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Topic Name: Electrons and Photons
Q.1 The radiation of frequency 3 𝗑 1015Hz is incident on the metallic surface. The kinetic energy of the
emitted electrons which has a work function of 2 eV is:
a) 1.66 𝗑 10-21 J b) 1.66 𝗑 10-19 J c) 16.6 𝗑 10-19 J d) 1.66 𝗑 10-17 J
Q.2 A photon, an electron and a uranium nucleus all have the same wavelength. The one with the most
a) is the photon b) is the electron
c) is the uranium nucleus d) depends upon the wavelength and the properties of the
Q.3 Maximum kinetic energy of the electron released in photocell is independent of-
a) nature of cathode rays b) intensity of incident light
c) frequency of incident light d) intensity and frequency of incident light
Q.4 Photoelectron are emitted when-
a) zinc plate is hammered b) zinc plate is heated
c) zinc plate is irradiated with light d) zinc plate is subjected to very high pressure
Q.5 Alkali metals are more suited than metals for photoelectric emission, because work function of
alkali metals is:
a) Quite less than metals b) Greater than metals c) Less than zero d) Just equal to metals
Q.6 When an electron is accelerated up to 1V from rest, the change in its kinetic energy is
a) 1840eV b) 1840 𝗑 (3 𝗑 10)2 eV c) 1eV d) 1931 eV
Q.7 A 20 cm radio wave emitted by hydrogen in interstellar space is due to the interaction called the
hyperfine interaction in atomic hydrogen. The energy of the emitted wave is nearly-
a) 7 𝗑 10-8 J b) 7 𝗑 10-15 J c) 10-17 J d) 10-24 J
Q.9 Einstein's photoelectric equation is
1 1
a) 2hν = hνo + mv2 b) hν = 1/2 mv2 c) hν = hν + mv2 d) hν = hνo + mv2
2 2
Q.10 The velocity of most energetic electrons emitted from a metal surface is doubled when the
frequency ν of incident radiations is doubled. The work function of the metal is
a) hν b) 3hν/2 c) 2hν/3 d) zero
Q.11 Energy of a photon is given by E = hν, where ν is number of vibrations per second and h is a planck's
constant. Dimensions of planck's constant are-
a) [M0 L0 T0] b) [M1 L2 T-1] c) [M1 L2 T-2] d) [M1 L2 T-3]
Q.12 A lamp is placed at distance of 16 cm from a photo cell and current observed is 1.0 mA. If the
distance from the lamp is reduced to 8cm. the photo current now will be
a) 0.25mA b) 1.0mA c) 4mA d) 0.125mA
Q.13 The photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface are such that their energy
a) Varies from zero to finite maximum value b) Varies from zero to infinity
c) Is same for all the electrons d) Is equal to zero
Q.14 The de-broglie wavelength of a body if mass m and kinetic energy E is given by-
h h √2mE h
a) b) c) d)
√2mE 2mE h mE
Q.15 When a proton is accelerated through 1 volt, it's kinetic energy will be -
a) 1840 eV b) 13.6eV c) 1 eV d) 0.54 eV
Q.16 1 million electron volt is -
a) 1.6 𝗑 10-19 J b) 1.6 𝗑 10-16 J c) 1.6 𝗑 10-13 J d) 1.6 𝗑 10-19 J
Q.17 Energy associated with 1 a.m.u. mass is
a) 931 GeV b) 931 MeV c) 931 keV d) 931 meV
Q.18 The slope of frequency of incident light and stopping potential for a given surface will be-
a) h b) h/e c) eh d) e
Q.19 The energy E and momentum p of a photon is given by E = hv and p = h/1. The velocity of photon will
a) E/p b) (E/P)2 c) E 𝗑 P d) (E/P)1/2
Q.20 A metal surface is illuminated by the photons of energy 5 eV and 2.5eV respectively. The electrons
are emitted with different kinetic energy then the ratio of their work functions is
a) 2:1 b) 1:4 c) 1:2 d) 1:1

