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Question 1.

Which of the following is least like the others?

A. cube

D (because the circle is the only two-dimensional figure)

Question 2.

Consider a language which uses the following set of characters:

Small set: { a b c }

Large set: { A B C }

Punctuation set: { x y }

This language must follow the following rules:

1. A punctuation character must end all series.

A series can have up to but no more than 4 characters,including punctuation characters.

Does the following series follow all the rules of the language defined above?


A. Yes

A (the series has only four characters and ends in a punctuation character)

Question 3.

Consider the following flow chart for a customer:

The person in No.1 is:

A. Married, with children

Married, with at least one son
Unmarried, with at least one daughter
D. Unmarried, with at least one son
Unmarried, with no children

D (married: no; children: yes; male child: yes)

Question 4.

Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how
many pages can they type in 30 minutes?

A. 15

E (30/5=6; 6*10=60; Susan will type 60 pages in 30 min. 30/10=3; 5*3=15; Mary will type 15 pages in 30
min. 60+15=75)

Question 5.
Consider the following series:

3, 4, 6, 9, 13, ____ What comes next?

A. 15

D (3+1=4; 4+2=6; 6+3=9; 9+4=13; 13+5=18)

Question 1: A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of
the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long?

1. 48
2. 16
3. 32
4. 44
5. 56
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 2: What is the synonym of Immaculate?

1. fateful
2. perforated
3. illustrious
4. spotless
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 3: A rectangular plate with length 8 inches, breadth 11 inches and thickness 2 inches
is available. What is the length of the circular rod with diameter 8 inches and equal to the
volume of the rectangular plate?

1. 3.5 inches
2. 3 inches
3. 5.5 inches
4. 2.5 inches
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 4: If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as

1. qhutbk
2. quhtbk
3. qbkhut
4. qkhbut
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 5: A clock is late by 1 minute 27 seconds in a month. Then how much will it be late
in 1 day?

1. 2.0 seconds
2. 270 seconds
3. 3.0 seconds
4. 2.9 seconds
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 6: Football Match

A set of football matches is to be organized in a "round-robin" fashion, i.e., every participating
team plays a match against every other team once and only once. If 21 matches are totally
played, how many teams participated?

1. 6
2. 5
3. 7
4. 8
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 7: A software engineer returns from America. As he is fat he decided to have

evening walk.....he started at 3pm. he walks along the road at 4km/hr for some time then he
climbs a upward slope area at 3km/hr then downwards at the rate of 6km/hr. then back to the
home through the road at 4km/hr. what is the distance he covered in one way if he reaches
back home at 9pm

1. 2km
2. 5km
3. 6km
4. 7km
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 8: Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours respectively while third pipe will make
the tank empty in 20 hours. If all three pipes operate simultaneously, in how many hours the
tank will be filled ?

1. 7hours 30 minutes
2. 5hours 30 minutes
3. 9hours 30 minutes
4. 6hours 30 minutes
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 9: 12 men can complete a piece of work in 4 days, while 15 women can complete
the same work in 4 days. 6 men start working on the job and after working for 2 days, all of
them stopped working. How many women should be put on the job to complete the remaining
work, if it is to be completed in 3 days.

1. 15
2. 14
3. 21
4. 55
5. 62
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 10: letter series


1. div
2. uij
3. hgf
4. bvc
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 11: A certain number of bullets were shared by 3 people equally.Each of them fired 4
bullets and the sum of the remaining bullets was equal to the initial share each had got.what
was the initial number of bullets?

1. 20
2. 25
3. 18
4. 22
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 12: If A is travelling at 72 km per hour on a highway. B is travelling at a speed of 25

meters per second on a highway. What is the difference in their speeds in m/sec.

1. 1 m/sec
2. 10 m/sec
3. 100 m/sec
4. 0.01 m/sec
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 13: A tradesman gives 4% discount on the marked price and gives article free for
buying every 15 articles and thus gains 35%. The marked price is above the cost price by

1. 50
2. 52
3. 53
4. 100
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: A clock strikes three.And while it does so, 3 seconds elapse.How long does it
take the clock to strike seven?

1. 7 seconds
2. 3 seconds
3. 9 seconds
4. 10 seconds
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 15: CMM Full Form

1. Capabilities Maturity Model

2. Capabilities Mandatory Model
3. Capabilities Maturity Module
4. Cognition Maturity Model
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 16: The first Indian Chairman of Hindustan lever Ltd. (HLL) passed away, recently,
who was he?

1. Prakash Lal Tandon

2. Amit Nagra
3. Kishore Kumar
4. R.L. Tandon
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 17: WIPRO Paper

For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds.Now time is 8a.m.What will be the actual
time at 8p.m.

1. 7.54
2. 7.56
3. 7.58
4. 7.52
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 18: A group consists of equal number of men and women. Of them 10% of men and
45% of women are unemployed. If a person is randomly selected from the group. Find the
probability for the selected person to be an employee.

1. 29/40
2. 36/60
3. 29/60
4. 36/40
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 19: There are 4 boys - Anand, Anandya, Madan and Murali with nic-names perich,
zomie, drummy and madeena not in the same order.

1. Anand : Murali
2. Anandya : Perich
3. Anand : Madan
4. Anand : Perich
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 20: Anju was born on Sunday 27 th September, 1970. Her birthday would have
fallen on Sunday again in

1. 1981
2. 1987
3. 1985
4. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 21: A tank is fitted with 8 pipes, some of them that fill the tank and others that are
waste pipe meant to empty the tank. Each of the pipes that fill the tank can fill it in 8 hours,
while each of those that empty the tank can empty it in 6 hours. If all the pipes are kept open
when the tank is full, it will take exactly 6 hours for the tank to empty. How many of these are
fill pipes?

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 22: .................. can't be used for source of data automation.

1. (a) POS terminal

2. (b) OCR
3. (c) Keyboard
4. (d) UPC
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 23: M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more
will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift

1. D/(M-3)
2. MD/3
3. M/(D-3)
4. 3D/(M2-3M)
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 24: Which of the following shapes of the cell has the smallest member surface in
relation to its volume

1. Flat surface
2. spindle shape
3. ccolumnar shape
4. sperical shape
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 25: Which of the following is one of the major approaches to psychology?

1. psychoanalysis
2. structuralism
3. psychiatry
4. New Age Movement
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 26: An artical sold at amount of 50% the net sale price is rs 425 .what is the list price
of the artical?

1. 500
2. 300
3. 400
4. 200
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 27: Some persons decide to raise Rs. 3 lakhs by equal contribution from each of
them. If they contributed Rs. 50 extra each, the contribution increased to Rs. 3.25 lakhs. How
many persons were there ?

1. 500
2. 400
3. 600
4. 700
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 28: Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day.How many
hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job?

1. 8 hrs
2. 7 1/2 hrs
3. 7 hrs
4. 9 hrs
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 29: Windows 95 supports

1. Multiuser
2. n tasks
3. Both
4. none
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 30: A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long.Find
the area it can graze?

1. 38.5 sq.m
2. 155 sq.m
3. 19.25 sq.m
4. 144 sq.m
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: A man invested Rs.4455 in Rs.10 shares quoted at Rs.8.25.Let the rate of
dividend be 12%, his annual income is?

1. Rs.207.40
2. Rs.648
3. Rs.534.60
4. Rs.655.60
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 32: One skirt requires 3.75 yards of cloth. How many Skirts you can make from 45

1. 14 skirts
2. 12 skirts
3. 16 skirts
4. None of the Above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 33: A does a work in 10 days and B does some work in 15 days .In how many days
they together will do the same work?

1. 5 days
2. 6 days
3. 8 days
4. 9 days
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 34: If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years. In how
many years will it become 9 times itself.

1. 6
2. 8
3. 10
4. 12
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 35: A three digit number consists of 9,5 and one more number . When these digits
are reversed and then subtracted from the original number the answer yielded will be
consisting of the same digits arranged yet in a different order. What is the other digit?

1. 0
2. 4
3. 5
4. 9
5. 1
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 36: Lee worked 22 hours this week and made $132. If she works 15 hours next
week at the same pay rate, how much will she make?

1. $57
2. $90
3. $104
4. $112
5. $122
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 37: Mr. Shah decided to walk down the escalator of a tube station. He found that if
he walks down 26 steps, he requires 30 seconds to reach the bottom. However, if he steps
down 34 stairs he would only require 18 seconds to get to the bottom. If the time is measured
from the moment the top step begins to descend to the time he steps off the last step at the
bottom, find out the height of the stair way in steps?

1. 36
2. 40
3. 46
4. 48
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 38: A hemispherical bowl is filled to the brim with a beverage.The contents of the
bowl are transferred into a cylindrical vessel whose radius is 50% more than its height.If the
diameter is the same for both the bowl and the cylinder,the volume of the beverage in the
cylindrical vessel is?

1. 66(2/3)%
2. 78(1/2)%
3. 100%
4. More than 100% (i.e some liquid will be left in the bowl)
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 39: A man’s annual income is Rs.16,000. The income tax at the rate of 15% after
allowing a deduction of Rs.7,500 as non taxable income is

1. Rs.1200
2. Rs.1000
3. Rs.4000
4. RS.3000
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 40: If the sum of n terms of two series of A.P are in the ratio 5n+4:9n+6 .find the
ratio of their 13th terms

1. 129/231
2. 1/2
3. 23/15
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 41: The total population of a town increases by 4% annually . If its population in
1991 was 210912 , in 1988 it was how much?

1. 180500
2. 187500
3. 187005
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 42: Parkash and Girish were travelling together. Prakash paid Rs. 200 for their stay
in a hotel and Girish paid taxi fare of Rs. 80. If they have to share these expenses equally, then

1. Prakash should pay Rs. 60 to Girish

2. Girish should pay Rs. 120 to Prakash
3. Girish should pay Rs. 60 to Prakash
4. Prakash should pay Rs. 120 to Girish
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: If the value of x lies between 0 & 1 which of the following is the largest

1. 1/x
2. 1*x
3. 1+x
4. 1-x
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 44: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __

1. 9
2. 12
3. 13
4. 15
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 45: Find the next Alphabetical series AE,BH,CM,DU,?

1. EF
2. EH
3. DH
4. DF
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 46: Ayesha's father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was
36 years old when her brother four years younger to her was born.What is the difference
between the ages of her parents?

1. 2 years
2. 4 years
3. 6 years
4. 8 years
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 47: On a particular day A and B decide that they would either speak the truth or will
lie. C asks A whether he is speaking truth or lying? He answers and B listens to what he said.
C then asks B what A has said B says "A says that he is a liar" What is B speaking ?

1. Truth
2. Lie
3. Truth when A lies
4. Cannot be determined
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 48: 5 men or 8 women do equal amount of work in a day. a job requires 3 men and
5 women to finish the job in 10 days how many woman are required to finish the job in 14

1. 10
2. 7
3. 6
4. 12
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 49: 2 persons start from a pt. and go in opposite directions. After going 3 km they
turn left and walk 4 km .how far r they now?

1. 10 KM
2. 12 KM
3. 19 KM
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 50: Complete the series

A C A E A G A I A next is

1. Q
2. P
3. K
4. N
5. O
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 1: Which is the Nav – Ratna PSE company privatiesd

5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 2: What's the meaning of this phobia? Elurophobia.

1. Fear of cats
2. Fear of speed
3. Fear of snakes
4. Fear of love
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 3: If p represents a number mid way between 9 and 13 and q is half of 44

then q/p represents

1. 4
2. 1/4
3. 2
4. 1/2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 4: Find the mode of the following list of numbers: 2, 4, 6, 4, 8, 2, 9, 4, 3, 8

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
5. 6
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 5: A man purchased a cow for Rs.3000 and sold it the same day for
Rs.3600,allowing the buyer a credit of 2 years.If the rate of interest be 10% per
annum,then the man has a gain of?

1. 0%
2. 5%
3. 7.5%
4. 10%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 6: Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?

1. 7
2. 8
3. 9
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 7: The perimeter of a rhombus is 52 units. One of its diagonal is 24 units.

What is its second diagonals length?

1. 10
2. 23
3. 34
4. 76
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 8: What digit named as a constant rod in Napier's bones

1. 1
2. 9
3. 0
4. 4
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 9: Two cards are drawn together from a pack of 52 cards. The probability that
either both are red or both are kings, is

1. 7/13
2. 3/26
3. 63/221
4. 55/221
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 10: A family consists of grandparents,parents and three grandchildren. The

average age of the grandparents is 67 years,that of parents is 35 years and that of the
grand children is 6 years . What is the average age of the family?

1. 31 5/7
2. 32 5/8
3. 33 5/7
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 11: Barbara has boxes in three sizes: large, standard, and small. She puts 11
large boxes on a table. She leaves some of these boxes empty, and in all the other
boxes she puts 8 standard boxes. She leaves some of these standard boxes empty,
and in all the other standard boxes she puts 8 (empty) small boxes. Now, 102 of all the
boxes on the table are empty. How many boxes has Barbara used in total?

1. 125 boxes
2. 215 boxes
3. 113 boxes
4. 115 boxes
5. 135 boxes
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 12: Question : Directions: Fill in the blank spaces with the letters given below
to make words. __ eep

1. c
2. cc
3. k
4. ca
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 13: Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3

1. 15/46
2. 15/45
3. 15/47
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: the first battle of panipat was fought in the year..............

1. 1545
2. 1550
3. 1525
4. 1526
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 15: When was the first underground railway (Metro Railway) started?

1. 1982
2. 1989
3. 1984
4. 1992
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 16: the foraman rotandum transimts the

1. maxillary nerve
2. maxillary artery
3. both
4. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 17: A certain sum at compound rate of interest amount to Rs. 8820 in 2 years
and to Rs. 9261 in 3 years at the same rate of interest. Find the sum and rate
percentage ?

1. 5%
2. 4%
3. 6%
4. 2%
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 18: The World Bank Headquarter is in?

1. Hague
2. New Jersey
3. Washington
4. Japan
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 19: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are six members in the family. Out of which there is one
student, one housewife, one doctor, one teacher, one lawyer and one engineer. There
are two married couples in the family. 2 is the teacher and mother of 3. 4 is grandmother
of 3 and is a housewife. 6 is a lawyer and is father of 1. 3 is brother of 1. 5 is father of 6
and is a doctor. Which of the following statement is definitely true?

1. 1 is an engineer
2. 5 is father of the teacher
3. 4 is the mother of the teacher
4. 6 is father of the engineer
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 20: A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4
hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?

1. 1/2 kmph
2. 7/12 kmph
3. 5 kmph
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: Which of the following subtract from 575 it will become a perfect square?

1. 45
2. 46
3. 34
4. 70
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 22: If all but 20 are absent in a class of 35, how many are present?

1. 15
2. 20
3. 10
4. 5
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 23: Among A, B, C, D and F each scoring different marks in the annual
examination, D scored less than only F among them. B scored more than A and C but
less than D. Who among them scored least marks among them ?

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 24: Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to

1. aware.
2. ignorant.
3. miserable.
4. tolerant.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 25: A man is standing on a railway bridge which is 180m long. He finds that a
train crosses the bridge in 20seconds but himself in 8 seconds. Find the length of the
train and its speed.

1. 100/44
2. 110/44
3. 120/54
4. 130/54
5. 140/54
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 26: The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 64
minutes of correct time. How much a day does the clock gain or lose?

1. 32 8/11 minutes
2. 33 8/11 minutes
3. 32 7/11 minutes
4. 31 5/11 minutes
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 27: A man walking at the rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 minutes. The
length of the bridge ( in metres ) is :

1. 600
2. 750
3. 1000
4. 1250
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 28: The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what % would the
width have to be decreased to maintain the same area?

1. 37.5%
2. 45%
3. 67.6%
4. 34.5%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 29: If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes
downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?

1. 13km/hr
2. 26km/hr
3. 34km/hr
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 30: Four wires of same material and of dimensions as under are stretched by
a load of same magnitude separately. Which one of them will be elongated maximum?
1. Wire of 1 m length and 2mm diameter
2. Wire of 2 m length and 2 mm diameter
3. Wire of 3 m length and 1.5 mm diameter
4. Wire of 1 m length and 1 mm diameter.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 31: Probability

In rolling 2 dice, find the probability that the sum is 5.

1. 1/9
2. 2/9
3. 4/9
4. 3/9
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: Number System

If n=p+1, where p is the product of four consecutive national numbers, then n is

1. An odd number
2. A perfect square
3. A prime number
4. Both 1 and 2 is correct
5. All the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 33: Bank

2. Which of the following is /are NOT the highlights of the Union Budget 2008-09 ? (1) A
risk Capital fund is to be set up and maintained by one of the financial Institutes. (2)
Allocation for defence is reduced by 10% to make it Rs. 10,000 Crore. (3) Several new
scheme to be introduced for providing social security to the people in unorganized

1. Only (1)
2. Only (2)
3. Only (3)
4. Both (1) & (2)
5. All 1,2 & 3
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 34: Image of point (3,Cool in the line x + 3y = 7 is
Image of point (3,Cool in the line x + 3y = 7 is

1. (-1,-4)
2. (-1,4)
3. (2,-4)
4. (-2,-4)
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 35: YEAR in the string NEWYEAR in C.

How to print YEAR in the string NEWYEAR

1. printf(“%s”\n”,str+3);
2. printf(“%c\n”,*(str+3));
3. printf(“%s\n”,*(str+3));
4. All of the above.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 36: Two trains in the same direction at 50 & 32 kmph respectively. A man in
the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completely
passes him. What is the length of faster train ?

1. 55m
2. 65m
3. 85m
4. 75m
5. 15m
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 37: The owner of the mansion has been murdered. The visitors to the
mansion were Allen, Bixby, Crain. condition: a) The murderer was one of the three
visitors, arrived at the mansion later than atleast one of the other two visitors. condition:
b) A detective who was one of the three visitors arrived at the mansion earlier than
atleast one of the other two visitors. condition: c) the detective arrived at the mansion at
midnight. condition: d) nither Allen nr Bixby arrived at the mansion after midnight.
condition: e) The earlier arriver of Bixby and Crane was not the detective. condition: f)
The later arriver of Allen and Crain was not the murderer. Who was the murderer.

1. Bixby
2. Crane
3. Allen
4. Crain
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 38: Two trains 200mts and 150mts are running on the parallel rails at this rate
of 40km/hr and 45km/hr.In how much time will they cross each other if they are running
in the same direction.

1. 252
2. 282
3. 300
4. 321
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 39: A monkey starts climbing up a tree 20ft. tall. Each hour, it hops 3ft. and
slips back 2ft. How much time would it take the monkey to reach the top?

1. 12hrs
2. 18hrs
3. 21hrs
4. 16hrs
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 40: All of the following are Examples of real security and risks except

1. hackers
2. spam
3. viruses
4. identity theft
5. none of these
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 41: If you started a business in which you earned Rs.1 on the first day, Rs.3
on the second day, Rs.5 on the third day, Rs.7 on the fourth day, & so on. How much
would you have earned with this business after 50 years (assuming there are exactly
365 days in every year)?

1. Rs.333,065,500
2. Rs.334,062,500
3. Rs.333,062,500
4. Rs.333,162,500
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 42: A shopkeeper purchased 70kg of potatoes for Rs420 and sold the whole
lot at the rate of Rs650 per kg.What will be his gain percent?

1. 25/6%
2. 25/4%
3. 25/3%
4. 20%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: A salesman drives from Amsterdam to The Hague. The first half of the
distance of his journey, he drives at a constant speed of 80 km/h. The second half of the
distance of his journey, he drives at a constant speed of 120 km/h. What is the
salesman's average speed for the complete journey?

1. 96 km/h.
2. 99 km/h.
3. 100 km/h.
4. 102 km/h.
Correct Answer: 1.

FROM 1TO 100?

1. 20
2. 23
3. 28
4. 24
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 45: Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45?

Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45?

1. 0.045%
2. 0.45%
3. 4.5%
4. 45%
5. 0.0045%
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 46: ‘34’ is related ‘12’ in the same way as ‘59’ is related to

1. 45
2. 48
3. 50
4. 56
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 47: The smoke of an electric train going from Bombay to Bangalore will move

1. Southwards
2. Westwards
3. Southwestwards
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 48: The diameter of the driving wheel of a bus is 140cm. How many
revolutions per minute must the wheel make in order to keep a speed of 66 kmph?

