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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1.Habits 1,2 and 3 are focused on self mastery and moving from dependence to independence .
2.Habits 4,5 and 6 are focused on developing teamwork, collaboration and communication skills
and moving from independence to interdependence.
3.Habits 7 is focused on continuous growth and improvement and embodies all the other habits.
7 Habit of Highly Effective People
1.Be proactive
Principle of personal vision Underlying principle Individuals are responsible for their own
choices and have the freedom to choose
Reactive- people are driven by feelings , circumstance , conditions the environment. Circle of
Influence I choose to go. I control my own feelings. Lets explore alternative.
Proactive- people are driven by carefully, considered, selected and internalized values. Circle of
Concern I have to go. He makes me so mad. There’s nothing I can do.
2. Begins with the end in minds.
Principles of personal leadership. Start with clear mental image of your destination.
3. Put first thing first Effectiveness
requires balancing important relationships, roles, and activities. Focus on preserving and
enhancing relationship and on accomplishing results.
4. Think Win-Win
Principle of personal management. Implies understanding that without cooperation, the
organization cannot succeed.
Six paradigms of Human Interaction.
Win / Win Lose/ Lose
Win/Lose Win
Lose/Win Win/Win or No deal
5 Dimension of Win /Win Character-
Integrity, maturity, abundance mentality. Relationship Agreements (Elements of Agreements)
* desired results * guidelines * accountability * consequences * supportive system
5. Seek First to Understand ,Then to be Understand.
Principle of empathic communication. Requires a nonjudgmental attitude.
Principle of Creative Cooperation Essence of synergy is to -values differences - respect others
-build on strength - compromise for weakness
7. Sharpen the Saw
Principle of Balanced self – renewal. Process of using and continuously renewing the physical,
mental, spiritual and social aspects of life.
Four Dimensions of Renewal
1. Physical ( exercise, nutrition, stress management). 2. Spiritual ( religious activities, prayer).
3. Mental ( reading, planning, visualizing). 4. Social ( synergy, empathy, family activities, social

What is OBE ?
OBE- stand for outcomes -based education. As the name implies, it is an education that is
anchored and focused on outcomes. It is a student -centered approach to education that focuses
on the intended learning outcomes resulting from instruction (Nicholson, 2011). It is approach in
planning, delivering and assessing instruction.
Learning Principles of OBE Spady (1994) gave four basic principles;
●Clarity of focus -Teachers must begin with the end clearly in mind. Teachers must be clearly
focused on what they want students to know, understand, and be able to do. In other words,
teachers should focus on helping students to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable
them to achieve the articulated intended outcomes.
● Designing down -nce the intended outcomes are clear, teachers now design instruction .
● High expectations -It means that teachers should establish high, challenging standards of
performance in order to encourage students to engage deeply in what they are learning. Helping
students to achieve high standards is linked very closely with the idea that successful learning
promotes more successful learning.
● Expanded opportunities- Teachers must strive to provide expanded opportunities for all
students. This principle is based on the idea that not all learners can learn the same thing in the
same way and in the same time.
Meaning of Outcomes -clear learning results that learners have to demonstrate, what learners
can actually do with what they know and have learned ( Butler,2004). -actions, products,
performances that embody and reflect a learner’s competence in using content , information,
ideas and tools successfully ( Geyser, 1999) . Spady made use of two terms, namely, exit
outcomes and enabling outcomes. Exit outcomes are “ big” outcomes while the enabling
outcomes “ small” outcomes. The attainment of the small outcomes leads to the attainment of the
big outcomes which we used to call terminal outcomes.
Traditional/Transitional and Transformational OBE
Two approaches exist within SPADY’s outcome-based education paradigm. The
traditional/transitional approach “ emphasizes student mastery of traditional subject- related
academic outcomes . In contrast, the transformational approach “emphasizes long-term, cross
-curricular outcomes that are related directly to students future life roles.

