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(ID:122758)Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống
trong đoạn văn.
It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you
are. One thing you have to be (1) of is that you will face criticism along the
way. The world is (2) of people who would rather say something negative
than positive. If you‘ve made up your (3) to achieve a certain goal, such as
writing a novel, (4) the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching
your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If
someone says you‘re totally in the (5) _ of talent, ignore them. That‘s negative
criticism. If (6), , someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a
good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully. There are
many film stars (7) were once out of work . There are many famous novelists
who made a complete mess of their first novel – or who didn‘t, but had to keep on
approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) . Being
successful does depend on luck, to a (9) extent. But things are more likely to
(10) well if you persevere and stay positive.

Câu 1: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (1)
A. alert B. clever C. intelligent D. aware
Câu 2: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (2)
A. overflowing B. packed C. filled D. full
Câu 3: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (3)
A. idea B. brain C. thought D. mind
Câu 4: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (4)
A. shouldn‘t let B. won‘t let C. didn‘t let D. don‘t let
Câu 5: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (5)
A. absentee B. shortage C. missing D. lack
Câu 6: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (6)
A. hence B. whereas C. otherwise D. however
Câu 7: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (7)
A. which B. whom C. they D. who

Câu 8: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (8)
A. publish B. to publish C. publishes D. published
Câu 9: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (9)
A. plenty B. numerous C. definite D. certain
Câu 10: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (10)
A. sail through B. come into C. deal with D. turn out


1. áp án:D
Be aware of something/somebody/ that clause = nhận thức được ai, cái gì, điều gì
2. áp án: D
Be full of something = chứa đầy cái gì
3. áp án: D
Make up one‘s mind = đưa ra quyết định
4. áp án: D
Let somebody/something + V = để cho ai, cái gì làm điều gì. Don‘t let the
negative criticism prevent you = đừng để những phê bình tiêu cực ngăn cản bạn
5. áp án: D
In the lack of something = khi thiếu hụt cái gì đó
6. áp án: D
However = tuy nhiên. Hence = vì thế. Whereas = trong khi đó. Otherwise = nếu
không thì
7. áp án:D
Film stars = những ngôi sao điện ảnh. ại từ quan hệ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng
trước nó chỉ người là ―who‖, hoặc ―that‖
8. áp án: D
Get something + past participle = thu xếp cho cái gì của mình được tác động vào
giúp. Get it published = khiến nó được xuất bản
9. áp án: D
To a certain extent = tới một mức độ nhất định
10. áp án: D
(Something) Turn out = xảy ra, diễn ra


[146699 ] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks

Statesmen define a family as ―a group of indivi duals having a common dwelling and
related by blood, adoption or marriage, (1) includes common-law
relationships.‖ Most people are born into one of these groups and (2)
live their lives as a family in such a group.
Although the definition of a family may not change, (3)
.relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as
society changes. More and more wives are (4) paying jobs, and, as a
result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to
(5) . for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today‘s marriages
(6) . which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work
for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean that man must learn to do their share of
family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (7) chores.
Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (8) _with the members od
their family in sharing household tasks.
The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having
(9) is as matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage
itself has become a choice. As alternatives (10) common-law
relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will
become more independent.
1) A. which B. that C. what D. it
2) A. must B. need C. would D. will
3) A. a B. any C. some D. the
4) A. taking B. making C. keeping D. performing
5) A. live B. work C. hope D. ask
6) A. in B. for C. with D. to
7) A. home B. family C. house D. household
8) A. carry B. deal C. cooperate D. combine
9) A. time B. families C. happiness D. children
10) A. similar to B. like C. such as D. or else


1. A
Which là đại từ quan hệ thay cho adoption marriage (cái mà bao gồm cả những mối quan
hệ thực tế), không dùng ―that‖ vì có dấu phẩy
2. D
Will + V: Hầu hết mọi người sinh ra trong nhóm người như vậy và sẽ sống cuộc sống
như 1 gia đình

3. D
The relationship: những mối quan hệ của con người nói chung
4. D
take paying jobs: đảm nhiệm các công việc
5. B
Câu này dịch là: ngày nay, đàn ông mong muốn làm việc để chi trả cho cuộc sống được
trong khoảng 40 năm
6. A
Do ở trên có ―in today‘s marriages‖, ―in which‖ là thay thế cho cụm này
7. D
Cụm: household chores: việc nhà
8. C
cooperate with sb: làm việc cùng với ai đó
9. D
Câu này là: sự chấp nhận rộng rãi việc tránh thai nghĩa là không có con (have children)
10. C
Câu này là: những sự thay thế khác (cho hôn nhân) như là những mối quan hệ thực tế, gia
đình có bố/mẹ đơn thân đã ngày được chấp nhận hơn


(ID: 114994) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills
they need for such everyday (13) _ as reading a newspaper or managing their
money. It also gives them the specialized training they may need to (14) for a
job or career. For example, a person must meet certain educational requirements and
obtain a (15) or certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many fields,
like computer operation or police work, (16) satisfactory completion of special
training courses.
Education is also important (17) it helps people get more out of life. It
increases their knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills
that make life more interesting and enjoyable, (18) the skills needed to
participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a musical (19) . Such education
becomes (20) important as people gain more and more leisure time.
Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because
social changes today take place with increasing speed and (21) the lives of

more and more people. Education can help a person understand these changes and
provide him (22) the skills for adjusting to them.
Question 13.A. works B. jobs C. actions D. activities
Question 14.A. do B. prepare C. make D. work
Question 15.A. license B. card C. diploma D. paper
Question 16.A. requires B. requiring C. require D. to require
Question 17.A. therefore B. despite C. although D. because
Question 18.A. such as B. for instance C. such that D. for example
Question 19.A. appliance B. equipment C. instrument D. device
Question 20.A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. increasingly
Question 21.A. effect B. affect C. affective D. effective
Question 22.A. with B. for C. in D. to


13. áp án D
Everyday activities = hoạt động thường ngày, work = công việc (không đếm
được), job = nghề nghiệp, action = hành động
14. áp án B
Prepare for smt = chuẩn bị cho cái gì
15. áp án A
License = bằng, card = thẻ, diploma = chứng chỉ, paper = giấy, kết quả
16. áp án C
Chủ ngữ trong câu là many fields ~ danh từ số nhiều ~ động từ chia ở số nhiều,
không thêm s
17. áp án D
Because = bởi vì, therefore = vì thế, despite = mặc dù, although = mặc dù
18. áp án A
Such as = như là (liệt kê); For instance, + mệnh đề = ví dụ như = For example, +
mệnh đề
19. áp án C
Musical instrument = dụng cụ âm nhạc
20. áp án D
Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ đó: increasingly important
21. áp án B
Affect (V) = gây ảnh hưởng; effect (N) = ảnh hưởng
22. áp án A
Provide smb with smt = cung cấp cho ai cái gì

(ID: 121180) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
Tattooing is an old art. In ancient Greece, people who had tattoos were regarded as
members of the (16) classes. On the other hand, tattooing was (17)
in Europe by the early Christians, who thought that it was a sinful thing to
(18) . It was not until the late 18th century, when Captain Cook saw South
Sea Islander decorating their bodies with tattoos that attitudes began to change. Sailors
came back from these islands with pictures of Christ on their backs and from then on,
tattooing (19) _ in popularity. A survey by the French army in 1881 (20)
that among the 387 men (21) there were 1,333 designs.
Nowadays, not everybody finds tattoos acceptable. Some people thing that getting one is
silly because tattoos are more or less permanent. There is also some (22) _
about (23) a blood disease from unsterilized needles. Even for those who do
want a tattoo, the (24) of getting one is not painless, but the final result, in
their eyes, is (25) the pain.
Question 16: A. upper B. greater C. high D. extreme
Question 17: A. blamed B. exported C. banned D. finished
Question 18: A. be B. create C. do D. make
Question 19: A. gained B. won C. earned D. made
Question 20: A. declared B. showed C. explained D. said
Question 21: A. questionedB. inquired C. demanded D. spoken
Question 22: A. danger B. concern C. trouble D. threat
Question 23: A. gaining B. infecting C. having D. catching
Question 24: A. progress B. system C. pace D. process
Question 25: A. worth B. due C. owed D. deserved
16. áp án: A
Upper = phía bên trên, cao cấp hơn. Upper class = đẳng cấp trên
17. áp án: C
Ban = cấm. was banned = đã bị cấm. blame = đổ trách nhiệm. export = xuất khẩu.
finish = kết thúc
18. áp án: C

It was a sinful thing to do = đó là một việc sai trái để làm. Do something = làm cái
gì đó
19. áp án: A
Gain in something = lớn mạnh, dành được cái gì. Gain in popularity = dành được
sự ưa chuộng
20. áp án: B
Show that = chỉ ra rằng + mệnh đề. Declare = tuyên bố. explain = giải thích. Say =
21. áp án: A
Question (v) = hỏi. Ở đây là dạng phân từ 2: questioned – hình thức rút gọn mệnh
đề quan hệ bị động – nghĩa là ―được hỏi‖
22. áp án: B
Concern about something = sự lo lắng, mối e ngại về vấn đề gì
23. áp án: D
Catch (a disease) = bị mắc (bệnh gì). Gain = có được. infect = truyền (bệnh). Have
= có
24. áp án: D
Process = quá trình. Progress = sự phát triển. system = hệ thống. Pace = nhịp độ.
Dịch vế câu : quá trình có được một hình săm thì không đau
25. áp án: A
Worth something = đáng giá, xứng đáng với cái gì


(124320) IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the
near future because they have been (33) to such low numbers. Approximately 90
percent of Hawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the world but they are (34)
by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and (35) plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (36) the extinction of
the 182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (37)
. Since 1990, (38) a result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen
species have been brought into (39) and three species have been reintroduced.
Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to
(40) plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (41)
collecting genetic material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a

safety net for the future. They also aim to manage wild populations and where possible
reintroduce species into (42) .
33. A. developed B. reduced C. disappeared D. increased
34. A. conserved B. guarded C. invested D. threatened
35. A. native B. national C. international D. non-native
36. A. prevent B. influence C. encourage D. stimulate
37. A. wild B. sky C. hole D. atmosphere
38. A. so B. due C. as D. but
39. A. contamination B. production C. cultivation D. generation
40. A. derive B. vary C. remain D. protect
41. A. at B. on C. with D. for
42. A. shelters B. reserves C. gardens D. halls


33. áp án B
―have been reduced to such low numbers‖: bị giảm đến một số lượng thấp
34. áp án D
―to be threatened by‖: bị đe doạ bởi
35. áp án D
―non-native plants‖: loại thực vật sống ở vùng mà không phải nơi nó thường sống
36. áp án A
―prevent the extinction‖: ngăn chặn sự tuyệt chủng
37. áp án A
―in the wild‖: ở nơi hoang dã
38. áp án C
Cụm ―as a result of‖: Theo như kết quả của…
39. áp án B
―bring into production‖: đem vào tiến hành sản xuất/trồng trọt
40. áp án D
―protect‖: bảo vệ; ―remain‖:duy trì, còn sót lại; ―vary‖: thay đổi, biến đổi; ―derive‖:thu
được từ, tìm thấy từ…
41. áp án A
ộng từ ―aim‖ (nhắm vào việc gì, quyết tâm làm gì…) đi với giới từ ―at‖ + doing
42. áp án B
―reserves‖ ở đây chúng ta có thể dịch là hạn chế, vì trước đó có dùng cụm ―manage
wild populations‖ kiềm chế số lượng)

(ID: 122427) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you
in being an employee? The schools teach (55) many things of value to the future
accountant, doctor or electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the future
employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the future
employee (56) . But very few students bother to learn it. This basic skill is the
ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that your
success as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and to
(57) your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will (58) understand
what you are driving and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (59) itself. You must have
something to say in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (60)
your ability to make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the
work itself.
Expressing one‘s thoughts is one skill that the school can (61) teach. The
foundations for skill in expression have to be (62) early: an interest in and an ear
(63) language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the
irrelevant, and above all the habit of verbal expression. If you do not these foundations
(64) your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.
Question 55: A. a great B. large C. a large D. great
Question 56: A. to knowB. how to know C. knowing D. of knowing
Question 57: A. transfer B. present C. interpret D. represent
Question 58: A. both B. as well C. either D. not
Question 59: A. on B. by C. in D. for
Question 60: A. on mostB. much on C. most on D. on much
Question 61: A. truly B. really C. quite D. hardly
Question 62: A. lied B. lain C. lay D. laid
Question 63: A. in B. by C. if D. for
Question 64: A. when B. for C. of D. during
55. áp án: A
Bản thân từ ―many‖ nghĩa là nhiều. ể nhấn mạnh mức độ rất nhiều ta có thể
dùng: a great many

56. áp án: A
It + is/was + adj + (for somebody) to V = đó là thế nào (đối với ai đó) để làm việc
gì. it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee to know = có thể đó là điều
giá trị nhất để những nhân viên tương lai biết
57. áp án: B
Present = trình bày, thể hiện
58. áp án: A
Both … and… = vừa … và vừa… They will both understand what you are driving
and be persuaded. = học sẽ vừa hiểu điều bạn đang nhắm tới và vừa bị thuyết phục
59. áp án: B
By itself = một mình nó. Dịch: dĩ nhiên là chỉ mình kĩ năng trong việc thể hiện,
bày tỏ là không đủ
60. áp án: B
Depend on something = phụ thuộc vào cái gì. Depend much on = phụ thuộc nhiều
61. áp án: B
Really = thật sự. Truly = một cách đúng sự thực. Quite = khá là. Hardly = hiếm
62. áp án: D
Lay foundation (for something) = đặt nền móng cho cái gì. The foundations …
have to be laid early = nền tảng cho kĩ năng trình bày cần được đặt nền móng từ
63. áp án: D
An ear for something = khả năng lắng nghe cái gì
64. áp án: D
During + something = trong suốt khoảng thời gian gì. When + mệnh đề/Ving =
trong khi (ai) làm gì


(ID: 113524) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 33 to 42.
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (33)
human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world
carries on consuming (34) of the world's resources while half of the world's
population do so just to stay (35) _ we are rapidly destroying the only resource we

have (36) which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is
(37) built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much
that they will never be able to recover (38) . We discharge pollutants into the
atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (39) , the planet's
ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers
and consumption are making increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (40) resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air,
energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (41) _ us fed, comfortable,
healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will last
indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon (42) _
and everyone will suffer.
Question 33: A. Still B. Despite C. Yet D.
Question 34: A. two-thirds B. two- third C. two-three D. two-
Question 35: A. survival B. alive C. existent D. live
Question 36: A. on B. at C. in D. by
Question 37: A. sooner B. rather C. either D. neither
Question 38: A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly
Question 39: A. result B. product C. development D. reaction
Question 40: A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
Question 41: A. stay B. keep C. maintain D. hold
Question 42: A. run out B. run away C. run up D. run
33. áp án C
Yet = thế nhưng = But. Still = vẫn. Despite = Although = dù
34. áp án A
Cách viết phân số: Tử số là số đếm; mẫu số là số thứ tự. Khi tử số lớn hơn một thì phải
thêm ―s‖ vào sau mẫu số
35. áp án B
Stay + adj = sống; duy trì ở tình trạng nào. Alive (adj) = còn sống
36. áp án D
By = bằng cách nào.
37. áp án C
Either … or… = …hoặc là…
38. áp án A

Recover = hồi phục. Completely = hoàn toàn. Quite = khá. Greatly = lớn, nhiều. Utterly
= cực kì, hoàn toàn
39. áp án A
As a result, mệnh đề = Kết quả là,…
40. áp án A
Natural resources = các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
41. áp án B
Keep somebody + adj/Ved = duy trì ai ở tình trạng nào
42. áp án A
Run out = hết, cạn kiêt


(125878) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the best option for each of the blanks.
I was raised on a farm in a remote village in the 1950s. The winter months were
endless and everything was covered in snow. I was always (53) for the warmer
weather to come. When spring arrived, everything came alive- flowers would bloom and
the animals would come out of hibernation. I would follow the bear tracks and search for
them. Once, however, I (54) an angry mother bear who saw me (55)
a threat. (56) the sight of the bear, I did what my father had told me. I stood
still until she stopped growling and walked away. The trick was effective, but looking
back now, I realized that the situation was (57) more serious than I thought at
the time. By the age of twelve, I had lots of camping (58) , as I used to go
camping with my dog on my school holidays. We would spend days (59) the
forest, catching fish for dinner, (60) at the frogs and the (61) of birds
and the insects hopping up and down on the surface of the water. Of course, this was
possible only during the warm months. When the autumn came, everything went quiet,
which was quite usual in those parts. It wasn‘t long before the animals disappeared, the
birds (62) south and the snow took over. The place became deserted once
Question 53: A. willing B. keen C. eager D. enthusiastic
Question 54: A. found out B. came across C. dealt with D. reached
Question 55: A. as B. same as C. such as D. like
Question 56: A. By B. At C. On D. In
Question 57: A. very B. quite C. far D. so
Question 58: A. experience B. skills C. qualities D. qualifications
Question 59: A. investigating B. detecting C. researching D. exploring

Question 60: A. watching B. looking C. noticing D. observing
Question 61: A. sets B. swarms C. bunches D. flocks
Question 62: A. fly B. flying C. flew D. flight


53, áp án C
―eager for something ‖ hoặc ―eager to do something‖: háo hức, mong đợi về cái gì
54, áp án B
―come across‖: gặp tình cờ
55, áp án A
―see‖ somebody/something as…: nhìn nhận ai/cái gì như…
56, áp án B
―at the sight of the bear‖: ngay khi nhìn thấy con gấu,…
57, áp án C
―far/much more‖ dùng để nhấn mạnh hơn khi so sánh
58, áp án A
―camping experience‖: kinh nghiệm về cắm trại, vế sau có đề cập ―as I used to go
camping with my dog on my school holidays.‖
59, áp án D
―explore‖ :khám phá. ―spend‖ +doing something, vì thế nên ta chọn ―exploring‖
60, áp án B
―look at‖: quan sát, nhìn, không chọn ―observe‖ hay ―watch‖ vì 2 từ này không có giới từ
đi kèm, ―notice‖ thì không phù hợp về nghĩa
61, áp án D
―bird‖ đi với danh từ chỉ số lượng là ―flock‖: đàn
62, áp án C
ộng từ fly được chia quá khứ ―flew‖, vì phía trước có ―disappeared‖ (dạng quá khứ)


(ID: 114169)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word/phrase that best fits each of the numbered

A typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay running.. They keep
your organs operating (33) and your brain running. They also keep your body
warm. A person gains weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than (34)

. The only way to lose fat is to reduce the (35) of calories that you
consume per day. This is the basic principle (36) going on a diet.
Unfortunately, diets don‘t work for most people. They do lose weight but then go
off the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key (37)
maintaining a consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories
you need in a day and how many you actually (38) . The next step is to add
exercise (39) you can raise the number of calories you can consume per day.
Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can make a big (40) . You can ride
an exercise bike while you are watching television (41) you can take the stairs
instead of the elevator. Find an exercise partner. Exercises can be a lot easier if there is
someone to talk to. It‘s a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are (42) _.
Tight clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.
Question 33: A. proper B. properly C. improper D.
Question 34: A. necessity B. need C. needed D. necessary
Question 35: A. number B. amount C. deal D. plenty
Question 36: A. behind B. beside C. inside D. outside
Question 37: A. for B. with C. at D. to
Question 38: A. take off B. take in C. take up D. take away
Question 39: A. as a result B. so as to C. so that D. in as
much as
Question 40: A. sense B. mistake C. impression D. difference
Question 41: A. and B. or C. but D. so
Question 42: A. on a holiday B. on a balance C. on either side D. on a diet
33. B
Trạng từ đứng sau động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó. Properly (adv) = một cách
chính xác; improperly (adv) = một cách thiếu chính xác, thiếu hợp lý
34. D
More than necessary = hơn mức cần thiết. Người ta dùng tính từ ―necessary‖ để
chỉ mức cần thiết
35. B
The amount of + N = lượng. The number of + N(s/es) = con số
36. A
Behind = phía sau, đằng sau. Beside (adj) = bên cạnh. Inside = bên trong. Outside
= bên ngoài
37. D

The key to + N/Ving = chìa khóa/yếu tổ quyết định đối với cái gì/việc gì
38. B
Take in + thực phẩm = hấp thụ
39. C
So that + clause = để mà… As a result = kết quả là. So as to V = để làm gì
40. D
Make a difference = tạo ra sự khác biệt. Make senses = có ý nghĩa. Make a
mistake = mắc lỗi
41. B
Or = hoặc. And = và. But = nhưng. So = vì thế
42. D
On a diet = trong chế độ ăn kiêng

(ID: 121588) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks.
The joys and tribulations of being a pet owner! During our lifetime most of us have
some experience of either owning a pet or being in (26) contact with someone
who does. Is there such a thi ng as ―the ideal pet‖? If so what characterizes the ideal pet?
Various (27) _ influence one‘s choice of pet, from your reasons for getting a pet
to your lifestyle. For example, although quite a few pets are relatively cheap to buy, the
cost of (28) can be considerable. Everything must be (29) into account,
from food and bedding, to vaccinations and veterinary bills. You must be prepared to (30)
time on your pet, which involves shopping for it, cleaning and feeding it. Pets
can be demanding and a big responsibility. Are you prepared to exercise and (31)
an animal or do you prefer a more independent pet? How much spare room do
you have? Is it right to lock an energetic animal into a (32) space? Do you live
near a busy road which may threaten the life of your pet? Pets (33) as turtles and
goldfish can be cheap and convenient, but if you prefer affectionate pets, a friendly cat or
dog would be more (34) . People get pets for a number of reasons, for company,
security or to teach responsibility to children. Pets can be affectionate and loyal and an
excellent source of company as long as you know what pet (35) you and your
Question 26: A. tight B. narrow C. near D. close
Question 27: A. factors B. facets C. points D. elements

Question 28: A. maintenance B. upbringing C. raising D. upkeep
Question 29: A. held B. considering C. kept D. taken
Question 30: A. waste B. occupy C. take D. spend
Question 31: A. household B. housekeep C. housework D. housetrain
Question 32: A. reduced B. detained C. closed D. confined
Question 33: A. much B. such C. for D. so
Question 34: A. likely B. suited C. appropriate D. good
Question 35: A. suits B. matches C. fits D. goes with


26. áp án: D
Be in close contact with somebody = quan hệ gần gũi, thân thiết với ai
27. áp án: A
Factor = yếu tố. Facet = khía cạnh. Point = điểm. Element = thành phần, nhân tố
28. áp án: D
Upkeep = sự bảo dưỡng. Maintenance = sự duy trì. Upbringing = sự nuôi dưỡng. Raising
= sự đưa lên, chăn nuôi
29. áp án: D
Take something into account = tính đến, đưa vào xem xét. Everything must be taken into
account = mọi thứ phải được tính đến
30. áp án: D
Spend time on something/Ving = dành thời gian cho cái gì, việc gì
31. áp án: D
Housetrain = huấn luyện để biết cư xử đúng trong nhà. Household = hộ gia đình (n);
trong gia đình (adj). Housework = việc nhà
32. áp án: D
Confined = bị giới hạn, không rộng rãi, thoải mái. Reduce = giảm. Detain = cản trở.
Close = đóng
33. áp án: B
Such as + N/Ving = ví dụ như là… -> liệt kê
34. áp án: C
Appropriate = thích hợp, hợp lí. Likely = có vẻ như, có thể. Suited = phù hợp với cái gì.
Good = tốt
35. áp án: A
Suit = hợp với. Match = ghép nối thành một cặp, một chiếc. Fit = vừa vặn về kích cỡ. Go
with = đi với cái gì

(126449) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 55 to 64
The UK Government ensures that all schools in the UK(55) _ certain standards,
and this includes independent schools as well as those that are (56) _ by the
Government. All qualifications are awarded by national agencies accredited by the
Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA), (57) the quality of the
qualifications you will gain is guaranteed.
At many independent schools inEngland, you will be encouraged to take part
(58) extracurricular activities to develop your hobbies and learn new skills, and
you may be encouraged to take graded music exams (59) by the Associated
Board of the Royal Schools of Music. The exam grades gained from these are wi dely
accepted toward university entry (60) .
Independent schools do not usually offer vocationally focused qualifications but if you
are (61) in these qualifications, you can find out more in the 'career-based and
pre-university qualifications' section.
The (62) you pay to attend independent school, include your course fees,
accommodation and may include some or all extracurricular activities. Fees (63) _
from school to school and are at the discretion of the institution; there are no national
standards. You should expect to pay a minimum of £8,000 per year and fees can be
(64) high as £25,000.
Question 55: A. notice B. look C. see D. meet
Question 56: A. run B. shown C. worked D. indicated
Question 57: A. if B. because C. although D. so
Question 58: A. for B. on C. in D. into
Question 59: A. offering B. offer C. to offer D. offered
Question 60: A. requirements B. troubles C. problems D. questions
Question 61: A. worried B. excited C. interested D. concerned
Question 62: A. fees B. funds C. donations D.bills
Question 63: A. vary B. exchange C. transfer D. interfere
Question 64: A. far B. as C. much D. more
55, áp án D
―meet standard‖: đạt được tiêu chuẩn
56, áp án A
―run‖ ở đây có nghĩa là điều hành, vận hành, quản lý,…

57, áp án D
Chất lượng được đảm bảo bởi Qualification and Curriculum Authority, cho nên (so) chất
lượng bạn đạt được sẽ được cam kết đảm bảo
58, áp án C
―take part in something/doing something‖: tham gia vào cái gì/làm cái gì
59, áp án D
Câu này ta có thể hiểu là ―you may be encouraged to take graded music exams (which
are) offered by…‖
60, áp án A
―entry requirement‖: yêu cầu đầu vào (khi vào trường)
61, áp án C
Cấu trúc ―to be interested in something/doing something‖: có hứng thú/thích thú với cái
gì/làm cái gì
62, áp án A
―fee‖: học phí, lệ phí
―fund‖: quỹ
―donation‖ quyên góp
―bill‖: hoá đơn
63, áp án A
―vary‖: thay đổi, biến đổi
64, áp án B
Cấu trúc so sánh bằng: ―as + adj + as


(ID:116211)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 01 to 10.
Early writing and Alphabets
When people first began to write, they did not use an alphabet. Instead, they drew
small pictures to (01) the objects they were writing about. This was very slow
because there was a different picture for (02) word.
The Ancient Egyptians had a (03) of picture writing that was (04)
hieroglyphics. The meaning of this writing was forgotten for a very long time but in 1799
some scientists (05) a stone near Alexandria, in Egypt. The stone had been there
for (06) a thousand years. It had both Greek and hieroglyphics on it and
researchers were finally able to understand what the hieroglyphics meant.

