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Name: Alisson Cárdenas

1. Hook
Moscow is a big city in Russia with a thriving economy, Moscow has been ranked
as the ninth most expensive city in the world.

2. Supporting statement
populations from soviet republics in central Asia and Russia North Caucasus
migrate to Moscow because they consider that in moscow they have a opportunity
to build a better life.

3. Thesis statement
Moscow’s population worry that the influx of immigrants workers lead to a
shortage of jobs and increase crime.

1. Point (Argument)
The high population it causes that growing prices for basic products, traffic and
physical attacks.
2. Information (Supporting statement)
Number of migrants from Central Asia and the North Caucasus (2009-39% —
2011-44% — 2013-55%)

3. Explanation
The high prices doesn’t allow that the citizens have a great quality of life.

1. Restate your thesis
In conclusion, Illegal immigration cause that Moscow’s population can’t feel in
peace or calm
2. Synthesis of your point
the growing of prices some articles and growing of social security problems don’t
allow that everybody have good live
3. Wrap-up sentence
the government of Moscow should give a solution that can benefit to everybody.

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