Meaning of Approach, Methods, Techniques and Strategies

Methods- a series of related and progressive acts performed by a teacher and students to achieve
the objective of the lesson.
Approach- is a set of assumptions that define beliefs and theories about the nature of the learner
and the process of learning.
Startegy- set of decisions to achieve an objective that results in plan.
Techniques- are the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a
method and therefore in harmony with an approach as well ( Brown,1994) . Techniques is
referred to also as task or activity.
Methods of Teaching Two types of teaching methods
Direct Approach – expository strategies – deductive- demonstrative- expository
Experiential Approach- exploratory- inductive problem solving – discovery and laboratory-
reflective inquiry- constructivism and meta conton.
Deductive Teaching – process of teaching that start with a rule or general statement that is
applied to specific case/examples.
Expository or deductive method- a telling method where facts, concept, principle, and
generalization are stated presented , defined , interpreted by the teacher and followed by the
application of testing of three concepts, principles generalizations in new examples generated by
the student.
Demonstration- telling and showing method perform usually by a teacher or a trained student
while, the rest of the class become observer.
Experiential Methodologies Inductive- an exploratory method of logic where one arrives at a
fact, principle, truth or generalization. Formulating conclusion , a definition a rule a principle or
a formula based on knowledge of example and details.
Discovery- a method in which thoughts are synthesized to perceive something that the
individual has not known before. The learner gets directly involved in learning. Learning is a
result of the learners own internalized , reflection and experiences.
Metacognitive Teaching: a teaching approach Where learners are trained to become aware of
and exert control over their own learning by using metacognitive processes.
Cooperative learning strategy: A type of group work in which two or more students interact
with the common goal of mastering specific academic materials, sample approaches.
Problem Solving Method -Any purposeful activity that will remove a recognized difficulty or
perplexity in situation. Through the process of reasoning.
Project Method – a significant practical units of an activity of a problematic nature carried on
by students in a life like manner and in natural setting . It may be a construction , an enjoyment a
problem or a learning.
Laboratory Method – a set of first hand learning activities where in the individual investigates
a problem conducts experiments observes , process or applies theories and principles in
stimulated setting.
Inquiry Teaching – learners are confronted with a puzzling situation and are to enter into
investigative work to solve a problem.
Reflective Teaching- an on going process that enables individuals to continually learn from their
own experiences by considering alternative interpretations of situation, generating and evaluating
goals and examining experiences in the light of alternatives goals and hypothesis.
What is mother tongue-base multilingual education or MLE?
Multilingual education typically refers to “first-language-first” education, that is schooling
which begins in the mother tongue and transition to additional language. MLE is the use of more
than two languages for literacy and instruction. It starts from where the learners are and from
what they already know. This means learning to read and write in their first language or L1,and
also teaching subject like mathematics , science, healt, and social studies in the Li. Typically
MLE programs are; *”strong foundation”-research shows that children whose early education is
in the languages of their home tend to do better in the later years of their education (Thomas and
collier,1997) *”strong bridge “- an essential difference between MLE programs and rural
“mother tongue education” programs is the inclusion of a guided transition from learning
through the mother tongue to learning through another tongue. Related to the emphasis on a
child’s mother tongue is the implicit validation of her cultural or ethnic identity by taking
languages which were previously considered “non-standard” and making active use of them in
the classroom. Multilingual education in that sense underscores the importance of the child’s
worldview in shaping his or her learning.
Stages of an MLE program A widespread understanding of MLE programs
(unesco,2003,2005)suggests that instruction takes place in the following stages.
1.stage 1-learning takes place entirely in the child’s home language.
2.stage2- building fluency in the mother tongue . Introduction of oral L2.
3.stage3-building oral fluency in L2. Introduction of literacy in L2.
4.stage 4-using both L1 and L2 for life long learning.
MLE proponents stress that the second languages acquisition component is seen as a” two-
way” brigde, such that learners gain the ability to move back and forth between their mother
tongue and the other tongue (s),rather than simply a transitional literacy program where reading
through the mother tongue is abandoned at some stage in the education.
Does MLE only involve changing the langue of instruction and translating the material
into the local languages? MLE is an innovative approach to learning . Apart from programming
the use of several languages ,it also involves the following. The development of good curricula
(i.e. cognitively demanding) The training of good teacher in the required languages, content and
methodology. The production of good teaching materials (i.e., error-free and culturally relevant);
The empowerment of the community (i.e. school -based management ) .MLE will not work
when one simply changes the language by translating existing materials into the local languages.
What kind of learners does MLE intend to produce ? MLE aims to produce learners who are;
*Multi -literate- they can read and write competently in the local language, the national ,and
one or more languages of wider communication ,such as English;
*Multi -lingual -they can use these languages in various situations and interaction for learning
in school; *Multi-cultural-they can live and work harmoniously with people of cultural
background that are different from their own, they are comfortable living and working with
people from outside their community while maintaining their love and respect for their home
culture and community.
What specific weakness in the Philippine educational system does MLE seek to address?
MKLE seek to specifically address the high functional illiteracy of functional literacy, Education
and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS),out of 57.59 million Filipino aged 10 to 64 years old, there
were; *5.24 million Filipino who could not read and write. *7.84 million Filipino who could not
read , write ,and compute. *18.37 million Filipino who could not read, write, compute and
Why use the other tongue or the first language (L1) in school?
*One’s own language enables a child to express him/herself easily, as there is no fear of making
mistakes. *MLE encourages active participation by children in the learning process because they
understand what is being discussed and what is being asked of them. *Children can immediately
use the L1 to construct and explain their world , articulate their thoughts and add new concepts to
what they already know. But our children already know their language.
Why still learn it in school?
*What we and our children know is the conversational language or the everyday variety used for
daily interaction .Success in school depend on the academic and intellectualized language needed
to discuss more abstract concepts. According to studies ,it takes one to three years to learn the
conversational language ,but four to seven years to master the academic language under well
resourced condition.
Teaching of Health Education
Lifestyle discuss characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily
habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their people with
their environment.
-Focuses on the physical, mental, emotional, as well as the social, moral and spiritual
dimensions of holistic health.
-emphasize the development of positive health attitudes and relevant skill in order to achieves a
good quality of living.
Characteristics of the K to 12 Health Education
1.Culture responsive
Use the cultural knowledge, prior experiences and performance styles of diverse student
body to learning more appropriate and effective.
2. Epidemiological
Relates to the incidence, prevalence and distribution of diseases in population, including
detection of the sources and cases of epidemics.
3. Health and life skill-based
Applies life skill to specific health choices and behaviors.
4. Holistic
Analyzes the interrelationship among the factors that influence the health states , the areas of
health and the dimension of (physical, mental, social, emotional,moral and spiritual).
5. Learner- centered
Focuses on the students needs, abilities, interest and learning styles with the teacher as
facilitator of learning.
6. Preventive
Characterizes something that helps people take positive action in order to prevent diseases and
to achieve optinum health.
7. Rights- based
Advances the understanding and recognition of human rights as laid down in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.
8. Value-based
Promotes an educational philosophy based on valuing of self, others and the environment
through the consideration of ethical values as the bases of good practice.