An alphabet is quite different (07) picture writing. It (08) of letters
or symbols that represent a sound and each sound is just part of one word. The
Phoenicians, (09) lived about 3,000 years ago, developed the modern alphabets.
It was later improved by the Roman‘s and this alphabet is now used (10)
throughout the world.
Question 1: A. notice B. show C. appear D. mark
Question 2: A. some B. all C. every D. any
Question 3: A. practice B. manner C. plan D. system
Question 4: A. known B. called C. described D. referred
Question 5: A. discovered B. realized C. delivered D. invented
Question 6: A. quite B. more C. over D. already
Question 7: A. at B. from C. before D. between
Question 8: A. consists B. includes C. contains D. involves
Question 9: A. which B. whose C. what D. who
Question 10: A. broadly B. widely C. deeply D. hugely
1. áp án B
Show something = thể hiện cái gì. Notice = chú ý. Appear = xuất hiện, dường như.
Mark = đánh dấu, cho điểm
2. áp án D
Any = bất cứ. Every = mỗi. Some = một vài. All = tất cả
3. áp án D
System = hệ thống. A system of picture writing = một hệ thống các hình ảnh viết.
Practice = thực hành. Manner = cách (cư xử). Plan = kế hoạch
4. áp án C
Describe = miêu tả, mô tả. Know = biết tới. Call = gọi. Refer = nhắc tới, đề cập
5. áp án A
Discover = phát hiện ra. Realize = nhận ra. Deliver = phân phát. Invented = phát
minh ra
6. áp án C
Over = hơn, quá. Over a thousand years = hơn một ngàn năm. Quite = khá. More =
nhiều hơn (so sánh hơn). Already = đã…rồi
7. áp án B
Be different from N/Ving = khác với cái gì/việc gì.
8. áp án A
Consist of something = bao gồm cái gì = include something. Contain = chứa đựng.
Involve = liên quan tới

9. áp án D
The Phonencians = những người Phonecian -> danh từ chỉ người -> đại từ quan hệ
bổ nghĩa cho nó cũng phải chỉ người -> who. Còn ―whose‖ là bổ nghĩa cho sự sở
hữu của người
10. áp án B
Widely = một cách rộng rãi. Is used widely throughout the world= được sử dụng
rộng rãi trên toàn thế giới. Broadly = nhìn chung. Deeply = một cách sâu sắc.
Hugely = cực kì, rất mạnh

(ID: 123293) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 35 to 44.
Royal Residences
Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse are the
official (35) of the Sovereign and, as such, serve as both home and office for The
Queen, whose personal standard flies (36) Her Majesty is in residence.
These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and Official
entertaining and are opened to the (37) as much as these commitments allow.
They are furnished with fine pictures and (38) of art from the Royal Collection,
which has been assembled over four centuries by successive sovereigns. Many of the
State Apartments and rooms at the official residences have been in continuous use since
their conception and many of the works of art are (39)_ in the rooms for which
they were originally (40) .
The official residences are in (41) use and the style and manner in which
they are (42) to visitors reflects their working status. Rooms are kept as close to
their normal (43) as possible. Inevitably, opening times are subject to change at
short notice depending on circumstances.
The Royal Collection, which is owned by The Queen as Sovereign in trust for her
successors and the Nation, is administered by the Royal Collection Trust to which a
proportion of admission and other income from visitors is directed.
The remainder of this income funds the majority of the cost of restoring Windsor
Castle which was badly (44) by fire in November 1992.
Question 35:A. venues B. residences C. situations D.
Question 36: A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. whenever
Question 37: A. humans B. public C. peoples D. strangers

Question 38: A. paintings B. statues C. works D. jobs
Question 39: A. created B. explored C. produced D. displayed
Question 40: A. instructed B. intended C. performed D. guarded
Question 41: A. local B. national C. regular D. minor
Question 42: A. designed B. shown C. given D. taken
Question 43: A. feature B. location C. destination D.
Question 44: A. destroyed B. ruined C. damaged D. collapsed
35. áp án: B
Residence = dinh cơ, nơi ở. Venue = nơi xử án. Situation = tình huống. occupation
= sự cư ngụ, việc làm
36. áp án: D
Whatever = bất cứ thứ gì. However = tuy nhiên. Whoever = bất cứ ai. Whenever =
bất cứ khi nào
37. áp án: B
The public = cộng đồng, quần chúng. Peoples = các dân tộc. strangers = những
người lạ.
38. áp án: C
Works = những kiệt tác. Works of art = những kiệt tác nghệ thuật. Paintings = các
bức họa. Statues = các bức tượng. jobs = những công việc
39. áp án: D
Be displayed = được trưng bày. Create = tạo nên. Explore = khám phá. Produce =
sản xuất
40. áp án: B
Intend = dự định. Was originally intended = được dự định từ đầu
41. áp án: C
Regular = thường xuyên. Local = địa phương. National = thuộc quốc gia. Minor =
ít, thiểu số
42. áp án: B
Show = thể hiện, trưng bày. Design = thiết kế. give = tặng, đưa. Take = lấy
43. áp án: D
Appreance = hình dáng, vẻ ngoài. Feature = đặc trưng. Location = địa điểm.
destination = điểm đến
44. áp án: C
Damage (V) = gây thiệt hại. be badly damaged = bị thiệt hại nặng nề

(125085) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 33 to 42
A solid object that has the power to attract iron and some metals is called a magnet. It
does this through its magnetic field, a region of force surrounding it. The (33) the
magnet, the more intense is the field.
Objects that are attracted to the magnet feel a force (34) as ―magnetism‖ when
they are inside the magnetic field. This magnetic force can pass (35) some
materials. Even a weak magnet will attract a pin to the other side of a (36) of
paper, for example.
Magnets come in (37) shapes. A familiar one is the curved horseshoes magnet.
There are also bar magnets in the form (38) disc or a stubby cylinder. Every
magnet has (39) poles, called north and south, at opposite ends of it: at the two
ends of a horseshoes magnet, for example, or on the two sides of a disc.
Powerful magnets can be (40) by passing an electric current through wire coiled
around a piece of iron. The (41) is called and electromagnet. Magnets are (42)
in many household and everyday devices. They are also commonly used in
industrial machinery, usually in the form of electromagnets.
Question 33: A. smaller B. stronger C. weaker D. thinner
Question 34: A. mentioned B. called C. known D. said
Question 35: A. through B. away C. outside D. next
Question 36: A. pane B. block C. pile D. sheet
Question 37: A. separate B. different C. unknown D. identical
Question 38: A. of B. in C. out D. up
Question 39: A. many B. several C. two D. one
Question 40: A. found B. had C. done D. made
Question 41: A. ending B. result C. conclusion D. final
Question 42: A. used B. made C. lived D. unseen
Cấu trúc so sánh hơn ―the more…., the more…‖ (càng… .càng… ). Ở đây, ta có thể hiểu
là ―Nam châm càng chắc/bền, thì từ trường càng mạnh‖
―known as‖: được biết như là…

―pass through‖: di chuyển/truyền qua…
Với danh từ ―paper‖ ta dùng số đếm cho nó là ―sheet‖: tờ (thường theo 1 khuôn chuẩn
nào đó)
―different shapes‖ : nhiều hình dạng khác nhau. Nam châm có nhiều hình dạng khác
―in the form‖ đi với giới từ ―of‖. ―in the form of something‖: trong hình dạng/hình
thù/cách thức… của cái gì
―pole‖:cực. Nam châm nào cũng có 2 cực: Bắc – Nam
Câu này đề cập đến cách tạo ra nam châm. ―made by‖: được làm từ/ được tạo ra từ…
Câu phía trên vừa đề cập đến cách (thí nghiệm) để tạo ra một nam châm, vì thế ở câu này
sẽ đề cập đến kết quả (result)
Nội dung của câu này là ứng dụng của nam châm, ―to be used‖: được sử dụng (để làm
gì/trong lĩnh vực nào)


(ID: 118138)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks.
Mobile phones emit microwave radio emissions. Researchers are questioning
whether exposure to these radio waves might (36) to brain cancer. So far, the
data are not conclusive. The scientific evidence does not (37) us to say with
certainly that mobile phones are categorically (38) _. On the other hand, current
research has not yet (39) clear adverse effect associated with the prolonged use
of mobile phones.
Numerous studies are now going (40) in various countries. Some of the
results are contradictory but others have shown an association between mobile phone use
and cancer. (41) , these studies are preliminary and the issue needs further, long -
term investigation.
(42) the scientific data is more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to
use mobile phone for long (43) of time. Don't think that hands free phones are

any safer either. At the moment, research is in fact showing the (44) and they
may be just as dangerous. It is also thought that young people (45) bodies are
still growing may be at particular risk.
Question 36: A. cause B. bring C. produce D. lead
Question 37: A. make B. let C. able D. enable
Question 38: A. risky B. secure C. unhealthy D. safe
Question 39: A. proved B. created C. demonstrated D. caused
Question 40: A. on B. about C. through D. by
Question 41: A. While B. Though C. Additionally D. However
Question 42: A. Until B. When C. Provide D. As
Question 43: A. quantities B. periods C. amounts D. intervals
Question 44: A. way B. truth C. opposite D. fact
Question 45: A. whose B. that C. with D. as


36. áp án: D
Lead to something = dẫn đến cái gì ≈ cause something
37. áp án: D
Enable somebody to V = tạo điều kiện cho ai làm gì
38. áp án: D
Safe = an toàn. Risky = liều lĩnh. Secure = yên tâm; bảo đảm. Unhealthy = không khỏe
39. áp án: A
Prove = chứng minh. Create = tạo dựng. Demonstrate = giải thích, biểu thị, biểu tình.
Cause = gây ra
40. áp án: A
Go on = tiếp tục, diễn ra
41. áp án: D
However = tuy nhiên. Though + mệnh đề = mặc dù. While + mệnh đề/Ving = trong khi.
Additionally = thêm vào đó
42. áp án: A
Until = cho tới khi. When = khi. Provide (that) + mệnh đề = miễn là; giả sử như. As +
mệnh đề = khi; bởi vì
43. áp án: B
Long period = khoảng thời gian dài. Quantity = số lượng. Amount = lượng. Interval =
khoảng, quãng nghỉ
44. áp án: C

The opposite = mặt đối lập; phía đối lập. Way = cách, phương pháp. Truth = sự thực.
Fact = thực tế.
45. áp án: A
ại từ quan hệ chỉ sự sở hữu của người là ―whose‖ -> những người trẻ mà có cơ thể đang
phát triển có thể gặp nguy hiểm


(ID: 113784) Đọc bài văn, chọn đáp án điền vào chỗ trống:
In this age of (30) telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that
fewer and even fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (31)
friends and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep
(32) people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an
important skill for all learned people (33) .
Gradually, (34) , the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point
that majority of us have to (35) a special effort to turn out something worthwhile
when we apply for a job or make a complaint. In business circles the tendency is for
routine communications to become shorter. (36) clients may appreciate a detailed
letter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (37) . Many
people prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in many
situations but (38) have you put the telephone down, dissatisfied
with what you have managed to say? I don‘t think I‘ll throw my (39) away yet.

Câu 30: A. advanced B. progressive C. highly-developed D. all are correct

Câu 31: A. for B. with C. from D. to
Câu 32: A. on good terms with B. in step with C. in contact with D. in favour of
Câu 33: A. mastered B. to master C. mastering D. to be mastered
Câu 34: A. for example B. therefore C. however D. in
Câu 35: A. cause B. do C. make D. create
Câu 36: A. As though B. Despite C. Even though D. However
Câu 37: A. impossible B. unusual C. inefficient D. unimportant
Câu 38: A. how about B. how much C. how often D. how
long Câu 39: A. effort B. letter C. telephone D. pen


30. áp án D
Advanced = tiến bộ; phát triển = progressive = highly - developed

31. áp án D
Write … to somebody = viết (thư) cho ai
32. áp án C
In contact with somebody = liên lạc với ai
33. áp án B
To master = để chinh phục, kiểm soát
34. áp án C
However = tuy nhiên. For example = ví dụ như. Therefore = vì thế. In short = nói
ngắn gọn là
35. áp án C
Make an effort to V = nỗ lực làm gì
36. áp án C
Even though+ clause = mặc dù; as though = như thể là. Despite + N/Ving = mặc dù
37. áp án C
Regarded as + adj = được coi như là mang tính chất gì. Inefficient = không hiệu quả
38. áp án C
How often: bao lâu một lần. How long: kéo dài bao lâu. How much: bao nhiêu.
How about: thế còn về…?
39. áp án D
Pen = bút (tượng trưng cho việc viết lách). Letter = thư. Telephone = điện thoại

(ID: 125003) Read the following passage and mark the latter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 35 to 44.
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at
night but can‘t find the energy to get out of bed (35) for school? According to
a new report, today‘s generation of children are in danger of getting so (36) sleep
that they are putting their mental and physical health at (37) _. Adults can easily
survive on seven to eight hours‘ sleep a night, (38) teenagers require nine or ten
hours. According to medical experts, one in five youngsters (39) anything
between two and five hours‘ sleep a night less than their parents did at their age.
This (40) serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children‘s
ability to concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in
memory, impaired reaction time and poor concentration is well (41) . Research
has shown that losing as little as half an hour‘s sleep a night can have profound effects
(42) how children perform the next day. A good night‘s sleep is also crucial for
teenagers because it is while they are asleep (43) they release a hormone that is
essential for their ‗growth spurt‘ (the period during teenage years when the body grows at
a rapid rate). It‘s true that they can, to some (44) , catch up on sleep at weekends,
but that won‘t help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday
By Tim Falla and Paul A.Davies, Solutions Advanced. OUP
Question 35 A. behind time B. about time time D. at time
Question 36 A. few B. less C. much D. little
Question 37 A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk D. danger
Question 38 A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
Question 39 A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes
Question 40 A. raises B. rises C. results D. comes
Question 41 A. organized B. arranged C. established D. acquired
Question 42 A. in B. on C. to D. at
Question 43 A. at which B. which C. where D. that
Question 44 A. rate B. extent C. level D. point


35. áp án: C
In time = đúng giờ
36. áp án: D
Little + N (không đếm được) = một ít gì đó
37. áp án: C
Put something at risk = đưa cái gì vào tầm nguy hiểm
38. áp án: C
Whereas = trong khi đó. Or = hoặc. because = bởi vì. So = vì thế
39. áp án: B
Get = đạt được, có được. put = đặt. Bring = mang tới. Make = tạo ra, làm
40. áp án: A
Raise a question = đặt ra một câu hỏi
41. áp án: C
Be established = được thiết lập. organize = tổ chức. arrange = thu xếp. acquire = đạt được
42. áp án: B
Have an effect on somebody/something = gây ảnh hưởng với ai/cái gì
43. áp án: D
Cấu trúc câu chẻ nhấn mạnh: It is +… + that + mệnh đề = chính là …. mà điều gì xảy ra
44. áp án: B

To some extent = ở một mức độ nào đó


(ID:112853) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
Throughout history people have always communicated with one another, not only by
speech but also by movements of the hands and body. It is, however, only (42)
the last few years that these aspects of communication have been studied at all widely.
This type of communication is known as body language or non-verbal communication.
People sometimes wonder (43) you can learn how body language works. It is of
course possible to read books on the subject but you also need to (44) time
observing people‘s movements. A railway station is a particular good place for such
observation, as here people can be seen openly expressing eagerness, sorrow, delight,
impatience and many other human emotions by (45) of movement.
If you turn down the sound on your television set and try to understand (46) is
happening simply by watching the picture you will learn even more about communication
(47) words. By turning the sound back up every five (48) or so, it is
possible to check how accurate your (49) is.
Having studied the art of body language you will have a definite (50) at a boring
party. You will be able to sit on your own for the whole evening and thoroughly enjoy
yourself by both watching (51) interpreting the body language of all the other
people there.
Question 42: A. with B. during C. for D. on
Question 43: A. that B. how C. what D. whether
Question 44: A. kill B. spend C. give D. lose
Question 45: A. means B. gestures
C. health D. postures
Question 46: A. who B. which C. what D. that
Question 47: A. and B. including C. without D. with
Question 48: A. years B. minutes
C. hours D. months
Question 49:A. expression B. understanding C. meaning D. movement
Question 50: A. benefit B. favour
C. disadvantage D. advantage
Question 51: A. with B. and C. but D. or


42. áp án B
During the last/past + khoảng thời gian = trong vòng bao lâu qua
43. áp án D
Wonder whether + mệnh đề = thắc mắc, tự hỏi liệu rằng…
44. áp án B
Spend time + Ving = dành thời gian làm gì
45. áp án A
By means of N = bằng phương tiện gì
46. áp án C
Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể đứng sau động từ; mang vai trò một túc từ. Understand
what is happening = hiểu cái gì đang xảy ra
47. áp án C
Without N = mà không có cái gì
48. áp án A
Every five years = cứ 5 năm một lần ( tự kiểm trả khả năng hiểu của mình cứ 5
năm một lần)
49. áp án B
Understanding (noun) = sự hiểu biết
50. áp án D
Have an advantage at N/Ving = có lợi thế về cái gì
51. áp án B
Both… and… = vừa … vừa …


(ID: 118927 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 11 to 20.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing
novel problems. They must ….(11) … with an influx of immigrant children, many of
whom speak little or no English. They must respond to demands ….(12) ….the
curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children. Schools must make sure that
students develop …(13) … skills for the job market, and they must consider the needs of
nontraditional students, such as teenage mothers.
Schools are …(14)…. these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of the US
educational system. They are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of English
…(15)… a second language and, in some countries, setting up bilingual schools. They are

opening …(16)… the traditional European-centered curriculum to embrace material from
American, Asian, and other cultures.
Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the …(17)… 40 percent of American
students who do not go on to higher education. In the …(18).. of a recent report by the
Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, ―A strong back, the willingness to work, and
a high school diploma were once all that was necessary to …(19) ….
a start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed mind, a continued willingness
to learn and the ability to put knowledge to work are the new keys …(20) .. the future of
our young people, the success of our business, and the economic well-being of the
( Extracted from Info USA-CD Version)
Question 11. A. do B. stay C. fight D. cope
Question 12. A. that B. who C. whether D. what
Question 13. A. base B. basis C. basic D. basics
Question 14. A. addressing B. delivering C. distributing D.
Question 15. A. as B. from C. with D. like
Question 16. A. on B. into C. for D. up
Question 17. A. slightly B. mostly C. fairly D. nearly
Question 18. A. minds B. directions C. words D. ways
Question 19. A. make B. take C. get D. bring
Question 20. A. to B. at C. in D. for


11. áp án: D
Cope with something = giải quyết cái gì
12. áp án: A
ại từ ―that‖ đứng sau ―demands‖ với nghĩa: những nhu cầu rằng + (mệnh đề)
13. áp án: C
Tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ ấy. basic skill = kĩ năng cơ bản
14. áp án: A
Address (v) = gọi tên, nêu ra. Address the problem = nêu lên vấn đề
15. áp án: A
As = như là; với vai trò gì (đúng thực tế) (như ngôn ngữ thứ 2). From = từ (đâu, lúc nào).
With = với. like = như thế là (thực tế không phải vậy)
16. áp án: D
Open up = khai mạc, khai trương, dựng nên

17. áp án: D
Nearly = gần với giá trị nào. Slightly = một chút. Fairly = khá là
18. áp án: C
Word = từ ngữ. In the words of a recent report = theo ngôn ngữ của một báo cáo gần đây
19. áp án: A
Make a start = tạo sự khởi đầu, bắt đầu
20. áp án: A
The key to something = chìa khóa cho cái gì, vấn đề quan trọng đối với cái gì


(ID: 119836) Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
The most dominant and reliable features of facial expressions provide a constant channel
of communication. They can be shifty and evasive; convey hate, fear, and guilt; or (35)
confidence, love, and support.
Referred to as "mirrors of the soul" our eyes serve as the major decisive factor in (36)
the spoken words. The eyes of the man converse as (37) as their tongues,
with the advantage that the ocular dialect needs (38) dictionary, but it is
understood all over the world. When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a
practiced man relies on eyes. Except (39) extremely shy individuals, most people
look for social acceptance by studying the eyes of others. Eyes also can (40)
indicate a positive or a negative relationship. People tend to look longer and more often at
the people whom they trust, respect and care about than at those whom they doubt or (41)
. Normal eye dilation is not under control of the individual. Personally
characteristics such as introversion and extroversion also influence eye behavior. Eye
behavior seems (42) particular importance and is generally used to indicate whether
one is open to communication. This can be observed when a teacher asks the class a
question: students who think they kno w the answer will generally (43) at the
teacher, (44) students who do not know the answer will usually try to avoid eye
Câu 35: A. report B. replace C. express D. consider
Câu 36: A. exchanging B. transporting C. changing D. interpreting
Câu 37: A. much B. more C. many D. a lot
Câu 38: A. no B. nor C. none D. not
Câu 39: A. for B. in C. with D. of
Câu 40: A. accuracy B. accurate C. accurately D. inaccurate
Câu 41: A. dislike B. wait C. love D. long

Câu 42: A. been B. being C. be D. to be
Câu 43: A. notice B. think C. aim D. look
Câu 44: A. as B. while C. so D. Because


35. áp án: C
Express something = thể hiện, bộc lộ cái gì. Report = báo cáo. Replace = thay thế.
Consider = xem xét, cân nhắc.
36. áp án: D
Interpret = giải nghĩa, dịch nghĩa. Exchange = trao đổi. transport = vận chuyển, đi lại.
change = thay đổi
37. áp án: A
As much as = cũng nhiều như là...
38. áp án: A
Needs no dictionary = doesn‘t need any dictionary = không cần từ điển. (neither) …
nor = cũng không phải… None = No + N = không đối tượng nào.
39. áp án: A
Except for something = trừ cái gì ra
40. áp án: C
Accurately (adv) = một cách chính xác. Trạng từ đứng trước động từ để bổ nghĩa cho
động từ ấy. Accurately indicate = biểu thị một cách chính xác
41. áp án: A
Dislike = không thích. Wait = đợi. love = yêu. Long (v) = mong đợi. Whom they
doubt or dislike = người họ nghi ngờ hoặc không thích
42. áp án: D
Seem to V = dường như làm việc gì. Seem to be = dường như là gì
43. áp án: D
Look at N = nhìn vào ai/cái gì. Notice = chú ý. Think = nghĩ. Aim = hướng tới
44. áp án: B
While = trong khi. As = khi. So = vì thế. Because = bởi gì. Dịch: những học sinh mà
nghĩ mình biết câu trả lời thường sẽ nhìn vào giáo viên, trong khi những học sinh
không biết sẽ thường tránh giao tiếp bằng mắt


(ID:115709)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of
the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.

Speech is one of the most important (35) of communicating .It consists of far
more than just making noises . To talk and also (36) to by other people,
we have to speak a language ,that is, we have to use combinations of (37) that
everyone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea. Communication would be
impossible if everyone made up their own language. Le arning a language properly is
very (38) . The basic (39) of English is not very
large, and not only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (40) .But
the more idea you can (41) the more precise you can be about their exact
meaning. Words are the (42) thing we use in communicating what we want
to say. The way we(43) the words is also very important. Our tone of voice
can express many emotions and (44) whether we are pleased or angry, for
Question 35. A. reason B. tests C. rules D. ways
Question 36. A. be spoken B. be examined C. be understood D. be talked
Question 37. A. systems B. sounds C. languages D. talks
Question 38. A. easy B. important C. simple D.
Question 39. A. grammar B. word C. vocabulary D. structure
Question 40. A. fluent B. good C. perfect D. well
Question 41. A. need B. grow C. express D. pass
Question 42. A. main B. certain C. full D. most
Question 43. A. talk B. say C. pass D. send
Question 44. A. show B. ask C. understand D. know
35. áp án D
Way of Ving = cách thức làm gì đó
36. áp án C
Understand = hiểu. Speak = nói. Talk = nói. Examine = kiểm tra
37. áp án B
Sound = âm thanh. Language = ngôn ngữ. System = hệ thống.
38. áp án B
Important = quan trọng. easy = dễ dàng. Simple = đơn giản. expensive = đắt đỏ
39. áp án C
Vocabulary = từ vựng. grammar = ngữ pháp. Word = từ. structure = cấu trúc
40. áp án D
Well (adv) = khá. Trạng từ (well) đứng sau động từ (speak) để bổ nghĩa cho động
từ đó: speak well = nói tốt, thành thạo
41. áp án C
Need = cần. grow = phát triển, trồng. express = diễn đạt, thể hiện. pass = trôi qua,

vượt qua
42. áp án A
Main = chính, chủ yếu. certain = chắc chắn. full = đầy đủ, no. most = hầu hết
43. áp án B
Talk (something) to somebody = nói chuyện. Say = nói. Pass = vượt qua, trải qua.
Send = gửi
44. áp án A
Show (v) = thể hiện. ask = hỏi. understand = hiểu. know = biết


(ID:115989)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant
information about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (35) ,
experiences, education, work style, skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all
your answers with examples that support the statements you make. It is also a good
idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (36) areas that an employer
might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer
difficult' questions (37) and positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (38) to get to know you. While you
do want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (39)
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and
professors. Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about
that. You should also be (40) . If you are genuinely interested (41) the
job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have
researched the organization prior to the interview. You can also (42) interest
by asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products.
The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions that build upon your interview
discussion. This shows you are interested and (43) close attention to the
interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful
comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the
(44) of an interview, it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to
hear; from the employer.

