Multi-Word Verbs (Separables e Inseparables) : WWW -

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(separables e
inseparables) INGLÉS
Español Ejemplo
add (something) up sumar The waiter added up the bill.

ask (somebody) out invitar a salir Steve asked me out last night.
I would back off if I were you, I don't think she
back off retirarse
likes you.
back (somebody) up apoyar, respaldar You were with me, you can back me up, right?
back (sth./sb.) up hacer un copia Don't forget to back up all of your files.

dejar de trabajar, Our car broke down while we were driving to

break down
estropearse, averiarse the supermarket.
It was the most stressful week. By Friday I
break down venirse abajo
broke down and cried.
break (something) We had to break down the stage to prepare for
derribar, desmontar
down the next event.
They blew up a building, but luckily nobody
blow (something) up explotar
was hurt.

I can't believe it, Dan broke up with me last

break up separarse, romperse
bring (somebody) up criar y educar I was brought up by my grandmother.
I hate him. Don't ever bring his name up
bring (something) up sacar, mencionar
He was busy when I called, but he said he
call (somebody) back volver a llamar
would call me back tonight.

call (something) off suspender, cancelar Did you hear? Brenda called off the wedding!
calm down Calm down, everything is going to be ok.
carry on seguir haciendo algo Carry on! You are doing very well.
catch up ponerse al día Call me, we need to catch up!

check in registrarse (en) What time can we check in to the hotel?

check out pagar y marcharse They checked out on Monday.
cheer (somebody) up animar(se) a alguien Sarah is depressed; we have to cheer her up.
cerrar o terminar una
close down The factory was closed down last month.
come back regresar, volver We are coming back next week. INGLÉS
come by pasarse por Come by my office and we can talk.

I don't mean to cut you off, but I have to go

cut (somebody) off interrumpir
cut (something) out parar de hacer algo Cut it out! Leave your sister alone.
drop by/in pasar I was just dropping by/in to say "hi".
She dropped off the kids at school before going
drop (somebody) off llevar a, dejar
to work.

He dropped out of school because he was

drop out abandonar
failing all his classes.
There was no food at home so we ended up
end up + -ing acabar + infinitivo
going out.
fall apart (something) deshacerse The sweater fell apart after so many washings.
fall apart (somebody) derrumbarse She fell apart when she heard the news.

fall behind quedarse atrás Hurry up or you will fall behind.

fall out caerse I think my wallet fell out of my purse.
If you don't fight back, they will never stop
fight back defenderse
bullying you.
figure (something) out determinar I can't figure out why this isn't working.

fill (something) in/out rellenar You must fill in/out the forms completely.
I need to stop at the gas station and fill up the
fill (something) up llenar
gas tank.
If the teacher doesn't know the answer, she will
find (something) out averiguar
find it out.
Despite her efforts, she never fit in with the
fit in encajar, integrarse
other kids.

He tried everything to get his ideas across, but

get (something) across comunicar una idea
his boss didn't understand.
I'm so lucky, my father and my husband get
get along/on llevarse bien
along/on really well.
get around desplazarse, circular News really gets around fast!
cogerse un descanso/
get away Work has been so stressful, I need to get away!
get back regresar, volver They get back from vacation on Thursday.

I have to get these books back to the library

get (something) back devolver
today. INGLÉS
We don't have a lot of money right now, but
get by sobrevivir
we'll get by.

My husband and I have separated, but I must

get on seguir
get on with my life.
We are getting together for dinner tomorrow at
get together quedar, reunir
get up levantarse What time did you get up this morning?
The millionaire gave away all his money just
give (something) away regalar
before he died.

Can you give me back my book when you have

give (something) back devolver
finished reading it?
give in ceder, rendirse Be strong! Don't give in to temptation
give (something) out repartir, distribuir They are giving out free samples at the store.
give (something) up rendirse, abandonar Ok, I give up. What's the answer?

go ahead ir delante Go ahead, I'll meet you there.

