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Chapter 1



Over the years, there had been a growing concern

regarding career opportunities for fresh college graduates.

Many students are wondering on what career opportunities are

waiting for them after graduating from college. After three

or four years of study, many students are happy to see the

end of assignments, exams and a diet made up of cereal and

baked beans. For those, entering the world of work is the

logical route and it seems that this is a good time to be a

graduate looking for a job. So now that you’ve graduated from

college, passed all the exams, written every test and obtained

a diploma, it’s time to actually start entering the world of

grown-ups and find a proper job. You’ve thought about how it

will go following graduation and now the moment has come.

Every student carries the unique history of their past and

this determines how they view the world. The thing is it’s

not that easy as it seemed to be. Job is one of our greatest

blessings. Everyone should have an honest occupation.


We often use the word "career" as a synonym for

occupation, trade, profession, or vocation. This definition

refers to what a person does to earn a living. There are

thousands of careers. They range from those that require

extensive education and training to others for which you need

hardly any preparation. Examples of careers are engineer,

carpenter, doctor, veterinary assistant, cashier, teacher,

and hairstylist.1 In this case "a career" is seen as a sequence

of related jobs usually pursued within a single industry or

sector e.g. "a career in education" or "a career in the

building trade". Some careers demand that you have the

personality to match the qualities of the occupation. For

example, sales people have to be outgoing. In having a good

career in the future, one must plan for it. Planning the

future and a setting a specific timeline for accomplishing

the things you want to achieve. This is an essential part of

our personal growth and development. Without goals to strive

for, most people find it difficult to stray from the easy

norm or to gain skills which make them a more valuable

commodity in the business world.

1Dawn Rosenberg Mckay (2018), What is a career?, Retrieved February 22,

2019 from


Career opportunities are essential for students having

just graduated their tertiary education. But for some

reasons, underemployment has been one of the problems faced

by the Philippines in recent years. It is a status of a worker

where the worker is employed in a job that may not match

his/her job preferences. A worker may have an experience in

a certain field but due to some factors, the worker is

compelled to be employed in a job that does not suit the

worker’s preference. Underemployment strikes any worker

regardless of age or job experience due to some factors, such

as, the economy, the population, and the thought of over

qualification. A worker might also have a position that is

lower than what he is supposed to have with his college degree

or job experience. These situations are inevitable due to the

low number of jobs available in the market. Graduates hoping

to make a good impression in their first job by working long

hours are being warned that being at the office around the

clock actually will damage their chances of success. Early in

a new working year, many graduates struggle to adapt from

student life to that of being a full-time employee.


Success depends upon previous preparation, and without

such preparation there is sure to be failure2 because a

success of a man depends on how he trained himself in his

past. A successful soldier prepares himself for the battles

before going to a war. And just like this soldier, students

who just graduated college, have prepared in his entry to the

real-life work. Whether it is a two-year or a four-year

course, they took trainings and prepared themselves for the

bigger battles of the adulthood.

A lack of opportunities, having to work for free and

being labeled too inexperienced are the main issues graduates

are facing.3

`A graduate survey said being rejected for jobs for not

having enough experience was the toughest issue they face as

a graduate jobseeker. As a fresh graduate, they rejection

and don’t let it define you, let it go and move on to the

next opportunity, learn what can be learned and change what

should be changed.

2Confucius (n.d.), Inspirational/Motivational Proverbs/Quotes, Retrieved

July 5, 2018 from
3Alison White (2012), Guardian Careers, Retrieved July 5, 2018 from

Accounting is defined as a set of concepts and techniques

that are used to measure and report financial information

about an economic entity.4 And technology is defined as the

application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of

human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and

manipulation of the human environment.5

The BS in Accounting Technology program centers on the

basic accounting skills, as well as business and finance

skills that will help students pursue careers in bookkeeping,

auditing, tax preparation, and business analysis. This

program is designed to equip students with knowledge, skills

and values that will make them competent professionals in the

field of accounting. Accounting technology programs typically

lead to an associate's degree or certificate. Accounting

technology is affiliated with both business and financial

accounting, but it studies these topics at a less advanced

level than a full business or accounting program would.

Potential places of employment for graduates include

accounting firms, retail stores, hospitals, commercial

4Larry Walther, Ph.D., CPA, CMA (n.d.), Principles of Accounting, Retrieved

July 5, 2018 from

5Adam Augustyn (2018), Technology, Retrieved July 5, 2018 from

industries, and other entities that need employees with basic

finance and accounting skills.

Accounting technicians works for private and public

sector organizations, where they undertake a wide range of

accountancy, financial and taxation tasks. Accounting

technicians carry out a range of practical accounting tasks,

working towards the collation, checking and analysis of

financial information, which is then utilized by accountants.

6 Professionals with accounting technology degrees may also

be expected to analyze business situations and work with

state-of-the-art business software and other technology. If

you’re starting your career, treat it as an exciting journey.

In this journey, it’s crucial that you have the right tools,

the right image, and the right skills to make it work. As a

fresh accounting graduate or graduate-in-transit, your

course, name of school and skills might not be enough to get

your foot in a prospective employer’s door. The reality is

quite harsh. You will not easily get the job that you truly

want and deserve. This is of course not the case if you are

an honors graduate with an impressive set of credentials from

6Study.Com (2003),Retrieved July 5, 2018 from

one of the top universities. You will realize that it is

important to have an impressive edge over the other candidates

and a professional certification like the Certified

Accounting Technician (CAT) can give you the edge you needs.

The CAT qualification will help in revamping your image

and reinforcing your skill set with solid proof of your

knowledge and expertise.

Accounting technicians are the skilled support staff

working in accounting and finance. They generally maintain

systematic records of business transactions, verify and

record them, use computers to calculate, prepare and process

financial records.7 As an accounting technician, you'll

prepare the financial information which professional

accountants or business managers use when making decisions.

This is why accounting technicians are skilled support staff

working because they do the preparatory stages of the

financial information. Accounting technicians could be part

of a large team or they could be the only financially-trained

member of staff in a small enterprise. Accounting technicians

can be employed in industry, commerce or the public sector.

7St. Anthony’s College (2015), Retrieved July 5, 2018 from

Most people in this job start their careers in a finance

support role.

Being in the support system, you get to familiarize

yourself with what you have learned while you were studying.

You practice applying accounting in the modern business

transactions. They are responsible for updating financial

records and may also handle some other financial

transactions. There are no mandatory educational requirements

to become an accounting technician. It is possible to enter

this field with a high school diploma and learn through on-

the-job training, although computer skills are an asset and

prospective accounting technicians may also benefit from

taking courses in math and accounting. Some level of

postsecondary education is typically expected by employers.

But business opportunities for an accounting technician

graduate are wider than an accountancy graduate. It is wider

in the sense that business technology is in demand in the

world of modern business. Accounting technicians deal with

financial transactions. Their work involves updating records

with payments received and expenses and balancing those

accounts. Accountants work with finances on a wider level.

They may be responsible for preparing corporate taxes,


assessing a company's budget or identifying problems with the

financial records of an individual client or a corporation.

While math skills are an asset for both accountants and

accounting technicians, accountants also need to be aware of

the financial or tax regulations that apply to their clients.