1. 250
2. 270
3. 300
4. 320
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 49: What was the day of the week on 28th May,2003?

1. Friday
2. Saturday
3. Sunday
4. Monday
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 50: If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the
maximum number of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same
edge twice, never remove the marker from the cube, & never trace anywhere on the
cube, except for the corners & edges?

1. 9
2. 10
3. 15
4. 12
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 51: Relation

A man shows his friend a woman sitting in a park and says that she the daughter of my
grandmother's only son. What is the relation between the two

1. Son
2. Father
3. Mother
4. Daughter
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 52: 30 labourers, working 7 hours a day can finish a piece of work in 18 days.
If the labourers work 6 hours a day, then the number of labourere to finish the same
piece of work in 30 days, will be

1. 15
2. 21
3. 23
4. 30
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 53: The length of the side of a square is represented by x+2. The length of
the side of an equilateral triangle is 2x. If the square and the equilateral triangle have
equal perimeter, then the value of x is _______.
The length of the side of a square is represented by x+2. The length of the side of an
equilateral triangle is 2x. If the square and the equilateral triangle have equal perimeter,
then the value of x is _______.
1. 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. 2
5. 1
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 54: The price of sugar is increased by 25%. In order not to increase the
expenditure a lady must reduce her consumption by :

1. 25%
2. 20%
3. 30%
4. 35%
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 55: In a box there are 40 clothes. 20% of the clothes are blue and the rest are
white. What is the minimum number of clothes that must be taken without looking in
order to be certain that there must be at least two of them which must be white?

1. 10
2. 20
3. 30
4. 40
5. 50
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 56: A company installed 36 machines at the beginning of the year. In March
they installed 9 additional machines and then disconnected 18 in August. How many
were still installed at the end of the year.

1. 25
2. 27
3. 29
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 57: Which has been elected as the President of FICCI for 2004-05 ?
1. Onkar Kanwar
2. Rahul Bajaj
3. M. Damodaran
4. S.B. Mathur.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 58: A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm.
grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2
parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.

1. Rs. 1
2. Rs. 3
3. Rs. 4
4. Rs. 9
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 59: Amongst the questions allowed by the speaker, which one is regarded as
the most important?

1. Unstarred
2. Starred
3. Supplementary
4. Short notice
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 60: A man borrows a certain sum of money from lender at the rate of 15% per
annum compound interest, interest being compounded annually and agrees to return it
in two equal yearly installments of Rs. 1058 each. Find the sum.

1. Rs. 1620
2. Rs. 1520
3. Rs. 1320
4. Rs. 1720
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 61: A sum amount to Rs. 1344 in two years at simple interest. What will be
the compound interest on the same some at the same rate of interest for the same

1. None
2. 6%
3. 5%
4. 7%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 62: The ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its
diagonal is :

1. 1:2
2. 2:3
3. 3:4
4. 4:5
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 63: Y catches 5 times more fishes than X. If total number of fishes caught by
X and Y is 48, then number of fishes caught by X?

1. 8
2. 9
3. 10
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 64: the following are branches of posterior cord

1. axillary nerve
2. radial nerve
3. musculocutaneous
4. laterial pectoral
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 65: If the edge of a cube is doubled then its volume

1. is doubled
2. becomes 4 times
3. becomes 6 times
4. becomes 8 times
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 66: What is the selling price of a car? If the cost of the car is Rs.60 and a
profit of 10% over selling price is earned

1. Rs.66
2. Rs.45
3. Rs.78
4. Rs.87
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 67: in the formation of sperm, part of the golgi apparatus gives rise to the

1. axial filament
2. acrosome
3. neck
4. cytoplasmic health
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 68: father of modern anatomy is

1. andreas vesalius
2. hippocrates
3. john hunter
4. malpighii
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 69: The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when
the time is 8.30 , is?

1. 80 degree
2. 75 degree
3. 60 degree
4. 105 degree
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 70: What is the number of zeros at the end of the product of the numbers
from 1 to 100?

1. 100
2. 125
3. 127
4. 128
5. 105
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 71: When X-Ray photons collide with electrons

When X-Ray photons collide with electrons

1. They slow down

2. Their mass increases
3. Their wave length increases
4. Their energy decreases
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 72: A cube object 3” * 3” * 3” is painted with green in all the outer surfaces. If
the cube is cut into cubes of 1”*1”*1”, how many 1” cubes will have at least one surface

1. 8
2. 26
3. 27
4. None of the given answers
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 73: Is 222221 is prime number?

1. yes
2. no
3. may be
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 74: There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The
thicker one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh
lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is
twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two candles .

1. 5
2. 9
3. 3
4. 7
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 75: wind flows 160 miles in 330min.for 80 miles how much time required
160 miles= 330 min 1 mile = 330/160 mins 80 miles=(330*80)/160=165 mins

1. 330 mins
2. 155 mins
3. 165 mins
4. 175 mins
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 76: A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4
hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?

1. 1/2 kmph
2. 7/12 kmph
3. 5 kmph
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 77: A motorist drives 94 kilometers in the first 3 hours his journey and 130
kilometers in the next 4 hours. What his average peed during the journey?

1. 28
2. 32
3. 40
4. 56
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 78: Network equipments make hierechy in which topology

1. bus
2. star
3. ring
4. tree
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 79: genral knowledge

who is chief ministor of gujarat

1. narendra modi
2. atal bihari vajpai
3. jay kishan
4. lalu prasad yadav
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 80: In a soap company a soap is manufactured with 11 parts.For making one
soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the end of the day u have 251 such scraps. From
that how many soaps can be manufactured? ans: 22 + 2+ 1 = 25

1. 22 + 2+ 1 = 25
2. 23 + 2+ 1 = 26
3. 32 + 2+ 1 = 35
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 81: Complete the Series

C,E,G,I Next Alphabet will be.

1. J
2. L
3. M
4. K
5. N
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 82: There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions

are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each
maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on
mathematics problems

1. 36
2. 72
3. 60
4. 100
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 83: find the next term in the series 1, 5, 13, 25

1. 31
2. 35
3. 39
4. 41
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 84: There are 10 items in a box, out of which 3 are defective. 2 balls are
taken one after the other. what is the probability that both of them are defective?

1. 1/15
2. 2/35
3. 4/90
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 85: english


Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: 1,2,3,5,?,10,15,30

Find the missing number
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 5
5. 6
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 87: Three cards are drawn at random from an ordinary pack of cards. Find
the probability that they will consist of a king, a queen and an ace.

1. 64/2210
2. 32/2210
3. 128/2210
4. 256/2210
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: How many ways are there of arranging the sixteen black or white pieces
of a standard international chess set on the first two rows of the board? Given that each
pawn is identical and each rook, knight and bishop is identical to its pair.

1. 6,48,74,800 ways
2. 6,48,64,800 ways
3. 6,48,64,890 ways
4. 6,42,64,850 ways
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 89: A man travelling 450km per day goes from mumbai to bangalore and then
bhubaneshwar via lucknow. how many (approx) days has he trvelled?

1. 10
2. 12
3. 8
4. 15
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 90: The fag price of a T.V. set in cash is Rs.3575. The dealer also offers the
T.V. set on a monthly instalment of Rs.420 for 5 months after paying Rs.1500 in cash.
The rate of interest is
1. 4.86%
2. 3.79%
3. 5.24%
4. 4.14%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 91: If x=y=2z and xyz=256 then what is the value of x?

1. 12
2. 8
3. 16
4. 6
5. 24
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 92: What is Average age of class ?

The average age of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in the class is 16.4
years while that of girls is 15.4 years. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the class?

1. 1:2
2. 3:4
3. 3:5
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 93: In a certain company, 20% of the men and 40% of the women attended
the annual company picnic. If 35% of all the employees are man, what percent of all the
employees went to the picnic?

1. 43%
2. 73%
3. 33%
4. 38%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 94: Rajeev buys goods worth Rs6650 he get rebate of 6% on it .After getting
the rebate ,he pays sales tax @10%. find the amount he will have to pay for the goods
1. Rs6876.1
2. Rs6999.2
3. Rs6654
4. Rs7000
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 95: A student scored 30% marks in the first paper of Physics out of 180
marks. He has to get an overall score of at least 50% in two papers. The second paper
is carrying 150 marks. The percentage of marks he should score in the second paper to
get the overall average score is:

1. 80%
2. 76%
3. 74%
4. 70%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 96: If all the 6 are replaced by 9, then the algebraic sum of all the numbers
from 1 to 100(both inclusive) varies by

1. 350
2. 330
3. 327
4. 320
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 97: The longest river flowing entirely in India is-

1. Narmada
2. Ganga
3. Godavari
4. Krishna
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 98: Which of the following trains is the fastest ?

1. 25 m/sec
2. 1500 m/min
3. 90 km/hr
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 99: The price of an article is reduced by 25% in order to restore the must be
increased by ?

1. 100/3
2. 101/3
3. 102/3
4. 103/3
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 100: If the annual rate of simple interest increases from 10% to 12.5%, a
man's yearly income increases by Rs. 1250. His principal (in Rs.) is :

1. 45,000
2. 50,000
3. 60,000
4. 65,000
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 1: A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4

hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?

1. 1/12 KM/H
2. 12/1 KM/H
3. 7/12 KM/H
4. 12/7 KM/H
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 2: In 1000 wine bottles stack 10 are poisoned given 10 rats what is the
minimum number of tries to find the poisoned one. Rat dies once it licks the poisoned
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 3: Foot is to hand as leg is to—

1. Elbow
2. Finger
3. Toe
4. Arm
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 4: In a fraction , if numerator is increased by 40% and denominator is

increased by 80%,then what fraction of the original is the new fraction?

1. 1/2
2. 7/9
3. 7/18
4. Data inadequate
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 5: If the radius of a circle is increased by 6%, then the area is increased by :

1. 6%
2. 12%
3. 12.36%
4. 16.64%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 6: At the end of year 1998, Shepard bought nine dozen goats. Henceforth,
every year he added p% of the goats at the beginning of the year and sold q% of the
goats at the end of the year where p>0 and q>0. If Shepard had nine dozen goats at the
end of year 2002, after making the sales for that year, which of the following is true?

1. p = q 2. 3. 4.
2. p < q
3. p > q
4. p = q/2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 7: In a given circle of radius 14 cm. a rectangle is inscribed such that it has
maximum area. Find that area.

1. 98 cm*cm
2. 196 cm*cm
3. 392 cm*cm
4. 142.3 cm*cm
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 8: A ,B, and C ,went to do mean in a hotel, A has apid 50% more than the
amount that B has paid. and c has paid 5/6 of that opf A has paid. also B has paid $2
more than that os c has paid. then what is the total amount that all the three paid for
their meal?

1. 30 $
2. 50 $
3. 35 $
4. 36 $
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 9: Among A, B, C, D and F each scoring different marks in the annual

examination, D scored less than only F among them. B scored more than A and C but
less than D. Who among them scored least marks among them ?

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 10: How many institutions do give suggestions for railways technology?

1. (a) One
2. (b) Two
3. (c) Three
4. (d) Four
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 11: In this oddman out section we need choose the word or pair thatdifferent
from remaining words or pairs.
a.mulder:proteins b.curie:redium c.becquerel:radioactivity d.einstein:television

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. none
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 12: Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to
type 32 pages on a computer, while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much
time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment
of 110 pages?

1. 8
2. 7
3. 6
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 13: A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years. It
will amount to eight times itself at the same rate of interest in :

1. 7 years
2. 10 years
3. 15 years
4. 20 years
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 14: What is the greatest value of a positive integer n such that 3n is a factor
of 1815?
1. 30
2. 40
3. 45
4. 25
5. 35
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 15: A large field of 700 hectares is divided into two parts. The difference of
the areas of the two parts is one-fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area
of the smaller part in hectares ?

1. 225
2. 280
3. 300
4. 315
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 16: The petrol tank of an automobile can hold g liters.If a liters was removed
when the tank was full, what part of the full tank was removed?

1. g-a
2. g/a
3. a/g
4. (g-a)/a
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 17: Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel revolves 240
times. How many revolutions will the back wheel take?

1. 360
2. 370
3. 380
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 18: Mountain K2 is known as

Mountain K2 is known as
1. Everest
2. Nanga Parbat
3. Godwin
4. Austen
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 19: Find the number which is nearest to 3105 and is exactly divisible by 21.

1. 3100
2. 3108
3. 3008
4. 1008
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 20: A bank pays interest at 8 % per annum, interest being calculated every
six months. A sum of Rs.800 was deposited on 1st January,1987. After one year the
amonut will be

1. Rs.864
2. Rs.865.28
3. Rs.866
4. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: A hotel has 10 storeys.Which floor is above the floor below the floor,
below the floor above the floor, below the floor above the fifth.

1. 5 th floor
2. 6 th floor
3. 7 th floor
4. 8 th floor
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 22: If we divide a two digit number by a number consisting of the same digits
written in the reverse order,we get 4 as quotient and 15 as a remainder. If we subtract 1
from the given number we get the sum of the squares of the digits constituting that
number. Find the number?
1. 71
2. 83
3. 99
4. none
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 23: Piggy backing is a technique for ?

1. Flow control
2. sequence
3. Acknowledgement
4. retransmition
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 24: A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then
45degrees to his right.In which direction did he go

1. North west
2. North east
3. North south
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 25: An organ pipe, open at both ends and another organ pipe closed at one
end, will resonate with each other, if their lengths are in the ratio of

1. 1:1
2. 1:4
3. 2:1
4. 1:2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 26: Which number is the odd one out? 9678 4572 5261 3527 7768

1. 7768
2. 3527
3. 4572
4. 9678
5. 5261
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 27: Analytical Ability

The combined membership of the Lions Club and the Rotary Club in Mangalore is 560.
If the Lions Club has 360 members and 200 members are common to both clubs, then
what is the number of members of the Rotary Club?

1. 300
2. 350
3. 250
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 28: The age of a father is twice that of his elder son. 10 year hence the age of
father will be 3 times that of his younger son. If the difference of age of two sons is 15
year. Then the age of father is

1. 50 year
2. 23 year
3. 45 year
4. 76 year
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 29: Which of the following is the greatest ?

1. 40% of 30
2. 3/5 of 25
3. 6.5% of 200
4. Five more than the square of 3
5. 1/2^-4
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 30: The probability that a card drawn from a pack of 52 cards will be a
diamond or a king?

1. 4/13
2. 5/13
3. 6/13
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: Mrs. Harrison has 6 lovely hats, 3 blue, 2 yellow and one pink. Alice,
Betty, Cindy and Debbie are lined up. Mrs. Harrison help them put the hats on them so
they will not see what color hat they have on. Alice can see what color of hats Betty,
Cindy and Debbie are wearing. Betty can see what color of hats Cindy and Debbie are
wearing. Cindy can see what color hat Debbie is wearing. Debbie can not see any of the
hat colors. Mrs. Harrison ask them what color of the hat they are wearing. Alice said she
can not tell. Betty said she can not tell either. Cindy also can not tell. However, Debbie
was able to tell what color she was wearing after knowing that everyone else could not
tell. what color debbie was wearing?

1. yellow
2. blue
3. pink
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 32: Identify the component of remote reference?

1. JVM
2. rmiregistry
3. rmic
4. persistent object activation ID
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 33: In an examination, 34% of the students failed in Mathematics and 42%
failed in English. If 20% of the students failed in both the subjects, then the percentage
of students who passed in both the subjects are :

1. 44
2. 50
3. 54
4. 56
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 34:
On a holiday a,b,c,d,e plan to have a picnic, they had a running race.c beats d. a&e
overtake b.e is not the last.d overtakes e.who won the race.

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 35: Indra K. Nooyi who was elected as the Chairperson of the US-India
Business Council is the CEO of which of the following Companies ?

1. Pepsi Co.
2. Infosys
3. Tata Consultancy Services
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: Question : Directions: Fill in the blank spaces with the letters given below
to make words. O __ urred

1. c
2. cc
3. k
4. ck
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 37: Rs.432 is divided amongst three workers A, B and C such that 8 times A’s
share is equal to 12 times B’s share which is equal to 6 times C’s share. How much did
A get?

1. Rs. 144
2. Rs. 154
3. Rs. 134
4. Rs. 124
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 38: Which of the following correctly identifies 4 consecutive odd integers
where the sum of the middle two integers is equal to 24?

1. 5, 7, 9, 11
2. 7, 9, 11, 13
3. 9, 11, 13, 15
4. 11, 13, 15, 17
5. 13, 15, 17, 19
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 39: 12 members were present at a board meeting. Each member shook
hands with all of the other members before & after the meeting. How many hand shakes
were there?

1. 130
2. 120
3. 132
4. 124
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 40: A school teacher has to select the maximum possible number of different
groups of 3 students out of a total 6 students. In how many groups any particular
student will be included?

1. 6
2. 8
3. 10
4. 12
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 41: REPUBLICAN = 108 so DEMOCRATE = ?

1. 1008
2. 1004
3. 1006
4. 1009
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 42: Ten years ago, chandrawathi’s mother was four times older than her
daughter. After 10years, the mother will be twice older than daughter. The present age
of Chandrawathi is:

1. 20
2. 23
3. 21
4. 25
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 43: If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y,what is the

value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3

1. 1
2. 0
3. -1
4. 4
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 44: Tomorrow is Paul's birthday. Let's _____ it.

1. celebrate
2. praise
3. honor
4. congratulate
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 45: What was the day of the week on 16th july,1776

1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Sunday
4. Friday
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 46: Which of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

1. oxygen and ethylene

2. oxygen and hydrogen
3. acetylene and oxygen
4. acetylene and hydrogen
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 47: The boys and girls in a college are in the ratio 3:2. If 20% of the boys and
25% of the girls are adults, the percentage of students who are not adults is:??

1. 67%
2. 78%
3. 80%
4. 45%
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 48: Which of the following options makes sure a routing packet never leaves
the same interface it came in from?

1. Hold Downs
2. Poison reverse
3. Spanning Tree
4. Split Horizon
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 49: Five boys were climbing a hill. J was following H. R was just ahead of G.
K was between G & H. They were climbing up in a column. Who was the second?

1. G
2. K
3. H
4. J
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 50: A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4
days in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ?

1. 60
2. 37.50
3. 90
4. 57.50
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 51: A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6
days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown
goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days
will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract?

1. 7
2. 8
3. 11
4. 12
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 52: The average of marks obtained by 120 candidates was 35. If the average
of the passed candidates was 39 and that of the failed candidates was 15, then the
number of candidates who passed the examination was:

1. 100
2. 110
3. 120
4. 150
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 53: A group of boys is playing cricket. The question goes....

A group of boys is playing cricket. Rohan is at the striker's end of the pitch and Sachin is
at the non-striker's end. Rohan hits the ball far into the outfield and the batsmen start
running. Each of them runs at a constant speed, though their speeds are not
necessarily equal. They first cross each other at a distance of 9 ft from the striker's end
while running the first run. They immediately turn back for the second run and cross
each other at a distance of 3 ft from the non-striker's end while running for the second
run. After this, they turn back for the third run and so on. What is the total distance (In
feet) Sachin has run when they cross each other for the third time?

1. 45
2. 54
3. 60
4. 75
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 54: Which is the one which does not belong to the group?
Four of them are alike and form a group

1. Table
2. Chair
3. Bench
4. Desk
5. wood
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 55: A man spends half of his salary on household expenses, 1/4th for rent,
1/5th for travel expenses, the man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in
the bank amount 50, what is his monthly salary ?

1. Rs.500
2. Rs.1500
3. Rs.1000
4. Rs. 900
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 56: A man spends half of his salary on household expenses, 1/4th for rent,
1/5th for travel expenses, the man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in
the bank amount 50, what is his monthly salary ?

1. Rs.1000
2. Rs.3000
3. Rs.3900
4. Rs.4560
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 57: WIPRO Paper

Point out error in the follwing sentence:I got the book in the office and slipped it out. [i]I
got the book. [ii] in the. [iii]office and . [iv] slipped it out.

