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ee eee Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Aolations Sept L016 G Revision Wates Chapter 1: Revision of chemical formulae and equations 1. Chemical formulae Using your valency chart or using your knowledge write out the correct chemical formulae for the following chemical substances. Worked example: sodium hydroxide = NaOH (2) sodium nitrate=_@. N YOn (®) lead (IV) chloride =_ Ph CI, (© zine sulfite=_Zn SO> (@ ammonium chloride =_A/ Hy Cf (© potassium bi-carbonate= KK HCO: "(hydrogen gas=__ 1 (g) lithium nitrite = Lin! () aluminium iodide =_A {ZG ozone = 2 (i) magnesium nitride Mathes sodium peroxide Aad Moxygen=_O, (am) copper (u) chloride =LxLh, (a) iron (I) oxide = Fx% (0) carbon monoxide = CO (p) Iron (1M) nitrate = fE(ots) (q) barium permanganate = ba (mM nay) @) ammonium dichromate Wh) G4 (6) copper() oxide=_CLL2 O (@ carbon tetrachloride=_ CC] yy (w) silicon tetrachloride = S 5 ton Ce 2 brocMeride 7 eMyy (@) copper (II) nitride = Gin. ____ (wy carbonic acid= Jy CO (8) sulphurous acid = I fy. S63 (9) nitric acid = SIN 63 ( magnesium hydroxide Ma ( oH), a Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 2. Chemical formulae ...contd. Now in the exercise you will be given chemical formulae and your task is to write in the correct chemical name for each of the chemical substances. Worked example AlLO3= aluminium oxide (a) Fe PO,= Teen (G)phesphate (b) Au (IID) Cly= api ( am) hefact de © wino:= Manganere dasxide (@) KOH= Potassiumhydoxide (©NaxCOs.10 H,0 = Sedéunn (9 CNH)» CnO-= Ammoniinin ci chromake Carbenate decalydobe (@)NHs =_QyMmonj aq (hy) Vids = Vandium pentoxide or Givanadium pent axide> () NaCl0;= Sodium Chlorake (i) SFe = sulfur hexallroride (:) HOcI= chieaceus (1) Sr(MnOs)2 = Strontium permanganate Acid (am) Moy POs = Mengamese. (0) CoN») ~ Cobalt GE) nitrite ) phosphate (0) K2CrO4 - pe sium (p) NaxC20s = Sodium oxalate male @ HeNO,- Merz { =) © LaHPo,=_Ls pium hydagen phasphate ni ted () Cu(CH,COO),= Lepper GI) () KOC! = fotassiumbypocklarite Pronaote ov Copper @)aceto&S (a) CoH CN = Cthy\ Cyorida(’) Ab SOo= Aluminium sulfite (wv) Ni (HSO4)2 = Nid () (x) Cr{SO4)s = “Chromium fp) sulfote hydrgen sulfote (y) HgBro = \ (2) Ha bromide Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 ations 3. Cher Write balanced chemical equations for the following chemical reactions. @ hydrogen gas + nitrogen ges > ammonia gas Bu, @ Nite > D.NU; «write out a balanced chemical Yomte equation 105 tne Following reactions i) sodium metal + water liquid ———* sodium hydroxide solution, + hydrogen gas QNe 6) Ae __.2Nabn @ + Lo Giii) copper + sulfuric acid ——— copper) sulfate + water liquid + sulphur dioxide Bas 1 Gacy +2489 47 +149 —@ Ith ® WASo9 (ix) feadaitzate solution + sodium fodide solution > lead) iodide ppt + sodium nitrate solution { 24 (04) + ANE qe \ PS NaN’ wy) ron (IID) oxide + carbon, ———* liquid molten iron + carbon monoxide gas ¥2.0,-©) 3C_6 __,2dFe 0 30° 9 (v) Cuts) * WHNO3C% ae Gx(N°3), . 4 Qazoce) +N°2) WZ othe ta) Ors! Boa) aftee ©) Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes reagent calculations. metry and Moles, st Qh, 167.50 L of oxygen gas was pumped into a fish tank at STP a. How many atoms have ‘been added to the tank? n(Q)= 752 = OBB 0B rIEXL gat - W(ptemsd * >, What mass has been added to the tank? 0. 608% 602 X10 n (Almoteenten = 303% which is commonly found in por 12, Butane is a combustible gas, ntainer changed from 150.0: campers. If the weight of a butane cor meal: a. Calculate the mass of butane gas burnt in the cooker 4m (GPre)= pro tH = 64. b. Determine the moles of butane gas burt in the cook: Cathie. bq if Coy te ) “(2 ox uy + (OX = 0-/ o3mels Revision | 2016 (4 marks) az 23 2 3.99K 10 atoms aoe (2 marks) po )x 32 10:69 . stable gas cookers used by 1g to 144.0 gafter cooking a (1 mark) er, Butane’s molecular formula is (2 marks) 08> un(Culte) 02x 16 nels Butane reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide c process. Write a balanced equation to show this. 1 Gy Hie (9) Org )—> LCo, sxide gas produced during the cooking of the meal. d. Calculate the volume of carbon dio’ and water during the cooking (2 marks) 2 G) p5H2OG) (2 marks) a acer) _ x Gyro ee n Cote) _ ae 2 V (Con) = ykoyeREx2eel = oO \o3 2 mols q.38l t Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Q3. The reaction where hydrogen gas is added to nitrogen 225 produce ammonia gas is one Sf the most important discoveries made in Chemistry. It is named the Haber process after the German Scientist who discovered it. eernrinass, in kg, of hydrogen gas must be used to produce 1.00 million litres of ammonia gas at S.T.P? 2 2 (6 marks) JN Bho ANFE 8) 4 rn (nly) = 3x 008C = yy 03 X10 Paes 2 phere a BRT! kre! Ono! oi nCh) = Bx 4 bo3x ie = 6 Os ni > ee m (2) 2 XT) OY get b) 2 (6608 XO hg Ee a . me) = 1233 109: = (33) 4, When concentrated nitric acid is added to copper, nitrogen dioxide gas is produced. This tation can be represented by the following word equation. copper metal + nitric acid ———> copper nitrate + nitrogen dioxide + water (a) Write a balanced chemical symbolic equation including states of matter. \Ge_© KING tq _ VGa(Nt) 1QNe_ (g) 2HOW \ (b) 1f.4.56 g of copper is added to 120.0 mL of 5.55 mol L” solution of nitric acid: ney he BE 2 w(umes) = 4 B sss xoree (x BFS Sasimels 5 eton reels enlOr) = oe | nG4nes) = 0:666m24 (©) Identify the limiting reagent. : eo = mG) +0 OTs mals sanQitea), = Ob Seals pus via nosy) & ACHNSS) =, LR = AUR Excesse HE (ad) What volume of nitrogen dioxide is formed at 28 °C and 99.7 ‘kPa? oi PvenRTt nN) = 2% O° OT7S Ay (nea) = Othe S483 (areas e328) = OVNRTN qo7 cW(Ne2) 2 3-60 (©) How many grams of excess reaetant is Tet behind after the reaction 1° complete CHA )eccess = NCHN Sori g~ nCnesea)vaedug © = 0-666 = 4x007175) Sty > @.666- O28D i wn BAS) = 06-3746 X 63-018 = 0x fay 23244 (4 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 | QS. Limiting Reactant (L-R) calculation [8 marks = 442421 : Sodium phosphide is produced by the reaction between sodium and phosphorus. 