Question35: A. pressures B. strengths C. practices D. promotions
Question36: A. hide B. limit C. express D. identify
Question37: A. accurately B. rightly C. hardly D. sharply
Question38: A. change B. practice C. way D. chance
Question39: A. ability B. response C. expression D. respect
Question40: A. enthusiast B. enthusiasm C. enthusiastic D.
Question41: A. for B. on C. with D. in
Question42: A. appear B. show C. conceal D. cover
Question43: A. spend B. pay C. choose D. make
Question44: A. end B. close C. finish D. final
35. áp án B
Present = thể hiện; trình bày; strength = điểm mạnh; pressure = áp lực
36. áp án D
Identify = phát hiện ra; nhận ra . Hide = ẩn giấu; trốn . Limit = giới hạn .
Express = thể hiện
37. áp án A
Accurately = một cách chính xác
38. áp án A
A chance to V = cơ hội để làm gì. Change = sự thay đổi. practice = sự thực
hành. Way = cách thức; phương pháp
39. áp án B
Response = câu trả lời. ability = khả năng làm gì. Expression = sự thể hiện;
biểu lộ. respect = sự tôn trọng
40. áp án C
Enthusiastic (adj) = nhiệt tình. Be + adj
41. áp án D
Be interested in = quan tâm; hứng thú vói cái gì
42. áp án B
Show = thể hiện cái gì. Appear = xuất hiện, có vẻ. conceal = giấu kín. Cover =
bao phủ
43. áp án B
Pay attention to something = chú ý tới cái gì
44. áp án A
At the end of N = vào lúc cuối của cái gì. Close (v) = đóng, khép. Finish = hoàn
thành. Final (Adj) = cuối cùng

(ID: 120649) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the
19 century. The invention of the railways (45) this possible. The first
holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a
place to be (46) of illness, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and
drinking sea water. Also to (47) their knowledge, families attended concerts and
read books from the library.
At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (48) work.
However, in 1871, the government introduced four ‗Banking Holiday‘ - national holiday
days. This (49) people to have a day or two out, which now and then gave them a
taste for leisure and the seaside. At first, they went on day-trips, taking (50) of
special cheap tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, rising incomes (51) that many
ordinary workers and their families could have a week‘s holiday at the seasi de. Rail fares
were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (52) _ them. Holidaymakers enjoyed
being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap
entertainment was (53) offer and holidaymakers went to have fun.
Today the English seaside (54) popular, with more than 18 million holidays
taken there each year.
Question 45: A. got B. had C. let D. made
Question 46: A. recovered B. improved C. cured D. remedied
Question 47: A. add B. increase C. raise D. spread
Question 48: A. from B. out C. off D. away
Question 49: A. allowed B. provided C. opened D. offered
Question 50: A. opportunity B. advantage C. profit D. benefit
Question 51: A. meant B. resulted C. produced D. caused
Question 52: A. board B. accommodate C. lodge D. cater
Question 53: A. on B. to C. in D. for
Question 54: A. stays B. continues C. lasts D. remains


45. áp án: D
Make something + adj = làm cái gì trở nên thế nào. Make this possible =khiến
điều này trở nên khả thi
46. áp án: C
Cure somebody of something = chữa (ai) khỏi bệnh gì

47. áp án: B
Increase = làm tăng cái gì. Increase knowledge = làm tăng vốn hiểu biết. Add =
thêm, bổ sung. Raise = nuôi, mọc lên, tăng lên. Spread = trải ra
48. áp án: C
Off = tắt, nghỉ. Off work = nghỉ, không làm việc. Off school = nghỉ học
49. áp án: A
Allow somebody to V = cho phép ai làm gì
50. áp án: B
Take advantage of something = tận dụng cái gì
51. áp án: A
Mean (that)… = có nghĩa là… Result in something/Ving = gây ra cái gì. Produce
= sản xuất. Cause something = gây ra cái gì
52. áp án: B
Accommodate somebody = cung cấp nơi ăn, chốn ở cho ai
53. áp án: A
Be on offer = để bán giảm giá, sẵn có để dùng
54. áp án: D
Remain + adj = duy trì ở tình trạng nào

(ID: 119420) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct word.
Health experts suggest that ……[<1>]….... healthy and happy, it‘s important
to keep our lives in balance. Chinese philosophy, which has spanned thousands of
years, uses the principles of yin and yang to explain the importance of balance in
life. Explained simply, yang represents the active elements of the universe,
……[<2>]….... the yin represents the passive elements. This expresses the
importance of balance in ……[<3>]….... of living. Today health experts agree that
it‘s important to have a balanced life. For example, they‘ve said it‘s necessary to
have a balance between work and rest and to have a balanced exercise program.
……[<4>]…...., I‘m sure you‘d agree that in our busy world, it‘s not always easy
to get and keep balance in our lives.
……[<5>]….... business or study deadlines, many people work to excess,
leaving little time at the end of their busy day to spend with family and friends.
They eat fast - food and don‘t get enough rest or recreation and then suffer badly
from the effects of stress. It‘s sad that this situation often happens when people

believe that access to ……[<6>]….... is the answer to happiness instead of
understanding the importance of balanced living.
While ambition can be a good thing, ……[<7>]….... too much ambition can
cause a person to become ‗out of balance‘. Of course it‘s also unbalanced to spend
too much time on entertainment and pleasure activities, with little or no time
……[<8>]….... to work or education. Balance means allocating enough time for
all the important aspects of life, such as spending time with family and friends,
working or studying, as well as resting and relaxing.
Experts now tell us that having balance in our life is the answer, not only to
health and happiness, ……[<9>]….... to success. If you‘re balanced, you‘ll have
more energy and you‘ll reach your ambitions in a more relaxed fashion; with less
stress. So ……[<10>]….... is your life? Do you need to allocate your time
differently to have better balance in your life?
Câu 14: A. looking B. to preserve C. remain D. to stay
Câu 15: A. whereas B. in contrast C. although D. on the other
Câu 16: A. all areas B. all angles C. every field D. all aspects
Câu 17: A. B. However C. Consequently D. On the contrary
Câu 18: A. Despite B. Although C. Because D. Due to
Câu 19: A. have money B. properties C. wealth D. rich
Câu 20: A. having B. with C. have D. there is
Câu 21: A. giving B. allocated C. spent D. used
Câu 22: A. but it is theanswer B. also C. and also D. but also
Câu 23: A. how balanced B. however balanced C. what D. how balancing


14. áp án: D
Stay + adj = duy trì ở trạng thái nào, sống thế nào. To V = để làm gì. To stay healthy
and happy = để sống khỏe mạnh và hạnh phúc. Preserve = duy trì, bảo tồn cái gì đó
15. áp án: A
Whereas = trong khi đó. In contrast = trái ngược lại. although = mặc dù. On the other
hand = ở mặt khác. (dương biểu trưng cho … trong khi âm biểu trưng cho…)
16. áp án: D
All aspects = tất cả các khía cạnh. All areas = tất cả các lĩnh vực. every field = mọi
ngành. All angles = tất cả các góc
17. áp án: B
Howe ver = tuy nhiên. (tuy nhiên tôi chắc chắn bạn sẽ đồng ý nên rằng trong thế giới
bận rộn của chúng ta, không phải luôn dễ dàng để có được và duy trì cân bằng trong
cuộc sống của chúng ta). Simultaneously = đồng thời. consequently = hệ quả là. On
the contrary = trái lại

18. áp án: D
Due to + N/Ving = bởi vì cái gì/việc gì = Because of + N/Ving ≈ Because + mệnh
đề. Despite + N/Ving = mặc dù ≈ Although + mệnh đề
19. áp án: C
Access to N = tiếp cận cái gì. Wealth = của cải, sự giàu có. Properties = tài sản, vật
sở hữu. rich (adj) = giàu có
20. áp án: A
Ving – danh động từ có thể đóng vai trò chủ ngữ trong câu. Having too much
ambition = việc có quá nhiều hoài bão
21. áp án: B
Allocate something to something/Ving = phân phối cho, dùng cho việc gì. Allocated
là dạng quá khứ phân từ - hình thức rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động ―that
is allocated‖. Spend + thời gian/tiền bạc + (on) N/ Ving = dùng bao nhiêu thời gian
tiền bạc vào việc gì. Use something to V = dùng cái gì để làm gì
22. áp án: D
Not only … but also … = không những … mà còn… Not only to health and
happiness, but also to success = không chỉ cho sức khỏe và hạnh phúc, mà còn cho
sự thành công
23. áp án: A
How + adj + be + S + … ? -> câu hỏi mức độ thế nào. Balanced (adj) = cân bằng.
How balanced is your life = cuộc sống của bạn ở mức cân bằng nào?

(126977) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate
the correct word for each of the blanks from 26 to 35.
In Britain, the average young person now spends more money on games each year than
on going to the cinema or renting videos. But is this……..26……a bad thing? For years,
newspaper reports have been ………27…..that children who spend too much time
playing computer games become unsociable, bad- tempered, even violent as
a……..28…… But new research,………29……out in both Europe and the USA,
suggests that the opposite may be true.
Indeed, playing some of the more complicated games may help people of all ages to
improve certain skills. Researchers claim that this is because the games………30……the
brain work harder in certain ways, like……..31……sounds and movements quickly and
identifying what they are. The fact that people play the games

repeatedly……..32……..that they get a lot of practice in these skills which are therefore
likely to become highly developed.
Social skills may benefit, too. Researchers in Chicago think that fans of first- person
shooter games… … 33… … ―Counterstrike” are better than non-players when it comes to
building trust and co-operation, and that this……..34……them to make good friendships
and become strong members of their communities. So rather than……..35…….up
computer games, perhaps young people need to spend more time on them?
Question 26: A. necessarily B. certainly C. fully D. nearly
Question 27: A. speaking B. informing C. telling D. saying
Question 28: A. product B. result C. reason D. conclusion
Question 29: A. worked B. thought C. turned D. carried
Question 30: A. make B. force C. push D. keep
Question 31: A. realizing B. noticing C. imagining D. solving
Question 32: A. means B. asks C. brings D. causes
Question 33: A. in order to B. such as C. due to D. as well as
Question 34: A. supports B. helps C. shows D. serves
Question 35: A. giving B. ending C. taking D. stopping


―necessarily‖ (trạng từ): tất yếu, nhất thiết
Khi trích yếu một đoạn văn, ta thường dùng động từ ―say‖ (nói rằng, phát biểu rằng..)
Cụm ―as a result‖: kết quả, dẫn đến (từ nguyên nhân nào đó)
―carry out‖: tiến hành (một cuộc thí nghiệm, điều tra,…)
―make somebody/something do something‖: khiến cho ai/cái gì làm việc gì
―notice‖: nhận thấy, để ý
―realize‖: nhận thức được, nhận rõ
―imagine‖ tưởng tượng
―solve‖: giải quyết (1 vấn đề)
―mean‖: có nghĩa là…(Sự thật rằng…có nghĩa là…)

―such as‖: ví dụ như
―help somebody do/ to do something‖: giúp ai đó làm việc gì
―give up‖: từ bỏ, bỏ cuộc


(ID: 118179) Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions:
The Open University was created in 1968 to give people who cannot afford
(1) _
attend regular courses of study, the opportunity of studying and (2)_ a
university diploma or degree. They study at home and their academic performance
is assessed by (3) of written examinations or project work. Most Open
University students (4) in study
while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life. They study in order to
update their job skills or for personal (5) .
At the heart of most courses is a (6)_ of specially written and
professionally printed textbooks and workbooks which students receive by post. On
many of the courses, students are expected to watch television programmes on the
BBC network, (7)_ are usually broadcast in the (8)
hours of the morning. The (9) _ of these programmes is to
develop and
broaden the study experience, (10) students do not have to rely only on the
material they are sent.
Question 1. A. to B. in C. with D. for
Question 2. A. obtain B. to obtain C. obtained D.obtaining
Question 3. A. means B. method C. route D. system
Question 4. A. fit B. take C. put D. join
Question 5. A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfactory D. satisfied
Question 6. A. club B. heap C. set D. unit
Question 7. A. what B. which C. who D. that
Question 8. A. first B. early C. initial D. starting
Question 9. A. end B. aim C. reason D. cause
Question 10.A. although B. however C. even though D. so that

1. áp án A
Afford to V = có khả năng chi trả cho việc gì
2. áp án D
Trước và sau ―and‖ phải cùng một loại từ. Trước nó là Ving thì sau nó cũng phải là Ving
3. áp án A
By means of = bằng phương tiện, cách thức gì
4. áp án D
Join in something = tham gia vào cái gì
5. áp án B
Tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó. Personal đứng trước danh từ
satisfaction , có nghĩa là sự thỏa mãn mang tính cá nhân
6. áp án C
A set of N (số nhiều) = một chuỗi, một loạt. Club = câu lạc bộ. heap = đống. unit = đơn
7. áp án B
ại từ quan hệ có thể đứng sau dấu phẩy và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ vật (network) là
8. áp án B
Early hours = những giờ đầu tiên, sáng sớm
9. áp án B
Aim = mục tiêu. End = kết thúc. Reason = nguyên nhân. Cause = lí do tác động
10. áp án D
So that = để mà. Although = even though = mặc dù. However = tuy nhiên


(ID: 118712)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the foll owing blanks from 26 to
Health is something we tend to (26) when we have it. When our body is doing
well, we are hardly (27) of it. But illness can come, even (28) we are young.
In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible time. Many diseases attack children in
particular, and people know very little (29)_ to cure them once they struck. The
result was that many children died. About a century ago, (30) , scientists
found out about germs, and then everything changed. The (31) of many diseases
was found, and cures were developed. As this medical discovery spread, the world

became (32) safer for children. The result is that (33) a hundred years
ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people
can (34) to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ?
Undoubtedly, medical science will continue to (35) . Some people will be able to
avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.

Câu 26: A. throw away B. ignore C. give up D. forget

Câu 27: A. keen B. awake C. concerned D. aware
Câu 28: A. if B. while C. when D. so
Câu 29: A. when B. how C. which D. what
Câu 30: A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. although
Câu 31: A. reason B. origin C. source D. cause
Câu 32: A. quite B. more C. very D. much
Câu 33: A. why B. where C. when D. whereas
Câu 34: A. expect B. desire C. want D. hope
Câu 35: A. speed up B. run C. accelerate D. advance


26. áp án B
Tend to V = có khuynh hướng làm gì. Ignore = lờ đi. Give up = từ bỏ. throw away = vứt
bỏ. forget = quên
27. áp án D
Aware of something = nhận thức được cái gì. Keen on something = giỏi cái gì. Awake =
tỉnh thức. concerned = lo lắng, quan tâm
28. áp án C
Even when = thậm chí khi. If = nếu. while = trong khi. So = vì thế
29. áp án B
Know how to V = biết cách làm gì
30. áp án C
However = tuy nhiên. Therefore = vì thế. Moreover = hơn nữa. although = mặc dù
31. áp án D
Cause of something = nguyên nhân gây ra cái gì = reason for something. Origin = nguồn
gốc. source = nguồn (tài nguyên)
32. áp án D
Much + tính từ dạng so sánh hơn = … hơn nhiều. much safer = an toàn hơn nhiều
33. áp án D
Whereas = trong khi (đó). Why = (lí do) tại sao. Where = nơi mà. When = khi mà

34. áp án A
Expect to V= hi vọng, kì vọng làm được gì. desire = khát khao, mơ ước. want to V =
muốn. hope = hi vọng
35. áp án D
Advance (v) = tiến triển, phát triển. speed up = tăng tốc. run = chạy. accelerate = rảo
bước, tăng nhanh


( 146223) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
Schools in the United States have not always had a large number of libraries. As
(42) as 1958 about half of the public schools in the United States had no libraries
at all. The (43) of public school libraries increased dramatically when the federal
government passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (44)
provided funds for school districts to improve their education programs and facilities,
including their libraries. (45) , many educators claim that since the legislation was
passed federal spending has not increased sufficiently to meet the rising (46) of
new library technologies such as computer databases and Internet access.
Because the federal government provides only limited funds to schools, individual
school districts (47) on funds from local property taxes to meet the vast majority
of public school expenses. Therefore, the libraries of public schools tend to reflect the
(48) capabilities of the communities in which they are located. Districts in
wealthy suburbs often have fully staffed libraries (49) abundant resources,
spacious facilities, and curricular and instructional support. In (50) , school
districts in many poor areas house their libraries in ordinary classrooms or in small
rooms. The libraries in such areas are generally staffed by volunteers, who organize and
(51) books that are often out-of-date, irrelevant, or damaged.
Question 42: A. frequently B. recently C. freshly D. newly
Question 43: A. digit B. amount C. number D. numeral
Question 44: A. that B. who C. which D. this
Question 45: A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Consequently D.
Question 46: A. fine B. fee C. cost D. sum
Question 47: A. go B. come C. rely D. stay
Question 48: A. economical B. educational C. financial D. political
Question 49: A. for B. with C. on D. by

Question 50: A. contrast B. converse C. contrary D. conflict
Question 51: A. maintain B. obtain C. contain D. attain
As recently as 1958 khoảng vào năm 1958
43. C
The number of + danh từ số nhiều
44. C
ại từ quan hệ which thay thế cho đạo luật đã được đề cập trước đó.

45. D
Nevertheless: tuy nhiên
Tuy nhiên một số học giả cho rằng từ khi đạo luật này( đạo luật trích ngân sách
nhà nước để trang bị cho các thư viện trong nước) được thông qua ngân sách nhà
nước đã không tăng lên đáng kể nữa…
46. C
Fine: tiền phạt
Fee: học phí
Cost: chi phí
Sum: tổng số
Chi phí để trang bị công nghệ cho các thư viện mới
47. C
Rely on: dựa vào
48. B
Educational capabilities: khả năng giáo dục
49. A
Giới từ for dùng để chỉ mục đích ― Các tỉnh ở những khu vực giàu có có cả thư
viện có nhân viên để quản lý nguồn tài liệu, hỗ trợ người đọc,…‖
50. A
In contrast: ngược lại
51. D
Attain: đạt được, lấy về, thu gom
Ở những tỉnh nhỏ các trường học thu gom sách cũ, hư hỏng và không còn dùng


[144848] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
One of the most important (3)_ of a standardized test is time. You'll only be
allowed a certain number of minutes for each section, so it is very important that you use
your time (4) . The most important time strategy is pacing yourself. Before you
begin, take just a few seconds to survey the test, noting the (5) of questions and
the sections that looks easier than the rest. Then, make a rough time schedule based
(6) the amount of time available to you. Mark the halfway point on your test and
make a note beside that mark of the time when the testing period is half over.
Once you begin the test, continue moving. If you work slowly in an attempt to
(7) fewer mistakes, your mind will become bored and begin to wander. You'll
end up with far (8) mistakes if you're not concentrating. If you take too long to
answer questions that stump you, you may end up (9) out of time before you
finish. So don't stop for difficult questions. Ski p them and move on. You can come back
to them later (10) you have time. A question that takes you five seconds to
answer counts as much as one that takes you several minutes, so pick up the easy points
first. (11) , answering the easier questions first helps build your confidence and
gets you in the testing groove. If you're a little ahead, you know you're on track and may
even have a little time left to check your work. If you're a little behind, you have several
choices. You can pick up the pace a little, but do this only if you can do it (12) .
Question 3: A. issues B. information C. concern D. factors
Question 4: A. quickly B. fast C. wisely D. hardly
Question 5: A. lists B. numbers C. number D. deal
Question 6: A. from B. on C. in D. out
Question 7: A. make B. do C. take D. pay
Question 8: A. more B. away C. under D. from
Question 9: A. running B. cutting C. moving D. short
Question 10:A. how B. whether C. if D. unless
Question 11:A. Beside B. However C. Besides D. Therefore
Question 12:A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortably
3. D
One of the most important factors: 1 trong số những nhân tố quan trọng nhất
4. C
Use your time wisely: sử dụng thời gian 1 cách thông minh
5. C
The number of questions: số câu hỏi

6. B
Based on st: dựa vào cái gì
7. A
Make mistakes: tạo ra lỗi sai
8. A
Far more mistakes: nhiều hơn những lỗi sai
9. A
Run out of st: hết, không còn cái gì
10. C
If you have time: nếu bạn có thời gian
11. C
Besides: ngoài ra. Hơn nữa, ở đây dùng để nối 2 câu cùng nhằm khuyến khích bạn nên
làm câu dễ trc
12. C
Câu này cần 1 adv và có nghĩa là: bạn có thể tăng tốc lên 1 chút nhưng chỉ làm thế khi
bạn có thể tăng tốc 1 cách thoải mái (có thể làm đc theo khả năng)


(ID: 129829)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
What‘s your dream? Touring castles in Scotland? Walking on the Great Wall of
China? Working to improve the lives of women in rural Uganda? If you‘re thinking of
studying (30) , there‘s no end to the places you can go, things you can see,
and subjects you can study. At many top schools, such as Duke, Tufts, or Brown, over a
third of the junior class take the opportunity to complete part of their
(31) outside of the United States. Even if your school doesn‘t have an
extensive study abroad program, you can often get credit from a different school.
Multiple benefits accrue to those who spend significant (32) in another
country, and a significant proportion of students see the experience as an important
(33) of their college years. You‘re likely to have fun. But if you‘re also
thinking about study abroad as a way to gain a critical career advantage, read on. You‘ll
find that all foreign experiences are not created equal in the minds of employers.
Employers are looking for graduates who can (34) well with others,
both in person and in writing. They know the (35) _of cross-cultural
understanding and an appreciation for different points of view. They gravitate toward
students who demonstrate maturity, initiative, and (36) . All of these assets

can be demonstrated through study abroad, but it‘s going to be much (37) to
set yourself apart if you‘ve taken the easy route.
It‘s not hard to find the ―easy route‖: that‘s the one where you go with your friends
to another country; all the arrangements are made for you by the school—including the
American-style apartment where you live with your classmates. In this scenario, it
doesn‘t (38) which country you go to because all your classes will be in
English, and possibly even taught by your American professors. You‘ll undoubtedly have
a somewhat different experience, but to do the ―easy route‖ is to forego some of the
major (39) of your time away
30. A. away B. outdoor C. outside D. abroad
31. A. educator B. educating C. education D.
32. A. time B. lifetime C. moment D. period
33. A. way B. thing C. part D. terminal
34. A. communicate B. work C. talk D. do
35. A. relation .B. link C. reason D.
36. A. creating B. creation C. creativity D. creative
37. A. faster B. shorter C. harder D. quicker
38. A. matter B. show C. problem D. trouble
39. A. waste B. advantages C. experience D. giving
30. áp án: D
Study abroad = học ở nước ngoài, du học
31. áp án: C
Sau tính từ sở hữu thường là danh từ/cụm danh từ. Their education = sự học của họ.
Educator = nhà giáo dục, Education = sự học hành, giáo dục (danh từ không đếm được)
32. áp án: A
Spend significant time = dành một lượng thời gian tương đối. Lifetime = thời gian sống,
cuộc đời. Moment = khoảnh khắc, giây. Period = thời kì
33. áp án: C
See the experience as an important part = coi kinh nghiệm như là một phần quan trọng.
Way = cách, phương thức. Thing = thứ. Terminal = kì, giai đoạn
34. áp án: A
Communicate with somebody = giao tiếp với ai. Communicate well with others = giao
tiếp tốt với những người khác
35. áp án: D

They know the importance of cross-cultural understanding = họ biết tầm quan trọng của
việc hiểu được sự giao thoa văn hóa. Relation = mối liên hệ. Link = sự kết nối. Reason =
nguyên nhân
36. áp án: C
Với ý liệt kê, trước ―and‖ là loại từ gì, thì sau nó là loại từ ấy, và ở đây là danh từ….
maturity, initiative, and creativity = sự chín chắn, chủ động và tính sáng tạo
37. áp án: C
Dịch: tất cả các đặc tính này có thể được chứng minh qua quá trình du học, nhưng nó sẽ
khó hơn nhiều để tách mình ra, nổi bật nếu bạn chọn một cách thức dễ dàng. Việc nổi bật
bản thân sẽ là ―khó hơn‖, không thể là ―nhanh hơn‖, hay ―ngắn hơn‖
38. áp án: A
It doesn‘t matter + từ để hỏi (which/what/how/where…) + S –V = Việc…. nào là không
quan trọng. It doesn‘t matter which country you go to = việc bạn đi tới nước nào là không
quan trọng
39. áp án: B
Some + of + danh từ số nhiều = một số trong các… Ở đây chỉ có ―advantages‖ là số
nhiều. Some of the major advantages = một số trong các lợi ích chính

(130866) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
How m any times in the last hundred years or so have people talked of the
imminent death of the book? Films were an early threat because they were so
effective at telling stories in a visual way. Next there was radio, (26) stepped
into the mid-t wentieth century and provided such an alternative to books as
drama, documentaries and discussions. When television arrived, many people
believed that it would finish the book off. Nowadays, (27) the threat by TV, the
book is thought to be endangered by computers and the Internet, and by other
technological attractions (28) theCD and the video game, too.
Surely there are now reasons why (29) book ought to be dead, or at least very
badly injured. If so, why does it not sho w proper respect for these reportedly less
literate times (30) die out? There is clearly more than a single answer to
this question. Firstly, we have more leisure time than we(31) to, and
people are generally living longer, which means there is more time to do more
(including reading books). As (32) as this, there is the strength of the book
as a tradition. We are all too dismissive of traditions in our modern world, but

they can have very strong pull(33) us.
Added to this, the book is such a practical tool: it doesn't cost too (34) , it is
usually small enough to carry around, and it can easily be (35) . We will never
go without books, because they have served us so well for so long.
Question 26 A. where B. which C. why D. that
Question 27. A. near B. besides C. with D. next
Question 28. A. for B. as C. to D. like
Question 29. A. that B. this C. the D. a
Question 30. A. so B. and C. but D. since
Question 31. A. got B. liked C. used D. had
Question 32. A. well B. long C. soon D. good
Question 33. A. of B. on C. in D. by
Question 34. A. many B. more C. less D. much
Question 35. A. repaid B. rewritten C. retold D. revisited


26 B
―which‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho radio ở phía trước dấu phảy
27 B
―besides‖ = moreover, in addtion to: thêm vào đó, bên cạnh đó.
Khác với ―beside‖: bên cạnh (vị trí)
28 D
―like‖: như là…(liệt kê) = such as
29 C
―that‖ và ―this‖ đều không phù hợp, vì không phải nói đến một loại sách cụ thể nào đó.
Giữa mạo từ the và a thì the book là đúng hơn cả
30 B
Liên kết giữa 2 vế của câu, và 2 vế có sự giống nhau về chức năng trong câu, nên dùng
liên từ and
31 C
―used to‖: đã từng
―used to‖ + V nguyên thể
32 A
Cụm ―as soon as‖: ngay khi…
33 B
―they have very strong pull on us‖: chúng có sức hút/sức lôi kéo lớn đối với chúng ta
34 D
―too much‖: quá nhiều
Khi đi cùng giá cả thì dùng much chứ không dùng many, more hay less

35 D
―revisit‖: nhìn lại/thăm lại
Trong ngữ cảnh này có thể dịch là đọc lại cuốn sách nào đó


* [133279] Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of blanks
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do
not (45) understand. Sometimes you (46) the meaning in a dictionary and
sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (47) of
accuracy you require and the time at your dispo sal.
If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is
(48) remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an
approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after
meeting it in a (49)_ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special
dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa.
If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (50) an English- English
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (51) you are allowed to
use one, it is very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited.
You are, (52) , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if
you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53) a
number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at
first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues,
both within the sentence and outside, and making uses (54) clues derived from the
formation of the word.
Question 45. A. totally B. wholly C. fully D. complete
Question 46. A. examine B. inspect C. check D. control
Question 47. A. degree B. level C. extent D. range
Question 48. A. valuable B. worth C. vital D. essential
Question 49. A. diversity B. multiple C. variety D. variation
Question 50. A. consult B. inquire C. survey D. infer
Question 51. A. Provided B. Even if C. In case D. Although
Question 52. A. but B. however C. so that D. therefore