Parents sending their children to school should result

to a profitable return by marketing their children productive

members of society. Education in the Philippines is

prioritized. Parents believe that education is indispensable,

a national legacy which should be passed from one generation

to the next. It's no wonder that Filipinos speak good English,

read English books and newspapers and send letters to these

columns to voice their views, whereas maids of other

nationalities do not. Even maids fresh from the barrio have

a good education.8 Sending their child in schools makes

parents thinks that their children prepare well for their

bright future. Making dreams on what career to pursue and

living day to day to work for that dream.

8Fely Daskeo Kowloon (1996), Education very important To Filipinos,

Retrieved July 5, 2018 from

Conceptual Framework

An individual's decision to join a firm may depend on

any of the three factors viz. objective factor, subjective

factor and critical contact.

 Objective factor theory assumes that the applicants are

rational. The choice, therefore, is exercised after an

objective assessment of the tangible benefits of the

job. Factors may include the salary, other benefits,

location, opportunities for career advancement, etc.

 Subjective factor theory suggests that decision making

is dominated by social and psychological factors. The

status of the job, reputation of the organization and

other similar factors plays an important role.

 Critical contact theory advances the idea that a

candidate's observations while interacting with the

organization plays a vital role in decision making. For

example, how the recruiter keeps in touch with the

candidate, the promptness of response and similar


factors are important. This theory is more valid with

experienced professionals.9

These theories assume that candidates have a free choice

of employers and careers. In reality the scarcity of jobs and

strong competition for desirable jobs severely skews the

decision making process. In many markets employees work

particular careers simply because they were forced to accept

whatever work was available to them. Additionally, Ott-

Holland and colleagues found that culture can have a major

influence on career choice, depending on the type of


When choosing a career that's best for you, according to

US News, there are multiple things to consider. Some of those

include: natural talents, work style, social interaction,

work-life balance, whether or not you are looking to give

back, whether you are comfortable in the public eye, dealing

with stress or not, and finally, how much money you want to

make. If choosing a career feels like too much pressure,

9Schreuder, A. M. G. (2006), Careers: An Organisational Perspective,

Retrieved July 6, 2018 from
10Ott-Holland, C. J.; Huang, J. L.; Ryan, A. M.; Elizondo, F.; Wadlington,

P. L. (2013), Culture and Vocational Interests: The Moderating Role of

Collectivism and Gender Egalitarianism, Retrieved July 6, 2018 from

here's another option: pick a path that feels right today by

making the best decision you can, and know that you can change

your mind in the future. In today's workplace, choosing a

career doesn't necessarily mean you have to stick with that

line of work for your entire life. Make a smart decision, and

plan to re-evaluate down the line based on your long-term


Choosing a career is a big deal. It's about so much more

than deciding what to do to make a living. When you think

about the amount of time you will spend at work, it will

become clear why this decision is such a big deal. Expect to

be on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over your

lifetime, this comes out to roughly 31 1/2 years out of the

45 years you will probably spend working, from the beginning

of your career until retirement. Do not underestimate the

importance of selecting a career that is a good fit for you.12

To increase your chances of finding a satisfying career,

11Tim Tyrrel Smith (2010), How to Choose a Career That’s Best for You,
Retrieved July 6, 2018 from
12Dawn Rosenberg McKay (2018), The Career Planning Process, Retrieved July

6, 2018 from


follow, in order, these four steps of the career planning


Step 1. Self-Assessment

During this first step, you will use a variety of tools

to gather information about yourself. Learn about your:

 Interests: The things you enjoy doing.

 Work-related Values: The ideas and beliefs that are

important to you and guide your actions.

 Personality Type: Your social traits, motivations,

strengths and weaknesses, and attitudes.

 Aptitudes: A natural talent or an ability learned

through training and education.

 Preferred Work Environments: The type of workplaces you

prefer, for example, indoors or outdoors, office or

factory, and noisy or quiet.

 Developmental Needs: Your cognitive abilities that have

an impact on the type of training or education you can

complete and what kind of work you can do.

 Realities: Circumstances that may influence your ability

to train for an occupation or work in it.


You will identify careers that might be a good fit for

you during the self-assessment, but you will need more

information before you can make a final decision. Step 2 will

help you do that.

Step 2. Career Exploration

Career exploration focuses on learning

about the occupations that seem to be a good fit based on the

results of your self-assessment and any other professions

that interest you. Use online and print resources to get a

job description; learn about specific job duties; and

gather labor market information including median

salaries and job outlooks.

After completing this preliminary research, you can

start eliminating professions that don't appeal to you and

get more details about those that do. This is an ideal time

to conduct informational interviews and arrange job

shadowing opportunities. During an informational interview,

you will ask people who work in an occupation that interests

you questions about their jobs. Job shadowing involves

following someone around at work in order to learn more

about what they do.


Step 3. Match

Finally it's time to make a match! During Step 3, you

will decide which occupation is the best fit for you based on

what you learned during Steps 1 and 2—self assessment and

career exploration.

 Identify the occupation in which you are most interested

and one or two alternatives on which to fall back if,

for any reason, you can't pursue your first choice.

 Give serious thought to how you will prepare to enter

your chosen career, the costs associated with education

and training, and whether you will face any barriers,

which are the realities discussed during the step 1.

 Go back to Step 2 if you find you need to explore your

options further before making a decision.

Once you have chosen a career, you can go on to Step 4,

which will lead you toward your first job in your new career.

Step 4. Action

During this step, you will write a career action plan.

It will serve as a guide to reaching your ultimate goal of

getting a job in the career you deemed to be a good match


during Step 3. Identify what long-term and short-

term goals you will have to reach to get to the ultimate one.

Start investigating appropriate education and training

programs, for example, colleges, graduate

schools, or apprenticeship programs. Then start preparing for

required entrance examinations or applying for admission.

If you are ready to seek employment, develop a job

search strategy. Identify and learn about potential

employers. Write your resume and cover letters. Begin

to prepare for job interviews.

It is important to note that the career planning process

never ends. At various points in your career, you may have to

go back to the beginning, or to any phase as you redefine

yourself and your goals.13 For example, you may decide

to change your career or you may have to figure out how to

pursue better options in your current one.

In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic

Act (RA)No.7722,otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act

13Dawn Rosenberg McKay (2018), The Career Planning Process, Retrieved July

6, 2018 from


of 1994,” and for the purpose of locally adopting the

International Education Standards in Accounting Education as

prescribed by the International Federation of Accountants

with the end view of keeping standards in accounting education


the country comparable with the requirements of the global

workplace, the following rules and guidelines are hereby

adopted and promulgated by the Commission:

Section 1. Accountancy is a profession that plays an

important role in all societies. As the world moves toward

global market economies, and with investments and operations

crossing borders to an ever greater extent, professional

accountants need a broad global outlook to understand the

context in which businesses and other organizations operate.

Section 2. Rapid change has been the main characteristic of

the environment in which professional accountants work.

Pressures for change are coming from many sources including

globalization, information and communication technologies,

and the expansion of stakeholder groups, including regulators

and oversight boards. Professional accountants are now

expected to serve the

needs not only of investors and creditors but also the


information needs of many other users of financial and non-

financial information. One of the secondary products of

globalization is the business process outsourcing (BPO)

industry, which has been cited as one of the fastest

growing industries of the world. While customer care call

centers currently form the largest part of the BPO,

researchers say that financial and accounting services is

becoming as highly lucrative in the BPO industry, and this

falls under the practice of accountancy.