NAVDEEP ACADEMY PVT. LTD.- ‘Shivam’, Thiba Palace Road. 1st Lane, Near Dr. Pethe Clinic, Ratnagiri. Contact No.- 9270975758
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Q.21 The photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface are such that their velocity-
a) is zero for all b) is same for all
c) lies between zero to infinity d) lies between zero and a finite maximum
Q.22 The idea of the quantum nature of light has emerged in an attempt to explain-
a) the thermal radiations of a black body b) the interference of light
c) radioactivity d) thermionic emission
Q.23 Photoelectric effect was discovered by-
a) Hertz b) Hallwach c) Lenard d) Millikan
Q.24 If the work function of the metal is 𝜑 and the frequency of incident light is ν, there is no emission of
photoelectrons when-
a) ν < φ/h b) ν = φ/h c) ν > φ/h d) ν ≥ φ/h
Q.25 An electron is accelerated through a P.D. of 100000 volt. The energy acquired by the electron is
a) 0.53 𝗑 10-17 J b) 1.6 𝗑 10-14 J c) 1.6 𝗑 10-10 J d) 1.6 𝗑 10-34 J
Q.26 An electron of mass m and charge e is accelerated from rest, through a potential difference V in
vacuum. Its final velocity would be-
a) eV/2m b) eV/m c) √2eV/m d) √eV/m
Q.27 Work function of tungsten and sodium are 4.4eV and 2.3eV respectively. If threshold wavelength of
sodium is 5460A0. Then the threshold wavelength of tungsten is
a) 8000A0 b) 6000A0 c) 11360A0 d) 2854A0
Q.28 Which one of the following statements about photon is not correct?
a) photons exert no pressure b) photons energy is hν
c) momentum of photons is hν/c d) rest mass of photons is zero
Q.29 In the photoelectric effect the velocity of ejected electrons depends upon the nature of target and
a) the frequency of the incident light b) the polarisation of the incident light
c) the time for which the light has been incident d) the intensity of the incident light
Q.30 In photoelectric effect, the photocurrent-
a) depends both on intensity and frequency of intensity light
b) does not depend on the frequency of photon but depends only on intensity of incident light
c) decreases with increase frequency of incident photon
d) depends upon work function
Q.31 Light of wavelength 5000A0 falls on a photon sensitive surface. It has received 10 -7 J of energy, and
then the number of photons falling on the surface will be
a) 5.5 𝗑 1011 b) 3.5 𝗑 1011 c) 2.5 𝗑 1011 d) None of these
Q.32 Momentum of a photon is 'P'. The corresponding wavelength is-
a) h/√p b) p/h c) ph d) h/p
Q.33 The energy of a photon of wavelength λ is
a) hcλ b) hc/λ c) λ/hc d) λh/c
Q.34 Photoelectric current can be increased by using-
a) lower frequency radiation b) higher intensity radiation
c) higher work function metal plates
d) lower frequency radiation with higher work function metal plates
Q.35 The best metal to be used for photoemission is
a) potassium b) sodium c) cesium d) lithium
Q.36 Photoelectric effect can be caused by-
a) X rays b) visible rays c) γ rays d) all of these
Q.37 A photon of energy 3.4eV is incident on a metal having work function 2eV. The maximum kinetic
energy of photoelectron is equal to-
a) 1.4eV b) 1.7eV c) 5.4eV d) 6.8eV
Q.38 The maximum energy of photoelectrons emitted in a photocell is 2eV. For no photoelectrons to
reach the anode, the stopping potential should be-
a) 2V b) -2V c) 4V d) -4V
Q.39 The work function for tungsten and sodium and sodium are 2.3 eV and 4.5 eV respectively. If the
threshold wavelength (λ) for sodium is 5460 A0, the value of λ for tungsten is-
a) 528A0 b) 2751A0 c) 5893Ao d) 10683A0

NAVDEEP ACADEMY PVT. LTD.- ‘Shivam’, Thiba Palace Road. 1st Lane, Near Dr. Pethe Clinic, Ratnagiri. Contact No.- 9270975758
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Q.40 The momentum of a photon of an electromagnetic radiation is 3.3 𝗑 10-29kg m/s. What is the
frequency of the associated waves
a) 1.5 𝗑 1013 Hz b) 7.5 𝗑 1012 Hz c) 6.0 𝗑 103 Hz d) 3.0 𝗑 103 Hz
Q.41 A proton and an α particle are accelerated through same voltage. The ratio of their de-Broglie
wavelength will be
a) 1:2 b) 2√2: 1 c) √2: 1 d) 2:1
Q.42 Photoelectric effect shows-
a) wave like behavior of light b) particle like behavior of light
c) both wave like and particle like behavior of lightd) neither wave like nor particle like behavior of light
Q.43 The frequency of radio waves corresponding to wavelength of 10 m is-
a) 3 𝗑 109/s b) 3 𝗑 107/s c) 3 𝗑 10-9/s d) 3 𝗑 1010/s
Q.44 The wavelength of a 1 k eV photon is 1.24 𝗑 10 m. What is the frequency of 1 MeV photon?

