Aircraft Construction and Repair Chap.2

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Chapter 11

1. Magnetic particle inspection is used primarily to detect

A. Distortion
B. Deep subsurface flaws
C. Flaws on or near the surface
2. Liquid penetrant inspection methods may be used on which of the following?
1. Porous plastics
2. Ferrous metals
3. Nonferrous metals
4. Smooth primer-sealed wood
5. Nonporous plastics
A. 2, 3, and 4
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 5
3. What method of magnetic particle inspection is used most often to inspect aircraft parts
for invisible cracks and other defects?
A. Residual
B. Inductance
C. Continuous
4. The testing medium that is generally used in magnetic particle inspection utilizes a
ferromagnetic material that has
A. High permeability and low retentivity
B. Low permeability and high retentivity
C. High permeability and high retentivity
5. Which statement relating to the residual magnetizing inspection method is true?
A. Subsurface discontinuities are made readily apparent
B. It is used in practically all circular and longitudinal magnetizing procedures
C. It may be used only with steels which have been heat treated for stressed
6. What two types of indicating mediums are available for magnetic particle inspection?
A. Wet and dry process materials
B. High retentivity and low permeability materials
C. Iron and ferric oxides
7. Which of the following materials may be inspected using the magnetic particle inspection
1. Magnesium alloys
2. Aluminum alloys
3. Iron alloys
4. Copper alloys
5. Zinc alloys
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 1, 2, 4, and 5
C. 3
8. One way a part may be demagnetized after magnetic particle inspection is by
A. Subjecting the part to high voltage, low amperage AC.
B. Slowly moving the part out of an AC magnetic field of sufficient strength
C. Slowly moving the part into an AC magnetic field of sufficient strength
9. Which type crack can be detected by magnetic particle inspection using either circular or
longitudinal magnetization?
A. 450
B. Longitudinal
C. Transverse
10. Which of the following methods may be suitable to use to detect cracks open to the
surface in aluminum forgings and castings?
1. Dye penetrant inspection
2. Magnetic particle inspection
3. Metallic ring (coin tap) inspection
4. Eddy current inspection
5. Ultrasonic inspection
6. Visual inspection
A. 1, 4, 5, and 6
B. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
11. To detect a minute crack using dye penetrant inspection usually requires
A. That the developer be applied to a flat surface
B. A longer-than-normal penetrating time
C. The surface to be highly polished
12. When checking an item with the magnetic particle inspection method, circular and
longitudinal magnetization should be used to
A. Reveal all possible defects
B. Evenly magnetize the entire part
C. Ensure uniform current flow
13. In magnetic particle inspection, a flaw that is perpendicular to the magnetic field flux
lines generally causes
A. A large disruption in the magnetic field
B. A minimal disruption in the magnetic field
C. No disruption in the magnetic field
14. If dye penetrant inspection indications are not sharp and clear, the most probable cause
is that the part
A. Was not correctly degaussed before the developer was applied
B. Has no appreciable damage
C. Was not thoroughly washed before the developer was applied
15. (1) An aircraft part may be demagnetized by subjecting it to a magnetizing force from
alternating current that is gradually reduced in strength.
(2) An aircraft part may be demagnetized by subjecting it to a magnetizing reversed in
direction and gradually reduced in strength.
Regarding the above statements,
A. Both no. 1 and 2 are true
B. Only no. 1 is true
C. Only no. 2 is true
16. The pattern for an inclusion is a magnetic particle buildup forming
A. A fernlike pattern
B. A single line
C. Parallel line
17. A part which is being prepared for dye penetrant inspection should be cleaned with
A. A volatile petroleum-base solvent
B. The penetrant developer
C. Water-base solvents only
18. Under magnetic particle inspection, a part will be identified as having a fatigue crack
under which condition?
A. The discontinuity pattern is straight
B. The discontinuity is found in a nonstressed area of the part
C. The discontinuity is found in a highly stressed area of the part
19. In performing a dye penetrant inspection, the developer
A. Seeps into a surface crack to indicate the presence of a defect
B. Acts as a blotter to produce a visible indication
C. Thoroughly cleans the surface prior to inspection
20. What defects will be detected by magnetizing a part using continuous longitudinal
magnetization with a cable?
A. Defects perpendicular to the long axis of the part
B. Defects parallel to the long axis of the part
C. Defects parallel to the concentric circles of magnetic force within the part
21. Circular magnetization of a part can be used to detect which defects?
A. Defects to parallel to the long axis of the part
B. Defects perpendicular to the long axis of the part
C. Defects perpendicular to the concentric circles of magnetic force within the part
22. (1) In nondestructive testing, a discontinuity my be defined as an interruption in the
normal physical structure or configuration of a part
(2) A discontinuity may or may not affect the usefulness of a part
Regarding the above statements,
A. Only no. 1 is true
B. Only no. 2 is true
C. Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true
23. Which of the following is a main determinant of the dwell time to use when conducting a
dye or fluorescent penetrant inspection?
A. The sized and shape of the discontinuities being looked for
B. The size and shape of the part being inspected
C. The type and/or density of the part material
24. Holes and a few projecting globules are found in a weld. What action should be taken?
A. Thoroughly clean the area and reweld over the first bead to fill gaps and obtain
uniform strength
B. Remove all the old weld and reweld the joint
C. Grind the rough surface smooth and reweld the joint
25. Which condition indicates a part has cooled too quickly after being welded?
