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It was July 28, 2018, when I started my internship at DSWD FO- III Cash Unit. It was located at Regional
Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga. I can still recall my first day, at first my
friends and I were a little bit nervous because it is going to be our first time to enter such workplace. I
am also terrified that the employees might treat us with unpleasant attitude. So when the time we were
sent to our assigned department all my expectations turn out to be wrong. I was so wrong because in
my first day everything went well. The employees welcome us with much happiness in their eyes. They
also taught us well in our assigned task. In the first week I have learned how to use the DV tracker, C-Tris
and how to detach. The following weeks went so well too, each week were full of knowledge and
experiences. Our boss and the employees were doing so well in instructing us on what to do. As weeks
have passed I have learned more such as: update DV status: assist in the issuance of OR for travel
clearance; and stamped “paid” to claimed DV’s, and there is this experienced that I will never forget,
when our boss let us to released checks because they are having their quarterly meeting report. I was
nervous and pressured that time but also flattered that they let us do such task which is considered very

I am so thankful for all the learnings and experiences on my internship days at DSWD FO- III. My
internship days taught me how to interact and socialized with people, I have also leaner that indeed
each person has different attitude and personality. Work might be difficult but good co-workers can
make it easy and light for you. Competition has no room for work but Team work has. Team work makes
a difference, it will lead everyone to success. For about 2 and a half months I can say that I have gained a
lot of wisdom that I know can help me in the future when I enter the real world as an employee.

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