Question 53. A. overcome B. surpass C. get on D. go over
Question 54. A. on B. about C. of D. with
45. C
Cần 1 adv => loại D
Ý A,B,C đều nghĩa là hoàn toàn tuy nhiên trong bài có từ ―understand‖ nên phải dùng
46. C
Chọn theo nghĩa: kiểm tra nghĩa trong từ điển ―check the meaning in a dictionary‖
47. A
Chọn theo nghĩa: degree: mức độ, level: trình độ, extent: phạm vi, range: dãy
48. B
It is worth + Ving: đáng để làm gì
49. C
A variety of + N (số nhiều) = a lot of
50. A
Chọn theo nghĩa: consult : tham khảo, inquire: yêu cầu, survey: cuộc điều tra, infer: suy
51. B
Chọn theo nghĩa: even if: ngay cả khi, provided: miễn là, in case: trong trường hợp,
although: mặc dù
52. D
Câu này là kết quả của câu trên => chọn D
53. A
Chọn theo nghĩa: overcome : vượt qua (thường là khó khăn, vấn đề), surpass: vượt trôi,
get on: làm gì đó, go over = revise
54. C
Make use of: tận dụng

(130742) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blank
from 52 to 61
Tomatoes – the whole truth
Leading scientists have (52) that tomatoes can be of great benefit to our
health. A lot of research has been (53) _ out in recent years. It‘s the whole tomato
(54) may lower cancer risks, not individual compounds, (55) to

new research. Experts have discovered that taking the antioxidant lycopene –
(56) is found in tomatoes, but is increasingly popular (57) a health
food suppplement because of its link to a reduced risk of cancer – did not work as
(58) as eating whole tomatoes. Scientists believe people (59) eat
them in pastas, salads, tomato juice and pizza. Recent finding suggests that the risks
(60) poor eating habits cannot be reserved with a pill. We shouldn‘t
(61) easy solutions to a complex problem.
Question 52: A. shouted B. announced C. called D. told
Question 53: A. taken B. looked C. carried D. made
Question 54: A. that B. who C. where D. whom
Question 55: A. dependingB. discussing C. suggesting D. according
Question 56: A. when B. which C. while D. what
Question 57: A. to B. on C. as D. from
Question 58: A. more B. well C. good D. better
Question 59: A. must B. would C. should D.did
Question 60: A. on B. for C. to D. of
Question 61: A. experience B. inspect C.expect D. direct
52 B
―announ ce‖: công bố, thông báo
―shout‖: kêu la, la hét
―call‖: gọi
―tell‖: bảo, nói rằng
53 C
Cụm ―carry out‖: tiến hành (một thí nghiệm, khảo sát,…)
54 A
Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh ―It is…that…‖
Thành phần này có hoặc bỏ đi đều không ảnh hưởng đến nghĩa của câu
55 D
―according to st/sb‖: theo như ai/cái gì
56 B
―which‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho the antioxidant lycopene ở phía trước
57 C
―as a health food suppplement‖: như là phần bổ sung thực phẩm có lợi cho sức khoẻ
58 B
Phía trước có động từ work, vì thế ở đây nên dùng một trạng từ
―well‖ là trạng từ của good

59 C
―should‖: nên
Chuyên gia tin rằng con người nên sử dụng…
60 D
―the risk of…‖: mối nguy hại, nguy cơ của…
61 C
―expect‖: mong đợi
Chúng ta không nên mong đợi giải pháp dễ dàng cho một vấn đề phức tạp


(127537 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 35 to 44.
Here are tips that help succeed in your job interview:
Always arrive early. If you do not know (35) the organization is located, call
for exact directions (36) _ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, parking,
or (37) events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The
best time to arrive is approximately 5 - 10 minutes early. Give (38) _ the time to
read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview.
Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with respect. Be (39) to
everyone as soon as you walk in the door.
Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (40)
are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (41)
wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too
much perfume. It is (42) important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the
standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is (43) _
informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed (44)
you are wearing a tailored suit.
Question 35: A. why B. when C. where D. that
Question 36: A. with B. in C. on D. for
Question 37: A. expected B. unexpected C. unexpectedly D. expectedly
Question 38: A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
Question 39: A. pleasant B. happy C. disappointed D. excited
Question 40: A. attentions B. attendances C. impressions D. pressures
Question 41: A. avoid B. suggest C. enjoy D. mind
Question 42: A. too B. also C. either D. so
Question 43: A. a B. an C. the D. no article

Question 44: A. as if B. why C. unless D. if


35 C
Ở đây có từ ―locate‖ (vị trí, được đặt ở vị trí…) nên phải dùng ―where‖
36 B
―in advance‖: trước (về thời gian) – call for exact directions in advance: gọi hỏi phương
hướng chính xác trước
37 B
Ở đây cần một tính từ, vì phía sau là danh từ (events)
―unexpected‖: không dự đến, không lường đến, ngoài ý muốn
38 D
―yourself‖ (đại từ): tự bản thân bạn, chính bạn
39 A
―pleasan t‖ (adj) [to sb]: lịch sự, thân thiện
40 C
―first impression‖: ấn tượng, dấu ấn đầu tiên
41 A
―avoid‖ (v) + Ving: tránh làm gì đó
42 B
―also‖: cũng, đây là câu tiếp nối những ý của câu phía trước
43 B
Phía sau có ―informal‖ vì thế mạo từ thích hợp ở đây là ―an‖
44 D
Nguyên nhân – kết quả: Nếu bạn mặc bộ đồ được may đo, bạn không thể ăn mặc quá
diện được


143593 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 16 to 25.
Over the last few years, the use of the Internet has increased dramatically in
French schools, offices, and homes and this trend continues to grow. Who could have
imagined, even in the last decade, that we would be able to (16) our friends,
colleagues and clients around the world simply through the (17) of a mouse
and a modem? There is no doubt, like any invention, that the Internet can be used for
good or bad but it is here to stay and has (18) the way we communicate.

In the world of business, no corporation can be competitive unless it (19)
access to the Internet. It has become essential to advertise your product and
service in this way and an increasing number of companies are using this opportunity to
reach a greater number of (20) consumers. Indeed, the bigger the website is,
(21) professional the company seems to be.
Similarly in education, the opportunities that the Internet can (22) _ are
vast. More and more students are (23) on the Internet for their research; for
instance, a physics undergraduate in Paris can download information from a university
library in the United States in minutes. From the latest research in scientific and linguistic
fields to new theories in psychology and history, all this may be published on the world-
wide web.
What will be the future for the Internet in France? It has been (24)
that 60% of homes and 50% business will have access to the Internet within five years.
Children, students and professionals will be able to (25) and explore the
world as they have never done before.
Question 16: A. contact B. stay in touch C. keep touch D. talk
Question 17: A. click B. running C. tick D. clap
Question 18: A. been changed B. revolutionized C. adapted D. modified
Question 19: A. gets B. approaches C. downloads D. uses
Question 20: A. would-be B. potential C. competent D. future
Question 21: A. the most B. more and more C. more D. the more
Question 22: A. take B. support C. miss D. provide
Question 23: A. relying B. working C. downloading D. surfing
Question 24: A. estimated B. calculated C. claimed D. announced
Question 25: A. log off B. take on C. log on D. switch on
16. A – contact someone (liên lạc với ai đó).
17. A – click of a mouse (cái nhấp chuột).
18. D – modify (thay đổi nho nhỏ cho phù hợp).
19. A – get access to the Internet (truy cập vào Internet).
20. B – potential consumer (người tiêu dùng tiềm năng).
21. D – cấu trúc so sánh kép double comparison : The + comparative + S + V the +
comparative + S + V.
22. D – provide (cung cấp, đem lại cho).
23. B – work for something (làm việc cho cái gì đó).
24. A – estimate (ước chừng, không chắc chắn). Những từ còn lại đều mang tính chắc
chắn => không dùng được.

25. C – log on (truy cập).


(ID: 140573 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 33 to 42.
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is (33)
complicated as it is serious. It is complicated (34) much pollution is caused by
things that benefit people. (35) , exhaust from automobiles causes a large
percentage of air pollution. But the automobile (36) transportation for millions of
people. Factories discharge much (37) the material that pollutes the air and water,
but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to end (38) greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have
to (39) using many things that benefit them. Most of the people do not want to do
that, of course. But pollution can be (40) reduced in several ways. Scientists and
engineers can work to find ways to lessen the (41) of pollution that such things as
automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that (42)
businesses and traffic to stop, or to cut down on certain polluting activities.
33. A. as B. more C. less D. like
34. A. so B. while C. though D. because
35. A. Specific B. For example C. Such as D. Like
36. A. takes B. affords C. carries D. provides
37. A. about B. for C. of D. with
38. A. or B. and C. as well D. then
39. A. start B. continue C. stop D. go on
40. A. carefully B. unexpectedly C. gradually D. little
41. A. way B. figure C. number D. amount
42. A. forbid B. prevent C. request D. require
33. áp án: A
Cấu trúc so sánh bằng: tobe+ as+ adj+ as. Ô nhiễm là 1 vấn đề phức tạp cũng nha nghiêm
34. áp án: D
Dịch: nó phức tạp vì rất nhiều ô nhiễm gay ra bởi những thứ có lợi cho con người -> bởi
35. áp án: B
For example= cho ví dụ. Dịch: ví dụ, tổn hại từ ô tô gây ra phần lớn ô nhiễm không khí.
36. áp án: D

Take= làm, afford = cấp cho, carry= mang vác, provide= cung cấp. Dịch: nhưng ô tô
cung cấp phương tiện đi lại cho hàng triệu người.
37. áp án: C
Much/many of sth= phần lớn… Many đi với danh từ đếm được và much đi với danh từ
không đếm được.
38. áp án: A
―to end greatly reduce pollution immediately‖ để kết thúc … giảm thiểu ô
nhiễm ngay lập tức -> ―or‖ mang ý lựa chọn giữa 2 hành động.
39. áp án: C
―people would have to using many things‖ mọi người phải … sử dụng rất nhiều
thứ, kết hợp với câu trước là giảm thiểu ô nhiễm -> stop.
40. áp án: C
Ý chính đầu đoạn 2: ô nhiễm có thể giảm ngay lập tức bằng việc bỏ những việc gậy ô
nhiễm mà mọi người vẫn đang làm. Nhưng không ai muốn làm điều đó. Nhưng ô nhiễm
có thể giảm… theo nhiều cách. -> nếu như giảm ô nhiễm ngay lập tức không được thì
chuyển sang giảm dần dần = gradually.
41. áp án: D
A large amount of/ a great deal of+N(không đếm được), A large number of N (đếm
42. áp án: D
Require sbd to do sth: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu ai làm gì


(142147)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 21 to 30
The tourist industry is (21) to be the largest industry. Before 1950 one million
people traveled abroad each year but by the 1900s the figure (22) to 400 million
every year. (23) large numbers of tourists, however, are beginning to cause
problems. For example, in the Alps the skiers are destroying the mountains they came to
enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered
(24) old tins, tents, and food that have been (25) But at a time when we have
(26) freedom to travel than ever before, more and more people are asking how they
can enjoy their holidays (27) causing problems by spoiling the countryside. Now
there is a new holiday (28) called "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth". It tells
you (29) you can help the tourist industry by asking your travel agent the right
questions (30) you go on holiday.

Câu 21: A. considered B. seen C. regarded D. figured
Câu 22: A. were rising B. has risen C. had risen D. rose
Câu 23: A. Such B. These C. The D. Those
Câu 24: A. under B. beneath C. with D. by
Câu 25: A. launched B. thrown away C. disposed D. littered
Câu 26: A. larger B. greater C. bigger D. better
Câu 27: A. apart from B. instead of C. hardly D. without
Câu 28: A. guide B. instruction C. direction D. guidance
Câu 29: A. when B. what C. how D. where
Câu 30: A. as soon as B. before C. after D. when
21 A – be considered to be = be regarded as … (được xem là …)
22.C – thì quá khứ hoàn thành (past perfect) được sử dụng cho một hành động đã xảy
ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ trước một mốc thời gian nào đó cũng nằm trong quá khứ.
(by the 1900s)
23. A – Such large numbers of tourists (những con số khách du lịch lớn như thế) dùng
cho những con số đã được nhắc đến ở câu phía trước.
24. C – be covered with (được bao phủ bởi cái gì (ở trên bề mặt)).
25. B – be thrown away = be disposed of (bị vứt đi, quăng ném đi). Litter (xả rác).
26. B - "big và "large" thường được dùng khi nói về kích thước vật chất, phạm vi, khả
năng hay số lượng...
"great" chủ yếu được dùng khi nói về tầm quan trọng, chất lượng, năng lực, khả
năng ... thường đi với danh từ không đếm được.
27. D – do A without B/doing B (làm điều A mà không phải làm điều B).
28. D – holiday guide (chỉ dẫn tư vấn cho kì nghỉ) là cụm từ cố định.
29. C – how you can help. (bạn có thể giúp như thế nào…)
30. B – before you go on holiday (trước khi bạn đi nghỉ dưỡng).


(139735) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 19 to 28
The term civilization basically means the 19 of development at which people live
together peacefully in communities. Ancient civilization refers specifically to the first
20 and stable communities that became the basis for later states, nations, and

The study of ancient civilization is concerned with the earliest 21 of the much
broader subject called ancient history. The _22 of ancient history began with the
invention of writing in about 3100 BC and lasted for more than 35 centuries. Mankind
existed long before the written word, but writing made the keeping of a historical record
23 .
The first ancient societies 24 in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the Middle East, in
the Indus Valley region of 25 are now Pakistan and India, in the Huang He
(Yellow River) valley of China, on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea, and in Central
America. All of these civilizations had certain 26 in common. They built cities,
invented forms of writing, learned to make pottery and use metals, domesticated animals,
and created fairly complex social structures with class systems.
27 written records and carved inscriptions, the knowledge about ancient peoples is
derived from the work of archaeologists. Most of the significant archaeological 28
have been made in the past 200 years. The Sumerian culture of Mesopotamia was
discovered in the 1890s, and some of the most important archaeological digs in China
were made after the late 1970s.
Question 19: A. rank B. level C. line D. step
Question 20: A. occupied B. sectioned C. settled D. governed
Question 21: A. spots B. patches C. villages D. segments
Question 22: A. expanse B. extent C. width D. span
Question 23: A. able B. possible C. potential D. capable
Question 24: A. raised B. aroused C. rose D. arose
Question 25: A. where B. which C. that D. what
Question 26: A. styles B. features C. qualities D. types
Question 27: A. In regard to B. Apart from C. Instead of D. In view of
Question 28: A. inventions B. researches C. findings D.
19 B
―civilization‖: nền văn minh
―civilization‖ chỉ mức độ phát triển (level of develo pment)
20 C
―settled‖ ~ stable: ổn định, bền vững
21 D
―segment‖: đoạn, khúc (trong câu này được hiểu ―ancient history‖ là đoạn đầu tiên (sớm
nhất) của chủ thể rộng lớn)

Muốn hiểu được nền văn minh cổ đại, thì cần hiểu được lịch sử cổ đại – phân khúc đầu
22 D
―span‖: khoảng thời gian
Khoảng thời gian của lịch sử cổ đại bắt đầu từ sự phát minh của chữ viết vào khoảng năm
3100 TCN và kéo dài hơn 35 thế kỉ
23 B
―possible‖: có khả năng, có thể thực hiện
―writing made the keeping of a historical record possible‖: chữ viết giúp sự lưu trữ dấu ấn
lịch sử có khả năng thực hiện được
24 D
―arise‖: xuất hiện, nảy sinh
Cộng đồng cổ đại đầu tiên xuất hiện ở Mesopotamia và Egypt
25 A
―where‖ ở đây được hiểu chính là Pakistan and India
26 B
―feature‖: nét, nét đặc trưng
All of these civilizations had certain features in common: tất cả các nền văn minh đều có
những nét giống nhau nhất định
27 B
―apart from‖: trừ…ra, ngoài ra
Apart from written records and carved inscriptions, the knowledge about ancient peoples
is derived from the work of archaeologists: Ngoài các bản ghi chép và khắc tạc, những
hiểu biết về người cổ xưa bắt nguồn từ công việc của các nhà khảo cổ.
28 C
―findings‖: điều khám phá ra
Most of the significant archaeological findings have been made in the past 200 years:
Hầu hết các phát hiện khảo cổ quan trọng đã được thực hiện trong vòng 200 năm qua.


(146049) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 45 to 54.
Reference books are not designed to be read from the first page to the last but
rather to be consulted to answer the questions and provide both general and specific
pieces of information.

ne of the most (45) used reference books is a dictionary, which
provides information about words. It lists meanings spelling, (46) how a word
is pronounced, gives (47) of how it is used, may reveal its origins and also
lists synonyms and (48) To help you find the words faster, there are guide
words at the top of each page showing the first and last worlds on that page-and of course
it (49) to know the alphabet!
There may be numerous special sections at the back with (50) _ about
famous people and places, lists of dates and scientific names, etc. There is usually a
section at the front (51) how to use the dictionary, which includes the special
abbreviations or signs.
An atlas is also a reference book and (52) charts, tables and
geographical facts, as well as maps. Political maps locate countries and cities, physical
maps show the formation of the land with its mountains and valleys, and economic maps
show industries and agriculture. To find a specific place, you need to look in the (53)
at the back of the atlas and the exact position on the map. There are numerous
map (54) that you need to know in order to be able to read a map almost like
a special language and these are explained at the front of the atlas.
Question 45: A. greatly B. mainly C. widely D. largely
Question 46: A. speaks B. tells C. says D. gives
Question 47: A. evidence B. roof C. examples D. cases
Question 48: A. antonyms B. closest C. opposite D.
Question 49: A. assists B. pays C. helps D. works
Question 50: A. events B. stories C. facts D. materials
Question 51: A. explaining B. interpreting C. suggesting D. presenting
Question 52: A. composes B. includes C. consists D. contains
Question 53: A. foreword B. preface C. complement D. index
Question 54: A. marks B. signs C. signals D. symbols
45. C
wisely- used: được sử dụng rộng rãi
46. B
tell ở đây có nghĩa là chỉ dẫn( = show), nó chỉ cho chúng ta thấy một từ được phát
âm như thế nào.
47. C
give examples: đưa ra ví dụ về cách sử dụng từ
48. A

synonyms and antonyms: từ đồng nghĩa và từ trái nghĩa
49. C
help + to Vo(to know the alphabet): giúp biết bảng chữ cái
assist: hỗ trợ thường dùng cho chủ ngữ chỉ người.
50. C
facts: sự thật, chi tiết, thông tin đúng( về những người và những nơi nổi tiếng)
51. A
explaining: giải thích( Có một phần ở trang đầu giúp giải thích về cách dùng từ
52. D
contian: chứa, đựng
Atlas cũng là một loại sách tham khảo và nó có chứa những bảng biểu, đồ thị,…
53. D
Index: mục lục
ể tìm một trang cụ thể bạn nên tra mục lục
54. D
symbols: kí hiệu -> map symbols: ký hiệu trên bản đồ


(145015) Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C,D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
Around 200 million people are employed in tourism worldwide, making it the largest
industry in the modern global economy. It is estimated that three-quarters of a billion
people (35) on holiday each year, and industry planners expect this figure to
double by 2020. Some of the biggest beneficiaries are less developed countries,
(36) it is often their main source of income.
(37) _, along with the economic benefits, this mass movement of
people has resulted in threats (38) the environment. People often forget
the damage caused by carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft, which (39)
directly to global warming. Deforestation has cleared land in order to
build hotels, airport and roads, and this has destroyed wildlife. In some areas, water
shortages are now common (40) of the need to fill swimming pools and
water golf courses for tourists. By pushing up prices for goods and services, tourism can
also be (41) to the people who live in tourist destinations.
In response to these concerns, some travel operators now offer environmental friendly
holidays. Many of these aim to reduce the negative (42) of tourism by

promoting only hotels that have invested equipment to recycle waste and use energy and
water efficiently. Increasingly, tourists are also being reminded to show respect
(43) the customs of the people (44) countries they are
going to visit, and to support local businesses, such as restaurants and shops, which
depend on tourism for their main income.
35. A. go B. travel C. move D. leave
36. A. where B. whom C. which D. when
37. A. Therefore B. Although C. However D.
38. A. at B. on C. for D. to
39. A. contribute B. result C. cause D. act
40. A. thanks B. because C. due D. since
41. A. harmful B. destructive C. offensive D. dangerous
42. A. reasons B. effects C. objectives D.
43. A. with B. to C. for D. at
44. A. whose B. their C. that D. whom
35. B
Dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng: to travel on holiday: đi du lịch trong kì nghỉ
36. A
Ta chọn where thay thế cho địa điểm là: countries (các nước)
37. C
Dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng. Ở đây chọn However (tuy nhiên) để chỉ sự ngược lại,
đưa ra những nguy hiểm cho việc đi dulịch
38. D
Threat to the environment: nguy hiểm cho môi trường
39. A
To contribute to: đóng góp vào
40. B
Because of: bởi vì ( +N/ Noun phrase)
Thank to: cám ơn, nhờ có; due to: bởi vì
41. A
Be harmful to: có hại với
Dangerous: nguy hiểm; offensive: làm phiền; destructive: phá hoại
42. B
Negative effects: tác dụng xấu; hậu quả

43. C
To show respect for sb: thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với ai
44. A
Ta thấy sau từ cần điền là một danh từ -> chọn mệnh đề quan hệ Whose (của)


(ID: 137484 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (45) to be
successful? Having someone around who always fears the worst isn't really a lot of
(46) - we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says, 'It
looks like rain.' But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it's important to do
something about it.
You can change your view of life, according to psychologist. It only takes a little
(47) , and you'll find life more rewarding as a (48) . Optimism, they say, is partly
about self-respect and confidence but it's also a more positive way of looking at life and
all it has to (49) . Optimists are more (50) to start new projects and are
generally more prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (51) to the world. Some
people are brought up to depend too much on others and grow up forever blaming other
people when anything (52) wrong. Most optimists, on the (53) hand, have been
brought up not to (54) failure as the end of the world - they just get on with their
Question 45: A. counted B. expected C. felt D. waited
Question 46: A. amusement B. play C. enjoyment D. fun
Question 47: A. energy B. effort C. work D. effect
Question 48: A. result B. reason C. purpose D. product
Question 49: A. supply B. suggest C. offer D. propose
Question 50: A. possible B. likely C. hopeful D. welcome
Question 51: A. opinion B. attitude C. view D. position
Question 52: A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns
Question 53: A. opposite B. others C. other D. far
Question 54: A. regard B. respect C. suppose D. think
45. áp án: B
Count= đếm, expect+ to V= mong chờ, feel= cảm thấy, wait= chờ đợi. Dịch: những
người luôn mong đợi thành công?

46. áp án: D
Amusement= giải trí, play= sự vui chơi, enjoyment= sự thích thú, fun= niềm vui. Dịch:
khi ở gần những người luôn lo lắng những điều tồi tệ nhất thì thật sự không hề vui vẻ.
47. áp án: B
Energy= năng lượng, effort= cố gắng, work= công việc, effect= ảnh hưởng. Dịch: chỉ với
một chút cố gắng, và bạn sẽ thấy cuộc sống đáng quý hơn.
48. áp án: A
As a result= như là kết quả.
49. áp án: C
Supply= cung cấp, suggest= gợi ý, offer= xảy ra, propose= đề cử. Dịch: đó là một cách
nhìn cuộc sống lạc quan và tất cả đều phải xảy ra(1 cách tự nhiên).
50. áp án: B
Likely= thích hợp, possible= có thể, hopeful= đầy hi vọng, welcome= đón nhận. Dựa vào
nghĩa: những người lạc quan thích hợp hơn để bắt đầu dự án mới và chuẩn bị tốt khi xảy
ra rủi ro.
51. áp án: B
Opinion= quan điểm, attitude= thái độ, view= cái nhìn, position= vị trí. Dịch: sự giáo dục
trẻ nhỏ thật sự quan trọng đến việc hình thành thái độ với cuộc sống.
52. áp án: A
Go wrong= trở lên tồi tệ.
53. áp án: C
In the other hand= mặt khác.
54. áp án: A
Regard= xem như, respect= kính trọng, suppose= giả sử, think = nghĩ. Dịch: không xem
thất bại như cái kết của cuộc sống- họ vẫn có thể thích nghi với nó.


(ID: 137899 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 35 to 44.
(35) ….. educational specialists believe that early schooling should provide
children (36) ….. an awareness of their own abilities (37) ….. the self – confidence (38)
….. their abilities. One approach recognized by many experts (39) ….. promoting these
qualities is the Montessori method, first practiced by Maria Montessori of Italy (40) …..
the early 1900s. Nancy McCormick Rambusch is credited with (41) ….. the method in
the United States, where today (42) ….. over 400 Montessori schools.
The method helps children (43) ….. for themselves by providing them with
instructional materials and tasks that facilitate acts of discovery and manipulation.

Through such exploration, children develop their sense of touch and learn (44) ….. do
everyday tasks without adult assistance. Other benefits include improvement in language
skills, and acquaintance with elements of science, music, and art.
Question35: A. Mostly B. Almost C. Most D. The most
Question36: A. with B. of C. by D. for
Question37: A. but B. and C. with D. together
Question38: A. to using B. for use C. using D. to use
Question39: A. as B. like C. by D. so
Question40: A. at B. in C. on D. since
Question41:A.popularized B. popularizing C. popularize D. popular
Question42: A. having B. have C. there are D. there is
Question43: A. learning B. learn C. to learning D. learned
Question44: A. how to B. what to C. how D. to how
35. áp án: C
Most + Ns: hầu hết…: về đa số nói chung.
36. áp án: A
Dòng 2 đoạn 1 ―provide children ... an awareness of their own abilities‖ cung cấp cho trẻ
với sự nhận biết về khả năng của chính mình-> chọn từ ―with‖ hợp nghĩa nhất.
37. áp án: B
―an awareness of their own abilities… the self – confidence …‖nhận thức về khả năng cá
nhân … sự tự tin‖-> and= và.
38. áp án: D
To V= (dùng) để làm gì.
39. áp án: A
As+ clause, like+ N. Dịch: một phương pháp được ghi nhận bởi các chuyên gia (như là)
sự đẩy mạnh chất lượng là phương pháp Montessori. Sau chỗ trống là1 mệnh đề -> as.
40. áp án: B
Giới từ: in+ tháng/ năm/ thập kỷ, thế kỷ…
41. áp án: B
Giới từ+ Danh từ-> popularizing= sự phổ biến hóa.
42. áp án: C
Cuối đoạn 1 ―where today ….. over 400 Montessori schools.‖ Nếu ―where‖ là chủ ngữ thì
động từ ―have‖ phải ở dạng số ít là ―has‖. Cách khác để nói: có về số lượng là ―there
is/are‖ vì ở đây tân ngữ là danh từ số nhiều -> there are.
43. áp án: B
Help sb (to) do sth= giúp ai làm gì, can‘t help+ doing sth= không thể ngừng làm gì.