12Na + Pa > 4NaP 25.0 gof sodium is added to 25.00 g of phosphors: a) Which reactant is all used up (limiting reactant)? b) What mass of sodium phosphide is produced? °) What mass of excess reactant remains after the ale n(Na)> a 2 on yg one 2 Le oO fo . Oe mn (N= tr ek Gi To (na) 2 2: 1OS8oet since nWe)d< 7 ee o = 2 (WP me - 4 SY Maas = ey Be =? n (lag) = as aan! zt vine! N ® ¥ ~ a =D mm (naz?) = 2624 e Rk. iy CO exces5* n (A Jorg a Oe eclaele mols = kr /,.2.018- 0-17 058 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Question 6 4.25.95 gram sample of sodium phosphate was placed into 3 250.0 ml beaker and 100.0 ml of distilled water was added to totally dissolve it, Ina separate 250.0 ml beaker 100.0 ml of distilled water was added to 37.86 grams of zinc sulfate to completely dissolve the solid, The two solutions were mixed and a white precipitate was produced. (a) Write a balanced equation for the reaction. [2 marks] 2 ZNas P% cay $3Zn 5 Sy (oy PNAS em) H Zn, ROWD,Cs (b) Identify the Limiting Reagent. \ [3 marks} n(alage%) = 254 Ty (ans 4) = BEE t= eeTre | (ne 9) GSesarienet) = 0234S S = 0078/7) 2 007s mals i, (2asey) (0153 ~ a OX u23ue )mels = 2 _z (B marks] = @ise3 ~ 01563) = 16 967K a wa(Nag PO) 2 14674 oe (3« 22-44 430-474 4) . te Pou — Oo 3arhq = 0.3274 8 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision ce [3 marks] Question 7 |A student mixed 15.0 mL of 1,05 mol 1" caleium nitrate solution with 25.0 mL of (0.410 mol L potassjum carbonate soliony, batten. sl leeecop dear UHL Be (@)_ Write a balanced chemical fonie equation for the reaction. a) [Ca CBS Ca (M0), + Ke © Sean AEN Bean cov exY ys n (Kil %) = OxV [2 marks} osx 0-gis! : ar oneal ee al noe > <* (car® x . / : 1515 x16 045 neg) ~ elec eae Cevew 2 CO (b) Calculate the mass of the previpitate formed. ° oo so i [5 marks] mn (2eG) > C03 ~nwn mM (cacg? = of es tee H8) 2 eo ele2s * (as epee) eS (e)_Caleulat the concentration of potassium fons ramiins in the solution after the reaction. 7 (et) = 2en( Kee 03) [4 marks] a 2 ae worsx lO 2ag0s5 Xe ols _t s : 2 (Kt) -2 2 ake = oes lamelt o y O48 ey» 2 | 2 —4@ Catelate the concentration ofthe ealeium fons that remain inthe sfuton afer the 4 ection or z | ‘ys Ca (N%), —> (Ce + ange [5 marks] s 3) k k en n C00 ys 2 (psrse _ pearxte?) t > _ x leo Decwes = Pearse o td . cs : 2F n 006% Z f ¢g Pe 0.00550 E § uo [c~ cess See oyee a I yee arecewee a1 0: (38ha (LT Stee oneal Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 . on chemical equations. step calculations b: Qs. the following series of sequen jal reactions avid can be manufactured DY (@ Sulfarie wept: YF HO > 22039) £50210). O tena: (Aso) +19 —* 3 esieyKH- step3: +8800) —— gv 4,80.(09)-)%8--- iii) Caloulate the mass of sulfurie acid produced from 2.75 X 10° kg of iron pyrites if the overall conversion process: is 100% efficient for ‘the sulfuric acid production. _ isan eat sar Vv 5 : pee = 7 alee 7 Br vero | Fee (0 5 @t Gta 2 ies BQN } ol (Fe 52) = mM 3 s _ 2°15K 1Ox!OG * Gea ani2eb | yn (feSa) = 2 aqaxiomels mal Hy S24) = O% - yp sey Xie’ % 98-078 m CSA = We gk xlOg = whe x ORG. | moles, equations and stoichiometry. Go on to chapter 2 Sond of Chapter 1: Formulae. Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 4, Le Chatelier’s Principle (@) Write out your ovn definition of Chatelier’s principl i ( cyclen ot Lguclabec ee — n_ Ae ere batt ak _ as applied to ¢’gm reactions. 7, s wnitin above to predior te initial chases tine for the following systems, 2 (by Using the principle that you have jus mn guide by Lucarelli & reaction rate (R/R) and the favoured NET reaction direction jnitially at equilibrium. (from WACE 3AB Chemistry revisio Proctor). [chemical system aa ~] imposed Jnitial change to [Net age, (ke = BA Pee = icceeet etseeee | faovoured ane’ Len? De) > increase ¥ ae | pat 2) sae increase cofrcntn Aue SOMW) Increase 1 Eq sats | Towels ete se Pk oh aw mesr Nap + Ole) 2NO(e) ‘Decrease net Epudd. Sem > | Om yess Neo Peet |. Srecales. bY GaQuey + PoGOI* COte) | Increase | ——7 y cohen SEE eon ei PL 2g SE Sales 0 8 1 Re@ aH INYO | Pevewe S Tes Eggsritt recall Fema fea oy aaa ly, .Riffect of changing temperature Using Le Chatelier’s principle to predict the net favoured direction for the following System temp | net Feason for the shift | change | favoured | _ direction |=+C-_Sustew ‘SO2(2)+ % On(g) <> 5 i n(B) (8) ‘SOs(e) + 99 kT increase ™ YT Na(g) + 3EL(e) <*2NH(e) AH =-9210 increase ‘ if ” iat syste T.2 [LPR oe CaCOx(s) +179 kT <* Ca0(s) + CO,(g) | increase > 4— eT sur Pleg| Le Hb(g) +I(g) + 52kI<> 2 HI(e) decrease 2 Q@. @ ) 5(0) Carbonyl bromide (COB), chemicals in fire extinguishers de endothermic decomposition of carb: ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 algo known as bromophosgene, can be produced when the compose. The following equation represens the onl bromide into carbon monoxide and ‘bromine. COBn (I) 5 CO() + Brie) colourless colourless red Draw the structural formula for carbonyl bromide, representing all valence shell electron pairs either as : or -- (1 mark) Ce Write the equilibrium constant expression for the decomposition equation. (1 mark) kK = [co] [6] complete the following, table by indicating the direction of the expected shift in equilibfium imr Direction of shift in ‘equilibrium : Change (left, ‘ight’ or ‘no Observations | change’) a (@ temperature Mixture be come increase Lef t & Kor ced. R 4 We (i) Pressurelncreare | LE LE | Mixtargini wally | | becames dorker Then the red red bec aude Caleur be came Pressure lighter aid a feet once Em is re-estabkahed . Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 ___ Part ofthe contaet process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid involves the conversion ofeulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide as shown by the equation: Re Gow +toue zc psoioly AH =-192k) mol" b ‘As part ofa laboratory study of the process, a Coniatikt was filled with an equilibrium ae vue of SO>, SOs and Op in the presence of a catalyst, The container was originally at 450°C. The container had a fixed volume and was thermally well insulated, Concentrations recorded during the following experiment are shown in the diagram below: he : moll" 1 ! o : Tv : i fe 1 \ : > 0 5 (WO 15 20 25 30 35 40 ‘Time (minutes) (a) Att=5 minutes, what change was made to the system? (1 mark) elon t_ (b) Which substances in the equilibrium mixture are represented by X and Y? Xis_ S3(9) vis SO (4) (2 marks) (©) Would the temperature of the mixture increase, decrease or remain the same between 5 and 20 minutes? Explain your reasoning. (2 marks) Rp Ryo: Tenet t Ex othermec darection Fadorred rere thon Endotharme (4) Att=20 minutes, some SO; was removed from the eontainet, Continue the graph to represent the changes made to the concentrations of X, Y and Oz until equilibrium has been ied at 35 minutes. (3 marks) 14 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 (40 marks) Question *# : Past Exam. Question When ethanol and ethanoic acid are mixed together in concentrated sulfuric acid, the following reversible reaction occurs: of i CHsCH,OH(/) + cH,cooHtd a CH,CHOOCCHAGYY H,0(é) att, Identity the type of reaction taking place I" the forward direction, and give the IUPAC name of the organic product Type of reaction: E stert fr ty, or lendinsatian wotpraee elie Cthomesate reaction in the space provided. (1 mark) (2 marks) (a) Write an expression for the equilibrium constant, Ky for the Penzcte OF aachs3 i i K Forgery Le prot. (b) The reaction is usually carried out at high temperatures in order to increase the yield. State and explain what this tells us about the enthalpy of the products compared to the (3 marks) enthalpy of the reactants, neal hor ieee (pay) Leeward Kerli io Pragress of Reaction—> or Time. 3 1 i Ol {titration can be used to determine the proportions of reactants and products present at equlbrium. Sodium hydroxide solution is added quantitatively 0 the reaction mixture, reacting i firat with the sulfuric acid and then snith any remaining etnancic ack: Te amount of ethanoic acid present at equilrium can Be tosily determined since the sulfure acid is presentin the Same quantity as at the start of the experiment. quilibrium, the inaccuracy ydroxide does disturb the e 0 titration. addition of sodium hy ‘s cooled immediately prior t Although the ‘small if the reaction mixture introduced is nstant, (0) State the effect of addition of sodium hydroxide on the val (4 mark) x. by circling the correct ansiver below. —— DECREASE NO CHANGE * ) Effect on K (circle one) INCREASE Re eeeeeseeeeee Jue of the equilibrium co yy mixture (fy) on the etch the effect of cooling the reacts ‘ew equilibrium (a) Onthe axes shown below. § em returns to aM rates of the forward at (te) rad backward reactions until the syst (@ marks) Rate of Reaction ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 Question 8 (24 marks) ‘Ammonium nitrate is an important fertilizer and is made by reacting ammonia solution with vririe acid and the salt formed dried to 2 certain exten for commercial purposes. A chemical supply factory wants to create 15.0 tonnes ‘of NH4NOs per day. (Note: 1 tonne = 1 * 10°g). ‘The reaction is 2 zl “ 6 NHs (aq) + HNO3 (oa 7 NHANOs (ag) on (Wty) aie xllg (@) Ifa factory is capable of making ths ammonia site from Hydrogen and Nitrogen gases according to the equation Nzig) +3 Hog? 2 NHS then how many fons of Fitrowen gas will be consumed per day? joe 2 147 Wty) 2 abc aT ~ A og ua x Coury °8) * on (nH)? Scent en Sa dis 1 ne idea ax (a melt eet Dheee ot (19 EEG ala) Ylabasg = esteclly fn 7 a To What volume of Nz gas measured at 25°C and 100 {Pa would be éonsumed per day? RT (2 marks] PV Am Nyx ite BAAR ‘ 9-34: 4g pli Be : = 232x108, (doe . oUt °d (©) The nitric acid used in the process js 4.00 mol L?, what volume of this acid, in ‘ulitres, is required for full production in one day? pep rncole PALO (Ney) 27 Y hy N23) 6 [3 marks] ) 2, BTM « YCHN8) FE > Gromer" 4 b-ghb wh) 2 yb BEXLOt = nee Ve 4) pete (The conversion of nitrogen gas to ‘ammonia is never 100%. If the yield at that step for ammonia is actually 87% then what mass of nitrogen is required for full production in one day? N, (4) BAD = ae (2 marks yield : (Ne) =~ Fear 1oo/+ yield: ty 0e, 3.026 For 97% Pe ene ee Ol see Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Question ...... cont’d (©) The reaction to produce ammonia is an equilibrium reaction. Complete the following table about equilibrium reactions. [6 marks] {e Statement, True/False ‘Reason for Choice Inan equilibrium reaction, adding be AG & Rew fe “anti ep an excess of one reactant causes ‘more products to be made. ae systen sn position + “Gays Lok For the reaction, Ha(g) + Cle) <> 2HCKe), te oles Epuak increasing the pressure, will not Ue change the equilibrium position. beth -4i Leo For an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature True aT VT .€e™ increases the amount of product. Shifts LR. ‘Adding or removing solid salt from a saturated NaCl solution will not change the position of equilibrium. nally $4,066) 9g Oca \3 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revisio ..--cont’d No Br = QN3 ‘ze the yield of ammonia. Question B (0) In Industry The Haber process is used to help maximi equilibrium constant for this process [2 marks] iE Laws” K = Far i. Write an expression for the 1g conditions and iow this inereases the yield of Explain what is done to the followin} ii ammonia. 