1. i
2. ii
3. iii
4. iv
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 58: Under the new aviation policy, private Indian airlines have been permitted
to fly to all countries except :

1. Pakistan
2. Gulf region
3. China
4. Indonesia
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 59: A man walks from 9.15 to 5.15 from monday to friday and 9.00 to 12.00
on saturday.Each day 0.45 min lunch.How much time he walks in a week

1. 39hrs
2. 39hrs15min
3. 39hrs45min
4. None of the Given Choices
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 60: A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m
long.Find the area it can graze?

1. 38.5 sq.m
2. 155 sq.m
3. 144 sq.m
4. 19.25 sq.m
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 61: In which year Burkina Faso got independence ?

In which year Burkina Faso got independence ?

1. 1960
2. 1906
3. 1950
4. 1965
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 62: Body includes limb as tree includes_____

1. seed
2. wood
3. branch
4. soil
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 63: A train travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during
the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.What is the distance

1. 210 kms
2. 30 kms
3. 60 kms
4. 90 kms
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 64: The angle between the minute hand and the hour-hand when the clock
shows the time as 7.30, is

1. 35 degrees
2. 45 degrees
3. 30 degrees
4. 40 degrees
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 65: In the following question,there is a certain relationship between two given
words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word
is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as the
words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative. Soap : Wash : : Broom : ?

1. clean
2. dust
3. sweep
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 66: Pick the odd one out. A) Canoe B) Igloo C) Yacht D) Dinghy E) Raft

1. canoe
2. igloo
3. yacht
4. dinghy
5. raft
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 67: A train leaves

2 hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station
travelling in the same direction at an average speed of 16 km/hr. After travelling 4 hrs
the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train

1. 40
2. 30
3. 80
4. 60
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 68: Mechanical Engineering

Antiarch is a

1. welding process
2. coating process
3. continuous casting process
4. process for making prous moulds
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 69: There are 200 employees in a company. An external vender is chosen to
serve coffee twice a day. 100 coffee cups were offered by the company , but as an
incentive to have the cups in fact at the end of the day, the company offered 30 paise for
every cup remained safely and charged 90 paise for every broken cup. At the end of the
day , the vender received RS.24 . how many cups did the vender break?

1. 20
2. 5
3. 10
4. 14
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 70: physcis

how meny colours in tv systems?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 6
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 71: Which article of the Constitution of India provides for equal justice and
free legal aid?

1. Article 21
2. Article 21 A
3. Article 39
4. Article 39 A
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 72: If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes
downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?

1. 13 km/hr
2. 26 km/hr
3. 34 km/hr
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 73: find the next term in the series 71,76,69,74,67,72

1. 76
2. 54
3. 67
4. 45
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 74: The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37 degrees and of
Tuesday to Thursday was 34 degrees .If the temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of
Monday. The temperature on Thursday was:

1. 36
2. 63
3. 52
4. 38
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 75: A square is divided into 9 identical smaller squares. Six identical balls are
to be placed in these smaller squares such that each of the three rows gets at least one
ball (one ball in one square only). In how many different ways can this be done?

1. 81
2. 91
3. 41
4. 51
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 76: No. of animals is 11 more than the no. of birds. If the no. of birds were the
no. of animals and no. of animals were the no. of birds( ie., interchanging no.s of
animals and birds.), the total no. of legs get reduced by one fifth (1/5). How many no. of
birds and animals were there?

1. birds:13,animals:22
2. birds:11,animals:22
3. birds:18,animals:22
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 77: Reptile is to lizard as flower is to

1. petal
2. stem
3. daisy
4. alligator
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 78: Which one of the following is the main objective of teaching?

1. To give information related to the syllabus.

2. To develop thinking power of students.
3. To dictate notes to students.
4. To prepare students to pass the examination.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 79: The fag price of a T.V. set in cash is Rs.3575. The dealer also offers the
T.V. set on a monthly instalment of Rs.420 for 5 months after paying Rs.1500 in cash.
The rate of interest is

1. 4.86%
2. 3.79%
3. 5.24%
4. 4.14%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 80: Aptitude Test

A farmer built a fence around his 17 cows,in a square shaped region.He used 27 fence
poles on each side of the square. How many poles did he need altogether???

1. 102 Poles
2. 304 Poles
3. 154 Poles
4. 104 poles
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 81: 5/9 part of the population in a village are males. If 30% of the males are
married, the percentage of unmarried females in the total population is:

1. (251/9)%
2. (275/9)%
3. (230/9)%
4. (235/9)%
5. (250/9)%
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 82: Find S.P when C.P=Rs 80.40,loss=5%

1. 68.34
2. 78.34
3. 88.37
4. 98.34
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 83: Which of the following pairs about India's economic indicator and
agricultural production (all in rounded figures) are correctly matched? 1. GDP per capita
(current prices) : Rs. 37,000 2. Rice : 180 million tons 3. Wheat : 75 million tons

1. 1, 2 and 3
2. 1 and 2 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. 1 and 3 only
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 84: Consider three planes P1 : x . y + z = 1 P2 : x + y . z = .1 P3 : x . 3y + 3z

= 2 Let L1, L2, L3 be the lines of intersection of the planes P2 and P3, P3 and P1, and
P1 and P2, respectively.
STATEMENT-1 : At least two of the lines L1, L2 and L3 are non-parallel. and
STATEMENT-2 : The three planes do not have a common point.

1. STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct

explanation for STATEMENT-1
2. STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a
correct explanation for STATEMENT-1
3. STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
4. STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 85: A company rented a machine for Rs.700/- a month. Five years later the
treasurer calculated that if the company had purchased the machine and paid Rs.100/-
monthly maintenance charge, the company would have saved Rs.2000/-. What was the
purchase price of the machine?

1. Rs.34000
2. Rs.11000
3. Rs.26000
4. Rs.45000
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: In a dairy farm, 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many
days one cow will eat one bag of husk ?

1. 1
2. 20
3. 40
4. 80
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 87: A number of cats got together and decided to kill between them 999919
mice. Every cat killed an equal number of mice. Each cat killed more mice than there
were cats. How many cats do you think there were ?

1. 991
2. 990
3. 989
4. 982
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: Two men starting from the same place walk at the rate of 5 kmph and 5.5
kmph respectively.What time will they take to be 8.5 km apart ,if they walk in the same

1. 4 hrs 15 min
2. 8 hrs 30 min
3. 16 hrs
4. 17 hrs
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 89: How many such pairs of letter are there in the word shoulder each of
which has as many letters between them in the word as in English Alphabet

1. none
2. one
3. two
4. three
5. none of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 90: A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6
days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown
goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days
will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract?

1. 7
2. 8
3. 11
4. 12
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 91: A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg
more for Rs.100.What is the reduced price per kg?

1. Rs.2
2. Rs.2.25
3. Rs.2.30
4. Rs.2.50
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 92: A lent Rs.5000 to B for 2 years and Rs.3000 to C for 4 years on simple
interest at the same rate of interest and received Rs.2200 in all from both of them as
interest. The rate of interest per annum is:

1. 10%
2. 5%
3. 4%
4. 3%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 93: Find the smallest number in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 1728

1. 12
2. 20
3. 8
4. 9
5. 7
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 94: SIM fullform

1. Subscribtion Identity Module

2. Subscriber Identity Module
3. Subscriber Identification Module
4. Subscriber Identity Modal
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 95: Three types of tea the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg and70/kg
respectively.How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture
worth Rs.90/kg, given that the quntities of band c are equal

1. 50,25,25
2. 60,20,20
3. 40,30,30
4. 70,15,15
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 96: A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee, putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm.
grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm. If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2
parts of the less expensive grade, how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.

1. Rs.90
2. Rs.1.00
3. Rs.3.00
4. Rs.8.00
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 97: If –2<A

1. 1<A+B<23< font>
2. -14<A-B<8< font>
3. -7<B-A<14< font>
4. 1<B+A<23< font>
5. -24<AB<132< font>
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 98: There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole A
car takes 24 second to reach the 12th pole. How much will it take to reach the
last pole.

1. 54 sec
2. 43 sec
3. 41 sec
4. 41.45 sec
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 99: A contractor undertook to do a certain piece of work in 9 days. He

employed certain number of men, but 6 of them being absent from the very first
day, the rest could finish the work in 15 days. The number of men originally
employed were :

1. 12
2. 15
3. 18
4. 24
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 100: Can you find out what day of the week was January 12, 1979?

1. friday
2. tuesday
3. wednesday
4. monday
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 1: Sneh’s age is 1/5th of her father’s age. Sneh’s father’s age will be thrice
the age of Vimal’s age after 10 years. If Vimal’s eight birthday was celebrated two years
before,then what is Sneh’s present age.

1. 10
2. 30
3. 20
4. None
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 2: Three-fourth of a number is 60 more than its one-third.The number is

1. 84
2. 108
3. 144
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 3: Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the
following? 1. Adult 2. Child. 3. Infant. 4. Boy 5. Adolesent.

1. 1,3,4,5,2
2. 3,2,4,5,1
3. 2,3,5,4,1
4. 2,3,4,1,5
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 4: TCS
My father has no brothers. He has three sisters who has two childs each. 1.My
grandfather has two sons . 2. Three of my aunts have two sons 3. My father is only child
to his father 4. I have six cousins from my mother side 5. I have one uncle

1. Ans. False
2. Ans. Can't say
3. Ans. False
4. Ans. Can't say
5. Ans. Can't say (uncle can be from the mother's side as well)
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 5: Choose the wrong number in the series
Choose the wrong number in the series 5, 13, 17, 25, 29, 36, 41

1. 13
2. 25
3. 36
4. 29
5. 41
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 6: How many mashes are there in 1 squrare meter of wire gauge if each
mesh is 8mm long and 5mm wide ?

1. 2500
2. 25000
3. 250
4. 250000
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 7: In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game
played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How
many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?

1. 12
2. 20
3. 24
4. 30
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 8: India plays two matches each with West Indies and Australia. In any match
the probabilities of India getting points 0, 1, 2 are 0.45, 0.05 and 0.50 respectively.
Assuming that outcomes are independent, the probability of India getting at least 7
points is:

1. 0.0250
2. 0.8750
3. 0.06875
4. 0.0624
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 9: If in a code language PRINCIPAL is written as MBOQSOMVW and
TEACHER is written as FDVSZDB, how is CAPITAL written in that code?

Correct Answer: 1.

Question 10: How many numbers are there in the series given below which are
preceded by an alphabet and followed by an even number: e g 2 u 5 8 s 7 3 a d 6 r p 2
z 4 8 l o 2 3 t 11 y 9 3 k 3 2 m b 1 7 x

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 11: One dog tells the other that there are two dogs in front of me. The other
one also shouts that he too had two behind him. How many are they?

1. Three
2. four
3. five
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 12: The number of coins of radius 0.75 cm and thickness 0.2 cm to be melted
to make a right circular cylinder of height 8 cm and base radius 3 cm is:

1. 460
2. 500
3. 600
4. 640
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 13: 0.5,1.5,4.5,13.5,?

1. 40.5
2. 30.5
3. 32.5
4. 36.5
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: Reasoning

The product of two successive numbers is 8556. What is the smaller number?

1. 89
2. 94
3. 90
4. 92
5. None
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 15: Two positive integers differ by 4 and the sum of their reciprocals is 10/21.
One of the numbers is
required skill set- Fractions and Numbers

1. 3
2. 1
3. 5
4. 21
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 16: Find the value of ( 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 ) / ( 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.075 +

1. 0.845
2. 1.908
3. 2.312
4. 0.001
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 17: Given that 12 + 22 + ………. + 102 = 365 then 22 + 42 + 62 + ……… +
202 is equal to:

1. 1460
2. 1560
3. 1660
4. 1760
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 18: In an exam, a student scored 30% in the first paper out of total of 180.
How much should he score in the second paper (out of 150) if he is to get at least 50%
marks overall?

1. 64%
2. 54%
3. 74%
4. 75%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 19: Cost

cost of 11 pens is equal to selling prise of 10pens find the profit %

1. 15%
2. 10%
3. 12%
4. 11%
5. none of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 20: Two trains, 130 and 110 metres long, are going in the same direction. The
faster train takes one minute to pass the other completely. If they are moving in opposite
directions, they pass each other completely in 3 seconds. Find the speed of the faster

1. 41 m/sec
2. 40 m/sec
3. 43 m/sec
4. 42 m/sec
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 21: In a certain code BELOW is written as FCKVN. How is GIVEN written in
that code?

5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 22: "BARK" is written as 41324121.then "CRACK" is written as?

"BARK" is written as 41324121.then "CRACK" is written as?

1. 932419144
2. 932419121
3. 932219121
4. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 23: On a particular day A and B decide that they would either speak the truth
or will lie. C asks A whether he is speaking truth or lying? He answers and B listens to
what he said. C then asks B what A has said B says "A says that he is a liar" What is B
speaking ?

1. lie
2. truth
3. Truth when A lies
4. Cannot be determined
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 24: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a
group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

1. 21
2. 35
3. 49
4. 63
5. 56
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 25: If 3 men or 5 boys or 4 women can do a piece of work in 42 days, how
long will 3 men 6 women and 5 boys take to do it ?
If 3 men or 5 boys or 4 women can do a piece of work in 42 days, how long will 3 men 6
women and 5 boys take to do it ?

1. 10 days
2. 12 days
3. 9 days
4. 15 days
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 26: What will be 70 percent of a number whose 140 percent is 70?

1. 144
2. 49
3. 35
4. 70
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 27: Mahavir deposited in the bank from Monday to Saturday the amounts of
Rs. 87.80, Rs. 203.63, Rs. 3677.98, Rs. 92899.01, Rs. 66 and Rs. 554945.19
respectively. Find his total deposit for this week

1. Rs. 651879.61
2. Rs. 652779.61
3. Rs. 650879.51
4. Rs. 655889.71
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 28: If the ratio of 1/5 to 1/4 is equal to the ratio 1/4 to x, then what is the value
of x ?

1. 1/20
2. 1/5
3. 5/16
4. 4/5
5. 5
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 29: John weighs twice as much as Marcia. Marcias weight is 60% of Bobs
weight. Dave weighs 50% of Lees weighs 190% of Johns weighs. Which of these 5
persons weighs the least?

1. Bob
2. Dave
3. John
4. Marcia
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 30: How many letters are there in the given sequence which are preceded by
a vowel and followed by a consonant? m b c g a u i e q i w m c m c n s b x c n f c g h a

1. 4
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: Let @ (A, B) = average of A and B, *(A, B) = product of A and B, / (A, B) =
A divided by B. If A = 2 and B = 4, the value of @ (/(*(A,B),B), A) would be :

1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 16
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: ?% of 268 – ?% of 143 = 56.25

1. 45
2. 55
3. 35
4. 65
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 33: In an examination , a student scores 4 marks for every correct answer
and loses 1 mark for every wrong answer. If he attempts all 75 questions and secure
125 marks, the number of questions he attempts correctly is?

1. 35
2. 40
3. 45
4. 50
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 34: 0.06 - 0.047 =?

0.06 - 0.047 =?

1. 0.13
2. 0.0013
3. 0.013
4. 1.3
5. None
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 35: A number of cats got together and decided to kill between them 999919
mice. Every cat killed an equal number of mice. Each cat killed more mice than there
were cats. How many cats do you think there were ?

1. 991
2. 890
3. 892
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes
downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?

1. 13 km/hr
2. 26 km/hr
3. 34 km/hr
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 37: The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 4 : 5, their expenses are
in the ratio 5 : 6. If 'A' saves Rs.25 per month and 'B' saves Rs.50 per month, what are
their respective incomes?

1. Rs.200 and Rs.400

2. Rs.350 and Rs.450
3. Rs.400 and Rs.500
4. Rs.300 and Rs.600
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 38: A and B invested Rs. 2500 and 3000 respectively. A gets 1/8 of the profit
for managing the firm. Balance profit is divided between them in proportion to their
capitals. For a profit Rs.1600 B's share will be?

1. 760
2. 763.63
3. 783.88
4. 800
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 39: Martin's average score after 4 tests is 89. What score on the 5th test
would bring Martin's average up to exactly 90?

1. 91
2. 92
3. 93
4. 94
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 40: What should come next in the following number series? 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7

1. 6
2. 4
3. 7
4. 5
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 41: Travelling at the speed of 20 km/h, a person reaches his office 10
minutes late. If, however, he travels at the speed of 30 km/h, he reaches 10 minutes
early. How far is his office from home?

1. 10km
2. 20km
3. 25km
4. 30km
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 42: Find the smallest number in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 1728

1. 12
2. 20
3. 8
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: Calculate the no. of men:

If 8 men can do a work in 8 days then how many man can do this work in an half day?

1. 16
2. 4
3. 64
4. 128
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 44: Select the related word : Flow : River :: Stagnant : ?

1. Pool
2. Rain
3. Stream
4. Canal
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 45: What is the angle formed by hour and minute hands at 7:45am?

1. 37.5°
2. 28°
3. 32.5°
4. 35.5°
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 46: Percentage

The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % should a housewife reduce the
consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same as before ?

1. 16.66
2. 14.66
3. 18.66
4. 17.66
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 47: Four of the five are alike in a certain way. Which is the different one?

1. Radio
2. Television
3. Tape- Recorder
4. Washing Machine
5. Video Player
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 48: speed problem

A steamer travels 20km against the stream in the same period of time as 50 km along
the stream. If the speed of stream is 3km/hr, what is the speed of the stamer in still

1. 7km/hr
2. 5km/hr
3. 20km/hr
4. 2km/hr
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 49: What is the missing number in the series? 6, 11, 18, 27, 38, ? , 66

1. 51
2. 63
3. 56
4. 60
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 50: A man walking at the rate of 3 kmph crosses a square field diagonally in 2
minutes. The area of the field (in m2) is:

1. 2500
2. 3000
3. 5000
4. 6000
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 51: If a patient doesn't receive treatment for a certain injury within 2 hours
after injury, the patient's chance of survival starts decreasing by 15% each hour. If no
treatment has been given within 4 hours after injury, roughly, what chance of survival will
the patient have?

1. 70%
2. 82%
3. 77%
4. 72%
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 52: 16:169::121:?


1. 200
2. 400
3. 1600
4. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 53: What is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers written
with all the four digits 7,3,1,4?

1. 7698
2. 6084
3. 6700
4. 4587
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 54: Ram began business with Rs. 3000 and was joined afterwards by Sham
with Rs.6000. When did sham join if the profits at the end of the year were divided

1. 9
2. 6
3. 10
4. 20
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 55: Find the annual income by investing Rs.6800 in 10% stock at 136

1. Rs. 300
2. Rs. 500
3. Rs. 700
4. Rs. 900
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 56: The number of ways in which 7 persons can sit around a table so that all
shall not have the same neighbours in any 2 arrangemants is....?

1. 180
2. 270
3. 360
4. 720
5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 57: There is a leak in the bottom of a cistern. When the cistern is thoroughly
repaired, it would be filled in 3 ½ hours. It now takes half an hour longer. If the cistern is
full, how long will the leak take to empty the cistern?

1. 24 hours
2. 28 hours
3. 21 hours
4. 27 hours
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 58: In a certain code, SIKKIM is written as THLJJL how is TRAINING written
in that code?

Correct Answer: 1.

Question 59: TISL Papers

It consists of number series. In some institutes alphabetical series is given instead of
number series 40,42,39,44,38,46,?

1. 9
2. 37
3. 14
4. 50
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 60: A piece of equipment cost a certain factory Rs. 600,000. If it depreciates
in value, 15% the first year, 13.5 % the next year, 12% the third year, and so on, what
will be its value at the end of 10 years, all percentages applying to the original cost?
(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. 2,00,000
2. 1,05,000
3. 4,05,000
4. 6,50,000
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 61: Find the area of the largest circle inscibed in a square if side 112 mt?

1. 9532sq mt
2. 9856sq mts
3. 9347sq mts
4. 9865sq mts
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 62: There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one draw randomly a shoe what
is the probability of getting a red shoe

1. 5c1/ 9c1
2. 5c1
3. 9c1
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 63: If 2x-y=4 then 6x-3y=?

1. 15
2. 12
3. 18
4. 10
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 64: If the price of petrol increases by 25%, by how much must a user cut
down his consumption so that his expenditure on petrol remains constant?

