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Chapter 28A - Direct Current Circuits

AA PowerPoint
PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation by
Paul E.
E. Tippens,
Tippens, Professor
Professor of
of Physics
Southern Polytechnic
Polytechnic State
State University

© 2007
Objectives: After completing this
module, you should be able to:
• Determine the effective resistance
for a number of resistors connected
in series and in parallel.
• For simple and complex circuits,
determine the voltage and current
for each resistor.
• Apply Kirchoff’s laws to find currents
and voltages in complex circuits.
Electrical Circuit Symbols
Electrical circuits often contain one or more
resistors grouped together and attached to
an energy source, such as a battery.
The following symbols are often used:
Ground Battery Resistor
+ -

+ - + -
- + - + -
Resistances in Series
Resistors are said to be connected in series
when there is a single path for the current.
The current I is the same for
R1 each resistor R1, R2 and R3.
I R2
VT R3 The energy gained through E
is lost through R1, R2 and R3.
Only one current
The same is true for voltages:

For series
series II == II11 == II22 == II33
connections: VVTT== VV11 ++ VV22 ++ VV33
Equivalent Resistance: Series
The equivalent resistance Re of a number of
resistors connected in series is equal to the
sum of the individual resistances.

VT = V1 + V2 + V3 ; (V = IR)
R1 ITRe = I1R1+ I2R2 + I3R3
I R2
VT R3 But . . . IT = I1 = I2 = I3

Equivalent Resistance RRee == RR11 ++ RR22 ++ RR33

Example 1: Find the equivalent resistance Re.
What is the current I in the circuit?
Re = R1 + R2 + R3
3 1 Re = 3  + 2  + 1  = 6 
12 V
Equivalent RRee =
Equivalent = 66 

The current is found from Ohm’s law: V = IRe

V 12 V
I  II =
= 22 AA
Re 6 
Example 1 (Cont.): Show that the voltage drops
across the three resistors totals the 12-V emf.
RRee == 66 
 II =
= 22 AA
3 1
Current I = 2 A same in each R.
12 V
V1 = IR1; V2 = IR2; V3 = IR3

V1 = (2 A)(1 = 2 V V1 + V2 + V3 = VT

V1 = (2 A)(2 = 4 V 2 V + 4 V + 6 V = 12 V

V1 = (2 A)(3 = 6 V Check

Check !!
Sources of EMF in Series
The output direction from a - + b
source of emf is from + side: E
Thus, from a to b the potential increases by E;
From b to a, the potential decreases by E.
Example: Find V for path -
AB and then for path BA. R
AB: V = +9 V – 3 V = +6 V 3V

- +
BA: V = +3 V - 9 V = -6 V B
A Single Complete Circuit
Consider the simple series circuit drawn below:
D A Path ABCD: Energy and V
2 -
increase through the 15-V
4 15 V source and decrease
3V through the 3-V source.
- +
C B E =15 V - 3 V = 12 V

The net gain in potential is lost through the two

resistors: these voltage drops are IR2 and IR4,
so that the sum is zero for the entire loop.
Finding I in a Simple Circuit.
Example 2: Find the current I in the circuit below:
D A  E = 18 V  3 V  15 V
2 -
R =3  + 2   5 
3 18 V
3V Applying Ohm’s law:
- +
C B  E 15 V
I  I=3A
R 5 

In general for a E
single loop circuit: R
Summary: Single Loop Circuits:

Resistance Rule: Re = R
E E2
Current : I R1
R E1

Voltage Rule: E = IR

Complex Circuits
A complex circuit is one
containing more than a
single loop and different
current paths. R3 E2
At junctions m and n: m n
I1 = I2 + I3 or I2 + I3 = I1 I1
R2 E1
Junction Rule:
II (enter)
(enter) == II (leaving)
Parallel Connections
Resistors are said to be connected in parallel
when there is more than one path for current.
For Parallel Resistors:
Parallel Connection:
V2 = V4 = V6 = VT
2 4 6
I2 + I4 + I6 = IT

For Series Resistors:

Series Connection:
I2 = I4 = I6 = IT
2 4 6 V2 + V4 + V6 = VT
Equivalent Resistance: Parallel
VT = V1 = V2 = V3 Parallel Connection:
IT = I1 + I2 + I3 VT
R1 R2 R3
Ohm’s law: I 
VT V1 V2 V3 1 1 1 1
     
Re R1 R2 R3 Re R1 R2 R3
1 1
The equivalent
equivalent resistance
resistance 
for Parallel
Parallel resistors:
resistors: Re i 1 Ri
Example 3. Find the equivalent resistance
Re for the three resistors below.
1 1
 VT R1 R2 R3
Re i 1 Ri
2 4 6
1 1 1 1
  
Re R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1
    0.500  0.250  0.167
Re 2  4  6 
1 1
 0.917; Re   1.09  RRee == 1.09
1.09 

Re 0.917

For parallel
parallel resistors,
resistors, RReeisis less
less than
than the least RRi.i.
the least
Example 3 (Cont.): Assume a 12-V emf is
connected to the circuit as shown. What is
the total current leaving the source of emf?

