Air Pllution

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Air Pollution

When people think about air pollution, they

usually think about smog, acid rain, CFC’s,
and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But
did you know that air pollution also can exist
inside homes and other buildings? It can,
and every year, the health of many people is
affected by chemical substances present in
the air within buildings

Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us

with oxygen which is essential for our bodies
to live. Air is 99.9% nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Human activities
can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans,
plants, and animals.

There are several main types of pollution and well-known effects of pollution which
are commonly discussed. These include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and
“holes” in the ozone layer. Each of these problems has serious implications for our
health and well-being as well as for the whole environment.

One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air from burning fuel for
energy. Diesel smoke is a good example of this particulate matter . The particles are
very small pieces of matter measuring about 2.5 microns or about .0001 inches. This
type of pollution is sometimes referred to as “black carbon” polutant. The exhaust
from burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industries is a major source of
pollution in the air. Some authorities believe that even the burning of wood and
charcoal in fireplaces and barbeque’s can release significant quantities of soot into
the air.

Another type of pollution is the release of noxious gases, such as sulfur dioxide,
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and chemical vapors. These can take part in
further chemical reactions once they are in the atmosphere, forming smog and acid

Pollution also needs to be considered inside our homes, offices, and schools. Some
of these pollutants can be created by indoor activities such as smoking and cooking.
In the United States, we spend about 80-90% of our time inside buildings, and so
our exposure to harmful indoor pollutants can be serious. It is therefore important to
consider both indoor and outdoor air pollution.


Environment is a combination of physical conditions that include a state of natural

resources such as land, water, solar energy, minerals, and flora and fauna that grow
above ground or in the ocean, with institutions that include the creation of human
decisions such as how to use the physical environment.

Pollution is the entrance or the incorporation of living, substance, energy, and / or

other components to the water, air, land and / or change order (composition) of
water, air, land by human activities and natural processes, so that the quality of
water, air, land to be less or may not work anymore complaint.

At this time, the pollution of the environment take place everywhere with a very fast
rate. Now, the burden of pollution in the environment is more severe with the influx
of waste from various industrial chemicals including heavy metals.

To prevent the pollution of the environment by various industrial activities and

human activities, they needed to control environmental pollution by setting
environmental quality standards. Environmental quality standards limit the water
content that is allowed for the substance or pollutant materials found in the
environment does not cause interference with the living creatures, plants or other

What is acid rain?

I am going to focus on acid rain. This is a result of air pollution.

When we burn any fuels chemicals and gases are produced, these are harmful to
our environment.
It is made up of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SOx). Power stations,
factories and cars all burn fuels and therefore they all produce polluting gases.
Some of these gases react with the tiny droplets of water in clouds to form sulphuric
and nitric acid. The rain, from these clouds, fall as very weak acid - which is why it
is known as “acid rain”.

The effect of acid rain

Acid rain can be carried, not only across countries, but across
continents. The acid can also form as snow, mist or dry dust.
When the acid falls it has a big impact on the soil, trees,
buildings and water. Many of Britain’s freshwater fish are threatened; there have
been reports of deformed fish being hatched. This leads to affecting fish-eating birds
and animals being affected also.

Where is it coming from?

This is from other countries pollution floating over others. A solution, being used, is
very tall chimneys, but this didn’t help as it pushes the pollution into the clouds. The
clouds float across to other countries. The pollution falls as acid rain. The worst
European polluters are Spain, Germany, Poland and the UK. Governments are now
beginning to admit that acid rain is a severe environmental problem.

What can be done?

• People are now researching new ways to burn fuel
which don’t produce so much pollution.
• Governments need to spend more time and money
on pollution control even if it does mean an increase
in the price of electricity.
• Sulphur can also be ‘washed’ out of smoke by
spraying a mixture of water and powdered limestone
into the pipe.
• Cars are now fitted with catalytic converters which
remove three dangerous chemicals from exhaust

Power stations, factories and cars all burn fuels and therefore they all produce
polluting gases. Some of these gases (especially nitrogen oxides and sulphur
dioxide) react with the tiny droplets of water in clouds to form sulphuric and nitric
acids. The rain from these clouds then falls as very weak acid - which is why it is
known as “acid rain”.

