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Qualitative research on the effect of Video Games on SHS's behavior

A Research Paper
Presented to the Research Department
AMA Computer College
123 Gen. Malvar St., Davao city

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the course

Muslimin B. Ontong
Jeffrey L. Dinampo
Stephene V. Caputol

Date of Submission


Problematic Issues

Video game addiction is defined as impulse control disorder, which does not

involve use of an intoxicating drug and is to similar pathological gambling. Also, it

is also referred to video game overuse, pathological or compulsive use of

computer games and videogames (Greenfield & Young, 2009). Due to excessive

use of computer games there is effect in their personal traits like anxiety,

sensation seeking, neuroticism, and aggression which are the symptoms that a

person is under the development of gaming addiction (Mehroof, M et al. 2010).

Brain is also affected in computer addiction; regions of the brain associated with

cravings in substance abuse also appear to be activated in gaming addicts when

they view images of video games (Ko, C et al. 2010). Gaming addiction should be

defined by how much the negatively impacts other areas of life, not by how much

time is spent playing (Griffiths, M et al. 2010).

In Germany, 1.5 – 3.5% of teenage internet users show signs of gaming

addiction. Gaming addiction is associated with higher rates of anxiety and

depression, and poorer academic performance (Peukert et al. 2010). Computer

gaming addiction is positively correlated with achievement motivation,

sensation-seeking, a positive evaluation of one’s intelligence, and a negative

evaluation of one’s skills in interpersonal relationship (Zheng et al. 2006). In a

sample of German teens, 6.3% of subjects fulfilled the authors’ diagnostic criteria
for gaming addiction. These adolescents were mostly male and had low

educational backgrounds (Klaus et al. 2008). Gaming addiction is negatively

associated with academic achievement (Chiu et al. 2004). So far there are no

studies conducted as to the percentage of senior high school students who are

hooked to online games, thus, this study would like to find out factors why senior

high school students are addicted to online games.

In Philippines, regarding students getting more and more addicted to online

computer gaming. This is in spite of the fact that the government’s Department of

Education (DepEd) values how online computer gaming also helps sharpen the

young generation into highly proficient individuals in new technologies and digital

trends. a few determinants of school execution in the essential and optional

dimensions were distinguished. Pay, predestined pay, school quality, and

wellbeing are the components that influence the interest for instruction. These

elements have a positive association with understudy's execution, which implies

that higher/better estimations of the variables lead to higher interest for training.

Then again, factors that influence the supply of training are vicinity to class,

openness to tutoring, foundation and educator student proportion. All referenced

determinants, aside from educator student proportion, decidedly influence school

execution. (Oliveros and Sapio, 2007, 17-18). Apparently, computer game critics Commented [MO1]: Cite the source please.
Commented [MO2R1]: I hope u like maam 😊
are clamoring that many internet and computer shop owners could not care less

since it meant more income for the business. The effects of computer games on

student’s academic performance can be both advantageous and

disadvantageous. Once an individual started playing, he tends to spend much of

his time playing. Quality of education and school performance of students are

measured by different factors. In a study by Angeles (2004, 28-29),

In Sto. Tomas, Davao Del Norte, scholastic organizations here have raised a

warning after they announced that the quantity of minors—of which larger part are

either rudimentary understudy or auxiliary understudy—dependent in gigantic

multi-client online pretending amusements (MMORPGs) consistently ascending

as showed in the low turned out of participation in school. In an open hearing

Thursday held at the metropolitan exercise center, school chairmen of both open

and tuition-based schools reverberated a similar quandary, saying that "an ever

increasing number of minor understudies skipped classes in schools and liked to

remain in different web bistros to play web based diversions. "The web has had

negative consequences particularly to our minor understudies who have been

tricked strongly in internet recreations. The idea of "web-based gaming

dependence" has been proposed as a clarification for wild, harming utilization of

innovation," Ramon Lanzaderas, (Sun. Star Davao 2013) Commented [MO3]: Copied or rephrase…. You should
rephrase this one to avoid plagiarism

Commented [MO4R3]: Ich habe es beendet. 😊

Research Question

This study will determine the number of students in AMA Computer College of

Davao that are addicted to online games. Specifically, the following questions will

be answered:
1. What are the effects of Playing Video game to your Physical Health?

2. What are the reasons why students kept playing video games?

3. How does playing video game effect the academic performance of the


Theoretical Lens

Perspective of the impact of addiction on video games Mankind has

developed a lot in the field of Information Technology (IT), Computer Science and

Media entertainment. Video games are also the most popular form of media

entertainment and gaming environment. It has been popular long before the new

generation video games idea was ever thought by the video game designers.

Through our research we tried to investigate the positive and negative effects of

video games on youth and children. (Ahmed Usman and Ullah Inam,2013). In the

21st century saw a substantial growth in the number of studies on video game Commented [MO5]: ????? Sorry cant understand
Commented [MO6R5]:
addiction particularly as gaming expanded into the new online medium where

games could be played as part of a gaming community (i.e., massively multiplayer

online role-playing games [MMORPGs] such as World of Warcraft and Everquest).

Approximately sixty studies were published on gaming addiction between 2000

and 2010(Kuss D.J. & Griffiths, M.D,2011).