a) 1.24 𝗑 1015 Hz b) 1.24 𝗑 1020 Hz c) 1.24 𝗑 1018 Hz d) 2 𝗑 4 𝗑 1023 Hz

Q.45 The minimum wavelength of the X-rays produced by electron accelerated through a potential
difference of ‘V’ volt is directly proportional to-
a) 1/V b) 1/√V c) √V d) V2
Q.46 The energy of a photon of light of wavelength 450 nm is-
a) 4.4 𝗑 10-19 J b) 2.5 𝗑 10-19 J c) 1.25 𝗑 10-17 J d) 4.4 𝗑 10-19 J
Q.47 The number of a photon of wavelength 540 nm emitted per second by an electric bulb of power 100
W is (h = 6 𝗑 10-34 Js) -
a) 100 b) 1000 c) 3 𝗑 1020 d) 3 𝗑 1018
Q.48 The energy of a photon is 3 𝗑 10 J. It's momentum is-

a) 3 𝗑 10-7 kg m/s b) 10-27 kg m/s c) 9 𝗑 10-11 kg m/s d) 10-8 m/s

Q.49 The mass of photon at rest is-
a) zero b) 1.67 𝗑 10-35 kg c) 1 a.m.u. d) 9 𝗑 10-31 kg
Q.50 An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 160volt. The energy gained by it will be
a) 2.56 𝗑 10-19 J b) 25.6 𝗑 10-19 J c) 1.6 𝗑 10-19 J d) 256 𝗑 10-19 J

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Hints/Solution: Electrons and Photons

Q.1 c) 16.6 𝗑 10-19 J

Sol: K.E. = hν - W0
2 𝗑 1.6 𝗑 10-19 = 6.6 𝗑 10-34 𝗑 3 𝗑 1015 - W0
3.2 𝗑 10-19 = 19.8 𝗑 10-19 - W0
W0 = (19.8 - 3.2) 𝗑 10-19 J = 16.6 𝗑 10-19 J
Q.2 a) is the photon
Q.3 c) frequency of incident light
Q.4 c) zinc plate is irradiated with light
Q.5 a) Quite less than metals
Q.6 c) 1eV
Sol: PE = KE = Ve = leV
Q.7 d) 10-24 J
hc 6.63 ×10−34 × 3 × 108
Sol: E + hv = =
λ 20×10−2
= × 10 −24
≈ 1 𝗑 10-24 = 10-24 = 10-24 J
Q.8 a) 6.6 𝗑 10-22 kg-m/s.
Sol: Momentum
h 6.6 × 10−34 6.6 × 10−34
p= = =
λ 0.01 × 10−10 1×10−12
= 6.6 𝗑 10-22 kg. m/s
Q.9 d) hν = hν0 + mv 2
Q.10 c) 2hν/3
Sol: hν = mv 2 + w0 …..(1)
2hν = 2mv2
+ w0 …..... (2)
4hν = 2mv2 + 4w0
2hν = 2mv2 + w0
∴ 2hν = 3W0 ∴ W0 =
Q.11 b) [M1 L2 T-1]
Hint: h = E/ν
⌊𝐸⌋ [𝑀1 𝐿2 𝑇 −2 ]
∴[𝑉] = [𝑀0 = [𝑀1 𝐿2 𝑇 −1 ]
𝐿0 𝑇 −1 ]

Q.12 c) 4mA
Q.13 c)is same for all the electrons

Q.14 a)
Hint :

∴λ=h/mv (I)
∴λ=h/√2𝑚𝐸 (II)

Q.15 c) 1eV
Hint z:
K.E.= P.D × 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒
1×1.6×10−19 𝐽
K.E= =1eV