6 marks] A. Temperature « ami soe (Msderote & sor & wer or apromete bebucen ro yield - B. ° Pressure J. high Presa ; neo bores) Pregsure 2° Meo (2004 Bi C. Presence of a Catalyst Yesd fe 0 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 20 10 Qs. Consider Ha + Clg = 2HCky ot 100°C HCI) 1 ah ( § 50 YO § 40 e s oO 8 < ° oO o1°234 5678 9 10 Time (secs) (a) For the system represented in the graph above, describe what is happening from the start to 4 seconds. (Assume that equilibrium is established after 4 seconds). (2 marks) de reaching Bi four Hd ve — Rate forward (Kp) v i eee ne backwards (R)' asf frolucts] T ae name Cguclsprism 4 xe eee ealablished * (b) The volume of the system is doubled at 7 seconds. On the graph above, draw in the ae vetrations of all these gases from 4 seconds up t0 10 seconds, by which time equilibrium is re-established. @ marks) END OF CHAPTER 2: GO ON TO CHAPTER 3: ACID & REDOX TITRATIONS 20 : Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Q4. Acid-Base volumetric analysis practical work quiz. priate answer for each of the description. (12 marks) a) | The process where a sufficient volume of a letrdiy solution of known concentration is added to ; completely react with a substance being analysed. Voluunelree Anakysé In the spaces provided fill in the appro} b) | A piece of equipment which can be used to prepare and store an acenrately known volume of al. {Use | Votrcenn Lee HONS Hy degen ¢) | A solution that will readily decompose to from ‘ i ot perce (le fe) colourless gas bubbles: @) | A calibrated tube used to accurately deliver a variable volume of solution. ©) | A solution whose concentration is known accurately 5] A generic name given to a substance that is pure with aknown formula and high molar mass @ | An example of substance ‘F that you have used in laboratory titrations hy | A general name given to a substance that readily absorbs moisture or dissolved gases from the air 1) | An example of substance 19) | A substance which may be added to a solution that has passed through the pipette or burette, without affecting the results of the titration. 1) _| The instance when there are chemically equal or molar amounts present of the two substances being reacted. ‘A substance being used to give a visible sign of ‘P m) | being reached. |_| The reading obtained by subtracting the initial a aed ») | volume from the final volume hvcengeo”| Mean Ti fre al Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 ‘Acid Base Titrations and pH calculation standard in acid — base titrations. D2. Borax, (NexB:07 10 120), ean be sed #5 & primary st i ‘The reaction occurs as follows: i BO? (aq) + 2H'(@a) + sH00 — 4 HBO;3(aq) standard flask and the flask was made to the the borax solution were titrated against alts were obtained. s dissolved in a 250.0 ml. ‘water. 20.00 mL aliquots of Jlution and the following titration rest 2.334 g of borax wa: mark using distilled hydrochloric acid sol { TieaNod [TirnNo2 [Tit’nNo3 Titrn No.4 _| Final reading (mL) 20.20 36.80 21.07 37.70 Tnitial reading (mL) 2.55 _— 20.20 4.35 21.07 ‘tration volume (mL) 1tisme| 16 EO mt | 1G Famt 16:63 foutlier (a) Determine the average titration volume for this reaction. (2 marks) eg 2 LOCTIELAHE «16:0 mt 2 sgt Oe or 3 (b) — Caloulate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. Please show working out steps to score maximum marks. (6 marks) _ feliz) = . [ote 7] -{ 2:334. ten e229? (10 -47x4) Hi6 Dior fe" ig (Naz By & ph oxig Smsle n (624) 2: a : f. 28. an (Borex emt _ Gli me SZ, : ; qe 00574 padi 11 Barak oe RAY er ete TF pelle” 4 22 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 Q3. Titration calculation [10 marks 141424244) A hydrochloric acid solution was standardized by titrating it against a 0.155 mol L™ sodium hydroxide solution. The following results were obtained. Tnitial volume (ml) oe 3) What value for the average titte should be used? Vaug (cr b) Calculate the moles of NaOH consumed in an average titration. ©) Calculate the moles ‘of HCI consumed in an average titration, “The equation for the.reaction is Hcl + NaOH > NaCl + HO 4) What was the concentration of the HCI solution? 1] was then used to standardize & solution of ammonia (NH3)- ©) This standardized HCI 25.00 mL of ammonia 18.55 mL of the HCI was needed to completely react with solution, What was the concentration of the ammonia solution? ‘The equation for the reactionisHC] + NHs > NEHCI ay (NOW = ox -3 ps ‘ T oussx cree BB ITXES ce Ge? = n(noow) mote roan © 3 mail| on. Be 0-407 5) ela a vogmal! 2 5 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Back titration calculation ceutical company to contain 300 ‘Three medicine tablets, which were claimed by phamiac ofa 0.5090 mol L” NaOH. y Lys Qa Ding of aspirin (CsH(OCOCHs)COOH were heated in 50.00 mL ‘The aspirin reacted as follows: 7 Z (near), og C2V © NS caqox eeSe° = pio2SYSmars loves n( Hci) = ODI X oO257 FOF EK EE 2 Ca{GCOCH,) COOH) +2 NaH CeBie(OH)COONa (ag) +CHICOONS (0) * 1,00) KEneth yy WoW comt 2 (OBB OF 2K Fa ee I SUG aL 7 come as = sn (MorM wee up 2(21 82545 — 3 OSG O = FGF EX rods | hae Cine the soluton’was tansferred to 2 100 ml. standard Haske and made up to exactly Aer one liguots of 20.0 ml. ofthis solution was then titrated agin 0.1232 mol L! ICI acid, The mean titre was 25.10 mL. Sols (a) What was the average mass of the aspirin in the tablets? ©: °° bes keel n(nee) O-shBO Zo 8 n(@u) < 1 (NaH) > Lk= Bg Excess = Neok w)_alor “Jexcen = O'2 ~ (o-0 @5¥X2) =O a Tug Li ~ Ltd = 16 + 133 “77 2 h3z7ule t aT peal elt: ly fist ne Te aa! 26 16 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision eto °- 2 © Ae SAB piconet nbc) =» (09"? aed vag’) ef 0: OE < ols? 2 Ol Van), 2 Alin 27 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 \ Question 7 (@) __ HOtis a strong acid. Caleulate the pH of a solution of 0.001 molL"' HCé (eq) | Holom —> Hitap? Clem pete bogre [at] 2 bogs [v oxts*] 3 | opt | [i mark] (6) Explain why the value for the pH of 0.001 molL’? HF (aq) will be different to 0,001 molL? HC# (aq)- H Cl cay em Him * olen | Sern hd py tick + . | a — oe Feaw Ken Senaseben | | a [2 marks) ( A5.0x 107 moll" solution of trichloroethanoic acid (C&sCCOOH) has @ pH of 33. Calculate whether this acid is @ strong oF weak acid. Explain your reasoning. a ¢ cca FH aca a <= CH CSO BoE > Soo 5 u ethensic cbs grenenne [ae . pe > c,ceo *? 