VT R1 R2 R3 VT = 12 V; Re = 1.09 
2 4 6 V1 = V2 = V3 = 12 V
12 V IT = I1 + I2 + I3

V VT 12 V
Ohm’s Law: I  Ie  
R Re 1.09 

Total current: IT = 11.0 A

Example 3 (Cont.): Show that the current
leaving the source IT is the sum of the
currents through the resistors R1, R2, and R3.

VT R1 R2 R3 IT = 11 A; Re = 1.09 
2 4 6 V1 = V2 = V3 = 12 V
12 V IT = I1 + I2 + I3
12 V 12 V 12 V
I1  6A I2  3A I3  2A
2 4 6

6 A + 3 A + 2 A = 11 A Check
Check !!
Short Cut: Two Parallel Resistors
The equivalent resistance Re for two parallel
resistors is the product divided by the sum.
1 1 1 R1 R2
  ; Re 
Re R1 R2 R1  R2

Example: (3 )(6 )
VT R1 R2 Re 
3  6 
6 3
RRee == 22 

Series and Parallel Combinations
In complex circuits resistors are often connected
in both series and parallel. R 1

In such
such cases,
cases, it’s
it’s best
best to
to VT R2 R3
use rules
rules for
for series
series andand
parallel resistances
resistances to to
reduce the
the circuit
circuit toto aa
simple circuit
circuit containing
one source
source ofof emf
emf andand VT Re
one equivalent
equivalent resistance.
Example 4. Find the equivalent resistance for
the circuit drawn below (assume VT = 12 V).
(3 )(6 )
4 R3,6   2
3  6 
VT 3 6
Re = 4  + 2 
RRee== 66 


12 V 2 12 V 6
Example 3 (Cont.) Find the total current IT.

RRee== 66 

VT 12 V
VT 3 6 I 
Re 6 

IITT== 2.00
2.00 AA

12 V 2 12 V 6
Example 3 (Cont.) Find the currents and the
voltages across each resistor

4 II44 == IITT == 22 AA

VT 3 6 V4 = (2 A)(4 ) = 8 V

The remainder of the voltage: (12 V – 8 V = 4 V)

drops across EACH of the parallel resistors.

This can
can also
also bebe found
found from
VV33 == VV66 == 44 VV VV3,6 = I 3,6RR3,6 = (2 A)(2 )
3,6 = I3,6 3,6 = (2 A)(2 )

(Continued . . .)
Example 3 (Cont.) Find the currents and voltages
across each resistor

VV44 == 88 VV VV66 == VV33 == 44 VV 4

V3 4 V VT 3 6
I3   II33 == 1.33
1.33 AA
R3 3 
V6 4 V
I6   II66 == 0.667
0.667 AA II44 == 22 AA
R6 6 

Note that the junction rule is satisfied:

II (enter)
(enter) == II (leaving)
(leaving) IITT == II44 == II33 ++ II66
Kirchoff’s Laws for DC Circuits
Kirchoff’s first
Kirchoff’s first law:
law: The
The sumsum ofof the
the currents
entering aa junction
junction isis equal
equal to
to the
the sum
sum ofof the
currents leaving
leaving that
that junction.

Junction Rule: II (enter)

Junction Rule: (enter) == II (leaving)

Kirchoff’s’s second
second law:
law: The
The sum
sum ofof the
the emf’s
around any any closed
closed loop
loop must
must equal
equal the
the sum
of the
the IR
IR drops
drops around
around that
that same
same loop.

Voltage Rule: E
Voltage Rule: E == IR
Sign Conventions for Emf’s
 When applying Kirchoff’s laws you must
assume a consistent, positive tracing direction.
 When applying the voltage rule, emf’s are
positive if normal output direction of the emf is
with the assumed tracing direction.

 If tracing from A to B, this +

emf is considered positive. E

 If tracing from B to A, this +

emf is considered negative. E
Signs of IR Drops in Circuits
 When applying the voltage rule, IR drops are
positive if the assumed current direction is
with the assumed tracing direction.

