – these are straightforward fellow, honest to a fault, and often take an extreme position on
ethical issues. They are realistic and often render strict decisions in accordance with the law. Thus, they are
considered a loner and deviant to the eyes of the colleagues who are corrupt and killjoy to the others.
2. Straight Shooters – these are honest policemen who are ready to hide the corrupt practices for their
comrades as part of camaraderie. They observe principle of “omerta” or hiding the secret of fellow policemen.
3. Grass Eaters/Vegetarian Cops – these are policeman who just keep on waiting for the opportunities. They
are engage in relatively minor type of corruption opportunities as they present themselves.
4. Meat Eaters/Carnivorous Cops – they are worst because they come out of the headquarters to look for the
opportunities. They actively seek out corruption opportunities and engage in both minor and major patterns
of corruption.
5. Rogues – are policemen who are considered having all the deviant behaviors of a corrupt policeman. They
involve in dirty works and dirty money and are considered bad to the bone.

Police Misconduct
1. Malfeasance or Misconduct – is any wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated,
obstinate or intentional purpose. It usually refers to transgression of some established and definite rule of
action, where no discretion is left except where necessity may demand; it does not necessarily imply
corruption or criminal intention.
2. Misfeasance or Irregularities in the Performance of Duty – is the improper performance of some act
which might lawfully be done.
3. Nonfeasance or Neglect of Duty – is the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or
duty, which it was the peace officer’s legal obligation to perform; implies a duty as well as its breach and the
fact can never be found in the absence of duty.
Police Brutality – it refers to unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or abuse in the
manner of conducting search and seizure, and other police operations.

Police Lying – a deceptive practices are in fact part of working environment.

Categories of Police Lying

1. Accepted Lying – considered as part of police working environment especially in surveillance and
intelligence driven operations.
2. Tolerated Lying – recognized as lies but tolerated as necessary to explain inadequacy or inefficiency of the
police organization.
3. Deviant Lying – it involves lies that violate substantive or procedural laws and police officers standards or

The Canons of Police Ethics

1. Primordial Police Responsibility - The primary objectives of Police is the prevention of crime,
policeman knew too well that he has committed his Life to defend and protect the rights of the citizen
and uphold the law at all cost.
2. Limitation of Police Authority - The primary as an upholder of the law must know its limitation
upon him in enforcing the law, thus: He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through
law, have placed him.
3. Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibility - The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to
the principles of the laws, which he is sworn to apply.
4. Use of proper Means to Obtain Paper Ends - The policeman shall be Mindful of his responsibility to
have strict selection of methods in discharging the duty of his office. Violation of law or public safety
and property on the part of the officer are intrinsically wrong. They are self-defeating if they instill in
the public mind and a like disposition.

5. Cooperation with Public Officials - The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in
the performance or authorized duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.
6. Proper Conduct and Behavior - The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the
public as an upholder of law. Police laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either
disrespect for the law or seeking to gain special prevail, cannot but reflect upon in the policeman and
the police service.
7. Conduct towards the Community - The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to the
community. He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to instill
respect for its law.
8. Conduct in Arresting Law Violator - Policeman shall use his powers of arrest in accordance with
the law and with due regard to the rights of the citizen concerned.
9. Firmness in Refusing Gifts or Favors - Policeman representing the government bears heavy
responsibility of maintaining, in his conduct, the honor and integrity of all government institution.
10. Attitude towards Police Profession - Policeman shall regard the best possible of his duties as a
public trust and recognize his responsibilities as a public servant.
11. Impartial Presentation of Evidence - Policeman shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of
the accused or for the defense of the innocent.

