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One person plays the role of “Simon”, and he or she stands facing the crowd. Simon
explains the rules: “I am Simon. I will give you instructions to do various actions, and you must
imitate my actions. I will instruct you to do various things by saying ‘Simon says, do something’,
where something is an action like touching your head, waving your hand, and so on. If you do
something without me saying ‘Simon says’, then you are eliminated for that round.” Simon (the
game facilitator) then proceeds to say various commands (while demonstrating the action),
sometimes beginning them with ‘Simon says’, and other times not. A good way to get many
people eliminated at the very beginning of the game is to explain the rules, and then say:
“Ready to play? Okay, everybody stand up.” Whenever many people stand to their feet, they will
all be eliminated for that round, because Simon did not say “Simon says stand up to your feet.”

Simon says lift your feet up as high as you can.

Simon says play air guitar
Simon says roll over
Simon says waddle like a penguin
Simon says rub your tummy and pat your head
Simon says to be a beautiful butterfly princess!
Simon says crawl like a baby
Simon says pretend to climb a ladder
Simon says bite your lip!
Simon says cry like a baby.
Simon says be scissors.
Simon says start singing.
Simon says walk on your knees.
Simon says act like a monkey.
Simon says tickle your friend.
Simon says yawn.
Simon says hide your head in your shirt.
Simon says stand on 1 foot.
Simon says wink with your left eye.
Simon says smell your feet.
Simon says hug yourself.
Simon says walk backwards.
Simon says say something in foreign language.
Simon says take off one piece of clothing.
Simon says tickle your feet.
Simon says wiggle your nose.
Simon says do whatever your friend does.

1) Human Scrabble
Preparation & Materials: Cards or paper, and pens. Create “scrabble letter cards.”
Instructions: Once divided into groups, everyone gets a card with a letter. Instructor yells
SCRABBLE! and the kids try to form a word using their cards. The more of the letters you can
use the better. Groups can score points by having the longest or most complex word.

2) Crazy Verb Relay

Preparation & Materials: Containers for paper slips. Open space.
Instructions: Set up an area where students can race against each other. Designate a clear
finish line. Have the students write down simple action verbs (run, hop, skip, fly, crab-walk).
Then have them write down adverbs (slowly, lazily, quickly, angrily, sadly). Put the adverbs in
one hat, and the actions in another.
Two students will come up at a time. The teacher will pull out a paper from each hat. The
students must race each other to the finish line, but they can only move using the verb and
adverb that was pulled out of the hat.

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