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Physiotherapy and Research, São Paulo, v .17, n .4, p. 362-5, Oct. / Dec.

2010 ISSN 1809-2950

Safety and effectiveness of chest physiotherapy on lung abscess:

Case Study
Safety and effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in lung abscess: a two-case study

Josy Davidson Patricia Teodoro Teixeira Paula Ferreira dos Santos Peixoto Carla Martins Crivellaro Marcele Assisi Marques
1, 2, 2, 2, 2

Study developed in the course of Resume: This is a lung abscess due to necrotic lesion generally pyogenic bacteria. Respiratory therapy
Pulmonology, Department. Medical (FR) is indicated, but there are few reports in the literature, there is no consensus as to the use and RF
Unifesp techniques to this case. The objective of this study two cases was to determine the safety and
- Federal University of São Paulo, effectiveness of the FR in the treatment of lung abscess. Case 1 was a 30 year old patient hospitalized; the
São Paulo, SP, Brazil therapy was to position it in Trendelenburg semi-lateral ventral right for 30 minutes three times a day, with
1 Physiotherapist; Prof.. Dra.'S great amount of discharge outlet. After 5 days, the chest X-ray showed a 90% reduction of the fluid level,
verifying the complete emptying of the abscess after 14 days of hospitalization. Case 2 was a 28-year-old
Specialization in Respiratory
patient also diagnosed with lung abscess, also treated with postural drainage, and positioning the same
Therapy from Unifesp
frequency as the case 1, draining large amount of yellow and fluid secretion. After 7 days of treatment
revealed significant reduction in the liquid level of the lung abscess. It follows that postural drainage
2 Physiotherapists specialists isolation is an effective and safe therapy technique to treat lung abscess.
Respiratory fisioterapy

Key words: Lung abscess / rehabilitation; effectiveness evaluation
Josy Davidson intervention; postural drainage
R. Volunteers of the Homeland 2505 c.11
02401-000 Sao Paulo SP
Abstract: Lung abscess is a necrotic lesion mostly Caused by pyogenic germs. Chest physical therapy
(CPT) is Indicated, but there are few studies available and no consensus on TLC and use techniques for
theses cases. The purpose of this study was to assess safety and effectiveness of postural drainage in
treating lung abscess in two cases. Patient 1, male, 30 years old, was laid in Trendelenburg, in semi-lateral
to the ventral decubitus for 30 minutes, three times a day. After five days of therapy, X-ray Showed 90%
decrease of sputum, and on the 14th day full drainage was achieved. Case 2 was a female patient, 28
years old, treated at the same frequency position and the case 1. After seven days of therapy, exams
Showed a great decrease of pus from the abscess.

in October 2009

ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION Key words: Drainage, postural; Evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions; Lung
June 2010 abscess / rehabilitation

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Davidson et al. lung abscess and physiotherapy

three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening).

INTRODUCTION Initially, the bed was inclined at 15 °, draining large
The lung abscess (AP) is a necrotic cavitary amount of green discharge, thick and The second case is a 28 year old patient, born in
lesion with more than two cm in diameter caused by non-malodorous. After three days we have made Paraná and resident in Sao Paulo for eight years.
pyogenic bacteria most commonly anaerobic. which new chest X-ray, which showed reduction of the Reported four episodes of childhood pneumonia
destroy the lung parenchyma 1.2 With the main fluid level, as observed decrease in amount of and lung abscess in the left hemithorax at 18, three
causes of oropharyngeal secretion aspiration of sputum expectorated. Thus, the bed was increased rhinosinusitis crises in the last 10 months.
gastric contents, or 3.4 And preferably located in the from the tilt angle to 30 to yield increased sputum, Approximately six days before presented severe
right lung, most often in the posterior segment of the yellow-green discharge and semi- pain at the base of the left hemithorax ventilatório-
lower lobe and the posterior lateral lobe of the upper 5.6
- dependent, continuously and without irradiation.
- thick. After five days of treatment initiation, a new
chest X-ray (Figure 1B) showed reduction of the
fluid level around 90% (from 1.8 cm to 0.2 cm). After
As lung abscess treatment indicates the
14 days of hospitalization the patient was
association of antibiotic 2.7 and respiratory therapy
discharged with significant clinical improvement, we
(FR) 8.9 and, in severe cases, surgical approach.
were instructed to keep the respiratory therapy and
However, while the FR is prescribed, there are
the use of antibiotics.
disagreements about the best form of intervention,
because when done improperly, can aggravate the
condition of the patient, causing pleural empyema to
septicemia 10.11 , Questioning the safety and
effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention in these
patients. 1.0 cm

The objective of this study was to assess the

safety and effectiveness of the FR in the treatment
of lung abscess.
1.8 cm


Patient 1, male, 30 years old, born and living in

São Paulo, previously healthy, smoker 1 year / BA
pack, reported that about four months before had
presented cough with expectoration greenish, fluid
and fetid secretions. He sought health clinic that
referred to the hospital, where they were made
chest X-ray and CT scan and was diagnosed with
AP 2.2 cm in diameter and fluid level in about 80%
of the abscess (Figure 1A).