44. áp án: A
How to do sth= cách làm điều, thứ gì đó.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 35 to 44.
Why did you decide to read, and will you keep reading to the end? Do you expect
to understand every single part of it and will you remember anything about it in a
fortnight‘s ..35….? Common sense ..36… that the answers to these questions depend on
―readability‖- whether the ..37… matter is interesting, and the argument clear and the
…38….attractive. But psychologists are trying to …39… why people read – and often
don‘t read certain things, for example technical information. They also have examined so
much the writing as the readers.
Even the most technically confident people often 40… instructions for the video or
home computer in favor of hands- on experience. And people frequently take little notice
of consumer information, whether on nutritional labels or in the small print of contracts.
Psychologists researching reading …41…. to assume that both beginners and competent
readers read everything put in front of them from start to finish. There are ….42….among
them about the role of eyes, memory and brain during the process. Some people believe
that fluent readers take in very letter or word they see; others …43….that reader rely on
memory or context to carry them from one phrase to another. But they have always
assumed that the reading process is the same: reading starts, comprehension ….44……,
then reading stops.
Question 35: A. time B. period C. term D. gap
Question 36: A. transmits B. suggests C. informs D. advises
Question 37: A. content B. text C. subject D. topic
Question 38: A. information B. pattern C. layout D. assembly
Question 39: A. rate B. value C. determine D. ensure
Question 40: A. ignore B. pass C. miss D. omit
Question 41: A. lead B. tend C. undertake D. consent
Question 42: A. contests B. objections C. separations D. arguments
Question 43: A. direct B. press C. insist D. urge
Question 44: A. occurs B. establishes C. issues D. sets
35. áp án: A
Time= khoảng thời gian, period= thời kỳ, term= kỳ hạn, gap= khoảng cách-> Dịch: trong
khoảng 2 tuần.

36. áp án: B
Khả năng thông thường … rằng câu trả lời phụ thuộc vào tính dễ đọc.-> suggest= gợi ý.
Transmit= truyền, inform= thông báo, advise= khuyên.
37. áp án: C
Subject= đối tượng, content= nội dung, text= văn bản, topic= đề tài. -> bất cứ chủ thể vấn
đề nào mà thú vị, …
38. áp án: C
… lý lẽ rõ ràng và … thu hút. -> layout= bố cục. pattern = hàng mẫu, assembly= cuộc
39. áp án: C
Dịch: các nhà tâm lý học đang cố gắng (xác định) tại sao đọc - và thường không đọc
những thứ nhất định. -> từ ―determ ind‖ = xác định, rate= ước lượng, value= định giá,
ensure = đảm bảo.
40. áp án: A
Dịch: kể cả những người tự tin nhất về công nghệ cũng thường… hướng dẫ sự dụng cho
video hay máy tính tại nhà. -> ignore= bỏ qua.
41. áp án: B
Dịch dòng 4: các nhà tâm lý học nghiên cứu việc đọc … giả định rằng cả người đọc ban
đầu và người đối chiếu đều đọc từ đầu đến cuối những thứ được đặt trước mặt họ.
tend=xu hướng, lead= dẫn dắt, undertake= cam kết, consent= đồng ý.
42. áp án: D
Objection = sự phản đối, contest= cuộc tranh tài, separation = sự tách ra, argument= tranh
cãi. Dựa vào câu sau ―Some people believe that fluent readers take in very letter or word
they see; others…‖ vài người tin rằng … những người khác…->có 2 luồng ý kiến trái
chiều -> objection.
43. áp án: C
Direct= nhằm vào, press= nhấn vào, insist= khăng khăng, urge= thúc giục. Như câu 42,
―vài người tin rằng … những người khác…‖ -> insist= khăng khăng.
44. áp án: A
Occur= xảy ra, establish= thiết lập, issue= công bố, set= đặt. ―reading starts,
comprehension occurs, then reading stops‖ bắt đầu đọc, hiểu những gì xảy ra, rồi đọc đến
kết thúc.


(130411) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the following blanks.

Bodies are made to move! They are not (19) for sitting around in front of
the television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn‘t (20) _ you have to be a
super-athlete, and even (21) exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit
and healthy, you will find you look better and feel better. You will develop more energy
and self-confidence.
Every time you move, you are exercising. The human body is designed to bend,
stretch, run, jump and climb. (22) it does, the stronger and fitter it will
become. Best of all, exercise is fun. It‘s what your body likes doing most-keeping on the
(23) .
Physical exercise is not only good for your body. People who take regular exercise are
usually happier, more relaxed and more alert (24) people who sit around all
day. Try an experiment-next time you are (25) a bad mood, go for a walk or
play a ball game in the park. See how much better you feel after an hour.
A good (26) of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel
good about themselves when they know they have (27) their fitness. People
who exercise regularly will tell you that t hey find they have more energy to enjoy life. So
have (28) -you‘ll soon see and feel the benefits.
Question 19: A. planned B. designed C. programmed D. caused
Question 20: A. involve B. require C. reveal D. mean
Question 21: A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
Question 22: A. More and moreB. The more C. More D. Moreover
Question 23: A. increase B. move C. develop D. decrease
Question 24: A. then B. about C. than D. with
Question 25: A. in B. on C. at D. under
Question 26: A. sense B. feel C. lot D. piece
Question 27: A. experienced B. improved C. carried out D. grown
Question 28: A. a run B. a trial C. a go D. a start
19 B
―design‖ (v): thiết kế
―design for st/doing st‖: chỉ định, dành cho cái gì/làm cái gì
20 D
―mean‖ (v): có nghĩa là…
Keeping fit doesn‘t mean: Giữ cân đối không có nghĩa là….
21 A
―a little‖: một ít (dùng với danh từ không đếm được)

―a little‖ và ―little‖ đều có nghĩa là ít, nhưng ―little‖ mang nghĩa rất ít, dường như không
22 B
Cấu trúc so sánh càng…càn g… : ―the more (adj+er)… , the more(ad j+er)…‖
23 B
―on the move‖: đang di chuyển
24 C
―than‖: hơn
Phía trước có sự so sánh adj+er và more, vì thế phải dùng từ than
25 A
―in a bad mood‖: đang trong tâm trạng không vui/không tốt, ―mood‖ chia cùng giới từ in
26 A
―A good sense of achievement‖: Một cảm giác/ý thức về sự thành tựu
―sense‖ có nghĩa là khả năng nhận thức ý thức, cũng có nghĩa khác là lý do mục đích (của
việc làm gì)
27 B
―improve‖: cải thiện, tiến bộ
―experience‖: trải nghiệm, có kinh nghiệm
―carry out‖: tiến hành
―grow‖: trồng, lớn lên..
28 C
Cụm ―have a go at st/doing st‖: cố hết sức về cái gì/về làm việc gì


(141865) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the following blanks.
What is a coincidence?
A coincidence is a surprising thing that happens to us. For example, you and a
friend both go shopping on the same day. You don‘t go together and don‘t discuss your
shopping plans in (21) , but when you meet up afterwards, you are amazed to
discover that you‘ve bought an identical T-shirt.
By (22) , you each decided to buy the same one. Many people (23)
coincidences as significant. Did you and your friend communicate with
each other in some subconscious way? What does it tell you about your friendship?
Well, the simple (24) could be that, being (25) friends, you have similar
taste in clothes.
In reality, life is (26) of coincidences, but normally we don‘t notice

them. For example, in almost fifty percent of all football matches, two players share
the same birthday. This seems surprising, (27) that there are 365 possible
birthdays in the year. But most of these matches will be played without anybody being
(28) that coincidence exists. (29) your birthday is today, you don‘t
generally tell people about it. In addition, without realising it, you probably (30)
into contact with lots of people who were born on the same day as you. But
when a coincidence brought to your attention, it still seems amazing.
Question 21: A. ahead B. advance C. previous D. beforehand
Question 22: A. chance B. fate C. fortune D. luck
Question 23: A. believe B. consider C. say D. think
Question 24: A. motivation B. explanation C. definition D. resolution
Question 25: A. strong B. close C. near D. tight
Question 26: A. rich B. crowded C. heavy D. full
Question 27: A. instead B. given C. even D. except
Question 28: A. noticed B. intelligent C. aware D. known
Question 29: A. Unless B. Whereas C. Therefore D. Meanwhile
Question 30: A. have B. come C. make D.
21. B
In advance = trước
22. A
By chance = Một cách tình cờ
23. B
To consider smt as smt = Coi cái gì là cái gì
24. B
Explanation = sự lý giải, lời giải thích
Motivation = động lực
Definition = định nghĩa
Resolution = giải pháp
25. B
Close friends = bạn thân
26. D
To be full of smt = đầy rẫy cái gì
27. B
Given that + mệnh đề = cho rằng, vì rằng
28. C

To be aware that + mệnh đề / To be aware of smt = Nhận thức được điều gì
29. A
―Unless your birthday is today, you don‘t generally tell people about it.‖ = Trừ khi ngày
sinh nhật của bạn là hôm nay, bạn thường không kể cho người ta về nó.
30. B
To come into contact with smb = tiếp xúc với, giao thiệp với ai


ID: 136148 Read the following passage and mark A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to
show the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blank.
Hanging upside down from a tall building isn‘t normally most kid‘s idea of fun,
especially if your hands and feet are tied together. But then, if you read about the life of
Ehrich Weiss, you‘ll discover he was not your (45)…………….kid. As an adult, he
(46)………….his name to Harry Houdini and went on to become a world-famous escape
artist. In fact, (47) …………..some people, he was the greatest escape artist of all time.
Born in Hungary, in 1874, Harry Houdini was (48) ………………in the USA. Around
the age of twelve, he developed a great (49) ………………in magic and started
performing card tricks in small theatres and at fun fairs. Harry later developed amazing
escape tricks, and these really drew the public‘s (50)…………
(51)……………how he was tied up- with chains, ropes or handcuffs- the great Harry
Houdini would (52)……………manage to escape. Once people had become used to his
tricks, he would develop even more dangerous ones, including escaping from water -
filled tanks and cases. Harry Houdini was a clever showman and he always managed to
get excellent (53) …………….for his shows. (54)…………….he arrived in a new town,
he would invite the police to put handcuffs on him, which, of course, he then escaped
45. A. familiar B. average C. medium D. general
46. A. turned B. replaced C. moved D. changed
47. A. according to B. believed by C. referring to D. stated by
48. A. raised by B. grown up C. come from D. brought
49. A. love B. interest C. hobby D.
50. A. attraction B. agreement C. attention D. approval
51. A. No way B. No matter C. No need D. No
52. A. yet B.quite C. still D. already

53. A. advertisement B. media C. broadcast D. publicity
54. A. Whenever B. Whatever C. Whoever D.
45. B
Average kid: đứa trẻ bình thường
46. D
Change his name to: đổi tên thành
47. A
According to sb: theo ai
48. D
Tobe brought up: được nuôi lớn
49. B
a great interest in st: niềm yêu thích lớn về cái gì
50. C
Draw one‘s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai
51. B
No matter how = however : dù thế nào đi nữa
52. C
Câu này chọn dựa vào nghĩa: cho dù anh ấy có bị trói bởi dây xích, dây thừng hay còng
tay, anh ấy vẫn cố gắng để thoát ra
53. A
Ý câu này là anh ta luôn cố gắng quảng bá thật tốt cho show diễn của mình
54. A
Câu này có nghĩa là: bất cứ khi nào anh ấy đến 1 thị trấn mới

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness
the power of International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries.
What is sometimes called ―the death of distance‖, brought about by the (55) , allow
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (57) areas. Some of
the gains can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations
range from (58)
government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (59)
market. But already a huge and expanding (60) divide is opening up between

developed and developing nations. The major tasks facing world leaders at present is to
everybody on the planet with clean water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight
preventable diseases. Installing a (62) in every classroom and liking us to
must be a lesser (64) , for the time being at least.
Question 55: A. telephone B. computer C. internet D. modern
Question 56: A. software B. equipment C. stationary D. hardware
Question 57: A. secluded B. far C. remote D. uninhabited
Question 58: A. recorded B. online C. broadcast D.
Question 59: A. shrinking B. technical C. village D. global
Question 60: A. economical B. electrical C. physical D. digital
Question 61: A. give B. administer C. donate D. supply
Question 62: A. mobile B. plug C. modem D. video
Question 63: A. the real B. outer space C. virtual reality D. cyberspace
Question 64: A. priority B. importance C. criteria D. advantage
55, áp án C
―brought about by the internet‖: làm cho, gây ra, (=caused by the internet)
56, áp án A
―software education‖: phần mềm học tập
57, áp án C
―remote areas‖: những vùng xa xôi, hẻo lánh
58, áp án B
―online government announcements‖: thông báo trực tuyến của chính phủ
59, áp án D
―global market‖: thị trường toàn cầu
60, áp án D
―Digital divide is opening up between developed and developing nations‖: con số chênh
lệch ngày càng được mở rộng giữa những quốc gia phát triển và đang phát triển
61, áp án D
―supply‖ + with: cung cấp
62, áp án C
―modem‖: bộ biến điệu (thiết bị có thể làm thay đổi tín hiệu điện tử để có thể truyền
thông tin qua đường điện thoại từ máy tính này sang máy tính khác)
63, áp án D

―cybersp ace‖: không gian tự khiển (không gian trực tuyến của mạng lưới máy tính và
64, áp án A
―priority‖: vị trí hàng đầu, ưu tiên

(137288) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
Feminism, collective term for systems of belief and theories that pay
special (24)
to women‘s rights and women‘s position in culture and society. The term tends to
be used for the women‘s rights movement, which began in the late 18 th century and
continues to campaign for complete political, social, and economic equality
between women and men. This article (25)
specifically with the development of the ideas behind that movement and their (26)
and impact.
Feminists are united by the idea that women‘s position in society is unequal
to (27)
of men, and that society is structured in such a way as to benefit men to the political,
social, economic (28)
of women. However, feminists have used different theories to explain these
(29) and
have advocated different ways of redressing inequalities, and there are marked
geographic and historical variations in the nature of feminism.
Historically, feminist thought and activity can be divided into two waves.
The first wave, which began in about 1800 and (30) until the 1930s, was
largely concerned with gaining equal rights between women and men. The second
wave, which began in the late 1960s, has continued to fight for (31)
but has also developed a (32) _ of theories and approaches that
stress the difference between women and men and that draw attention to the (33)
needs of women.
Question 24: A. attention B. benefit C. notice D. equality
Question 25: A. familiar B. deals C. provides D. initiates
Question 26: A. influence B. variation C. pressure D. problem
Question 27: A. those B. which C. most D. that
Question 28: A. deviance B. dismalness C. diffusion D. detriment
Question 29: A. equalities B. difference C. unequalities D.

Question 30: A. spent B. widened C. lasted D.
Question 31: A. equality B. freedom C. independence D. tradition
Question 32: A. sort B. range C. type D. kind
Question 33: A. specific B. general C. definite D. vague
24. A
Pay attention to smb/smt = chú ý, tập trung vào ai/cái gì
25. B
Deal with smt = xử lý, quan tâm, làm việc với cái gì
26. A
Influence = tác động, ảnh hưởng
27. D
―that of men‖ thay thế cho cụm ―men‘s position in society‖ ( không dùng
―those‖ vì position số ít)
28. D
Detriment = những hao tổn
Deviance = sự lệch lạc
Dismalness = nỗi buồn
Diffusion = sự truyền bá
29. D
―feminists have used different theories to explain these inequalities‖ =
Những người ủng hộ nữ quyền đã dùng nhiều lý thuyết khác nhau để lý
giải sự bất bình đẳng này
Equal = bình đẳng
Equality = sự bình đẳng >< inequality = sự bất bình đẳng
30. C
Last = kéo dài (cái gì kéo dài trong khoảng thời gian bao lâu, hoặc kéo dài
đến bao giờ)
31. A
Fight for equality = đấu tranh cho sự bình đẳng (vì ý chính của đoạn cũng
nói về sự bất bình đẳng giữa phụ nữ và đàn ông)
32. B
A range of + danh từ số nhiều = một loạt cái gì
33. A
Nghĩa của cụm: ―specific needs of women‖ => những nhu cầu cụ thể của
phụ nữ

- 2016
(132877) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D. For many centuries, she was
(16) only woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia's father was director of Alexandria University, and he (17) sure his
daughter had the best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had
few (18) to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (19) she began
teaching mathematics. She soon became famous (20) her knowledge of new
We have no copies of her book, (21) we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (22) several
scientific tools to help with her work.
At the (23) , many rulers were afraid of science, and (24) connected with it was
in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia (25) attacked in the street and killed.
Question 16: A. a B. the C. one D. an
Question 17: A. could B. put C. made D. said
Question 18: A. teachers B. classes C. opportunities D. customs
Question 19: A. where B. there C. how D. which
Question 20: A. for B. in C. by D. from
Question 21: A. or B. as C. because D. but
Question 22: A. did B. learnt C. experimented D. invented
Question 23: A. time B. day C. period D. year
Question 24: A. something B. anyone C. nobody D. all
Question 25: A. had B. has C. was D. is

16. B
―the only + noun‖: …duy nhất
17. C
Cụm ―make sure [of something (that)…]: làm để chắc chắn là, chắc chắn là
18. C
―opportunity‖: cơ hội
Hầu hết phụ nữ thời đó có rất ít cơ hội để học tập
19. A

―where‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, được thay thế cho Alexandria ở phía trước
20. A
Cấu trúc ―famous for…‖: nổi tiếng vì, do….
21. D
―but‖: nhưng, dùng để nối 2 vế đối lập của một câu
Chúng ta không có bản sao sách của bà ấy, nhưng chúng ta biết rằng bà đã viết nhiều tác
phẩm toán học quan trọng
22. D
―invent‖: tạo ra, sáng tạo ra
Hypatia cũng rất quan tâm đến công nghệ và sáng tạo nhiều dụng cụ để giúp ích trong
công việc
23. A
Cụm ―At the time‖: lúc đó, khi ấy
24. B
―someth ing‖: những thứ…
―anyone‖ và ―nobody‖ không dùng trong câu khẳng định
―all‖ thì không đúng, vì phía trước có từ many
25. C
ây là câu dạng bị động trong quá khứ vì hành động này đã kết thúc trong quá khứ rồi.
―was attacked‖: bị tấn công

[138044]Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 1 to 10.
The future of the daily newspaper is in danger. With changes in people‘s reading
habits and financial concerns, it seems that more and more of us are turning
(1)…………from the traditional daily newspaper as a means of getting our information
and going online or to TV news for the headlines and main stories instead. Does this
mean that newspaper will (2)…………become a thing of the past?
Many experts belie ve that newspapers will survive in some form in the future
(3)…………the convenience of the internet, their main rival. The main reason for
thinking this is that a large percentage of the population is (4)…………35 and has a
strong newspaper reading habit. For many of these people, reading newspapers is not
simply a way of getting the information about (5)…………events but part of a traditional
routine. For them, catching up with the main stories electronically from news websites or

TV news broadcast will never be a real substitute for turning the pages of a paper on the
train or at the table.
However the main competition for newspapers (6)…………from their own online
version. Access to these is currently free of charge but for how much longer? Many
newspaper corporations are (7)…………that the only way forward for all newspapers is
to charge customers to read the online versions. Apparently, surveys (8)…………that as
many as 48%of British and American consumers are prepared to pay for this service,
although they are not prepared to pay very (9)…………! Would you be willing to pay for
online access to news websites or should it continue to be free for everyone? Can you
(10)…………a world without newspapers?
Question 1:A.out B. over C. away D. forward
Question 2:A. shortly B. next C. lately D. early
Question 3:A.although B. however C. despite D. but
Question 4: A. over B. more C. after D. further
Question 5:A.modern B. current C. late D. ultimate
Question 6:A. gets B. goes C. gives D. comes
Question 7:A. accepted B. insisted C. convinced D. chosen
Question 8:A.tell B. show C. allow D. describe
Question 9 :A. lot B. much C. largely D. enough
Question 10:A. imagine B. predict C. believe D. fancy
1. C. Turn away: quay lưng,quayđi
Turn out: hóara
Turn over: đảo, lật
2. Shortly: a short time, not long
3. Despite + N = inspite of + N: mặcdù…
Although + clause= even though +clause
4. Over = above: hơn…
5. Current events: tin thờisự
6. Come from: đếntừ
7. Be convinced that clause: tin rằng
8. Show: chỉra
9. Very much: rấtnhiều
10. Imagine: form a picture in your mind of what sth might be like


[132406] Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. Mark
the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate your answer
Polar bears are in danger of dying out. (45) some other endangered
animals, it‘s not hunters that are the problem, it‘s climate change. Since 1979, the ice cap
at the Arctic Circle where the polar bears live has (46) in size by about 30
percent. The temperature in the Arctic has slowly been (47) and this is (48)
the sea ice to melt, endangering the polar bears‘ home.
The polar bears‘ main (49) of food are the different types of seal found
in the Arctic. They catch them by waiting next to the air holes the seals have (50)
in the ice. (51) the bears are very strong swimmers, they could
never catch seals in the water. This means that the bears (52) do rely on the
ice to hunt.
Polar bears also need sea ice to travel. They can (53) a huge territory
and often swim from one part of the ice to another. They have been known to swim up to
100km, but when there is less ice, they may have to swim further and this can (54)
fatal to the bears. A number of bears have drowned in the last few years and
scientists believe that it is because they were not able to reach more sea ice before they
became too tired and couldn‘t swim any further.
Question 45: A. Opposite B. Compared C. Unlike D. Different
Question 46: A. cut B. reduced C. shortened D. lost
Question 47: A. lifting B. gaining C. advancing D. rising
Question 48: A. resulting B. turning C. causing D. creating
Question 49: A. sources B. means C. origins D. materials
Question 50: A. placed B. set C. brought D. made
Question 51: A. Even B. Although C. As D. Despite
Question 52: A. really B. properly C. surely D. fully
Question 53: A. pass B. extend C. cover D. spread
Question 54: A. prove B. happen C. come D. end

45. Unlike + N: không giống như

46. reduce in size: giảm về kích thước (nội động từ)
Cut: giảm, shorten: làm ngắn lại ( ngoại động từ)
Lost (lose) : đánh mất ( nội động từ)
ở đây cần 1 nội động từ nhưng mang nghĩa là giảm
47. chọn theo nghĩa : rise: tăng

Lift: nhấc lên, gain: đạt được, advance: đưa lên, tiến lên
48. cụm từ : cause sb/st to V : làm cho ai, cái gì (phải) làm gì
49. source of food: nguồn thức ăn
50. Ở đây ý là: make (the air hole): tạo ra cái lỗ ; chờ đợi bên cạnh cái lỗ mà bọn hải cẩu
đã tạo ra
51. 2 mệnh đề mang nghĩa tương phản: mặc dù gấu là loài bơi rất giỏi nhưng chúng
chẳng bao giờ có thể bắt được hải cẩu khi ở dưới nước.
52. Chọn theo nghĩa: điều này có nghĩa là loài gấu thực sự phụ thuộc vào băng khi đi săn
53. cover a huge territory : đi được 1 vùng lớn
54. this can prove fatal to the bears: điều này có thể coi là điều không thể tránh được đối
với loài gấu


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 11 to 20.
All relationships go through difficult times. In the past, when married couples had
problems they usually didn‘t (11) . They had to either (12) with
each other or continue to live together in an unhappy relationship. Getting divorced
wasn‘t an option for most people due to economic and social reasons. Some people
believe that this wasn‘t such a bad thing. They say that relationships require
hard work and (13) .
―If a relationship is going to last a lifetime, you have to keep working at it,‖ says
Doreen, who is celebrating her fiftieth wedding anniversary this year. ―It isn‘t all
roses and romance. (14) perfect all of the time. These
days young people give up when there‘s the (15) argument.‖
Experts agree that communication is key. The most important thing is to (16)
talking. How many times have you heard yourself say to (17) , ―If only
you‘d listen!‖ or ― I wish you (18) do that!‖ The truth is, the (19) couples talk,
the better their relationship (20) be.

Question 11. A. grow up B. split up C. chat up D. make up

Question 12. A. get on B. go out C. get back D. fall out
Question 13. A. agreement B. argument C. achievement D. commitment
Question 14. A. No one B. Someone C. Anyone D. Everyone
Question 15. A. smallest B. slightest C. most violent D. most
Question 16. A. raise B. control C. stop D. keep

Question 17. A. anybody B. everyone C. somebody D. nobody
Question 18. A. wouldn‘t B. couldn‘t C. shouldn‘t D. didn‘t
Question 19. A. more B. fewer C. less D. least
Question 20. A. would B. could C. will D. can

Chọn B
―In the past, when married couples had problems they usually didn‘t split up‖: trong quá
khứ, khi mà những cặp vợ chồng có vấn đề, họ thường không li dị‖
Split up ;li dị, tan rã
Không chọn các phương án còn lại do không hợp về nghĩa
Chat up: ve vãn
Grow up: lớn lên
Make up: trang điểm
Chọn A
Get on with sb: sống hòa thuận với nhau
―They had to either get on with each other or continue to live together in an unhappy
relationship‖: hoặc là họ phải hòa hợp với nhau hoặc là tiếp tục sống cùng nhau trong cái
mối quan hệ chẳng mấy tố đẹp.
Chú ý: fall out with : cãi nhau với… ( không hợp về nghĩa)
Chọn D
―They say that relationships require hard work and commitm ent‖; họ nói rằng các
mối quan hệ cần sự cố gắng nỗ lực và trách nhiệm‖
Achievement n) sự đạt được
Chọn A
― No one perfect all of the time‖: không ai là hoàn hảo mọi lúc cả.
Chọn B
―these days young people give up when there‘s the slightest argument‖ : ngày nay,
giới trẻ từ bỏ ngay khi có một cuộc cãi vã nhỏ nhất‖
Ở đây ta không dùng ―smallest‖ (thiên về kích cỡ của đối tượng hữu hình)
Chọn D

Keep + Ving: liên tục làm gì
Chọn C
―how many times have you heard yourself say to somebody‖: bao nhiêu lần bạn vừa
nghe tự bản thân nói chuyện với ai đó‖
Chọn A
Ta có cấu trúc dùng để diễn tả ước muốn một điều gì đó xảy ra ở hiện tại:
I wish S + would (not) V…
Chọn A
Dịch câu cuối bài: sự thật là, các cặp đôi càng nói chuyện thì mối quan hệ càng trở nên
tốt đẹp‖
Cấu trúc: The + So sánh hơn… , The + So sánh hơn…: càng… càng
Không chọn D do ―least‖ là so sánh hơn nhất, không chọn B và C do không hợp nghĩa.
Chọn D
Không chọn A và B do câu đang nói về vấn đề ở hiện tại, không phải trong quá khứ
Không chọn C do ―can‖ dùng để diễ tả khả năng xảy ra của hành động.