How acidic is acid rain?

Acidity is measured using a scale called the pH scale. This scale goes from 0 to 14. 0
is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline (opposite of acidic). Something with a
pH value of 7, we call neutral, this means that it is neither acidic nor alkaline.

Very strong acids will burn if they touch your skin and can even destroy metals. Acid
rain is much, much weaker than this, never acidic enough to burn your skin.

Rain is always slightly acidic because it mixes with naturally occurring oxides in the
air. Unpolluted rain would have a pH value of between 5 and 6. When the air
becomes more polluted with nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide the acidity can
increase to a pH value of 4. Some rain has even been recorded as being pH2.

Vinegar has a pH value of 2.2 and lemon juice has a value of pH2.3. Even the
strongest recorded acid rain is only about as acidic as lemon juice or vinegar and we
know that these don’t harm us - so why do we worry about acid rain?

The Effects of Acid Rain

Acid rain can be carried great distances in the atmosphere, not just between
countries but also from continent to continent. The acid can also take the form of
snow, mists and dry dusts. The rain sometimes falls many miles from the source of
pollution but wherever it falls it can have a serious effect on soil, trees, buildings and

Forests all over the world are dying, fish are dying. In Scandinavia there are dead
lakes, which are crystal clear and contain no living creatures or plant life. Many of
Britain’s freshwater fish are threatened, there have been reports of deformed fish
being hatched. This leads to fish-eating birds and animals being affected also. Is
acid rain responsible for all this? Scientists have been doing a lot of research into
how acid rain affects the environment.

It is thought that acid rain can cause trees to grow more slowly or even to die but
scientists have found that it is not the only cause. The same amount of acid rain
seems to have more effect in some areas than it does in others.

As acid rain falls on a forest it trickles through the leaves of the trees and runs down
into the soil below. Some of it finds its way into streams and then on into rivers and
lakes. Some types of soil can help to neutralise the acid - they have what is called a
“buffering capacity”.

Other soils are already slightly acidic and these are particularly susceptible to the
effects of acid rain.

Acid rain can effect trees in several different ways, it may:

• dissolve and wash away the nutrients and minerals in the soil
which help the trees to grow.

• cause the release of harmful substances such as aluminium into the soil.

• wear away the waxy protective coating of leaves, damaging them

and preventing them from being able to photosynthesise properly.

A combination of these effects weakens the trees which means that they can be
more easily attacked by diseases and insects or injured by bad weather. It is not just
trees that are affected by acid rain, other plants may also suffer.

Lakes and Rivers

It is in aquatic habitats that the effects of acid rain are most obvious. Acid rain runs
off the land and ends up in streams, lakes and marshes - the rain also falls directly
on these areas.

As the acidity of a lake increases, the water becomes clearer and the numbers of
fish and other water animals decline. Some species of plant and animal are better
able to survive in acidic water than others. Freshwater shrimps, snails, mussels are
the most quickly affected by acidification followed by fish such as minnows, salmon
and roach. The roe and fry (eggs and young) of the fish are the worst affected, the
acidity of the water can cause deformity in young fish and can prevent eggs from
hatching properly.

The acidity of the water does not just affect species directly, it also causes toxic
substances like aluminium to be released into the water from the soil, harming fish
and other aquatic animals.

Lakes, rivers and marshes each have their own fragile ecosystem with many
different species of plants and animals all depending on one another to survive. If a
species of fish disappears, the animals which feed on it will gradually disappear too.
If the extinct fish used to feed on a particular species of large insect, that insect
population will start to grow, this in turn will affect the smaller insects or plankton on
which the larger insect feeds.


Every type of material will become eroded sooner or later by the effects of the
climate. Water, wind, ice and snow all help in the erosion process but unfortunately,
acid rain can help to make this natural process even quicker. Statues, buildings,
vehicles, pipes and cables can all suffer. The worst affected are things made from
limestone or sandstone as these types of rock are particularly susceptible and can be
affected by air pollution in gaseous form as well as by acid rain.

What can be done?

Reduce emissions:

• Burning fossil fuels is still one of the cheapest ways to produce electricity so people
are now researching new ways to burn fuel which don’t produce so much pollution.