0.2 cm 0.4 cm

Front frame, the patient was hospitalized for

treatment with antibiotics (Clindamycin and Figure 1 - Chest radiograph prior to the
Clarithromycin) for 21 days. After physical therapy application of physical therapy;
assessment, it was decided to isolated postural and Figure 2 - Chest radiograph prior to the application of
drainage and diaphragmatic breathing exercises in B - after application of five days of physical therapy; and
therapy intervals. The patient was placed in the therapy in 1 patient; arrow on the left B - seven days after application of
Trendelenburg (bed tilted at 45 °), with the head in shows the level of secretion; right, the physiotherapy in Patient 2; arrow on the
the lower part on the right half side position to the height of the cavity; It is the measure left shows the level of secretion; right,
prone position for 30 minutes, of the fluid level height the height of the cavity; It is the measure
of the fluid level height

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The improved pain became worse and prone to The etiological point of view, immunosuppressed A study 8 specific about the performance of FR
cough - production, bloody. In addition, reported patients with a history of dental cavity lesions, poor 1990s date and guides that patients should be kept
symptoms of fever (which improved with antipyretic) oral hygiene and alcohol dependent individuals are in the drain position as long as possible; adds that
for four days, chills, vomiting episodes of watery at higher risk of developing lung abscesses 1.2 . In the chest percussion maneuvers should be linked to
yellowish and large volume of diarrhea. He also one study 2 conducted with 252 patients with lung posture, to bring about the elimination of secretion,
mentioned appetite loss and general malaise, loss abscess, it was observed that impaired general thereby draining the abscess, avoiding the retention
of 2 kg last week. To the emergency room of condition (97.6%), and poorly kept teeth (82.5%) and infection of the pulmonary parenchyma,
Pneumology and made the chest X-ray, was were frequently associated with the onset of the AP. actually occurred in a case report in which the
hospitalized. lung abscess was diagnosed with In both cases presented, the patients had no such application of FR with maneuvers bronchial hygiene
about 20% filling of the respective cavity (Figure record, which differentiates the features found in the caused the spread of purulent content of AP
2A). literature. Moreover, both were young and without causing pneumonia, septicemia and significant
impairment of general condition, being able to worsening of the patient gas exchange 14 . Faced
suspect a pulmonary malformations and / or rare with the controversy surrounding the realization of
immunodeficiency 12 . The use of antibiotics is the bronchial hygiene maneuvers in cases of AP, the
reference standard for the treatment of AP. Calls option of making the isolated postural drainage in
After evaluating started pharmacological
the association of drugs that combat anaerobic this study is justified mainly by to demonstrate
treatment with clindamycin and clarithromycin and
bacteria and other like effective and safe, because patients have benefited
physical therapy with use of postural drainage in
Trendelenburg, prone and semilateralização left from this procedure, obtaining the complete

hemithorax, also with diaphragmatic breathing drainage of the abscess.

exercises in intervals of care. The patient remained

in position for 30 minutes three times a day. Initially,
the bed was positioned 30 degrees elevation,
draining large amount of yellow and fluid secretion.
After four days was made new chest X-ray, showing Staphylococcus aureus, that often cause cavitation
decrease in fluid level. Due to the reduction in and purulence 2,6,11,13 . In both cases presented,
abscess drainage efficiency, increased the patients received the drug combination of
inclination posture to the bed 45, enhancing the clindamycin and clarithromycin for 21 days, with The fact of using different angula- tions of the
expectoration, with an average amount of yellow good evolution. patient in the bed towards the achievement of
and fluid secretion. After three more days, it was postural drainage was due to the lack of accurate
carried out new chest X-ray, information from the AP location. Chest X-ray is a
Besides the use of antibiotics, the application of
RF is cited by many studies as an adjuvant little in- strument to check accurate location
treatment, there are controversies with regard to targeting of an injury. Thus, they used basea-
best conduct these cases. Some studies report that postures of the region affected lobe, requeren-
the performance of bronchial hygiene techniques changes in the angle of the bed for more effective
such as tapping, expiratory flow acceleration or therapy based on clinical signs of the patient -
vibro assist the opening of the cavity to the airways, decreased sputum and fluid level in radiological
and facilitate drainage of secretions 8.9 . However, it sequence.
is known that drainage of these cavitations occur
with the thinning of the walls of the abscess

DISCUSSION AND Few studies discuss the FR of action in such

cases. This study allows to conclude that postural
and since it is thinner, there is possibility wall drainage can be a good technique to be used, as
In both cases there was favorable evolution of rupture, which may cause leakage of secretion into there was good progress in both cases, with a total
abscess drainage only the association between the pleural space, causing empyema 6.10 ; in turn, drainage of secretions. However, there is need for
antibiotics and use of postural drainage, this creates the need for chest drainage and randomized studies with larger numbers of patients
demonstrating that a RF only technique is able to prolonged use of antibiotics, increasing the risk of to analyze the risks and the effectiveness of the use
assist in the resolution of the abscess in a short complications, as well as costs and hospital stay. of different physical therapy techniques for these
period without risk of pulmonary complications. cases.

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