Professional Police Principles

1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder - The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and
disorder as an alternative to the repression of crime and disorder by police force and severity of legal
2. Cooperation of Crime and Disorder - The police must secure the willing cooperation in the voluntary
observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect and support of the community.
3. Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation - A police officer will never employ unnecessary
force or violence and will use only such force in the discharge of duty as in reasonable in all circumstances.
4. Use of Reasonable Force when Persuasion Is Sufficient - The police should use reasonable force to the
extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion,
advice and warning is found to be insufficient to attain police objectives.
5. Impartial Enforcement of Laws - The police seek and preserve community favor, not by catering to
community opinion, but constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial enforcement of laws, without regard
to the justice and injustice of the substance of particular laws.
6. The Community is the Police - The police at all times should maintain relationship with the community
that gives really to the historic tradition that the police are the community are the police.
7. Police Should Not Usurp Judicial Powers - The police should always direct their actions strictly toward
their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of judiciary by averaging individuals of the state of
authoritative judging guilt of punishing the guilt.
8. Reduction of Crime and Disorder - The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder
until totally eradicated, not by evidence of police present and action in dealing with the community.
9. Rules of Enforcement Impartially Observed - Policemen engaged in anti-crime operation always
consider the safety and security of who might be caught in the crossfire or arm encounters.
10. Police Discretion - A police officer will use responsibly the discretion vested in the position and exercise
if within the law.

The PNP Core Values

The police service is noble and professional. Hence, it demands from its members a specialized knowledge,
skill and high standard ethics and morality. In this regard, the member of the Philippine National Police must
adhere to and internalize the enduring core values of the PNP.
 Love of God.
 Respect for authority.
 Respect for women
 Respect for sanctity of marriage.
 Stewardship over material things
 Responsible dominion
 Truthfulness

The Police Professional Conduct

1. Commitment of Democracy: Uniform PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life
and value and maintain the principles of public accountability.
2. Public office is a public trust. Public officer must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them
with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and leas modest
lives. They shall at all times uphold the constitution and be loyal to our country, people and organization
above loyalty to any persons or organization.
3. Commitment to Public Interest: PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above
personal interest. All government properties, resources and powers of their respective offices must be

employed and used effectively, honestly and efficiency, particularly to avoid wastage of public fund and
4. Non-Partisanship: PNP members shall provide service to everyone without discrimination regardless of
Party affiliation in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
5. PNP Conduct during Labor Dispute: The involvement of PNP during strike, lockout, and labor dispute in
general shall limited to the maintenance of peace and order, enforcement of laws and legal
Orders of duly contributed authorities.
6. Physical Fitness and Health: All PNP members shall strive to be physically fit and in good health at all
7.Secrecy Discipline: All PNP Members shall guard the confidentiality of classified information against
unauthorized disclosure. This includes confidential aspect of official business special orders, communication
and other documents, roster or any portion thereof of the PNP, contents of criminal records, identities of
person who may have given information, etc.
8. Social Awareness: All PNP members shall be actively involved in civic, religious, and other social activities
with the end purpose of increasing social awareness.
9. Proper Care and Use of Public Property: All PNP members shall be responsible for the security, proper
care and use of Public property issued to them and/or deposit under their care and custody, unauthorized
used of Public property for personal convenience of gain and that of their family, friends, relatives is strictly
10. Non-Solicitation of Patronage: All PNP members seeking self-improvement through career development
and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or recommendation from politician, high ranking
government officials, prominent citizens, persons affiliated with civic or religious organization with regard to
their assignment, promotion, transfer or related advantage.
11. Respect for Human Rights: In the performance of duty, PNP members shall respect human dignity and
uphold human rights of all persons.
12. Devotion to Duty: All PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication, efficiency enthusiasm,
determination and manifest concerned for public welfare.
13. Conservation of Natural Resources: All members of the PNP shall help in the development and
conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity. The natural resources are
considered inalienable heritage of our people.
14. Discipline: PNP policemen shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and regulation
of the organization. All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the eight tenets of discipline, which include the

Loyalty: PNP members must be loyal to the constitution and the police service as manifested by their loyalty
to the superior, peers and subordinates as well.

Obedience to Superior: PNP members shall obey lawful orders and to be courteous to superior officers and
other appropriate authorities within the chain of command. No members shall use abusive, insulting or
indecent language to another member.

Command Responsibility: In accordance with the Doctrine of Command Responsibility, immediate

commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision, control and direction of their personnel.

The Police Ethical Standards

Morality: All PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and decency and shall set good
example for others to follow. Morality is defined as quality of human acts that leads man to observe “moral
behavior”, to be obedient to a system of moral rules, “rules of right conduct”.

Judicious use of Authority: All PNP members shall be permitted to apply for search warrant for any evidence
of assault against himself without reporting the case in writing to his superior officer and Obtaining from his
permission to apply for such warrant.

