SEO On Page Tasks - Break Down

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Client On-boarding. Everything from here should be received

Keyword Research
Do Complete keyword research, check competitor's top keywords and finalise Keyword
Research file (If already done, disregard)
Push Nirmal
SEMrush toup
- Set getCampaign
Keyword (track
Research Color
Green coded Kws).
& yellow by Client-
all KW from high to low
volume , do not track keywords with 0 volume
Make sure All the keyword are mapped properly to all the landing page. Not a single
keyword should be left without mappng. If you cannot map any keyword or if landing
Keyword Mapping
page doesn't have & Content
proper Analysis
content Please prepare the content requirement and send it
to Nirmal via trello

Follow up with Nirmal untill content goes live, don't leave this in the middle
Check the Current rankings of website from SEMrush. Export it and put the file inside the
client's folder > On page folder. Use this file while preparing meta titles
SEO Pages - Consider the file in row 18 , and prepare the meta titles for SEO Pages. If
Prepare & Implement
ranking page Meta
is different titles
than mapped page then mention the fact in mapping
worksheet. (this will help to build
Non SEO Pages- Prepare the titles forlinks
all at the rightpages
remaining page)of the website, make sure all
pages have good meta titles

Prepare, get approval

Prepare meta & Implement
descriptions Meta
for all SEO descriptions
pages (in different file, not in on page file), put the
file in this folder -
Implement once approval received
Crawl the whole website, and prepare new worksheet in on page file. And point out any
Duplicate page,
pages which content
might , useless
compete with page analysis
our SEO pages. Make the best judgement, add
canonical/no index/301. Check traffic /rankings before making decision
External Duplicate content Checking. Use, do you find anyhing
get approval Have
suspecious? from we
ac manager/Nirmal just before
copied content from someoneimplementation
or is anyone scraping our content?
Report unsual activity to Nirmal/Mahendra
How many pages in index? Are there too many? If yes prepare a new spreadsheet.
Contact Nirmal in case of any crawl budget issue. Make sure to have only quality pages in
Set up site audit in SEMrush and export all errors. + export crawl errors from console,
add them&allSearch Console
in single Errors Remove duplicates. Sort from high to low priority. &
Fix them. Make all effort to improve site health score of SEMrush
Check for WWW resolve issue OR site running on multiple versions

h1 & Img
Export all alt
h1 tags
& alt tags, find missing/duplicates. Make sure to implement h1 and img alt
in all SEO pages, Prepare a separate report, get approval & implement

Internal Linkings
Established website? Check for blogs, any internal links opportunities? Proper anchor
Menu & missing
Is Menu Footer analysis
any important pages? If yes prepare suggested menu and follow up with
Nirmal to get approval from Ac manager/client
are we utilising footer properly? & implement
If not prepare footer menu &orfollow
Nirmal to
get approval from Ac manager/client & implement or submit work request

robots.txt analysis
are we blocking any important SEO pages via robots? Report anything suspecious to

Sitemap.xml analysis
Make sure all important SEO pages are present in sitemap. If sitemap is generated via
yoast, keep the default settings
Test sitemap via GSC, if any errors report it in file created at row # 33

Schema implementation
Local Schema - in footer. Create new folder inside Client's folder. Prepare script, get it
Aggregateand implement
Schema or take
- on some help
pages. of dev script,
Prepare to implement
get it approved and implement or
take help of dev to implement

Website Speed Testing

New folder inside
Use: Google Client'stest
page speed folder.
& Gtmetrix . If found slow , report to Nirmal. Make sure to
check desktop and mobile

Conversion optimisation
Send some reccomendations, call to action/forms etc to improve conversions

Add Complete details - Business name, address, ph no, timings, attributes. (Make sure
Add Covermatches
photo,with website
profile & Local
picture, Listing
by owner, Document
exteriors, interiors. Request more pictures
from client. (contact Nirmal)
Check for duplicate address/locations. Report to Nirmal if found anything duplicate
Optimise G+ Page
profile pic, cover, feed, about us, link to homepage. Make some blog posts.
make sure g+ button in footer of website linking to right g+. If not g+ yet contact Nirmal
Did you receive GSC from Client ? If yes , check for any manual actions/ disavow files.
Check ifConsole Set up
any changes are done in a way URL parameters are handled by previous seo
company. Check any removed URLs
Add all version of website in GSC, verify it
Choose preferred
test, Submit version.
sitemap. Check and
Comeback the indexed
check forversion
errors.before doinginthis.
Add errors Contact at
file created Nirmal
tests robots.txt , make sure its allowed.


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