What is the scope of health education as a subject

* Growth and development. * Diseases prevention and control
* Personal health. *Injury prevention and safety
* Nutrition . * Consumer health
* Substantial use and abuse. * Community and environment health
* Family health
Principle of teaching in Health Education
1. Activity- based
2. Developmentally appropriate
3. Standards - based
4. Integrated
5. Inclusive for teaching of health

Physical Education 9

Quarter Content Learning Content Performance Performance

competency Standards Standards Standards

1st Quarter A .Characteristics of 1.defines The learner The learner G7-LM

Community and Healthy Community. community and demonstrates consistently Ease Health
Environment -Nature and health environmental understanding for Education
Health effects of health. of the principle demonstrates
environment 2. Describes in protecting healthful
issues( improper healthy the practices to
waste disposal, community. environment protect the
pollution, illegal 3. Explains for community environment
mining, soil erosion, how a healthy wellness. for community
cyanide fishing, environmental wellness.
pesticide drift, positively
deforestation, oil impact the
spill, coral reef health of
degradation, climate people and
change). communities.
Prevention and 4.discuss the
Management of nature of
environmental health environment
issues. issues.
1. Personal 5. Analyzes the
responsibility. effects of
2. Social environmental
consciousness issues on
3. Environmental people's health.
policies and laws. 6. Suggest
C. Collective action ways to
for the Environment prevent and
health issues.
7. Participates
project such as
building and
maintaining a
school garden
or conducting a
war on waste

