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Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

An Analysis of Exploring Personal Reading Histories

for Learners of FKIP University of Riau

Syofia Delfi, Fangiana Safitri Diah, & Jismulatif

FKIP University of Riau
Jln. HR. Soebrantas KM 12, 5, Simpangbaru Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia

EFL learners majoring in English experience different reading histories which areinterested to be
explored. It can be conducted through one of classroom activities in Extensive Reading. This article is
based on the literature review for a study “Exploring Personal Reading Histories for Learners of FKIP
University of Riau”. This article aims to describe how Exploring Personal Reading Histories is
appropriate for the learners of FKIP University of Riau. Critical analysis was conducted in order to gain
the aim of this study. The result of analysis shows how Exploring Personal Reading Histories is
appropriate for Learners of FKIP University of Riau in terms of the context of Indonesian EFL learners
and the activities of extensive reading for reading competency. The result of this review is expected to be
meaningful for the study designed.

Key Words: EFL learners and Exploring Personal Reading Histories

Introduction school influences, and types of readers’

schemata. Family or home environment is
Reading experiences are useful for EFL learners
as a primary source of background
majoring in Englishin order tohave background
knowledge and schemata formation in
knowledge about texts they read. Learning from
reading. Family and society or
experiences may attract the learners’ interest to
community attitudes vary in diffrent
read the following texts. They might have reading
culture. Schools may make students
experiences based on how they learn reading in
involve in doing activity and reading
Reading courses; intensively or extensively. They
atmosphere. Practices in reading that
learn how to read and how to do practices,
children face in their life affect on the
exercises, and assignments in Reading courses.
type of their schemata. The types of
Activities dealing with reading are also conducted
schemata that learners have like linguistic
in order to attract the students’ interest.
schemata, formal schemata, and content
Learners in English Study Program FKIP schemata. Learners may gain such
University of Riau, learn Reading I, Reading II, schemata based on the oral practice that
and Reading III. The other Reading course is they experience while learning reading, If
Extensive Reading.Bumford and Day (1998, the children are exposured to listen the
2004) point out that extensive reading is an story read to them, they are prepared to
approach to language teaching inwhich activity listen to how the stories are constructed.

Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

provides the students to recall their reading They will know that stories are presented
competent. The experiences are as processes in chronological order, problem, solution,
supportedlearners to and specific characters. By listening to
strories,children gain life developing their
they acquire about other kinds of texts like
reading competence.
recipes, newspaper column, research papers, and
lab report. Any texts readers read is as the Experience that learners gainis like what
background knowledge for the learners to read the
in extensive reading read a lot of reading
following texts. The different learners’ schemata
materials for information and enjoyment
indicates that they are individual. The difference
and they choose their own reading
refers to different motivation, learning styles, and
materials. Brown (2001) points out that
learners’ strategies. Different learners’ cultural
extensive reading is caried out to achieve
and linguistic background affect their
a general understanding of texts.
understanding on the texts they read. Hedgcock
Although readers read a lot of reading
and Ferris’ (2009) in line with Koda’s (2010)
materials, they read for general
believe that reading success is governed by the
informationand overall meaning. Brown
competencies of visual information extractionand
also points out that extensive reading is
prior knowledge consolidation.
recognized as pleasure reading. He also
EFL learners will gain the meaning and acquire claims that readers will stop reading when
the language by reading (Hedge, 2008). It is in they think the materials are not interesting
line with Hammer (2009) who points out that or it is too difficult.
reading is an appropriate activity in acquiring the
Bamford and Day (1998) explore ten
language. It means that reading contributes to
principles of extensive reading: 1) The
vocabulary and grammar. Lee and Hsu (2009)
reading material is easy, (2) A variety of
point out that readers will absorb a good source of
reading material on a wide range of topics
writing because they can learn vocabulary,
is available, (3) Learners choose what
sentences, and text organization. Kuang Yu Chen
they want to read, (4) Learners read as
(2014) found that syntactic knowledge as
much as possible, (5) Reading speed s
important as vocabulary knowledge on second
usually faster rather than slower, (6) The
language reading comprehension. This study
purpose of reading is usually related to
suggests that the students are provided with
pleasure, information and general
communicative learning environment in order to
understanding, (7) Reading is individual
have opportunities to practice vocabulary
and silent, (8) Reading is own reward, (9)
knowledge and syntactic knowledge.
The teacher orients and guides students,
In Indonesia contexts, English is learnt (10) The teacher is a role model of a
byreferring to language learning policy reader.
implemented in the curriculum. As a foreign The benefit of extensive reading has been
language, English is learnt. Despite the proven by researchers and teachers. It can
learning of English as a subject in schools, not only improve students’ reading
Cleophas’ (2006) study found that one of the ability, but it has also been shown to
causes of the errors made by Indonesian expand knowledge of vocabulary, raise
students is due to the lack of understanding the general level of a language testing,
the content of the language. This reflects on the and improve fluency and accuracy in
writing. Brown (2001) claims that

Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

competency of the EFL learners in tertiary extensive reading component in

education. conjunction with other focused reading
instruction is highly warranted. Yamashita
English as a foreign language for Indonesia
(2008) found in their study that extensive
learners mean that they do not use English in
reading improve the students’ reading rate
day to day communication; formal or in or reading strategy and the general
formal communication. Hence, they are language proficiency. Junko (2008)
expected to be exposed in English. One of believes that the students’ recognition on
the possible activities that the learners do in reading strategy makes them quickly learn
order to suggestion in implementing ER. to apply the effective strategies to L2
reading and extensive reading is also as
Day and Bamford (2004) claim that readers
the form of acquiring micro level
Mermelstein (2014) studied the use of extensive linguistics.
reading in improving EFL learners’ reading for
Chin-Neng Chen (2013) studied the
non English major in Taiwan. The study proves
effects of extensive reading of e-books on
significantly higher reading level gained by the
Taiwanese tertiary level EFL
treatment group. The study suggests that utilizing
technological students’ English reading
extensive reading can provide a successful
attitude, reading comprehension, and
alternative to improve Asian learner’s reading
vocabulary. The study found that
levels as well as considering pedagogical.
extensive reading of e-books facilitates
Learners have limited chance of L2 interactions Taiwanese tertiary level EFL
outside the classroom boundaries;reading in this technological students’ English reading
study was only for reading course in which the attitude, reading comprehension, and
goal is for comprehension. Sarwo Edy (2014) vocabulary growth. The finding also
suggests make special course for extensive indicates that extensive reading via e-
reading in order to enhance the students’ reading books could improve tertiary level EFL
skills and reading habit. Ho-Hyak Jang et al students’ L2 learning.
(2015) studied the effect of English extensive
Bumford and Day (2004) point out that
reading activities on the students’ reading
the components to be considered in
proficiency and reading motivation in Korea. The
implementing Exploring Personal
study found that extensive reading activities have
Reading Histories. The components are
a positive influence on students’ reading
levels, aims, preparation, and variations
proficiency and their intrinsic motivation.
referring to questions. The example of the
Rania Adel Ibrahim Ahmad and Hussan Rajab components is as follows.
(2015) investigated the impact of extensive
reading on developing second Language (L2)
reading comprehension and writing skills among Level: Intermediate
primary school EFL Learners in two Arab
Aim : To develop students’ awareness
countries, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The study has
of the role of reading in their lives
proven that extensive reading can improve the
second Language (L2) reading comprehension Preparation
and writing skills among primary school EFL 1. Identify level and aims
learners in two Arab countries, Egypt and Saudi
Arabia. The study also proves the role of teachers 2. Chose appropriate

Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

in terms of engaging in reading and the exposure questions

of young EFL learners to sufficient and suitable
3. Teachers play as a role
The studies about extensive reading show the
Example of Questions:
benefits of extensive reading for EFL/ ESL
learners. They are in terms of language 1. What are your first memories
competence; language components and language of reading?
skills, and learners’ attitude, motivation, and 2. Did anyone read to you?
confidence on learning language generally and
specifically on reading. These are as the reflection If so, who? I not, why was
of characteristics of extensive reading indicating that?
the activities of extensive reading
3. What ideas of things did you
Exploring Personal Reading Histories is one of enjoy reading most?
the activities in Extensive Reading course. It is a
4. Do you still enjoy reading
classroom activity in which students discuss the
these kinds of things today? If
past and present role of reading in their lives
not, how has your reading
Bumford dan Day (2004). The learners can
evaluate their reading experiences, habits, and
attitude in the first and the foreign language. 5. Which author or types of
reading have
learners of FKIP University of Riau. The
procedures in analyzing the articles were; reading been most important to you?
and rereading the relating theories transcribing in
6. What role does reading play
the form of table into themes in order to find out
in your life now (for
how it is appropriate for learners. and writing the
result of analysis. The result of the The themes are
example, as a parent or for
dealing with the topic area of the study. work, pleasure, community,
or religious purposes?
These components were considered in
Result and Discussion designing Exploring Personal Reading
The result of critical analysis of related theories Histories in Extensive Reading course.
shows that Exploring Personal Reading Therefore, the analysis was also based
Histories (EPRH)might be considered as an on the components of research
appropriate activity for Extensive Reading course. questions.
The result of the analysis is as the following table.

