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1. It is the area wherein the event in track and field is held.

A. Temple

B. Arena

✅.Track oval

D. Run - up

2. The first modern reincarnation of Olympics was held in __

A. Rome

B. Italy

C. Spain


3. It is a 2.195 km. run which is considered as the last event in track.

A. Steeplechase

B. Decathlon

C. Heptathlon


4. One of the most important mechanics in sprinting is

A. it has a shorter stride

B. knee action is high

✅. weight of the body falls on the balls of the foot

D. weight of the body falls on the heels of the foot

1. A false start results to disqualification because

A. the athlete touches over the line before the firing of gun.

B. athlete’s foot come in contact with the block.

✅.the athlete incurs two false starts.

D. the athlete leaves his mark before the firing of gun.

6. A throw made by a competitor in the discus and shot put is disqualified because

A. the throw land within the sector.

B. a legal shot and discus was used.

C. the competitor stays within the circle until the distance is measured

✅. the competitor exits on the sides of the circle.


7. It is a game that is famous in England in the 14th century.

A. Poona

B. Badminton
C. Indoor Tennis

✅. Battledore

8. Which of the following is the court for doubles game?

✅. 44 ft. long x 20 ft wide

B. 40 ft. long x 25 ft. wide

C. 44 ft. long x 22 ft. wide

D42 ft. long x 20 ft. wide

9. In singles game, the serve is made always at the

A. left service court.

B. center line near the short service court.

C. long service line.

✅. right service court.

10. A fault is called when

A. a player contacts the shuttle once in a swing.

✅. a player misses the shuttle in attempting to serve.

C. a player returns the shuttle to the opponent’s court.

D. the server executes a legal serve.


11. Table tennis was first named as

A. Poona

B. Battledore

✅. Ping Pong

D. Kitten Ball

12. Service begins with the ball

✅. resting on the palm of the free hand.

B. resting on the palm of the racket hand.

C. cupped on the palm of the free hand.

D. held between the thumb and the index finger.

13. A player becomes the server after

A. the end of the game.

B. the deuce.

✅. two points.

D. 9-all

14. The maneuvering of the ball by putting a spin or shot is called

A. serves.

B. drive.

C. grip.
✅. strokes.

15. Which of the following is hit from nearly shoulder height, from the forward and downward
flight of the ball?

A. Backhand drive

B. Backhand chop

✅. Forehand drive

D. Forehand topspin


16. What device e is used for timing period of play and intervals?

✅. Game clock

B. 30 sec. device

C. Player’s foul marker

D. Timekeeper’s signal

17. Jump shot is executed the same as the set shot except that.

A. the ball is held below the chin or above the forehead.

B. the non-shooting hand is placed on the side of the body.

✅. the waist is bent but back is straight and the head is up.

D. the ball is on the right side and dribble it with the right hand.
18. A charged time-out lasts for

A. 4 minutes

B. 3 minutes

C. 2 minutes

✅. 1 minute

19. When does a violation occurs?

A. Charging with the ball

B. Illegal use of hands

✅. Illegal dribble

D. Blocking

20. When a field goal is made

A. the ball becomes alive.

✅. the ball becomes dead.

C. the ball goes out of play.

D. the ball is in play.


21. Which part of the playing field is composed of the four bases?

✅. Infield
B. Diamond

C. Outfield

D. Court

22. An out that occurs when a fielder touches any base before a base runner is able to touch it is

A. force out.

B. out.

✅. put out.

D. strike out.

23. A strike is called when

✅. the batter swings at a pitch ball and misses it.

B. a ball is illegally pitched.

C. the batter bunts the ball.

D. the batter enters into the batter’s box with an illegal bat.

24. How is catching a ball performed?

A. The finger of the gloves points outward of the body.

✅. The fingers of the gloves points upward.

C. The fingers of the gloves points downward.

D. The arms extend toward the ball.

25. When is double play called?

A. The base runner is put-out while off-base.

B. The base runner is put-out during a slide.

C. Two defensive players are put-out in a continued action.

✅. Two offensive players are put-out in a continued action.


26. A double is called when

A. the ball touches a player of the opposing team.

✅. after a simultaneous hit, the ball lands on the playing area.

