State Information Commission, Punjab: Order

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SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054

Visit us @
Sh. Bant Singh
(Regd. Post) S/o Late Sh. Babu Singh,
Guru Nanak Nagar,
Nalas Road,
Near Airtel Tower,
Rajpura-140401 (Distt. Patiala) …Complainant


Public Information Officer,

(Regd. Post) O/o Inspector General of Police (Crime)
O/o Director General of Police, Pb. HQ,
Sector 9, Chandigarh …Respondent
Complaint Case No. 1369 of 2012
Present : Sh. Bant Singh, complainant in person.
i) Sh. B. K. Garg, IPS, I.G.P./SCRB,Punjab.
ii) Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, IPS, IGP (Modernisation),Punjab.
On the last date of hearing held on 09.04.2014, both Sh. B. K. Garg, I.G.P.
and Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, I.G.P., were directed to re-submit their respective replies
in the shape of an affidavit.
In compliance to the order dated 09.04.2014, both Sh. B. K. Garg, IPS,
I.G.P./SCRB, Punjab and Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, IPS, IGP (Modernisation), Punjab,
appeared in person in today’s hearing before the Commission along with their replies in
the shape of affidavits duly attested. These replies are taken on record.
Apart from the replies given in the shape of affidavits, both Sh. B. K. Garg
and Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, explained their position regarding this complaint case
No.1369 of 2012.
While Sh. B. K. Garg, claims that he has nothing to do with this case as
neither he has supplied the information to the complainant, Sh. Bant Singh nor he
instructed Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi to do the same in her capacity of Assistant State
PIO, as she was designated the same by the D.G.P., Punjab vide letter No. 3257/RTI dated
He further explained that the moment he came to know that wrong
information has been supplied to the complainant, Sh. Bant Singh by Ms. Shashi Prabha
Dwivedi without any malafide on her part, he immediately intervened into this matter and
ensured that Sh. Bant Singh is given information which was right/correct as per official
Complaint Case No. 1369 of 2012 -2-
He further explained that he has conducted himself in this particular
complaint case in a professional manner and by observing all the provisions of the RTI
Act so that Sh. Bant Singh could get true/correct information as per official record.
During the hearing, Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, states that whatever
information was supplied to Sh. Bant Singh at first instance, was given through the
dealing Asstt. of the department, which later on was found to be incorrect.
After this matter came into her notice, she took extra pains and supplied
the right information to the complainant.
She claims that departmental action has been started against that
particular dealing assistant for supplying wrong information to Sh. Bant Singh. The
outcome of that departmental action is not known to her.
She explains that in the capacity of the then D.I.G., Police, she could not
take action against the dealing assistant as the action against the Ministerial staff is to be
taken by the Central Police Office (CPO) of the office of D. G. P., Pb. and this is the reason
that she is not aware of the outcome of departmental action.
The complainant, Sh. Bant Singh, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, states that Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi was bound to cross check the fact that
whether the dealing assistant has supplied the right information to him or not before
putting her signatures on the forwarding letter and on the file where the approval has been
given for supplying the information.
He claims that from the conduct of Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi and the
dealing assistant, it is apparent that wrong information has been supplied to him with
malafide intention and hence action is to be taken against the guilty officials as per the
provisions of the RTI Act.
Sh. Bant Singh has been handed over copies of the affidavits submitted by
Sh. B. K. Garg and Ms. Shashi Prabha Dwivedi, during the hearing in the Commission.
Sh. Bant Singh seeks two week’s time to file a re-joinder in respect of these
Sh. Bant Singh is advised to send copy of the rejoinder to Mr. Garg and Ms.
Dwivedi in advance before the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned to 28th May, 2014 (Wednesday) at 12.30 P. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.

(Surinder Awasthi) (Chander Parkash)

State Information Commissioner State Information Commissioner
14th May, 2014

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