V-Moringa Liniment

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1. ASTHMA Put 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment into a cup of hot water, then do inhale
and exhale as natural bronchodilator. Put minimal amount of V-Moringa
Liniment into the chest portion.
2. BODY PAIN Apply minimal amount and massage gently with V-Moringa Liniment into
the affected area until the cool sensation effects.
3. BURNS & WOUNDS Wash with cold water to remove dirt and stop bleeding for wounds, or as
first aid for burns, then apply V-Moringa Liniment until it heals.
4. CLOGGED NOSE Put 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment into a cup of hot water, then do inhale
and exhale procedure. Then put small amount of V-Moringa Liniment
inside and outside part of your nose. This procedure is also good for
5. DYSMENORRHEA Drink a cup of hot water with 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment. Then apply
minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment into the hypogastric region
6. FEMININE WASH Place tap water in a dipper or clean container then put 2 drops of V-
Moringa Liniment during vaginal washing together with your chosen
feminine soap as your antiseptic solution.
7. FEVER Apply minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment in between legs and thigh,
armpit, bikini line and nape.
8. GUM PROBLEM A. BLEEDING GUMS: Put 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment to a glass of cold
water and add ¼ teaspoon of rock salt then gurgle
B. INFLAMED GUMS: Apply minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment direct
to inflamed gums and massage.
9. HEMORROIDS Place hot water into a bedpan or small basin. Put 15-20 drops of V-
(ALMURANAS) Moringa Liniment . Sit and steam the affected area of the anus.
10. HIGH BLOOD Put 4 drops of V-Moringa under your tongue then sit and relax.
11. MOUTH SORES Apply minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment to the affected area. Do it 3x
a day until it heals.
12. MOUTH WASH Put 2 drops of V-Moringa Liniment into a glass of water, then gurgle very
after brushing your teeth as your mouthwash preventing from bad breath
& to maintain healthy gums.
13. NAUSEA & VOMITING Apply minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment into the epigastric region
(sikmura) and gently massage. Put 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment into a
cup of hot water, then do inhale and exhale procedure. And let the patient
drink the same formula of V-Moringa Liniment.
14. PIMPLES Apply small amount of V-Moringa Liniment to pimples or acne. For best
results, it is preferably applied on evening before bedtime.
15. SKIN DISEASE Apply minimal amount of V-Moringa Liniment to the affected area and
massage gently until it dry.
16. SORE THROAT Put 3 drops of V-Moringa Liniment to a glass of warm water and add ¼ of
teaspoon of rocksalt then gurgle.
17. STOMACH ACHE OR Apply 3-4 drops of V-Moringa into the whole abdomen until it dries. Then
DIARRHEA drink half cup of hot water with 2 drops of V-Moringa Liniment.
18. STRESS Steam bath or “tuob” in bisaya, “suob” in tagalog, is the best procedure.
Boil water with 1 tbsp of rock salt into a rice cooker and put 10-15 drops of
V-Moringa. Place rice cooker with boiling water under the monoblock
chair. Let the patient cover his body with blanket. Then place wet hand
towel into his nape to prevent body temperature goes up to his head.
Perform it into a close area to avoid air exposure or massage whole body
with V-Moringa Liniment. Until you feel comfortable and relax.
19. TOOTH ACHE Put 2 drops of V-Moringa into a piece of clean cotton and place it into
affected tooth.
20. WARTS & INSECT BITES Apply immediately with pea size of V-Moringa Liniment to the affected
area. Do it 5x a day for warts and 3x a day for insect bites.

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