C. after a simultaneous hit, after a simultaneous hit.

D. the ball lands within the limits of the opponent’s court.

27. A player notifying the scorer before entering the court is termed

A. illegal substitution

B. double substitution

C. compulsory substitution



1. Although physical activities in the primitive society were practical in nature, primitive men still
had to participate in recreational activities. Which of the following provided children in the
primitive society preparation for adult responsibilities?

a. Dancing c. Physical exercise

✅b. Mimetic games d. Chanting

2. A strong Persian army meant a healthy and physically fit army. Persian physical education was

a. The modality to lift weights, shoots the bow, and handles the sword.

b. Personified by iron discipline, obedient to authority, indifference to pain and suffering,

and obsession to victory in battle.

c. The modality for brutal method of training the body for war which was a prestige


✅d. The modality used to develop military skills, high moral standards, and patriotism.

3. Dancing was popular that a man’s prestige depended on his prowess in it. This could be traced
back from _______.

✅a. ancient China c. ancient Egypt

b. ancient India d. ancient Greece

4. Greek sport manifested itself in the concept of the amateur athlete, whose primary goal is to
compete in a “circuit” of four major national games that were designated as the ______.

a. Capitoline Games c. Funeral Games

b. Heraean Games✅d.Pan-Hellenic Games

5. When was the first recorded Olympic Game that was held at the foot of Mt Olympus and had a
single event, the stade, a 192-yrd foot race?

a. 476 A.D. ✅c. 776 B.C.

b. 394 A.D. d. 724 B.C.

6. A Greek medical man who used physical education as an aid to medicine as early as the 5th

✅a. Herodotus c. Galen

b. Hippocrates d. Xenophon

7. Aside from the warriors, Rome grew into a nation of spectators. Spectacular and bloody
gladiatorial combats became popular and were a favorite of the Romans. These bloody spectacles
were held in the _______.

a. Circus Maximus✅c. Colosseum

b. Campus Martinusd. Thermae

8. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, as a kind of education that was physical, social,
and military in nature emerged. This was referred to as -

a. Asceticismc. Feudalism

b. Scholasticism✅d. Chivalry
9. During the middle Ages, the Christian church that gradually and deliberately became powerful
spiritually and politically generally tolerated fun and games because it could not stop them. This
game was similar to bowling.

a. Soulec. Le Jeu De Paume

b. Kegels✅d. Melee

10. One of the outstanding leaders in the Renaissance who believed that physical activities which
include horsemanship, martial arts, hunting, ball playing, running, and swimming help the
students reach his goal of being a well-rounded individual.

a. John Lockec. Martin Luther

✅b. Roger Aschamd. Francois Rabelais

11. He was considered the father of physical education.

a. Richard Mulcaster✅c. Friedrich Jahn

b. Johann Gutsmuthsd. Franz Nachtegall

12. He emphasized children’s play activities during the 20th century in America.

a. Thomas Dennison Woodc. Jessie Bancroft

b. Jacob Riis✅d. Clark Hetherington

13. In 1893, this was recorded to be a required subject for all candidates for the Elementary
Teachers Certificate at the Superior Normal School for Men Teachers in the Philippines.

a. Folk dancec. Cockfighting

✅b. Gymnasticsd. Swimming

14. He was considered as the greatest Filipino boxer of all time.

✅a. Gabriel “Flash” Elordec. Pancho Villa

b. Manny Pacquiaod. Mansueto Velasco

15. The all-time greatest international bowler with six world championships to his credit; some
considered him as the greatest Filipino athlete of all time for making it to the Guiness Book of
World Records.

a. Carlos Loyzagac. Ramon Fernandez

b. Eugene Torre✅d. Paeng Nepomuceno

16. Asia’s fastest woman in the 1980s.

a. Elma Muros✅c. Lydia de Vega

b. Bong Cood. Jennifer Rosales

17. The Philippines joined the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris for the first time. It was a two-man
delegation sent by the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation. Dr. Regino R. Ylanan was the
representative official and coach. The athlete who was a Philippine scout and competed in the 100
m. and 200 m. dash, but was eliminated in the trial heats was _____.