1. 40%
2. 50%
3. 20%
4. 30%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 65: What number comes next in this sequence? 1,3,7,15,31,?

1. 63
2. 71
3. 82
4. 77
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 66: Everyday in his business a merchant had to weigh amounts from 1 kg to
121 kgs, to the nearest kg. What are the minimum number of weight required?

1. 2
2. 5
3. 10
4. 15
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 67: A quadratic function f(x) attains a maximum of 3 at x = 1. The value of the
function at x = 0 is 1. What is the value of f(x) at x = 10?

1. 150
2. 159
3. -151
4. -159
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 68: In a series from 1 to 50, how many numbers are such which are divisible
by 3 and do not contain 3 as a digit in them?

1. 13
2. 8
3. 11
4. 5
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 69: The difference between the circumference and the radius of a circle is 37
cms. The circumference of the circle is

1. 64 cms
2. 54 cms
3. 44 cms
4. 74 cms
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 70: The length of aplot is double its width.If a square piece of land of area
150 sq mts occupies 1/3 area of the plot ,then what is the length of the plot?

1. 20mts
2. 30mts
3. 40mts
4. 50mts
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 71: Find the missing number without breaking the on-going pattern of the
series. 17J, 15L, 7T, ?

1. 22D
2. 8V
3. 18I
4. 4U
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 72: A person takes 40 minutes to assemble a toy. He is at the work-spot on

all days from 8.30 am to 6 pm. If he takes 1 hour for lunch and 30 minutes for tea, how
many pieces of toys will he make in a day?

1. 10
2. 12
3. 14
4. 16
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 73: 11,12,17,18,23,24,?


1. 25
2. 27
3. 29
4. none
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 74: A scooterist covers a certain distance at 36 kmph. How many meters
does he cover in 2min?

1. 1200m
2. 1250m
3. 1677m
4. 1547m
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 75: Which of the following operations will result in '22'?

1. 16/12+8-13x15
2. 16-12x8/13+15
3. 16x12/8+13-15
4. 16+12-8x13/15
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 76: A starts business with a capital of Rs.1000. B and C join with some
investments after 3 and 6 months respectively. If at the end of a year, the profit is
divided in the ratio 2:3:5. What is B's investment in the business?

1. 2000
2. 4000
3. 3000
4. None
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 77: A and B can do a piece of work in 30 days while B and C can do the
same work in 24 days and C and A in 20 days. They all work for 10 days when B and C
leave. How many days more will A take to finish the work?

1. 26 days
2. 22 days
3. 18 days
4. 14 days
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 78: The sum of two numbers is twice their difference. If one of the numbers is
10 , find the other number.

1. 0/7
2. 30/7
3. 10/3
4. 15/31
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 79: . If 9 men working 71/2 hours a day can finish a piece of work in 20 days,
then how many days will be taken by 12 men, working 6 hours a day to finish the work?
It is being given that 2 men of latter type work as much as 3 men of the former type

1. 91/2
2. 11
3. 121/2
4. 13
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 80: A man takes 20 minutes to go to market from home at a speed of

10km/hr.How many minutes would the man take if he goes to the market from home
riding his car at the rate of 20km/hr

1. 15
2. 16
3. 12
4. 10
5. 17
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 81: A person traveled 20 km in the northward direction, then traveled 4 km in

eastward direction, then traveled 10 km in the northward direction again, then traveled 3
km in the eastward direction and finally traveled 6 km in the southward direction. How
far is he from the starting point?

1. 17 km
2. 37 km
3. 31 km
4. 25 km
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 82: 5 men or 9 women can do a piece of work in 19 days. How long will take
to complete the same work with 3 men and 6 women?

1. 15 days
2. 4 days
3. 6 days
4. 12 days
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 83: If m is an even integer, then which of the following is the sum of the next
two integer greater than 4m+1?

1. 8m+2
2. 8m+4
3. 8m+6
4. 8m+8
5. 8m+10
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 84: To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water.
What is % of alcohol?

1. 18%
2. 19%
3. 16%
4. 15%
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 85: Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 4 hours respectively. If
they are opened on alternate hours and if pipe A is opened first, in how many hours, the
tank shall be full.

1. 9hrs
2. 7hrs
3. 4hrs
4. 5hrs
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 86: 2,15,41,80,?

1. 132
2. 111
3. 120
4. 121
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 87: A year ago, a father was four times his son's age. In six years his age will
be 9 more than twice his son's age. What is the present age of the son?

1. 6
2. 5
3. 9
4. 2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 88: In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and
Rs.1200/- in 5 years ?

1. 500
2. 600
3. 800
4. 900
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 89: The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % should a housewife
reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same as before ?

1. 12.5
2. 16.66
3. 18
4. 20
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 90: (9 ÷ 3) x (8 ÷ 4) =
(9 ÷ 3) x (8 ÷ 4) =

1. 1
2. 6
3. 72
4. 576
5. 752
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 91: In a joint family there are father, mother, 3 married sons and one
unmarried daughter. Of the sons, 2 have 2 daughters each, and one has a son. How
many female members are there in the family?

1. 2
2. 3
3. 6
4. 9
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 92: Rahim spent 40% of his slary on food and 1/3 of the remaining on
Rahim spent 40% of his slary on food and 1/3 of the remaining on transport. He saved
Rs.450 which was 1/2 of the balance left after spending on food and transport. What
was his salary ?

1. 2250
2. 450
3. 2500
4. 3000
5. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 93: 7528:5362::4673:?


1. 2527
2. 2537
3. 2507
4. none
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 94: 25*10=51,77*35=73 then 25*78=?

25*10=51,77*35=73 then 25*78=?

1. 28
2. 57
3. 37
4. 47
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 95: Pointing to a man, a woman said, "His mother is the only daughter of my
mother". How is the woman related to the man?

1. Mother
2. Grandmother
3. Sister
4. Daughter
5. Non of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 96: 7/8 of 3/7 of a number is equal to 25% of 45% of another number. What is
the ratio of the first and the second numbers respectively?

1. 3 : 7
2. 9: 10
3. 3 : 10
4. 3 : 2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 97: If sum of two numbers x AND Y IS equal to double of x then value of y will
be ?

1. y>x
2. y<X< font>
3. y=x
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 98: The following data shows students of a college opting for one or more
subjects. 95 students opted for Science, 100 opted for commerce, 40 opted for Science
and Commerce, 26 opted for only Arts and commerce, 57 opted for only Arts, 41 opted
for only Science, 8 opted for all three subjects and 28 opted for none of these. Number
of students opting for Arts and Science only is What is the total number of student in

1. 20
2. 8
3. 14
4. 26
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 99: Which term comes next in the series : YEV, WFD, UHG, SKI ?

1. OQL
2. LLQ
3. QOL
4. LOQ
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 100: 66,36,18,?

1. 3
2. 6
3. 9
4. 8
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 1: A man spends half of his salary on household expenses, 1/4th for rent,
1/5th for travel expenses, the man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in
the bank amount 50, what is his monthly salary?

1. 800
2. 1000
3. 900
4. 1200
Correct Answer: 2.

12.22+22.21+221.12 =?

1. 250.55
2. 255.50
3. 250.05
4. 255.05
5. none
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 3: There are 200 employees in a company. An external vendor is chosen to

serve coffee twice a day. 100 cups were offered by the company. But as an incentive to
have the cups at the end of the day, the company offered 30 paise for every cup
returned safely and charged 90 paise for every broken cup. At the end of the day, the
vendor received Rs.24. How many cups did vendor break?

1. 20
2. 21
3. 5
4. 13
5. 10
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 4: Find the missing number in the series: 3, 7, 23, 95, ?

1. 575
2. 479
3. 128
4. 62
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 5: The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory

was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a
new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary
of the new manager?

1. 520
2. 420
3. 380
4. 280
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 6: At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in seat 253. Marla was sitting to
the right of Henry in seat 254. In the seat to the left of Henry was George. Inez was
sitting to the left of George. Which seat is Inez sitting in?

1. 251
2. 254
3. 256
4. 255
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 7: What is the average weekly salary of five employees whose salary are:
$100.00, $150.00, $200.00, $375.00, $220.00

1. 310
2. 209
3. 302
4. 201
5. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 8: A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6. The remainders

were respectively 2, 3 and 4. The number is—

1. 214
2. 476
3. 512
4. 646
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 9: A cylinder is 6 cms in diameter and 6 cms in height. If spheres of the same
size are made from the material obtained, what is the diameter of each sphere?

1. 5 cms
2. 2 cms
3. 4 cms
4. 3 cms
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 10: If the average (arithmetic mean) of 2, 7 and x is 12. What is the value of

1. 9
2. 12
3. 21
4. 27
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 11: After a discount of 11.11%,a trader still makes again of 14.28%.At how
many percent above the cost price does he marks his goods?

1. 28.56%
2. 35%
3. 22.22%
4. 20%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 12: A box has three drawers; one contains two gold coins, one contains two
silver coins, and one contains one gold coin and one silver coin. Assume that one
drawer is selected randomly and that a randomly selected coin from that drawer turns
out to be gold. What is the probability that the chosen drawer is one that contains two
gold coins?

1. 1
2. 1/2
3. 2/3
4. 1/3
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 13: If 2115/n=94*15 then n=?

1. 1.25
2. 2.75
3. 1.5
4. 3
5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 14: Nisha is three times Yogesh. Rajesh is half Wahida. Rajesh is younger to
Yogesh. Which of the following is necessary to find the age of each?

1. Wahida is of same age as that of Yogesh

2. Age of Rajesh is ten
3. Both (1)option and (2)option required
4. Any one is required
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 15: Find the largest number which is exactly divided 513,783 and 1107.

1. 25
2. 26
3. 27
4. 28
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 16: (1) In a family of six persons, A, B, C, D, E and P there are three males
and three females. There are two married couples and two persons are unmarried. (2)
Each one of them reads different newspapers viz. Times of India, Indian Express, The
Hindu, Financial Express. Business Line and Business Standard. (3) E, who reads
Indian Express, is the mother-in-law of A, who is the wife of C. D is the father of F and
he does not read Times of India and Business Standard. (4) B reads Business Line and
is the sister of F, who reads The Hindu, C does not read Business Standard. Who
among the following reads Business Standard?

1. E
2. D
3. C
4. A
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 17: A car wash can wash 8 cars in 18 minutes. At this rate, how many cars
can the car wash in 3 hours?
1. 50
2. 60
3. 75
4. 80
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 18: The diagonal of a square is 4v 2 cm. The diagonal of another square
whose area is double that of the first square is

1. 8 cm
2. 8v2 cm
3. 4v 2 cm
4. 16 cm
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 19: Smart Puzzles

3. I have a drawer full of socks. There are 5 socks of each color red and green, evenly
mixed. In the morning, when it is very dark, I need to pull out a pair of socks of the same
color. How many must I pull out of the drawer to ensure that I have at least one pair of
matching socks?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 20: In a certain code language PROVOKED is coded as EFLPWPSQ, what

will be the code for TOMBRAIDER in the same code language?

Correct Answer: 2.
Question 21: In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs. 15 and
Rs. 20 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs. 16.50 per kg?

1. 3:7
2. 5:7
3. 7:3
4. 7:5
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 22: Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and 32 kmph
respectively. A man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster
train completely passes by him. What is the length of faster train ?

1. 100m
2. 75m
3. 120m
4. 50m
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 23: One tap can fill a cistern in 2 hours and another tap can empty the cistern
in 3 hours. How long will they take to fill the cistern if both the taps are opened?

1. 5 hrs
2. 6 hrs
3. 7 hrs
4. 8 hrs
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 24: A box of cereal contains 18 cups of cereal. At most, how many persons
can you serve from this box of cereal if each serving must be at least cup?

1. 25
2. 18
3. 19
4. 14
5. 24
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 25: The following data shows students of a college opting for one or more
subjects. 95 students opted for Science, 100 opted for commerce, 40 opted for Science
and Commerce, 26 opted for only Arts and commerce, 57 opted for only Arts, 41 opted
for only Science, 8 opted for all three subjects and 28 opted for none of these. Number
of students opting for Arts and Science only is What is the total number of student in

1. 20
2. 8
3. 14
4. 26
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 26: Suppose you have a currency, named Miso, in three denominations: 1
Miso, 10 Misos and 50 Misos. In how many ways can you pay a bill of 107 Misos ?

1. 19
2. 15
3. 17
4. 18
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 27: A train traveling at 72 kmph crosses a platform in 30 seconds and a man
standing on the platform in 18 seconds. What is the length of the platform in meters?

1. 256 meters.
2. 453meters.
3. 78meters.
4. 240 meters.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 28: A man rows 25 kms upstream and 50 kms downstream in 12 hours. The
next day, he rows 30 kms upstream and 65 kms downstream in 15 hours. Then the rate
of current is:

1. 2 km/hour
2. 4 km/hour
3. 6 km/hr
4. 12 km
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 29: what will be the number in place of question mark :20,19,17,?,10,5

1. 12
2. 13
3. 14
4. 15
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 30: Image of point

Image of point (3,8) in the line x + 3y = 7 is

1. (-1,-4)
2. (-1,4)
3. (2,-4)
4. (-2,-4)
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in
10 hours. Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?

1. 13
2. 12
3. 15
4. 17
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: TISL Questions

On Monday a banker processed a batch of cheques, on Tuesday she processed three
times as many, and on Wednesday she processed 4000 cheques. In the three days,
she processed 16000 cheques. How many did she process on Tuesday?

1. 4500
2. 9000
3. 1800
4. 6000
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 33: A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the
previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day?

1. 8
2. 9
3. 7
4. 6
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 34: In some game 139 paticipaants are there.Everey time 1 will get a bye.
what is the no. of matches to choose the champion to be held ?
In some game 139 paticipaants are there.Everey time 1 will get a bye. what is the no. of
matches to choose the champion to be held ?

1. Ans --> 140

2. Ans --> 138
3. Ans --> 120
4. Ans --> 228
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 35: . In the following number series how many times an odd number is
followed by two even numbers ? 1 8 7 6 3 5 4 2 3 4 2 6 3 2 8 9 4

1. 5
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 36: The time by office watch is 10:30 p.m. If minute hand points towards the
North-East, then which direction will hour hand point?

1. South
2. South-East
3. South-West
4. West
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 37: if 53 - 34 = 5334 65 - 46 = 6456 75 - 24 = ?

1. 7524
2. 7254
3. 7224
4. 7554
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 38: If Rs.1066 are divided among A, B, C and D such that A:B = 3:4; B:C=5:6;
C:D=7:5 who will get the maximum
If Rs.1066 are divided among A, B, C and D such that A:B = 3:4; B:C=5:6; C:D=7:5 who
will get the maximum

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. None
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 39: Kunal walks 10 kms towards North. From there he walks 6 kms towards
south. Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with
reference to his starting point?

1. 6km,north east of starting point

2. 4km,north westof starting point
3. 5km,north east of starting point
4. 3km,north west of starting point
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 40: On sports day, if 30 students were made to stand in a column,then 16

columns could be formed. If 24 students were made to stand in a column,then how
many columns could be formed?

1. 20
2. 22
3. 29
4. 45
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 41: In a certain code BELOW is written as FCKVN. How is GIVEN written in
that code?

5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 42: A wizard named Nepo says "I am only three times my son's age. My
father is 40 years more than twice my age. Together the three of us are a mere 1240
years old." How old is Nepo?

1. 265 yrs old

2. 360 yrs old
3. 300 yrs old
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 43: 25*10=51,77*35=73 then 25*78=?

25*10=51,77*35=73 then 25*78=?

1. 28
2. 57
3. 37
4. 47
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 44: A contractor undertook to do a certain work in 55 days and employed 48

men to do it. In 11 days only 1/6 of the work has done. How many extra men should he
employ in order to complete the work in time?

1. 10
2. 12
3. 8
4. 6
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 45: Rambo finished 3/5 of a work in 9 days and the remaining work he
finished in 4 days with the assistance of Shaun. Find in how many days Shaun alone
can finish that work?

1. 30 days
2. 35 days
3. 22 days
4. 28 days
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 46: The speed of a boat is 5 km per hour in still water. How many hours will it
take to go to a place 7.5 km upstream and back if the velocity of the stream is
The speed of a boat is 5 km per hour in still water. How many hours will it take to go to a
place 7.5 km upstream and back if the velocity of the stream is 2.5km/hour

1. 1 1/2
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 47: In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game
played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How
many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?

1. 12
2. 20
3. 24
4. 30
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 48: If 5 years are subtracted from the present age of Ram and the remainder
is divided by 16,then the present age of his grandson Shyam is obtained. If Shyam is 3
years younger to Madan whose age is 6 years,then what is Ram’s present age.
1. 40
2. 50
3. 53
4. None
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 49: Robin can wallpaper a room in four hours. Susan can wallpaper the same
room in seven hours. How long will it take them to wallpaper the room if they work

1. 4.5 hours
2. 3.5 hours
3. 5.5 hours
4. 2.5 hours
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 50: In an examination, 70% of the students passed in the Paper I, and 60 %
of the students passed in the Paper II. 15 % of the students failed in both the papers
while 270 students passed in both the papers. What is the total number of students?

1. 600
2. 580
3. 560
4. 540
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 51: A train 'A' crosses a 160 m standing train 'B' in 15 sec and a standing
person in 9 sec. What is its speed?

1. 96 km/hr
2. 84 km/hr
3. 72 km/hr
4. 92 km/hr
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 52: In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes
of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X
(8, 5).

1. 3212
2. 2321
3. 2231
4. 2231
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 53: Two years ago the sum of the ages of a father and his son was 41. Now
their ages are in the ratio 4:1. What is the present age of the father?

1. 30
2. 32
3. 34
4. 36
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 54: Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty
the same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank

1. 17 1/7 mins
2. 20 mins
3. 8 mins
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 55: 5.7 X 1.8 = ?

5.7 X 1.8 =?

1. 102.6
2. 10.26
3. 1.260
4. 12.60
5. None
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 56: 5/7 of 644=?

1. 460
2. 560
3. 760
4. 856
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 57: Ram buys Rs.100 shares at Rs.110. If he sells the shares after a year at
Rs.130 after receiving a dividend of 10% just before selling, what is the net yield on his

1. 15%
2. 38%
3. 27%
4. 16%
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 58: Select the odd one : 1. Sweet 2. Bitter 3. Salty 4. Insipid

1. Sweet
2. Bitter
3. Salty
4. Insipid
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 59: Find out the missing number: 6,42,7,63,9,...2

1. 16
2. 11
3. 27
4. 18
5. none of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 60: In a certain shop, notebooks that normally sell for 59 cents each are on
sale at 2 for 99 cents. How much can be saved by purchasing 10 of these notebooks at
the sale price?
In a certain shop, notebooks that normally sell for 59 cents each are on sale at 2 for 99
cents. How much can be saved by purchasing 10 of these notebooks at the sale price?
1. $0.85
2. $0.95
3. $1.10
4. $1.15
5. $2.00
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 61: If Rita spends every day 40 minutes for watering the plants, how much
time does Rita spend watering the plants in 20 days?

1. 12 hours
2. 13.33 hours
3. 12.5 hours
4. 15.5 hours
5. 14.33 hours
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 62: What is the smallest whole number that, when divided by 2, leaves a
remainder of 1; when divided by 3, leaves a remainder of 2; and so on, up to leaving a
remainder of 9 when divided by 10?

1. 29
2. 49
3. 59
4. 69
5. 79
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 63: John gets paid $6.00 for each of the first 40 toy cars he makes in a week.
For any additional toy cars beyond 40 his pay increases by 50%. How much does John
get paid in a week in which he makes 48 toy cars?

1. $288
2. $300
3. $312
4. $321
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 64: When 8% of 630 is added to 12% of 315, what would be the sum?
1. 68.2
2. 44.1
3. 126
4. 88.2
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 65: The sum of two numbers is twice their difference. If one of the numbers is
10 , find the other number.

1. 0/7
2. 30/7
3. 10/3
4. 15/31
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 66: The HCF of (n + 3) and (7n + 48) is ‘k’, where ‘n’ is a natural number.
How many values of ‘k’ are possible? 4. Another natural number ‘b’ when divided by N
gives remainder 3. If ‘b’ is twice of ‘a’ and the remainder when (100a + 11b) is divided by
55 is 23, then find the number of possible values of ‘a’.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 3
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 67: Radha and Saroj are ranked 10th and 16th respectively in a class of 37
students. What will be their ranks from the bottom in the class?

