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The role of the laboratory in the process dyehouse

by Abdul Rahim Khatri, Technical Director, Chemi Colour Trading Company.

In today’s competitive environment, the survival of any enterprise is by moving along with time. The lead times have shortened
down for the deliveries along with right first quality and consistency every time in the results. Earlier when the tolerance levels were
quite wide for any manufacturing unit, the wider margin of error used to get accepted based on price or understanding with the
buyer. Today’s textile environment has become very much more complex where not only the demands of foreign buyers have gone
up with respect to final articles, shorter lead times and low profitability based on volume orders, are now the norm. Rising input cost
has forced every manufacturer to look at his process efficiency and economy of scale.

How the laboratory can help? Some customers are very demanding with respect to their
standards and tolerance limits are very stringent to work into,
The role of the laboratory, which supports the production, is whereas few particular markets are cost driven with volumes and
considered as the brain of the total operation. It initiates the quick deliveries.
proper work action for the production people to do it correctly in The best way is to hold detailed discussion with the customer
the first phase and every time. and the technical concerns for practical specification of the
It’s been unfortunate that there are some processing factories, required article, so that both sides mutually recognize the techno-
where still top management considers the expenses of the logical limits. Building a top class function laboratory without a
Laboratory as an added cost towards the operation and have perfect combination of a team will not lead to a successful opera-
often failed to invest in such facilities. tion. Technical team building is the key area where companies
The function of the Laboratory today contributes a lot should focus.
towards the profitability by means of savings whether directly or An incapable team will never be able to deliver the right
indirectly. objective of the function laboratory and would possibly lead into
Professionally driven companies have always understood that the disastrous situation for a whole management in the form of
an effective support to the Laboratory will always ensure the suc- heavy claims. An effective technical manager should understand
cess of the operation. all the processes and be aware of all the international standards of
different bodies e.g. (ISO, AATCC, JIS, etc.)
Laboratory functions The increased awareness of the quality requirements has lead
these functional laboratories to emphasize on the quality of the
Earlier it was only a concept that the Laboratory guides the
service and standards of the laboratory work being carried out so
production and not drives the operation. Lately this perception
as to co-relate the activity of their finding with any certified nom-
has been changed since the concept of “QUALITY CONTROL”
system has arisen. inated laboratory of the customer.

The companies are focusing for the concept of “SIX-SIGMA” To meet the standard parameters, in many countries national
with zero defects, which eventually lead these companies towards accreditation certifications are being carried out to examine the
high level of profits. functions of the laboratory. Similarly many western buyers have
same policy of accreditations with their approved vendors to
Typically the function of the textile process laboratory for any create synergy for the testing parameters for the acceptable
dyehouse (whether continuous or exhaust) consists of the follow- results.
ing functions:
An ISO 17025 is an internationally acceptable standard to
 Recipe prediction of the given Standard shade.
measure the performance activity for a laboratory operating com-
 The predicted recipe meets the needed fastness against the mercially. All the test methods should be documented and (SOPs)
standard. should also be derived in laboratory manuals to avoid the chances
 Analysis of water supply. of errors. Their documentation is an integral part of accreditation
 Testing and control of raw materials. procedures.
 Inspection of the untreated material, work in progress and
finished goods. Choosing equipment
 Co-ordination between the customers, management team Necessary equipment varies for individual mills, whether it’s a
and the production people. yarn dyeing, fabric dyeing or knitwear hosiery dyeing unit.
 Improvement of the processes in order to save time and Classification is also made whether its operations are continuous
energy cost. or exhaust dyeing systems.
 Evaluation of machinery function and the preparation of Otherwise there are a few general necessary types of equip-
standard operating procedures (SOP). ment irrespective of the type of processing house. Nowadays
 Documentation and record keeping. management would like to divide their process Laboratories into
 Investigation of faults and complaints. three major areas.
 Technical support to the marketing and merchandising  Wet Processing.
department for customer development.  Physical Testing.
Spending and allocation of the budget on these above said  Chemical Testing.
functions for a good supportive laboratory, whether for a small or Wet processing is the area where wet operation takes place
a large dyehouse should be according to the nature of work they like application of dyes and chemicals to the desired substrate
perform, type of customers they deal with and the market seg- (yarn, fabric, terry or hosiery), weighing of dyes and chemicals
ment they work in. and preparation of stock solutions or printing pastes.