6-H 7 3: wleea SLE 5. Shunghdd Lard 10 33 or x's aa! [3 marks) (@ Write an equation for the ionisation of trichloroethanoic acid in water. = F + 30, Lhe > C46 OF, 3 —cop cyccger *) a Sats [i mari] 28 16 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revi: pH value for a solution of Co,CCOONAaa) hl ef Ch coo Nat P # 4; Mpg OS Add pte Fo. [1 mark] Calculate the pH of a mixture yesulting from the addition of 250 mL of 0,10molL™ #2)» and 750 mL of 0.050 moll? HCE. [5 marks] a i n (OD) = oxV =a n (a)? oxy? enon extgs 7 comreg LorJexces? 20 purl: Ke = Tous o Wee a bay LT = ae pw = 1a-] sy ores ae ea cee a Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revisi ‘Year 12: Acids and bases : Buffer solutions @ Q% What e buffer solutions 'A buffer solution minimizes changes in pH during the addition of small amounts of ‘an acid or a base added. The buffer solution maintains 2 near constonk pHi by removing most of any acid or base that is added to the solution. A buffer solution is a mixture of aw_€o4 a cid forecg, ethanoic acid and its conjugate pase, (s9diwr—_ acetal). Neeu,& Te ‘A buffer solution has the capacity to react with both with hy, dire wei sen, ons ( Hy0" ) ions introduced by addition of an acid or conversely it can also react with OH? ions which are introduced by addition of a base. The following eq’m is set up CHsCOOH(aq) + H20 (1) =—_ (CH;COO" (aq) + H30* (aq) Let CHyCOOH(aq) = HA(aq) weak acid ; H30* (aq) =H" (aq) and CHsCOO" (aq) = A” (ag) its omy gots _ bose Now the simplified reversible equation ean be represented as follows HA (aq) = HW (aq) + A (aq) + (1) A c-4 oe Ina buffer solution, the concentration of hydrogen ions, [H" (ag)] . is very much small _ compared with the concentration of the weak acid, [HA (aq)], or its ‘conjugate base [CH3COO" (aq)) «Briefly explain the reason for the varying concentration ofthe chemical species present as stated here Lartiol jonisatien 36 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Q @ How does a buffer act? How does a buffer act .° HA Sae AT (aq) (a) When we add acid, (aq), to @ buffer solution refer to chemical equation | above A) explain what will happen to the concentration of [ 1H (aq)] using Le Chatalier’s Lym pssition bE Rae principle. What removes the extra added, H" (aq), explain briefly £4'm fost tim shift L>@ Q12 (0) Addition of a base (alkali), OH (aq), 10 & buffer solution. On addition of a soluble base OH (aq) reacts with the small chomge in Gn o of H™ (aq) (aq) + OF (aq) <=> H,0 () ‘The pH change is ob senved > 1& the equilibrium position is shifted to the ra gt , restoring concentration [a (ag)] as more HA (aq) molecules i@ni s- ‘The weak acid HA(aq) restores most of any {87 (ag)] that is removed. C0) . HA@ <=> BG + AT (aq) Explain using Le Chatalier’s principle the net direction the eq’m is shifted when extra OH (aq) ions are added to the buffer solution. Lak 3h Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 “Although the two components in a buffer solution react with added acid and b__ they cannot stop the pH from changing. They do however m, \injeai se PH changes. Aqueous solution containing am_1 * Eure _ of weak acid , CH;COOH and salt of weak acid e.g. NaCHsCOO, which acts as a source of the ¢ anys base Q4_A basic buffer 'A.common basic (alkaline) buffer is an aqueous solution of containing a mixture of ammonium ion, NH," and ammonia (_N [13 _) molecules «ammonium chloride, NHs” CI’, which acts as the source of the wef acid —_,NHy" ions. «Ammonia molecule , NH , which acts as the conjngate base ,NH; 10 Buffering Capacity: (explain briefly) Maitoin almas’ @& Constant pt Within nerren Bord of pl. chongos, 2-9 6:8 > 70 T 2 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Chapter 3: OXIDATION, REDUCTION and REDOX. TITRATIONS Introduction: Fill in the blanks below 1, When Mg ribbon is bumt in air, the magnesium 1s oxidised because it gains oxygen. The product, magnesium oxide, is anionic compound. The two half reactions that occur can be represented as follows ‘RIG ‘om’ cE %5Or(g)+2e —> OF Mg(s) —> Mg” (ag) +2€° 5 This is called oxi dafian because oxidation is loss _of © lectrens_or we can use the pneumonic “ LEO” the lion says “GER” .In this equation ‘Mg atoms are being oxidised to Mg igns _by losing electrons. On the other hand we could also say that the Mg atoms oxidizes the oxygen atoms to oxide ions other, however, the Mgis itself reduced in the process. Mg is hence called the reducing — a genk __ or the reductant. Oxygen gas on the other hand oxidises Mg atoms to Mg” ions but is itself reduced to oxide ions therefore oxygen gas can be said to acting as an oxidizing agent or an oxidant. 2, Work out the oxidation number of the following bolded and underli ined elements. @ WSO -46 © Maa,” -46 © Oa -+1_ OB © gor=+2 OM cn07=+4 & Mno.= +4 @ Hao, -+7_ & HEHO=_C_ @ NAY @ Ne = (m) 8406 =2:S_ (n) 103° - +5 (©) CHsCOOH @so=6 © HO () Cw0 = _+) Mn (OH). = 4 (a) Nis = 4B (W) [Cuts] * (w) WO" = +5) Ys0s = tS (= +2) Eee () YO." = +6 @ Mg(NOs)o (we45) a : Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 3, Balanced redox equations (a) write out balanced redox equations for the following reactions ({) oxidation of iodide ions to iodine molecules and the reduction of iron (111) ions to metallic iron 2(2Ti, > Dem +26) -O 2 (Prim oie pp ko )—®@ Ch @) Gi) A pool smelling gas,was passed through a solution 0 tumed reddish in colour. .f sodium bromide. The solution Clo @ 4 Qe Aras —© 26riny ——? BA™® te —_ Be (a) (ii) Hydrogen peroxide solution in was added to dropwise to an acidified potassium oe veonate solution, The mixture slowly changes from orange to aqua green and a colourless and odourless gas is evolved. 