Correspondence: JTCB Axis. Obviously, Vi - H

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1, FEBRUARY 1983 139


Modeling the Early Effect in Bipolar Transistors


Abstract-For convenience in dc and small-signal low-frequency cal-

culations, the effect of base width modulation (Early effect) on a bi-
polar transistor- operating under low-level injection conditions in the
forward-active mode–cars be taken into account by the use of a multi- & —
plying factor that is exponentially dependent on collector-base voltage.
Fig. 1. Graphical interpretation of Early parameter p Q (VA/VT).

value VQ, of VCB, have a common point of intersection VI =
In the design of precision bipolar analog circuits, particularly
monolithic types, it is necessary to take into account the (-VA + VQ) on the JtCB axis. obviously, VI = - h if, aS is
often the case, VQ << VA. V’ is dependent on VCB because
effects of base width modulation. A current popular approach
is to allow for this by regarding the base majority carrier QB and C’jc both vary with VCB. The form of the dependency
of VA on VCB is a function of the base and collector region
charge as linearly dependent on collector-base voltage: the
doping profiles.
constant of proportionality is the inverse of the parameter
known as the “Early voltage.” However, circuit analysis with With modern low-power transistors used in analog applica-
this method sometimes gives rise to tedious algebra. This tions, the percentage variation of VA with VCB is typically less
correspondence examines the justification for, and points out than 10 percent per volt for VA - 100 V and VCB = 5 V [2].
the practical advantage of, regarding the base majority carrier Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that VA is rarely
charge as exponentially dependent on collector-base voltage. known to be better than some 10 percent and enters de cal-
culations only as a correction term. It is reasonable therefore
THEORY to assume a constant averaged value of VA appropriate to the
operating range A VCB centered on Vc—and extending down
Consider an n-p-n transistor (for illustration) in which the to VCB = O–provided A VCB << VA.
base doping distribution N(x) is arbitrary, but continuous, and Imposing the constraint of a constant VA we have
recombination in the quasi-neutral base region is negligible,
i.e., the common-emitter direct current gain is effectively - (1/QB)(dQ~/dv&) = (1/vA ) = COnSt811t (6)
limited by emitter injection efficiency. The transistor is
assumed to operate under low-level injection conditions in the or
forward-active mode. With the usual assumption of one-
dimensional current flow it follows from [ 1] that
QB = Q. w (- vcB/vA ) (7)
Ic = {(qniAJ)2~n/QB} exp ( VBE/ VT) (1)
Q. & QB for V_cB= O.
where AJ = emitter-base junction area and QB = qAJ ~IV(x)
dx = magnitude of base majority carrier charge. The other Equation (7) forms the basis of subsequent deductions.
symbols have their usual meanings. Substituting for QB in (1) gives
Differentiating (1),
Ic =1s exp {( V’E/VT) + (VCB/!!,f)} (8a)
(l/lcro) = -(l/Q~)(dQ~/dVc~) (2)
in which at constant VBE. But, - (dQB/
r. & (d VCB/dIc)
d V@) = junction capacitance = <jc( VCB)–the negative sign ~c = r. ‘eXp [ {v’~ + ( v&/p)}/vT] (8b)
arises because QB decreases as VCB increases. Hence,
in which Is ~ {(arsiAJ)2~n/Qo} and u ~ (VA/VT). From (8)
(1 /~.~o) = cjc/QB (3) it is obvious that
or, (9)