Justice: PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of other so that they can fulfill their duties
and exercise their rights as human beings, parents, children, citizens workers, leaders, of in other capacities
and to see to ensure that others do likewise.

Humility: All PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the master of the
people and toward this end, they should perform their duties without arrogance.

Orderliness: All PNP shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing task assigned to them to minimize waste
in the use of time, money and efforts.

Perseverance: Once a decision is made all PNP members shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even
in the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite of anything which might weaken their resolve
in the course of time.

Integrity: PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in
accordance with the provision of existing laws on corrupt practices.


PNP Image
The image of any organization affects the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of members and sense of pride
to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the PNP should conduct themselves in manner that would
not place the PNP core values in vain and possess the following virtue: Honor, Integrity, Valor, Justice, Honesty,
Humility, Charity, Loyalty to the service,

Career Management the Key In Professionalism

The improper implementation of career management greatly these prejudice the personnel
professionalization process as regards to procurement, promotion, all assignment, placement, training
awards, and retirement.

Police Management Leadership

The effectiveness of the law enforcement is reflective of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial
capabilities and competent leadership of men and women who run the PNP organization.

Equality in the Service

There shall be judicious equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one’s worth in the police service.

Police Lifestyle
The PNP shall endeavor to promote lifestyle for every member of the organization that is acceptable and
respectable in the eyes of the public. Further, its members should set example to the subordinate and follow
good example from the superiors.

In consonance with the requirements o honor and integrity in the PNP, all members must have the moral
courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored principles of delicadeza. All members shall
promptly discharge all debts and legal liabilities incurred by them.

Political Patronage
All PNP members must inhibit themselves from soliciting political patronage in matters pertaining to
assignment, awards, training and promotion.

Human Rights
All PNP members must respect and protect human dignity and men’s inalienable rights to life, liberty and


A. Custom on Courtesy
Courtesy is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect on others.

1. Salute – It is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon and

recognizing person entitled to salute.PNP members stand at attention and salute the national color
and standard as it pass by them or when the national color is raised or lowered during ceremony.

2. Address/Title - junior in rank address senior members who are entitled to

salute with the word “Sir”

3. Courtesy Calls - The following are the customs on courtesy calls:

 Courtesy call of newly assigned/ appointed members -PNP members who are newly
appointed or assigned in a unit or command, call on the Chief of the Unit or command and to
other key personnel for accounting, orientation and other purposes.
 New year’s call - PNP members pay a new year’s call on their commanders and /or key
official in their respective areas of responsibility.
 Promotion Call – Newly promoted PNP members call on their unit head. On this occasion,
they are usually given during recognition and congratulations by their peers for such
deserved accomplished
 Exit Call - PNP members pays an exit call on their superiors in the unit or command when
relieve or reassigned out of the said unit or command.

4. Courtesy of the Post - The host unit extend hospitality to visiting personnel
who pay respect to the command or unit.
5. Rank has – its – own Privilege - PNP members recognize the practice that
different rank carry with them corresponding privilege.

B. Custom on Ceremonies

Ceremony is a formal act or set of formal acts established by custom or authority as proper to special

1. Flag Raising Ceremony - PNP members honor the flag by raising it and singing the National Anthem
before the start of the official day’s work for the week.
2. Flag Retreat Ceremony - At the end of the Official day’s work to PNP members pause for a moment
to salute the lowering of the flag.
3. Half–Mast - The flag is raised at half – mast in difference to deceased uniform / civilian member of
the command.
4. Funeral Service and Honor - Departed uniformed members, retires, war veterans are given vigil,
necrological services and graveside honor as a gesture of farewell.
5. Ceremony rendered to Retirees - In recognition of their long, faithful and honorable service to the
PNP, a testimonial activity is tendered in their honor.
6. Honor Ceremony - Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are tendered to visiting dignitaries, VIPs
PNP officers of equivalent grade.
7. Turn – Over Ceremony - The relinquishment and assumption of command key position is publicly
announced in a Turn – Over Ceremony by the incoming – outgoing officers in the presence of the
immediate superior or his representative and key officials.
8. Wedding Ceremony - During marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is conducted with participants
in uniform and sworn drawn.
9. Anniversary - The birth or institutional establishment of a command or unit is commemorated in a
Anniversary Ceremony

C. Custom and Social Decorum

Customs on Social Decorum are set of norms and standards practiced by members during social and
other functions. The following are police customs and social decorum.