3, 0, tq) ——> Ai? + O29 pak) Ce, oft > tht tea + (6 —» Gay Tne OG) ? II PBST IS Se Wy Ee a — Hy O, (ay 165. %5 + BH ay 3y Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 added to acidified potassium permanganate 3 (iv) Excess oxalic (ethane dioie) acid was from the reaction. The purple solution also Solution. A colourless gas was seen ‘emanating, turned colourless. SK (ty G Oye Tease Qutt ICO ©) é 26) Oo 9 them 496 —? Moe 1 bk JO® 5 haa yeajt PO PRcagt EME) TADS 2 ibng +88 Beorss 4. (@ When a solution containing sodium dichromate(NagCr207) and sulfuric acid is added to tooo telturium (TV) oxide TeOr the solid dissolves and the mixture turns aqua green colour indicating the presence of a {dation states of tellurium (Te) set +1, +1V and +VL Write balanced patf equations and an overall net balanced REDOX equation in the boxes below from the information provided. Oxidation equation: 3 (feb, —? Faby reid? PA) Reduction eqn: ( p Open + tatbgy too > 2Gayt THRO Overall Redox equation: = + 212.0, 4 [Cr Op + Siem > Bet Or A Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 5, Potassium peroxymonosulfate (KHSO:) is a powerful oxidising agent used es “spa shock” to oxidise organic waste in spa bath and small swimming pools. The HSOs ion is reduced to HSO4” [5 marks] Write a balanced half equation for the reduction of HSOs to HSO." 24 HSOe +20" So, + i2e “sana : NB de icnetions KHSOs can be used to oxidise propanol. Write the half equation for the oxidation of propanol to propanoic acid: Ca Hy QM AMES. Rae ells SOM ryphrhe “Write the final or overall redox equation for this reaction: QUSGe EA GH... RNS ‘) Ca Hs Coo + 420 Redox Titration calculation Q6. ‘Try the strategy you leamt on the previous topic of acids and base tirations to solve the following question. (@) 12. 56 gof the crystalline oxalic acid dihydrate [HoC.Oe 2410] is dissolved in ‘retitled water and the solution is made exactly to 500.0 ml. in a volumetric Ask Fa 100 mL sample ofthis solution when acidified with 1.0 M sulphuric acid sane nidised by 25.14, 25. 12 £26.15} and 25.13 mL of solution of potassitim permanganate solution. Neuter Ugg (Ronee) = 2SNyeesei +25 “3 = 28513m (i Determine the number of moles of oxalie aed in 20.00 mL sample of the acid — solution. ee <2? 00416 nines Oue Mg2) 2 BEE y= 0-044 bea s 2 (HG) pomt™ Fee 8 Soom! ‘Qyne! vA (Ha Sigg 3m (ii) Caleulate the number of moles of permanganate jons in the mean titre required for the oxidation of 20.00 mL of oxalic acid. sax os 2 nower) 2 2% (Mnow) = O-HAB-9 54x! aS nGhaaw) = ii) Determine the molarity of the potassium permanganate solution that was used in 1 Cand ov melordy = A Ve os 2 eT 4BX g-02S13 aoe “ c [kmno 4) = 00 G3 THAIL (36) —— Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 (17 marks) Question 7: Redox Exam Calculation used in redox titrations, but can be problematic as the Q7. Solutions of iron(l) salts are often various hydrated forms of Fe" ions can be oxidised by oxygen in the environment, formin, sron(ill) oxide, according to the following equation: Fe"(aq) + Ong) + Ox +4) HOW = 2 Fe,03.xH20(s) + 8H"(eq) often preferred over iron(II) sulfate for redox ‘Ammonium iron(I}) sulfate, or Mohs salt, i ented by the ammonium ions titration purposes since the ‘unwanted oxidation of Fe” is prevs present, which reduce the pH of the solution. Mohr’s salt is commonly found in hydrated (SO,)2. XH20. form, as any of @ number of salts with the formula (NH4)Fet (a) Write an equation to show how the ammonium ions are able to tower the pH of the solution. R + f a AHy wp tole Ya) t HzO) » 6 Ge oe ea above to explain why the oxidation of Fe” is prevented in (2 marks) (6) Use the equation given solutions of low pH. Ab Loui p-t_Levels Pe olf 5 "Ropeck 2 Resrwed » Gee bs cece eos Cas lyisrere behlegn Fe, 83 (2 marks) Chance HCC OEY 40.5 g of hydrated ammonium made up to 250 mL in a volumetric flask. against 0.0240 mol 1 potassium permanganate soluti stained. The table befow shows the results of the experiment. 25.0 mL aliquots of this solution were titrated ion until consisterit results were Rough Z 2 3 4 Final volume (mL) | 23.00 21.26 24.25 22.65 23.35 Initial volume (mL) | 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.10 2.10 | Titre (mL) 23-30 A vey | 22-sye [2h (ml) pam lat RO 2 a J ©) complete the table and calculate the average titre volume: (1 mark) fart 42)-2s +t 21-2), ZV23mb Average titre: V. We @) Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 rite a balanced ionic equation for the reaction taking place (2 marks) 7a) W (6) Caloulate the value of in tne formula (NHA):Fe(SOs)2*#20- ogat mol ncmney) = cx = O28 KON Gotsee s - 2 oe HB X10” x(o” Fons) 5 _n(ge**)_= oon es 04s XV! = ASM Aca fist eeeCe eee eee > n (Fe™ Jygomt 22 22 2 FABRIS we te = aSHeXs fahs n on (Fe) = 2 aye? xio tral omic on tt) Fe 524 = A ea = mCAZS) = nxn ar hexes 284.054 meCATS) ell 2384: Zi m(H2e) = ! 0594 4-238 = S284 Ars |n( Hes 224 2 O1FOImels DS HET yrs rgolg BN 8Oqmals 2 SUE Kt (He), FeS%* Hoe le R 4; ELECTROCHEMISTRY END OF CHAPTER 3:GO ONTO CHAPTE! -. Foymeda = (ta), FeS% Fete? (23) ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 CHAPTER 4: ELECTROCHEMIST Blectrochemical and Electrolytic Cells 1 ill in the blanks below and then attempt the questions that follow. (a) In clectrochemical cells chemucak PatentiaL ¢Tergyy— is converted to electrical potentiod difference or velte-g redox reactions occur spontamneatualay if he ‘overall E® or E° cell EMF is positive. . These chemical “This usually means that the reaction is most likely to proceed in the direction written. Ifthe net cell EMF is negative then the reaction is n_con — spontaneous and this means “That the reaction as written is unlikely fo proceeds in the direction written. In fact it can be assumed thatthe reaction is most likely fo favoured in the reverse. direction. () In clectrochemical cells the ANODE isthe nagobiv-e. —\eiectrode which has the tendency to spontaneously release —clectrons from this electrode where oxi von occurs by the loss of ¢ \-¢ CG __—— under standard conditions. [¢= 1.0 mol L-1; temp = 25°C or 248°SK; pressure (P) =. look Pa. “The E® cell values found in the data sheet are also called Standard