Section 6. Effectively, the Bachelor of Accounting Technology

(BSAT) program will serve as an acceptable ladder to the BSA

Program, should the student, later in life, decide and qualify

for the program for CPA professionals

Section 12. The primary goal of accounting education is to

produce competent professional accountants capable of making

a positive contribution over their lifetimes to the

profession and society in which they work. In the face of

increasing changes that they will meet later as professional

accountants, it is essential that students develop and

maintain an attitude of learning to learn, to maintain their

competence later as professional accountants.


Section 13. The BSAT program should provide a foundation of

professional knowledge, professional skills, and professional

values, ethics and attitudes that enable them to continue to

learn and adapt to change throughout their professional

lives. These capabilities will enable professional

accountants to identify problems, know where to find this

knowledge and know how to apply it in an ethical manner to

achieve appropriate solutions. The balance of these elements

may vary but what is required is to develop the knowledge

base and strong skills in order to produce competent

professional accountants with appropriate values, ethics and


Section 14. Preparing students for the Certified Accounting

Technician (CAT) licensure examinations and for employment in

private establishment and public sector (government agencies)

are subsidiary objectives which should judiciously blend with

the primary goal of preparing students for a successful long-

term professional accounting career. Thus, the accounting

graduate should be qualified to take and pass the CAT

licensure examinations, and to obtain employment as an entry-

level professional accountant. With proper orientation and


supervision, he should be able to cope with the problems he

will face upon in the workplace.

Section 15. After completion of the program and passing the

CAT licensure examination, the graduates can pursue a career

in accountancy and related professions. Specific jobs vary

widely among the four major fields of accountancy: public

practice, commerce and industry, government and education.14

14Geezelle Maningo (2011), Accounting Guidelines, Retrieved July 6, 2018


Paradigm of the Study


Profile of the

a. Age
b. Gender
a. c. Civil Status
d. Length of
e. Monthly
f. Present Career
Position opportunities Well Defined
g. Department determination of Career
h. Number of Bachelor of Opportunities of
Times Science in Bachelor of
Promoted Accounting Science in
About the Technician Accounting
(BSAT) Technician
a. Employment
Categories of
the Graduates
b. Employment





The paradigm shows the three (3) phases: the input; the

process and the output. The input comprises the Profile of

the respondents (Age, Gender, Civil Status, Length of

Service, Monthly Salary, Present Position, and Department),

about the graduates (Employment Categories and Employment

Status), professional growth, employment opportunities and

promotions. The process features the determination of the

career opportunities of the Accounting Technicians’ Graduate

in the three (3) cities of Isabela. And the last phase will

be the output which determines the well-defined career

opportunities of the BSAT graduates.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the career opportunities of

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology graduates from

the three (3) cities of Isabela.

Specifically, the following questions were answered.

1. What is the profile of the respondents relative to:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Educational Attainment

d. Length of Service

e. Monthly Salary

f. Present Position

g. Department

h. Promotion

2. What are the employment categories of the graduates

as determined by the managers or heads of the


a. Administrative Department

b. Staff and Clerk

c. Faculty

d. Others

3. What possible professional growth?

4. What are the possible employment opportunities and

work experience can the companies offer to these



The researchers assume that there were lot of

opportunities to Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

graduates on their way through success, has less possibility

of underemployment and they must possess special skills and

human skills to get a higher chance of employment and


Significance of the Study

This research study is relevant because it can serve as

an inspiration by the BSAT students that in their chosen

course there are many career opportunities awaits them that

will leads them to be successful in life. The researchers

conceived it as significant to:

Parents. This study will make them know the opportunities

their children will be as they graduate Bachelor of Science

in Accounting Technology course in Our Lady of the Pillar

College - Cauayan City.

BSAT Students. This will encourage them to finish their chosen

course. This will also enlighten them about the careers they

will encounter in the future.

They will gain knowledge about the course Bachelor of

Science in Accounting Technology.

Accounting Instructors. The outcome of this research will

help them in handling their students. They can also help their

students in motivating their students.

Future Researchers. This will provide them useful information

in conducting similar studies.


Accomplishing this study will help them determine the

career opportunities that awaits them. It will also help them

develop their own well-defined career path as they plan for

their future.

Scope and Delimitation

The research was conducted to determine the career

opportunities of Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Technicians graduates.

The forty-five (45) respondents of this study were the

managers or heads of institutions of the three (3) cities of


Questionnaire were prepared and distributed to the

respondents to gather relevant data.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the words used in this study,

the following are defined:

BSAT. Refers to Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology.

It is the chosen program in Our Lady of the Pillar College-

Cauayan City.

OLPC-C. As used in the study, it is an institution, which

stands for Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan that rapidly

enhances everyone specifically students to make a better

choice of learning.

Graduates. Refers to fresh graduates of Bachelor of Science

in Accounting Technology.

Career. It is defined as a person's course or progress through

life or a distinct portion of life; is also frequently

understood to relate to the working aspects of an individual's

life e.g. as in career woman; an occupation or a profession

that usually involves special training or formal

education, and is considered to be a person’s lifework.

Accounting. It is defined as a set of concepts and techniques

that are used to measure and report financial information

about an economic entity.

Technology. It is defined as the application of scientific

knowledge for practical purposes

Accounting technicians. They are the skilled support staff

working in accounting and finance. They generally maintain

systematic records of business transactions, verify and


record them, use computers to calculate, prepare and process

financial records.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the literature and studies that

bear significance to the study. Related Literature is

composed of facts and principles to which the present study

is related. These materials are usually printed and found in

books, encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines,

newspaper, and other publications. Every piece of ongoing

research needs to be connected with the work already done to

attain an overall relevance and purposes. The review of

literature thus becomes a link between the researched

proposed and the studies already done. The researchers

gathered information that deals with past studies and

literature that are related to the current study.

Foreign Literature

Traditionally careers have been described in various

ways. Careers have been described as a sequence of positions

held within an occupation. For example, a university faculty

member can hold assistant associate and full professor


positions. A career has also been described in the context of

mobility within an organization.15

Finishing college brings with it a sense of euphoria and

expectation, and rightly so. The sense of achievement from

earning your degree should not be underestimated. You have

worked hard to reach this point and pride can be taken from

that fact as you prepare to enter the world of work.16

Work is an essential part of an everyday life. In fact,

almost one-fourth of active adult life is spent in pursuing

a career. Work is important because it is a means of earning

a livelihood. It is a way to provide oneself and the family.