1. Proper Attire - PNP members always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with the
2. Table Manner - PNP members observe table etiquette at all times.
3. Social Graces - PNP members conduct themselves properly in dealing with the people during
social functions.
4. Uniform/ Appearance - The public looks upon PNP members as distinctively decent when PNP
members wear their uniforms properly wherever they may be. Since disciplined PNP members are
best exemplified by those whose are neat in appearance and wearing the prescribed uniform, they
must therefore observe the following:
 Wearing the prescribed uniform
 Wearing as part of the uniform, awards and decorations earned in accordance with the
prescribed rules and regulations
 Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulations.
5. Manner of Walking - Every PNP members is expected to walk with pride and dignity.

D. Other Police Customs

1. Visiting the Sick - PNP members who are in the hospital , their residence or anyplace of confinement
are visited by their immediate commanders or other available officers of the unit in order that their
needs are attended.
2. Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members - When PNP members die, a Survivor officer is
designated to render maximum assistance to their legitimate bereaved gears until all benefits due
shall have been received.
3. Visiting a Religious Leaders - PNP members/ officers visiting a religious leader in their area of
assignment to establish or maintain rapport and cooperation between the different religious leaders
and PNP.
4. Athletics - All PNP members must undergo in physical fitness activities to insure their proper
physical appearance and bearing are maintain with the waist line measurement always smaller than
the size of his chest and in conformity with the standard set forth by the organization.
5. Happy Hours - Usually Fridays or on any other day suitable for the occasion, PNP members gather a
PNP Clubhouse for a high hearted jesting or airing of minor gripes.

Tradition is a body of belief, stories, customs and usage’s handed down from generation to generation with
the effect of an unwritten law.
1. Spiritual Beliefs - PNP members are traditionally religious and god loving person. They attend
religious service together with their family.
2. Valor - History attests that Filipino law-enforcers have exemplified the tradition of valor in defending
the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrifice their limbs and lives for their
countrymen they are pledged to serve.
3. Discipline - The discipline of PNP members manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and
through and spontaneous actions within the bounds of ethical and legal norms.
4. Gentleman - PNP members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified in appearance, and
sincere in their concern or their fellowmen.
5. Word of Honor - PNP members’ word is their hand; they stand by and commit to uphold it. PNP
members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants who perform their
duty with deep sense of responsibility and self – sacrifice.
6. Loyalty - Police are traditionally loyal to the organization country people as borne out by history and
7. Camaraderie – The binding spirit that enhance teamwork and cooperation in the police
organization, extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members’ deep
commitment and concern for one another.


Is the sum total of dealings between the police and the people it serve and whose goodwill and cooperation it
craves for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.

Principles of Community Relation

Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the following principles of police community relations:

Community Support must be maintained

a. Every police shall be worthy of the public high trust by doing his job and leaving nothing through
b. He shall make himself available and be willing to serve everyone.

Community Resentment Must be avoided

a. Every policeman shall have in mind the interest of the public
b. He shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct.
c. He shall avoid any occasion to humiliate, embarrass annoy or inconvenience anyone.

Community Goodwill Must be developed

A police should be courteous, fair and quick to assist individuals in the solution of their problems.

Community Must Kept Informed

The police should inform the community of the regulations and policies of the police force and the reasons of
their adoption.


Reviving the ideas of “The people’s police”

It is a basic notion on which modern, urban police departments were founded. Needs for police service must
be determined on the basis of ongoing communication between the people and the police.

A more reasoned for Police work.

Police officers usually operate with a repertoire of responses determined by penal codes, municipal
ordinances, and demands of the often-recurrent types of situations and emergencies with which they deal.

A deeper more comprehensives interest in human life.

To some, this phrase may sound sentimental, and to others, unnecessary, because many effective police
officers now operate with humanity and compassion.

An acceptance that “relations” is a process not a product.

It is vital, ongoing, and constantly changing. It requires mutual respect and mutual exchange and cannot
compartmentalized if it is to be effective.

Types of Police Community Relations
The basic ingredients in the effective observance of police community relation include the following
A. Public Information Program
It is designed to bridge any communication gap between the police and public.
B. Public Relation Program
It is designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between the police and the community.
C. Civic Action Program
It is designed to maintain and encourage community development
D. Psychological Program
It is designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby insuring facilitating the attainment of
police objectives.