1. 28th, 22nd
2. 27th, 21st
3. 28th, 20th
4. 27th, 22nd
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 68: 587*999

1. 586413
2. 587523
3. 614823
4. 615173
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 69: Find the odd man out: 6,9,15,21,24,28,30

1. 28
2. 21
3. 24
4. 30
5. 9
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 70: Question to test your reasoning

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their positions in the
English alphabet and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the

1. AZ
2. EV
3. BY
4. GT
5. DU
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 71: What is the next letter of the series, F, I, L, O, .....?

1. M
2. N
3. R
4. P
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 72: TISL Papers

The average salary of 3 workers is 95 Rs. per week. If one earns Rs.115 and second
earns Rs.65 how much is the salary of the 3rd worker.
1. Rs.105
2. Rs.88
3. Rs.46
4. Rs.91
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 73: The wheel of an engine 25 decimeter in circumference makes 16

revolutions in 4 seconds, the speed of the wheel (in km/hr) is:

1. 16
2. 24.5
3. 32.8
4. 36
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 74: How many numbers divisible by 17 are there between 110 and 1300?

1. 57
2. 61
3. 65
4. 66
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 75: a vendor bought lemons at 6 for a rupee. how many for a rupee must he
sell to gain 20 % ?

1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
4. 20
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 76: A positive number is divided by 5 instead of being multiplied by 5. What %

is the result of thr required correct value?

1. 3%
2. 4%
3. 5%
4. Cannot be determined
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 77: There are four nurses-Anita, Beena, Chaiya, Dimple working at the
private nursing home, which is open from Monday through Friday. Each nurse works
according to the following rules:On Mondays, only Anita or Beena works.On Tuesdays,
Beena works alone or with one of the other nurses, but not Anita,On Wednesdays,
Chaiya works alone or with one of the other nurses.On Thursdays, two nurses work
together, but Beena is not one of them.On Fridays, three nurses work together. If only
Beena and Dimple are working on a certain day, which day must it be?

1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 78: 2,5,9,19,37,?


1. 73
2. 45
3. 75
4. 76
5. none
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 79: Find the number.

A number is 14 more than one eighth of the same number. What is the number?

1. 18
2. 21
3. 24
4. 16
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 80: A man's age is 125% of what it was 10 years ago, but 80% of what it will
be after 10 years. What is his present age?
1. 50
2. 54
3. 52
4. None
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 81: Find the odd one out: (52, 142 ) ( 54, 126 ) (56, 168 ) (58, 184 )

1. ( 52, 142 )
2. ( 54, 126 )
3. ( 56, 168 )
4. ( 58, 184 )
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 82: if + means / , - means *, / means + , * means – then, 36*12+4/6+2-3= ?

1. 42
2. 64
3. 32
4. 89
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 83: If the Arithmetic mean is 34 and geometric mean is 16 then what is
greatest number in that series of numbers?

1. 68
2. 64
3. 50
4. 88
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 84: A 10 litre solution of water and salt contains 150 gm salt. If 25 % of
solution gets evaporated, what percent of salt would the remaining solution have?

1. 1.5%
2. 2.0%
3. 1.75%
4. 2.5%
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 85: There are 500 students of which 60% are boys and 25% of girls failed in
exm then how many girls pass the exam?

1. 225
2. 150
3. 125
4. 300
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 86: 20 people go trekking uphill.30% get frostbite and leave the 1st day. of
the remaining 2 get sprain and giveup.of the remaining only half of them make it to the
top .how many reached the top?

1. 7
2. 6
3. 5
4. 8
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 87: A person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, "Take my
age three years hence, multiply it by 3, and then subtract 3 times my age three years
ago and you will know how old i am". What was the age of the person?

1. 18 years
2. 20 years
3. 24 years
4. 32 years
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?

1. 6
2. 8
3. 7
4. data insufficient
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 89: One number is 5 times another number and their sum is -60. What is the
lesser of the two numbers?

1. -10
2. -12
3. -48
4. -50
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 90: If a road A is 29 miles and 45% longer than another road B, find the
length of road B.

1. 10
2. 15
3. 18
4. 20
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 91: A boy goes to see a movie and sees a man sitting to his left. He found
that the man was his relative. The man is the husband of the sister of his mother. How is
the man related to the boy?

1. Uncle
2. Nephew
3. Brother
4. Father
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 92: Which of the following groups of fractions is in ascending order?

1. 7/11,8/13,9/14,11/15
2. 7/11,9/14,8/13,11/15
3. 7/11,,8/13,11/15,9/14
4. 8/13,7/11,9/14,11/15
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 93: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

1. Food : Hunger
2. Water : Thirst
3. Air : Suffocation
4. Talent : Education
5. Leg : Lame
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 94: A jar contains only red and blue marbles. The ratio of the number of red
marbles to the number of blue marbles is 5:3. What percent of the marbles are blue?

1. 37.5%
2. 50%
3. 60%
4. 62.5%
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 95: There are two numbers such that the sum of twice the first and thrice the
second is 6, while the sum of twice the second and thrice the first is 2. The greater of
two numbers is?

1. 12/5
2. 14/5
3. 11/5
4. 13/5
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 96: Which is the odd one out?

1. immutable
2. eternal
3. transitory
4. indelible
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 97: The present worth of Rs.169 due in 2 years at 4% perannum Compound
interest is?

1. Rs.156.25
2. Rs.150.50
3. Rs. 154.75
4. Rs. 158
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 98: Calculate value of each word by the following formula: Consonants = (2 ×
Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1 Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1 FLUTE

1. 153
2. 157
3. 151
4. 149
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 99: In a class of 60 students, where the girls are twice that of boys, Kamal
ranked seventeenth from the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of Kamal, the number of
boys in rank after him is—

1. 3
2. 7
3. 12
4. 13
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 100: A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers
in 10 hours. Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?

1. 13 hrs
2. 18 hrs
3. 12 hrs
4. 15 hrs
Correct Answer: 1.
Computer Basic
Question 1: Susan is the administrator for a network of computers running Windows
2000. There are two groups, Sales and Production, existing as part of the network. The
Sales group has Print permission for a print device, Dm_printer, connected to the print
server. The Production group has the Print and the Manage Documents permissions for
the same printer. Susan denies the Print permission for the Everyone group. Which is
the effective set of permissions that the groups have for the printer in the given

1. The Sales group will have no permissions. The Production group will have the
Manage Documents permission.
2. The Sales group will have the Print permission. The Production group will have
no permissions.
3. The Sales group will have the Manage Documents permission. The Production
group will have no permissions.
4. The Sales group and the Production group will have no permissions.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 2: The sequence of steps that provide details of the interaction between an
actor and a software is known as

1. use case
2. use case model
3. flowchart
4. algorithm
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 3: The operating system controls access to the processor by assigning a(n)
____________ to each task requiring the processor’s attention.

1. CPU
2. slice of time
3. stack
4. event
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 4: You want the UNIX member workstations to print jobs to the NT print
server's print device. How will you configure the NT Server.
1. Install the TCP/IP printing service
2. LPR utility
3. Install DLC protocol
4. Install utility
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 5: What is the shortcut of macros as in word

1. Alt+f7
2. Alt+f8
3. Alt+f6
4. Alt+f3
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 6: Which of the following involves context switch?

1. system call
2. priviliged instruction
3. floating poitnt exception
4. all the above
5. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 7: What happens in the Network layer in the network adapter if the router
cannot transmit the data chunk as large as the source computer sense?

1. It causes network connectivity failure.

2. It breaks the data into smaller units.
3. It organizes the data frame.
4. It retransmits the data chunk.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 8: Java scrip is case sensitive?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Only variables are case sensitive
4. Only keywords are case sensitive
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 9: The power connector on a floppy drive is called a:

The power connector on a floppy drive is called a:

1. Molex connector
2. BNC
3. Mini-molex
4. Berg connector
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 10: The ____ is the current subnet the MN visits and which is not the home

1. Mobile node
2. Foreign agent
3. Home agent
4. Care-of address
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 11: Network Systems Inc are supplied Hardware items by Finex Hardware
Inc. For all their purchases they require the supplier name to be added automatically as
Finex. They can do this using the:

1. CHECK constraint.
2. PRIMARY KEY constraint.
3. Default.
4. UNIQUE constraint
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 12: The physical layer of Novell Netware consists of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


1. IPX
2. NCP
3. SAP
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 13: How many bits make one nibble?

1. 4
2. 16
3. 8
4. 32
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: You need to install a NIC card in your PC. which type of NIC card will
offer better performance?
You need to install a NIC card in your PC. which type of NIC card will offer better

1. ISA
2. PCI
3. AGP
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 15: Which router commands will enable RIP for

1. router rip
2. network
3. network rip
4. network rip
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 16: When you are selecting a mouse for a particular computer system, what
is the most important consideration?

1. The type of drivers that come with the mouse

2. The length of the mouse cord
3. The type of connector the mouse is equipped with
4. The number of buttons the mouse has
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 17: Which of the following function is present in the header file

1. scanf
2. printf
3. isalpha
4. exit
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 18: Which is the most powerful type of computer?

1. Micro computer
2. Mini computer
3. Mainframe computer
4. Super computer
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 19: Privately owned networks are _ _ _ _ _

1. LAN
2. WAN
3. MAN
4. Broadcast Networks
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 20: In C, math.h is a

1. Header File
2. Program File
3. Root File
4. Statement
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 21: What command will bring up the system information page of your PC?

1. sysinfo.exe
2. msddet.exe
3. winmsd.exe
4. oswinsd.exe
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 22: Which one of the following is true when using the DROP VIEW

1. The command does not remove the view definition from the database.
2. The command affects the tables on which the view was based.
3. The command affects the views or applications based on the dropped view.
4. To drop a view, you do not need to acquire any privileges.
5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 23: Which one of the following statements is used to make a transaction

Correct Answer: 1.

Question 24: What is the code name of Windows XP?

Microsoft gives code names for its every product.

1. Whistler
2. Longhorn
3. Black Comb
4. Stephany
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 25: What is exception handling

1. Debugging
2. Run handlling
3. Error handlling
4. Run handlling
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 26: What is a device driver?

1. A device driver is a feature of Windows XP that enables a single computer

desktop to be displayed on two or more monitors.
2. A device driver is a new feature in Windows XP that automatically downloads
updated Windows XP files and enables you to install them on the computer.
3. A device driver is a circuit card plugged in a computer that is used to generate
and send signals to the display monitor.
4. A device driver is a piece of software code in hardware devices that enables
the hardware devices to communicate with the computer.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 27: What will the value of Z be after this statement is executed? Z = A(12 / 3
+ 1) + A(X – 1) – A( X + Y)

1. -6
2. 30
3. 23
4. 38
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 28: Programs designed to perform specific tasks is called known asA storage
device which is used to store data & information external to the main storage is known

1. Buffer
2. Backing storage
4. Accumulator
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 29: The number of layers in the OSI reference model are

1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8
5. 9
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 30: which ISDN plane is associated with signaling another D channel

1. user
2. control
3. management
4. supervise
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: What is a common complication when adding a 1.6G IDE hard drive to an
older system such as a 16 Mhz 80386 system?
What is a common complication when adding a 1.6G IDE hard drive to an older system
such as a 16 Mhz 80386 system?

1. The drive is too big for the available drive bays

2. The old style IDE connector won't plug in properly
3. The power supply may be sufficient
4. System BIOS needs to be upgraded
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 32: A _______ is a small box with a bunch of cable connectors

1. Coax
2. Hub
3. Router
4. Bridge
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 33: Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of

1. Memory
2. CPU
3. ALU
4. Control Unit
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 34: If COM2 and LPT1 are already being used, which of the following
methods could be used to connect another printer?
If COM2 and LPT1 are already being used, which of the following methods could be
used to connect another printer?

1. Printers only use LPT1

2. Install another printer card in the computer
3. Change the IRQ of COM2
4. Configure it as COM1
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 35: Before you do maintenance on a CRT?

Before you do maintenance on a CRT?

1. Discharge the CRT

2. Disassemble the power button
3. Set CMOS settings to maintenance
4. Charge the CRT
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: Which among the following key is used for checking grammar and

1. F5
2. F8
3. F7
4. F8
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 37: Which of the following are the types of constraints in MS Project 2002? A-
Finish-to-Finish B- Start No Later Than C- Finish No Earlier Than D- Must Finish On E-

1. B, C, and D
2. A, C, and D
3. B, D, and E
4. A, B, and D
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 38: You have declared the following array in your Java program: int[ ]
myArray. Which one of the following statements should you use to allocate memory for
the array?

1. myArray = int[10];
2. myArray = int[10];
3. myArray = new int[10];
4. myArray = new int;
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 39: You are not able to ping the IP address of a remote host on another
subnet using the NetBiosname but through you can ping it using the IP Address. You
can also ping the other hosts on that subnet using both ways. What is wrong?

1. The client is not configured to use WINS server.

2. WINS server is not on the subnet.
3. DNS server is not on the subnet.
4. The remote computer is powered off.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 40: Which is the simplest file structure?

1. Sequential
2. Indexed
3. Random
4. none
5. all
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 41: What is the batch file interpreter for the Autoexec.bat file?
What is the batch file interpreter for the Autoexec.bat file?

1. Command. sys
2. Command.exe
3. Command.bin
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 42: How many flip flops are required to produce a MOD-17 counter ?

1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
5. 7
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: While troubleshooting a network connectivity problem, a Certkiller

technician observes steady link lights on both the workstation NIC and the switch port to
which the workstation is connected. However, when the ping command is issued from
the workstation, the output message "Request timed out." is displayed. At which layer of
the 7-layer OSI model does the problem most likely exist?
Cisco Certified Network Associate

1. The data link layer

2. The network layer
3. The application layer
4. The protocol layer
5. The access layer
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 44: You have created an illustration of a flower arrangement. When you print,
the printer takes a long to print as the illustration contains more number of anchor
points. What option would you use to reduce the number of anchor points?

1. Curve Precision Value

2. Split long Path
3. Spool Printer settings
4. Print Directly to Printer
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 45: Which tab on the Options dialog box enables you to collaborate with your
team members and stakeholders?

1. General
2. Collaborate
3. View
4. Calendar
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 46: In the following which is Sequential Access [01S06]

1. Register
2. Cache
3. Primary Memory
4. Magnetic Tape
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 47: Can we dynamically allocate arrays in expanded memory?

1. Yes
2. No
3. can't be said
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 48: Expansion of XML?

1. eXtended Markup Language

2. eXpanded Markup Language
3. eXtensible Markup Language
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 49: Which menu contains the Page Setup command?

1. Arrange
2. Effects
3. Layout
4. View
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 50: In a Windows 2000 network, there are 20 client computers and 2 network
printers. One printer is malfunctioning and there are a number of documents waiting in
the print queue. Which would be the best solution to this problem?

1. Calling a maintenance person and waiting till the printer is repaired

2. Installing the printer driver for the functional printer and giving printing
commands to that printer
3. Installing a local printer
4. Redirecting print jobs to the functional print device
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 51: memset command is used to

memset command is used to

1. set a particular part or size of memory to the specified value

2. delete particular part or size of memory to the specified value
3. Both the above
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 52: During what phase of the laser printing process does the corona wire put
a -600 volt charge on the drum?
During what phase of the laser printing process does the corona wire put a -600 volt
charge on the drum?

1. Conditioning
2. Developing
3. Writing
4. Cleaning
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 53: In C, A function that calls itself is known as

1. continuous
2. recursive
3. recalling
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 54: In C++ the function that is used to release the block of memory already
used is

1. release
2. deallocate
3. delete
4. calloc
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 55: Predict the output of the following code. import java.awt.*; public class
Demo { public static void main(String args[]) { Frame f = new Frame(“My Frame”); } }

1. A compile time error “Use setsize() to set the size of the frame” is generated.
2. A compile time error “Use setVisible() to make the frame visible” will be
3. The code will compile successfully, and a frame will be created using the
default settings.
4. The code will compile successfully, but the frame will not be displayed on the
computer screen.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 56: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have the ability to work around failed nodes and

1. Higher,lower
2. Response times of the naive cost-preformance design & evaluation
3. low
4. SANs
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 57: Identify the correct statement.

Statement A: The linear design of a Linux Kernel enables you to specify the kernel
modules that need to be loaded into the memory during the booting process. Statement
B: Kernel is based on a modular design and supports multiple modules as the basic
units that provide functionality to the kernel. Statement C: The modules that are not
loaded into the memory during the booting process have to be manually loaded into the
kernel, when the kernel needs the module for processing a user request. Statement D:
The kernel modules can be dynamically added to a kernel or removed from a kernel by
recompiling the kernel.

1. Statement A
2. Statement B
3. Statement C
4. Statement D
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 58: Is C program case sensitive?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Depends
4. Can't Say
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 59: The function dberrhandle( ) returns data in the form of ______ datatype.

1. char
2. float
3. int
4. pointer to DBPROCESS
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 60: Which of the following is not an advantage of magnetic disk storage.

1. The access time of magnetic disk is much less than that of magnetic tape
2. Disk storage is longer lasting than magnetic tape
3. Disk storage is less expensive than tape storage
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 61: Listing of files on a particular disk is termed as

Correct Answer: 3.

Question 62: VBScript calls the Clear method automatically whenever any of the given
statements is executed. Which of the option is false regarding this statement?

1. On Error Goto
2. On Error Resume Next
3. Exit Sub
4. Exit Function
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 63: To delete an incorrect character in a document, __________ to erase to

the right of the insertion point.

1. press the left mouse key

2. double-click the right mouse key
3. press the BACKSPACE key
4. press the Delete key
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 64: Every Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) is in

1. 1 NF
2. 2 NF
3. 3 NF
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 65: Which of the following was used in first generation computers?

1. Machine level language

2. Assembly level language
3. High level language
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 66: What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following
What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code? int Output =
10; boolean b1 = false; if((b1 == true) && ((Output += 10) == 20))
{ System.out.println("We are equal " + Output); } else { System.out.println("Not equal! " +
Output); }

1. Compilation error, attempting to perform binary comparison on logical data

2. Compilation and output of "We are equal 10".
3. Compilation and output of "Not equal! 20".
4. Compilation and output of "Not equal! 10".
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 67: Statement A : A table can have a row spanning across two columns but
not a column spanning across two rows. Statement B : A background can be applied to
a table using the BACKGROUND attribute

1. Both Statement A & B are correct

2. Both Statement A & B are incorrect
3. Statement A is incorrect but Statement B is correct
4. Statement B is incorrect but Statement A is correct.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 68: The internet is ......

1. a large network of networks

2. an internal communication system for a business
3. a communication system for the Indian government
4. All of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 69: The size of Security parameters index field in Authentication Header is

1. 8 bits
2. 16 bits
3. 32 bits
4. 64 bits
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 70: Which one of the following files forms a link to the physical devices and
peripherals on a system?

1. Regular files
2. Directory files
3. Device special files
4. Link files
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 71: Which of the following option is used to remove the filter

1. Remove filter
2. Delete filter
3. Remove Filter/Sort
4. Delete Filter/Sort
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 72: In an array queue, data is stored in an _____ element.

1. Node
2. linked list
3. array
4. constructor
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 73: Comm ports use what?

Comm ports use what?

1. 15 pin female connector

2. 25 pin male connector
3. Parallel connector
4. Edge connector
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 74: A pivot table is:

1. Multi-Dimensional.
2. Three-Dimensional.
3. Two-Dimensional.
4. Four-Dimensional.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 75: Full-featured protection is provided in which generation of antivirus


1. First generation
2. Second generation
3. Third generation
4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 76: A system software is

1. A program to solve particular problem of a user

2. A machine independent program
3. Operating system dependent program
4. A program to make effective use of computer
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 77: Wild card specifiers

1. can be used when writing a file

2. provide an easy way of finding groups of related files
3. provide an easy way of finding groups of related files
4. are only used when printing the contents of files
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 78: Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is :

1. only one
2. more than one
3. two hops
4. four hops
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 79: Which one of the following is not a broadband communication medium

1. Microwave
2. Fibre optic cable
3. Twisted pair
4. Coaxial cable
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 80: You add a CheckBox into a Web form. You want to postback the state of
this CheckBox to the server each time it is selected or cleared. What should you do to
accomplish this task?

