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Anis and Tyas are on holiday in Surabaya.

They have been on holiday for three days in

Surabaya. But on the last day of their holiday, Anis felt a pain in her stomach. Then Tyas
accompany Anis to go to the nearest hospital in Surabaya City to check the condition of Anis.

Tyas : Anis let me to accompany you to go to the hospital to check your stomach

Anis : Do you know where is the hospital in this city?

Tyas : No,I don't. We can ask the people on the street to know where the hospital is

Anis : Allright

They go to the hospital by riding a motorcycle. Halfway through the journey they start confuse
looking for the nearest hospital. Then they saw two people standing by the side of the road.
And then they approached her to ask about the hospital.

Tyas : Excuse me

Intan : Yes, do you need a help?

Tyas : yes, I do. I want to ask you about the hospital near here. do you know where is the

Intan : sorry I don't know because I am not stay in here. How about you Nod, do you know
where is the nearest hospital?

Nod : Yes, of course. You go straight on this road until you find the first crossroad then you
turn right and then continue for about 500 meters you will see the traffic light. After
that you turn right at the traffic light. You will see the T junction at the corner of road
then you turn right and then you just follow the road. You will find Permata Bunda
Hospital in the left side on this road beside Indomaret. Do you understand with my

Tyas : Yes, I do. Thank you for your explanation

Nod : Okey, you are welcome.

Tyas and Anis continue their journey to the Hospital in based on the explanation that has been
delivered. After passing the traffic lights, tyas forget where they have to go after turning right
at the light traffic. Finally they ask again with someone who was walking on the roadside.

Tyas : Excuse me, sorry to interupt your time

Afiyan : no problem. Can I help you?

Tyas : Do you know where is Permata Bunda Hospital?

Afiyan : Yes, I know. You just go straight on this road. You will see the T junction at the corner
of road then you turn right and then you just follow the road. You will find Permata
Bunda Hospital in the left side on this road beside Indomaret. Do you understand?

Tyas : Yes, Thank you

Afiyan : Allright

After getting an explanation, they continue their journey. Finally they arrived at Permata
Bunda Hospital.
In the hospital.....

Nurse. : Excuse me,good afternoon. What happen with you miss?

Anis : i feel sad nurse

Nurse : ohh.. what is your name?

Anis. : im anis nurse

Nurse : where is your adress ?

Anis : my adress in tembalang

Nurse : how old are you?

Anis : im 20 years old

Nurse : Ok. What make you feel sad? Please tell me miss

Anis. :hmmm i feel pain in my stomach

Nurse : Ok miss i know what do you feel. But you must be patient with this ordiel

Anis : ih no......!! Its very pain..! Ah....!

Nurse : what happen miss? How if i teach you a relaxtation therapy?

Tyas : therapy relaxtation? For what nurse?

Nurse : this therapy can help you more calm and can reduce your pain.

Tyas : really?

Nurse : yes miss.

Anis : please teach me this therapy nurse.

Nurse : ok.first, position your body as comfortable as possible

Anis : oke nurse.... (patient follow her intruction )

Nurse : now, take a deep breath...feel the positif energy that exist.then exhale through the
mouth and say astaghfirullahaladziim......

Anis : (do the therapy relaxation)......astaghfirullahaladziim

Nurse : please repeat again miss,.....

Anis : astaghfirullahaladzim

Nurse : do it until you feel more comfortable miss. Now open your eyes.

Anis : (open the eyes)

Nurse : how come, its better?

Anis : alhamdulillah i feel more comfort nurse. Thank you

Nurse : your welcome. Dont worry and keep relax. I think you can get my instruction quickly.
I wish you get well.

Anis. : Aamiin. Thank you nurse.

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