(143362) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
(55) history, women have always aimed for a recognized place in
(56) Guided by their own (57) of knowledge and expertise, women
like Marie Curie in science, Mary Wollstonecraft in literary writing, Simone de Beauvois
in philosophical existentialist debate, and Marie Stopes in medicine, to name a few, have
brought about (58) awareness of the role of women in any walks of life. These
women have helped redefine and (59) the nature of women‘s place in society.
Today the (60) of global women's organizations and the impact of women's
contributions (61) society show that progress has been made and the progress in
furthering the role of women in society has been some benefits to the
(62) woman. It is true to say that not all women have the same need. The need
of the woman who stays at home and (63) children will differ widely from the
woman who works outside. Nonetheless, in the extensive field of equal opportunities, it
would be good to know that access is given to both with equal measure according to the
true value of respective abilities. It also would be good to know that the woman at home

is recognized as a valued (64) of society just as much as the one who deals with
business outside the home.
Question 55: A. Among B. Throughout C. During D. Upon
Question 56: A. society B. social C. socialize D. socialist
Question 57: A. region B. farm C. field D. path
Question 58: A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 59: A. gain B. encourage C. force D.
Question 60: A. right B. belief C. limit D. spread
Question 61: A. on B. for C. to D. at
Question 62: A. own B. private C. individual D. personal
Question 63: A. rises B. raises C. increases D. lift
Question 64: A. party B. competitor C. partner D. member
55. B
Throughout history = trong suốt chiều dài lịch sử
56. A
In society = trong xã hội
Social = thuộc về xã hội, mang tính xã hội
Socialize = xã hội hóa
Socialist = nhà xã hội học
57. C
Field of knowledge and expertise = lĩnh vực hiểu biết và chuyên môn
58. B
Trước danh từ ―awareness‖ cần một mạo từ xác định: ―an‖ vì danh từ bắt đầu
bằng nguyên âm ―a‖
59. D
To consolidate smt = củng cố cái gì
60. D
Spread = lan truyền, sự lan rộng
Right = quyền
Belief = niềm tin
Limit = sự giới hạn, danh giới
61. C
Contribution to smt = sự đóng góp vào cái gì
62. C

―some benefits to the individ ual woman‖ = một số lợi ích cho cá nhân phụ nữ
=> dùng ―individual‖ để nhấn mạnh tính cá nhân, từng cá thể.
63. B
To raise children = nuôi trẻ nhỏ
64. D
―a valued member of the society‖ = một thành viên đáng coi trọng của xã hội


(128040 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks .
Our family has got many books. All the …(33)……… of our family buy books
and read them. My mother says that books help us in self-education. In ancient times,
books ……(34)…… written by hand. It was difficult to write a book …(35)……… a
pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important ……(36)…. in the
development of literature and culture. Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are
many books in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all books …(37)……… we want to
read. That‘s why we get books in public libraries. There are some problems in our life
and sometimes it is difficult to ……(38)… them. I think that books can help us. Last year
I read a very interesting book ― An American Tragedy‖ by Theodore Dreiser.
This novel was …(39)…… at the beginning of the 20 th century. The novel
……(40)……. The tragic fate of a boy and a girl, Clyde and Roberta ……(41)……
name. It is a sad story. This novel was written many years ago, but it is …(42)………
nowadays. Books must be our friends during our life.
Question 33: A. members B. partners C. groups D. relates
Question 34: A. are B. were C. have D. had
Question 35: A. in B. by C. with D. at
Question 36: A. step B. stage C. chain D. role
Question 37: A. who B. which C. when D. where
Question 38: A. deal B. imagine C. create D. solve
Question 39: A. published B. presented C. opened D.
Question 40: A. writes B. prescribes C. describes D. mentions
Question 41: A. on B. by C. of D. with
Question 42: A. amazing B. favorite C. popular D. worth
33. A
―member‖: thành viên, cụm ―family members‖: những thành viên trong gia đình

34. B
Dạng bị động ở quá khứ, với chủ ngữ là ―books‖ (số nhiều) nên động từ to be phù hợp là
35. C
―with‖: với, ―write a book with a pen‖: viết sách với một chiếc bút. Lưu ý, ở đây không
dùng ―by‖
36. D
―role‖: vai trò, cụm ―play an important/essential/…role‖ rất thường gặp trong tiếng Anh
37. B
―which‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho ―all books‖
38. D
―solve‖: giải quyết
―imagine‖: tưởng tượng
―create‖: tạo ra
―deal‖ + with: giải quyết, đối phó
39. A
―publish‖: phát hành, xuất bản (sách, tạp chí...)
40. C
―describ e‖ (v): miêu tả
―prescribe‖: khuyên dùng, hướng dẫn điều trị
―mention‖: nhắc đến
41. B
―by name‖ : [bằng] tên, [theo] danh
42. C
―popular‖: nổi tiếng. Cuốn sách được viết từ nhiều năm trước, nhưng vẫn nổi tiếng ngày


(ID: 128506 )Read the passage carefully and fill in each numbered blank with one
suitable word or phrase.
The University of Oxford, informally called "Oxford University", or simply
"Oxford", (35) in the city of Oxford, in England, is (36) oldest university
in the English-speaking world. It is also considered as one of the world's leading (37)
institutions. The university traces, its roots back to at least the end of the 11th
century, (38) the exact date of foundation remains unclear. Academically, Oxford
is consistently ranked in the world's top ten universities. The University is also open (39)

overseas students, primarily from American universities, who may (40) in
study abroad programs during the summer months for more than a century, it has served
as the home of the Rhodes Scholarship, (41) _ brings highly accomplished students
from a number of countries to study at Oxford as (42) . The University of Oxford
is also a place where many talented leaders from all over the world used to study. Twenty-
five British Prime Ministers attended Oxford, including Margaret Thatcher and Tony
Blair. At (43) 25 other international leaders have been educated at Oxford,
and this number includes King Herald V of Norway and King Abdullah II of Jordan. Bill
Clinton is the first American President to attend Oxford. Forty-seven Nobel (44) _
winners have studied or taught at Oxford.
35. A. put B. placed C. located D. stood
36. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
37. A. learning B. academic C. graduating D. scholar
38. A. although B. because C. since D. if
39. A. to B. for C. from D. up
40. A. write B. name C. enroll D. require
41. A. that B. where C. whose D. which
42. A. postgraduates B. postgraduated C. postgraduation D. postgraduating
43. A. last B. least C. late D. lately
44. A. present B. gift C. medal D. prize
35. áp án: C
― _ in the city of Oxford, in England‖ : ở thành phố Oxford, nước Anh-> cần tìm từ
chỉ vị trí : ―located‖= nằm ở.
36. áp án: C
― oldest university‖-> có tính từ so sánh hơn nhất -> cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất với tính
từ ngắn: S+ tobe+ the+ adj_est+ N.
37. áp án: B
Trước danh từ ―institutions‖ cần điền 1 tính từ -> chỉ có ―academic‖(adj)= tính học thuật,
các từ còn lại là danh từ hoặc dạng V_ing.
38. áp án: B
Dịch câu 3: Vết tích đại học, nó có nguồn gốc ít nhất cuối thế kỷ 11,… ngày thành lập
chính xác không rõ ràng. -> vế sau giải thích cho về đầu -> ―because‖.

39. áp án: B
Open for= mở cửa cho.
40. áp án: C
―who may in study abroad programs‖ : người có thể… trong các chương trình học
ở nước ngoài->Enroll= ghi danh.
41. áp án: D
―Rhodes Scholarship, brings‖ -> đại từ quan hệ cần điền chỉ vật giữ chức năng chủ
ngữ-> which. Không dùng ―that‖ vì trong câu có dấu phẩy ―,‖.
42. áp án: B
Postgraduates= các nghiên cứu sinh, các từ còn lại không tồn tại.
43. áp án: B
At least= ít nhất, dễ dàng chọn được đáp án vì cụm ừ này đã xuất hiện ở câu thứ 3.
44. áp án: D
Present = gift= quà tặng, medal= huy chương, prize= giải thưởng. Nobel prize: giả
thưởng Nobel.


131781 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the blanks.
All plants rely on nutrients taken from the soil in order to survive. However, in areas
where the soil does not contain enough (35) nutrients, some plants have adapted to
(36) their diets from another source: living organisms. Though they are few in num ber,
carnivor ous plants are (37) _ fascinating beings that ―eat‖ anything from one-
celled organisms to insects in order to survive. They are commonly found in marshlands.
Carnivorous plants feature one of several types of ―traps‖ to ensnare prey, which they
consume to make up for nutrients that may be missing from the soil. While there are over
400 species of carnivorous plants in the world today, some are more (38) than
The most well-known of these plants are the snap traps, which include the Venus flytrap.
Snap traps are easily identified by their leaves, which are separated into two lobes that
have the ability to fold together. Inside the lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs
that are (39) to movement. When the plant‘s prey brushes against the hairs, it
triggers a closing mechanism that rapidly brings the two lobes together, trapping the prey
(40) inside. The response of the traps is phenomenal (41) speed: the time
between triggering the hairs and snapping shut is less than a second. As the prey struggles
inside the trap, it only triggers more hairs, causing the leaves to tighten their (42) .
The plant then secrets liquid chemicals from special glands into the trap to dissolve the
prey and absorb all of its nutrients. Besides the Venus flytrap, only one other type of snap
trap exists today, (43) to as the waterwheel plant. The two share a common
ancestor and differ only in a few ways. For instance, the waterwheel is an aquatic plant,
while the flytrap is exclusively terrestrial. In addition, the flytrap feeds primarily on
arthropods like spiders, while the waterwheel lives (44) simple invertebrates, like
certain types of plankton.
Question 35: A. critical B. vital C. crucial D.
Question 36: A. modify B. enlarge C. augment D.
Question 37: A. nonetheless B. though C. contradictorily D. yet
Question 38: A. prevalent B. current C. domineering D. prevailing
Question 39: A. vulnerable B. liable C. prone D. sensitive
Question 40: A. closely B. securely C. irreplaceably D. steadily
Question 41: A. in accordance with B. in preference to C. in regard to D. on merits
Question 42: A. fist B. hold C. seizure D. grip
Question 43: A. denoted B. referred C. indicated D. implicated
Question 44: A. off B. onto C. though D. with


35. Chọn B ―vital‖ nghĩa là ―cần thiết, thiết yếu‖.
36. Chọn D ―supplement‖ nghĩa là ―bổ sung‖.
37. Chọn A ―nonetheless‖ nghĩa là ―tuy nhiên‖ từ duy nhất nằm được ở giữa câu.
38. Chọn A ―prevalent‖ nghĩa là ―phổ biến‖.
39. Chọn D ―sensitive‖ nghĩa là ―nhạy cảm, nhạy bén‖.
40. Chọn B ―securely‖ nghĩa là ―một cách an toàn, vững chắc‖.
41. Chọn C ―in regard to‖ nghĩa là ―khi xét về khía cạnh‖.
42. Chọn D ―grip‖ nghĩa là ―cái kìm‖ ở đây chỉ ―bộ phận của cây dùng để kẹp, có khả
năng mở ra, khép vào‖.
43. Chọn B ―referred‖ nghĩa là ―được nhắc tới‖
44. Chọn A ―off‖ vì ―live off‖ là cụm động từ nghĩa là sống dựa vào nguồn trợ cấp,
nguồn thức ăn, dinh dưỡng nào.


133400Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is relatively easy for computers to speak. A computer that says ‗please‘ and ‗thank
you‘ in the right places is (35) miracle of science ,but recognizing the words that
make up normal , continuous human speech is another (36)
Not until now have computer been programmed to (37) to a range of spoken
commands.Until recently it was thought that computers would have tobe programmed to
the accent and speech hahits of each user,and only then would be able to respond(38)
to their master‘s or mistress‘s voice.Now rapid progress is being made (39)
systems programmed to adapt easily to each new speaker.
The IBM Tangora system,under development at the end of 1980s was claimed to (40)
a spoken vocabulary of 20,000 words with 95 percent accuracy. The system
includes a processor that can make informed guesses as to(41) is a likely
sentence.That system has been programmed not only with grammatical rules,but also
with an analyssis of a vast quantity of office correspondence.On the(42)
of this information ,the machine can calculate the probability of one particular word
following another.
Statistical probability is necessary for computers to interpret not only speech but also
(43) data.
Security systems can distinguish between faces they have been taught to recognize,but
never has a computer
been able to match a human‘s ability to make sense of a three-dimemsional scene
(44) identifying all objects in it.
(From ‘Heinle & Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant .Grammar’ by Milada
Question 35: A. no B. not C. nothing D. none
Question 36: A. problem B. topic C. matter D. theme
Question 37: A. talk B. answer C. communicate D. react
Question 38: A. truly B. completely C. accurately D. right
Question 39: A. with B. for C. within D. as
Question 40: A. know B. recognize C. master D. realize
Question 41: A. which B. what C. how D. that
Question 42: A. Foundation B. principle C. ground D. basis
Question 43: A. visual B. noticeable C. seen D. visible
Question 44: A. from B. by C. of D. without

Không chọn C và D do sau đó là danh từ.
Trong 2 đáp án A và B, đáp án A hợp lý hơn vì nếu dùng ―not‖ cần thêm mạo từ vào
trước danh từ ―miracle‖
Ở đây không dùng ―theme‖ và ―topic‖ nghĩa là chủ đề, không hợp nghĩa
Problem: vấn đề nan giải thật sự cần giải quyết
Matter: vấn đề chung đang được tranh cãi
Không chọn A do không hợp nghĩa dịch
Không chọn B do sau ―answer‖ là tân ngữ
Không chọn C do ta có cấu trúc ―communicate with st‖: giao tiếp với…
Chọn C ( react to (v) nghĩa là phản ứng lại với)
Respond accurately to: trả lời 1 cách chính xác tới…
With N: với…( chỉ phương tiện)=> Chọn A hợp nghĩa câu
Master(v) làm chủ
Không chọn A và C do không hợp nghĩa câu
Không chọn D do ―realize‖ có nghĩa là nhận ra 1 điều gì đó
― recognize‖ nhận dạng
=) B
Dịch câu: hệ thống bao gồm 1 máy xử lý cái mà đưa ra những dự đoán đầy thông tin
xem câu có khả năng là gì
Chọn B( không chọn A do từ để hỏi ―which‖ thường dùng danh từ sau đó)
On the basis of…; dựa trên cơ sở
Foundation(n) sự thành lập
Principle(n) quy tắc
=) D
Dùng tính từ ―‘visual‖ với ―data‖ => chọn A
Không chọn ―noticeable‖( đáng chú ý); ―visible‖ (hữu hình)
By identifying…: bằng việc xác định …
Các giới từ khác không phù hợp về nghĩa.

(140941)Read the passage and choose the best option to complete each of the blanks
British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time gluing to
the telly and not enough (37) _ other activities like sports and reading. A survey
recently carried out on people's viewing habits (38) not disapprove it. It shows that
young people in Britain spend on (39) twenty three hours a week in front of the
television, (40) works out at over three hours every day.
What is surprising, however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an
incredible 28 hours a week. We seem to have become a nation of telly addicts. Just about
(41) household in the country has a television and over half have two or more.
According (42) the survey, people nowadays don't just watch television sitting in
their living room, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as well.
The Education Minister said a (43) weeks ago that Britain's pupils should spend more
time reading. Unfortunately, parents are not setting a good example: adults do (44)
reading than young people. In fact, reading is (45) the bottom of their list of favorite
pastimes. They would (46) listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to
watch on their television at home.
Question 37. A. in B. For C. at D. on
Question 38. A. is B. has C. do D. does
Question 39. A. weekend B. Sunday C. average D. time
Question 40. A. where B. who C. what D. which
Question 41. A. every B. none C. neither D. all
Question 42. A. to B. on C. for D. with
Question 43. A. few B. little C. lot D. number
Question 44. A. most B. better C. more D. less.
Question 45. A. at B. to C. on D. in
Question 46. A. rather B. like C. had better D. prefer
37. B – enough for something (đủ cho cái gì)
38. D – cần trợ động từ ‗does‘ cho chủ ngữ số ít,thì hiện tại đơn.
39. C – on average (trung bình là).
40. D – đại từ quan hệ (relative pronoun) ‗which‘ thay thế cho chủ ngữ là sự vật, sự
41. A – every + danh từ số ít đếm được.
42. A – According to + dạnh từ.

43. A – A few (một vài) + danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
44. D – Dựa vào nghĩa của cụm từ trước: ―Unfortunately, parents are not setting a
good example:…‖ (Không may thay, cha mẹ không tạo ra tấm gương tốt: người
lớn đọc sách ít hơn cả giới trẻ.) => ‗less‘.
45. A – at bottom of (dưới đáy cái gì, xếp cuối cùng).
46. A – would rather (Thích hơn).


(140080) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 33 to 42.
If you‘ve been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language
you‘ll know that success doesn‘t come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another
language well and constant (33) to maintain the high standards required for
frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audio cassettes, computers or
on your (34) sooner or (35) _ every language course finishes and you must
decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career. Business Audio
Magazine is a new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that
fits easily into your busy schedule. Each audio cassette (36) of an hour -long
program packed with business news, features and interviews in the language of your
choice. These cassettes won‘t teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It‘s (37)
that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the
language as it‘s really spoken, they help you to (38) _ your vocabulary and i mprove
your ability to use real language relating to, for example, that all-important marketing
trip. The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they (39) you to perfect
your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can select a topic
and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other business course is as (40)
and the unique radio magazine format is as instructive as it‘s entertaining. In
addition to the audio cassette, this package includes a transcript with a business glossary
and a study (41) . The components are structured so that intermediate and advanced
students may use separately or together, (42) on their ability.
Question 1: A. exercise B. performance C. practice D.
Question 2: A. self B. individual C. personal D. own
Question 3: A. after B. then C. later D.

Question 4: A. consists B. includes C. contains D.
Question 5: A. insisted B. acquired C. asserted D.
Question 6: A. prolong B. extend C. spread D. lift
Question 7: A. allow B. let C. support D.
Question 8: A. adjustable B. flexible C. convertible D.
Question 9: A. addition B. supplement C. extra D.
Question 10: A. according B. depending C. relating D.
1. C
Dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng: constant practice: sự luyện tập không ngừng
Exercise: luyện tập (thể thao); performance: màn biểu diễn; operator: thợ máy
2. D
Cụm từ đi liền: on one‘s own = by oneself : tự bản thân
3. C
Ở đây ta chọn later (muộn hơn) sau liên từ or (hoặc) để thể hiện sự đối lập với tính từ
trước đó: sooner (sớm hơn)
4. A
Sử dụng cấu trúc: to consist of st: bao gồm
Include st = contain st = involve st: bao gồm
5. D
dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng: to be assumed: được thừa nhận
insist: khăng khăng; acquire: thu được, đạt được; assert: khẳng định, quả quyết
6. B
Dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng: To extend/widen/broaden: mở rộng
To prolong: kéo dài; spread: lan rộng; lift: nâng
7. A
To allow sb to do st: cho phép ai làm gì
Let sb do st: để ai làm gì; support: cổ vũ; offer: đề nghị
8. B
Dựa vào nghĩa ta chọn đáp án đúng: be flexible: linh hoạt
Be adjustable: có thể điều chỉnh được; convertible: có thể đổi; variable: đa dạng

9. B
Study supplement: phần học phụ thêm
Manuscript: bản thảo
10. B
Sử dụng cấu trúc: to depend on: phụ thuộc vào
According to: theo như; relate to: liên quan tới; base on: dựa vào, căn cứ vào


(ID: 130075 )Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase the best fits each of the number
According to a recent TV program, noise pollution is becoming an increasingly serious
problem. Background noise such as (18)_ , police sirens and aeroplanes is growing
year by year, and complaints to the police are becoming more and more (19) .
However, for people like Mary Norman, who lives close to London Heathrow airport, the
situatio n is particularly bad. ―It‘s becoming very difficult to (20) a normal family
life,‘ she told an interviewer, ‗because the planes start first thing in the morning. They
make a terrible noise, as you can imagine, and it (21) on all day long. Of course I
have complained about it but nobody takes any notice. I‘m fed (22) with living
here, but unfortunately I can‘t afford to move.‖
Researchers believe that the problem is getting worse. They have found that people who
are exposed to high levels of noise become (23) aggressive. Take the case of Henry
Wilson, who was (24) mad by a neighbor who insisted on playing his music at full
volume. One night, he finally lost his (25) . After being forced to listen to heavy
metal songs for hours, he burst into his neighbor‘s house, poured petrol all over the
carpets and (26) to set fire to the place.
When he finally appeared in court, the judge was surprisingly understanding. He
(27) to send him to jail, saying that he had suffered enough.
Question 18. A. circulation B. congestion C. traffic D. transport
Question 19. A. often B. repeat C. frequent D. continual
Question 20. A. lead B. take C. hold D. guide
Question 21. A. spends B. goes C. lasts D. continues
Question 22. A. up with B. in on C. about with D. out of
Question 23. A. much B. many C. most D. more
Question 24. A. turned B. forced C. pushed D. driven
Question 25. A. mood B. calm C. temper D. humor

Question 26. A. agreed B. promised C. warned D. threatened
Question 27. A. refused B. objected C. denial D. avoided
18. áp án: C
Circulation=sự tuần hoàn, congestion= tắc nghẽn, traffic=giao thông, transport= chuyên
chở. ―Background noise such as , police sirens and aeroplanes‖: nguồn gốc tiếng ồn
bao gồm …., còi cảnh sát và máy bay. -> Giao thông gây ra tiếng ồn.
19. áp án: C
Become + adj-> ―frequently‖. Dịch: những lời phàn nàn với cảnh sát ngày càng thường
xuyen hơn. Các từ còn lại không hợp nghĩa, often (phó từ), repeated= lặp lại, continual=
tiếp diễn.
20. áp án: A
Lead= sống, trải qua.->: lead a normal family life: sống một cuộc sống gia đình bình
21. áp án: B
Go on= tiếp diễn, các từ còn lại không kết hợp với giới từ ―on‖.
22. áp án: A
Cấu trúc: tobe+ fed up with: chán ngấy.
23. áp án: D
Become more+ adj: trở lên… hơn, dạng giống câu 19.
24. áp án: D
Dạng chủ động: drive sbd mad. Bị động: Tobe driven mad: bị làm cho phát điên.
25. áp án: C
Cấu trúc: lose one‘s temper: mất bình tĩnh.
26. áp án: D
Threaten + to V: đe dọa làm gì. Dịch: Sau khi buộc phải nghe hàng giờ loại nhạc nặng,
anh ấy xông vào nhà hàng xóm, đổ xăng quanh thảm và đe dọa đốt nhà.
27. áp án: A
Refuse + to V: từ chối làm gì. Dịch: anh ấy từ chối việc bị gửi đến tù vì đã chịu đựng quá


(ID: 143084 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 35 to 44.
Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and that they are (35)

our lives for the better by making everything faster and more reliable, but I am
not so sure that this is the (36) .The other day I was standing in a large
department store waiting to pay for a couple of films for my camera (37)
he assistant announced that the computer which controlled the till (38)
working. I did not think this was a big problem and I (39) to find
another counter, but of course, all the machines are part of the same system. So there
we were: a shop full of customers, money at the ready, waiting to (40) our
purchases, but it was quite clear that none of the assistants knew what to do.
They were not allowed to take our money and give to customers a written(41)
,because the sales wouldn‟t then have been recorded on the computer system.
In the end, (42) many other people, I left my
shopping on the counter and walked out .Don't you think so that's ridiculous? It (43)
never have happened before computers, and that, for me, is the problem: we
are beginning to depend on these machines so completely that we (44) cannot
manage without them anymore.
Question 35: A. exchanging B. altering C. transforming D. changing
Question 36: A. truth B. case C. reality D. practice
Question 37: A. but B. so C. when D. then
Question 38: A. had stopped B. has stopped C. stopped D. would
Question 39: A. went out B. set out C. went off D. set off
Question 40: A. do B. make C. pay D. carry out
Question 41: A. ticket B. bill C. receipt D. label
Question 42: A. like B. as C. the same as D. such as
Question 43: A. should B. would C. ought to D. might
Question 44: A. justly B. merely C. only D. simply
35. áp án: D
Change= thay đổi, exchange= trao đổi, alter= thay thế, transform+ into= biến đổi.
Dịch: và nó thay đổi cuộc sống của chúng ta cho thứ tốt hơn.
36. áp án: B
Case= lý do, truth= reality= sự thật, practice= thói quen. Dịch: nhưng tôi không chắc
về đây là lý do hợp lý.
37. áp án: C
Câu này kể lại các sự việc diễn ra kế tiếp nhau -> ―when‖. Dịch: khi tôi đang đứng
xếp hàng đợi thanh toán thì người trợ lý thông báo…
38. áp án: A
Sự việc xảy ra trước một sự việc khác trong quá khứ -> QKHT: S+ had+ PP.

39. áp án: D
Set off= bắt đầu, set out= lên đường, go off= rời đi, go out= ra ngoài. Dịch: tôi không
nghĩ đó là vấn đề lớn và tôi bắt đầu tìm quầy hàng khác.
40. áp án: B
Make a purchase= thanh toán hóa đơn mua hàng.
41. áp án: C
Receipt= biên lai. Dịch: họ không được phép lấy tiền và gửi lại khác hàng biên lại
thanh toán.
42. áp án: A
Like + N, As+ Clause: giống như.
43. áp án: B
Would have+ PP: nói về việc mình giả thiết xảy ra trong quá khứ.
44. áp án: D
Simply= một cách tuyệt đối, merely= only= just= chỉ. Dịch: chúng ta hoàn toàn không
thể quảm lý được khi thiếu chúng.


(ID: 144577 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 45 to 54.
It can (45) along time to become successful in your chosen field, however
talented you are. One thing you have to be (46) of is that you will face
criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something
negative than positive. If you‘ve made up your (47) _ to achieve a certain goal,
such as writing a novel, don‘t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from
reaching your (48) and let constructive criticism have a positive (49)
on your work. If someone says you‘re totally (50) in talent, ignore
them. That‘s negative criticism. If, however, someone advises you to revise your work
and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (51) their suggestions
carefully. There are many film stars who were once out of (52) . There are
many famous novelists who made a complete (53) of their first novel - or
who didn‘t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get
it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a certain extent. But things are
more likely to (54) well if you persevere and stay positive.
Question 45: . A. be B. have C. take D. do
Question 46: . A. kept in mind B. clever C. intelligent D. aware
Question 47: . A. mind B. thought C. decision D. idea

Question 48: A. purpose B. objectives C. target D. destination
Question 49: A. affect B. effect C. result D. change
Question 50: A. lacking B. short C. incapable D. interested
Question 51: A. cautious B. consider C. reckon D. remember
Question 52: A. career B. business C. job D. work
Question 53: A. mess B. success C. effort D. money
Question 54: A. get out B. carry out C. turn out D. bring out
45. áp án: C
Take+ time= tốn thời gian.
46. áp án: D
To be aware of= nhận thức về.
47. áp án: A
Made up your mind= ra quyết định.
48. áp án: C
Reach target= đạt mục tiêu. Dịch: đừng để bất cứ bình phẩm tiêu cực nào ngăn cản bạn
đạt mục tiêu của mình.
49. áp án: B
Dịch(tiếp): và để những lời nhận xét tích cực của người khác có … tích cực đến công
việc của bạn-> effect.
50. áp án: A
Dịch: nếu ai đó nói bạn hoàn toàn … tài năng, bỏ mặc họ. -> lacking= thiếu.
51. áp án: B
Cautious= cẩn thận, consider = xem xét, reckon= tính vào. Dịch: nếu ai đó khuyên bạn
nên xem lại công việc và đưa ra những lý do phù hợp cho việc đó, thì bạn nên… lời gợi ý
của học 1 cách cẩn thận->consider.
52. áp án: D
Out of work= thất nghiệp.
53. áp án: A
Mess= tình trạng rối ren. Dịch: có rất nhiều tiểu thuyết gia những người mà có tình trang
rối ren thật sự với quyển sách đầu tay hoặc những người không bị, thì họ đều phải đến
hàng trăm nhà xuất bản trước khi quyển sách được xuất bản.
54. áp án: C
Turn out= trở lên, bring sth out= làm rõ, cary out= thực hiện, get out= bị lộ ra. Dịch:
nhưng mọi thứ có vẻ như trở lên tốt đẹp nếu bạn kiên và giữ được sự lạc quan.