I. Police Information and Education

Are communication activities utilizing the various forms of media geared towards creating consciousness and
awareness among target audience on facts and issues vital to the development of an efficient, respected, and
supported police force.

Two major components

1. Community Information - activities utilizing the various forms of media directed towards the public
at large designed to increase their consciousness and Knowledge of facts and issues for purpose of
enhancing law enforcement, counter insurgency and crime prevention efforts, increasing crime
solution efficiency to include weakening of the will of the Criminal elements and insurgents and
enlightening other groups of individual Critical to the government in general and the police
organization in particular.

2. Institutional Information - are activities utilizing the various forms of Media directed towards the
public at large designed to generate trust, confidence and popular support for the PNP or simply
enhancing public perception and knowledge about the PNP as an institution of the government.

II. Police Community Affairs - Are activities outside law enforcement but which necessitates PNP
support and or participation, the end result of which ultimately contribute to better appreciation
and an enhanced support to the PNP in whole in part by the populace.

Three major sub-components

1. Community Assistance and Development - are activities outside the field of the law enforcement under
taken upon the initiative of PNP unit of personnel for the purpose of enhancing life as a means of
drawing the support, appreciation and support of the public to wards the PNP.
 Skills, Livelihood, Coop. Development.
 Sports, socio cultural development.
 Medical, Dental Outreach Services.
 Tree Planting.

2. Community Inter-Relations- are activities outside the filed of Law enforcement under taken upon the
initiative of other government agencies, non – governmental organization, and or individual citizens
whereby a PNP unit or personnel actively contributes time, money and or service as a means of
drawing the support, appreciation, and cooperation of the public towards the PNP in whole in or part.

3. Community Organization and Mobilization - are activities revolving around the accreditation of
existing groups or creation of new ones with the end in view of having allies within various sectors in
the community who could be tapped to assist in the conduct of law services, community works and
the like.

Comprehensive PCR Plans- The two major components of the plan are INTERNAL REFORM and GAINING OF
INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT. Both aims to improve the image of the PNP and re-assure the general public that
they can depend on the PNP to be their protector and guardian in order to hasten and facilitate community
mobilization for Anti-crime efforts.

Internal Reform and Gaining Support

Net Working Operations

The following institutions shall be the priority target:

Congress being the law making body is one of the vital governmental institutions that can support the PNP.

Liaison Office
Organization Level Liaison: The Directorate for PCR. Shall maintain a liaison office with Congress whose
main task is monitor, get the pulse, actively interact and possibly influence lawmakers on matters affecting the
Top Hierarchy Level Liaison: Top leadership of the command shall conduct regular FACE to FACE dialogues
with key members of the Congress as well as different Congressional Committees handling PNP affairs in
order to present for their appreciation and support on matters affecting the PNP.
Special Individual Liaison: Monitoring and Assessment activities and Special Activities of general liaison.

Public Information and Propaganda Operations

On Internal Security
There shall be intensified information on evils of the ideology and actual terrorist operations through regular
issuance of Press releases. The editors of columnist and enhanced utilization of the tri-media to write, print,
and broadcast.

On Crime Prevention and law Enforcement

There shall be sustained information drive on how the public can reach public assistance and the utilization of
the tri-media on modus operandi safety and the like.

Conducting Internal Reforms

1. Continuous Values Orientation and Skill Development of Personnel
 Intensification of police education and values orientation;
 Internalization of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standard of the PNP, moral and spiritual
values and basic courtesies relative to Law Enforcement.

2. Unrelenting clean up of the organization of misfits, criminal elements, and leaders with low potential.
Entails the continuous investigation, suspension or dismissed of misguided and erring police level at
all level. More on OPLAN PAGBABAGO.

3. Unrelenting effort to brighten up the physical appearance of the PNP facilities and vehicle.

It is a program designed to make the public aware of what the agency is doing, why is it doing, and how it
contributes to the welfare of the community.

Types of Public Relation

1. Public Awareness Programs - familiarizing the public with the nature the true nature of police
2. Informational Programs - providing the public with information, which is directly related to the
interest and needs of the community.
3. Image Building Programs - promoting programs, which are designated to create a more favorable
public image of the police.


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