At the same time, to many people, it is a medium to express

their creative instincts. Very often, it paves a way for

people to high positions in the society.17

It may be alright to say that life is becoming more

competitive. However, as far as the opportunities for careers

are concerned, they are growing in direct proportion to the

population. Newer avenues are opening each day. The

15Noe, Hollenbeck and Gerhart , Human Resource Management : Gaining a

Competitive Advantage; 2006, 5th Edition p. 384.
16Robby Vanuxem (n.d.), How Graduates Can Enhance Their Chance of Employment

Success, Retrieved September 28, 2018 from
17Prem P. Bhalla, A Complete Guide to Career; Atlantic Publishers &
Distributors, 2007, p. 5

unfortunate problem is that most people fail to understand

what a good opportunity is. They fail to recognize it. They

do not know how an opportunity can be developed into a

profitable career.18

Dealing with finances and thinking through career plans

should be a high priority for every college student. How will

you manage your money now and in the future? What careers and

work environments will make the most of your strengths while

providing the money you need for your chosen lifestyle.19 85.9

percent of entering students said that “to be able to get a

better job” was the number one reason they were pursuing

college degrees.20

Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class

of drives, desires, needs, wishes and similar forces. To say

that managers motivate their subordinates is to say that they

do those things which they hope will satisfy these drives and

18Prem P. Bhalla, A Complete Guide to Career; Atlantic Publishers &

Distributors, 2007, p. 22.
19Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits, Keys to Success: Building

Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills; 6th Edition, p. 436.

20Debra Humphreys, Success after College: What Students, Parents, and

Educators Need to Know and Do, 2011, Pp. 9


desires and induce the subordinates to act in a decide


Job satisfaction is the favorableness or unfavorableness

with what employees view at their work. Job satisfaction is

part of life satisfaction. The nature of one's environment

off the job does not affect one's feelings on the job.

Similarly, since a job is an important part of life, job

satisfaction influences one's general life satisfaction. The

result is that satisfaction arises from a complete set of

circumstances in the same way that motivation does. 22

Students’ decision to continue their course is being

influenced on their goals in life and if it fits to their

learning style. Students are also motivated through

identifying their abilities and their chances of


Interview skills are also going to be of vital

importance upon recently graduating. And they are a skill,

21Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell, Essentials of Management: 1978, 2nd

Edition, p 415.
22Keith Davis PH. D., Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior; 1981,
6 Edition , p. 83
23Course Hero, Inc (n.d.), Review of Related Literature in Choosing a

Career, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

which with practice you can easily improve. If you’re

concerned about your low confidence or lack of public

speaking ability hurting your interview chances then don’t

be – confidence is not something we’re born with or without,

it’s a choice that we can make at any time.24


Work is an essential part of life. As a kid transforms

into an adult, he learns to make decisions on his own. He

learns to decide on many things and the first thing he would

do when he graduate college is to look for a job. Whether

finding a job he is comfortable with or not. Decisions on

job positions and finding opportunities to grow. He will be

the one to look for a job that he will be satisfies with. He

should make career plans that would benefit him most. Or

should he choose to continue studying for better


Local Literature

As people begin to enter adulthood, they also begin to

pursue various interests and purpose in life. They start to

24Robby Vanuxem (n.d), How Graduates Can Enhance Their Chance of Employment

Success, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

prepare for a specific vocation or to pursue specific

interests. They pursue education that will prepare them to

become what they wanted to be.

Nationally, three out of four of locally employed

respondents, who have preference to still work in the

country, claim that given the chance, they would rather stay

in their locality to work than relocate elsewhere. All 16

regions of the Philippines registered as pro-local jobs, as

even the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, the area with

the highest percentage of individuals amenable to working

outside their hometowns, has at least one in three residents

opting to stay and work locally.25

While working locally has proven to be a popular

objective for the Filipino workforce, there is the prevalent

perception that the options for local jobs are limited, or

worse, non-existent. As much as jobseekers would like to

stay in their hometowns and be gainfully employed there,

there are no jobs available for everyone, which then prompts

25JobStreet Internatonal (March 2, 2016), Study Reveals

Filipinos’ Preference for Hometown Jobs, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

the majority to seek work in regional urban centers, Metro

Manila, or overseas.26

Education is a process or a product. As a process,

education is a system whereby an individual acquires

knowledge, skills and attitudes that are essential in

attaining objectives in life. It is a conscious effort of

developing one’s capabilities through formal schooling, non-

formal or informal education and training. It is a dynamic

process of growth and development.27

Almost all successful organizations have the improvement

of employees’ performance as a primary goal. In an economy

like the Philippines, it is undoubtedly the workforce that

drives companies to keep adapting, growing, improving, and

innovating.28 Working easier means employees are healthier,

and working healthier means they do the job better.

Motivation factor is a very general phrase, but is a big

factor and has a big effect on the performance appraisal of

26JobStreet Internatonal (March 2, 2016), Study Reveals

Filipinos’ Preference for Hometown Jobs, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from
27Fedeserio C. Camarao, Ph. D., technology Education in the Philippines:
3 Edition, Manila: 24K Printing Co., Inc., 1999, p. 2.
28Lamudi (January 28, 2016), Factors That Contribute to Office Workers’

Well-Being, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

person. It can be a guiding force or factor that makes an

individual work more effectively and more efficiently.29

Motivation drives individual having a good performance in

his/her studies in preparation for his/her future career


The Philippines has too few jobs for its population.30

Some employed workers nowadays are underemployed, underpaid,

or employed below his/her full potential. Governments,

employers' associations and trade unions around the world are

striving to enhance the employability of workers, smooth the

transitions of young people into productive and decent work,

and increase the productivity of enterprises through better

quality and relevant training and effective employment

services and career counseling.

Among all courses of the college by RCC, the BSAT course

is one of the most employable than the rest. A major factor

29Braddie S. Riguer, Different Motivation Factor that Affects the Students

Academic Performance of Our Lady of the Pillar College – Cauayan, Cauayan City,
Isabela (Unpublished thesis Material) 2006, p.27.
30Sharmaine Morales (n.d.), Chapter 2 Review of Related Literatures and

Studies, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

accounting for this is the accelerating pace of

industrialization in the province of Bulacan.31

On the other hand, the placement program helps much in

the employment of the graduates. The Resource Management

International Engineering Consultants, stated that it is not

the responsibility of the school to find employment for the

graduates, but establishing a minimal assistance regarding

work opportunities may considerably improve the employability

of the graduates.32

Career development systems do exist in local

organizations and more than a third of the respondents said

that their systems have been in existence for more than 6

years. The most used career development interventions, on

the other hand, were development programs, which includes

training and development efforts, and organizational

potential assessment processes, which include psychological

testing, assessment centers, and job assignments.33

Reynaldo Cruz, Employability and Productivity of RCC College Graduates,
Research Journal 1993.(journal)
Reynaldo Cruz, Employability and Productivity of RCC College Graduates,
Resource Management International Inc. Educational Development Project
Implementing Taskforce MECS, 1983. (Joulnal)
33Ateneo Center for Organization Research and Development (2012), Career

Development in Philippine Organizations, Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

Strengthening employment services at the local level

is considered as one of the activities needing support at

this time to ensure that youth are provided with greater

prospects in their search for jobs. In a pilot program

which sought to increase young people’s access to decent

work, local and international stakeholders pooled their

resources and expertise to address youth employment. The

collaboration concentrated on several strategies which, in

addition to strengthening local employment services,

focused on providing technical vocational and

entrepreneurship training to the youth, supporting

entrepreneurship education in public high schools, and

promoting public-private partnerships in support of youth



Most fresh graduates don’t know how or where to hunt

job that will suitably be in lined with their course. Career

plan is important because this will be their guide. Most of

jobseekers plan to seek work in their hometowns rather than

34Wilbert San Pedro and Roche Angon, MDGIF, Joint Programme on Alternatives

to Migration: “Decent Jobs for Filipino Youth” (M. A. Thesis, 1985)


working in big cities. One of the causes of this plan is

because of motivation. Family is a big part of it. And seeing

their families is one of the greatest motivation they can

ever have.