1. r. = VA (4) p may be identified as the open circuit voltage gain of the

transistor. It represents the maximum theoretical incremental
voltage gain for a device connected in the common-emitter
VA ~ (QB/Cjc) = “Early voltage.” (5) configuration and is approached in practice only with an active
collector load. A graphical interpretation of (9) is given in
VA is sensibly independent of Ic because (for low-level injec- Fig. 1; clearly, a collector-base voltage differential between
tion) the base width is dependent only on VCB. A geometrical two matched devices can be allowed for by an equivalent base-
interpretation of (5) is as follows. The tangents to the Ic, VCB emitter offset voltage,
characteristics (at constant ?JDE) 2* II particular Op==t%% Now, as lB is assumed to arise only through the injection of
holes from base to emitter–a mechanism controlled by the
Manuscript received February 1, 1982; revised June 30, 1982. base-emitter voltage–it follows, for constant VBE that IB #
The author is with the Faculty of Engineering, North East London, f (vc~).
Polytechnic, Dagenham, Essex RM8 2AS, England. From the above discussion, this is only the case if the

001 8-9200/83/0200-01 39$01.00 @ 1983 IEEE


common-emitter direct current

/3= /30 exp (VCB/VA)

gain ~ is given by

= /30exp (VCB/pVT) (lo)

y, Ic, R.


flo~flat VCB=O. [
Then, ,,
IE i
lB = (1./6.) exp ( VBE/ VT). (11)
Two other relationships which emerge directly from (10) are
d(l/p)/dv~~ = -1//3v~ (12)

Fig. 2. Simple current sink used in exemplary analysis.

(da/dv~~) =d{l - (l/~)} /dv~B = l/pv~. (13)
the derivatives of the exponentials. An elementary illustrative
In (13), a is the common-base current gain and the approx- example is the calculation of the incremental output resistance
imation sign holds for the usual case /3>> 1. R. of the current sink of Fig. 2, in which lE is constant.
The compact expressions (8) and (10) through (13) are very R. ~ (d170/dIc) = (d VCB/dIc) (16)
convenient in both the dc and small-signal low-frequency
analyses of such popular monolithic circuit configurations as or
the current mirror, the PTAT (proportional to absolute tem-
(l/R.) = (1/zE)(a’a/dvcB). (17)
perature) current generator, and the long-tailed pair.
Using (13),
R. C=((3VA/IE). (18)
In the current literature on device modeling [3], the Early
effect is usually taken into account by assuming a linear de- For practical purposes, this is the same result as is obtained by
pendence of QB on VCB. A justification for this is, briefly, analyzing the small-signal low-frequency equivalent circuit of
as follows. Taking a Taylor’s series expansion about the point Fig. 2 and assuming /3 >> 1. However, the effort required in
VCB= () gives, for constant t’_BE, achieving the result in (18) is considerably less.
A similar comment applies to the more complex circuit
QB= Q. + (~QB/~~CB)]rBE~ VCB schemes encountered in monolithic circuit design.
+.. . higher order terms . . “ . (14)
If we assume a constant value of VA, defined in this case as Thanks are due to Dr. R. W. J. Barker (Trent Polytechnic)
Qolcj~o (where Cj=cr is the collector-base depletion capaci- for his helpful comments.
tance at VCB= O), then it follows for VCB << VA that
QB=QO[l - (VcB/VA)l. (15)
[1] J. L. Molland I. M. Ross, “The dependence of transistor parameters
Comparing (7) and (15), we note 1) both assume a constant on the distribution of base layer resistivity,” Proc. IRE, vol. 44,
Early voltage [though that used in (7) is defined as an average pp. 71-78, Jan. 1956.
value for the operating range ] and 2) (7) obviously reduces to [2] B. L. Hart, “DC parameter characterization of the Early effect in
bipolar junction transistors’ Radio Electron. Eng., vol. 50, no.
(15) over the voltage range for which the use of both expressions 1/2, pp. 79-89, Jan.-Feb. 1980.
is permissible, viz. VCB<< VA . However, the introduction of [3] R. W. Dutton and D. A. Divekar, “Bipolar models for statistical
the exponential form is warranted by algebraic convenience. integrated circuit design, “ in Process and Device Modeling for In-
Compact analytic dc relationships containing exponential tegrated Circuit Design, F. v. de Wiele et al., Eds. Noodhoff, The
facilitate low-frequency small-signal analyses which involve Netherlands: Leyden, 1977, pp. 461-517.

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