(ID: 127164 )Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
The role of translation enabling literature to pass beyond its natural frontiers is receiving
growing recognition. In view of the general increase in this (30) , it is not surprising
that many people with literary interests and a knowledge of languages should think of
adopting translating as a full-or part-time (31) . Some advice may usefully be given
to such would-be translators.
The first difficulty the beginner will (32) is the unwillingness of publishers to
entrust a translator to anyone who has not already (33) a reputation for sound work.
The least publishers will (34)_ before commissioning a translator is a fairly lengthy
specimen of the applicant‘s work, even if unpublished. Perhaps the best way the would-
be translator can begin is to select some books of the type (35) _ he or she feel s
competent and eager to translate, translate a (36) section of the book and then
submit the book and the translation to a suitable publisher. If he or she is extremely
lucky, this may result in a commission to translate the book. More probably, however,
publishers will(37) the book as such but if they are favorably (38) by the translation,
they may very possibly commission some other books of a (39) nature which they
already have in mind.
Question 30: A. field B. category C. class D. group
Question 31: A. occupation B. employment C. line D. work
Question 32: A. reveal B. encounter C. involve D. introduce
Question 33: A. formed B. set C. found D. established
Question 34: A. direct B. instruct C. oblige D. demand
Question 35: A. which B. where C. when D. whose
Question 36: A. plentiful B. large C. grand D. substantial
Question 37: A. reject B. exclude C. disapprove D. object
Question 38: A. affected B. convinced C. taken D. impressed
Question 39: A. joint B. same C. common D. similar
30. áp án: A
Field= lĩnh vực, category= mục lục, class= lớp, group= nhóm.
31. áp án: A
Occupation= công việc( thường được dùng trong văn viết trang trọng), employment=
công việc ( thường mang tính chất là có việc làm), line= chuyên môn, work= công việc
(thiên về lao động chân tay hơn). Bài viết đưa thông tin nên mang tính trang trọng->
32. áp án: B

Reveal= nhận ra, encounter= đụng độ, involve= đòi hỏi, introduce= giới thiệu. Sau từ
cần điền là ―the unwillingness of publishers‖-> mang tính tiêu cực-> Encounter.
33. áp án: D
Form= hình thành, Set= đặt, find= tìm kiếm, establish= chứng minh. Dựa vào câu: ―the
unwillingness of publishers to entrust a translator to anyone who has not already
(33) a reputation for sound work‖ : nhà xuất bản không sẵn sang giao việc dịch thuật
cho những ai không (chứng minh) được tài năng để thành thạo công việc.
34. áp án: D
Direct= hướng dẫn, instruct= đào tạo, oblige= bắt buộc, demand= yêu cầu. Dựa vào câu
trên,dịch giả phải có trình độ từ trước-> không thể được ―direact‖, ―instruct‖; cũng không
dùng được từ ―oblige‖ vì nghĩa tiêu cực-> ―demand‖ thể hiện được yêu cầu cao của nhà
xuất bản với dịch giả.
35. áp án: A
―select some books of the type (35) he or she feels competent and eager to
translate‖:lựa chọn những cuốn sách của loại…. anh hay cô ấy thấy thành thạo hoặc hứng
thú.->đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật bổ nghĩ cho ―the type‖ -> Which.
36. áp án: D
Plentiful= đầy, large= rộng, grand= lớn, substantial=quan trọng. ―, translate a
(36) section of the book‖->tìm tính từ phù hợp bổ nghĩa cho Section
37. áp án: A
Reject= loại bỏ, exclude= đuổi đi, disapprove= object= phản đối. ―Publisher will…. The
book‖-> Chọn từ Reject phù hợp về nghĩa nhất.
38. áp án: D
Affect = thiếu tự nhiên, convinced= chắc chắn, impressed=gây ấn tượng. ―publishers
the book as such but if they are favorably__by the translation‖:Nhà xuất bản sẽ ( loại
bỏ) cuốn sách nhưng nếu chúng tốt….bởi bản dịch‖ -> tính từ mang nghĩ tích cực->
39. áp án: D
Joint= common= chung, same= giống, similar= tương tự. ―some books of a… nature
which they already have in mind‖: những cuốn sách…loại mà họ có sẵn trong trí óc.->
loại sách tương tự.


(128541) Read the passage and choose the best answer among A,B,C,D for each gap to
complete it.

Most people feel that when they dream, they are (35) off to another world.
On the (36)_ , dreams are often connected to our daily lives. When our whole
(37) is filled with something, when we are either very upset (38) _
when we are in good spirit, a dream will represent this reality in symbols. It is often
(39) that we benefit from dreams because they help the spirit to heal itself when
things (40) wrong. Dreams are therefore a kind of escape, almost a holiday
from (41)_ life, with its fears and responsibilities. It is, however, a strange
kind of holiday because whether we have a wonderful time or whether it turns
(42) to be a nightmare, we quickly forget it. Most dreams disappear forever,
(43) you are one of those people disciplined enough to write them down as
soon as you (44) .

35. A. taken B. guided C. brought D. carried

36. A. contrast B. contrary C. other side D. opposite
37. A. spirit B. mind C. brain D. soul
38. A. unless B. but also C. or else D. or
39. A. said B. spoken C. declared D. started
40. A. become B. go C. turn D. get
41. A. real B. factual C. genuine D. actual
42. A. off B. up C. out D. down
43. A. except that B. therefore C. thus D. unless
44. A. wake up B. arise C. awake D. rise up
―carry off‖ (to): chuyển đến, được mang đến
―On the contrary‖ = ―In contrast‖: Trái lại, ngược lại
―mind‖: tâm trí
―spirit‖: tinh thần, linh hồn
―brain‖: bộ não
―soul‖: tâm hồn
―or‖: hoặc, tồn tại một trong các trường hợp
―It is said that…‖: nó được nói rằng…

Cụm ―go wrong‖: phạm sai lầm, gặp rắc rối..
―real life‖: cuộc sống thực
―turn out‖: biến thành, trở thành
―unless‖: trừ khi = if not
―wake up‖ (v): tỉnh dậy


(ID: 131321 )Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining
of two families, rather (50) the joining of two individuals. The event (51)
Taerye (Great Ritual), and people from all over the village or neighborhood participated.
The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual marriage were long and (52) .
Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage, with the new couple
often meeting for the first time at their wedding! The families considered many factors in
the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (53) about the couple's future life
together. During the Chosun period, people married (54) their early teens, with
the girl often being several years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there
for three days (55) taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual
ceremony involved many small rituals, with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (56)
were expected to control their emotions and remain somber.
(57) Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern
ceremonies resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (58) Korean ones.
However, many folk villages and museums across the country regularly perform
ceremonies to (59) the traditions alive.
Question 50. A. as B. more C. than D. more than
Question 51. A. is often called B. often called C. was often called D. has often called
Question 52. A. elaborate B. elaborately C. elaboration D. elaborateness
Question 53. A. predictions B. attentions C. situations D. evaluations
Question 54. A. for B. in C. on D. from
Question 55. A. soon B. ago C. before D. then
Question 56. A. examiners B. competitors C. contests D. participants

Question 57. A. As B. Although C. As though D. If only
Question 58. A. traditional B. old C. ancient D. antique
Question 59. A. catch B. hold C. grip D. keep
50. áp án: C
Rather than: hơn là, thay vì.
51. áp án: C
Chủ ngữ của câu là ―the event‖ là danh từ số ít chỉ sự kiện nên động từ chia dạng bị động
số ít. ->loại đáp án B,D. Sự kiện này diễn ra trong quá khứ nên tobe chia ở quá khứ đơn
―was‖-> chọn C.
52. áp án: A
And dùng để liệt kê các từ có cùng dạng. Long (adj)-> cần tìm tính từ -> elaborate (adj) =
kỹ lưỡng.
53. áp án: A
―fortune tellers for about the couple's future life together‖: thầy bói… về tương
lại 2 vợ chồng-> prediction= lời tiên đoán, attention= thu hút, situation= tình huống,
evaluation= ước lượng.
54. áp án: B
Dùng giới từ ―in‖ với độ tuổi. ―people married in their early teens‖ mọi người kết hôn ở
tuổi vị thành niên.
55. áp án: C
Before + V_ing/N: là mệnh đề chỉ thời gian. Dịch: chú rể thường đến nhà cô dau và ở đó
3 ngày trươc khi đưa cô dâu về nhà mình.
56. áp án: D
―The actual ceremony involved many small rituals… The were expected to control
their emotions and remain somber‖ Dịch: nghi lễ thông thường gồm nhiều nghi thức
nhỏ… Người … được mong là điều khiển được cảm xúc và duy trì sự điềm tĩnh -> từ
thích hợp ―participants‖= người tham gia, examiners= giám khảo, competitors= đối thủ,
contests= cuộc thi.
57. áp án: B
Dựa vào ngữ cảnh ―… người Hàn quốc giữ nhiều khía cạnh của nghi lễ truyền thống, lễ
cưới hiện đại theo phong cách phương Tây vẫn nhiều hơn nghi lễ … Hàn quốc. -> Cần
liên từ chỉ sự trái ngược-> ―Although‖= mặc dù.
58. áp án: A
Dựa vào câu (57) thấy sự trái ngược giữa 2 loại nghi lễ -> traditional(truyền thống)><
modern (hiện đại).
59. áp án: D

Keep= giữ gìn, catch= bắt lấy, hold= nắm, grip= giữ chặt. -> từ ―keep‖ là hợp lý nhất.
Dịch:tuy nhiên, rất nhiều làng quê và bảo tàng trên khắp đất nước đang biểu diễn những
nghi lễ để lưu giữ truyền thống tồn tại.


(128795) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 33 to 42.
The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed
(33) the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It (34) like any railway signal of the
time, and was operated by gas. (35) , it exploded and killed a policeman, and the
accident discouraged further development until cars became common.
(36) traffic lights are an American invention. Red – green systems were installed
in Cleveland in 1914. Three - color signals, operated (37) hanz d from a tower in
the (38) of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this
type to (39) in Britain were in London, on the junction between St. James‘s Street
and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed (40) year later.
In the past, traffic lights were special. In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In
Los Angeles the lights did not just change silently, but would ring bells to (41) the
sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been (42) by standard
models which are universally adopted.
Question 33: A. outside B. out C.out of D.
Question 34: A. resembled B. looked C. showed D.
Question 35: A. However B. Therefore C. Although D.
Question 36: A. New B. Recent C. Modern D.
Question 37: A. by B. with C. through D. in
Question 38: A. middle B. heart C. focus D.
Question 39: A. show B. appear C. happen D.
Question 40: A. a B. in the C. in a D. the
Question 41: A. rise B. raise C. wake D. get

Question 42: A. reproduced B. replaced C. removed D.
Question 33 A
―outside‖: bên ngoài, mặt ngoài (một toà nhà)
Question 34 B
―look like‖: nhìn giống như…
Question 35 A
―However‖: tuy nhiên – tác dụng liên kết giữa 2 câu hoặc giữa các vế trong cùng một câu
Question 36 C
―modern traffic lights‖: đèn giao thông hiện đại
Question 37 A
Trong câu bị động, by someone: (thực hiện) bởi ai đó
Question 38 A
―in the middle of st‖: ở giữa của cái gì
Question 39 B
―appear‖: xuất hiện
―show‖: bộc lộ, thể hiện
―happen‖: diễn ra
―becom e‖: trở thành
Question 40 A
Ở đây dùng mạo từ a, với nghĩa là ―một‖ (a year later – một năm sau đó)
Question 41 C
―wake‖: đánh thức, phía sau có đề cập the sleeping motorists, nên dùng động từ ―wake‖ là
phù hợp
Question 42 B
―replace‖: thay thế
―remove‖: chuyển, thay đổi
―remain‖: tồn tại, giữ vững
―reprod uce‖: sao lại, in sao


(140165) Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the blanks.
My younger sister is a potential star of state and screen, or at least that's what she tells
me. Last week she had an interview. It was for the (38)……………..of Juliet in

Shakespear‘s Romeo and Juliet. It went well and she starts (39)…………… week.
This is the first play that she has been in, but she has done quite a lot of TV advertising
work and she has been in a couple of films. The last film she was in was called The
magician. It was set in ancient Egypt and she was in a crowd (40)……………..with
thousands of other people. When I went to see it, I sat in the front (41)……………
that I could see the (42)…………….. really clearly, but I couldn‘t pick out my sister in
the crowd. She says the (43)……………..was one of the best professionals she has
worked with but I must say the (44)……………..seemed a bit stupid to me. It was all
about a very clever magician who had managed to travel back through time to the Court
of Tutankhamen. The (45)……………..were magnificent and so were some of the sets
but having an actor saying
(46)…………… present day American English just didn‘t work. The ending was
really ridiculous. The magician got accidentally buried with Tutankhamen. Funnily
enough, the rest of the (47)……………..seemed to have rather enjoyed the film.
Câu 38: A. position B. job C. post D. part
Câu 39: A. exercises B. training sessions C. rehearsals D. practices
Câu 40: A. spot B. scene C. scenery D. view
Câu 41: A. file B. row C. line D. queue
Câu 42: A. curtain B. blind C. screen D. board
Câu 43: A. director B. conductor C. master D. chief
Câu 44: A. plot B. dialogue C. argument D. letters
Câu 45: A. dressings B. customs C. costumes D. cloths
Câu 46: A. plays B. lines C. reading D. scripts
Câu 47: A. spectators B. viewers C. audience D. public
38 D
―part‖ ở đây được hiểu là phân cảnh, vai diễn
It was for the part of Juliet in Shakespeare‘s Romeo and Juliet: Nó là vai của Juliet trong
Romeo và Juliet của Shakespeare.
39 C
―rehearsals‖: sự diễn tập, buổi diễn tập (cho vở kịch…)
40 B
―scene‖: cảnh (trong phim)
Cần phân biệt với scenery: phong cảnh, dụng cụ dựng cảnh (trên sân khấu)
41 B
―the front row‖: hàng ghế đầu (trong nhà hát, rạp…)
42 C

―screen‖: màn hình
Tác giả đang diễn tả 1 buổi xem phim, screen là màn hình đang chiếu phim đó
43 A
―director‖: đạo diễn
3 từ còn lại không có liên quan đến điện ảnh
44 A
―plot‖: kịch bản (cho một bộ phim, một câu chuyện)
45 C
―costumes‖: trang phục được mặc bởi người (ví dụ như diễn viên) nhằm tạo sự giống với
người hoặc cái gì đó
46 B
―line‖ trong lĩnh vực điện ảnh được hiểu là lời thoại của nhân vật
47 C
―audience‖: thính giả (vở kịch, ca nhạc, phim… )
―viewers‖: khán giả truyền hình (xem thông qua TV)
―spectators‖: khán giả (đi xem một sự kiện, thể thao, hoạt động …nào đó)


(ID: 129148 )Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C
or D) to fill in each gap.
Most Americans eat three meals (40) the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Breakfast begins between 7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and
dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays "brunch" is a (41) of breakfast
and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study break" or
evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals,
with only one (42) . Dinner is the main meal.
(43) breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed
(44) in a bowl, a glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam,
butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast meal is scrambled eggs or (45) _
omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who are on (46)
eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (47) . When eating at
a formal dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (48)
the difference between a salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most
Americans do not know the answer (49) But knowing which fork or spoon to use
first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
Question 40. A. in B. for C. on D. during

Question 41. A. addition B. connection C. combination D.
Question 42. A. course B. food C. menu D. goods
Question 43. A. For B. In C. At D. With
Question 44. A. each other B. together C. one another D. others
Question 45. A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Question 46. A. holiday B. engagement C. diet D. duty
Question 47. A. vary B. variety C. varied D. variously
Question 48. A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell
Question 49. A. too B. either C. so D. neither


40. áp án: D
Câu đầu tiên ―Most Americans eat three meals the day‖ hầu hết người Mỹ ăn 3
bữa… mỗi ngày -> chọn từ ―during‖= trong suốt là hợp lý nhất.
41. áp án: C
Cấu trúc: combination of + A, B,.. +and+ N: sự kết hợp của A,B,… và N. Dịch dòng 3 :
vào chủ nhật, bữa ăn nửa buổi là sự kết hợp của bữa sáng và trưa.
42. áp án: A
―Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one ‖:bữa sáng và trưa hướng
đến bữa nhẹ, chỉ với… -> có thể đoán được từ cần điền ở đây là món ăn= Course
43. áp án: A
Giới từ đi trước các bữa ăn thường dùng là ―For‖: for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner.
44. áp án: B
Cấu trúc: mix+ sth+and +sth+ together. Ở câu này, ―together‖ được đảo lên sát với ―mix‖.
45. áp án: B
Trước từ ―omelet‖= trứng tráng thì điền giới từ ―an‖ vì ―o‖ là nguyên âm và ―omelet‖ là
danh từ chưa xác định.
46. áp án: C
Vì chủ đề ở đây là về các bữa ăn của người Mỹ-> chọn từ ―diet‖= ăn kiêng. Holiday= lễ
hội, engagement= cam kết, duty= nhiệm vụ.
47. áp án: C
―Lunch and dinner are more ‖ sau Tobe cần điền 1 tính từ-> varied (adj)= đa dạng,
vary(v), variety(n), variously(adv).
48. áp án: D
Tell the different= chỉ ra sự khác biệt.
49. áp án: B

Từ ―either‖ đứng sau 1 cụm từ phủ định có tác dụng nhấn mạnh trong câu văn.

(131363) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
from 6 to 15
Music is universal - it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music
came before speech and (6) as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is one
theory that the (7) _ languages were chanted or sung, rather than spoken. Indeed, in
some cultures, music is a form of (8) _ history. The Aboriginal Australians, for
example, use music as a means to (9) on stories of the land and spirits to the next
(10) .
New evidence suggests that music does not just (11) the feel - good factor but it
is also good for the brain. A study of intellectually (12) children showed that they
could recall more (13) after it was given to them in a song than after it was
read to them as a story. Researchers also report that people score better on a standard
intelligence test after listening to Mozart. The so-called ―Mozart effect‖ has also been
(14) by findings that rats (15) _ up on Mozart run faster through a
complex network of paths or passages, known as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most
instances people who suffer from any form of mental illness benefit from listening to
Question 6: A. swelled B. arose C. reacted D. was
Question 7: A. newest B. simplest C. earliest D. easiest
Question 8: A. making B. enjoying C. recording D. stating
Question 9: A. focus B. move C. hand D. pass
Question 10: A. children B. generation C. people D. tribe
Question 11: A. prefer B. satisfy C. convince D. please
Question 12: A. disabled B. disordered C. incapable D. inactive
Question 13: A. memory B. knowledge C. information D. facts
Question 14: A. supported B. given C. marked D.
Question 15: A. brought B. stood C. set D. held
6 B
―arise‖ (v): xuất hiện, nảy sinh, nổi lên
7 C
―earliest‖: sớm nhất

―the earliest language‖: thể loại ngôn ngữ (xuất hiện) sớm nhất
8 C
―record‖ (v) ghi âm lại, ghi lại
―record history‖: ghi lại lịch sử
9 D
Cụm ―pass on st‖: chuyển (từ trạng thái, hoạt động này sang trạng thái hoạt động khác)
10 B
―generation‖: thế hệ
―the next generation‖: thế hệ sau, thế hệ tiếp theo
11 B
―satisfy‖ (v): làm thoả mãn, làm vừa lòng, vừa ý. ―please‖ cũng có ý nghĩa gần như
―satisfy‖, nhưng tầng nghĩa của ―satisfy‖ cao hơn, phù hợp nhất trong câu này
―prefer‖: thích(h ơn), đi sau thường có giới từ to
―convince‖: thuyết phục
12 A
―disabled‖ (adj): tàn tật, thiếu sót
―disabled children‖: những đứa trẻ tàn tật
13 C
―recall‖ trong trường hợp này cùng nghĩa với remember: nhớ lại, gợi lại những kí ức
14 A
―support‖: nâng đỡ, ủng hộ, xác nhận
―be supported by findings…‖: được ủng hộ, xác nhận bởi những điều khám phá được
15 A
Cụm ―bring up‖: (thườn g dùng ở dạng bị động) nuôi dưỡng, nuôi dạy…


(141070) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks
Parents whose children show a special interest in a particular sport have a difficult
decision to (47) about their children‘s career. Should they allow their children to
train to become top sportsmen and women? For many children it (48) _starting
very young and school work, going out with friends and other (49) have to take
second place. It‘s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train for
five hours a day, even at the weekend, when (50) of his or her friends are

Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training is (51)
from the government for the very best young sportsmen and women. If this help
cannot be given, it means that it is the parents (52) have to find the time and the
money to support their child‘s development- and sports clothes, transport to competitions,
special equipment etc. can all be very expensive.
Many parents are understandably (53) that it is dangerous to start serious
training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young (54) _ may be
damaged by training before they are properly de veloped. Professional trainers, however,
believe that it is only by starting young that you can reach the top as a successful sports
person. What is clear is that very (55) people reach the top and both parents and
children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.
Question 47. A. do B. plan C. make D.prepare
Question 48. A. should B. means C. helps D.tries
Question 49. A. wishes B. dreams C. satisfactions D. interests
Question 50. A. almost B. mostly C. most D. plenty
Question 51. A. enough B. available C. possible D. enormous
Question 52. A. that B. whom C. they D. which
Question 53. A. distributed B. concerned C. cared D. worried
Question 54. A bloods B. capacities C. muscles D. physics
Question 55. A. little B. few C. a few D. many
47 C
Danh từ ―decision‖ (sự quyết định) đi với động từ ―make‖ : make a decision
48 B
―mean‖: có nghĩa là…
For many children it means starting very young and school work ( ối với nhiều trẻ em
nó có nghĩa là bắt đầu từ khi rất trẻ với trường học)
49 D
―interests‖: sở thích
―going out with friends and other interests have to take second place‖: đi chơi với bạn bè
và các sở thích khác phải đặt ở vị trí thứ hai
50 C
―most of + N‖: hầu hết
―mostly‖ không đi kèm of
―almost‖ thường đi cùng all, không có almost of
―plenty of + N khôn g đếm được‖
51 B

―available‖ có sẵn
In many countries money for training is available from the government for the very best
young sportsmen and women : Ở nhiều quốc gia tiền cho đào tạo có sẵn từ chính phủ cho
vận động viên nam nữ trẻ tuổi và giỏi nhất
52 A
Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh ―It be…that…‖
Nếu bỏ thành phần này thì nội dung câu không có gì thay đổi cả
53 D
―worried ‖ lo lắng
Many parents are understandably worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a
sport at an early age.( Nhiều bậc cha mẹ cũng dễ hiểu khi lo lắng rằng nó sẽ nguy hiểm
khi bắt đầu đào tạo nghiêm túc trong một môn thể thao ở tuổi trẻ.)
54 C
―muscles‖: bắp thịt, cơ bắp
Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are
properly developed.( Một số bác sĩ đồng ý rằng cơ bắp của trẻ có thể bị tổn hại do đào tạo
trước khi chúng được phát triển đúng cách.)
55 B
―few‖: rất ít, gần như không có
―a few‖ cũng có nghĩa là ít, nhưng về số lượng thì vẫn nhiều hơn few

Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Revising for exams is not as easy as it looks. You will need to work out which
routine suits you best, and then stick to it. Some people like studying at night when it‘s
quiet, whereas others find the early morning is a good time to get things done. You might
enjoy (1) _ to music while you revise, but this can be (2) . Can you really
concentrate (3) two things at once? So think (4) you turn your radio
Your (5) is also important while you are revising. This may be a more
than usually (6) period of your life, when you should take extra care to eat
properly. No missed meals, or junk food, or (7) cups of coffee! Get plenty of
exercise as well. If you have got fed up with (8) you‘re doing, or find it hard to
concentrate, go for a walk to clear your head. (9) exercise will help to keep
your body fit and your brain working (10) .