Foreign Studies

Career development is an important issue for

organisations. By attracting, retaining and developing its

workforce, an organization achieves the resilience that is

required to survive in an increasingly turbulent business

environment. The end result of successful career development

practice is that an organisation is better placed to adapt

and survive in a competitive business climate and is better

equipped to face the future. Successful career development

practice is therefore designed to give an organisation

competitive advantage in attracting, retaining and

developing the best people.35

According to cambridge dictionary, “Success is the

achieving of desired results, or someone or something that

achieves positive results”. People are fighting for their

35Hirsh and Jackson, Strategies for Career Development : Promise, Practice

and Pretence , pp.5


career because it will lead them to success which is a

pleasure for human being. Successful people in their chosen

field will lead to professional growth and contentment and

their company or institution will be benefitted.

Employee is any person hired by an employer to do a

specific "job".36 The relationship between a corporation and

its employees is usually handled through the human resources

department, which handles the incorporation of new hires, and

the disbursement of any benefits which the employee may be

entitled, or any grievances that employee may have. Most

individuals just like the Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Technician graduates attain the status of employee after a

job interview with a company.

Employment is the capacity of an individual to showcase

his talent and to use the trainings gathered in course

program. A book - “Educating for Careers” stated the notion

that marketable skills provided today’s crop of worker’s

employment opportunities.37 Education is very important in

36HE Griggs (2000), Performance Employees Productivity Management,

Retrieved February 27, 2019 from
Thomas Powers (1977), Educating for Careers: Policy Issues in a Time of

having the marketability and general skills needed in finding

an appropriate job.

Employee Management Standards aimed to determine that

the employee’s performance on the job and attitude about the

job would depend on the degree to which the manager fulfills

the needs.38 The researcher associated that to the employees

that will look at the performance and attitude towards the

job that will be strongly affected by the degree on where the

superior may reach the fulfillment on the job desires.

Only a few studies were found which are related to the

present study. One of which is that younger graduates are

less preferred than adults for employment.39

Family connections is considered to be dominant factor

which influences employability. A worker employed in an

industrial company on the strength of his having been a

political recommendee before entry had no relationship with

this productivity compared to his counterparts who had been

employed on the strength of their own ability.40

38RobertW. McIntosh, Employee Management Standards (The L.J. Minor Food

Service Standards Series)Fourth Edition; Robert W. McIntosh Restaurant and
Institutional Management Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, 1917.
An Tien Hsiek. “The Attitude of Farmer and Extension Workers and Its
Relation to Extension Effectiveness in Taiwan”. (Dissertation, U.P., 1981)
Kitmon Boonthai. “Study on Employment and Income of 1983-1984 Business
Administration Graduates of Five Private Colleges in Bangkok, Thailand” (M.A.
Thesis, t. Louis University, Baguio City, 1986).

On the other hand, a placement service was considered

successful if the graduates could use their talents to the

fullest and the totality of their education and training

received in college. Proper and full use of these personal

assets can be carried through upon the entrance into the world

of work.41

Regarding school-related factors, the adequacy of

appropriate equipment and other resources are desirable in

the learning process for better achievement and competence of

the graduates.42

Effective teachers exhibit a breadth of knowledge, bring

information together from a variety of sources, analyze

concepts effectively and study up-to-date in their specialty.

And in depth of understanding. This means to say that the

success of the students in their future career will depend to

an extent upon how critic has trained them to teach


The relationship between supervisor communication

competence and employees job performance in public agency

Anno Wong. “A Study of Employer and Employee Satisfaction of Ateneo
Graduates Field and Retraining Sponsor Companies Between May 1979 – June 1985”
(Dissertation, Ateneo de Manila, 1986).
Soon Thiomai Piphop. “Effectiveness of Vocational skills Training Program”
(Dissertation, U.P., 1983)

conclude that effective communication has a significant

positive relationship between the two. The effective

communication plays such a vital role in organizations that

managers need to look at the communication process toward its

improvement, a top priority for managing corporate change is

carried out through effective employee communication that the

best practices for employee communication are rooted in good

leadership, precise goals and clear methods of carrying out

these goals.


Family connections is one of the factors that affect

employability. As a person who knows someone in the company,

having a recommendee gets you to a higher chance of

employability. Once you are employed, you begin to know that

career development for organizations is very important. The

same with human workforce development because employees does

most of the job in the organization. Also, employee

communication is important between the top executives and the

employees to enhance relationship in the organization.


Local Studies

Employment status is one of the major factors

influencing the quality of work. Manpower contributes to

building a productive nation.44 With the competitive nature

of businesses, it is imperative to know what makes employees

go the extra mile and do more for the organization.

Professional development is a broad term that can

refer to a variety of education, training, and

support opportunities available to youth workers. 45

Professional development is a continuous improvement

process lasting from the time an individual decides to

enter education until retirement. It encompasses the

processes that educators engaged in to initially prepare

themselves, continuously update themselves, and review

and reflect on their own performance.

When a graduate is employed in a job not suited to his

college specialization, this is called an educational

mismatch, but this need not be considered a negative

44Julieta Galila-infante, Ethel p. Junco, Mervin C. Marquez (2014),

Employment Status of the Graduates of Guimaras State College, Philippines,
Retrieved February 27, 2019 from
45Tariq Ghayyur (n.d.), Signifance of Professional Development With Urdu,

Retrieved February 27, 2018 from

commentary. As stated before, one should look at this in the

context of the economic condition of the country. Viewed

positively, it is more of a phenomenon of flexible educational

programs coping with job demands that likewise exhibit

flexibility. Even in such a developed economy as Japan's there

are instances of college graduates being employed in jobs not

requiring college degrees. This is not something unique to

developing economies. Educational mismatch should not cause

substantial concern. On the contrary, curricular programs

should be such as to offer continuing occupational

flexibility. Job demands should likewise be enhanced to

accommodate the diverse academic backgrounds of college

graduates. The educational system should concentrate on

producing graduates who can adapt themselves to rapidly

changing needs of jobs. In other words, the education system

should concentrate on imparting basic skills, while

specialization would take place on the job.46

There are several studies that deal with factors

affecting the employability of college graduates which are

found related to the subject of the study. Malacat, in her


Retrieved February 27, 2018 from

study analyzed the employability and productivity of OLPC –

C graduates. She found that to sustain the internal efficiency

of the institution, it needs to continually strive to

establish linkages with industries, schools and other

clienteles. The placement program of the institutions needs

to be strengthened and improved for better employment of its


In another study conducted by Crisostomo, an analysis

was made regarding the employability and productivity of

business graduates of Bulacan State University. In his study,

he found that the graduates’ waiting time for employment was

between six months to one year; number of times applied for

a job was 2.3 and for nature of employment was 80.63 percent

of graduates held jobs related to their chosen courses taken

while 19. 37 percent held jobs not related to their courses.48

The age (present and at graduation) was associated with

the rate of utilization and income of the graduates. It

appeared that the older graduates had better rate of

Rebecca Malacat. “Employability and Productivity of RCC College
Graduate”Employability and Productivity of RCC College Graduate” (M.A. Thesis,
Bulacan State University, 1993)
Visitacion B. Crisostomo. “Employability and Productivity of Engineering
Graduates” (M. A. Thesis, Bulacan State University).