Reduclien Potentials oF S.RP’s. (In clectrochemical cells the positive ( avo) electrode is called the Labnoke. and this electrode readily a accepts electrons and redux Clan usually occurs at this electrode. (@) In electrochemical cells the two half cells are connected together by a sak brid 4-2 usually made out of a porous OF soaked filter paper with a saturated solution of aionic 8. Lt suchas potassiuen nitrate. The ele ctrona travel via the electrical wires and is usually called theex teenal circuit whilst the ions travel via the electrolyte. «What is the function of the salt bridge 2 explain. “ty connect tuo holf cells together To maintain overade eledFmentraly of the Golvance cell 39 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 Q2. Using your E® standard reduction potentials (SRP’s) table when required. Draw a neat and fully labelled diagram for the following lectrochemical cell. Assume standard conditions of standard concentration of 1.00 mol Ly; standard temperature(25°C or 298 -15 K); standard pressure of 100 kPa. Now calculate the 'E° cell EMF for the electrochemical cell. (a) Mg™*/ Mg // ‘Ag’ / Ag and ammonium nitrate as salt bridge ee Ags +Vi (redken ag rie hy Efea +0 OY Ee = Feat Ered Emr 2 a3140 8S = $301 Spontaneous; Eqn = E® ox + Ered (11 marks) at ions lord tains the two half cells separated by a porous membrane, which thas a metal rod placed in a solution of its ade. sactions that occur, their standard reduction potentials and state ee reduction, oxidebion p= tO74V reductisn B= -OlsVv (4 marks) net redox equation. > 2tP bay +B Pb) (2 mark) force, or voltage) of the cell? -0°3)V=+0-6)V (1 mark) @ Draw an arrow in the top box to show the direction of current (electron flow) in the wire connecting the . (1 mark) RRC (€ What change (or changes) will be observed in the cell? FAI jo No. ronmiuen ni .. 3\ oe Mass — of Cr_electote | im right howd) Coll (3 marks) 41 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Qa, EXAM QUESTION ON ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLS [16 marks] “The Daniell cell was invented in 1836 and wes OF of the earliest batteries to be designed osentally, the Daniell cell can be thought vot as two half-cells consisting of a copPe! viectrode submerged in copper(tt) sulfate tution (Cw/Cu") and a zine electrode submerged fn zine sulfate solution (2/20) In the ‘original design, a porous clay pot was used to Separate the half-cells and act as what We tO al the salt bridge. The EMF produced by the Daniell cell is 1.1 V under standard conditions. ‘A chemistry class was studying the asic design of the Daniell cell and decided to investigate is used for each ‘clectrode/electrolyte. They decided to ‘he effect of changing the metal ane Girne a cll using in metal, chromium metal, tind) sulfate solution and chromium(II!) ‘wm in the diagram below. coffe solution. They set up their apparatus ° sho __— Flectron flow —— Substance ad ‘Substance: (a) Label all remaining components of the cell in the diagram above, including:(7 marks) () cathode and anode Gi) sign of each electrode ii) substance used for each half-cell electrolyte (iv) direction of electron and cation flow (v)__asuitable salt bridge solution s Revision | 2016 Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Note: Note two observations that would be made as this electrochemical cell operate (2 marks) (ae Apeailiisnivistecnee elie PO - CAromiurn ron calaen of CEE” Sn gle Fi eS Q4 (b) — Mass lr ae iz ——polte ge or Pr a S Q4.(c) The ‘overall equation for the operation of this electrochemical cell is; nfs) + 2.Cr"(ad) 3 Sn" (ag) + 2x8) > 3s smary cell, whieh means it designed by the students is @ Pri 1, as the chemicals stored over time the reactants will run ou used to produce electricity Just like the Daniell cell, the cell cannot be recharged. Therefore, ‘within the electrochemical cell are 36.2 g and there was 475 mL of 2.10 mol L tin(ll) If the chromium electrode has a mass of sulfate solution presents 4 @ Determine the limiting reagent. ar won, : 3h2 (6 marks) ee n(sn?? = on 2 ge xo-o¥e , 2) 09 Teo n(s" Few | Ky < oe BR2Tre eguv: e ns ( n(sn7err @ Z a LRzSn. cous ei ots oCr 2" half-cell, would the students be replaced with a CulC (2 marks) [4@ _ ithe chromium hhalf-cell was able to produce a higher or lower EMF? Explain. ‘ ov (pllege ger EF pe ° phe : Sel Cf colle CE ae a Lowe _ $0: 60% dé Jd4 afgn se produce: ‘ig one PTER 5: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Yatse END OF CHAPTER 4: GO ON TO cual Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 CHAPTER 5 : YEAR 12 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1, Nomenclature and functional organic chemistry, Organic chemistry is the study of ¢ Loban based compounds. Many ‘ally because each carbon atom ean form uP (9 hundred of thousands compounds are made annu: foe — covalent bonds. ‘uctural formulae for the following organic compounds. 1 (a) Draw the full str @ 2,3-di methyl! pentane @ 13,5- ie alae ale ite Peete - ‘ oe : out H 1K. es We oe eRe ! 5 kk Shy ob Gi’ L ypmo 4- diiodo benzene @) aga Be Ay paler 2% 9 Oe nN ” he 4 ee a 9, pe oH pote pki) 6 amino- 2, 4 io fname acid, ° id L A a : aH ANS CWeeeee ere eel bodes ek Te e v4 Se 7h i, ei pee Ir \ ct & : Ku Catan Sey aeanst cngce amino - 3p icp sropeinol (viii) 1, 3- eyg}opeptadiene Be , 5 \ 2% yet = Eo ae a a b Nie fy 4-9 oe Gx) ag nba x) 2+ propanone : o . a Orca ) I ) od Eek eerste. CHs uy i 4 (xi) 2 4—hexane diamine wn Gi) propit butanoate uM BPR i Z eas & Tine Cgbq- 0 7 og Mh eg ecient: v 4 tee ete ee o (xiii) 2,3- pentane diol ait (xiv) 14 butane dioic acid 4 1g €-c- b- Pag eats - 7 eee) y af \ Noy Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 Q2. Write IUPAC names, or draw structural diagrams (showing all atoms with their ponds), as required in the following char. [TUPAC name ‘Structural diagram Pg c ORE Fans S-iodo trans~2-pentene Ce S 3 aN ce 2 wh o \ «ol 4 3-hydroxy butanal wae meee \ \ \ ~H ou methyl