• Governments need to spend more money on pollution control even if it does mean
an increase in the price of electricity.

• Sulphur can also be ‘washed’ out of smoke by spraying a mixture of water and
powdered limestone into the smokestack.
• Cars are now fitted with catalytic converters which remove three dangerous
chemicals from exhaust gases.

Find alternative sources of energy

• Governments need to invest in researching different ways to produce energy.

• Two other sources that are currently used are hydroelectric and nuclear power.
These are ‘clean’ as far as acid rain goes but what other impact do they have on our

• Other sources could be solar energy or windmills but how reliable would these be
in places where it is not very windy or sunny?

• All energy sources have different benefits and costs and all theses have to be
weighed up before any government decides which of them it is going to use.

Conserving Resources

• Greater subsidies of public transport by the government to encourage people to

use public transport rather than always travelling by car.

• Every individual can make an effort to save energy by switching off lights when
they are not being used and using energy-saving appliances - when less electricity is
being used, pollution from power plants decreases.

• Walking, cycling and sharing cars all reduce the pollution from vehicles

Restoring the Damage done by Acid Rain

Lakes and rivers can have powdered limestone added to them to neutralise the
water - this is called “liming”. Liming, however, is expensive and its effects are only
temporary - it needs to be continued until the acid rain stops. The people of Norway
and Sweden have successfully used liming to help restore lakes and streams in their
countries. A major liming programme is currently taking place in Wales.

Some ways to prevent air pollution

There are many ways to prevent air pollution. Some are so simple that you may not

even think of them. Others are a bit more demanding. How to start doing this?

Be a Smart Drive.

Approximately half of the air pollutions comes to us by way of cars and trucks.

There are two very important ways to prevent air pollution – try to drive less and be
a smart driver.

Cutting down on trips by car can help cut vehicle air pollution. With gasoline prices
being so high recently, many people have chosen to go less distance for their
summer vacations.

Also, if you adopt smart driving habits this will help reduce your car’s total
emissions. Here are some other ways to prevent air pollution:

 Carpool
 Shop by phone or mail

 Telecommute

 Accelerate gradually

 Obey the speed limit

 Get regular tune-ups for your car as well as support the smog check program

 Keep the air filter in your car clean

 What about smoking vehicles?

 Walk or ride a bicycle (or try one of these cool electric bikes )

 Ride public transit

 Use the cruise control when warranted

 Combine all of your errands into one trip

 Don’t overfill at the pump

 Keep tires properly inflated

Here’s an interesting one. If there comes a day when the air is unhealthy,
drive your newest car. They generally pollute less than older models.
Saving Energy at home can help you reduce air emissions.

Believe it or not, when you save energy, this helps to reduce air pollution. Also,
whenever you burn fossil fuel, you add to air pollution.

So use natural gas, gasoline and electricity carefully.

Electricity? It is the power plant that burns fossil fuel to generate electricity. For
conservation at home, here are a few ways to prevent air pollution through reduced
heat and energy consumption:

 When you leave a room, turn off the lights

 Whenever possible, purchase energy saving appliances

 Add extra insulation to your house

 Use an EPA-approved fireplace insert or wood burning stove

 Insulate your water heater

 Dry your clothes on a clothesline

 Use fluorescent lighting where possible

 Use a thermostat that will automatically turn off your heater or air conditioner
when you do not need them

 Instead of a cheap portable air conditioner, use a fan

 Use a microwave to heat small meals

 Install low flow showerheads

Create your own electricity at home

Save it and use it later. Here's how.

Beware of small stuff
When you breathe, very small
particles can slip past the lung’s
natural defense system. These
include soot, dust and acid

This particulate air pollution may

get trapped in your lungs and
cause problems such as
bronchitis, asthma attacks and
other lung diseases.

Here are some ways to prevent

air pollution from entering your system and to protect yourself:

 On days that there is unhealthy air, do not use your fireplace or wood stove
 Drive slowly on unpaved roads

 Avoid vigorous activity on days that have unhealthy air

 Avoid using a leaf blower and any other kind of equipment that blows a lot of
dust around. Try a broom or a rake instead.