 If tracing from A to B, this +

IR drop is positive. I

 If tracing from B to A, this +

IR drop is negative.
Kirchoff’s Laws: Loop I
1. Assume possible consistent +
flow of currents.
2. Indicate positive output I1
directions for emf’s. R1 Loop I E1
3. Indicate consistent tracing E2 R2
direction. (clockwise)
Junction Rule: II22 =
Junction Rule: = II11 ++ II33 R3 E3
Voltage Rule: E
Voltage Rule: E == IR
EE11++ EE22== II11RR11 ++ II22RR22
Kirchoff’s Laws: Loop II
4. Voltage rule for Loop II: Bottom Loop (II)
Assume counterclockwise
positive tracing direction. I1
R1 Loop I E1
Voltage Rule: E
Voltage Rule: E == IR
IR R2
EE22++ EE33== II22RR22 ++ II33RR33
Would the same equation R3 Loop II E3
apply if traced clockwise? I3
Yes! -- EE22 -- EE33=
= -I-I22RR22 -- II33RR33 +
Kirchoff’s laws: Loop III
5. Voltage rule for Loop III: Outer Loop (III)
Assume counterclockwise
positive tracing direction. I1
R1 Loop I E1
Voltage Rule: E
Voltage Rule: E == IR
IR R2
EE33–– EE11== -I-I11RR11 ++ II33RR33
Would the same equation R3 Loop II E3
apply if traced clockwise? I3
Yes! EE33-- EE11== II11RR11 -- II33RR33
Four Independent Equations
6. Thus, we now have four Outer Loop (III)
independent equations
from Kirchoff’s laws: I1
R1 Loop I E1
I2 = I1 + I3 E2 R2

E1 + E2 = I1R1 + I2R2
E2 + E3 = I2R2 + I3R3 R3 Loop II E3
E3 - E1 = -I1R1 + I3R3
Example 4. Use Kirchoff’s laws to find the
currents in the circuit drawn to the right.
Junction Rule: II22 +
Junction Rule: + II33 == II11
Consider Loop I tracing I1 5 
clockwise to obtain: Loop I 12 V
Voltage Rule: E = IR 10 

12 V = (5 )I1 + (10 )I2 I2

20 
Recalling that V/ = A, gives
55II11 + 10II22 =
+ 10 = 12
12 AA 6V
Example 5 (Cont.) Finding the currents.

Consider Loop II tracing

clockwise to obtain:
I1 5 
Voltage Rule: E = IR
12 V
6 V = (20 )I3 - (10 )I2 10 

Simplifying: Divide by 2 I2
and V/ = A, gives Loop II 20 
10II33 -- 55II22 =
10 = 33 AA +
Example 5 (Cont.) Three independent equations
can be solved for I1, I2, and I3.
(1) II22 +
(1) + II33 == II11

(2) 55II11 +
(2) 10II22 =
+ 10 = 12
12 AA I1 5 
12 V
(3) 10II33 -- 55II22 =
(3) 10 = 33 AA 10 

Substitute Eq.(1) for I1 in (2): I2

5(I2 + I3) + 10I3 = 12 A Loop II 20 
Simplifying gives: I3
55II22 + 15II33 =
+ 15 = 12
12 AA 6V
Example 5 (Cont.) Three independent
equations can be solved.
(1) II22 +
(1) + II33 == II11 (3) 10II33 -- 55II22 =
(3) 10 = 33 AA

(2) 55II11 +
(2) 10II22 =
+ 10 = 12
12 AA 15II33 +
15 + 55II22 =
= 12
12 AA

Eliminate I2 by adding equations above right:

10I3 - 5I2 = 3 A Putting I3 = 0.6 A in (3) gives:
15I3 + 5I2 = 12 A 10(0.6 A) – 5I2 = 3 A
25I3 = 15 A II22=
= 0.600
0.600 AA
I3 = 0.600 A Then from (1): II1 = 1.20 A
1 = 1.20 A
Summary of Formulas:
Rules for
for aa simple,
simple, single
single loop
loop circuit
containing aa source
source ofof emf
emf and
and resistors.
Single Loop
Resistance Rule: Re = R D A
E 2
Current : I 3
18 V

- +
Voltage Rule: E = IR C B
Summary (Cont.)
For resistors connected in series:

For series
series II == II11 == II22 == II33
connections: VVTT== VV11 ++ VV22 ++ VV33

RRee == RR11 ++ RR22 ++ RR33 2

3 1
12 V
RRee == R
Summary (Cont.)
Resistors connected in parallel:

For parallel
parallel VV == VV11 == VV22 == VV33
connections: IITT== II11 ++ II22 ++ II33
1 1
 Parallel Connection
Re i 1 Ri VT R1 R2 R3

2 4 6
R1 R2
Re  12 V
R1  R2
Summary Kirchoff’s Laws
Kirchoff’s first
Kirchoff’s first law:
law: The
The sumsum ofof the
the currents
entering aa junction
junction isis equal
equal to
to the
the sum
sum ofof the
currents leaving
leaving that
that junction.

Junction Rule: II (enter)

Junction Rule: (enter) == II (leaving)

Kirchoff’s’s second
second law:
law: The
The sum
sum ofof the
the emf’s
around any any closed
closed loop
loop must
must equal
equal the
the sum
of the
the IR
IR drops
drops around
around that
that same
same loop.

Voltage Rule: E
Voltage Rule: E == IR
Direct Current Circuits

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