utilization.49 It was supported by the study of Dulay, who

stated that those who are mature in age have greater chances

of employment than those who are less mature in age.50

Civil status was a factor that appears to be predictions

of the total compensation received by workers51, while marital

status of the graduate is a significant discriminant of his

employability thus affecting his productivity.52

There should be a need to enhance further the

relationship between the supervisors and subordinates through

regular conduct of teambuilding opportunities for

organizational productivity involving all personnel grouped

by division of the agency.53


Education is one key to a good job. In today’s job market

what you know determines what you earn. The more you know the

Jose R. Juego. “Employment and Income of High School Graduates in
Borongan, Eastern Samar” (M. A. Thesis, U. P. Los Banos, Laguna).
Buenaventura C. Dulay. “Productivity of Graduates and Drop – Outs of the
Extension Training Program Among Technical State Institutions in Region III”, T.
U. P., Manila, 1987.
51Isabelita Montessa. “The perceived Leadership Styles of First ALevel

Supervisors of the Management Bureaus”, 1995 p. 86.

53Eugene Estrada. “The Perceived Leadership Styles of First A Level
Supervisors of the Management Bureaus”, 1995, p. 86.

more you make, especially if what you know is important to

some segment of the business world. Employment status affects

the quality of work an employee does. In the Philippines, it

is found that many Filipino graduates are underemployed due

to limit of opportunities in the market. They do things that

don’t match to the degree they finished. Job demands are

getting higher every year. It was also stated that most mature

graduates have more chance of employability than those who

are less mature. Those were just few of the problems that

graduates were facing as of today.




This chapter briefly presents the different methods and

procedures used by the researchers in doing their

investigation. It describes who were the respondents and

focus of the research. It incorporated the sampling

technique, sources of data, the instrument utilized to gather

data, as well as the statistical tools employed in processing

the data. This chapter shows how the researchers came to the

necessary data for this study, and how these data were

analyzed, interpreted and presented in the easiest way

possible. The credibility of findings and conclusions extensively

depend on the quality of the research design, data collection, data

management, and data analysis.

Method of Research Used

To determine the career opportunities for Accounting

Technology graduates in the three (3) cities of Isabela and

to secure adequate and reliable information for the

evaluation of the objective of this study, the researcher

made use of the descriptive survey method of using


questionnaire. It is an analysis of data of an entire

population which is using the entire set of possible subjects.

Descriptive survey is the implementation of evidence to

recognize between facts and influences. The data from

descriptive survey when used as a basis for interferences

that may aid in solving problems of the researchers rather,

that the principles and laws in conducting an experiment in

the laboratory.54 Descriptive research involves

collection of data in order to test hypothesis to

answer questions concerning the current status of the

subject of the study. This method was used because of their

correlative nature that allows researchers to compare and

group question responses based upon age, gender or other

demographic responses. And also the necessary information

needed in this study in order to accomplish.

A questionnaire was used as a data gathering tool in the

study since it is the most practical tool to be used. All the

data collected from the questionnaires

were recorded and tallied to be used in analyzing the results.

An actual site visit was also conducted during the completion of the

Calmorin, Paler, Laurentina, “Method of Research and Thesis
Writing”, First Edition, Rex Philippines, 1995, p.46

survey to random people. Data were derived from the answers

respondents gave in self-administered questionnaire prepared by the

researcher. Sample surveys are an important tool for collecting and

analyzing information from selected individuals.

The word survey attempts to analyze, interpret and report the

present status of social institution, group or era the term

descriptive is fact finding with adequate interpretation which is

something more than just gathering data.55

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the Managers or Heads of

institution in the three (3) cities of Isabela. A total of forty-

five (45) were randomly selected as participants. The survey-

questionnaire method was the research instruments used for data


The respondents were asked to accomplish the questionnaire

based on the respondents profile, their profession, working

experiences, and possible promotions.

Aquino, Gaudencio,
55 “Essential of the Thesis Writing”, Rex
Bookstore 166., Manila, 1987

Data Gathering Procedures

All information to be gathered through the questionnaire was

kept confidential as promised to the respondents. All data obtained

were carefully studied for reliability and consistency in order to

avail the necessary answers with relevance to the study. The

researchers have undertaken the following steps and procedures in

order to have systematic and organized gathering of data:

1. Prepared a letter requesting the managers/head of an

office to conduct survey.

2. Constructed the questionnaire.

3. Floated the questionnaire to the respondents.

4. Retrieved the answered questionnaire.

5. Organized the gathered data.

6. Tabulated and analyzed the data gathered.

Statistical Tool Used

In order to analyze the data gathered for this study,

the researchers made use of the following statistical tools:

Frequency Count. This tool was used to determine the number

of cases under each category. It determines the frequency of

a particular result in a given statistical survey.


Percentage. This tool was used to reduce different sets of

numbers or common frequencies of comparative sets of number.

It is employed as a norm of numerical analysis. This was

utilized to determine the proportion of the responses of the

respondents in each category.

𝑝 = 𝑛 𝑥 100%


P = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of the respondents

100 = given or constant

Mean. It was used to determine the average perception of the


∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑥= 𝑛


𝑋̅ = mean

f = frequency

x = response of the respondents

n = total number of the respondents

Likert Scale. It was used to determine the readiness of the

respondents in preparations to their graduation. And it also

determined the career interest of the graduates in terms of

success. The following scale and its respective qualitative

description were used by the researchers:

Option Interval Qualitative


4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree

2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree


Chapter IV


This part of the study involves analysis and

interpretation of the gathered data. These were treated with

statistical tools, presented in tables and figures, and were

made to provide a clear understanding on the relevant

information. For the purpose of a good presentation, this

chapter is divided into parts namely:

Part I Profile of the Respondents

Part II About the Graduates

Part III Professional Growth

Part III Employment Opportunities

Part IV Promotions

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

To give the reader an insight about the respondents of

the study, a profile of the respondents is presented in some

selected variables such as: age, gender, educational

attainment, length of service, monthly salary, present

position, department and how many times they are promoted.


Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

21-30 19 42.2
31-40 21 46.7
41-50 3 6.7
51-60 1 2.2
61 or over 1 2.2
Total 45 100

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to their age.

It reveals that out of 45 respondents, majority of them

fall under the age of 31-40 years old. There are 21 or 46.7%

of the respondents belong to the 31-40 age range, the 21-30

year olds comes next which comprises 42.2% of the total

respondents. The lowest percentage goes to 51-60 years old

and 61 and above which only comprises 2.2% of the total sample


Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 15 33.3
Female 30 66.7
Total 45 100

The above table contains the frequency and percentage

distribution of the respondents according to their gender.

The respondents are composed of 15 male and 30 female,

giving the ratio of 33.30%:66.70% in terms of gender. This

implies that females outnumbered the male managers or heads

of institutions of the three cities of Isabela. As shown in

the table, the statistics does not prove that female have

better chances for employment. The large number of females

among the respondents was due to their availability during

the time the survey was made.


Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Educational Attainment

Frequency Percentage
College Graduate 42 93.3
Master’s Level 2 4.4
No Answer 1 2.2
Total 45 100

Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage

distribution of the respondents according to educational


In reference with the data gathered, majority of them

fall under college graduate with a frequency of 42 or 93.3%

of the total respondents.


Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Length of Service

Length of Service Frequency Percentage

Less than 1 year 7 15.6
1 to 5 years 18 40.0
6 to 10 years 5 11.1
More than 10 years 15 33.3
Total 45 100

Table 4 provides the frequency and percentage

distribution of the respondents according to length of


The table shows that most of the respondents stayed in

their respective organization for more than 1 year because

they have already gained loyalty from their employer which

attributes to good employee-employer relationships. They were

able to utilize their talents and skills, financial and

economic reasons aside from job security and promotions.


Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Monthly Salary

Monthly Salary Frequency Percentage

8,000-10,999 4 8.9
11,000-15,999 5 11.1
16,000-20,999 10 22.2
21,000-25,999 6 13.3
26,000-30,999 5 11.1
31,000-40,999 5 11.1
41,000 and above 5 11.1
No Answer 5 11.1
Total 45 100

Table 5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to monthly salary. One can see

on the table that appreciations to employees are concretized

by the willingness of employers to pay fair salary and wages

to the more qualified personnel and in accordance to the rules

of law. Income is generally considered by society as an

indicator of success.

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Present Position

Present Position Frequency Percentage

Manager 21 46.7
Supervisor 8 17.8
Clerk - -
Secretary 1 2.2
Auditor - -
Bookkeeper 1 2.2
Others 14 31.1
Total 45 100

The above table shows the frequency and percentage

distribution of the respondents according to their present


As shown in the table, majority of the respondents who

answered the survey questionnaire are managers with 46.7% or

27 respondents, followed by 31.1% or 14 respondents that hold

other position other than the list indicated in the

questionnaire. Those positions are as follows: Admin

Operations Assistant, Senior Assistant Manager, Owner or

Managing Partner, Officer in Charge, Customer Relation

Officer, HR Management Officer III, Acting Branch Manager,

Accounting Assistant, Assistant Manager, Recruitment


Specialist or HR Associate, Agency Sales Director, Sales

Officer and Senior Customer Associate.

Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Department

Department Frequency Percentage

Administrative 2 4.4
Human resource 2 4.4
Finance 6 13.3
Marketing 9 20
Operations 19 42.2
Others 7 15.6
Total 45 100

It is seen in the Table 7 that 19 out of 45 or 42.2% of

the respondents are designated at the Operations; 9 or 20% at

the Marketing Department; 6 or 13.3% are at the Finance

Department; 2 or 4.4% at the Administrative Department same

as to the respondents designated at the Human Resource

Department. While the rest, having 15.6% or 7 out of 45

respondents held position in other designations as follows:

Owner or managing partner, Management Department, Lending

Department, Insurance Department, Customer Relations


Department, Management Department, Sales Department and

Branch Banking Group.

Table 8

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Number of Times Promoted

Number of Times
Frequency Percentage
Once 11 24.4
Twice 10 22.2
Thrice 6 13.3
Four Times 2 4.4
Six Times 1 2.2
No Answer 15 33.3
Total 45 100

Table 8 presents the frequency and percentage

distribution of employed respondents grouped according to

number of times they were promoted.

The table reflects that most of the employed respondents

are not promoted yet and maybe because they are new in the

organization or for some other reasons. There are 11

respondents who were promoted once, 10 respondents who were

promoted twice and among the respondents there is only one

(1) respondent who promoted 6 times which means he or she

performs well and stayed in the organization for a long period

of time.

Table 9

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Employment Category of the Graduates

Employment Categories of the

Frequency Percentage
Administrative Department 12 26.7
Staff and Clerk 21 46.7
Others 12 26.7
Total 45 100

Table 9 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of respondents grouped according to employment category of

the graduates.

The table proves that fresh graduate always start in a

lower position that is why in our survey staff and clerk

positions garnered the highest percentage which is 46.7% or

21 out of 45 respondents. But, there is a chance for them to

be in administrative department and other departments which

has the same percentage of 26.7%. Some of the respondents

specify that the graduates has a chance to become a partner

in their organization while some says they can do some

fieldworks, can participate in the releasing and marketing

department and customer service assistant while other did not

specify their answers.


Table 10

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Grouped According to Employment Status

Employment Status Frequency Percentage

Regular 32 71.1
Contractual 2 4.4
Probationary 11 24.4
Casual - -
Total 45 100

Table 10 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of respondent grouped according to employment status of the

graduates. More than half (71.1%) of our respondents said

that entry level employees are in regular status; 11 or 24.4%

is going to be under probationary which later on be

regularized while 2 or 4.4% will be in contractual status.


Table 11

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

According to their Responses to the Question “Are they
allowed to enroll in any degree or post-graduate programs
while at your organization?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 41 91.1

No 2 4.4

No answer 2 4.4

total 45 100

Table 11 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to their responses of to the

question “Are they allowed to enroll in any degree or post-

graduate programs while at your organization?”

This reveals that almost all of the respondents allow

their employees to study again with the frequency of 41 or


Table 12

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

According to their Responses to the Question “Does your
organization support trainings needed in their field of

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 42 93.3

No 2 4.4

No answer 1 2.2

total 45 100

Table 12 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to their responses to the

question “Does your organization support trainings needed in

their field of work?

The result reveals that most of the organizations

conduct training to help their employees learn specific

knowledge or skills just to improve their performance in their

current roles. And also because of training programs, it helps

them also to be competitive.


Table 13

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

According to their Responses to the Question “Does your
organization conduct trainings to keep-up with technology,
systems or processes?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 43 95.6

No - -

No answer 2 4.4

total 45 100

Table 12 shows the frequency and percentage

distribution of the respondents according to their

responses to the question “Does your organization conduct

trainings to keep-up with technology, systems or processes?

It reveals that respondent’ organization conducts

trainings to keep-up with the technology trend. Employees

must be updated and have knowledge on technologies

especially that this are the most used in an organization.


Table 14

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

According to their Responses to the Question “Do you have
activities that make your employees interact with their co-

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 42 93.3

No 3 6.7

total 45 100

Table 12 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to their responses to the

question “Do you have activities that make your employees

interact with their co-leagues?

This reveals that majority of the respondent’

organization do activities that make their employees interact

with their co-leagues. By doing so is a big help to their

employees professional growth, because having a good relation

with co-leagues will result into success of an organization.


Table 15

Frequency and Percentage Distribution about the Graduates’

Possible Employment Opportunities on the Respondents’

Employment Opportunities Frequency Percentage

Accounting Assistant 26 57.8
Accounting Clerk 21 46.7
Billing and Collection
20 44.4
Accounts Payable
9 20.0
Bank Teller 23 51.1
Bookkeeper 20 44.4
Sales Executive 15 33.3
Property Accountant 6 13.3
Program Management Associate 6 13.3
Staff Auditor 12 26.7
Admin. Assistant 14 31.1
Credit Officer 12 26.7
Others 8 17.8

Table 15 presents the frequency and percentage

distribution about the graduates’ possible employment

opportunities on the respondents’ organization.