1. Set the PostBack property of the CheckBox to true.

2. Set the PostBack property of the CheckBox to false.
3. Set the AutoPostBack property of the CheckBox to true.
4. Set the AutoPostBack property of the CheckBox to false.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 81: What should you do to to make a router boot from ROM and skip NVRAM

1. Set the config-reg to 0x2141

2. Set the config-reg to 0x2101
3. router#boot system rom
4. Run the reload command and press Ctrl-Break within 5 sec
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 82: An _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ subprogram is one whose computation can

be done on data of different types with different calls.

1. overloaded
2. generic
3. static
4. dynamic
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 83: What is the default value of the -L last_row parameter?

1. 10
2. all the rows
3. 100
4. 0
5. 1
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 84: What will happen when an attempt is made to compile and execute the
following code? public class Bground extends Thread { public static void main(String
argv[ ]) { Bground b = new Bground();; } public void start( ) { for (int i = 0; i <10; i+
+) { System.out.println("Value of I = " + i); } } }

1. The code will cause a compile time error indicating that no run method is
defined for the Thread class.
2. The code will cause a run time error indicating that no run method is defined
for the Thread class.
3. The code will compile successfully and at run time the values 0 to 9 are printed
4. The code will compile successfully but there will be no output at runtime.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 85: ATM multiplexes cells using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Asynchronous FDM
2. Synchronous FDM
3. Asynchronous TDM
4. Synchronous TDM
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 86: The task of proving that a given program works correctly is

1. Program tracing
2. Diagnosis
3. Program Verification
4. Check Pointing
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 87: second no: is twice the first no: and first no: is thrice the third no:.Their
avg is 20. Find the greatest no:

1. 36
2. 46
3. 45
4. 56
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: A computer programs that converts assembly language to machine

language is

1. Compiler
2. Interpreter
3. Assembler
4. Comparator
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 89: Name the supercomputer developed in the USA?

Correct Answer: 4.

Question 90: c-aptitude

main() { extern out; printf("%d", out); } int out=100;

1. 100
2. c=4;
3. Compiler Error: Constant expression required in function main.
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 91: Which symbol is used to make comments ?

1. //
2. #
3. !!

Correct Answer: 1

Question 92: Don Allen needs to increase the number of file system requests that a
server computer can process. To do this, he needs to change the number of
simultaneous requests that the server can process. Which of the following parameters
should he use to perform this task?

Correct Answer: 3.

Question 93: ——– means that the data contained in a database is accurate and

1. Data redundancy
2. Data integrity
3. Data reliability
4. Data consistency
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 94: Which disk interface standard included support for up to eight peripheral

1. ST50G /412
2. IDE
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 95: When you quickly press and releaes the left mouse button twice , you are

1. Primary-clicking
2. pointing
3. Double-clicking
4. Secondary-clicking
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 96: '.BAT' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

1. Compressed Archive file

2. System file
3. Audio file
4. Backup file
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 97: Which of the following variables retain the value throughout the lifetime of

1. auto
2. register
3. static
4. extern
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 98: Computers rely on ____________ for their input signals:

Computers rely on ____________ for their input signals:

1. solenoids.
2. sensors.
3. actuators.
4. all of the above.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 99: EEPROM can be erased by exposing it to

1. Sunlight
2. Ultraviolet radiation
3. Magnetic feild
4. Electric charge
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 100: A language that has the capability to produce new data types is known

1. Reprehensible
2. Encapsulated
3. Overloaded
4. Extensible
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 1: The transfer of data between main Memory and Cache is [03S08]

Correct Answer: 2.

Question 2: Which statement is correct about clustered indexes?

1. You create clustered indexes to store unsorted data.

2. You should create clustered index before creating a nonclustered index to
prevent recreating the nonclustered index.
3. You should not create clustered indexes on the columns that are accessed
frequently by using JOIN clauses.
4. You should create clustered index on columns that contain incremental values
such as date.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 3: Which section of Windows Registry is updated to register a COM


Correct Answer: 4.

Question 4: The size of the page table is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the page size

1. directly proportional to
2. inversely proportional to
3. does not depend on
4. equal to
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 5: Which of the following allows users to continue to operate computers while
printing is in progress?

1. Spooler
2. Job Control Program
3. Os Supervisor
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 6: The _______ is one of the system software programs.

1. word processor
2. database management system
3. operating system
4. application software
5. information system
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 7: A web server sends various types of files such as HTML documents,
graphics, videos and sounds. How does a web browser identify these types of files?

1. By the web server adding the file type prefix for the browser.
2. By using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol extension.
3. By using the MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extension) header.
4. A browser does not need to identify the file types since all these are displayed
in the same format.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 8: If objects are related to each other regardless of the number of relations,
the objects are known as:

1. object couple
2. object triple
3. object quadruple
4. object tuple
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 9: Style sheets are used for:

1. formatting XML data.

2. formatting XML data into SQL server rowset format for insertion.
3. validating XML data against style sheet file.
4. providing the template for mapping of XML nodes to that database table.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 10: Encryption means

1. Cipher to text
2. Text to cipher
3. Text to another Word format
4. None of the Above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 11: What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted
by a non-mask able interrupt?

1. a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the
current instruction.
2. b) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.
3. c) Processor serves the interrupt request immediately.
4. d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the
current task under execution.
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 12: To display a string in Java you use println( ) and print( ) methods. All
methods are members of some class. To which particular class does the println( ) and
print( ) methods belong?

1. Applet
2. Net
3. System
4. Util
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 13: Identify the correct statement.

1. Header tags are container tags and they range from level 1 to level 6.
2. Header tags are empty tags and they range from level 1 to level 6.
3. Header tags are container tags and they range from level 1 to level 7.
4. Header tags are empty tags and they range from level 1 to level 7.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: A series 200 POST error code indicates a problem with
A series 200 POST error code indicates a problem with

1. Hard drive
2. Ram or Rom
3. System board
4. Vdeo adapter
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 15: All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks

1. hackers
2. spam
3. viruses
4. identity theft.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 16: Which of the following options defines a plug-in?

1. A program that enhances the capabilities of a browser, and is used to view
external media files
2. A program used to view external image files
3. A program used to view inline video files
4. A program used to view inline images
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 17: Which of the following is a broadband communications channel?

1. Coaxial cable
2. Fiber optic cable
3. Microwave circuits
4. All of the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 18: __________is a permanent, legal document that formally states the
results of a medical investigation

1. medical transcription
2. medical prescription
3. medical document
4. medical anatomy
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 19: The program designer assures that the software will not fail because of

1. storage
2. timing
3. data flux
4. storage, timing, data flux
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 20: Which of the following operating system uses write through catches

2. DOS
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: C++ was developed by

1. Dennis Ritchie
2. Rick Mascitti
3. Bjarne Stroutstrup
4. Charles Babbage
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 22: If a computer's bios allows it, you can boot from a USB or Flash drive.

1. yes
2. no
3. don't know
4. cann't say
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 23: Which software quality factor specifies the effort required to learn and
operate the software?

1. Maintainability
2. Flexibility
3. Reliability
4. Usability
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 24: What is the need for a walkthrough session?

1. To analyze whether product conforms to the requirements

2. To conduct a project review
3. To do an in depth examination of the work products
4. To examine items based on a checklist
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 25: What is the base class of all data types?

1. Console
2. Object
3. String
4. Reference
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 26: In Tree data structure, Parent Node is also called as

1. Root
2. Main
3. Branch
4. Stem
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 27: Which option would you choose to show a Macromedia logo and
progress bar while a movie is being downloaded?

1. Loading
2. Transport control
3. Show Logo
4. Show Bar
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 28: Consider the directory structure /boot/test/Don/test. If Don Allen is

working on the Don directory, which of the following commands should he use to
navigate to the parent directory?

1. cd ..
2. cd test
3. cd /
4. cd .
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 29: The users reaction to the program in Visual Basic is called as ______.
1. Object
2. Click
3. Display
4. Event
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 30: When you are selecting a mouse for a particular computer system, what
is the most important consideration?

1. The type of drivers that come with the mouse

2. The length of the mouse cord
3. The type of connector the mouse is equipped with
4. The number of buttons the mouse has
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 31: To select text by shading as you drag the mouse arrow over the text is
known as

1. Clip art
2. To highlight
3. To fetch
4. To decode
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 32: Which of the following denote the type of protocol supported by

3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the Above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 33: A programmer has written the following code: main () { int I; XXX j; } This
programmer is willing to define properties of hardware components. Among the
following options, which one can replace XXX?
1. int
2. float
3. double
4. volatile
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 34: Which of the following word processors came first?

1. WordPerfect
2. Lotus Notes
3. MS Word
4. WordStar
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 35: The computer port used for connecting Modems is

1. Parallel Port
2. SCSI Port
3. Serial Port
4. USB
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 36: In the displayed syntax, what do the keyword OtherFlags denote? Syntax:
expression.ImportXML(DataSource, DataTransform, OtherFlags)

1. OtherFlags represents a bit mask that specifies other behaviors associated

with importing to XML.
2. OtherFlags represents a pointer that specifies other behaviors associated with
importing to XML.
3. OtherFlags represents a flag that specifies other behaviors associated with
exporting to XML.
4. OtherFlags represents a bit mask that specifies other parameters associated
with importing to XML.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 37: In FrontPage what is the name given to the special scrolling block of text
that moves across the page?
1. Link
2. Component
3. Marquee
4. Hotspot
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 38: Which of the given types of memory is made available though not
physically present in your computer?

1. Swapped memory
2. Active memory
3. Virtual memory
4. Inactive memory
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 39: Closed loop operation in a fuel injection system is based on:

1. oxygen content of exhaust gases.

2. volume of intake air.
3. fuel pressure.
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 40: A predicate is one that returns _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Integer value
2. Character value
3. Boolean value
4. Float value
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 41: You use the template element in an XSL style sheet to:

1. declare that the file is a stylesheet file.

2. define a template for the desired output.
3. indicate the XSL processor to search for the appropriate template to be applied
based on the type of each selected element
4. declare components of an XML document.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 42: In C, When we refer any variable by placing an * before it, the statement
does operation on ________ ?

1. Value stored at memory location

2. value stored at immediate next memory location
3. It locks the memory location
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 43: Which of the following tags is used to insert an image in an HTML
document ?


Correct Answer: 1.

Question 44: The simplest digital sensor is a:

The simplest digital sensor is a:

1. relay
2. switch
3. ac generator
4. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 45: The network at Smart Software Developers has been made secure using
IDS. The IDS detects a malicious activity related to operating system services, logs the
activity, and tracks the terminal. Which intrusion detection method has been used in the
described scenario?

1. Active
2. Host based
3. Hybrid
4. Passive
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 46: You need to show the mathematical expression for square root of 1+x in
your HTML page. Which code would give you the desired output?

1. 1+x
2. 1 1+x
3. 1+x
4. 1+x
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 47: You have created an ActiveX control, which is used to open the Web
browser installed on the user’s computer and navigate the home page of your
company’s Web site. The moment the mouse cursor is positioned over the control, the
shape of the cursor is to change to a hand-shaped pointer. Which event of the control
do you need to code in order to change the shape of the mouse cursor?

1. LostFocus
2. GotFocus
3. MouseMove
4. MouseDown
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 48: Which of the following types of links is supported by BizTalk


1. Port to port
2. Action to Port
3. Port to Action
4. One to one
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 49: The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to
questions or clicking an icon, are called:

1. instructions
2. the operating system
3. application software.
4. the system unit.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 50: The following language does not support operator overloading

1. C++
2. Ada
3. C
4. Java
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 51: Which module command is used to identify the uninstalled Kernel
modules and install them on the Kernel?

1. rmmod command
2. depmod command
3. modprobe command
4. modinfo command
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 52: DOSKEY is a:

DOSKEY is a:

1. ROM command
2. Hardware driver
3. Modem command
4. TSR program
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 53: Each C statement gets terminated with the notation

1. ;
2. %
3. $
4. #
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 54: John needs to specify the color of the visited links of a Web page as
purple. To do this, he needs to use the:

1. CSS Styles window

2. Code and Design window
3. Page Properties dialog box
4. Select File dialog box
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 55: In computer terminology , the term wetware stands for

1. artifical intelligence
2. speech recognition
3. any organic intelligence
4. Molecular scale computer
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 56: What file is a Windows 95 Registry backup file?

What file is a Windows 95 Registry backup file?

1. User.da0
2. Sys.bak
3. Reg.bak
4. System.bak
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 57: Data cache performs slightly _ _ _ _ _ with SMT, while the l2 cache
performs slightly _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. worse ,better
2. worse,worse
3. Instruction - level, high end
4. thread level, high-end
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 58: Black box testing
What is Black box testing ?

1. Tests are based on requirements and functionality.

2. Based on any knowledge of internal design or code.
3. Tests are based on coverage of code statements, branches, paths, conditions
4. All of the Above.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 59: A computer virus is-

1. A chemical that attacks silicon

2. Data that the computer fails to handle
3. A special kind of computer programme
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 60: The Internet was launched in 1969 when the United States funded a
project to developed a national computer network called _________

3. the web
4. WWW
5. IRC
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 61: CPU time =

1. cpu execution clock cycles *(memory stall clock cycles+clock cycle time)
2. cpu execution clock cycles +memory stall clock cycles+clock cycle time
3. (cpu execution clock cycles +memory stall clock cycles)*clock cycle time
4. cpu execution clock cycles+ memory stall clock cycles*clock cycle time
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 62: The Central Processing Unit is an embeded chip that acts as the 'brains'
of a computer. What Intel chip was used in the Altair (the first real personal computer)?

1. 6502
2. 8080
3. 6400
4. 8286
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 63: Verification of a login name and password is known as:

1. configuration.
2. accessibility.
3. authentication.
4. logging in.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 64: What command will bring up the system information page of your PC?

1. sysinfo.exe
2. msddet.exe
3. winmsd.exe
4. oswinsd.exe
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 65: Which of the following denote methods of HttpServlet class?

1. doOptions()
2. doTrace()
3. doGet()
4. All of the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 66: In a compiler there is 36 bit for a word and to store a character 8bits are >
needed. IN this to store > a character two words are appended .Then for storing a K
characters string, > How many words are needed.

1. 2k/9
2. (2k+8)/9
3. (k+8)/9
4. 2*(k+8)/9
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 67: If an operation is done with out intervening operation then the operation

1. deadlocked
2. atomic
3. starved
4. None
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 68: Which of the following statements best describes the "route once, switch
many" process?
(Select the best choice.)

1. A switch forwards all packets to a router, which then makes all forwarding
2. All packets are sent to a router, which forwards all packets to a switch, which
in turn forwards the packets to the destination.
3. A router forwards a packet to its destination; the switch learns the forwarding
information relevant to that destination and then forwards all subsequent packets
to that destination
4. A router forwards a packet to a switch, the switch then forwards the packet to
the destination and sends the forwarding information to the router so that the
router can forward all subsequent packets to that destination
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 69: What is the function of the \target:winexe command?

1. Specifies the output file to be used

2. Creates a windows program
3. Stores the windows comments
4. Generates an windows report
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 70: Which one of the following options should you use to list all the elements
with a specific name in the DOM?

1. GetElementsByTag
2. GetElementsName
3. GetElementsByTagName
4. GetElementsByNamespace
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 71: Identify the correct code that you would use to create an object view
faculty_v as a subview of member_v object view. The view needs to be based on the
faculty_typ object type of the table org_table.

1. Create view faculty_v of faculty_typ under member_v As Select * From

2. Create view faculty_v of faculty_typ As Select * From org_table;
3. Create view member_v of faculty_typ under faculty_v As Select * From
4. Create view faculty_v under member_v As Select * From org_table;
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 72: A structure in which classes, objects, and attributes are ranked in levels is
known as:

1. multiple structure
2. hierarchical structure
3. physical structure
4. logical structure
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 73: Assertion: Compromising on space improves the execution speed of the
program. Reason: If less space is used, less of memory referencing is done

1. Both the assertion and reason are true statements and the reason is correct
explanation of the assertion
2. Both assertion and reason are true statements, but the reason is not a correct
explanation of the assertion
3. The assertion is true but the reason is a false statement
4. The assertion is false hence the reason does not apply
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 74: In OST, terminal emulation is done in

1. sessions layer
2. application layer
3. presentation layer
4. transport layer
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 75: You need to list down the components and their features on the Web
page. What would you use to organize this information?

1. Table
2. Image
3. Link
4. Background color
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 76: ____________ is a software that converts a computer language into

machine language.

1. Replicator
2. Compiler
3. Converter
4. Operator
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 77: Identify the syntax for loading the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver into the
JVM of an application.

1. Class.forName ("jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
2. Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
3. Class.ForName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
4. Class.forName ("JdbcOdbcDriver");
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 78: what is the use of cascade constraints?

1. deletes a table
2. When this clause is used with the drop command, a parent table can be
dropped even when a child table exists
3. drops a table
4. does not delete a child table
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 79: What is Internet 2?

1. A new type of cabling system for Wide Area Networks

2. A second local area network that can connect with another online LAN to
share access
3. A new standard for Internet browsers
4. An association to develop advanced Internet technology
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 80: A ____ is a pointing device.

1. monitor
2. mouse
3. keyboard
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 81: How many types of Text formatting are available in HTML?

1. Physical/logical formatting
2. Graphical formatting
3. Standard formatting
4. Normal formatting
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 82: Which object in the Document Object Model (DOM) provides a method to
reload the current URL of the browser?

1. The window object

2. The document object.
3. The location object.
4. The collection object.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 83: You are planning to automate Windows 2000 Professional installation by
using the Windows 2000 Setup Manager. Where can you locate the Setup Manager for
this purpose?

1. In the file located in Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM

2. In the Deploy. cab file located in Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM
3. In the Setup. cab file located in Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM
4. In the file located in Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 84: The process of shifting mantissa to left till its most significant bit is non-
zero is called:

1. division
2. shifting
3. normalization
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 85: The number of the data packets stored for transmission between two
TCP/IP hosts is called:

1. sliding window.
2. packet size.
3. window size.
4. sliding packet.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: The ATM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub layer is concerned with getting

the bits on and off the wire

1. Physical Layer
2. ATM Layer
3. AAL1
4. AAL2
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 87: Identify the statement that is correct for isolation levels in SQL Server

1. Isolation levels consist of Read uncommitted, Read committed, and

2. Isolation level determines the degree to which a transaction can reject
inconsistent data.
3. Isolation level is the degree to which a resource is isolated for one transaction
to maintain data consistency and accuracy.
4. Isolation levels have nothing to do with transactions.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 88: The primary purpose of a computer is to process _____________ and

convert it into information.

1. A. electricity
2. B. data
3. C. raw material
4. D. a bit
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 89: Harry is learning Microsoft Word. He opens a blank document and begins
entering text. He reaches the end of the line. What does he need to do to move into
next line?

1. Press ENTER.
2. Press ESC key.
3. Press TAB key
4. Do nothing and keep typing.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 90: Susan Ward is the network administrator of New Garment Inc. New
Garment Inc. has recently acquired a small garment manufacturing organization named
WearCool Inc. She wants to modify the domain names of WearCool Inc. without
recreating them. Which of the following options enable her to do so?

1. Microsoft Management Console

2. RENDOM.EXE command-line utility
3. Active Directory Users and Computers
4. Terminal Service Manager
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 91: Computers use the ____________ language to process data.

1. processing
2. kilobyte
3. binary
4. representational
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 92: What type of Cable is used to connect CPU from electric switch board?

1. Rj11
2. Rj9
3. RJ45
4. Rj45
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 93: Hig level programming languages were first developed during the

1. First genertion
2. Second generation
3. Third generation
4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 94: The following pseudocode has been written to find the largest of 10
numbers: begin numeric nNum, nNumLargest, nCounter = 1 accept nNum
nNumLargest = nNum while nCounter < 10 begin accept nNum if nNum > nNumLargest
begin nNumLargest = nNum end nCounter = nCounter + 1 end display ôThe largest of
the ten numbers entered is: ô, nNumLargest end How many numbers will be accepted if
the statement while nCounter < 10 is altered to while nCounter <= 10?