A. Cracking adjacent to the weld
B. Discoloration of the base metal
C. Gas pockets, porosity, and slag inclusions
26. Select a characteristics of a good gas weld
A. The depth of penetration shall be sufficient to ensure fusion of the filler rod
B. The height of the weld bead should be 1/8 inch above the base metal
C. The weld should tapper off smoothly into the base metal
27. One characteristics of a good weld is that no oxide should be formed on the base metal
at a distance from the weld of more than
A. ½ inch
B. 1 inch
C. ¼ inch
28. On a fillet weld, the penetration requirement includes what percentage(s) of the base
metal thickness?
A. 100 percent
B. 25 to 50 percent
C. 60 to 80 percent
29. Why should an aircraft maintenance technician be familiar with weld nomenclature?
A. So that accurate visual (pictorial) comparisons can be made
B. In order to gain familiarity with the welding technique, filler material, and
temperature range used
C. In order to compare welds with written (non-pictorial) description standards
30. Which of these nondestructive testing methods is suitable for the inspection of most
metals, plastics, and ceramics for surface and subsurface defects?
A. Eddy current inspection
B. Magnetic particle inspection
C. Ultrasonic inspection
31. What nondestructive testing method requires little or no part preparation, is used to
detect surface or near-surface defects in most metals, and may also be used to separate
metals or alloys and their heat-treat conditions?
A. Eddy current inspection
B. Ultrasonic inspection
C. Magnetic particle inspection
32. How many of these factors are considered essential knowledge for x-ray exposure?
1. Processing of the film
2. Material thickness and density
3. Exposure distance and angle
4. Film characteristics
A. One
B. Three
C. Four
33. A mechanic has completed a bonded honeycomb repair using the potted compound
repair technique. What nondestructive testing method is used to determine the
soundness of the repair after the repair has cured?
A. Eddy current test
B. Metallic ring test
C. Ultrasonic test
34. A primary reason why ordinary or otherwise nonapproved cleaning compounds should
not be used when washing aircraft is because their use can result in
A. Hydrogen embrittlement in metal structures
B. Hydrogen embrittlement in nonmetallic materials
C. A general inability to remove compound residues
35. How many magnesium engine parts be cleaned?
A. Soak in a 20 percent caustic soda solution
B. Spray with MEK (methyl ethyl kethone)
C. Wash with a commercial solvent, decarbonizes, and scrape or grit blast
36. Select the solvent recommended for wipe down of cleaned surfaces just before painting
A. Aliphatic naphtha
B. Dry-cleaning solvent
C. Aromatic naphtha
37. Which of the following are acceptable to use when utilizing chemical cleaning and/or
depainting/stripping agents on aircraft?
1. Synthetic fiber wiping cloths when using a flammable agent
2. Cotton fiber wiping cloths when using a flammable agent
3. Atomizing spray equipment
A. 2 and 3
B. 2
C. 1
38. Select the solvent used to clean acrylics and rubber
A. Aliphatic naphtha
B. Methyl ethyl ketone
C. Aromatic naphtha
39. Fayed surfaces cause concern in chemical cleaning because of the danger of
A. Forming passive oxides
B. Entrapping corrosive materials
C. Corrosion by imbedded iron oxide
40. Caustic cleaning products used on aluminum structures have the effect of producing
A. Passive oxidation
B. Improved corrosion resistance
C. Corrosion
41. Which of the following is an acceptable first step procedure to help prevent scratching
when cleaning a transparent plastic surface?
A. Gently wipe the surface with a clean, dry, soft cloth
B. Flush the surface with clean water
C. Gently wipe the surface with a clean, soft cloth moistened with de-mineralized or
distilled water
42. What should be done to prevent rapid deterioration when oil or grease come in contact
with a tire?
A. Wipe the tire thoroughly with a dry cloth, and then rinse with clean water
B. Wipe the tire with a dry cloth followed by a wash down and rinse with soap and
C. Wipe the tire with a cloth dampened with aromatic naphtha and then wipe dry with
a clean cloth
43. What type of corrosion attacks grain boundaries of aluminum alloys which are
improperly or inadequately heat treated?
A. Filiform
B. Intergranular
C. Fretting
44. Fretting corrosion is most likely to occur
A. When two surfaces fit tightly together but can move relative to one another
B. Only when two dissimilar metals are in contact
C. When two surfaces fit loosely together and can move relative to one another
45. The rust or corrosion that occurs with most metals is the result of
A. A tendency for them to return to their natural state
B. Blocking the flow of electrons in homogenous metals, or between dissimilar metals
C. Electron flow in or between metals from cathodic to anodic areas
46. Which of the listed conditions is NOT one of the requirements for corrosion to occur?
A. The presence of an electrolyte
B. Electrical contact between an anodic area and cathodic area
C. The presence of a passive oxide film
47. The lifting or flaking of the metal at the surface due to delamination of grain boundaries
caused by the pressure of corrosion residual product buildup is called
A. Brinelling
B. Granulation
C. Exfoliation
48. Which of the following may not be detectable even by careful visual inspection of the
surface of aluminum alloy parts or structures?
A. Filiform corrosion
B. Intergranular corrosion
C. Uniform etch corrosion
49. A primary cause of intergranular corrosion is
A. Improper heat treatment
B. Dissimilar metal contact
C. Improper application of primer
50. Corrosion caused by galvanic action is the result of
A. Excessive anodization
B. Contact between two unlike metals
C. Excessive etching

1. C 40. C
2. C 41. B
3. C 42. B
4. A 43. B
5. C 44. A
6. A 45. A
7. 46. C
8. B 47. C
9. A 48. B
10. A 49. A
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. C
23. A
24. C
25. A
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. A
30. C
31. A
32. B
33. B
34. A
35. C
36. A
38. A
39. B

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