 Drive less, especially on days that have unhealthy air

Speak Up For Clean Air

Everyone should try all available ways to prevent air pollution. Anything will make a
difference. Use any civic influence you have to improve regional as well as national
air pollution standards.

Support action for unhealthy air by writing to your local newspaper. It would also be worth
your while to let your elected representatives know that you support the clean air act.

Air Pollution Control Equipments

Industrial Scrubber

Centrifugal Air Blowers / Exhauster (Single /
Multi Stage)

- Capacity: 500 to 1,00,000CMH

- Pressure: 50 to 2,000mm wg.
- Material of construction: MS, SS, PPGL and MS
Rubber lined.

Air Blowers

Industrial Air Pollution Control Equipment

- System Offered: Multi Clones, Bag Filter (Pulse Jet),
Industrial Scrubber, Venturi Scrubber.
- Applications: Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Cement,
Steel Plant, Foundries, Chemical Distilleries, Rice Mill
and other allied industries.

Bag Filter

Waste Water Treatment Plant / Effluent

Treatment Plant

- We offer turnkey solutions for waste water / effluent

treatment as per the norms specified by Pollution

Waste Water Treatment

Acoustic Enclosure
- We manufacture acoustic hoods to reduce noise level
to meet standards for generator / process.

Acoustic Enclosure

Cooling System
- We manufacture air washer, fans and complete
cooling system.

Air Cooling System

Other Products
- Axial Flow Fan, Industrial Man-cooler, Roof Extractor
- Flash Dryer
- Briquetting Machine
- Cooling Tower
- Furnace

Flash Drying System



An evaporative cooling produces effective cooling by combining a natural process --

water evaporation -- with a simple, reliable air-moving system. Fresh outside air is
filtered through the saturated evaporative media, cooled by evaporation, and
circulated by a blower.

Cooling Temperatures

An AIR WASHER will nearly always deliver air cooler than 80 degrees F.

Energy Savings

An evaporative cooling System consumes only one-fourth of the electrical energy

required to operate a refrigerated air conditioning unit.

Health Benefits

With evaporative cooling, a complete air change occurs every one-to-three minute.
This offers a great health advantage over traditional refrigerated air conditioning,
which employs a
complicated "closed" system that re circulates the same
stale dry air over and over. Constant cool air movement
pushes heat out -- along with stale air, smoke, odors and
pollution. The high volume of fresh, cool air produced by
the evaporative cooler helps your body ventilate naturally.
Evaporative cooling helps maintain natural humidity level.

(Air handling units)

Effects on Health and the Environment

Like photochemical pollutants, sulfur oxides contribute to the incidence of
respiratory diseases. Acid rain, a form of precipitation that contains high levels of
sulfuric or nitric acids, can contaminate drinking water and vegetation, damage
aquatic life, and erode buildings. When a weather condition known as a
temperature inversion prevents dispersal of smog, inhabitants of the area, especially
children and the elderly and chronically ill, are warned to stay indoors and avoid
physical stress. The dramatic and debilitating effects of severe air pollution episodes
in cities throughout the world—such as the London smog of 1952 that resulted in
4,000 deaths—have alerted governments to the necessity for crisis procedures.
Even everyday levels of air pollution may insidiously affect health and behavior.
Indoor air pollution is a problem in developed countries, where efficient insulation
keeps pollutants inside the structure. In less developed nations, the lack of running
water and indoor sanitation can encourage respiratory infections. Carbon monoxide,
for example, by driving oxygen out of the bloodstream, causes apathy, fatigue,
headache, disorientation, and decreased muscular coordination and visual acuity.
Air pollution may possibly harm populations in ways so subtle or slow that they have
not yet been detected. For that reason research is now under way to assess the
long-term effects of chronic exposure to low levels of air pollution—what most
people experience—as well as to determine how air pollutants interact with one
another in the body and with physical factors such as nutrition, stress, alcohol,
cigarette smoking, and common medicines. Another subject of investigation is the
relation of air pollution to cancer, birth defects, and genetic mutations.
A recently discovered result of air pollution are seasonal “holes” in the ozone layer
in the atmosphere above Antarctica and the Arctic, coupled with growing evidence
of global ozone depletion. This can increase the amount of ultraviolet radiation
reaching the earth, where it damages crops and plants and can lead to skin cancer
and cataracts. This depletion has been caused largely by the emission of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosols. The
Montreal Protocol of 1987 required that developed nations signing the accord not
exceed 1986 CFC levels. Several more meetings were held from 1990 to 1997 to
adopt agreements to accelerate the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances.