1. 10
2. 11
3. 9
4. 7
5. Infinite
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 95: You are designing a JavaScript page. You want to write an event handler
to handle the event when an user clicks the stop button before an image is completely
loaded. Which event handler should you use?

1. onClick
2. onUnload
3. onLoad
4. onAbort
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 96: When files are transferred between a host and an FTP server, the data is
divided into smaller pieces for transmission. As these pieces arrive at the destination
host, they must be reassembled to reconstruct the original file. What provides for the
reassembly of these pieces into the correct order?
Cisco Certified Network Associate

1. The sequence number in the TCP header

2. The Start Frame Delimiter in the 802.3 Preamble
3. The TTL in the IP header
4. The acknowledgement number in the segment header
5. The frame check sequence in the Ethernet frame trailer
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 97: Under which scheduling processes can be interrupted whether they have
completed their current task or not?

1. Dyanamic
2. Non-primitive
3. Static
4. Primitive
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 98: Which option should Saran select to modify the desktop settings of her
computer to reflect the appearance that is provided in earlier versions of Windows
operating system.
1. Control Panel--Appearance and Themes--Change the computer’s theme--
2. Control Panel--Appearance and Themes--Change the desktop background
3. Control Panel-- Appearance and Themes-- Change the screen resolution
4. Appearance and Themes--Change the computer’s theme--Desktop--
Customize Desktop
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 99: Which protocol will send a message to routers if a network outage or
congestion occurs?

1. IP
2. ARP
4. TCP
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 100: Which wizard is used to create a new Web site?

1. Import Web
2. Export Web
3. Database wizard
4. Form Wizard
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 1: The computer port used for connecting Modems is

1. Parallel Port
2. SCSI Port
3. Serial Port
4. USB
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 2: which of the following is true of the following program main() { char *c; int
*ip; c=(char *)malloc(100); ip=(int *)c; free(ip); }

1. the code functions properly by releasing all the

2. results in compilation error as a pointer of
3. the program ties to free more memory than allocated and results in run time
4. works well except when the machine runs low on
Correct Answer: 5.

Question 3: c programing
where is the c programing language developed?

1. Department of Computer Science ,University of Calgary

2. AT &T's bell laboratories of USA
3. Laboratries of language ,France
4. USA Lab of language,USA
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 4: Which one of the following options does NOT represent a valid step which
an SSL-enabled server goes through to authenticate a user's identity?

1. Check whether the user's private key validates the user's digital signature.
2. Check whether today's date is within the validity period.
3. Check whether the issuing CA's public key validates the issuer's digital
4. Check whether the issuing CA is a trusted CA.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 5: Visual basic project will be stored with what extension ?

1. .frm
2. .bas
3. .vbp
4. .vbw
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 6: Identify the correct option about the following statements. Statement A:
Director MX enables you to create text-to-speech, captioning, and tab-navigation
features to Web-based Shockwave content or standalone applications. Statement B:
The data browser functionality in Director MX enables you to examine the properties of
script instances and the hierarchy of elements inside 3D cast members and Flash MX
sprites. Statement C: A Director MX 3D movie includes 3D cast member, 3D text, and
3D behaviors that help creating a 3D Director MX movie environment. Statement D:
Using Macromedia Shockwave Player, you can view the affects of the created Director
MX 3D movie.

1. Statement A is false.
2. Statement B is false.
3. Statement C is false.
4. Statements A, B, C and D are true.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 7: Header file normally contains

1. Preprocessor directive
2. Structure, enum declaration
3. Global variable declaration
4. All of the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 8: What does it mean to have a clean desktop?

What does it mean to have a clean desktop?

1. there are no programs open on the desktop

2. there are no bits of paper on the floor
3. everything is turned off
4. you have thoroughly dusted your area
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 9: In floating point representation the radix position

1. must be represented physically

2. is assumed and not represented physically
3. has no significance
4. is represented separately along with position of radix point
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 10: Don needs to send and receive mail messages from his colleagues. To
communicate using mail messages in Netscape 6, Don needs to create a
1. new mail account.
2. new folder.
3. new message filter.
4. new window.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 11: CK1 is a switch in the Certkiller network. Why will CK1 never learn the
broadcast address?
Cisco Certified Network Associate

1. Broadcast frames are never sent to switches

2. A broadcast frame is never forwarded by a switch
3. Broadcasts only use network layer addressing
4. A broadcast address will never be the source address of a frame
5. Broadcast addresses use an incorrect format for the switching table
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 12: UNIX is a … user operating system.

1. Single
2. Multi
3. Can not say
4. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 13: Which mechanism allows the same program to run in any location in
physical memory

1. reloading
2. Relocation
3. memory mapping
4. linking
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 14: Statement A: When two frames are linked, the content of one text frame
flows into another when the text exceeds the size of the first frame. Statement B: When
two frames are linked, the change in the format of one frame is not reflected in the other
1. Both Statement A and Statement B are false.
2. Both Statement A and Statement B are true.
3. Statement A is false and Statement B is true.
4. Statement A is true and Statement B is false.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 15: Which of the following option defines a frame?

1. A frame refers to a collection of files and folders of a Web site.

2. A frame is a region in a browser window that is capable of displaying an HTML
3. A frame is an area where all document windows and panels are integrated into
one application.
4. A frames is a feature of Dreamweaver MX which makes the formatting
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 16: Which of the following is not a valid column name?

1. 1ST_ID
2. CUST#
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 17: main() { int a=10,b; a>= 5 ? b=100 : b=200; printf("\n%d",b); }

1. lvalue required in function main().

2. No Error
3. Compiler Error
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 18: The operating system allows users to organize the computer’s contents in
a hierarchical structure of directories that include all of the following EXCEPT ?

1. Files
2. Folders
3. Drives
4. Systems
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 19: Which file format provides tabs between the fields as field terminator and
a new-line character at the end of each row as row terminator?

1. Native
2. Unicode Character
3. Native Character
4. Unicode Native
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 20: When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to
the function are pushed into the stack is

1. a) left to right
2. b) right to left
3. c) bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variables.
4. d) Smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: Drawing flow charts, block diagrams, and other technical graphics is best
accomplished using which of the following software products?

1. Jasc Paint Shop Pro

2. Microsoft Visio
3. Macromedia Dreamweaver
4. Adobe Illustrator
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 22: Ned wants to find out the medium used by the visitors to visit his Web
site. Which one of the following headers in the ServerVariables collection should he

1. The HTTP_REFERER header.

2. The HTTP_USER_AGENT header.
3. The REMOTE_ADDR header.
4. The QUERY_STRING header.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 23: Which protocol is used on the Internet for file downloads?
Which protocol is used on the Internet for file downloads?

1. DNS
3. FTP
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 24: In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly

2. LRU
3. LFU
4. NRU
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 25: The full form of ROM is

1. read on memory
2. read only memory
3. read opposite memory
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 26: You implement a COM component named CalCom. If a client application
uses CalCom in a transaction, you need all of the methods of the CalCom to be invoked
within the transaction. However, if a client application does not use CalCom in a
transaction, you need to ensure that none of the methods are invoked within the
transaction. Which MTS Transaction Mode property you must set for CalCom?

1. NoTransaction
2. UsesTransaction
3. NotAnMTSObject
4. RequiresTransaction
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 27: Statement: Hotfixes should be applied only to the vulnerable systems in
your network instead of all systems. Reason: Vendors issue hotfixes regularly. Which of
the following options is correct?

1. The statement is true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
2. The statement is false but the reason is true.
3. The statement is true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the
4. Both the statement and the reason are false.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 28: Which of the following is NOT a part of the CMM maturity levels?

1. Defined
2. Managed
3. Evaluation
4. Optimizing
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 29: How many bit processor is 8088?

1. 4bit
2. 16bit
3. 8bit
4. 18bit
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 30: Consider the following statements: Statement A: PowerPoint 2003

assigns the name of the default Team Web site as the document workspace name.
Statement B: PowerPoint 2003 assigns Team Web Site as the location of the document
workspace. Which of the following options is correct?

1. Statement A is true, and Statement B is false.

2. Statement A is false, and Statement B is true.
3. Both Statement A and Statement B are true.
4. Both Statement A and Statement B are false.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 31: Susan has created a Web graphic by using Illustrator 10.0. The artwork
contains art objects in multiple layers. Susan needs to export the artwork in an SWF
format. She needs to export each layer of the artwork to a separate SWF frame. Identify
the option Susan will select in the Export As drop-down list in the Macromedia Flash
(SWF) Format Options dialog box.

1. AI Layers to SWF Frames

2. AI File to SWF Files
3. AI Layers to SWF Files
4. Frame Rate
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: Which object enables you to specify and retrieve values that persist
between pages in your Web application?

1. Response
2. Redirect
3. Application
4. Session
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 33: what is a "clever path"______

Regarding to satellite what is a "clever path"

1. Coverage area of Satellite signals

2. Distance travelled by Satillite
3. The Path On which the Satillite Will Move
4. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 34: The name of an animal used in a computer

1. Cat
2. Mouse
3. Bat
4. Monkey
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 35: What are the various types of image maps?

1. Client-side and server-side image maps

2. Web site image maps
3. jpeg
4. gif
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: In a DMA transfer, which component is responsible for controlling data

2. CPU
3. CPU
4. I/O device
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 37: There are two users of a Windows NT computer. Both of them have
Administrator privileges. The first user installs MS Office 97 on the computer. The
second user, who has a different profile, installs MS Office 95 in the same folder. Which
of the following situations is possible?

1. Both the users will be able to run both the versions off MS Office
2. The first user will be able to run Office 97 and the second user will be able to
run Office 95
3. Both the users will be able to run only Office 95
4. Both the users will be able to run the higher version, that is, Office 97
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 38: A(n)________allows network users to share a single copy of software,

which resides on the network server.

1. single-user license agreement

2. network site license
3. end-user license agreement
4. business software license
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 39: Which is not an internet protocol?

2. FTP
3. STP
4. IP
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 40: Electrostatic discharge occurs when objects ?

Electrostatic discharge occurs when objects ?

1. have dissimilar electric potential

2. Are removed from their protective bags
3. Are in a humid environmen
4. Are ungrounded
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 41: Memory

If there are 1024*1280 pixels on a screen and each pixel can have around 16 million
colors. Find the memory required for this?

1. 4MB
2. 8MB
3. 1024MB
4. 24MB
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 42: Sam has used the Choice class to create a pop-up menu of choices in his
Java applet. Which one of the following options is the correct way of implementing the
Choice class?

1. Choice c = new Choice(;

2. Choice c = new Choice(;
3. Choice c = new Choice(); c.add("Red");
4. Choice c = new Choice(); c.addColor("Red")
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: Which tool (where is this tool—specify) helps will you use to make
irregular selections:?

1. Subselect tool
2. Arrow tool
3. Lasso tool
4. Hand tool
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 44: Which of the following is an example of an input device?

1. scanner
2. speaker
3. CD
4. printer
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 45: Identify the correct statement in context of ColdFusion.

1. ColdFusion is platform-dependent.
2. ColdFusion allows you to create your own functions.
3. ColdFusion is used to create static content on the web pages.
4. ColdFusion supports both Unix and Windows platforms.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 46: An exclamation point by the device in the device manager indicates that?
An exclamation point by the device in the device manager indicates that?

1. Device is removed
2. Device has a problem
3. Device is working properly
4. Device was disabled
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 47: Which of the following features of Word 2003 enables you to prevent
sensitive information being transferred to unauthorized users?

1. IRM
2. Style locking
3. Document workspace
4. Editing controls
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 48: SMTP is a protocol used for what purpose on the Internet?
SMTP is a protocol used for what purpose on the Internet?

1. WWW access
2. Management
3. E-Mail
4. File transfers
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 49: CD-Rom drives typically have which of the following interfaces?

1. Serial
2. Parallel
3. IDE
4. All the Above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 50: This virus activated every Friday the 13th, affects both .EXE and .COM
files and deletes any programs run on that day. What is the name of that virus?

1. Chernobyl
2. Jerusalem
3. Melissa
4. I Love You
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 51: Predict the output of the following code snippet: String s="Hello";
s.concat("World"); System.out.println(s);

1. Hello
2. World
3. HelloWorld
4. Nothing
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 52: Which tool can you use to ensure the authenticity of the sender of a
message at the receiver end?

1. IDS
2. Firewalls
3. Virtual Private Networks
4. Certificates
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 53: What does the WM_COMMAND message do?

1. Notifies the program that the user has selected a menu item.
2. Retrieves ASCII keyboard inputs.
3. Notifies the program that a window is being destroyed after it is removed from
the screen.
4. Requests to terminate an application.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 54: The network of Global Systems, Inc. is based on Windows Server 2003.
Lee Mitchell is the network administrator. The organization has three departments:
Sales. Production, and Finance. Lee wants to provide uniform security to employees in
one department. Identify the network component that Lee will create in such a scenario
to simplify his task.

1. Physical network components

3. Static address
4. Workgroup
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 55: The -N parameter is used to perform the bulk copy operation by using:

1. Unicode character data types.

2. Unicode native data types.
3. native data types.
4. character data types.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 56: ______ is the process of accessing files from a disk.

1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Printing
4. Spanning
5. Caching
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 57: The output quality of a printer is measured by

1. Dot per inch

2. Dot per sq. inch
3. Dots printed per unit time
4. All of above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 58: You want to open a particular file by default each time you open Excel.
How do you accomplish this task?

1. You have to save your file as Start.

2. You have to save your file as XLStart.
3. You have to store your file in the XLStart folder.
4. You have to save your file in the Start Folder.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 59: Which color mode would you select to print commercial print jobs?

2. Duotone
3. RGB
4. Grayscale
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 60: In a DNS database a zone is a sub tree of the DNS database that is
administered. What defines the general parameters for the DNS zone?

1. The reverse lookup file

2. The Start of Authority record (SOA)
3. The cache file
4. The Boot file
5. None of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 61: Michelle has prepared different workbooks pertaining to the stock in
store. She could not prepare a consolidated stock as she had to attend to other tasks. In
order to prepare report the consolidated report, she now has to open all the workbooks
one by one. Suggest a solution to her problem so that she does not waste time opening
each workbook.

1. She does not need to create a consolidated workbook.

2. She can save all the workbooks as one workspace.
3. She can save all the workbooks as one workbook.
4. She can save all the workbooks as one worksheet.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 62: A series 400, 500, or 2400 POST error code indicates a problem with:

1. hard drive
2. ram or rom
3. system board
4. video adapter
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 63: Typically, hard disk drives employ what technology as a storage

1. 1. Laser
2. 2. Magnetic
3. 3. Light
4. 4. Chemical
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 64: Types of virus attacks are: 1. Lovebug 2. Melissa 3. FTP Bounce 4. SYN
Flooding 5. Ping Flooding

1. 1 and 5
2. 1 and 2
3. 2 and 3
4. 2 and 4
5. 1 and 3
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 65: All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:

1. hard disk drives.

2. printers
3. floppy disk drives.
4. CD drives.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 66: What would you use for immediate, real-time communication with a

1. Instant Messenging
2. E-Mail
3. Usenet
4. A mailing list
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 67: DTS Data Pump is:

1. a primary mechanism to run a separate executable program or batch file as a

2. a primary mechanism for moving and transforming data between
heterogeneous data sources.
3. an OLE DB service provider for importing, exporting, and transforming data
between heterogeneous data sources.
4. a primary mechanism to execute T-SQL statements on rows of data.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 68: Which system board can handle 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit I/O cards?
Which system board can handle 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit I/O cards?

1. ISA
2. MCA
4. PCI
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 69: Which of the following places the common data elements in order from
smallest to largest

1. character, file, record, field, database

2. character, record, field, database, file
3. character, field, record, file, database
4. Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database,
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 70: Assembly language can be used with which programming language?

2. Lisp
3. C
4. Java
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 71: ——– controls the way in which the computer system functions and
provides a means by which users are interact with the computer.

1. The platform
2. The operating system
3. Application software
4. The motherboard
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 72: If you want to copy the entire contents of one disk to another disk, which
of the following command is used :

Correct Answer: 2.

Question 73: V-RAM is used for access of the following?

1. Video & Graphics

2. Text & Images
3. Programs
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 74: What is another name for a motherboard?

1. 1. CPU
2. 2. Fatherboard
3. 3. Main system
4. 4. System board
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 75: Which of the following is the stored program in FrontPage, that runs when
a user submits a form and transfers the data to the database?

1. Search Form
2. Form Handler
3. Comment
4. Hit Counter
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 76: Which of the following tool is used for implementing WMI, which enables
system administrators to manage WMI classes and instances, run queries, and execute

1. Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line Tool

2. WMI Control
3. Windows Management Instrumentation Tester
4. WMI Object Browser
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 77: What keystrokes shows the possible commands in privilege mode?

1. help
2. h
3. ctrl+h
4. ?
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 78: Name the IP account that does not require an internet service provider to
access the Internet.

1. SLIP Access Account

2. PPP Access Account
3. Leased Line
4. Shell Account.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 79: You have created a web site of your family. On it, you want to display a lot
of photographs of your family. What component can you add to help you in this task?

1. The Photo Gallery Component.

2. You don't need any special component. Insert the photographs as you do with
a graphic.
3. The Picture Component.
4. The Album Component.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 80: For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required?

1. 11
2. 16
3. 24
4. 24
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 81: AVL tree is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ binary tree [03S02]

1. Complete
2. Full
3. Height balanced
4. Skewed
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 82: AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)slot is designed for what component

1. Sound Cards
2. Video Cards
3. Keyboard Connection
4. Ethernet Connection
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 83: Cache memory is made up of much faster memory called

1. non-volatile memory
2. virtual memory
5. Flash RAM
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 84: Your organization has purchased an application that uses an Oracle
database as the repository for application data. Your job is to install and configure the
Oracle Database 10g software on the server. Which of the following should you do first?

1. Create mount points and directories using the OFA model.

2. Mount the Oracle CD and start the Oracle Universal Installer.
3. Review the installation guides and release notes to familiarize yourself with the
install process.
4. Work with the Unix system administrator to configure kernel parameters
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 85: Which of the following is a feature of Windows Rights Management?

1. It facilitates a robust file level protection.

2. It enables Office 2003 applications to implement rights assigned to files and e-
mail messages.
3. It helps to protect confidential and sensitive information.
4. It provides the core functionality for IRM protection in Office 2003.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: Identify the feature of Internet Explorer 6.0 that you use to send a picture
from a Web page through e-mail to your friend.

1. The media bar

2. The image toolbar
3. IEAK 6.0
4. Automatic Image Resize
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 87: Technician A says that a digital signal is either on or off. Technician B
says that an analog signal changes proportionally to the quantity measured. Who is

1. Technician A only.
2. Technician B only.
3. Both Technician A and B.
4. Neither Technician A nor B.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 88: Which one of the following options represents the basis of the RSA public
key cryptosystem?

1. It is based on a trap-door, one-way function.

2. It is based on a trap-door, two-way function.
3. It is based on a open-door, one-way function.
4. It is based on a open-door, two-way function.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 89: A kilobyte contains

1. 1000 bytes
2. 1048 bytes
3. 1024 bytes
4. 1024 bytes
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 90: What is the extension of a macro file?

1. .DSM
2. .MAC
3. .DSN
4. .MRC
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 91: How much bits comes under 1MB ?

1. 1000 kilobits
2. 1000 *8 kilobits
3. 1024 *8 kilobits
4. 1024 kilobits
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 92: Your IDE CD-Rom drive is attached to the primary IDE adapter with our
hard drive how should its jumpers be set?

1. As a Master
2. As a Slave
3. As Neutral
4. Auto detect
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 93: CSMA/CD and token bus user choose _ _ _ _ _ _ bridge

1. Source routing bridge

2. Transparent bridge
3. Remote bridge
4. Selective Bridges
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 94: ________ elements are paired and have start and end tags.

1. empty
2. container
3. fill
4. standard
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 95: Which of the following language is used in making web pages?

1. C++
4. Java
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 96: Which tab on the Options dialog box enables you to collaborate with your
team members and stakeholders?

