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she named her Timun Mas (Golden Cucumber). Mbok sirni was so happy.

she rise Timun Mas

into a beautiful girl with loving care.
Time passed and Timun was almost 17 years old. Mbok sirni knew they had to keep their
promise to the giant but she also did not want to lose her beloved daughter. .

So, in the order to save Timun Emas, Mbok Sirni had to meet the holy man who lived in Mount Gundul.
In the next morning, Mbok Sirni took leave of Timun Emas to go to Mount Gundul. There, she met the
holy man. Then, the holy man gave her four little bags, each one containing cucumber seeds, needles,
salt and shrimp paste.

“Take these bags; Timun Emas can use this to protect herself from the giant” said the holy man to Mbok

Timun Emas’ 17th birthday has come; Buto Ijo came to see Mbok Sirni about the promise.

she called Timun Mas and said:

“My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant,” said the father.
“What giant? What do you mean, Father? I don’t understand,” said Timun Mas. The farmers
narrated the story of her birth to Timun Mas.
Right then, the giant entered their house.
“Run Timun Mas. Save your life!” said the mother.
The giant grew angry when he heard this. Timun Mas had started running. He ran after her.
Timun Mas looked behind and saw that the giant was getting closer and closer.
She opened the bag and threw a handful of salt at him. It became a sea. The giant had to swim to
cross the sea. When she saw that the giant was nearing her again, she opened the bag and threw
some chilies in his path. The chilies grew and formed a jungle blocking his way. The sharp
thorns on the trees hurt the giant.
However he cut away the trees and continued chasing Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third
magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and they turned into a cucumber field. The
giant’s legs were tangled in the cucumber creepers and he kept falling down.
Still the giant managed to escape and continued running after Timun Mas. Timun searched her
bag again. She had one last magic stuff in the bag. It was a terasi ( shrimp paste ). She threw it at
him and the terasi turned into a big swamp.
The giant tried to swim across the swamp. But he was too tired by now and drowned in the.
Seeing that the giant had died, Timun Mas went back home. Timun’s parents were happy to see
their daughter return and the family was finally together again.
Terjemahan Cerita Rakyat Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Timun Mas
Dahulu kala, di dekat hutan, hidup sepasang suami dan istri. Setiap hari mereka berdoa
meminta anak.
Suatu malam, saat mereka berdoa, raksasa melewati rumah mereka. Raksasa mendengar mereka
berdoa dan berkata:
“Jangan khawatir. Aku dapat membantu kalian. Tapi kalian harus memberikan anak itu padaku
pada hari ulang tahun ke-17 nya. “
Mereka sangat senang dan setuju dengan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh raksasa. Raksasa memberi
mereka beberapa biji mentimun. Mereka mengambil hati-hati benih itu dan menanamnya.
Tak lama kemudian, tanaman mentimun tumbuh dan mentimun emas besar tumbuh di. Pasangan
petani itu memetik mentimun matang dan memotongnya terbuka. Mereka heran melihat anak
perempuan cantik ada di dalam mentimun. Mereka menamai dia Timun Mas (Golden
Cucumber). Pasangan ini sangat bahagia. Mereka membesarkan Timun Mas menjadi gadis
cantik dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Waktu berlalu dan Timun berusia hampir 17 tahun. Mereka tahu mereka harus menjaga janji
mereka untuk raksasa tetapi mereka juga tidak ingin kehilangan putri tercinta mereka. Mereka
memanggil Timun Mas dan berkata:
“Putriku, ambil tas ini. Hal ini dapat menyelamatkan mu dari raksasa, “kata ayah timun.
“Apa, raksasa? Apa maksudmu, Ayah? Saya tidak mengerti, “kata Timun Mas. Si petani
menceritakan kisah kelahirannya kepada Timun Mas.
Saat itu, raksasa datang ke rumah mereka.
“Lari Timun Mas. seelamatkan hidup mu! “Kata sang ibu.
Raksasa marah ketika ia mendengar ini. Timun Mas sudah mulai berlari. Dia berlari
mengejarnya. Timun Mas meihat ke belakang dan melihat bahwa raksasa itu semakin dekat dan
Dia membuka tas dan melemparkan segenggam garam ke arahnya. Garam berubah menjadi
lautan. Raksasa harus berenang menyeberangi laut. Ketika ia melihat bahwa raksasa itu
mendekati lagi, dia membuka tas dan melemparkan beberapa cabe di jalan. Cabe tumbuh dan
membentuk hutan menghalangi jalan raksasa. Duri tajam pada pohon-pohon membuat terluka si
Namun ia memotong pohon-pohon dan terus mengejar Timun Mas. Timun Mas mengambil
barang ketiga. Itu biji mentimun. Dia melemparkannya dan berubah menjadi kebun mentimun.
Kaki raksasa yang terlilit di pohon mentimun dan dia terus jatuh ke bawah.
Namun raksasa berhasil melarikan diri dan terus mengejar Timun Mas. Timun mengambil ke
dalam tasnya lagi. Dia punya satu hal ajaib yang terakhir dalam tas. Itu adalah terasi. Dia
melemparkannya ke arahnya dan terasi berubah menjadi rawa besar.
Raksasa mencoba berenang di rawa. Tapi ia terlalu lelah sekarang dan tenggelam dalam rawa.
Melihat bahwa raksasa telah meninggal, Timun Mas pulang ke rumah. Orang tua Timun yang
senang melihat kembali putri mereka dan keluarga akhirnya bersama lagi.

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