How does air pollution affect me?

Many studies have shown links between pollution and health effects. Increases in air
pollution have been linked to decreases in lung function and increases in heart
attacks. High levels of air pollution according to the EPA Air Quality Index directly
affect people with asthma and other types of lung or heart disease. Overall air
quality has improved in the last 20 years but urban areas are still a concern. The
elderly and children are especially vulnerable to the effects of air pollution.

The level of risk depends on several factors:

o the amount of pollution in the air,

o the amount of air we breathe in a given time

o our overall health.

Other, less direct ways people are exposed to air pollutants are:

o eating food products contaminated by air toxins that have been

deposited where they grow,
o drinking water contaminated by air pollutants,

o ingesting contaminated soil, and

o touching contaminated soil, dust or water.

Effects of Air Pollution on Plants

Air pollution injury to plants can be evident in several ways. Injury to foliage may be
visible in a short time and appear as necrotic lesions (dead tissue), or it can develop
slowly as a yellowing or chlorosis of the leaf. There may be a reduction in growth of
various portions of a plant. Plants may be killed outright, but they usually do not
succumb until they have suffered recurrent injury.


Ozone is the main pollutant in the oxidant smog complex. Its effect on plants was
first observed in the Los Angeles area in 1944. Since then, ozone injury to
vegetation has been reported and documented in many areas throughout North
America, including the southwestern and central regions of Ontario. Throughout the
growing season, particularly July and August, ozone levels vary significantly. Periods
of high ozone are associated with regional southerly air flows that are carried across
the lower Great Lakes after passing over many urban and industrialised areas of the
United States. Localized, domestic ozone levels also contribute to the already high
background levels. Injury levels vary annually and white bean, which are particularly
sensitive, are often used as an indicator of damage. Other sensitive species include
cucumber, grape, green bean, lettuce, onion, potato, radish, rutabagas, spinach,
sweet corn, tobacco and tomato. Resistant species include endive, pear and apricot.

Figure 1. Ozone injury to soybean foliage.

Ozone symptoms (Figure 1) characteristically occur on the upper surface of affected

leaves and appear as a flecking, bronzing or bleaching of the leaf tissues. Although
yield reductions are usually with visible foliar injury, crop loss can also occur without
any sign of pollutant stress. Conversely, some crops can sustain visible foliar injury
without any adverse effect on yield.

Susceptibility to ozone injury is influenced by many environmental and plant growth

factors. High relative humidity, optimum soil-nitrogen levels and water availability
increase susceptibility. Injury development on broad leaves also is influenced by the
stage of maturity. The youngest leaves are resistant. With expansion, they become
successively susceptible at middle and basal portions. The leaves become resistant
again at complete maturation.

Sulfur Dioxide

Major sources of sulfur dioxide are coal-burning operations, especially those

providing electric power and space heating. Sulfur dioxide emissions can also result
from the burning of petroleum and the smelting of sulfur containing ores.

Sulfur dioxide enters the leaves mainly through the stomata (microscopic openings)
and the resultant injury is classified as either acute or chronic. Acute injury ( Figure
2) is caused by absorption of high concentrations of sulfur dioxide in a relatively
short time. The symptoms appear as 2-sided (bifacial) lesions that usually occur
between the veins and occasionally along the margins of the leaves. The colour of
the necrotic area can vary from a light tan or near white to an orange-red or brown
depending on the time of year, the plant species affected and weather conditions.
Recently expanded leaves usually are the most sensitive to acute sulfur dioxide
injury, the very youngest and oldest being somewhat more resistant.

Figure 2. Acute sulfur dioxide injury to raspberry. Note that the injury occurs
between the veins and that the tissue nearest the vein remains healthy.