✅a. Teofilo Yldefonsoc. Simeon Toribio

b. David Nepomucenod. Jose Villanueva

18. The Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) is a response to continue pupil
development started by the Program for Decentralized Educational Development in 1982., The
New Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC) of SEDP is cognitive-affective-manipulative-
based and is student-centered and community-oriented. One of the 8 subject areas in the NSEC is
Physical Education, Health and Music (PEHM). This is based on -
✅a. DECS Order No. 11, s. 1989

b. Department Order No. 20 s. 1973

c. MEC Order No. 6 s. 1982

d. DECS Order No. 53 s. 1994


1. It consists of two numbers that tells the number of beats in every measure and the kind of notes
that received one beat.

. Key Signature ✅C. Time Signature

. ScaleD. Key

2. It refers to the element of music which consists of two or more notes played or sung together

. Trio✅C. Harmony

. TriadD.Seventh Chord

3. The song and courtship dance of Jolo.

. AyowengC. Papag

✅. Sua-suaD. Canao

4. What do you call this ensemble consists of kulintang, a set of eight small gongs of graduated
sizes, dabakan, gandingan and babandil?

. SaggongC. Gangsa

. PalabunyibunyanD. Luntang

5. What do you call the scale composed of all the twelve tones progressing by half step

. Diatonic Scale✅C. Pentatonic Scale

. Chromatic scaleD. Minor scale

6. From what province is the folksong Sarong Banggi?

. TagalogC. VIsaya

. IlocanoD. Bicol

7. Produce qualities of lightness or heaviness, thickness or thinness

. TimbreC. Tenor

. B. TextureD. Soprano

8. The instrument played by the Kalinga.

. SaggongC. Gangsa

. PalabunyibunyanD. Luntang

9. It is a succession of eight consecutive tones arranged in whole and half step

A. MelodyC.Phrase

✅B. ScaleD. Octave

10. “Kung Hindi Man” is an example of ______?

. FolksongC. Kundiman

. BalitawD. Kumintang

11. What chord is do mi so in the key of C?

. DiminishedC.Augmented

. MinorD. Major

12. Where is the location of Do in the staff in the key of E flat?

. 2nd lineC. 5th line

. 1st lineD. 3rd line

13. This is the period of the pabasa, pasyon and flores de Mayo in the Philippines.

. Ethnic periodC. American Period

. Spanish PeriodD. Japanese Period

14. The complete musical thought consisting of two phrases in Question and Answer

. PeriodC. Section

. B. ToneD. Motive

15. It is a tone group that may be identified with a particular composition.

. PeriodC. Section

. ToneD. Motive

16. Organization of beats into groups of three or larger units

. BeatC. Rhythm

. MeterD. Melody

17. What is the scale composed of seven tones-each is whole tone from its nearest neighbor?

. Major scaleC. Pentatonic Scale

. Whole scale Tone ScaleD. Minor scale

18. It is a group of tones of different pitches which are vertically arranged.

. MinorC. Chord

. MajorD. Augmented

19. The simultaneous sounding of a group of tones

. TimbreC. Harmony
. TextureD. Melody

20. Two notes of the same pitch but different pitch names

. Movable doC. Enharmonic Tones

. Sol-fa SyllableD. Progression

21. The highest female voice

. AltoC. Tenor

. BassD. Soprano

22. The time signature of the song Kundansoy is_____?

. 4C. 2

4 4

.3 6

4 8

23. The color of sound produced by the voice and different instruments

. TimbreC. Tenor

. TextureD. Soprano

24. It is composed of soprano, alto, tenor and bass

✅. Mixed ChoirC. Children’s Choir

. TTBD. Atang de la Rosa

25. It is a song that belongs to a nation.

. BalladC. Plainsong
. KumintangD. National Song

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. –

5. C

6. –

7. –

8. –

9. B

10. –

11. –

12. –

13. –

14. –

15. –

16. –

17. –

18. –

19. –
20. –

21. –

22. –

23. –

24. A

25. -



. RHYTHM – is the flow of music through time.

- Beat – is a regular, recurrent pulsation that divides music into equal units of time.

- Meter – the organization of beats into regular groups.