Q.16 c) 1.6× 10−13 𝐽


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1MeV=106 𝑒𝑉 = 106 × 1.6 × 10−19 = 1.6 × 10−3 𝐽

Q.17 b)931 MeV

E=mc2=1× 1.66 × 10−27 × (3 × 108 )2 𝐽
[𝑙𝑎. 𝑚. 𝑢 = 1.66 × 10−27 𝑘𝑔]

1.66×10−27 ×9×1016
E= (eV)
∴E=931× 10 𝑒𝑉 = 931 𝑀𝑒𝑉
∴ E=931× 106 𝑒𝑉 = 931𝑀𝑒𝑉

Q.18 b) h/e
Vs× 𝑒 = ℎ(𝝑 − 𝝑𝟎 ) [𝜗 − 𝜗0 = 𝜗1 ]
∴e/h=𝝑1 /Vs
vs /𝝑1 =h/e ∴ slope =h/e

Q.19 a) E/p
Q.20 d) 1:1
Q.21 d) lies between zero and a finite maximum
Q.23 a) the thermal radiations of a black body
Q.24 a) 𝛎 < 𝛗/h
Q.25 b) 1.6 × 10-14 J
Hint :
E = P.D. × q = 105 × 1.6 × 10-19 = 1.6 × 10-14 J
Q.26 c)√2𝑒𝑉/𝑚
E=(1/2)mv2 =P.D.×e
∴v=√2 × 𝑃. 𝐷.× 𝑒/𝑚 = √2 × 𝑉 × 𝑒/𝑚
27. d)2854A0
28. a)photons exert no pressure
29. a)photon exert no pressure
30. a) depnds both on intensity snd frequency of inrensity light
31. c)2.5×1011
32. d)h/p
33. b)hc/λ
Hint: E=h𝛎=hcλ [∴ 𝑐 = 𝜈. 𝜆]
34. b) higher intensity radition
35. cesium
Hint: cesium has least photoelectric work function.
36. d)all of these
37. a)1.4eV
Hint: (1/2)mv2max =h𝛎-W0=3.4-2=1.4eV
38. b)-2V
39. d) 10683A0
Hint:p=3.3×10-29kg m/s
λ =h/p
c/𝝑 =h/p
𝑃𝑐 3.3×10−29 ×3×108
∴𝝑= = = 1.5 × 1013 𝐻𝑧
ℎ 6.6×10−34
41.b)2√2: 1
λ =h/m (I)
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mv2 =P.D.×q

V=√2 × 𝑃. 𝐷.× 𝑞/𝑚

∴ 𝜆 = ℎ/√2𝑚𝑞 × 𝑃. 𝐷.
𝜆 𝑚 𝑞 4𝑚𝑝2𝑝𝑝
∴ 𝑝 =√ 𝛼 𝛼 = √ =2√2
𝜆𝛼 𝑚𝑝 𝑞𝑝 𝑚𝑝 .𝑞𝑝

42. b)partical like behavior of light

43. b)3× 107 /𝑠
𝑐 3×108 107
Hint: 𝝑= = =3×
𝜆 10 𝑠
44. b) 2.4×1020 Hz
Hint: E=hc/λ
𝐸1 𝜆2 𝑐
∴ = =
𝐸2 𝜆1 𝜗2 𝜆1
𝑐 𝐸2 3×108 1×103
∴ 𝜗2 = × = ×
𝜆1 𝐸1 1.24×10−10 1
∴ 𝝑2=2.4× 10 𝐻𝑧 20

Hint: λ=h/mv
mv2 =P.D× 𝑞 (I)

∴v=√2 × 𝑃. 𝐷 × 𝑞/𝑚 (II)

∴ 𝝀 = 𝒉/√𝟐 × 𝑷. 𝑫.× 𝒒
∴ λα1/√𝑷. 𝑫.
∴ λ 𝜶 𝟏/√𝑽

46. 4.4×10-19 J
Hint: P=E/t=nh𝝑/t
𝑛 𝑝 𝑝𝜆 100×54×10−8
∴ = = =
𝑡 ℎ𝜗 ℎ𝑐 6×10−35 ×3×108
𝑛 3×10−6
∴ = = 3 × 10−27 𝑘𝑔 𝑚/𝑠
𝑡 10−26

49.a) zero
SOL: K.E.= Vse=160×1.6×10-19=256×10-19 J

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