Chronic injury is caused by long-term absorption of sulfur dioxide at sub-lethal

concentrations. The symptoms appear as a yellowing or chlorosis of the leaf, and
occasionally as a bronzing on the under surface of the leaves.

Different plant species and varieties and even individuals of the same species may
vary considerably in their sensitivity to sulfur dioxide. These variations occur because
of the differences in geographical location, climate, stage of growth and maturation.
The following crop plants are generally considered susceptible to sulfur dioxide:
alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, clover, oats, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, spinach, squash,
Swiss chard and tobacco. Resistant crop plants include asparagus, cabbage, celery,
corn, onion and potato.


Fluorides are discharged into the atmosphere from the combustion of coal; the
production of brick, tile, enamel frit, ceramics, and glass; the manufacture of
aluminium and steel; and the production of hydrofluoric acid, phosphate chemicals
and fertilizers.

Fluorides absorbed by leaves are conducted towards the margins of broad leaves
(grapes) and to the tips of monocotyledonous leaves (gladiolus). Little injury takes
place at the site of absorption, whereas the margins or the tips of the leaves build
up injurious concentrations. The injury ( Figure 3) starts as a gray or light-green
water-soaked lesion, which turns tan to reddish-brown. With continued exposure the

necrotic areas increase in size, spreading inward to the midrib on broad leaves and
downward on monocotyledonous leaves.

Figure 3. Fluoride injury to plum foliage. The fluoride enters the leaf through the
stomata and is moved to the margins where it accumulates and causes tissue injury.
Note, the characteristic dark band separating the healthy (green) and injured
(brown) tissues of affected leaves.

Studies of susceptibility of plant species to fluorides show that apricot, barley

(young), blueberry, peach (fruit), gladiolus, grape, plum, prune, sweet corn and tulip
are most sensitive. Resistant plants include alfalfa, asparagus, bean (snap),
cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, pea, pear, pepper, potato,
squash, tobacco and wheat.


Ammonia injury to vegetation has been observed frequently in Ontario in recent

years following accidents involving the storage, transportation or application of
anhydrous and aqua ammonia fertilizers. These episodes usually release large
quantities of ammonia into the atmosphere for brief periods of time and cause
severe injury to vegetation in the immediate vicinity.

Complete system expression on affected vegetation usually takes several days to

develop, and appears as irregular, bleached, bifacial, necrotic lesions. Grasses often
show reddish, interveinal necrotic streaking or dark upper surface discolouration.
Flowers, fruit and woody tissues usually are not affected, and in the case of severe
injury to fruit trees, recovery through the production of new leaves can occur
(Figure 4). Sensitive species include apple, barley, beans, clover, radish, raspberry
and soybean. Resistant species include alfalfa, beet, carrot, corn, cucumber,
eggplant, onion, peach, rhubarb and tomato.

Figure 4. Severe ammonia injury to apple foliage and subsequent recovery through
the production of new leaves following the fumigation.

Particulate Matter

Particulate matter such as cement dust, magnesium-lime dust and carbon soot
deposited on vegetation can inhibit the normal respiration and photosynthesis
mechanisms within the leaf. Cement dust may cause chlorosis and death of leaf
tissue by the combination of a thick crust and alkaline toxicity produced in wet
weather. The dust coating (Figure 5) also may affect the normal action of pesticides
and other agricultural chemicals applied as sprays to foliage. In addition,
accumulation of alkaline dusts in the soil can increase soil pH to levels adverse to
crop growth.

Figure 5. Cement-dust coating on apple

leaves and fruit. The dust had no injurious
effect on the foliage, but inhibited the action
of a pre-harvest crop spray.

Investigation of Air-Pollution Injury to Vegetation

The Ministry of the Environment monitors air quality at 33 stations across the
province. The sites are set in both urban and rural settings and monitor the 6 most
common air pollutants: sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, total reduced sulfur
compounds, carbon monoxide and suspended particles. The sites are monitored in
real-time on an hourly basis. Pollutant concentrations are converted into an Air
Quality Index (AQI) with a lower AQI translating into cleaner air. AQI values above
50 can cause crop injury.

If we cannot save nature will cease to save us. So from now effective
remedies should be taken to prevent air pollution. Otherwise we will have to meet
the violent face of the nature in near future.


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