1. Simple Meter – is division of time where the fundamental pulses subdivide into groups of two,
four, etc.

2. Compound Meter – is a division in which the fundamental pulses subdivide into groups of
three, six, twelve, etc.

3. Polymeter – is double meter to indicate that two meters are combined or there is constant
change from one meter to the other back and both.

- Time Signatures – consist of two numbers that the upper number indicates the number of beats
for every measure and the lower number indicates what kind of note receive one beat.

- Rhythmic Pattern – is the division of beats into patterns of sound. A combination of notes and
rests found in one measure of a given time signatures.

- Syncopation - is a musical process that involves adding an unexpected element to the basic beat
of a musical composition. A dislocation of the strong accents within a measure.

- Accent – stress or added emphasis given to a note.

. MELODY – is a series of single notes that add up to a recognizable whole. It is also defined as a
succession of related single tones expressing an idea. Melodic directions of movement are going
up, going down and repeated.

- Pitch – the highness or lowness of a sound.

- Key signatures – consists of sharps and flats.

- Scale - is a group of musical notes collected in ascending and descending order.

TEMPO – rate or speed in music.

- Andante – moderately slow

- Allegro – fast

- Moderato – moderately

- Lento – slow

- Vivace – lively

- Presto – very fast

- Accelerando – gradually becoming faster

- Ritardando – gradually becoming slower

. DYNAMICS – the loudness and softness in music.

- Fortissimo (ff) – very loud

- Pianissimo (pp) – very soft

- Mezzo Piano (mp) – half soft

- Mezzo Forte (mf) – half loud

- Crescendo – gradually becoming louder

- Decrescendo – gradually becoming softer

. FORM – the structure or framework of a composition.

- Tone – smallest unit of a composition

- Figure – smallest characteristic group of a tone

- Motive – is a tone group that may be identified with a particular composition

- Phrase – is a succession of tones arranged in such a way as to give a musical thought

- Period – a complete musical thought consisting of two phrases in Question and Answer

- Section – a combination of periods

- Unitary – consist of one part

- Binary – consist of two parts

- Ternary – consist of three parts

- Rondo – consist of more than three parts

. TIMBRE – is the qualifying difference between one tone and another. The color of sound
produced by the voice and different instruments.

- Soprano

- Alto
- Tenor

- Bass

- Orchestral Instruments

- Rondalla Instruments

. TEXTURE – is the relationship of melodies (horizontal) and harmonic (vertical) elements in

music. Produce qualities of lightness or heaviness, thickness or thinness.

- Monophonic – single unaccompanied melodic line.

- Polyphonic - consist of two or more melodic lines.

- Homophonic – one main melody accompanied by chords.

. HARMONY – is the simultaneous sounding of a group of tones. The vertical relationship

between a melody and its accompanying chords or between melodies simultaneously played or

- Triad – consists of three notes: the root, 3rd and 5th

- Chord – a musical sonority consisting of three or more tones sounded simultaneously


Geographically, the Philippines belongs to the East, it has absorbed considerable cultural
influences from West due primarily to 333 years of Spanish rule and 45 years of American
domination. Its oriental background still remains in highland and lowland barrios were indigenous
cultures thrive with little Western influence. In the urban areas, Spanish and American influences
are highly evident in the social, economic and political aspects of life. Shaped by cross-cultural
contacts with Western and Non-Western traditions, Philippine music of today consists of several
streams: Indigenous, Spanish influenced and American influenced.

Ethnic Traditions

The indigenous and Islamic influenced traditions are practiced by about 10% of the entire
population. Eight percent of this minority is represented by more than 100 language groups living
in the mountains of Northern Luzon and in the island of Mindanao, Palawan and Mindoro in
Southern and Western Philippines.

Indigenous music may be instrumental or vocal. Among the indigenous common musical
instruments are the following:

a) Saggeypo – small pipes of different pitches (kalinga)

b) Kollitong – poly chordal zither (kalinga)

c) Patatag – xylophone blades (isneg)

d) Tongatong – stamping tube (kalinga)

e) Bangibang – yoke beam (ifugao)

f) Bungkaka – bamboo buzzers (isneg)

g) Lantoy – bamboo flut

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