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Prosedur Terkait Keamanan Laptop

 Sebelum meninggalkan tempat kerja, setiap karyawan DIWAJIBKAN mengunci laptop

(mengaktifkan fitur PIN/Password laptop) untuk menjaga keamanan data
 Setiap karyawan yang tidak mengunci laptop atau tidak mengaktifkan fitur PIN/Password di
laptop akan diberikan peringatan dan sanksi. Hal ini sangat penting karena berkaitan dengan
keamanan data perusahaan serta keamanan data setiap departemen


 Before leaving desk or office, all employee is OBLIGATED to lock the laptop (activate
PIN/Password feature) to keep all data secure
 All employee that do not lock the laptop or do not activate PIN/Password of the laptop will be
given sanction. This is very important to ensure every data of corporate and department is all

How to activate Password Feature

1. Go to your laptop or device Setting menu, choose "Accounts"

2. Click sign-in options and choose "Add Password"
3. Create your password and click next to finalize your laptop Password setting

Power and Sleep Setting

1. Go to your laptop or device Setting menu, choose "Account" and click "Sign-in Options". Set it
to "When PC wakes up from sleep". Make sure you have created Password for your laptop
2. Go to your laptop or device Setting menu, choose "System" and then click "Power & Sleep".
Choose in what minute you want your laptop automatically on sleep mode

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