Note: The responses of the questions

are presented.

Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

Table 1:The Result of Analysis of Exploring Methodology

Personal Reading Histories (EPRH) for
The analysis how Exploring Personal
Indonesian EFL Learners
Reading Histories is appropriate for
Indonesian Reading/ ER EPRH
learners of FKIP University of Riau in
EFL Learners
this article is based on the analysis of
-English is not - Reading is a Exploring theories related for this study; Indonesian
for day to day process of Personal EFL learners, reading, Extensive Reading,
communication; combining Reading and Exploring Personal Reading
formal or in information Histories Histories. The articles were studied
formal from a text provides critically in terms of Exploring Personal
and readers’ learners to Reading Histories for
-Learners are
own recall their
expected to be appropriate for EFL learners in Indonesia
background reading
exposed in in terms of the learners’ context and the
knowledge to experiences
English. goal of reading. The context indicates that
build in which the
English for EFL learners in Indonesia is
meaning experiences
not for day to day communication; formal
- Different or in formal, however, learners are
to their
learners’ expected to be exposed in English.
cultural and Meanwhile reading is a process
linguistic experienced by learners in understanding
background texts (Anderson and Nunan, 2008).
affect their Different learners involve in different
understanding reading experiences. It reflects on
on the texts () different cultural and linguistic
background affecting on their
- the goal of
understanding on texts (Hedgcock and
Ferris, 2009). Learners also experience
extensive reding. The goal of extensive
program is to
reading program is to convince learners of
its value (Hedgcock and Ferris, 2009).
learners of its
value Hsu (2009), Mermelstein (2014), Sarwo
Edy (2014), Ho-Hyak Jang et al (2015),
Rania Adel Ibrahim Ahmad and Hussan
The result of analysis indicates thatExploring Rajab (2015) have proven the use of
Personal Reading Histories(EPRH) is considered extensive reading for EFL/ ESL learners.
Learners of FKIP University of Riau”. This They suggest make special course for
article aims to describe how Exploring Personal extensive reading in order to enhance the
Reading Histories is appropriate for learners of students’ reading skills and reading habit.
FKIP University of Riau. The result of analysis They suggest that utilizing extensive
shows that Exploring Personal Reading Histories reading can provide a successful
is appropriate for Learners of FKIP University of alternative to improve Asian learners’
Riau in terms of the context of Indonesian EFL reading levels as well as considering
learners and the activities of extensive reading for pedagogical. It may begin from

Proceeding of The 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences ISBN : 978-979-792-774-5

reading competency. Exploring Personal Reading This activity provides learners to recall
Histories is useful to be implemented in Extensive their reading experiences in which the
Reading course for EFL learners of FKIP experiences contribute to their reading
University of Riau. Besides, the implementation competency (Bumford and Day, 2004).
needs to be studied how this activity supports the
Implementing extensive reading in
goals of Extensive Reading course. Hopefully, the
Indonesia is useful for improving the
result of this review will be meaningful for the
learners’ ability in English. It is due to the
study designed.
fact that extensive reading facilitates
learners to acquire the knowledge of a
language. It is not only the way to
increase the reading competence but also
This article is based on the literature review on to increase the language competence. It is
for a study “Exploring PersonalReading Histories in line with Cleophas’ (2006) who found
for elementary school. The learners will absorb a that one of the causes of the errors made
good source of writing because they can learn by Indonesian students is due to the lack
vocabulary, sentences, and text organization. of understanding the content of the
Exploring Personal Reading Histories is one of
the activities to be considered in implementing
extensive reading.

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