36 PTJ December 2008

Physical testing which could be quite a critical segment to
choose the equipment for, good housekeeping in this particular Table-1: Specification of textile material
area is of high importance. An experienced manager will try to
distance this area from the other two as to prevent contamination
Material Parameters
which imparts irregularities on the final results. The area is Fibre content
designed with a certain level of humidity and temperature as per Fibre Fibre length
required standards for accuracy of the result. Chemical testing is
the area where analytical skills are concerned for measuring the Fibre diameter
quality of incoming raw materials, water, analysis of the effluent Spinning system
discharged etc. Water is a prime source for quality processing thus Count
it has to be ensured for a consistency of the water supplies,
whether it is from their own source or externally dependent.
Routine testing of the treated quality water is also necessary
to ensure that water is of right quality being obtained and to keep Cloth construction
an eye if the water treatment plant is functioning satisfactorily Fabric mass (GSM)
and does not require maintenance or regeneration. Moreover in
this section, % purity of the basic chemical can be checked for the
purchase purpose. This will allow broader spectrum to the pur- Fabric Shrinkage
chase department to buy right quality product at correct price. Abrasion resistance
This way a monitoring of the consistency can also be recorded Pilling
from the different supplier for particular products.
Colour communication Laminates Peel bond strength
The spectrophotometer is now an integral tool for any type
of process dyehouse. This equipment is usually placed away as for Washing
the safe handling and the dark room is preferred for light box to Fastness Perspiration
perceive the shade visually under different illuminants rightly. Ever
Rubbing (Wet & dry)
since the concept of retail chain management has arisen, the
working methodology has been paced up. Many western buyers PVC migration
would like to communicate their fashion shades into the numeri- Instrumental shade
cal values with the needed specifications of light source. The Colour
manufacturer with the help of a spectrophotometer can develop
and predict the recipe in no time and revert back to their cus- Stages from the beginning of pretreatment until the final arti-
tomer with their numerical data. By this means, submission of cle are dispatched to the customer.
physical samples reduces the cost of heavy courier charges.
Not only the above said but the colour spectrophotometer
Process and quality control
also plays a vital role for understanding the compatibility of the Quality control is the sub-category department which works
dye used so as to have good reproducibility, which eventually independently in support of a main Laboratory for any processing
leads to the high productivity by preventing expensive re-works. mill. This department ensures that the right quality has been dis-
Laboratory dyeing must be carried out to a high degree of accu- patched to the customer.
racy; there must be accurate transfer and scale-up of laboratory
results into bulk processing and a high degree of reproducibility Conclusion
between bulk batches dyed to the same colour. The variables
which account for inconsistency of the results are in general. The aim of the support laboratory is to develop and maintain
 Water supply used. smooth production processing and ensure that they are fully doc-
 Dye ability of the substrate. umented and followed. The concept of Blind Dyeing can lead to
 Source of dye supplies. high levels of productivity and certainly profitability. Research and
development in the laboratory can devise shortcuts in the pro-
 Dye application process.
cessing techniques without compromising on the quality. This in
 Automation of the machines.
turn increases cost effectiveness of the process and saving of
 Liquor to material ratio. water & energy cost. The above was just an outline about the
 pH of the bath and steam. importance of the laboratory and it’s eventually a decision of
 Time and temperature profiles. management, how much they would like to invest and bear the
 Weighing of the substrate. expenses which will prove their existence on a long term basis.
 Method of assessing the shade.
The effective support laboratory ensures that these variables References
are constant all the time for swift operation. 1. J.Park, Colourage, TG Tech Igatex issue, Jan 2007.
Identification & testing 2. Textile Chemist Colorist (Oct 1998).
3. J Park & J Shore, Colourage Annual, 1998.
Identification of the material at each stage prevents faulty results, 4. F.Hoffmann, AATCC Conference (1993).
which can be recorded so to avoid similar trouble in the future. Table 5. J.Park, Instrumental Colour Formulation, (Bradford SDC
1, below depicts the typical identification and testing for the function 1993).
laboratory from the fiber to final product being made up. 6. J Park, Colourage Aug 2008.

PTJ December 2008 37

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