Product LP

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Lesson Plan

Lesson: The Product Grade: Highschool

Class: Marketing Date: 4-25-19

Overview / Purpose Standards

Students will understand Product Mix vs Identify ways marketing contributes to a
Product Line company’s image
Understand the need to go above and
beyond minimum requirements to be
Understand How to develop successful products
Materials Needed
Powerpoint: ​Product Mix
Video: ​4 P's
S1-3. Students will be shown a simple product and asked to think of every way they
could change to product to reach all target markets, students will brainstorm
everything they could do to change it including; flavor, size, packaging, and use. After
discussing this product they will be given another product to evaluate.
S4. Students will be introduced to what a product is, we will discuss how it is different
from the point of view of a business and a consumer.
S5. We will identify why businesses need to have so many products available, giving
an example that if there was no competition we wouldn’t have to worry about having
so many styles and products available, everyone would just purchase the one.
S7. Students will be introduced to the difference between product mix and product line
using a relatable example of a company.
S8-10. Discuss the process products go through when being designed, starting with
the basic product and adding enhancements to make it differentiate between
competitors, then finally extended products which includes everything you could sell
along with it.
S.12 Last students will be asked to come up with all the important aspects of
packaging and everything that must be thought of when designing it. They should
come up with Ease of use, safety, attraction, handling, and environment.
Students will be asked to think of their own products packaging and how it matches
those 5 standards, after we discuss what they came up with we will view a short video
discussing the 4 P’s of the marketing mix.
Student Evaluation
Students will be encouraged to provide examples and assessed on how well they
evaluate their own product’s packaging. They will be assisted in developing creative

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