1. General
2. Collaborate
3. View
4. Calendar
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 97: Identify the incorrect statement about the attributes of an interface.

1. An interface cannot be upgraded with the same version number.

2. An interface is strongly typed.
3. A COM object cannot implement multiple interfaces.
4. An interface must have a unique identifier.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 98: Which of the following viruses infects documents and templates, not
executable portions of code.

1. Macro virus
2. Stealth Virus
3. Polymorphic virus
4. Micro Virus
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 99: Which database object will you create to enforce business rule?

1. Stored Procedures
3. Indexes
4. Triggers
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 100: A Static jolt of as little of __________ volts can fry most any PC
integrated circuit.

1. 200
2. 30
3. 1000
4. 200
5. 500
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 1: Which one of the following is the command to allow all the users to view
the data in the Employee table?


Correct Answer: 3.

Question 2: Which type of interface provides for the fastest data transfer?

1. IDE
3. Parallel
4. Serial
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 3: Which of the following term defines single stepping?

1. Single stepping enables you to combine related macros to manage databases

more efficiently.
2. Single stepping enables you to debug errors by running a macro, one action at
a time.
3. Single stepping enables you to create an encrypted electronic signature to
authenticate macros.
4. Single stepping enables you to certify the authenticity of the sender of an e-
mail message.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 4: The FileOutputStream class enables you to:

1. read the output of a file.

2. provide the capability of placing bookmarks on the stream.
3. create streams for storing data in a file.
4. read and write data from disk files.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 5: What part of a laser printer cannot stand to be exposed to light?

What part of a laser printer cannot stand to be exposed to light?

1. Drum
2. Fuser assembly
3. Light scanner
4. Cleaner blade
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 6: Which global variable can be used by all the functions in a file?

1. Extern
2. Register
3. Static
4. Auto
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 7: The structures of the table and object types are displayed. Which code
would you write to create a view, DEPT_VIEW, based on the DEPT_T object type?
Structure of the DEPT Table DeptNo NUMBER Primary Key DeptName VARCHAR2(20)
DeptStreet VARCHAR2(30) DeptCity VARCHAR2(25) DeptState VARCHAR2(25)
DeptZip NUMBER Structure of the ADDRESS_TY object type Street VARCHAR2(30)
City VARCHAR2(25) State CHAR(25) ZIP NUMBER Structure of the DEPT_T object
type DeptCode NUMBER Dept_Name VARCHAR2(20) Address ADDRESS_TY

1. create view DEPT_VIEW of DEPT_T with object identifier(DeptNo) as select

d.DeptNo,d.DeptName,d.DeptStreet, d.DeptCity,d.DeptState,d.DeptZip as
deptaddr from DEPT d;
2. create view DEPT_VIEW of DEPT_T with object identifier (DeptCode) as
select DeptCode, Dept_Name, Address as deptaddr from DEPT_T;
3. create view DEPT_VIEW of DEPT_T with object identifier(d.DeptNo) as select
d.DeptNo, d.DeptName, ADDRESS_TY(Street,City,State,Zip) as deptaddr from
4. create view DEPT_VIEW of DEPT_T with object identifier(DeptCode) as select
d.DeptNo, d.DeptName,
ADDRESS_TY(d.DeptStreet,d.DeptCity,d.DeptState,d.DeptZip) as deptaddr
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 8: To shut down my computer correctly, i would

1. Click on start,then select shutdown,then select shutdown

2. Turn off the power switch
3. Switch of directly CPU
4. Click on start ,then select reset
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 9: Which type of memory would not be considered to be volatile memory?
Which type of memory would not be considered to be volatile memory?

3. ROM
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 10: A variable can be declared in Visual Basic simply by using , a ___ in the
program ?

1. property
2. value
3. name
4. both 1 and 3
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 11: what is meant by sequel?

1. pl/sql
2. dbms
3. sql
4. oracle
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 12: Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a Microprocessor is ?

1. To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack)

2. To store address of next instruction to be executed.
3. count the number of instructions.
4. to store base address of the stack.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 13: Which of the following involves context switch?

1. system call
2. priviliged instruction
3. floating poitnt exception
4. all the above
5. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 14: Which input type is used for displaying a submit button in the browser?

1. Submit
2. Text
3. Textarea
4. Button
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 15: Find What technique is this

The technique that forces a user to remain on a particular Web page

1. Web Scurrbing
2. Pageterminater
3. Mousetrapping
4. Webpage locker
5. none
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 16: What may you need to upgrade after installing a brand new IDE drive on
your old PC?

1. new drive controller

2. more Ram
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 17: Trie structures name is derived from the word [19S02]

1. search
2. storing
3. retrieval
4. management
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 18: In characateristic, a plus sign (+) is to be shifted

1. to the left a certain number of places

2. to the zero a certain numbers of places
3. to the right a certain number of places
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 19: When connection - oriented service is used, transfers have distinct

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 20: Window 2000 is

1. An exhibition on interior decoration

2. An exhibition on interior decoration
3. A new political programme launched by Bill Clinton to help remove slums in the
4. A famous book on computers
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: Choose all of the following that are advantages to segmenting with

1. Manageability
2. Flow control
3. Explicit packet lifetime control
4. Multiple active paths
5. All of the above is correct
Correct Answer: 5.
Question 22: Why was the first Intel Celeron processor not as popular as expected?

1. 1. Had errors
2. 2. No level 2 cache
3. 3. Caused errors
4. 4. Caused Excess heat
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 23: Which of the following is used to check in particular page the session will
be alive or not?

1. ifAlive()
2. checkAlive()
3. isAlive()
4. None of the Above
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 24: A shift register can be used for

1. Parallel to serial conversion

2. Serial to parallel conversion
3. Digital delay line
4. All the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 25: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ senIn a failure-intolerant LAN if thetotal intervals and

intervals of no failures are 8974 and 8605 respectively, then what percentages of hours
a user can`t get his work doneds different streams simultaneously on the same fiber
using different wavelengths of light

1. coaxial cable
2. Response times of the naive cost-preformance design & evaluation
3. 41ms
4. 4.1 %
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 26: A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a ....... resident

1. CPU
2. Memory
3. Buffer
4. ALU
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 27: The traditional mouse requires a mouse pad to provide friction for its:

1. A. touchpad.
2. B. tracker.
3. C. optical sensor.
4. D. rollerball.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 28: How many 1's are there in the binary form of 8*1024 + 3*64 + 3

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 2
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 29: Which process does a file with inline assembly go through during the
compilation phase?

1. Compiler with inline assembler

2. Linker
3. Assembler
4. Code Optimization
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 30: A goal of data mining includes which of the following

1. to explain some observed event or condition

2. to confirm that data exists
3. to analyze data for expected relationships
4. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 31: Which of the following is high level language?

2. assembly language
3. machine language
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 32: Joe created a Customers table for his library database. While entering
data in Datasheet View he realizes that he forgot to add a field for fines due by a
customer. He wants to ensure that it is a field of currency data type. How can he
accomplish this task?

1. It is not possible to add a new field after the design stage.

2. Switch to Design View, delete the table and start over.
3. Switch to Design View, click on the first blank field and enter the desired field
name and set the data type to Currency.
4. Switch to Design View, copy the CustomerName field from the same table to
the clipboard and then paste it in an empty row.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 33: Which of the following language given below uses the concepts of

1. C++
2. C#
3. Java
4. All of the above
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 34: Segmenting your network with a bridge will produce which of the following

1. it will result in a greater number of collision domains.

2. it will result in a greater number of broadcast domains.
3. it will result in fewer broadcast domains.
4. it will result in fewer collision domains
5. it will result in a equal no of collision and broadcast domains
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 35: A program that converts a high level language program to a set of
instructions that can run on a computer is called a

1. compiler
2. editor
3. debugger
4. none of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: HDD in Computers Stands For ?

1. High definition display

2. High Digital Display
3. Hide Detection Drive
4. Hard Disk Drive
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 37: Which Intel chip was the first to support a 32-bit bus architecture?

1. 486SI
2. Pentium
3. 286
4. 386DX
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 38: You use an XDR schema to:

1. define the structure of an XML document and apply restrictions on data.

2. specify the structure of the XPath language.
3. specify the structure of the template file.
4. specify the relative location of the XSL file to be associated with the XML
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 39: In UNIX system, the number of iterations in DES implementation is

1. 30
2. 25
3. 35
4. 45
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 40: If local variables are stack-dynamic, advantage is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Allocation/deallocation is more
2. Indirect addressing
3. Subprograms cannot be history sensitive
4. Sub program flexibility
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 41: Christine Turner, the network administrator at GreyMoon Computers,

needs to identify a network service server for the network. Which network service does
she need to enable on the server to reduce the risks of attacks on the organization’s

1. FTP
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 42: You installed a Windows 95 client in your network, and you are running a
Novell network with version 3.12. What is needed to gain access to the application
GAMES on the Novell NETWARE server?

1. NDS
2. IPX/SPX with Microsoft Client for NetWare
3. NWLink with GSNW
4. NWLink with Microsoft Client for NetWare
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 43: How are the information assets that are examined for classification
categorized in terms of importance?

1. Security, integrity and availability.

2. confidentiality, integrity and availability.
3. Audit, integrity and availability.
4. confidentiality, integrity and importance.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 44: RSA is—

1. Symmetric Cryptosystem
2. Asymmetric Cryptosystem
3. Block Cypher
4. Digital Signature
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 45: char ** array [12][12][12]; Consider array, defined above. Which one of
the following definitions and initializations of p is valid?

1. char ** (* p) [12][12] = array;

2. char ***** p = array;
3. char * (* p) [12][12][12] = array;
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 46: What AT command would you use to reset a modem?

What AT command would you use to reset a modem?

1. ATD
4. ATZ
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 47: The following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in
the given order: 10, 1, 3, 5, 15, 12, 16. What is the height of the binary search tree (the
height is the maximum distance of a leaf node from the root)?

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 6
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 48: The classes with pure virtual functions are called ______ classes.

1. virtual
2. imaginary
3. absolute
4. abstract
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 49: You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Server network. You
configure two sites: one for your New York office and one for your Paris office. You
configure two organization units (OUs) named New York and Paris. In each of these
OUs, you create subordinate OUs named Sales, Marketing, and Research. You place
user accounts, stand-alone member servers, and Windows 2000 Professional
computers in their appropriate subordinate OUs. You suspect that someone is trying to
log on to your domain by guessing user account names and passwords. You want to
fine out which computers are being used for these logon attempts. What should you do?

1. Edit the Default Domain Controllers Policy object to audit directory services
access failures
2. Edit the Default Domain Policy object to audit account logon failures
3. Edit the New York OU and Paris OU Group Policy objects (GPOs) to audit
logon failures
4. Edit the Group Policy object (GPO) of each subordinate OU to audit directory
service access failures
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 50: The path from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nodes to the root yield the string S

1. parent
2. external
3. internal
4. root
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 51: Which event category used to monitor events includes the events
generated when the size of data or log files changes automatically?

1. Cursors
2. Database
3. Objects
4. Scans
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 52: All the information collected during database development is stored in

1. repository
2. data warehouse
3. RAD
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 53: Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive
processing applications?

1. Narrowband channels
2. Simplex channels
3. Full-duplex channels
4. Mixedband channels
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 54: ____________ is the ability of an operating system to control the

activities of multiple programs at the same time.

1. Multitasking
2. Streamlining
3. Multiuser
4. Simulcasting
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 55: Which of the following floppy sizes exists?

1. 5.25 inches
2. 4.75 inches
3. 6 inches
4. 8 inches
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 56: The basic input/output system (BIOS) is stored in:

1. RAM
2. ROM
3. the CPU.
4. the hard drive.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 57: What is the hang up command?

What is the hang up command?

2. ATZ
3. ATH
4. ATX
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 58: In the Memory Hierarchy, bottom to top (Tape to Registers) [01M03]

1. Speed Decreases
2. Access time Increases
3. Capacity Increases
4. Capacity Decreases
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 59: the .......... of a font is measured in points

1. size
2. symbol
3. shape
4. style
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 60: The general syntax for the while statement used in Java programs is:
while (expression) { statement }. Which one of the following statements is valid?

1. The while statement continually executes a block of statements while a

condition remains true.
2. The while statement continually executes a block of statements while a
condition remains false.
3. The while statement continues testing the expression and executing its block
until the expression returns true.
4. The while statement evaluates expression, which must return an integer value.

Correct Answer: 1.

Question 61: What is CPU

1. central processing unit

2. control proocessing unit
3. control pannel unit
4. none of these
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 62: In the Memory Hierarchy, Cost per bit is least for [01S07]

1. Register
2. Cache
3. Primary Memory
4. Magnetic Tape
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 63: If odd parity is used for ASCII error detection, the number of 0's per 8 - bit
symbol is

1. even
2. odd
3. indeterminate
4. 42
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 64: Telecom Networking uses

1. a. Packet switching
2. b. Circuit switching
3. c. Message switching
4. d. Non of the above
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 65: Find the parameters order when passing to the function?
When a 'c' function call is made,the order in which parameter passed to the function are
pushed into stack is...

1. left to right
2. right to left
3. bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variables
4. Smaller variables are move first than bigger variables
5. none
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 66: What the range zoom %

1. 10 and 500%
2. 10 and 1638%
3. 10 and 100%
4. None
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 67: Identify the document window that defines the position of the cast
members in a Director MX movie.
1. Stage
2. Score
3. Message
4. Script
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 68: The PSTN is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ network

1. packet-switched
2. circuit-switched
3. message-switched
4. TSI
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 69: You have used a form on your web site to get orders from site visitors
who want to buy products from your company. It is essential to obtain the visitor's first
and last name and postal address for delivery purposes. How can you ensure that the
visitor does not leave these fields blank?

1. Open the Text Box Validation window within the Form Field Properties window
of the First Name text box. Select Required. Repeat this for Last Name text box
and postal address text box.
2. Write a short note above these fields stating that the user must enter this
3. Change the Style of the Labels associated with the text boxes to catch visitors
4. Create a graphic of a warning sign. Insert the graphic near the text boxes.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 70: Which report records the minutes of the review meeting?

1. Review issues list

2. Review summary report
3. System Engineering Review Checklist
4. Software Project Plan Review Checklist
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 71: Which of the following is NOT a necessary characteristic of computer

1. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of computers

2. Being able to write computer programs
3. Becoming comfortable with the use of computers
4. Understanding the legal, ethical, and societal implications of computing
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 72: _____is the slowest type of LAN.

_____is the slowest type of LAN.

1. Token Ring
2. Arcnet
3. Ethernet
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 73: Which is the short cut key used to close an active window

1. ctrl+F4
2. Alt+F4
3. Alt+X
4. ctrl+x
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 74: The accuracy of ... computers is super high

1. Optical
2. Hidden
4. Digita
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 75: Joe has Windows 2000 Server installed on his computer. He needs to
manually restore the DHCP database on his computer. What should he execute to do
1. Change the RestoreFlag key
arameters to 0 in the registry, and then restart the DHCP service.
2. Change the RestoreFlag key
arameters to 1 in the registry, and then restart the DHCP service.
3. First, restart the DHCP service. Then, change the RestoreFlag key
arameters to 1 in the registry.
4. First, restart the DHCP service. Then, change the RestoreFlag key
arameters to 0 in the registry.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 76: Which term is associated with loading operating systems files in to main

1. Booting
2. Disk scan
3. Fragmentation
4. Partition
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 77: Which of the following term define a 24-Hours calendar?

1. 24-Hours calendar assigns a schedule with no non-working time. 24-Hours

calendar is used when resources and tasks are scheduled for different shifts
round the clock.
2. 24-Hours calendar is used as the default for the project. 24-Hours calendar
assigns a work schedule from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with an
hour off for break.
3. 24-Hours calendar assigns the schedule from Monday night through Saturday
morning, 11:00 PM to 8:00AM with an hour off, for break.
4. 24-Hours calendar sets the standard working time and non-working time to
schedule the tasks in a project.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 78: What is the purpose of a parity bit when used in data communications?
What is the purpose of a parity bit when used in data communications?
1. To be used by the receiving system as an error checking mechanism
2. To boost the data signal being sent
3. To keep the data signal being sent the correct polarity
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 79: void listFile( FILE *f ) { int c; while( c = fgetc( f ) != EOF ) { printf( "%d", c );
} printf( "\n" ); } What will be printed when the function above is called with pointer to an
open file that contains the three characters abc?

1. 111
2. 000
3. The characters ab followed by an infinite number of c's
4. abc
5. 656667
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 80: Which function of the IDispatch interface enables you to find the dispatch
ID for a method?

1. GetIDsof Name
2. GetTypeInfo
3. GetTypeInfoCount
4. Invoke
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 81: Which of the following keys of personal computer is not available in the
key board of traditional typewriters?

1. Tab
2. Spacebar
3. Enter
4. Backspace
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 82: Which type of decl to a variable allows d user to access it anywhere in
1. private
2. public
3. protected
4. internal
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 83: From which processor Intel introduces AMT technology ?

1. Intel centrino 2 processor

2. Intel Core 2 duo
3. Celeron
4. Zempron
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 84: A function that receives a set containing a number of objects of the same
object type is known as:

1. single-valued.
2. multi-valued
3. object tuple
4. object triple
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 85: output main() { int I; char *p; i=0x89; p=(char *)i;p++; printf("%x\n"p); }

1. 0x8c
2. 0x4566788A
3. 0x8A
4. 0x8B
5. none
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: The windows registry consists of which two files?

1. autoexec.bat and config.sys

2. user.dat and win.ini
3. user.dat and system.dat
4. win.reg and user.dat
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 87: Which mnemonic enables you to compare two string values?

2. CMP
4. CLD
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: Which function enables CGI applications written in C to retrieve the value
of environment variables?

1. memmem();
2. getenv();
3. atoi();
4. setenv();
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 89: you want to manage your inbox in a more efficient manner by moving
messages from your manager to a separate folder. How can you accomplish this task?

1. By using Rules Wizard.

2. By using Rules template.
3. By using Message Forwarding Wizard
4. By using Forwarding Wizard.
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 90: Jason Kilar is the CEO of which online video venture

1. Hulu
2. You Tube
3. Joost
4. Tidal TV
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 91: The software application that is used the most often is _____.

1. word processing
2. desktop publishing
3. spreadsheet
4. database
5. graphical presentation
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 92: A 5 inch CD can store:

A 5 inch CD can store:

1. 420 MB
2. 650 MB
3. 950 MB
4. 1.2 GB
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 93: Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is

1. 1/2-second
2. 1 seconds
3. 4 seconds
4. 2 seconds
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 94: The two parts in floating-point representation are

1. radix, mantissa
2. mantissa, base
3. mantissa , exponent
4. radix, exponent
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 95: Which of the following are the types of constraints in MS Project 2002? A-
Finish-to-Finish B- Start No Later Than C- Finish No Earlier Than D- Must Finish On E-
1. B, C, and D
2. A, C, and D
3. B, D, and E
4. A, B, and D
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 96: Why do you need to create a setup disk when you run the Home
Networking Wizard?

1. To replicate network configuration settings on the computers on the home

2. To restore the network settings of a computer on the home network.
3. To create a home network with computers running on the Windows 9.x
operating system
4. To create a home network with computers running on the Windows 3.x
operating system.
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 97: You are using the Simple Recovery model and need to make backups
more frequently. However, you do not want to make frequent database backups. In this
situation, which backup type should you implement that helps prevent loss of data?

1. Make database backups at greater intervals.

2. Make differential backups frequently.
3. Make transaction log backups frequently.
4. Make file and filegroup backups.
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 98: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cache contains only blocks that are discarded from a
cache because of a miss

1. write back
2. write through
3. victim
4. optimized
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 99: You have saved a worksheet as a Web page with the interactive option.
Other users have done some calculations with the data in the Excel worksheet within
the Web browser. They want to view the data in Excel. Which button on the Excel
window toolbar in the Web browser will enable this?

1. Copy
2. Paste
3. Filter
4. Export to Excel
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 100: What is XP short for in Windows XP?

1. 1. Whistler
2. 2. eXtra Powerful
3. 3. eXPerienced
4. 4. It is not an acronym
Correct Answer: 3.

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