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Windows NT thru Windows 7 Compatible

How to use STOP PORN

Stop P-O-R-N is completely FREEWARE!
Upon installation STOP PORN will automatically start and ask you for a password. It is
important that you do not lose this password.
An icon of a white warrior will be displayed in your icon tray locate at the bottom right
hand side of your screen. The functions of STOP PORN can be accessed only from this
• Left Double-Click to shut down STOP PORN . STOP PORN will ask you for your
password before it will shutdown.
• Right Click to access options for STOP PORN . Password change and administrator
password request can be done through the options screen. Again the options screen
can not be accessed with your password created by you.

• To shutdown your while STOP PORN is running, just shutdown STOP PORN . Just
left double-click on STOP PORN ’s icon and shut it down using your password.
• From the options menu, it is there that you can uninstall STOP PORN . This is the
only way to uninstall STOP PORN . Only password access will allow the un-
installation of STOP PORN .
• From the options menu, click on “configure options.” The “configure options”
screen will be displayed. From this menu you can also select P2P file sharing
programs from running.
• SECURITY NOTE----STOP PORN incorporates many methods to deter a user
from disabling it. One of the features are disabling the Task Manager and Regedit
programs. If you would like to use the task manager or regedit programs, just shut

down STOP PORN by double-clicking the icon. You may also turn on and
turn off the security option in the configuration screen.
• STOP P-O-R-N now enables you the user to enter websites for banning purposes.
You can either opt to use STOP P-O-R-N 's internal database and/or use a ban list that
you create yourself. For example: If you want to ban, you would
enter badsite word without the www or the .com.

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STOP PORN is a powerful software application used for blocking pornographic
material. It will protect your family or classroom from inappropriate material on the
Internet. If inappropriate material is detected the web browser will instantaneously
shutdown the program that is displaying inappropriate material. STOP PORN uses low
CPU and memory resources. It adopts advanced interception techniques to scan web
browsers and other application's contents in real time. STOP PORN works with all web

To date, there are no other parental type filters that offer this broad range of

STOP PORN helps users keep their computer away from sexually questionable material
online. It uses real-time interception technology to determine if the website is displaying
pornographic material. If this material is present, it will abort the operation of the web
browser. By doing this, there is no chance for the porn sites to launch consecutive pop-
ups to reveal additional porn material. .

STOP PORN was created due to the frustration of trying many applications that would
filter out the wrong material or slow the browsing experience to a slow creep. Some of
the applications would consistently have errors that would effectively result in a PC
reboot to rectify the problem.

STOP PORN was designed to work “out of the box.” The only thing a user needs to do,
is install STOP PORN and it will immediately start working for you. Due to the
advanced technology used, the user does not have to configure anything. STOP PORN
can be shutdown by double-clicking on an icon located in the icon tray. STOP PORN
can not be shutdown until the correct password is supplied. This password will be
entered by you at the first start-up of STOP PORN . It is important that you write this
information down. There is also the option to do a password change if needed.

STOP PORN also offers the option to NOT allow popular P2P filing sharing software to
launch. The following P2P applications that can be selected to not start are: Limewire,
Kazza, Ares, Frostwire, MyP2P, and BearShare.

STOP PORN has many methods to deter the computer user from shutting it down. Upon
launch of STOP PORN the task manager is disabled so that a user can not circumvent
STOP PORN and shut it down. The task manager can always be enabled by shutting
down STOP PORN by entering the correct password.

The second methods of protection are multiple password protections. STOP PORN
requires that a password be used to shut it down and to change any options

The third method is binary encryption of the application itself. The method used to
determine if sites are inappropriate is encapsulated in the application itself. There is no
external file used by STOP PORN , so there is absolutely no chance of tampering. To
this point, all parental filters thus far are using external files to read from. This is a huge
security hole. Someone could open this file and edit it's contents, thus letting
inappropriate material to be displayed on the screen.

STOP PORN was engineered to stop the display of porn material, but at the same time
allow appropriate material to be displayed. This technology is proprietary to PB
Software, LLC. PB Software LLC. is dedicated to making the Internet safe for families
and schools alike.

That is it! Thank you for your interest in our products. You can always contact us at: or visit our website

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