Finally, you also need to take time off. Go out occasionally, see your friends,
make time to relax. Then you will return to your studies fresh and full of enthusiasm.
Questions 1: A. listen B. having listened C. to listen D. listening
Questions 2: A. helpful B. helpless C. unhelpful D. helping
Questions 3: A. of B. on C. for D. in
Questions 4: A. if B. unless C. after D. before
Questions 5: A. diet B. menu C. slim D. Healthy
Questions 6: A. stressful B. unforgettable C. interesting D. memorable
Questions 7: A. restless B. endless C. hopeless D. worthless
Questions 8: A. who B. what C. that D. which
Questions 9: A. Always B. Every C. Strongly D. Regular
Questions 10: A. energetic B. correct C. well D. good
1. D
Enjoy + Ving: thích làm gì đó
2. C
ở đây 2 vế mang nghĩa trái ngược: có từ but, nên chọn 1 negative adj mang nghĩa
là vô ích (unhelpful)
lưu ý : helpless: bất lực
3. B
Concentrate on st: tập trung vào cái gì
4. D
Ý câu này là hãy nghĩ kĩ trước khi bạn bật radio lên
5. A
Ý câu này là chế độ ăn uống cũng rất quan trọng khi bạn ôn luyện.
ể ý câu sau có từ eat
6. A
Ý câu này là đây là giai đoạn áp lực nhất trong cuộc đời bạn
7. B
Endless cups of coffee: uống cà phê liên tục
8. B
What you are doing: cái mà bạn đang làm
9. D
Regular exercise: tập thể dục thường xuyên
10. C
Cần 1 adv để bổ nghĩa cho động từ work

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer she et to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage
of clean water. Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, (1)
pollution and garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes,
reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools (2) poison. LakeBaikal
in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It (3) a rich variety of animals
and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist (4) _ else in the world.
But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of toxic effluent which (5) _
into the lake every day. Even where law existed, the government did not have the power
to enforce them.
Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea (6) _
1% of the world's water surface. But it is the dumping (7) for 50% of all
marine pollution. Almost 16 countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles (8)
Water is free to everyone . A few years ago, people thought that the supply of clean
water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been (9) by
pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect
this precious (10) . We should do something now.
Question 1:A. industrious B. industry C. industrial D.
Question 2:A. on B. in C. of D. to
Question 3:A. composes B. contains C. encloses D.consists
Question 4:A. where B. somewhere C. everywhere D.
Question 5:A. stay B. pour C. boil D. burn
Question 6:A. makes B. occupies C. comprises D. holds
Question 7:A. shore B. land C. ground D. soil
Question 8:A. away B. of C. on D. off
Question 9:A. ruined B. kept C. made
Question 10:A. well B. outlet C. nature D. source
Pollution là danh từ nên trước nó phải là tính từ, loại B

A: chăm chỉ, siêng năng
C: thuộc về công nghiệp, liên quan đến công nghiệp.
D: công nghiệp hóa.
Ô nhiễm liên quan đến công nghiệp. Chọn C.
―. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools (2) poison.‖:
hồ, kênh đào thậm chí toàn bộ các biển trở thành cái bể khổng lồ chứa độc tố.
Pool of poison: bể đầy độc tố, bể có độc tố.
Chọn C
A: soạn
B: chứa đựng, bao gồm
C: đính kèm
D: consist phải đi kèm với giới từ ―of‖ ( nghĩa là ―bao gồm‖)
Chọn B hợp về nghĩa
―includin g 1,300 rare species that do not exist (4) else in the world.‖ : gồm
1300 loài quý hiếm mà không hề có ở bất kì nơi nào khác trên thế giới.
Ta thấy có ―do not‖ nên chọn D ― anywhere‖ vì ―anywhere‖ đi với phủ định.
Chúng ta thấy có cụm ―into the lake‖. Vậy không thể là ―burn‖( đốt) hay ―boil‖ (đun sôi )
trong hồ được mà phải là ―pour‖ (đổ vào trong hồ)
Chọn B
Occupy + bao nhiêu phần trăm: chiếm bao nhiêu phần trăm.
Chọn B
Ground for: chịu trách nhiệm cho cái gì, gây ra cái gì, nguyên nhân cho cái gì.
Ta có cụm từ ―off shore‖: xa bờ
―Today, many water supplies have been (9) by pollution and sewage.‖ : ngày
nay, rất nhiều nguồn cung cấp nước bị hủy hoại bởi ô nhiễm và rác thải.
Về nghĩa chỉ có ―ruined‖ ( hủy hoại) là phù hợp
B: cửa (sông, cống)
C: tự nhiên

D: nguồn
―Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginn in g to respect this precious (10)
.‖: nước sạch đang khan hiếm và chúng ta ít nhất cũng bắt đầu biết trân trọng
nguồn (nước ) quí giá này.
Chọn D


(134821) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This
(35) many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the
greater risks (36) _accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often
difficult to persuade people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.
One possible (37) is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars
by increasing charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who
(38) the laws. In addition, drives could be required to pay for using particular
routes at different times of the day. This system, (39) as ―road pricing‖, is already
being introduced in a number of cities, using a special electronic card (40) to
windscreen of the car.
Another ways of (41) with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the
outskirts of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the center.
Drivers and passengers then use a special bus service for the (42) stage of their
Of course, the most important (43) _ is to provide good public transport.
However, to get people to give up the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt
to be reliable, convenient and comfortable, with fares (44) at an acceptable level.
Question 35: A. leads B. results C. causes D. invents
Question 36: A. about B. for C. of D. by
Question 37: A. custom B. approach C. manner D. style
Question 38: A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks
Question 39: A. called B. seen C. named D. known
Question 40: A. joined B. fixed C. built D. placed
Question 41: A. doing B. handling C. dealing D. solving
Question 42: A. late B. complete C. end D. final
Question 43: A. thought B. event C. work D. thing
Question 44: A. taken B. stood C. given D. kept

35. C
To cause problem: gây ra các vấn đề (cause thường dùng khi gây ra những thứ tiêu
Lead to: dẫn đến; result in: gây ra kết quả là; invent: phát minh ra
36. C
Risk of st: nguy hiểm, hiểm họa
37. B
One approach = one way: 1 cách, 1 giải pháp
38. C
To break the law: phá luật, phạm luật
39. D
To be known as: được biết đến là
40. B
Sử dụng rút ngắn câu bị động: be fixed to: được cài vĩnh viễn (không thay đổi)
Join: tham gia; build: xây (nhà, công trình)
41. C
To deal with st: để thỏa thuận với, để xử lí với
42. D
The final stage of the journey: đến chặng cuối cùng của chuyến đi
43. D
The most important thing: điều quan trọng nhất
44. D
Fare kept at an acceptable level: phí được giữ ở một mức chấp nhận được


(134502) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 33 to 42.
What is meant by the term economic resources? In general, these are all the natural,
man-made, and human resources that go into the (33) of goods and services.
Economic resources can be broken down into (34) general categories: property
resource – land and capital, and human resources – labor and entrepreneurial skills.
What do economists mean (35) land? Much more than the non-economist, land
refers to all the natural resources (36) are usable in the production process: arable
land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and (37) _ on. What about capital? Capital
goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing
goods and (38) . Capital goods differ from consumer goods in that (39)

satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production
of consumer goods. It should be noted that capital as defined here does not (40)
to money. Money, as such, produces nothing.
The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce
goods and services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents,
entrepreneurial skills, which will be considered separately because of their special
significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet
(41) or an astronaut all fall (42) the general heading of labor.
Câu 33: A. production B. plant C. using D. doing
Câu 34: A. many B. six C. two D. some
Câu 35: A. by B. using C. calling D. with
Câu 36: A. these B. they C. what D. that
Câu 37: A. so B. come C. such D. go
Câu 38: A. money B. machines C. crops D. services
Câu 39: A. later B. lately C. the latter D. the
Câu 40: A. come B. go C. speak D. refer
Câu 41: A. performance B. director C. writer D. dancer
Câu 42: A. into B. from C. under D. to
33 A
―production‖: sự sản xuất
Dùng từ này vì phía sau có ―goods‖: hàng hoá và ―services‖: dịch vụ
34 C
Nguồn lực kinh tế có thể được chia thành 2 loại: property resource (trong đó có land and
capital, and human resources) và labor and entrepreneurial skills.
35 A
―mean by…‖: có nghĩa là gì..
Trong câu đầu tiên của bài đã nhận thấy một ví dụ điển hình đã được sử dụng: What is
meant by the term economic resources?
36 D
―that‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, được thay thế cho all the natural resources ở phía trước
37 A
Cụm so on = etc.: vân vân (dùng khi liệt kê mà còn rất nhiều cái không thể liệt kê hết)
38 D
Ở đoạn đầu tiên của bài ta đã bắt gặp 2 cụm goods and services (hàng hoá và dịch vụ) đi
kèm với nhau, vì thế ở đây cũng tương tự, ta sử dụng từ services
39 C

Vế phía sau xuất hiện the former: cái trước đó
Vì thế ở đây ta phải sử dụng the latter: cái phía sau, cái sau đó
40 D
Cụm ―refer to st‖: đề cập đến cái gì, ám chỉ, nói đến cái gì
41 D
―ballet dancer‖: người nhảy, múa ba lê
42 C
Cấu trúc ―fall under st‖: được xếp vào, được liệt kê vào cái gì

(132470) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks.
The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been (1)
… for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide.
Psychologists no w recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness
that could (2) ….. serious problems and ruin many lives. Special help groups have
been set up to (3) ….. sufferers help and support.
IAS is similar to (4) ….. problems like gambling, smoking and drinking :
addicts have dreams about Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning;
they (5) … to their partners about how much time they spend online; they (6) ….
they could cut do wn, but are unable to do so . A recent study found that many users
spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; (7) …. they felt guilty, they became
depressed if they were (8) …. to stop using it.
Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already
hooked on Computer games and who (9) …. it very difficult to resist the games on
the Internet. Surprisingly, however, psychologists (10)…. that most victims are
middle-aged housewives who have never used a computer before.
Question 1:A. accused B. mistaken C. blamed D.
Question 2:A. take B. cause C. affect D. lead
Question 3:A. B. offer C. suggest D. advise
Question 4:A. others B. another C. the other D. other
Question 5:A. lie B. cheat C. deceive D. betray
Question 6:A. rather B. want C. prefer D. wish
Question 7:A. unless B. without C. although D.
Question 8:A. made B. allowed C. let D. had
Question 9:A. have B. find C. feel D. say
Question 10:A. say B. tell C. object D.
1. C
To blame smb for smt = To blame smt on smb = ổ lỗi gì cho ai
To accuse smb of smt = Buộc tội ai cái gì (làm gì)
2. B
Cause smt = Gây ra cái gì
Affect smt = Ảnh hưởng tới cái gì
Lead to smt = Dẫn tới cái gì
3. B
To offer smb smt = Cung cấp cho ai cái gì => ―offer sufferers help and support‖ = cung
cấp cho nạn nhân những sự giúp đỡ và hỗ trợ
4. D
Other problems = Những vấn đề khác (nói chung)
Another problem = một vấn đề khác (cụ thể và danh từ theo sau không có dạng số nhiều)
Others là đại từ, không có danh từ theo sau
5. A
Lie to smb = Nói dối ai
Cheat smb = Gian lận với ai
Deceive smb = Lừa ai
Betray smb = Phản bội ai
6. D
Cấu trúc với ―wish‖, ước làm việc gì mà không thể làm được trong hiện tại: Subject +
wish/wishes + Subject + V (chia ở quá khứ đơn) + …
7. C
Although + Clause (mệnh đề),… = Despite + Noun/Noun phrase (danh từ/cụm danh từ) =
Mặc dù…., …
8. A
To make smb do smt = Làm cho ai phải làm gì => Khi chuyển sang thể bị động, động từ
phải thêm ―to‖: S + be + made to do smt
9. B
To find it + adjective (tính từ) = cảm thấy cái gì như nào
10. A
Say that…
Tell smb smt (phải có tân ngữ)
Object to doing smt = Phản đối làm gì
Promise to do smt = Hứa làm gì


(145727) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 45 to 54
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of
computers than ever before, the (43) of overweight people is at a new high. As
people frantically search for a solution (44) this problem, they often try some of the
popular fad diets being offered.
Many people see fad diets (45) harmless ways of losing weight, and they are grateful
to have
them.Unfortunately, not only don‘t fad diets usually (46) the trick, they can actually
be dangerous for your health.
Although permanent weight loss is the (47) , few are able to achieve it. Experts
estimate that
95 percent of dieters return to their starting weight, or even (48) weight. While the
reckless use of fad diets can bring some (49) result, long-term results are very rare.
(50) , people who are fed up with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often
to fad diets. (51) being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes. They
advises eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. This
results in a situation (52) a person‘s body doesn‘t get all the vitamins and other
things that it needs to stay healthy.
Question 45: A. number B. range C. amount D.
Question 46: A. on B. of C. to D.
Question 47: A. by B. like C. through D.
Question 48: A. bring B. do C. take D.
Question 49: A. case B. profit C. benefit D.
Question 50: A. lose B. gain C. put D.
Question 51: A. initial B. initiative C. initiating D.

Question 52: A. Additionally B. Furthermore C. Nonetheless D.
Question 53: A. More than B. In spite to C. Rather than D. In
addition to
Question 54: A. what B. which C. why D. where
45 A
―the number of…‖: số lượng… (phía sau là danh từ đếm được)
Còn the amount of + danh từ không đếm được
―the sum of..‖: tổng số, ―the range of..‖:loạt, phạm vi…
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of
computers than ever before, the number of overweight people is at a new high: Nhờ lối
sống hiện đại của chúng tôi, với ngày càng nhiều thời gian ngồi trước máy tính hơn bao
giờ hết, số lượng người béo phì đang ở mức cao mới
46 C
―solution to st‖: giải pháp, biện pháp cho vấn đề gì
47 D
―see st as…‖: nhìn, cho rằng cái gì giống như…
Many people see fad diets as harmless ways of losing weight:Nhiều người coi chế độ ăn
kiêng như một cách giảm cân vô hại
48 B
Cụm ―do the trick‖: làm thành công như ý muốn, đạt yêu cầu
Unfortunately, not only don‘t fad diets usually do the trick, they can actually be
dangerous for your health: Thật không may, không chỉ những chế độ ăn kiêng này không
như ý muốn, mà thực tế chúng còn có thể nguy hiểm cho sức khoẻ
49 D
―goal‖: mục đích, mục tiêu
Although permanent weight loss is the goal: Mặc dù giảm cân lâu dài là mục tiêu…
50 B
―gain weight‖ (add weight): tăng cân
Experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters return to their starting weight, or even gain
weight: Các chuyên gia ước tính rằng 95% những người ăn kiêng trở lại trọng lượng ban
đầu của họ, hoặc thậm chí tăng cân
51 A
Ở đây ta cần một tính từ
―initial‖: đầu, đầu tiên
Tránh nhầm lẫn với ―initiative‖ (n): sáng kiến

52 C
―Nonetheless‖ = ―However‖: tuy nhiên
Nonetheless , people who are fed up with the difficulties of changing their eating habits
often turn to fad diets: Tuy nhiên, những người đang chán ngấy với những khó khăn của
việc thay đổi thói quen ăn uống của họ thường tìm đến chế độ ăn kiêng
53 C
―rather than‖: hơn là, thay vì…
Rather than being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes: Thay vì là vừa
phải, chế độ ăn kiêng bao gồm những thay đổi ăn uống cực độ
54 D
―where‖ là mệnh đề quan hệ, được thay thế cho ―in a situation‖


(132690) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 28 to 37.
In most of the earliest books for children, illustrations were an afterthought. But
in the Caldecott "toy books" which first (28)............ in 1878, they were almost
(29)............ important as the lines of text, and occupied far more space in the book. One
can almost read the story from the dramatic action in the pictures. (30)............ then,
thousands of successful picture books have been published in the United States and
around the world. In the best, the words and illustrations seem to complement each
other perfectly. Often a single person is responsible (31)............ both writing and
illustrating the book. One of (32)............, and certainly one of the most successful,
illustrator-authors was Dr. Seuss, (33)............ real name was Theodor Geisel. His first
children's book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, hit the market in 1937,
and the world of children's literature was changed forever. Seuss's playful drawings
were a perfect complement to his engaging stories and (34)............ characters. In 1957,
Seuss's The Cat in the Hat (35)............ the first book in Random House's best -selling
series, Beginner Books, written by Seuss and several (36)............ authors. These
combine outrageous illustrations of people, creatures, and plants, and playful stories
written (37)............ very simple language.
Question 28. A. showed B. emerged C. appeared D. happened
Question 29. A. less B. more C. as D. most
Question 30. A. Before B. By C. Since D. Till
Question 31. A. for B. to C. with D. at
Question 32. A. the great B. the greatest C. the greatness D. the greater
Question 33. A. whom B. who C. whose D. who‘s
Question 34. A. forgetful B. forgotten C. forgetting D.
Question 35. A. became B. had become C. would become D. has become
Question 36. A. other B. one another C. each other D. another
Question 37. A. about B. at C. from D. in
28. C
Appear = xuất hiện
Emerge = nổi lên
=> appear sát nghĩa hơn
29. C
So sánh hơn: Subject + to be as + adjective + as Object
30. C
Since then = Kể từ đó => Theo sau là mệnh đề ở thì hoàn thành
31. A
To be responsible for smt = Có trách nhiệm với cái gì
32. B
So sánh hơn nhất vì tính từ ―successful‖ cũng ở dạng so sánh hơn nhất => One of the
greatest and certainly one of the most successful illustrator-authors… = Một trong số
tuyệt vời nhất và chắc chắn là một trong số thành công nhất trong những họa sĩ minh họa-
tác giả…
33. C
―whose‖ là trạng từ quan hệ thay thế cho Dr. Seuss‘ => ―whose real name‖ = Dr. Seuss‘
real name
34. D
Chỗ trống đứng trước danh từ ―characters‖ nên phải là một tính từ; ―unforgettable
characters‖ = những nhân vật không thể quên
35. A
―In 1957,…‖ => Nói về hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nên động từ chia ở quá khứ đơn
=> became
36. A
Other authors = Những tác giả khác
One another = each other = nhau
Another authors => Những tác giả khác (phải xác định cụ thể là ai)
37. D
―playful stories written in very simple language‖ = những câu chuyện thú vị được viết ở
ngôn ngữ đơn giản
Viết ở ngôn ngữ nào dùng giới từ ―in‖


144397 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answe r sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of numbered blanks from 23 to 32.

Bonsai trees have always been a source of great fascination to people. They are perfect
miniatures, grown in pots small enough to sit on a windowsill. You have to keep reminding
yourself that these trees are (23) real and identical to their larger cousins in all
respects except their size. Rather like other small and perfectly-formed artifacts, bonsai trees,
(24) quite a high price in the marketplace and so it doesn‘t come as a great surprise
to find that they also attract the attention of thieves. It seems that quite a flourishing business has
(25) , in which they are stolen from the homes of grower and collectors, then
reported and trimmed by unscrupulous dealers, to be sold on, at good prices, to unsuspecting

One of Britain‘s top collectors of bonsai trees, Paul Widdington, believes that he has
found a solution, however. After losing his life‘s work, (26) at £250,000, when
burglars broke into his home one night, Paul decided to (27) the possibilities of
electronically tagging the trees he bought as a replacement. This (28) injecting a
microchip the size of a (29) of rice intro trunk of each tree. Each chip is a laser-
etched with information which is (30) in a central register held by the police. Paul
is quite aware that this kind of data-tagging doesn‘t prevent thieves from stealing the trees in the
first (31) , although it may increase the (32) of getting them back. So
he‘s also installing a security alarm system, complete with infra-red detectors, in his home.

Câu 23: A. eventually B. greatly C. actually D. deeply

Câu 24: A. command B. obtain C. expect D. charge

Câu 25: A. adapted B. erupted C. evolved D. arrived

Câu 26: A. prized B. valued C. cost D. treasured

Câu 27: A. try out B. go after C. set about D. look into

Câu 28: A. requires B. involves C. includes D. reflects

Câu 29: A. grain B. crumb C. bean D. speck

Câu 30: A. locked B. detained C. piled D. stored

Câu 31: A. point B. time C. place D. turn

Câu 32: A. choices B. counts C. claims D. chances


23. C – actually (thực sự) là hợp nghĩa nhất.

24. A – command a high price = charge high prices (có giá cao).
25. C – evolve (tiến triển) là hợp nghĩa nahats.
26. B – be valued at (được định giá là)
27. D – look into (điều tra) là ngữ động từ (phrasal verb).
28. B – involve doing something (liên quan đến việc làm gì).
29. A – a grain of rice (hạt gạo).
30. D – be stored in (được cất giữ ở).
31. C – in the first place (ngay từ đầu).
32. D – chance of doing something (cơ hội làm gì).

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Getting friends and family to pose for photos is hard enough, but how would you cope with
a rabbit, an owl or a butterfly that simply (55) to keep still? Simon King, wildlife film—
maker and photographer, says you don't need any formal (56) to get started. "The whole
idea is that photographing wildlife should be fun". Simon offers the following (57)
Specialize from the start. You're more likely to get good result sooner if you (58)
on the type of wildlife - insects for instance - (59) than just going off to the woods or
park with your camera and snapping whatever you see. Pick something that isn't hard to
photograph. Choosing an animal that's hard to (60) or will run away if it sees you (61)
unnecessary problems. How about flowers or a group of birds?
Search second-hand camera shops and local papers for quality (62) . You don't
need to (63) a fortune. Simon started with just a second-hand camera that cost around
$30. But you will need a single lens reflex camera. Remember it's the whole photograph that
counts, nor just the subject. (64) you're composing a picture and try to be as artistic as
Question 55: A. disobeys B. dislikes C. refuses D. avoids
Question 56: A. training B. education C. exercise D. lecture
Question 57: A. lessons B. facts C. warnings D. tips
Question 58: A. think B. concentrate C. limit D. depend
Question 59: A. more B. other C. better D. rather
Question 60:A. spot B. notice C. meet D. glance
Question 61:A. creates B. starts C. puts D. leads
Question 62: A. instruments B. equipment C. material D. tools
Question 63: A. cost B. make C. spend D. lose
Question 64: A. think B. guess C. invent D. imagine


55. C
Refuse+ to Vo: từ chối (làm gì)
56. A
Training: đào tạo, huấn luyện
Bạn không cần phải học bất cứ khóa đào tạo chính thức nào để bắt đầu…

57. D
Tips: hướng dẫn, mẹo vặt, bí quyết
Simon cung cấp những bí quyết sau đây.
58. B
Concentrate on : tập trung vào
Depend on: dựa vào
Câu này dịch như sau: Bạn có thể thành công sớm hơn nếu bạn tập trung vào chụp
đời sống hoang dã.
59. D
Rather than: thay vì
Bạn nên tập trung chụp thiên nhiên hoang dã thay vì mang máy ảnh đi công viên
hay vào rừng chụp bất cứ cái gì bạn nhìn thấy.
60. A
Spot: nhận ta, chụp lấy
Chụp ảnh một con vật khó nắm bắt( chụp lấy)
61. A
Create : tạo ra
Việc chụp những con vật khó nắm bắt tạo ra những vấn đề không đáng có.
62. B
Equipment: thiết bị
Những linh kiện liên quan đến máy ảnh gọi chung là thiết bị.
63. C
Spend a fortune: lãng phí vận may, bỏ lỡ cơ hội
64. D
Imagine: tưởng tượng
Hãy tưởng tượng việc tạo ra những bức ảnh và cố gắng làm cho nó mang tính
nghệ thuật

[138044]Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fi ts each of the
numbered blanks from 1 to 10.

The future of the daily newspaper is in danger. With changes in people‘s reading
habits and financial concerns, it seems that more and more of us are turning
(1)…………from the traditional daily newspaper as a means of getting our information
and going online or to TV news for the headlines and main stories instead. Does this
mean that newspaper will (2)…………become a thing of the past?

Many experts believe that newspapers will survive in some form in the future
(3)…………the convenience of the internet, their main rival. The main reason for
thinking this is that a large percentage of the population is (4)…………35 and has a
strong newspaper reading habit. For many of these people, reading newspapers is not
simply a way of getting the information about (5)…………events but part of a traditional
routine. For them, catching up with the main stories electronically from news websites or
TV news broadcast will never be a real substitute for turning the pages of a paper on the
train or at the table.

However the main competition for newspapers (6)…………from their own online
version. Access to these is currently free of charge but for how much longer? Many
newspaper corporations are (7)…………that the only way forward for all newspapers is
to charge customers to read the online versions. Apparently, surveys (8)…………that as
many as 48%of British and American consumers are prepared to pay for this service,
although they are not prepared to pay very (9)…………! Would you be willing to pay for
online access to news websites or should it continue to be free for everyone? Can you
(10)…………a world without newspapers?

Question 1:A.out B. over C. away D. forward

Question 2:A. shortly B. next C. lately D. early

Question 3:A.although B. however C. despite D. but

Question 4: A. over B. more C. after D. further

Question 5:A.modern B. current C. late D. ultimate

Question 6:A. gets B. goes C. gives D. comes

Question 7:A. accepted B. insisted C. convinced D. chosen

Question 8:A.tell B. show C. allow D. describe

Question 9 :A. lot B. much C. largely D. enough

Question 10:A. imagine B. predict C. believe D. fancy


1.C. Turn away: quay lưng,quayđi
Turn out: hóara
Turn over: đảo, lật
2.Shortly: a short time, not long

3.Despite + N = inspite of + N: mặcdù…
Although + clause= even though +clause
4.Over = above: hơn…
5.Current events: tin thờisự
6.Come from: đếntừ
7.Be convinced that clause: tin rằng
8.Show: chỉ ra
9.Very much: rấtnhiều
10.Imagine: form a picture in your mind of what sth might be like


( 146554) Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the
following passage.
If you can roll a ball, you can play bowls. Everyone can play: young and old, men and
women, the fit and the not so fit. It is the (31) outdoor game that really is a sport
for all. What other sports can grandparents play on equal terms with their grandchildren?
What other game is so simple that you could take up it today and be (32) in the
national championship tomorrow?
Simple? Perhaps that is not the (33) _ word. There are bowls players in their
thousands (34) will tell you that, although bowls is a game that anyone can
(35) in five minutes, it takes a lifetime to (36) it. They are the people
who have developed a passionate interest in the game. (37) for outsiders, bowls
is another word, and a strange and puzzling one. They see a bowl game in action and
wonder what is going on.
What the players are trying to do is easy to explain. Their (38) is to roll their
bowls, called wood, as near as possible to the little white ball, called the jack. If one of
your bowls finishes nearer to the jack than your opponent's, you score one point and he or
she scores (39) If you have the two nearest, you score two, and so on. The skill
involved in rolling a bowl that weighs around 2 kilos across about 40 meters so that it
stops only a very short (40) from the target is just as impressive as the skills
required in other sports.
Question 31. A. individual B. alone C. one D.
Question 32. A. entering B. precisely C. competing D. accurately
Question 33. A. just B. genuine C. suitable D. right
Question 34. A. which B. who C. when D. whose
Question 35. A. pick up B. catch on C. find out D. see through
Question 36. A. master B. tame C. control D. manage
Question 37. A. Besides B. Although C. However D. Unlike
Question 38. A. attempt B. point C. aim D. scheme
Question 39. A. somethingB. nothing C. everything D. anything
Question 40. A. range B. distance C. extent D. length

31. A
Trò chơi cá nhân dành cho 1 người ta dùng individual outdoor game
32. C
Compete: cạnh tranh, tranh tài ( trong cuộc thi vô địch quốc gia)
33. D
In the right world: trong thế giới thật
34. B
Thousands( hàng ngàn người) nên đại từ quan hệ sau đó dùng who.
35. A
Pick up: cải thiện, đạt được
Catch on: thịnh hành
Find out: tìm ra
See through: nhận ra
Mặc dù Bowling là môn bất cứ ai cũng có thể chơi được tốt trong 5 phút…
36. A
Master: thành thạo, chuyên nghiệp
….nhưng mất thời gian cả đời để thành thạo nó.
37. C
However: tuy nhiên
Tuy nhiên đối với những người không chuyên, bowls mang một ý nghĩa khác, xa
lạ và khó hiểu.
38. C
Aim: mục đích
Tuy nhiên mục đích của họ là để làm cho bowls lăn tròn…
39. B
Nothing: không gì cả
Nếu bóng của bạn gần quả bòng trắng hơn so với đối thủ thì bạn ghi 1 điểm và đối
thủ không được điểm nào cả.
40. B
Distance from: cách xa


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