I'm so embarassed. I can never go back to that
go back regresar, volver
go out salir Let's go out for a drink.
Alex grew up in France but now he lives in
grow up crecer, criarse

All homework must be handed in by the end of

hand (something) in presentar, entregar
the day.
The teacher will hand out the assignments this
hand (something) out repartir
hang on esperar Hang on, I'm coming.
hang (something) up colgar (el teléfono) I was so angry I hung up on him.

hold (something/ She tried, but she couldn't hold back the tears
somebody) back any longer.
hold on esperar Hold on, I'm coming.
hurry up darse prisa Hurry up or we will be late.
keep on seguir She kept on asking me the same questions.
With the crises, we have been forced to lay off
lay (somebody) off despedir
some staff.

I don't want to let you down, but I don't think I

let (somebody) down defraudar, decepcionar
can come with you to the party tomorrow. INGLÉS
prestar atención, tener
look out Look out! That car almost hit you!

You will need to look up some words in the

look (something) up buscar, consultar
make (something) up inventar algo I don't believe you. You're making that up!
Our parents had an argument last night, but
make up reconciliarse
they made up this morning.
When I was young, my brother always picked
pick on (somebody) fastidiar, burlar
on me.

You must not want to do it, you keep putting it

put (something) off posponer, atrasar
put (something) out apagar Quickly! Someone please put out the fire!
slow down reducir la velocidad Slow down please, you are driving too fast!
hablar más alto, subir Can you please speak up, I can't understand
speak up
la voz you.

switch (something) on encender We never switch on the radio in the evening.

sustituir, hacerse con If you are tired of driving, I can take over for a
take over
el control while.
take off despegar The plane will take off in 5 minutes.
ocupar, empezar una
take (something) up He has taken up tennis in his free time.

echar la bronca,
tell (somebody) off She told him off after he was late again.
throw (something) I had to throw away a lot of old books that
tirar, deshacerse de
away nobody wanted.
throw (somebody / They should throw that guy out, he's really
something) out drunk. INGLÉS
Verbos Español Ejemplo
Account for Explicar, dar cuenta de, We must account for all the
responder por information in our report.
Accuse sb. of sth. Acusar a alguien de algo The teacher accused Michael of
cheating on the test.
Adapt to Adaptarse a We have adapted to living in the
Add to Sumar, añadir 6 added to 5 equals 11. The new
requirement has added to my
worries about paying for my
Agree on Coincidir en We agreed on an answer for the
Agree with Estar de acuerdo con I agree with your answer for the
Apologize for sth. Disculparse por algo He apologized for his rude
Apologize to sb. Disculparse ante alguien He apologized to his friends for
his rude behavior.
Apply for Solicitor, pedir She is applying for Georgia
State University. She applied for
a teaching assistantship.
Approve of Aprobar The teacher approved of his
plan for his research paper.
Argue with sb. Discutir con alguien Michael argued with his
teacher about his grade.
Argue about sth. Discutir acerca de algo I argued politely with Michael
about his ideas on the economy.
Arrive at Llegar a We arrived at the test center on

They arrived at the same
solution for the problem.
Ask for Pedir, solicitar, requerir We asked for more time on the
Become of Haber sido de / haber pasado What became of Michael? Have
con you seen him lately? I haven't
seen him for a long time. INGLÉS
Believe in Creer en He believes in his solution for
the problem.
Belong to Pertenecer a She belongs to a tennis club.
Blame sb./sth. for/on sth. Culpar a alguien o algo por algo He blames his poor English for
his grade on the test.

The citizens blame the
government for the economic
Borrow from sb. Tomar prestado de alguien I borrowed some paper from my

Shakespeare borrowed his plots
from other writers.
Break into irrumpir Someone broke into my
apartment while I was on
Call on sb. Recurrir a, visitar a The teacher called on me in
class to answer the question.
Care about Preocuparse por I really care about the
Care for Agradar, hacerse cargo de I don't care for his attitude--I
don't like it at all. 

He is caring for his elderly
Catch up with (phrasal- alcanzar Run faster--we have to catch up
prepositional) with the rest of the group.

I caught up with the homework
last weekend.
Come down with (phrasal- Caer enfermo de My son came down with the flu
prepositional) last week.
Come from Venir de He comes from Egypt.
Comment on Comentar algo The teacher commented on the
effect of the election on the
Communicate about sth. Informar, hablar de algo He communicated with his
teacher about his grade.
Communicate with sb. Informar a alguien, hablarle a He communicated with his
alguien teacher about his grade. INGLÉS
Compare with Comparar con algo Please compare Clinton's
presidency with Reagan's.