pentanoate CH(CHa);COOCHs g-nitre benzae cooH acid AOn 3. (b) Ethanol can be oxidized to ethanoic acid if itis reacted with acidified solution of MnO, solution. Write out a balanced “Chemical redox equation below and also describe what would be observed in this reaction. ae owianton: (Cp WOH + tte oO? CiigccoH + uutthe xs - = b . ieee Mnoy +3 at +S€ —s Mn ey pl t2e)%4 overall redox: & Cy Hy OH + a Mndg + (28° —> Ly Mae 1 Ho + °CHs (OSH x2 ey + Reduction: C609?" + wit+ be —> 2e™ +7Hae iz Br A, zu (an)et RCH, coca Q3 (c) Now write a similar equation when 2, propanol is oxidized with acidified K,Cr207 solution. aye ei : © Oxidati me-c- Sasol + 2cdttee ae overall redox \ te op + gitt 3 CH CH (4s) \& Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 03. (4) Write the TUPAC name. oF formula. of each of the following organic substances. = ‘Name Formula (or structural diagram) Po 4 (i) Cyclopropanol AO 4 K 4 eS EEE Pe Hoe Mf oo See Cet ete Gi) 4-hydroxy-2-pentanone w ’ 1 1 ) a 4 ce eee eee nt cl, 3-hbore benzei aa pe eee eorererreap Me ES ouienc ee ) aoe ibeors : ge fe tan amine (iv) CH: CBr,CH,CH2NH2 eet 2 pS @&_ ethyl propanoate fe acca Gi benzyl benzoate 7 ajar buten diol ity phenyl ebene oF styrene Gis) cyclohexanone ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 4. Amino acids and protein synthesis ‘Amino acids contain at least one ayn in @_group and one carboxyl group. The alpha amino acids are very important in living systems. ‘The O€_ carbon is the first carbon atom attached to the “COOH group. Generalised structure of an alpha amino acid is shown below. R HN — C--—-COOH H “Amino acids an example of a bifwactionet compounds, ic. compounds with tuo fonetional groups. These bi functional groups interact with each other. The Acidic (~-COOH ) proton d on. CS _ group and the protona cc eptoys 1 regativoly charged and p oS th ely charged groups. NH, can react with each other forming zwitterions — particles containing both Draw a labelled diagram of a zwitterion 4 . f \ \ 4 2 ae " ™~ 65 H | = H ‘An aqueous solution of an amino acid consists of mainly of zwitte} ions, with a very few molecules containing the unionised groups. Amino acids are very soluble in water because they ate effectively iO 7 Unless there is an extra ~--COOH or ——-NHe group in the molecule (as there is in some naturally occurring amino acids), they aren, euteot _ in an aqueous solution. 47 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 20 16 ‘Adding small quantities of acid or base to an amino acid solution causes little change to the pH. because the zwitterions neutralize the effect of the addition. > HO” + H,N—CHR-—-COO’ ——* H,0 + HyN—CHR—COO" ,0° + HaN'— CHR—-COO 1,0 + HN'—-CHR—COOH So, amino acids exist in three different ionic forms, depending on the pH of the solution, they are in: pat—Ce— COOH 21s CER-—OO | H,N——-CHR-—COO in acid solutions jin neutral solution in alkaline(basic) solution Solution which can withstand the addition of acid or alkali (base) are called bw Fer Solutions. 5, Making Peptides and Proteins When an ——-NHb group reacts with the ~~-COOH group 12 a carboxylic acid, a secondary amide group is formed with the structure. (A secondary amide) oc In this process a molecule of water is eliminated, so it is called acon heroae REAM When two amino acids join together inthis way, a secondary amide group formed is called @ peptide tink 48 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision 2016 Q: Organic Empirical Chemical formula calculations Qualitative analysis of an organic compound showed that it contained only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. A quantitative study of the same compound was performed, in which 0.5096 8 sample was burnt in excess oxygen to produce 0.4160 g of water and 700.7 mL of carbon. dioxide collected at 100 * Cand 102.8 kPa. (a) Determine the empiri formula of the compound. (10 marks) er tre (crea | Coe Wy@ +o2 —7 ioe GO + Hae | oor! v | os 046g oes | = YyIbe y2x 1.8 = 0: ob 6S | cw) = Sree ens | ev Qo2: an SB 9.9222 mos n(C2) > ar (8B xe) i | | 7 ae n Kx | | svn (e) ope C274 | we(e) = 0r02E EM 128 oT | fae (o27 eat okey .m(e) Oley | = ole | | a oe aa 49 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 ie ee on| 2036 empirical formula, Combustion of duced 17.9 g of carbon dioxide lysed to determine its Q6. A polyester polymer was an ster in excess oxygen Pro. 2 9.76 g sample of the polyes and 4.88 g of water. contains only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms then calculate its (a) Ifthe polymer empirical formula. [5 marks] Oy 26 Ca tS Cochy Oz + On 2 ree wy 7 q7 bg FE _ 6.2704mI§ amis (te) > a = Tgeis 17-99, 4854 Bees deals m(H) = pete ee eee Fe ae a wm Ce) AFD» (2-6) _ ony 06 Teale x) = 48, Gael me) = a7 - (Hees Ft a-sub) Ge SHUSEE = 4.32414 ool ye Se e 224 4. S84 oshblg:| HE" 4 (ves) te 1 ees 16s = 0: SUV Fuss Ob mols SN ee eee ~ oate reise ©1764 (se 2 as 1) KD REM? ps) Hux vee) 432) a 72. 0bhg ; 50 ATF Year 12 ATAR Chemistry Notes Revision | 2016 6) ‘The polymer was then hydrolysed using sulfurie acid $0 split itinto the diol and dieaboxslie aeid monomers used in its preparation. The flow diagram below illustrates this. 2.20 gof the dicarboxylic acid monomer was isolated and dissolved in 250.0 mL of “Fatited weter. 50.0 mL of the dicarboxylie acid solution required 15.3 mL of 0.487 moll! sodium hydroxide solution for complete neutralization. (Calculate the molar mass of the dicarboxylic acid monomer. cxV = oh371xX0:O)S3 = Fs) xs ele Le i \Hox HHeek > Naas nse 372605 Prats in (dice Bosh OF > om = 7 some - Gi) Given the information from part (B), deduce and draw a possible structure of the Sicarboxylic acid ifthe percentage by mass of earbon in the dicarboxylic acid is [3 marks] neo = uss 40.7%. ae (2 ans) 4 . Die é : » weecbeass), & rms FP : 2-205 , 001 863 sien: END OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 5 & CHEMISTRY REVISION 51

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