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Assalamualaikum wr wb

First of all, thank you for dr………, Sp.OG for attending today’s morning report, me (your name) as a
representative from my group going to report from our night shift, start from ( date) 2 pm to (date) 7

And this is the recapitulation of the patient, they are hospitalized in different category of class

In the ward of obgyn, there are ……. Patient

In class 2, there are …. Patient

In class 3, there are …. Patient

In, VIP and VVIP, there are … patient

1. New patient
 Mrs. D/ 27 y.o/ G302A0/32-34 weeks of pregnancy/ hospitalized in (ward/class
2/1/VIP/VVIP)/dr. Essy Sp.OG

S : The fetal heart rate going fast

O: blood pressure = 130/70 mmhg, HR=85x/I, RR= 19x/I, T= 38,5 C
Height of head uteri = 28 cm, fetal heart rate = 188x/I, HIS = 1X/10’/10”
A: G3P2A0 with 33-34 weeks of pregnancy not in labor +PPI + fetal distress + single fetal
alive IU+ head presentaion
P: R/C C-section

 Mrs. L/46 y.o/Menometroragia + Hypertension/ hospitalized in (ward/class

2/1/VIP/VVIP)/dr. Panggayuh Sp.OG

S : vaginal bleeding ± 14 hours ago

O: blood pressure = 190/90 mmhg, HR=81x/I, RR= 24x/I, T= 36,7 C

Cor/Pulmo : in normal borderline

Abdomen : in normal borerline

Urogenital : bleeding (+)

Laboratorium : HGB = 13,2 HT=44,5 PLT = 311, random blood sugar= 121 WBC= 17,23 RBC=

A: Menometroragia +Hypertension

P: - IVFD RL 20 tpm

inj. As. Tranexamat 500 mg

inj. Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr

amlodipin tab 11x10 mg

norelut tab 2x1

2. Labor room
 Physiology labor room
 Pathology labor room
 Obstetry measurements room
 Gynecology measurements room
3. Central Operating Room
 Major obstetric case
Mrs R/34 yo/G2P1A0/37-38 weeks of pregnancy/hospitalized in the ward of
obgyn/dr.Hanif M. Noor, Sp.OG
 at 09.14 am the baby was delivered by C-Section on indication CPD + premature rupture of
membranes, aterm: female, 2900g, 47 cm, AS 8/9 FTAGA
 at 09.20 Plasenta was fully eksplored, 500gr, 18 kotiledon, umbilical cord lenght 60cm

 Intermediate and minor case

 Major Gynecology case
 Intermediate and minor case

That is all of the case from our night shift, thank you very much for your attention

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Another English term

Lilitan tali pusat : covolution of the cord

Solusio plasenta : placenta abruption

Sisa plasnta : retained placenta

Lahir : delivered

Tali pusat : umbilical cord

NCB : Full term appropriate gestational age

NKB : Full term small gestational age

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