He compared the food in the
cafeteria with his mother's
Complain about Quejarse de algo The students complained about
the food in the cafeteria.
Compliment sb. on sth. Felicitar a alguien por algo The teacher complimented
Maria on the good work she did
on the examination.
Congratulate sb. on sth. Dar la enhorabuena a alguien The teacher congratulated all
por algo the students on their final
Concentrate on Concentrarse en I want to concentrate on my
Consent to Acceder a hacer algo, consentir My advisor consented to my
Consist of Consistir en Grammar consists of syntax,
morphology, semantics, and
Water consists of hydrogen,
oxygen, and a few other
Convince sb. of sth. Convencer a alguien de algo Michael convinced his teacher
of the correctness of his answer
on the test. He convinced his
teacher to change his grade.
Count on Contar con Don't worry, you can count on
Cut back on (phrasal- Recortar gastos With the crisis we have had to
prepositional) cut back on expenses.
Decide between Decidir entre I have to decide between coffee
and tea to go with my lunch.
He decided between the U.S.
and Australia as the place to
study English.
Decide on Elegir, optar por Michael decided on biology as
his major.
Depend on Depender de I depend on my family for
money. INGLÉS
(Dis)approve of (des)aprobar algo Mary approves of my plan.
Michael disapproves of my
Dream about / of Soñar con, fantasear con He dreams about being a
He dreams of Maria.
Excuse sb. for sth. Excusar a alguien por algo She excused him for being rude.
Explain sth. to sb. Explicar algo a alguien She explained her ideas about
the project to the teacher.
Get along with Llevarse bien con He gets along well with many
different people.
Get away with (phrasal- Salirse con la suya, librarse She stole my idea, but she won't
prepositional) get away with it.
Get back at (phrasal- Vengarse de, devolvérsela a I'll get back at her for stealing
prepositional) alguien my idea!
Get back from Volver de We just got back from Egypt.
Get on (transport) Subirse a He got on the bus for the
Get out of (phrasal- Salir de It's too smoky in here, I have to
prepositional) get out of here.
Get over Recuperarse, sobreponerse I'm so upset, I can't get over
failing my test.
Get rid of Deshacerse de I need to get rid of my old car.
Get through Salir adelante, superar I'm never going to get through
this book with all of these
Get used to Acostumbrarse a I can't get used to American
Go out with (phrasal- Salir con I hear Michael is going out with
prepositional) Jane.
Go over Revisar, analizar algo Before you submit your thesis, I
think we should go over it
Go through Sufrir, soportar, cruzar I can't believe what you are
going through!
You need to go through the
Lincoln Tunnel to get to New
Hang out with (phrasal- Salir con, juntarse con Her favorite thing to do is hang
prepositional) out with her friends.
Happen to Ocurrirle a What happened to Michael? He
seems sad.

What happened to the oranges
that I put in the refrigerator?
They're not there.
Have confidence in Tener confianza en Our teacher has confidence in
our dedication to study.
Have influence on Tener influencia en His father had a lot of
influence on his major.
Have an opportunity for Tener la oportunidad de I have an opportunity for
getting a scholarship.
I have an opportunity to get a
Have patience with Tener paciencia con The teacher has patience with
Have a reason for Tener un motive para You must have a good reason
for your answer on the math
Hear about Oír acerca de, enterarse de I heard about the lecture from
Hear from Tener noticias de, escuchar I just got an email from
acerca de Michael--I hear from him
Hear of Saber de, enterarse de Have you ever heard of a music
group called "Echelon"? They
seem to be popular in France.
Hit on Tirarle los tejos a Look at how that guy is hitting
on Debbie.
Insist on Insistir en The teacher insists on our being
on time to class.
Introduce sb. to sb. Presentarle a alguien otra Mary introduced her grammar
persona teacher to Michael.
Invite sb. to Inviter a alguien a Mary invited her grammar class
to the lecture.
Keep away from sb. Mantenerse alejado de I don't like John's attitude. I
(phrasal-prepositional) want to keep away from him. INGLÉS
Keep on Seguir, persistir To learn English, you must keep
on studying. You can't stop after
a few months.
Laugh at Reírse de They laughed at the silly joke.
Learn about Enterarse de, saber de I learned about his problems
from his mother.
Listen out for Aguzar el oído John and Mary are supposed to
get home at 5:00 P.M. Their
mother is listening out for their
Listen to Escuchar (a) alguien o algo We listened to the new CD.