2nd quarter A. First aid Basics 8. Discuss The learner The learner 2010 sec
Unintentional B. First Aid basic demonstrates performs first OHSP
Injury Guidelines and information understanding aid procedures health
Prevention, Procedures. Survey about first of first aid with accuracy.
Safety and First the scene. aid( principle, principles and
aid 1. Do primary survey roles, procedures.
of the victim ( check responsibilities
for vital sign assess , and
CAB( circulation, characteristics
airway, breathing). of a good aids.
2. Ask for help. 9.
3. Do secondary Demonstrates
survey of the victim the conduct of
( head-to- toe- survey. primary and
C. Use of dressing secondary
and bandages survey of the
( alternative include victim.
clean cloth or 10. Assesses
handkerchief). emergency
1. Principle of wound situation for
dressing ( careful unintentional
handling, large injuries.
enough ti cover the 11. Discuss
wound, should fit function of
snugly and not cut off dressing and
circulation). bandages.
2. Banding techniques 12.explain
( for the head, principles of
forehead, ear, cheek wound
and jaw, burned hand, dressing.
sprained ankle and 13.
dislocated arm). Demonstrates
D. Transporting the appropriate
victim ( drag and bandaging
carry techniques). techniques for
1. One - person carry unintentional
ankle drag, pack strap injuries.
carry blanket pull). 14.
2. Two-person carry Demonstrates
( two-handed seat, proper
four -handed seat, techniques in
chair carry). carrying and
3. Three man carry transporting
E. First aid for the victim of
common unintentional
unintentional injuries injuries.
and medical 15.
emergencies. Demonstrates
1.musculaskeletal proper first aid
injuries ( sprain, procedures for
strain, fracture, common
dislocation). unintentional
2.bleeding injuries.
3.burn ( super fiscal,
partial and full-
4. Heat emergencies.
5. Bleeding
6. Poisoning
7. Choking
8. Drowning
9. Heart attack
10. Electrocution

3rd quarter A. Drug Scenario in 16. Describes The learner The learner Ease Health
the Philippines the drug demonstrates shares Educ.III
Prevention of scenario in the understanding responsibilitie
substance use B.Factors that Philippines of the dangers s with
and abuse (drug influence substances of substance community
scenario in the use and abuse. 17. Explain the use and abuse members
Philippines) concept of on the through
C. Drug/ substance of substance use, individual participation
abuse misuse, abuse family and un collective
1. Stimulants and community. action to
dependence. prevent and
2. Depressants control
18. Discuss substance use
3. Narcotics risk and and abuse.
4. Hallucinogen factors in
substance use
5. Inhalants and abuse.

D. Preventive and 19. analyzes

Control of substance situation for
use and abuse. the use and non
use of

20. Identifies
the types of
drugs /
substances of

myths and
substances use
and abuse.

22. Recognize
warning sign of
substance use
and abuse
discusses the
harmful short
and longterm
effects of
substance use
and abuse on
the body

23. Discuss the

harmful effects
of substance
use and abuse
on the
family, school

24. Explains
the health
socio cultural,
legal, and
dimension of
substance use
and abuse.

25. Discuss
strategies in the
prevention and
control of
substance use
and abuse

26. Applies
making and
resistant skill
the prevent
substance use
and abuse.

27. Suggest
substances use
and abuse.

4th quarter A. Gateway Drugs 28.discuss The learner The learner

gateways drugs demonstrates demonstrates
Substance use 1. Cigarettes understanding personal
and Abuse 29.identifies of factors that responsibilitie
2. Alcohol reasons why influence s in the
people smoke cigarette and prevention of
B. Protective and risk cigarettes. alcohol use cigarette and
factors in the use of and strategies alcohol use
cigarettes and alcohol 30.analyzes the for prevention through the
negative health and control. promotion of a
C. Prevention and impact of healthy
control of gateways cigarette lifestyles.
drugs smoking.

reasons for
drinking and
for bot

32. Analyzes
the negative
health impact
of drinking

33. Explains
the impact of
alcohol on the
family and

Tools and Assessment and Evaluation

1. Rubric- a table that contain a complete list of specific success criteria ( pertaining to the
curriculum expectations) measured against the four level and qualifiers outlined in the
achievement chart; rubrics found in the final lesson of a unit inform educator' s final assessment
of learners performance.
2. Checkbric- a four - level checklist highlights success criteria to be measured against
descriptor of limited effectiveness, some effectiveness, considerable effectiveness, and high
degree of effectiveness.
3. Anecdotal Recording Chart- a method of assessment where by an educator records
observation of learners' progress in and achievement of particular skills.
4. Checklist - the educator uses a check to indicate whether learner's " have it" or are " still
working on it " , based on their observations of learners' demonstration of the success criteria.

3. Anecdotal Recording Chart- a method of assessment where by an educator records observation

of learners' progress in and achievement of particular skills.
4. Checklist - the educator uses a check to indicate whether learner's " have it" or are " still
working on it " , based on their observations of learners' demonstration of the success criteria

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