Most of the respondents hire Bachelor of Science in

Accounting Technology graduates as accounting assistant with

the frequency of 26 or 57.8% of the respondents, bank teller

(23 or 51.1%), accounting clerk (21 or 46.7%), billing or

collection officer and Bookkeeper both having a frequency of

20 or 44.4%. Other respondents specify some of the


opportunities for Accounting Technology graduates these are

Posting clerk, Account Officer for Male graduates only,

Treasury Assistant and staff, Data Specialist Front liner and

New Accounts Clerk.

This means that accounting technology graduates has less

chance of being underemployed.


Table 16

Mean According to Verbal Indicators

Statement Mean
1. Educational qualification is given Strongly
weight towards the promotion. Agree
2. Seminars attended are basis for
3.22 Agree
the promotion.
3. Personality qualifications are
given towards the promotion 3.52 Agree
4. Recommendations by his/her
superior can be a factor for 3.31
5. Applied assessment to work Strongly
performance for employees. Agree
6. Length of service may lead to Strongly
promotion. Agree
7. Merit and the ability of the
individual measure the overall Strongly
worthiness of the employee’s Agree
8. Employee that shows genuine
commitment towards his/her duties Strongly
and responsibilities can be a Agree
candidate for promotion.
Category Mean 3.49

Table 16 presents the mean according to Verbal

Indicators. The respondents are strongly agreed in almost all

items but agree only in terms of seminars attended and

personality qualifications. The weighted mean is 3.49 which

mean that in accordance to promotion, respondents are


strongly agreed in almost all of the statements presented.

The table clearly illustrated that seminars attended and

personality qualification is a least factor to be promoted.

Table 17

Mean of Promotions According to Special Skills Needed by

the Employers

Special Skills Needed by the Mean Qualitative

Employers Description
1. Creativity 3.71 Strongly Agree
2. People Management 3.80 Strongly Agree
3. Critical Thinking 3.78 Strongly Agree
4. Communication Skills 3.93 Strongly Agree
5. Emotional Intelligence 3.61 Strongly Agree
6. Complex Problem Solving 3.69 Strongly Agree
7. Judgment and Decision Making 3.82 Strongly Agree
Category Mean 3.76 Strongly Agree
Table 18

Mean of Promotions According to Human Skills / Soft Skills

Human Skills/Soft Skills Mean Qualitative

1. Teamwork 3.89 Strongly Agree
2. Flexible 3.91 Strongly Agree
3. Self-management 3.87 Strongly Agree
4. Time Management 3.87 Strongly Agree
5. Stress Management 3.82 Strongly Agree
6. Strong work values 3.87 Strongly Agree
7. Personal Integrity 3.84 Strongly Agree
8. Willingness to learn 3.96 Strongly Agree
9. Positive Work Ethic 3.89 Strongly Agree
10.Computer / Technical Literacy 3.67 Strongly Agree

11.Commitment to continued 3.79 Strongly Agree

training and learning
Category Mean 3.85 Strongly Agree

For Table 17 and 18 respondents unanimously answered

that all special and soft skills are needed by the employers

in assessing for promotions.


Chapter V


Summary of Findings

This study is limited to the career opportunities of

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology graduates in the

three (3) cities of Isabela. It involves a total number of 45

respondents with 15 respondents per city.

It is the purpose of the study to determine the

employment opportunities, professional growth, and working

experiences of the Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Technology graduates.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following


I. Profile of Respondents

Direct observation was also utilized to concretize the

information received.

For the statistical analyses of the data obtained, a

simple frequency and percentage were used. Interpretation of

the data was presented on a table chart form with textual

explanation to give significance to the statistical findings.



1. On the profile of the Respondents

a) Most of the respondents belong to 21-30 years of

age bracket with a total frequency of 19.

b) Most of the respondents are female as evidenced

by a total frequency of 30.

c) Almost all of the respondents are college

graduates with a total frequency of 42.

d) Most of the respondents have been serving in

their office for 1 year up to 5 years with a

frequency of 18.

e) Majority of the respondents have a monthly salary

ranging from 16,000-20,999 as evidenced by a

total frequency of 10.

f) Most of the respondents are managers with a total

frequency of 21.

g) Most of the respondents are in operations

department as evidenced by a total frequency of


h) Majority of the respondents do not state the

number of times they were promoted with a total

frequency of 15.

II. About the Graduates

(Description of this section)


1. Most of the graduates are employed as staff and

clerk as evidenced by a total frequency of 21.

2. Majority of the graduates were hired as regular

with a total frequency of 32.

III. Professional Growth

(Description of this section)


1. Almost all of the organizations allow the graduates

to enroll in any degree or post-graduates program

with a frequency of 42.

2. Majority of the organization support trainings

needed by the graduates’ field of work with a total

frequency of 42.

3. Almost all of the organizations conduct trainings

to keep-up with technology, systems or processes as

evidenced by a total frequency of 43.

4. All but 3 of the organizations have activities that

make their employees interact with their


IV. Employment Opportunities

(Description of this section)


Most of the organizations prefer to put the new

hired BSAT graduates as accounting assistant with a

total frequency of 26.

V. Promotions

(Description of this section)


1. Qualifications/Factors to consider in promotion

a) Most of the organizations answered “strongly

agree” about the educational qualification is

given weight towards the promotion.


b) Most of the organization answered a total

frequency of 20 for agree when asked if seminars

attended are basis for the promotion.

c) Majority of the organization answered a total

frequency of 26 for strongly agree when asked

if personality qualifications are given towards

the promotion selection.

d) Most of the respondents equally answered

strongly agree and disagree about the statement

“recommendation by his/her superior can be a

factor for promotion with an equal frequency of


e) Majority of the organizations answered a total

frequency of 29 for strongly agree when asked

if applied assessment to work performance for


f) Most of the organizations answered a total

frequency of 23 for agree when asked if length

of service may lead to promotion.

g) Majority of the organizations answered a total

frequency of 28 when asked if the merit and the

ability of the individual measure the overall

worthiness of the employees’ promotion.


h) Majority of the organizations answered a total

frequency of 33 when asked if employee that

shows genuine commitment towards his/her duties

and responsibilities can be a candidate for


2. Special skills needed by the employers

Majority of the business organizations rated

strongly agree on the special skills needed by the

employers in choosing employees.

3. Human skills/ soft skills

Majority of the business organizations rated

strongly agree on the human skills/ soft skills

needed by the employers in choosing employees.


Based on the summary of findings presented, the

researchers concluded that there are many career

opportunities for BS in Accounting Technology graduates

on their way to successful life yet they must possess

special and human skills to get a higher chance of

employment and promotion. They have less chance of being

unemployed because due to the growing numbers of


businesses they are in need of accounting graduates or

business course graduates. Also, accounting and finance

staffs are needed especially in the three cities of

Isabela not only because those three cities are densely

populated but also because it gives service that people

from other municipalities lack in their towns.


Based from the summary, finding and conclusions the

researchers highly recommend the following to the

graduates and to the school:

1. Continue pursuing your dreams whether you want to

continue Bachelor of Science in Accountancy or to find

a job that you’ve always dreamed of.

2. One should always know what he wants because

understanding what is important to you in life and in

work will serve you well over your career and can serve

as a common thread as you interview.

3. One of the best way to accelerate your career growth is

to find a mentor who can help guide you through your

early career and beyond.


4. Conduct seminars that could help BSAT students enhance

their knowledge, talents, giftedness and creativity in

preparation for their professional business careers.

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