From a substantive perspective, there are some generalizations that can be

made about the demographic characteristics of gamers and problem gamers. The

literature, to date, suggests that adolescent males and young male adults appear

to be at greater risk of experiencing problematic video game play. However, the

course and severity of these problems is not well known (King DL, Delfabbro PH,
Griffiths MD,2010). In addition to the reported negative psychosocial

consequences, there are also many reported health and medical consequences

that may result from excessive video game playing. These include epileptic


Though there has been considerable discussion of video game effects in

several research literatures, theoretical integrations have been somewhat rare.

Our own empirical work has focused primarily on the effects of violent video

games on those who play them (e.g., Anderson et al., 2004; Anderson & Dill,

2000). In schools, too, computer games have been effectively used to teach

algebra and geometry (Corbett, Koedinger, & Hadley, 2001).

Concept Map

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Addiction on Playing  Effect on SHS students

Video Games  REASONS

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The independent variable in this study is addiction on playing video. The

dependent variables are effect on SHS students, reasons and effect on the

academic. The conceptual paradigm is referring to effect on addiction on playing Commented [MO7]:
Commented [MO8R7]: Cloud
video games and especially to SHS students that how the video games effect on computing???????????????????

their academic performance and their health status.

Review Related Literature

These researches they study about the psychological factor, whether that is

factor to the online game addiction among students. Unlike with substance abuse,

the biological aspect of videogame addiction is uncertain. Research suggests

gambling elevates dopamine, but there’s more to addiction than brain chemistry

(Rooij, Online video game addiction: identification of addicted,2010). The addict

suffers from a psychological component to the addiction. Online gaming allows a

person to escape the real world and change the perception of self-worth (Rooij,

Online video game addiction: identification of addicted, 2010). According to Lan

Ying Huang (2003), by playing the online game features online gamer participants

may view the games as source of providing diversion and filling time.

These gamers avoid their problems by playing games, which in turn interferes

with their lives because they’re so busy playing games (Peters 7 et al, 2007).

Internet addiction gives the gamer to the unique psychological properties which is

the users increase their use of these internet services, the utility they gain from

each usage does not diminish, leading not only to self-destructive addiction but

also to social ills. When a problem, playing video games can interfere with real-life

obligations such as work, and players can end up lying about playing video games.

The study found that “problematic” video game use can have similar effects as

other addictive activities, such as abusing alcohol (Inwon Kang,2011). Lieberman

(1998) studied the effectiveness of a video game designed to teach diabetic

children how to care for their disease. She found that children enjoyed the game

as much as comparison children enjoyed playing pinball and spent the same

amount of time playing over 6 months. The diabetes video game promoted

self-esteem and social support, increased knowledge of diabetes self-care, and

was related to positive health behaviors and positive health outcomes. Ultimately,

this video game was able to successfully teach the attitudes, skills, and behaviors

that it was designed to teach (Lieberman, 1997).

Games addiction shows the bad effect among the people nowadays.

Addiction to the internet shares some of negative aspects of substance addiction

and has been shown to lead to consequences such as failing school, family and

relationship problem (Brian. D. NG, M.S & Peter. W. H, 2005). It can make the

people who has addicted will feel that the games can provide opportunities for

achievement, freedom and even a connection to the players. Those benefits

trumped a shallow sense of fun, which doesn’t keep gamers as interested (online

gamers anonymous, 2008). The role of media in advertising the games also make

more cause why the games addicted will be more interested with those games. In

2005, advertiser spent $80 million to reach game players, this spending is

expected to top $400 by 2009 (Park Associate 2006).

With regards to undergraduate students who were addicted to the Internet or

online games, Zhang (2007) indicated that most of these students had bad grades

in their universities. Moreover, Zhou (2007). It is widely believed that game

players who spend playing too many hours (above 10 hours a day) are at high risk
of being addicted to video games (Anand, 2007). Previous studies have shown

that video game addiction among adolescent’s gamers is highly correlated with

psychosocial problems such as time spent on games (i.e., usage), life satisfaction,

loneliness, social competence, and aggression (Lemmens et al., 2009). Although

playing video games is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world,

research into its effects on players, both positive and negative, is often trivialised.

Some of this research deserves to be taken seriously, not least because video

game playing has implications for health.

The results indicate that people continue to play online games if they have

optimal experiences while playing the games. This optimal experience can be

attained if the player has effective personal interaction with the system or pleasant

social interactions with other people connected to the Internet (Dongseong Choi,

Jinwoo Kim,2004). It seems that online games, especially multiplayer online

role-playing games, are more often associated with video game addiction

(Antonius J. Van Rooj, 2009).

Chapter 2


Research Design

This research design used in this study is phenomenological research design.

The study concludes by discussing the essence of the phenomenon, as well as

implications for mental health professionals who might encounter gaming addicts
and their spouses in their practices. Recommendations are made for future

studies as well (Northrup, Jason,2008).

Research Participants

Jeffrey kaw na bahala ani

Data Sources

This study was conducted and gathered at AMACC-Davao at 123 Gen.

Malvar St., Davao city

Data Collection Procedure

Jeeffrey kaw na bahala ani

Note: Basig naa kay madungag sa RRL NAto

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