I listened to the teacher's
Look after Parecerse a He looks after his father.
Look at Mirar (a) algo Please look at my answer to this
Look for Buscar I looked for information on the
Look forward to (phrasal- Tener muchas ganas de algo I am looking forward to my
prepositional) visit to Egypt.

Michael looked forward to
visiting his family.
Look up to (phrasal- Admirar, respetar She's so brave, I have always
prepositional) looked up to her.
Object to Objetar, no estar de acuerdo con I object to your tone.

They objected to having a test
on the last day of class.
Participate in Participar en All the students participated in
the discussion.
Pay for Pagar (por) algo He paid for our lunch.

We paid $120 for our textbooks.
Plan on Pretender hacer algo, planear Michael planned on studying in
algo the U.S

We're planning on going to the
movie tonight.
Prefer to Preferir a I prefer tea to coffee.

He prefers English to chemistry.
Prepare for Prepararse para Mary is preparing for TOEFL. INGLÉS
Prevent sb. from Evitar que alguien haga algo Her poor Spanish prevented her
from getting the job in Peru.
Provide for Mantener a alguien He had a family to provide for
and couldn’t waste any money.
Provide sb. with sth. Proporcionar, proveer I provided Michael with
information for his report.
Recover from Recuperarse de She was very sick. But, she's
recovering from her illness
Refer to Hacer referencia a He referred to the Internet in
his report.
Relate to Relacionar, identificarse con Michael related the economic
decline to oil prices.
Rely on Confiar en I rely on my family for money.

We relied on the Internet for our
research papers.
Remind sb. of sth. Recordar a alguien Michael reminds me of my
Search for buscar I searched for information
about water pollution.
See about Considerar, encargarse de We need to see about buying
our textbooks for the semester.
Send for Hacer traer, mandar a buscar (a) We sent for some books from
home about the history of our
Separate sth. from sth. Separar algo de otra cosa Separate the yolk from the
white of the egg.

Separate the truth from fiction.
Show up Aparecer, asomarse We didn't invite him--he just
showed up at the party.
Spend money on sth. Gastar dinero en He spends a lot of money on his
Stop from Dejar de hacer algo His teacher wants him to stop
from answering all the
questions in class.
Substitute for Sustituir por, reemplazar por Margarine can substitute for

Mary will substitute for
Michael next week--she can
teach his class for him. INGLÉS
Subtract sth. from sth. Restar algo de otra cosa The company will subtract the
cost of insurance from your
Succeed at / in Triunfar en algo, lograr algo Mary will succeed at any task
she attempts.

He succeeded in passing the
Take advantage of Aprovechar, sacar provecho de Let's go to the store right now. I
want to take advantage of the

He's not a very good person. He
will take advantage of his
friends to make money.
Take after Parecerse a With that bad temper, he must
take after his father
Talk about / over Hablar de / sobre algo Let's talk about your problem.
We talked over the possible
Talk to Hablar con I talked to my teacher about my
test grade.
Talk with Dialogar con Mary talked with Michael about
this temper.
Thank someone for Agradecerle a alguien algo Michael thanked Mary for her
something advice.
Think about Reflexionar acerca de algo The students thought about
their answers to the math
problem. They considered all
the possible answers.
Think of Pensar en algo o alguien I’m thinking of you right now.
Throw away Tirar, deshacerse de They cleaned their apartment
and threw away two sacks of
old newspapers.
Vote for Votar a / por We voted for the president of the
student government.
Wait for Esperar a Michael was late for the
meeting, and Mary waited for
him for thirty minutes.
Waste money on Gastar el dinero en algo / My brother wasted a lot of
something/someone alguien money on a very old car.

He wasted time and energy on
that car, too. INGLÉS
Wish for Anhelar, desear He wished for a new car.
Work for Trabajar para Michael works for a computer
Worry about Preocuparse por algo Mary worries about her grades.

Michael worries about money. INGLÉS

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